The Beginning of the Journey

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His heat was unexpected and Dream AND Nightmare being withing the vicinity was even more so. It had hit Blue during a fight with the Bad Sanses, and ran for it before the other noticed. He hated feeling... needy. The last thing he needed was for a dominant to top him and impregnate him. Yet when he thought he was finally alone, Nightmare was there... and he took full advantage of Blue's heat. To add onto that, when the fight did finish and Nightmare was done, it was Dream that found him. Ink, having no soul, would've been fine. Unaffected by Blue's heat. But Dream? He couldn't help but take advantage as well. It wasn't their faults, that's what heats did. Attracted dominants to submissives to breed. Blue was usually more responsible than this. He usually kept an eye on when his heats were so he could close himself off from dominants. Now he'd been bred by not one, but TWO. Stars, what would Papyrus think if he got pregnant? How would Dream react if he became a father? Or Nightmare? Stars, he hoped their magic wouldn't take to his. He couldn't be pregnant not either of children.


He didn't get pregnant with either or... he got pregnant to both. Blue stared in horror as two bonding string hung from his soul, one blue and purple with a bit of yellow magic as well and the other blue and yellow with a bit of purple magic. Blue didn't even know this was possible for someone, no, two someone's to have two biological fathers. How did this work out? He shook his head. He had to focus. He couldn't stay here. He couldn't alter his timeline with this. He knew leaving would technically alter the timeline too, but- oh stars what would Papyrus think if he found out? Or Alphys or Undyne? They didn't KNOW and were never SUPPOSED to KNOW about the Multiverse. Sans took a shaky breath. He couldn't bother the father's with this either, they were to busy fighting each other.. Blue's sockets widened. One bonding string had more of Dream's magic. The other had more of Nightmare's. Positivity and Negativity.. Blue was pregnant with the new twins of feelings, he could raise them to like each other unlike their father's, maybe even rebirth Dreamtale.. ok. So now Blue had a place to go. He just had to find it first.


Blue had a bag packed. He was ready to go, he just... wanted one more day with his au. He happily trained with Alphys. "Is it just me or are you putting a little more oomph into your hits than usual?" The dinosaur monster questioned as Blue tried to get another hit in. "NOPE!" He lied, smiling somewhat sadly. "JUST A BIT MORE ENERGETIC THAN USUAL!" After that, he and Papyrus had Sentry Duty together, where even he had to take a small nap after training. Soulings took a lot of energy after all. He, Papyrus, and Chara had a lot of fun with his puzzles though. That was great! Sans tried to make it last longer, but eventually that too, came to an end. "IT WAS VERY NICE TO KNOW YOU CHARA, TAKE CARE OK?" Blue's request had caught them off guard, he usually didn't change his dialog when they were in the fog for his fight. But they agreed nonetheless. He texted his goodbyes to Undyne and Napstaton and left a note for Papyrus saying goodbye to him before he grabbed his bag and made a jump to the first au.

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