Cat Café

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The atmosphere between Blue and Nightmare was as intense as the suffocating silence between them. Ccino was too scared to approach them and ask if they wanted refills of their beverages. Nightmare's was something Ccino had expected of someone as bitter as he was. Coffee, black. Ccino was scared to know why the Negative King was meeting with the likes of Blue, who had disappeared for years and come back like this. Ccino didn't want to say it out loud, but Blue seemed more mature than before, and his drink, an Expresso, seemed to reflect that. It was Blue who finally broke the silence. "I thought about your offer. I have been thinking about your latest actions, too." Nightmare almost seemed to shrink away from Blue's critical voice. Ccino almost couldn't believe it. It was like Blue had him on some sort of leash. "You have kidnapped one of my daughters, exposed her to your vile negativity, transformed her into a negative being, and hooked your claws into her. She wants to go back to you." Nightmare shrunk away, honestly looking like he was going to melt or run. Blue's gaze was harsh on him. If looks could kill, Nightmare and Ccino would both be dead.


Nightmare feebly tried to defend himself. "th-the last thing i wanted was for her to... to corrupt like me... i-i don't want history to repeat itself..." Wait, Blue had children? Nightmare was the father? Ccino was getting some sip now - "If you could be so kind as to stop listening to our conversation and get us refills, I would be grateful." Ccino jumped and squeaked. "r-right- sorry -" He quickly went to grab their empty cups before taking them to the back to get them new drinks. "Now, where was I?" Blue sighed, rubbing his temple. "Oh right, we were weighing your intentions with our daughters." Our? Blue said our? Blue's expression lightened up on Nightmare. "You did let us go, and when the girls were in harms way, you were there to look for them and protect them. You expressed genuine fear when you saw LuLu in... in that form. I believe you when you say you don't want history to repeat itself, and I do believe you have the best intentions in your soul for them." Blue, finally explained to Nightmare.


"d-does that mean..?" Blue sighed and nodded, looking away from that hopeful puppy dog look on Nightmare's face. "Yes... you will be able to have them. It will start with one weekend out of the month. I don't trust your team with them, and they still have to attend school." Nightmare nodded along quickly. "ok, alright." Ccino came in with their new drinks. The tension had lessened considerably, making him wonder what happened while he was gone. Nightmare knew one weekend was very little time, but he could make due until he proved himself a proper guardian. As if reading Nightmare's thoughts, Blue continued. "Over time, I may allow more weekend visits and weekly visits during the summers if things go well. That all depends on you and the girls." Nightmare nodded once more. "i understand. i will take what i can get." Blue blew on his Expresso before sipping on it. "The girls are currently being punished for running away. I'll set your weekend to the end of the month." Nightmare tried not to sulk. He was a king, after all. He could accept this with grace. "i shall prepare for their visit then." Blue gave an approving nod before getting up to pay and leave.

3 chapters left

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