Part 2: Baby, I Hate Days Like This

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Penny: Thanks for coming back. You can tell it's me cause there's Mika and it actually goes with the chapter.

Wally P.O.V.

I sat looking at the pictures of Dick and me when we were on dates and even just hanging out. It hurt to think that my boyfriend would move on with my best friend or that my best friend would do something like this.

Whatever had happened between the four of us had to get fixed before Kaldur and I killed Roy. I figured that enough time had passed...

{three days Jesus Wally}

that it was time to bring in the big guns.

Jason Todd aka Red Hood used to be Robin before he went off on his own and fought his own way. He swore that he would never let Dick leave the nest before he thought that he was ready. This would be the time to test him out and see where his loyalty lies. I picked up the phone and called his professional number.

"Hello, this is the Outlaws Red Hood speaking who can I get rid of for you?" Jason's distorted voice said across the speaker in a fake cheerful tone. 

"Hi, it's Wally calling about a bird problem. I think a bird of yours flew the nest too early if you wouldn't mind catching him?" I asked in code.

"I'll see what I can do," Jason said his voice going from the cheerful distortion to Batman level scary in seconds.

I only hope that it wasn't directed at me.

Jason P.O.V.

I looked at the phone and over to Kori, Biz, and Artemis.

"Alright Outlaws, we have a job to do we have to find that birdbrain of a little brother and bring him home," I said rubbing my forehead.

"No killing this time boss?" Artemis asked sitting beside Biz sharpening her sword while Kori played with Artemis' red hair.

"Not unless I tell you to. On this mission no killing until I say so Outlaws let's move out," I said pointing to garage. I pulled on my helmet and moving onto my motorcycle. We headed to the first hideout that I could think of from when Dick and I were kids. 

We walked in with weapons raised. Dick was sitting on a couch in boxers and an oversized T-shirt while bed springs could be heard from above. Roy was sitting behind him holding Dick between his legs while they were each reading their own book.

Roy looked at his watch and got up. "No stay and cuddle with me," Dick said pouting and reaching after Roy.

"Sorry babe, I have to go check with Kaldur to make sure that his team is okay," Roy said before kissing my little brother chastely. Dick sunk back into the couch. 

I lunged for Roy putting a gun to his head while my brother was stuck in Kori's arms not even looking up from his book. Biz and Artemis each had a very naked woman in their grasps one even looked like a friend of the Outlaws named Jade.

Dick rolled his eyes. "What are you doing here J..."

"JASON WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Roy interrupted my brother.

"I was here to bring my brother back to Batman and no Batman didn't send me here a mutual friend did," I said glaring at Roy.

"Now my friend we can do this the easy way or the hard way," Kori said smiling at Roy with menace. Poor Artemis her girlfriend has a crush on my little brother. Can't really blame her though seems like nowadays everyone wants a piece of him.

"What did this mutual friend have to say?" Dick asked shuddering in Kori's arms. I looked down to see that one of her arms had moved down the side of his boxers coming out the other end.

{Kori be movin fast as fuck boiiiiiiii}

"There's a bird that flew the nest too early. Not that hard to figure out little bro and Kori get your hand out of my brother's boxers! Now, you are coming with me and there's no way out of it," I said glaring at my team as we each knocked out the person we were holding. "You'll learn to love being an Outlaw little brother," I said smiling down at him and picking him up.

I believe in words unspoken you better get back, better get back, more than this baby I hate days like this.

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