Winds of Change

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Blue left Dream to talk to his brother while he thought about the offer. Giving Nightmare was a scary idea. He'd only just gotten Lumine back. It was terrifying to think that he could lose Cimmarian as well. Not only that, there was also the idea of losing them both. Nightmare changed, and Blue saw that, but he couldn't help his anxieties. He hoped that maybe, with Dream talking things out with his brother, it would put him more at ease about the situation. "Now... about your girl's punishment..." He looked to the girls who had been whispering on the bed since he entered the room. "No TV privileges, no friends over, and no toys. You two are going to be spending a week with cleaning the house, and once that is done, I will think about letting you off for the next three weeks that I feel like I should be punishing you with, understood?" The girls nodded quickly and quietly. With a satisfied nod, Blue hugged them both. "I'm glad we are at an understanding. Now come on, the faster you start your week, the faster you get your punishment over with, yeah?" He led them off to start cleaning.


Dream's leg bounced as he thought on the story Nightmare had recounted, the way Lumine had wormed into his soul so effortlessly. He couldn't lie and say that he wasn't jealous. He was jealous of Lumine for doing what he couldn't. He was grateful, though, too. Nightmare still wasn't the brother he missed, but he also wasn't the force of mass destruction that he had become either. He genuinely cared for his children. "if we are going to make this work, we are going to need some sort of balance between us, nightmare. there can't be noticeable tension between us that will upset the twins." Nightmare spared a glance, his brother. "i am not going to stop gathering negativity." Dream gave Nightmare a frustrated look. "but nightmare, we can't continue to fued like this -" Nightmare cut off his words. "but i won't tip the balance either. just a few au's here and there to keep myself strong and the balance healthy. the war can be over, i don't care about taking over the multiverse anymore." He stared expectantly at his brother while it sank into Dream's skull. "... ok then... that sounds like a plan..."


That was that. Dream let Nightmare go. In a few days' time, they would meet at Ccino's to tell Nightmare what they decided about the twin's fate with him. Ink had joined the girls in cleaning the house under Blue's supervision. "Is he gone?" Blue asked when Dream walked over. "he's gone." Dream replied. "What did he say?"
"he's done with the war. he's no longer interested in taking over the multiverse. he really wants the twins in his life."
"Should... should we let them..?" Dream could feel Blue's fear. He knew this was hard, after everything they'd been through. "i think... that we should give him a shot. maybe start with a week out of the month for him to have them and work from there. the choice is yours though. i told him we'd meet in fluffytale in a few days, so you have time." Blue nodded as he looked at his children again. "I-I just don't know yet..." Dream sighed and nodded. i know, blue, i know..." Hopefully, Blue would make the right choice.

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