Something Off

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Cimmarian woke Dream up early for her training. "What should I do first? Is there anything I need to know?" Dream shook his head, chuckling. "how about breakfast first, then we can begin. i wasn't expecting you to be so eager. something you get from blue, probably." Dream rubbed her skull as he got out some eggs for omelets. "... papa...?" Dream looked to her. "yeah cim?" Cimmarian was going to tell him that she saw Lumine, but she got nervous. "i-i, uh, i love you.." Dream froze and looked back at the nervous child. He smiled brightly at Cimmarian. "i love you too, kiddo." Dream felt extremely happy. He never wanted anything bad to happen to Cimmarian and he hoped to get Lumine soon... if they could figure something out about retrieving her and Blue safely. For now, he would focus on who was in front of him. His dear, young Cimmarian. He put down a plate and scootched an omelet on it. "here cim, i'll make you another if your still hungry." Dream handed the plate off to her. "thank you papa." Dream joined her at the table shortly after. "ready to start after breakfast?"


"when learning magic, it all starts the same. you need to look into yourself. magic can be a feeling or a sound, it can be described by the user. try to focus and tell me what you feel." Cimmarian closed her sockets and tried... "..." The room went quick, the two could hear birdsong from outside. "... it's.... dark... rolling like a hill or a wave? It's.... gentle... with a sort of... a fissure or crack...." Dream frowned. "let's avoid that for now, focus on the, uh, rolling. i'm going to have you guide it out so we can see your summoning weapon. that should be a good start for today, right?" Cimmarian nodded. "How do I do that?" She asked. "just stay relaxed. you have to guide it slowly, seeing as this is your first time. guide it from your soul to your hand." Once more it went quiet so Cimmarian could focus. He knew she wouldn't have this handicap forever, but hopefully by then, she would be a natural at drawing on her magic. There was a spark as the weapon started to form in her hands, a crossbow to be specific, with a purple body, blue limbs, and a yellow string.


The weapon desummoned quickly, partially because she was untrained but mostly because she was distracted. "..." Her brows furrowed and a worried frown made itself present on the Negative Twin's face. "Lumine..."
"what about her?" Dream asked slowly. It wasn't uncommon for twins to be connected, he and Nightmare had been before... "I... I don't know... something feels off though..." Cimmarian replied quietly, pulling the Sun Cape tighter around her body. Dream didn't know what to say to comfort her. Lumine was with Nightmare for stars sake and didn't exactly come across as the fatherly type. Blue was there too, though, he had to believe that he would do everything in his power to keep Lumine safe. "it will be ok. your mom is there too, remember?" Cimmarian nodded shakily. "She's normal now... I wonder what happened...?" She whispered. Dream brushed a hand along Cimmarian's head. "i think you should recover some of your magic. if you're anything like myself and nightmare, you can ask her yourself." Cimmarian looked at Dream in surprise. "you've met up before?" Cimmarian nodded. "Last night... I thought it was just..."
"it was her, really. i promise." Dream led her to her bed. This was good, something for Cimmarian to rely on until Lumine and Blue were back.

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