Y/N, Rocket and Yundo

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You, Rocket and Yundo grunted as you were all thrown harshly into a cell. You stood up and turned around as Taser face closed the cell doors. "We deliver you to the Kree in the morning. None one of you will last much longer after that" he said. Then he walked away. "Okay, Taserface. Hey, tell the other guys we said "Hi," Taserface!" Rocket said. You sighed in annoyance and turned away from Rocket as you leaned against the wall with your arms crossed. "No offense, but your employees are a bunch of jerks. Wouldn't you agree, Y/N?" Rocket asked. You turned away. "I'm still not talking to you" you said. "That's great. So this is my thanks for helping" he said. You turned and glared at him. "Helping?! I had everything under control! Another minute and I would've-" he cut you off. "He would have caught you" he said. "I don't need your help!" You said. "You think I'm so incapable of doing things Rocket but I'm fine! I don't need you twenty four seven to help me! I can take care of myself! Just because I crashed that spaceship one time doesn't mean shit!" You shouted. "You're my sister, Y/N! I'm supposed to be overprotective that's what siblings are!" He said. "I thought you didn't even want me as a sister!" You said. Rocket fell silent. "Y/N, that thing I said back there, I didn't mean it" he said. You sighed and turned around. "Of course you didn't" you said sarcastically. "No, I really didn't, Y/N" he said. You looked at him. "Those things I said back there, I didn't mean any of it" he said. "How do I know you're telling the truth?" You asked. "It sounded convincing" you said. "But it wasn't. Come on Y/N, we've been together since the beginning. We go way back. Before Quill and all those other idiots" Rocket said. "We've done everything together, including that fight back on Xandar" Rocket said. "I know" you said. "Then you should also know that I didn't mean to say that. What I said was out of anger, I was mad, that's all. And not even at you really, it was mostly Quill" he said.

"I know you can take care of yourself Y/N. You and I are technically the same. I should have trusted you. I'm sorry" he said. You sighed and turned to face him. "I know, I'm sorry" you said. "Some sibling issues?" Yundo asked. You both looked at him. "You know, the Ravengers were like my siblings" he said. "I was a Kree battle slave for 20 years when Stakar freed me. He offered me a place with the Ravagers. He said all I needed to do was adhere to the code. But I was young... and greedy, and stupid. Like you two stealing those batteries" he said. "That was mostly Y/N" Rocket said. You smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of your head. "Me and Stakar and the other captains... we weren't so different from you and your friends. The only family I ever had. When I broke the code... they exiled me. This is what I deserve" he said. "Slow down, drama queen. You might deserve this, but Rocket and I don't. We gotta get outta here" you said. "Where's Quill?" Yundo asked. "He went off with his old man" Rocket said. "Ego?" Yundo asked. "Yeah" Rocket said. "It's a day for dumbass names" you said. Yundo smiled. "You're smiling. And for a second, I got a warm feeling. But then it was ruined by those disgusting-ass teeth" Rocket said. Yundo frowned. "You like a professional asshole or what?" He asked. "Pretty much a pro" you said. Rocket nodded in agreement. "Why didn't you deliver Quill to Ego like you promised?" Rocket asked. "He was skinny. Could fit into places we couldn't. Good for thievin'" Yundo said. "Uh-huh" you said as you nodded suspiciously. "I got an idea on how to get outta here. But we're gonna need your little friend" Yundo said. Groot was walking sadly past the three of you. "Psst! Hey, twig! Come here. Come on" Yundo said. Groot heard him and walked next to the cell. "Aw, man... what did they do to you?" Rocket asked.

"Hey, you wanna help us get outta here?" Yundo asked. Groot nodded. "There's something I need you to get, and bring back to me. In the captain's quarters, there's a prototype fin, the thing I wore on my head. There's a drawer next to the bunk. It's in that. It's red. You got it?" Yundo asked as he pointed at the drawer. Groot nodded and ran off. A few minutes later Groot returned holding a white pair of underwear. "That's my underwear" Yundo said. "Yeah, I was pretty sure he didn't know what you were talkin' about. You have to explain it more careful" you said. "It's a prototype fin" Yundo said. This time Groot came back holding an Orloni. "That's an orloni. It's a fin, Groot" Rocket said. "You explain it this time" Yundo said. You sighed. "All right" you said. Groot came back holding an eye. "That's Vorker's eye. He takes it out when he sleeps. Go. Look again" Yundo said. "But leave the eye here" Rocket said. "Why?" Yundo asked. "He's gonna wake up tomorrow... and he's not gonna know... where his eye is!" Rocket said in laughter. Groot pulled a large desk forward. "That's a desk. We told you it was this big" you said as you showed Groot a small size with your paws. Groot came back holding a giant thumb in his hands. "Tell me you guys have a refrigerator somewhere with a bunch of severed human toes?" Rocket asked. Yundo slowly shook his head. "Okay. Then let's just agree to never discuss this" you said. Yundo took off a badge from his jacket. "The drawer you wanna open has this symbol on it" Yundo said as he handed it to Groot.

"Okay?" Yundo asked. Groot then held the badge over his head. "What? No!" Yundo said. "He thinks you want him to wear it as a hat" Rocket said. "That's not what I said!" Yundo said. "I am Groot" Groot said. "He's relieved you don't want him to" you said. "I am Groot" Groot said. "He hates hats" Rocket said. "I am Groot" Groot said. "On anyone, not just himself" you said. "I am Groot" Groot said. "One minute you think someone has a weird-shaped head the next minute it's just because you realize part of that head is the hat" Rocket said. "That's why you don't like hats?" You asked. Groot nodded. "This is an important conversation right now?" Yundo asked. Groot snuck his way past the sleeping Taser face and found the drawer that matched the badge. Groot then extended his branches forward and grabbed the drawer with his branches. Groot pulled the drawer open, and pulled out a button. "That ain't it" Kraglin said. Kraglin dropped the prototype fin next to the cell. "I didn't mean to do a mutiny. They killed all my friends" he said. "Get the third quadrant ready for release" Yundo said. Kraglin put Groot on the cell bars and began to walk away. "One more thing" Rocket said. Kraglin looked at him. "You got any clones of Quill's old music on the ship?" You asked.


The cell doors opened, and two Ravengers stepped inside, and saw you and Rocket fixing the prototype fin on Yundo. Yundo then whistled, and his arrow flew towards them, and went through the two Ravengers. The Ravengers groaned and fell to the floor. You, Rocket and Groot then began to follow Yundo out of the cell. You stopped and saw the weapons the two Ravengers had dropped, you and Rocket looked at each other and smirked. You, Rocket, Groot and Yundo walked through the halls of the ship holding your weapons. The Ravengers ran through the hallway and stopped in front of you. Yundo began whistling, and shot each Ravenger down with the arrow. You continued your way down the hallway, and Yundo whistled again, catching his arrow. Yundo opened a door to another room, and the four of you walked inside. "Down there!" One of them said. Yundo whistled again, and began shooting more Ravengers, and they all fell down as the arrow made contact. The only Ravenger who was left, backed away and screamed as he tried to run away from the four of you as you approached him. Groot used his branches to pull himself up, then screamed as he ran towards him. The Ravenger ran faster, but Groot was quicker and grabbed his legs, causing him to fall. Then Groot threw him over the railing, and he fell to the ground. You four walked up some stairs, and made it to another room. Yundo saw more Ravengers approaching on the small screens, and shot at each and every one of them, causing them to scream and fall over. You saw a Ravenger running towards the ship, and held out your blaster. Then you shot the Ravenger down, and he fainted.

You, Rocket and Yundo laughed, as you and Rocket shot with your blasters, and Yundo continued using his arrow. Yundo then stopped when he saw Taser face on one of the screens, and whistled, moving his arrow towards him. Suddenly the arrow went past him and caused an explosion of fire. You watched in shock. "You maniac" Rocket said. "The whole ship's gonna blow" you said. "Not the whole ship" Yundo said. Yundo whistled, and caught his arrow. Kraglin disconnected part of the spaceship, which drifted apart just as the rest of the spaceship exploded. "Where to, Captain?" Kraglin asked. "Ego" you said. "No, girl! It ain't healthy for a mammalian body to hop more than 50 jumps at a time!" Yundo said. "She knows that" Rocket said. "We are about to do 700!" Yundo said.


The spaceship continued to jump through space until it finally came to a stop, which threw you off your seat and you fell to the ground. "What the hell you doing, girl?" Yundo asked. "I could tell by how you talked about him this Ego is bad news. We're here to save Quill" you said. "For what? Huh? For honor? For love?" Yundo mocked. "No. We don't care about those things. We wanna save Quill so we can prove we're better than him! We can lord this over him forever" Rocket said. Yundo started laughing. "What are you laughing at me for?" Rocket asked. "You two can fool yourselves and everyone else, but you can't fool me. I know who you are" he said. "You don't know anything about us, loser" you said. "I know everything about you. I know you two play like you're the meanest and the hardest but, actually, you're the most scared of all" he said. "Shut up!" Rocket said. "I know you steal batteries you don't need, and you push away anyone who's willing to put up with the two of you because just a little bit of love reminds you how big and empty those holes inside you actually are" Yundo said. "I said shut up!" Rocket said. "I know them scientists what made you two, never gave a rat's ass about you" he said. "I'm serious, dude!" You said. "Just like my own damn parents who sold me. their own little baby, into slavery. I know who you two are, boy. Because you're me" Yundo said, stopping only inches away. You caught your breath, as you stared at him in silence. "What kind of a trio are we?" Rocket asked. "The kind that's about to go fight a planet, I reckon" Yundo said. "All right, okay! Good. Wait. Fight a what?" You asked.

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