More Experience

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Farm was always happy for extra help, so when Blue came around, of course he showed him the ropes. Blue learned how to till a field and add compost so the soil had all the nutrients the crops would need. He learned how to make beds for the crops to be planted in and how and when to plant them in the season. He learned the different irrigation techniques in which to water the crops and what to pull out so the plants would have the most sunlight. Then he was taught how to harvest the crops and store them so he could use them at any time. It was hard work, but for his now fully shaped and growing soulings it was worth it. "so where ya headed anyway, traveler?" Blue looked at Farm with a small smile. "Somewhere I can raise my babies safely." He responded simply. "home, eh? and you'll be farming there?" Blue hummed an affirmative as he continued to pluck ripe green bean. "I don't suppose you have any seeds I could start with?"
"you can have the three sisters." Blue blinked. "Corn, beans, and squash?" Farm chuckled. "yessum, they are always a great start to any field or garden."


Blue ended up in Altertale next, requested training with Toriel. He needed to keep all his skills, new and old, in top condition for his children. Was battle training a good idea while pregnant? Probably not, but if he had to fight for their lives, he was going to make sure he was prepared. Besides, he had fought the likes of Nightmare and his gang before, so it's not like he couldn't hold his own. He just... wanted to be sure. So he fought Toriel. Blocked her fireballs, ran through her orange mode, escaped her Dreemurr Beemers all while attacking back with his own bones, blue mode, and Blasters. They didn't battle until one of them lost either, it was more like a practice battle, with Toriel even instructing him on he could better defend himself. Sans was glad to have ended up in Altertale for training. He would've taken whoever was in the next au at the time, but Altertale was a great decision. Blue actually thought of staying here until the birth, he knew that was coming sooner than he'd care to admit, but he still had other places to go, he wanted to be as prepared as possible.


Blue ended up is some medieval au or another, he wasn't sure which. His intention was to learn smithing so he could possibly make things for farming. He would need to learn how to build a shelter too, now that he thought about it. He sighed. "So much to do and so little time to do it... hunting took a couple weeks to master and farming took a few months. My girls are going to want to form soon if I'm not quick about this. I could learn how to do both building and smithing in this au." He decided before pausing. Girls? They were girls? He was far enough along to tell their gender? Oh stars, he didn't have much time at all! He could probably only stay here two months before he HAD to scout out an au that he could have his girls safely at. Undyne would probably know a thing or two about smithing... maybe the dogs were builders? Blue shook his head. Undyne first. He had to find Undyne first.

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