The Right Thing

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"Did he tell you anything, make you do anything?!" Blue asked as Lumine picked CiCi the Cat off her head and held her close. "he was really good to me! he taught me a little bit of magic, but i got tired and he stayed with me while i slept!" Blue paused and shook his head. "We need to get out of here, LuLu, Nightmare isn't a good monster."
"what do you mean? i know he's rough, but he never hurt anyone... i like papa nightmare..." Blue looked at his daughter in sympathy. He really didn't know what happened while he was locked up, but it seemed Nightmare made a positive influence. He wanted to believe that maybe having her for this time had helped him a little, but it could've been just as likely that he was twisting her young mind to make him to seem like the good guy. "Come on, we can have this conversation later, we have to leave before they come back!" If they weren't watching... Blue picked her up. "i can't even say goodbye..?" Blue shook his head. "Something tells me this won't be your last time seeing Nightmare..." Blue responded as he started his search for an exit.


Nightmare knew. He knew they were leaving. He also knew he could no longer hold them here. He wanted to get to know Lumine more, but... he couldn't not like this. Maybe someday... he could meet both his- their- girls. But for now... he opened a portal beneath Blue, allowing him to drop back into his last known location, dropping his weapons in after them. "yo-u go-nna be o-k, nigh-tma-re..?" Error asked quietly. "... go to your son, he probably misses you.." Nightmare wanted to be alone. He could never get his way...  Error hesitated to leave before making a portal to the Anti-Void. Nightmare went to the living room to tidy it up of any mess there might have been. There was only one misplaced item. CiCi the Cat stared at him, purposely dropped... as a promise. She would be back. "lumine.." He picked up the small toy feline and carried it back to his desk for safe keeping. He would continue to keep tabs on them... to keep the girls safe. And to make sure they never tapped into their other half.


Everyone was surprised to see Blue just... there. Blue was surprised himself. The portal had come out of nowhere. "LUMINE, MAMA!!!" Cimmarian lunged at them. Blue happily trapped his girls in a hug. "blue!" Dream and shockingly Ink was there too, both looking as surprised as he felt. "papa nightmare let us go i'll bet!" Lumine chirped. "oh, cici, you look great in that cape! who are these skeletons?" Dream frowned. "if that's the case, we need to leave so nightmare doesn't find us. ink, can you make a portal back to base?" Ink nodded. "Girls, start packing your things." Blue ordered nervously as he sat up, and grabbed his weapons, a bow and arrows and his hunting knife. "..." Lumine really didn't understand. "Come on, LuLu." Cimmarian dragged her off to pack. "are you ok?" Dream asked. "I was locked up, nothing else. I think he got into Lumine's head though." Dream looked at his positive daughter. "I gotta pack, we can discuss it later." Ink blinked. "he's different from last time i saw him-" Dream nodded. "a lot happened since you last seen him. let's get the ball rolling. we can't stay here." Ink grabbed Broomie. "right, nightmare." Ink swiped his brush across the floor, creating a portal.

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