Guess Whose Back

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"I couldn't find her and when I did, she had to wake up..." Cimmarian was explaining to Dream. "It was like she was with someone else." Dream hummed as he paced the room. "i hope nightmare hadn't realized your dreamwalking abilities yet... he's the only one i can think to have interfered though..." Cimmarian hugged her cape around her with a whimper. "We need to get her and mom back... and soon..." Dream smiled at his daughter in reassurance. "we will, cim, we will..." Dream whispered. He felt like he was deceiving her though. He had no plans. He was certainly trying to think of something, but what could he do in enemy territory against his brother and his team without getting caught, hurt, or worse? He would already be at a disadvantage with all the negativity that would be surrounding him. Then with the disadvantage of numbers, it was impossible for him to go alone. He needed his team. "Your scared, guilty, and shaking." Cimmarian noted. Dream flinched. She sighed. "No plans yet? That's ok, papa, you will think of something... or I can turn myself in..."
"no!" Dream hugged her. "i won't allow that, we will think of something..."


The day continued on. Cimmarian worked on trying to fire her weapon. Luckily for her, Dream was also a master of long range weapons. "focus your magic as you draw the string back. it should create a bolt as you do. that's how i create my arrows." Dream demonstrated by drawing back on his string, a line of magic forming as he did so. He fired it, seeing as there was supposed to be nobody in the field with them. The yelp that resounded moments later proved them wrong. "woah, friendly! i'm friendly dream!" Cim lowered her crossbow, backing away nervously. "ink? ink!" Ink brushed himself off. "who else? i kinda went the wrong way trying to find you after i realized i haven't taken my vials in stars knows how long- anyway, i'm here now. sup! did you find blue?" Dream sighed. "yes and no... it's a bit complicated. cim, come meet my friend!" Cimmarian approached nervously, magic now desummoned. "H-hi..." First thing Ink noticed. "she's wearing your cape." Dream smiled. "she's my daughter ink, i gave it to her." An exclaimation mark appeared in Ink's eye. "what?!"
"come on, i'll explain while i make lunch!"


Dream told Ink everything. How he and Nightmare had both impregnated Blue when he was in heat, creating a new set of Guardian Twins. How Lumine, the Positive Twin had been kidnapped by the gang and Blue tried to go after her, leaving Dream with Cimmarian, the Negative Twin. "cim is a real sweetheart, she's so worried about Blue and Lumine and i'm trying to think of a way to get in there, but..." Ink nodded as he looked Cimmarian up and down. "funny, she doesn't look like nightmare at all." Dream put down plates of tuna sandwiches. "that's a good thing, Ink. anyway proper introductions. cimmarian, this is ink, mine and your mama's friend. ink, this is my daughter cimmarian." Ink held his hand out to an uneasy Cimmarian. Usually Lumine handled the strangers, but Lumine wasn't here... "Will you help us get mama and Lumine back...?" She asked, shaking Ink's hand with a loose hold. Ink smiled confidently. "of course! i never leave a man behind!" Dream sweatdropped. "just keep taking your vials, then maybe that will be true..." He muttered. Cimmarian frowned worriedly. Was having Ink around a good idea?

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