The Guardians Vs Ego

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Finally!" Gamora said as she was able to reach you and Rocket. "Rocket? Y/N?" She asked. "Keep that transmitter nearby, so we can find you. We're in an old piece of construction equipment Yondu once used to slice open the Bank of A 'askavaria" you said. "Ego's unhinged" she said. "We know. Get ready" Rocket said. "Drop her, Kraglin" Yundo said. Kraglin pulled down a lever, and the spaceship flew towards Ego's planet. "Hey, there, jackass!" Yundo said as he flew his ship into the building and crashed through the window. The spaceship landed on top of Ego, and Peter fell to the floor. The spaceship door opened, revealing Groot as he smiled and waved at the others. "Out of the way, dumber, smaller Groot!" Drax said as he ran inside. Groot began hitting him with his small branches. Gamora ran over to Peter and helped him up. "I told you something didn't feel right" she said. "I told you so." Just what I need to hear right now" he said. "Well, I came back, didn't I?" She asked. "Because there's an unspoken thing" Peter said. "There is no unspoken thing" Gamora said. "What are you doing? You could've killed us all!" Drax said. "Uh... "Thank you, Rocket"? Rocket asked. "We had it under control" Drax said. "We did not. That is only an extension... of his true self. He will be back soon" Mantis said from behind Drax. "What's Smurfette doing here?" Peter asked as Gamora helped him onto the spaceship. "Whatever I need to do to get a damn ride home" Nebula said. "She tried to murder Y/N and I!" Rocket said. "I saved you, you stupid foxes!" She said. "They're not foxes" Gamora said sternly.

"I am Groot" Groot said. "We're not raboons, either" you said. "I am Groot" Groot repeated. "Raccoons." Whatever" you said. Bright blue lights began to appear and surround the spaceship. Drax looked out the window and then at Peter. "How do we kill a Celestial?" He asked. "There's a center to him. His brain, his soul, whatever it is... Some sort of protective shell" Peter said. "It's in the caverns below the surface" Mantis said. The bright blue lights then gripped the spaceship. Peter went up the stairs to the control room and saw Yundo trying to escape the celestial. "Yondu?" He asked in shock and confusion. Yundo let out a grunt as he tried to drive the spaceship out from Ego's grasp, but failed and the spaceship crashed back to the ground, causing everyone to fall over. Peter took a seat next to Yundo. "Thrusters are out" Yundo said. "Guess I should be glad I was a skinny kid. Otherwise, you'd have delivered me to this maniac" Peter said. "You still reckon that's the reason I kept you around, you idiot?" Yundo asked. "That's what you told me, you old doofus" Peter said. "Once I figured out what happened to them other kids I wasn't just gonna hand you over" Yundo said. "You said you were gonna eat me" Peter said. "That was being funny!" Yundo said. Peter looked at him. "Not to me!" He said. "You people have issues" you said. "Of course I have issues. That's my freakin' father!" Peter said as he pointed to a skeleton of his father Ego, which was surrounded by bright blue lights. "Thrusters are back up" Yundo said. Peter took control and drove through Ego's skeleton, then crashed through the window of the building and flew out. Peter then started to fly back down.

"We should be going up!" Yundo protested. "We can't! Ego wants to eradicate the universe as we know it. We have to kill him. Rocket!" Peter said. "Got it!" Rocket said, as he pushed a button from the top of the spaceship. Giant red lasers appeared from the sides, shooting at the rocks below and cutting through them, Peter steered the spaceship through as the lasers cut through. "Whoo-hoo!" Peter cheered. "So, we're saving the galaxy again?" You asked. "I guess" Peter said. "Awesome! We're really gonna be able to jack up our prices if we're two-time galaxy savers" Rocket said. "I seriously can't believe that's where your mind goes" Peter said. "It was just a random thought, man. I thought we were friends" Rocket said. "Of course, we care about the planets, and the buildings... and all the animals on the planets" you said. "And the people" Peter added. "Meh" you shrugged. "The crabby puppies are so cute. They make me wanna die!" Mantis squealed. "Tell me why Ego wants you here?" Yundo asked. "He needs my genetic connection to the light to help destroy the universe. He tried to teach me how to control the power" Peter explained. "So, could you?" Yundo asked. Peter nodded. "A little. I made a ball" he said. "A ball?" Yundo asked. "I thought as hard as I could It was all that I could come up with" Peter said. "You "thought"? You think when I make this arrow fly I use my head?" Yundo asked. Yundo then crashed the spaceship and came to Ego's core. "Whoa" Peter said. "Mantis walked over to one of the windows on the ship and looked at the core. "There. That's Ego's core" she said. "That ore is thick, Y/N" Gamora said. "I got it covered" you said. You flew the ship closer to the core. "We must hurry. It will not take Ego long to find us" Mantis said.

"Keep it steady" you said as you aimed the gun towards the center of Ego's core. Then you began shooting at the center. "We drill into the center, we kill him!" Peter said. "Captain?" Kraglin asked from his spaceship over the speaker. "What is it, Kraglin?" Yundo asked. "Hey, remember that Ayesha chick?" He asked. "Yeah, why?" Yundo asked. "Uh..." Kraglin said. Yundo looked out the window to see Ayesha and her army flying towards the spaceship. "Oh, hell!" Yundo said. Peter quickly took control and drove the spaceship away from the incoming Sovereign. Gamora, Drax and Mantis fell out of the ship, with Gamora and Drax and Mantis landing on their feet. "Why aren't you firing the lasers?" Peter panicked. Rocket jumped off his seat and ran to his stuff. "They blew out the generator. I think I packed a small detonator" he said. "A detonator is worthless without explosives" Nebula said. "Well, we got these" you said as you took out the pair of batteries you had stolen and put them inside the detonator. "Is that thing strong enough to kill Ego?" Peter asked. "If it is, it'll cause a chain reaction throughout his entire nervous system" Rocket said. "Meaning what?" Peter asked. "The entire planet will explode. We'll have to get out of here fast. I rigged a timer" you said. "Go!" Peter said. You, Rocket and Peter flew out of the spaceship through all of the lasers. You flew on Peter's right, while Rocket flew on his left. Meanwhile Gamora, Drax and Mantis were becoming surrounded by Ego. "He's coming" Mantis said. "Didn't you say you could make him sleep?" Drax asked. "When he wants. He's too powerful. I can't!" Mantis said. "You don't have to believe in yourself, because I believe in you" Drax said. A giant face appeared in front of them and began blowing a giant beam of light towards them.

Mantis leaned down and put a hand on one of the lights. "Sleep!" She cried. Suddenly all of the lights disappeared and the face vanished. "I never thought she'd be able to do it. With as weak and skinny as she appears to be" Drax said. "I don't know how long I can hold him" Mantis said. Meanwhile you, Rocket and Peter stood in a tunnel. "The metal's too thick. For the bomb to work, we'd actually need to place it on Ego's core. And our fat butts ain't gonna fit through those tiny holes" Rocket said as he shone a flashlight around the tunnel. "Well..." Peter said as he looked at Groot. "That's a terrible idea" you said. "Which is the only kind of idea we have left" Peter said. Rocket groaned and placed Groot onto his back. "Unbelievable. "Rocket, Y/N, do this. Rocket Y/N, do that." He mocked as you and Rocket walked away. Peter sighed. "What a day" he said. Then he grabbed his two guns and flew into the air, shooting at the enemy spaceships. You set the device on the ground in front of Groot. "All right, first you flick this switch, then this switch. That activates it. Then you push this button which will give you five minutes to get out of there. Now, whatever you do... don't push this button because that will set off the bomb immediately and we'll all be dead. Now, repeat back what I just said" you said as you tried explaining everything to Groot. "I am Groot" he said. "Uh-huh" you said. "I am Groot" he said. "That's right" you said. "I am Groot!" He said as he pointed at the death button. "No! No, that's the button that will kill everyone! Try again" Rocket said. "I am Groot" he said. "Mmm-hmm" Rocket said. "I am Groot" Groot said. "Uh-huh" Rocket said. "I am Groot" Groot said as he pointed to the same button from before. "No! That's exactly what you just said! How is that even possible?

Which button is the button you're supposed to push? Point to it" you said. Groot pointed to the death button. "No!" Rocket said. "Hey, you're making him nervous!" Peter said. "Shut up and get us some tape! Does anybody have any tape out there? I wanna put some tape over the death button" you said. "I don't have any tape. Let me check" Peter said as he flew away. "Yo, Yondu... Ow! Do you have any tape?" Peter asked. "Gamora? Do you have any tape? Tape! Never mind. Ow! Drax, do you have any tape?" He asked. "Yes, Scotch tape would work" Peter said. "Then why did you ask me if Scotch tape would work, if you don't have any?" Peter asked. Peter flew back over. "Nobody has any tape!" He called back. "Not a single person has tape?" Rocket asked disbelievingly. "Nope!" Peter said. "Did you ask Nebula?" You asked. "Yes!" He said. "Are you sure?" Rocket asked. "I asked Yondu and she was sitting next to him" Peter said. "I knew you were lying!" You said. "You two have priceless batteries and an atomic bomb in your bags. If anybody's gonna have tape, it's you!" Peter said. "That's exactly my point! We have to do everything!" Rocket yelled. "You are wasting a lot of time here!" Peter said. You and Rocket turned around, only to see Groot running off with the device. "Whee!" He said. "We're all gonna die" you said.


You and Rocket flew over to the rest of The Guardians. Mantis was suddenly knocked to the ground. "Mantis! Look out!" Drax said. Drax got on his knees and picked her up. "She's just unconscious" he said. Peter ran over to you and Rocket. "How long until the bomb goes off?" He asked. "In the unlikely event that Groot doesn't kill us all... about six minutes" you said as you looked around at everything crumbling. "Kraglin, we need the quadrant for an extraction. T-minus five minutes" Yundo said. "Aye, Captain" Kraglin said as he flew his ship towards Ego. "Somebody's gotta be up top when Kraglin arrives!" Peter said. "Drax, take Mantis" Peter said, clipping a device to his back. Drax lifted up into the air holding Mantis. "Ow! My nipples!" He said. The ground beneath them then began to crack and Gamora fell through the cracks. "Gamora!" You shouted. You looked down to where she had fallen worriedly. Suddenly arms of light appeared around them and a giant face of light appeared. "Peter!" Ego said. "Come now, Peter. I know this isn't what you want. What kind of father would I be to let you make this choice?" Ego asked. You flew into the air and threw multiple bombs at multiple arms, the arms then came towards you, and you blocked them off with a ball shaped shield. You grunted as the arms smashed into the shield. "Y/N!" Rocket cried. You tossed another bomb at the arms, and the arms exploded. You fell to the ground on your paws, and Rocket tossed you a blaster. "Yeah" you said, then flew off and began shooting at Ego. "Soon, Peter, we will be all there is. So stop pissing me off!" Ego shouted. You continued to shoot at Ego. Ego snuck up from behind, and hit you in the back. You gasped, and fell to the ground, dropping the blaster.

Peter looked around at all of the damage, then looked at Yundo to see him being shoved to the ground and covered by Ego. Then he looked up at Rocket, to see him being surrounded by Ego's arms, Peter then looked over at you, laying injured on the ground, with Ego then grabbing you and lifting you up into the air. You screamed as you were being lifted. Ego, being nothing more than a skeleton, made his way towards Peter. "I told you... I don't want to do this alone" Ego said, picking up Peter by the back and lifting him up. Peter screamed in pain. "You cannot deny the purpose the universe has bestowed upon you" Ego said. More arms went inside Peter, and he fell to the ground. "Peter..." you said, watching hopelessly. "It doesn't need to be like this, Peter. Why are you destroying our chance? Stop pretending you aren't what you are. One in billions. Trillions. Even more. What greater meaning can life possibly have to offer?" Ego asked as he approached Peter. "I don't use my head to fly the arrow, boy! I use my heart-" Yundo was cut off as he became covered. Peter looked back at Ego, and then received flashbacks of other times we had with his friends. His first flashback was with his mother, Meredith Quill, where he was lying next to her on the grass, his next memory was with Drax, where Drax and Peter were both laughing hysterically, then he remembered flying with you and Rocket, back when he was flirting with Gamora while they waited for The Collector. And last but not least, learning how to aim back with Yundo. Anger went through his body, as energy surrounded him and he growled and glared at Ego. "You shouldn't have killed my mom, and squished my Walkman!" He shouted, then he lunged himself towards Ego, shoving him away and punching him multiple times. The arms surrounding you disappeared and you fell to the ground beside Rocket. Rocket looked at you and smiled. You smiled back. Then you and Rocket flew towards Groot.

"Groot? If you can hear me, hurry up! I'm not sure how long Quill can keep him distracted!" You said. "Groot, hurry!" Rocket said. You and Rocket flew next to Yundo. "Yondu, we're about to blow!" You said. "Get to the ship!" Yundo said as he pointed. "Not without Quill!" Rocket said. "You two need to take care of the twig!" Yundo said. "Not without you!" You said. Yundo shook his head. "I ain't done nothin' right my whole damn life, rat. You need to give me this" he said. You sighed. Then you took out two items. "A spacesuit and an aero-rig. I only have one of each" you said, then you handed them both to Yundo. "I am Groot" Groot said. "What's that?" Yundo asked. "He says, "Welcome to the frickin' Guardians of the Galaxy." Only he didn't use "frickin'." Rocket said. "Bye, twig" Yundo said. You and Rocket flew away. "We're gonna need to have a real discussion about your language" you said. You and Rocket flew back to the spaceship. You looked away, without saying a word. "Where's Peter?" Gamora asked. You didn't answer. "Rocket, Y/N, where is he?" She asked. "Guys. Guys, look at me! Where is he?" She asked. Tears fell from your eyes as you looked away and sniffed, then rubbed your eyes. Groot pointed out of the ship. Gamora shook her head. "No. I'm not leaving without him" she said as she started to walk away. You looked away as you shot her down. Gamora screamed and fell to the ground. "I'm sorry. I can only afford to lose one friend today" you said. "Kraglin, go!" Rocket said. "Wait... Is Quill back? Rocket, where's Quill? Rocket, where's Quill? Rocket! Where's Quill? Where's Quill?" Drax repeated.

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