Chapter Three

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Connor and Avery had been inside Publix when they heard it. Connor had been at the counter paying for his groceries when there was a loud explosion. It sounded a couple miles off but that didn't make him feel better. Because a couple miles off is where Austin was. Connor sprinted out of the store, ignoring the protests of the cashier. Avery was at his tail in a flash.

"Did you hear that?" Avery asked with wide eyes.

"Of course I did! I don't get why all these people are standing around like was nothing!" Connor shouted in frustration. He reached Avery's truck and climbed in the drivers seat. Avery got inside the passenger and he drifted out of the parking spot.

"It's because no one lives out that far. And they don't have a little brother who was near it." She hissed. Connor nodded in silent agreement as he pulled onto the road headed for his home.


Whatever had hit the ground, it shook the shack. Austin ducked underneath his table, assuming it was an earthquake. A few of his tools fell off the table and one hit his hand that was out too far. He yelped and cradled his hand to his chest. "Ow, that hurt like the-." The explosion was loud and was slowly dying out. The vibrations in the ground eased and Austin slowly crawled out from beneath the table. "What was that?!" He shouted. He stood and shook off his throbbing hand. He exited his shack and his eyes went wide. A large plane was smoking in the field only a few feet away from him. It looked like a squished sandwich now. Austin did the first thing his instinct told him to do. He grabbed a hammar and he ran to it. Excitement bubbled inside him but yet he remained calm. Someone could be injuried, he reminded himself. As Austin got closer he began getting a better look of what the plane was supposed to look like before it crashed. It seemed to be a crop duster. Austin tucked his chin in thought. It made sense. For a good 94 mile radius there was nothing but farmers and tiny towns. Austin stepped over one of the planes wings and to the cockpit. He took his hammer and smashed the window. The glass shattered and fell against the side of the plane and in the inside of the cockpit. Austin ducked his head inside and furrowed his eyebrows. That was strange. There was no pilot. "Maybe he ejected before it crashed?" Austin thought to himself. "No...that couldn't be...could it? Wouldn't the top of the cockpit be folded back or something?" He leaned against the cockpit in thought. "Oh well, I'll just drag this baby inside my shack and fix it up. This is what we really need out here." He grinned as he began heading back to the shack. "I mean if someone does show up to claim it then by the time he shows up he might give us a reward, and if he doesn't we'd already have enough money to buy another one!" He laughed and whooped. "All Connor has to do now is learn how to fly one!" He shouted in exctiement. Austin threw his hammer inside the shack and began to brainstorm how he was going to get that inside. But first, he needed it stop smoking or it could possibly explode...Austin knew that from experience.

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