Nightmare's Weekend

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Lumine was very excited when she learned what was happening at the end of the month. Of course, Blue hadn't planned on telling them, not until their punishment was over, but Lumine had overheard him talking to Dream about it, and her excitement spiked happily. "what about cimmarian? she doesn't like nightmare at all!" Dream pointed out. "He Isn't So Bad." Blue replied. "She Will See That... In Time." Upon hearing that, she snuck off to help deep clean their room. She wasn't sure if she should tell Cimmarian, after all, like Papa Dream said... she didn't like Papa Nightmare. So, with some reluctance, she held her tongue. "What were you doing?" Cimmarian asked, looking at her sister. "trying to listen for how much longer we are gonna be punished like this for." Lumine replied. The lie didn't taste good on her tongue. "Did you figure it out?" Cimmarian looked interested to know the answer. Lumine shook her head. "they weren't even talking about it..." She replied. "Aw..." Blue poked his head in and crossed his arms. "Less Talking And More Scrubbing, Girls." The twins were quick to grab damp rags and start scrubbing the walls.


The month went by fairly fast, and the house was deep cleaned, room after room. Blue was proud, really. He was sure they learned a valuable lesson after this punishment. Dream and Ink had left to do Multiverse stuff not long after Blue had made his decision, which left him alone with the girls once more. He couldn't complain. It was what he was used to. He sometimes wished for the help, but... you didn't always get what you wanted. Blue tucked the girls in for the night before pulling out their packing duffle. He had told them to pack some clothes once they were awake, they would be going on a trip. Cimmarian seemed reluctant, but Lumine was suspiciously happy. Blue decided to let it slide. The next day, after breakfast, the girls packed their clothes and brushed their teeth before packing their toothbrushes as well. "What is going on..? Are we moving again..?" Cimmarian asked wearily. They had moved from place to place all their lives, needless to say, she wasn't very keen on the idea. "Nope! You Are Going To Be Spending a Weekend With Your Papa Nightmare." Blue informed them. They took the news as expected. "yes!!!"


Blue had to explain his decision - too Cimmarian specifically - on how Nightmare would be taking them one weekend a month so that he could be in their lives and hopefully stop doing bad things. How in being a father, he seemed to be becoming a better person than he was. This was his second and only chance, and if he messed this up, they would never have to see him again. Blue also made a point to Cimmarian not to antagonize him into messing up this chance. "You Need To Give Him A Chance, Too. You May Find That You Have More In Common With Him Than You Realize." He encouraged. "like the fact that you are both the guardian's of negativity." Blue jumped and turned around. Lumine dropped her bag. "uncle killz! papa!" She ran up to them and hugged them each in turn. "wow, lumi, you're taller- i feel short-" Nightmare carefully hugged Lumine back. "i hope i am not too early... you did say around nine..." Nightmare murmured. Blue shook his head. "Not At All, You Are Right On Time!" Blue grabbed Lumine's bag and led Cimmarian over. "You Guys Have Fun, Ok?"

2 chapters left

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