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This was a great reminder to Blue that not all aus were sunshine and rainbows as he hid from GZ Papyrus. As a guy who wanted to murder his own brother, no Sans was safe around him and was to avoid him and the dog guard at all cost. He just had to get to the machine and he could be gone. The machine that was under GZ Papyrus house. Blue nearly groaned. Why was nothing ever easy? Blue peeked around the tree before darting towards another hiding spot. This could be good survival experience, Blue decided. In case things got bad in Dreamtale. If and when he did find Dreamtale. Maybe he should learn a few things from Farm too. He was potentially starting an au from scratch and needed something to feed his babies and himself. He should learn how to hunt too. Could Horror keep a secret? He darted towards another tree. And another and another until he was sure he was too deep for GZ Papyrus to find him. From there he full on sprinted back to the house and to the basement. He hoped the next au would be peaceful, he needed a nap.


Birdtale was a great place to rest without being bothered. It was also a good place to change his wardrobe so he wouldn't be recognized. He bought and changed into a blue turtleneck with surprisingly comfortable jeans and a white cloak along with a pair of black and blue safety goggles. He did buy some other clothes as well, along with some food (he tried hard not to give into his cravings but that was a losing fight) and a few other necessities for his growing little ones. By now their little souls were starting to take form as small spheres, formless for now, but Blue knew that would change. They would need their own blankets, clothes, and etc. Not long after he got what he needed and ditched his old bag to some other au (after transferring his toothbrush and other hygiene necessities into the new one), he left Birdtale and entered Underlust. Yeah that was a place he'd rather not stay given the infertility/miscarriage thing. He didn't want to lose his twins, he'd already grown attached both literally and figuratively. He wasn't going to lose them after he'd already committed to them.


Huntertale. It was fairly easy to convince the Sans of that world to teach Blue to hunt, after he realized that Blue was going to be a single parent. Thinking about it now, he should've asked Dream to teach him how to use bow and arrow because that was what Hunter used. There was no use whining about it now, what was done was done at at least he was learning. "a lot of the time, the arrow will only down your prey, not kill it. always make sure you have a secondary weapon on you so the animal doesn't have to suffer." Hunter stabbed the deer through its heart, killing it. "after you will need to gut the animal..." It was not an easy or clean process. "now that that is cleaned out and hung, let's check the snares." Blue followed after Hunter, trying not to look back at the dead animal behind him. It took Blue some (a lot) of time to get used to murdering animals so substain himself and his babies but he did get it eventually. He was given his own dark wood bow with arrows with blue fletchings to match along with a curved hunting knife. So now he could hunt.

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