Nightmare and Cimmarian

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Cimmarian made it very obvious that she wasn't happy there. Nightmare knew it well and asked the guys to give Cimmarian space until she approached them. She didn't approach them. At first, Lumine stayed with her for a few hours. Soon, she got bored, though, and wanted to talk to Nightmare and the guys. It was the first time Lumine had ever chosen someone else over her. Cimmarian wasn't sure how to think about it. It was like when Lumine had been kidnapped, only it felt worse because it was her own volition. Cimmarian hugged at her Sun Cape, stubbornly keeping to the dark room. If this was how her sister wanted to be, then so be it. Cimmarian didn't care... She curled up in her bed, pulling the Sun Cape over her. It was just a couple of days. She'd be back with her mama in no time... she just had to wait it out in here.


Nightmare excused Cimmarian for not being to lunch. Lumine looked at him worriedly. "i know... it will be alright... if she's not out by dinner, i will speak to her myself, alright?" Nightmare promised. "i'm worried about her... i thought that if i spent the day with you and the boys, she would follow me..." Nightmare sighed softly and nudged her plate. "eat, lumine. i will worry about your sister, ok?" Killer instantly took up keeping Lumine busy. "hey kid, wanna learn how to use your dagger?" Lumine perked up. "you will teach me?" Killer pulled out his knife, twirling it. "wouldn't have offered if i didn't." He mused. It seemed to lift Lumine's mood as she grew excited. That was good. Now, she would be distracted while Nightmare faced Cimmarian. After lunch, Killer took Lumine to the Training Room with Horror, watching over them to make sure he didn't get too violent. Nightmare headed to the girl's room to finally confront the negative twin of the two. He knocked softly, not expecting much. "Go away..." Cimmarian called out from inside. "i know you don't want to see me, or even talk to me... but your sister is worried..." There was a scoff from inside. "If she actually was, she'd be here." Nightmare nodded. "yes... i know how you feel... i felt the same way with dream..." There was a pause. "You did..?" Nightmare hummed. "yes..."


There was a hesitation before she reluctantly opened the door to peek out. "Talk." She ordered from him. Nightmare chuckled humorlessly. "dream used to leave me all the time, to play with the monsters around us. i used to get very jealous of him because he got along with others better than me. but... you two are not dream and myself. lulu cares very much about you and wanted to be the one to speak to you, but i wanted to try and connect. i am sorry." Cimmarian looked up at Nightmare, yellow eyelights narrowed. "Mama asked me to try with you. Give me a reason to." Nightmare didn't hesitate in his response. "i want to know my children. i want to be in your lives, if you will let me. i also want to teach you how to be a better guardian of negativity than i ever was." Nightmare explained to her. Cimmarian nodded slowly... thoughtfully. "I'll think about it..." She muttered as she turned back into the room. It was a little weird, realizing that he was technically more her father than papa Dream, but that didn't mean she was going to let her guard down around him.

1 chapter left

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