A Change

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Nightmare couldn't get it out of his head. It was only a moment, but that was the most terrifying moment of his life, even more terrifying then when he at the apple. Because it was her changing, not him. For that moment, she was the corrupt being. That was terrifying. He didn't want anyone to suffer the way he had yet she did and it was his fault. He didn't want to leave her, in case there was side-effects. He couldn't sleep while she was weak and vulnerable. His boys could see it. They could see his fear and they weren't accustomed to it. The boss was never afraid... ever. Having Lumine around certainly was doing something to Nightmare and they weren't sure if it was good or bad yet. Nightmare knew he had to make this up to her, whether she remembered what happened or not, he could never forgive himself if he didn't make it up to her. Which meant letting Blue out of his cage. "killer. release blue and keep him busy until lumine wakes." Killer bowed. "yes boss."
("you are really coming into your father role, huh? good for you, idiot.") "y-ou ar-e rea-ll-y co-min-g in-to yo-ur fa-th-er ro-le, hu-uh? g-oo-d fo-r y-ou, id-io-t." Nightmare growled at Error. "and how is pj?" Error wisely said no more on the matter. For PJ's sake.


"who are you?" Lumine asked the Skeleton. It certainly wasn't her sister. She had ash colored bones and cyan eyes with the same colored markings on her face and tentacles tipped black. "i am you." The being replied. "i am the you that awakens when you tap into your negativity." She replied. "... oh. um... do you have a name...?" Lumine didn't entirely understand what the Skeleton meant. She couldn't be her because she was her. "... you are too young yet. that is fine. you can call me shattered light, after your namesake." Shattered Light replied to Lumine. "i will be here, lumine, awaiting the time you need me. you should wake up though, our father is waiting." Shattered Light spun on a black boot and walked away, melting into the shadows of Lumine's dream. "LULU!" Lumine blinked as Cimmarian tackle hugged her. "Where have you been, I couldn't find you?!" Cimmarian checked Lumine for injuries. "Are you ok?" Lumine nodded. "yeah, but i think i gotta wake up already.." They shared a hug before Lumine woke up.


"... papa..?" She mumbled sleepily as she worked on waking up more. Nightmare smiled in relief. "good morning, princess." He greeted as he put a hand on her head, checking her temperature. "what happened...? you are so scared...? i promise, i'm ok!" Lumine got up to hug him. Nightmare allowed it, despite the pain and discomfort. He was just glad she was ok and couldn't remember! He even picked her up, grabbing the cat toy she carried around. "come on princess, papa has a surprise for you." Dust was about ready to kill Blue when Nightmare and Lumine came in. The child gained energy quickly when the two spotted each other, Nightmare put Lumine down so she could run to Blue, and she did. "mama!!!"
"LUMINE!!!" Blue pulled Lumine into a tight embrace, scared to let her go again. "I'm so glad you're ok, LuLu, I was so scared!" Nightmare put the cat on Lumine's head before he ushered the boys and himself out. "you sure this is a good idea boss?" Horror asked. "... she needs this, horror." Nightmare replied quietly, head low. He wasn't sure of anything, anymore.

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