BG EE part 5

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Chapter 5 |


| Exploring the Underdark |


Sequence of Events: {WLK029}

1) Denizens of the Underdark

2) Carlig and Company

3) Elemental Extermination

4) Freeing Vithal

5) Drow Patrol

6) Freeing Bedlen Daglefodd

7) Murdering Madman Aganalo

8) Uh..?

9) Riti's Misguided Revenge

10) Destroying Alchra Diagott

11) Myconid Massacre

12) Therndle's Reward

13) The Book of Rituals

14) Portal Guardians

15) Stingy Vithal

16) Tolkien Trouble

17) Balor Battle

18) Blackenrock's Bounty

19) Kuo-Toa Killing

20) Drow Raiding Party

21) Adalon's Demand

22) Attacking Adalon (optional, not suggested)

Underdark (AR2100)


1) The Underdark can be rather dangerous, as the game leads you to

believe. Groups of Kuo-Toa can harass you by shooting you with Kuo-Toa

Bolts, which can stun you. Drow and Mind Flayers, however, are more

severe threats. Mind Flayers almost necessitate the use of Chaotic

Commands, as their psionics can disable several characters sickeningly

quickly. Even after their pisonics are neutralized, they drain points of

Intelligence every time they hit. Once your Intelligence hits 0, it's

an auto-kill. This means that your Warriors are actually very vulnerable

against Mind Flayers in close combat. One solution is to spell-buff a

Fighter/Mage and hope that, through a combination of low Armor Class

and spells like Mirror Image, Improved Invisibility, and Blur, that

the character can hold off long enough, while the rest of the party

stays back and uses ranged weapons. Drow typically come in groups, and

although they're fairly dangerous in melee, the fact that they have to

play by the rules and whittle your Hit Points down like normal makes

fighting them more conventional. That said, they tend to come loaded

with spellcasters, and are resistant to magic themselves. This means

that dispelling their buffs (and keeping them from debuffing you)

becomes easier than the old tactics of Silence 15' Radius, Greater

Command, Insect Swarm, Chaos, and Slow. They aren't immune to these

spells, but when you encounter a group of hostile Drow, just expect

each spell to affect half the number of enemies it used to affect.

If you're going to spell-assault them, spell assault them heavily. Also,

most of them come equipped with heavily enchanted Drow armor, which

makes them very well protected against your attacks. Of course, once

you kill a couple of them you can nab this armor for yourself, which

will greatly improve the Armor Class of your party for the duration of

your stay in the Underdark. You just gotta love Drow Full Plate +5.


2) Head east, then south-east to find a trio of Duergar, Carlig, a

trader (x=1600, y=3700), Finderlig, who is just superstitious

(x=1660, y=3820), and Uder Mordin (x=1770, y=3800), who has a story to

tell you about an imprisoned Mage to the north. Hmm... Imprisoned you

say? Check out Carlig's stock and sure enough, you'll find a Scroll of

Freedom, along with many, many other very nice... very expensive spells.

I've got plenty of gold, but we can still go for a five-finger discount,

which we'll do later, when we have access to more of the Underdark.

We need to stretch those Potions of Master Thievery out, after all.

For now, just buy one Scroll of Freedom.

Note: If you used your Potions of Master Thievery and stole from the

Sahuagin king right before you presented him with the Rebel's Heart,

you will still have plenty of duration left to steal as many scrolls

from Carlig as your heart desires. The 100% Pick Pockets is enough to

get the job done if you're patient, but chugging another potion might

be necessary if Carlig is detecting you too often. I plan to steal

all his scrolls, but the best new spells he sells are listed below.

It's also worth noting that Carlig's inventory changes after you talk

to him the first time-this is just an odd glitch. The gear he shows

you the first time you talk to him is the same gear you'll have access

to during [WLK032], while the gear he'll show you the second (and

subsequent) time you talk to him (up until [WLK032]) is what he's

supposed to be currently offering... so it'll be what is covered, and

we'll ignore the rest of the loot until [WLK032].



This spell really only exists to counter Imprisonment, and, to a lesser

degree, Maze. While there are enemies out there who will use those

spells on you, it's often easier to just cast a Spell Immunity:

Abjuration to avoid the effect altogether. More practically, it's

useful as a scroll for freeing the imprisoned Mage nearby. Still, if

nothing else it's worth 9000 experience to scribe it.

Spell Sequencer


Allows you to chain up to three spells of fourth level or lower. Sort of

like Contingency, except you can use it whenever, and you can link up

multiple offensive spells. For example, my Fighter/Mage could use this

spell like Contingency, to pop on Stoneskin, Improved Invisibility, and

Fireshield all at once. More useful, however, you could also string

together three Flame Arrows to deal ridiculous damage to one enemy, or

three Greater Malisons to decimate their defenses.

True Sight


I have had this spell with Keldorn and on my Clerics for a while now,

but this is the first chance I've had to steal one for my Mages. By

now we know how essential this spell is.


|Mage Spells| Carlig




5th-Animate Dead




5th-Cone of Cold


5th-Hold Monster

5th-Protection From Electricity

5th-Spell Shield



6th-Improved Haste

6th-Power Word, Silence

6th-Stone to Flesh

6th-True Sight


7th-Mass Invisibility

7th-Prismatic Spray

7th-Project Image

7th-Spell Sequencer




(x=1660, y=3600) 1 gold

(x=1600, y=3820) 1 gold

(x=1830, y=3800) 8 gold


3) Before we use our scroll, however, let's make this area safe for

humanity... or at for least us... and pick up some experience along the

way. At (x=900, y=2800) you'll find a portal, near the portal is a

symbol upon which an Air Elemental constantly spawns. Move your party up

and kill about ten of them, until no more appear. Over to the east is

another portal (x=2450, y=3200), near which Earth Elementals spawn.

Again, kill about ten and they'll stop appearing. Repeat the process one

more time near a third portal (x=2800, y=2900) just above the Earth

Elemental portal, this time killing off Fire Elementals. Why do this

now? Because if you free the imprisoned Mage the Elementals seem to stop

spawning, and that's a good 60,000 experience for the Fire Elemental

portal, 60,000 experience for the Earth Elemental portal, and 70,000

experience for the Air Elemental Portal, or a grand total of 190,000

experience (or 31,666~ experience per character.) My Fighter/Mage/Thief

protagonist has a good time with these critters, testing out her new

Paws of the Cheetah to do hit-and-run backstab tactics.


4) Once the elementals have been exterminated use the Freedom Scroll in

the area between the Air Elemental portal and the Earth Elemental portal

(you don't have to be terribly precise) and a Mage named Vithal will

appear at about (x=1950, y=2900). You'll get a small experience reward,

and Vithal will offer to cut you in on a plan he was working on before

he ran afoul of a local. He's pretty vague, but he promises you a share

of magical loot if you help him out. First, however, you need to

retrieve his book of rituals, which he believes was discovered by some

Svirfneblins (Deep Gnomes) to the north. He will, in the mean time,

mess around near the Earth Elemental portal.


(For freeing Vithal from his imprisonment)

EXP 10000


5) Head north and west and you'll run afoul of a group of Drow,

including several Priestesses. This fight can be a pain, as they've got

plenty of spell power on their side. You can approach from the east, if

you're careful not to provoke the Kuo-Toa over there, which is probably

easier as you've got more space to maneuver. Hit them with as many

debilitating spells as you can-I got off two rounds of spells (Chaos

and Slow from the Mages, Silence 15' Radius and Greater Command from

the Clerics, and of course Insect Plague) before I engaged in melee

and mopped up. The Drow seem more content to put up Blade Barriers,

Mirror Image, and cast weak summoning spells. Once they're all dead,

loot them for what armor they have. I was able to recover two suits of

Drow Elven Chain +3 and a suit of Drow Full Plate +5.

Note: Drow gear is one of the great perks of adventuring around the

Underdark. It's highly enchanted, powerful stuff that largely out-

classes everything you've found up until now. Drow typically carry

+3 weapons and either Elven Chain +3, Drow Chain Mail +5, Drow

Full Plate Mail +5, and Drow Shields +3. This will probably drop the

average Armor Class of your party by several points, which is a very

good thing. Unfortunately, you only get to keep this stuff while you're

in the Underdark. Once you get back into sunlight, all this beautiful

loot is ruined.

Note from Lee:

I also had a Mind Flayer show up here - came at me from the East. Not a

big deal, really - he died rather easily - but it was a surprise.


6) Now that the fighting has stopped, rest up and investigate what these

damned Drow were guarding so fervently. There's an odd device nearby,

which has several souls trapped within. The chamber at (x=2020, y=1900)

contains the soul of Bedlen Daglefodd. If you let him go, he'll tell you

to come find his father, Therndle Daglefodd. We were planning to visit

the Svirfneblins anyways, I wonder if this will come back to us in a

good way?


7) Another soul is trapped at (x=1850, y=1870) which if released

manifests into Madman Aganalo, who has been too long imprisoned and as

his name implies, is quite mad. Kill him and claim Jhor the Bleeder +2

from his body. It's just a +2 Bastard Sword that deals an extra ten

damage over time. A +2 enchantment isn't strong enough to get excited

over, neither do I have a character who uses Bastard Swords, so...

it'll sell well.


8) Next release the soul at (x=1880, y=1900) to inflict upon yourself

the company of a Drow wizard named Raevilin Strathi, who will quickly

attack. He starts out with Stoneskin, True Sight, and a Fireball. Just

rip down his defenses and keep pummeling him. After a while he'll pop

out another Contingency, including a Spell Turning, Mislead, and

Stoneskin. Remove those protections and finish him off. He'll leave

behind a Quarter Staff, a Scroll of Conjure Earth Elemental, and a

Scroll of Summon Efreet.

Note: Just making a note of this for the hell of it-on my Enhanced

Edition playthrough with my evil party my protagonist back-stabbed

Raevilin Strathi for a whopping 164 damage (critical hit plus

quintuple damage). Needless to say, he was quite dead.


9) At (x=1920, y=1920) you can release the soul of a Githyanki named

Riti, who apparently thinks it's a good idea to try and remove the

disgrace of his capture by attacking his savior. Stupid Githyanki. Kill

him and take the Backbiter +3. A fitting weapon for him. It was

originally a Baldur's Gate 2-only weapon, but later made its way to the

first game via the Enhanced Edition. It sucked in both games. Who needs

an enchanted spear, much less one that harms the weilder ever hit?


10) Now there's one last chamber left (x=2000, y=1900), and for this

one, it's time to put our new-found defensive strategy to the test.

I cast Death Ward, Chaotic Commands, Spell Immunity: Conjuration,

Abjuration, and Alteration on my main character and move the rest of the

party away. Then I release the last soul, which belongs to the Lich

Alchra Diagott. He'll naturally decide to take his aggression out on us

before finding the Drow that imprisoned him. He's fond of using Symbol

spells (which Spell Immunity: Conjuration protects against) as well as

various death spells (Death Ward). His damaging spells are negated by

the Cloak of Mirroring (and he'll almost certainly use a Sunfire and a

Horrid Wilting). And lastly, if he tries to cast Imprisonment, I'm

protected from it by Spell Immunity: Abjuration. Best of all, he can't

get rid of my life-saving buffs because Spell Immunity: Abjuration

counters Remove Magic. My main character also casts Improved Haste

to allow him to rip through the Lich every time he lets his guard down.

From a distance, Keldorn uses True Sight when Alchra tries to hide, and

Imoen uses Breach when Alchra puts up a Stoneskin or Protection from

Magical Weapons. In this way my main character can safely rip the Lich

to pieces, while a few party members debuff. He'll drop a Scroll of

Delayed Blast Fireball, a Scroll of Spell Turning, and a Scroll of

Summon Nishruu when he falls.

Note from Lee:

I take on the Lich Alchra Diagott first (well, second - I release the

stupid little gnome first). I spell buff as described and simply put

him down (he's not that difficult really); but now I have all my spell

buffs intact for the other encounters (not that you really need them,

but what the hell - waste not, want not, right?). I got thru this and

suffered no damage at all.


11) Now that we're done with the soul cage, cast Chaotic Commands on a

strong Fighter, Haste them up, and send them to the west. You'll find

several Spore Colonies which spawn Myconids... which in turn try to

Confuse you. Kill them, kill their king, and kill their little spores,



12) Continue to the north and you'll find a trio of Swirfneblins

guarding a bridge. Talk to the one named Odendal (x=630, y=1180), who

will let you in if you're nice, even though he doesn't like Viconia one

bit. Head through the town (which doesn't have much to see) and loop

around until you find the entrance to the building marked as the

'Swirfneblin Settlement'. Inside you'll find Therndle Dagelfodd

(x=1770, y=600). Mention that you saved his son, and he'll reward you.

He also sells some gear-mostly +1 armor and weapons, but he also has

some Potions of Master Thievery and scrolls. If you were really quick

earlier, you might still be under the affects of the potions you chugged

earlier. If that's the case, don't hesitate to steal Therndle's Potions

of Master Thievery and whatever spell-scrolls you desire, as he does

sell some uncommon spells, even if they're not the most useful (like

Invisible Stalker). If not, just buy the Potions to replenish your

stock. Note that Therndle won't get pissy if he catches you stealing.

Also, if you loot around the city you can find various random trinkets

and a Discipliner (aka: Ring of Folly). The marginal loot just isn't

worthy my time to record-or yours to read. You might score a low

quality gem and a few gold coins, but that's about the extent of it.


|Mage Spells| Therndle Daglefodd


1st-Find Familiar


2nd-Power Word, Sleep

2nd-Ray of Enfeeblement


3rd-Minor Spell Deflection

3rd-Protection From Fire


4th-Minor Sequencer

4th-Secret Word

4th-Spider Spawn

4th-Teleport Field


5th-Spell Immunity


6th-Death Spell

6th-Flesh to Stone

6th-Globe of Invulnerability

6th-Invisible Stalker

6th-Tenser's Transformation


(For saving Therndle Dagelfodd's son)

EXP 10000

Item Bracers of Defense A.C. 4


13) At (x=1650, y=770) you'll find an Innkeeper, the current owner of

Vithal's book of rituals, which he'll relinquish for 300 gold. You

might be able to steal it from him, but since that's going to require

a Potion of Master Thievery, I just hand over the money. Book of Rituals

in hand, I return to Vithal, who was around the Earth Elemental portal

(x=2380, y=3320). If you refuse to hand over the book, he'll try to

take it by force, and let's just say it's more rewarding to let him

actually get the treasure he's been mentioning-if you kill him, you

have no way to get the treasure yourself, so let's keep him alive and

give him his book.

Note from Lee:

I do the Balor here (Steps 16 & 17) before returning to Vithal with his

Book of Rituals.


14) Once Vithal has his book of rituals back, he'll tell you about the

second part of the plan-he needs to enter three portals, and within each

one there will be a guardian. Guess who's job it is to dispose of the

guardian? That's right. Ours. Agree to help him and he'll work on the

first gate, the guardian of which is a Greater Earth Elemental, which

isn't too rough. After it's dead Vithal will teleport off and return

shortly with some of the treasure. Now we head to the Fire Elemental

portal to repeat the process. The guardian of this portal is, of course,

a Greater Fire Elemental. Again Vithal teleports away, and again he

returns with treasure. Now it's time to head over to the Air Elemental

portal and repeat the process one final time. If you can't guess what

the guardian is... there's no hope for you.


15) Vithal returns for the third-and final-time, declaring his victory.

You gain a quest reward for helping him out, and he gives you a Rod of

Absorption, which is pretty cool, I guess... except that it only has one

measly charge left, and even this lasts four rounds. That's right, all

that work and Vithal wants to stiff you with a rod that can absorb a

total of nine spell levels over four rounds. Hold out for more and he

will toss in a Scroll of Simulacrum and a Scroll of Horrid Wilting, too.

Of course, the bastard still insists that the lionshare should go to

him. He would still be imprisoned if it weren't for us, and he certainly

wouldn't have survived the guardians! Insist that this doesn't suffice

and a fight ensues. If you're lucky, he was injured by the guardians, if

not, he's still nowhere near as strong as the Lich we killed earlier.

Standard Mage tactics apply, keep on him and tear down his Stoneskins

with Breach and his illusions with True Sight. If you're lucky you'll

take him down before he gets any major spells off. If not, he'll start

out with a Time Stop followed by some Imprisonments. That's right, that

bastard who we saved from Imprisonment has the gall to try and Imprison

us, in turn! It's a well-deserved death that he earns, and when he dies

he'll leave behind a Skull of Death, a helmet that can pop off a Death

Spell once per day. It sounds neat, and it can have its uses against

Mind Flayers and Kuo-Toa, but it's not anything to get worked up over.

On the other hand, the scroll he drops are; he'll leave behind a Scroll

of Incendiary Cloud, a Scroll of Wail of the Banshee, and a Scroll of

Time Stop. Three very good, very useful, and fairly rare high-level

Mage spells. These will eventually find their way into Imoen's/Edwin's

spellbooks, since they will be able to cast 8th and 9th level spells

far earlier than my Protagonists. He also drops a Waterstar Gem and his

Book of Rituals, for what it's worth. Now let's return to the

Swirfneblin town and resolve their problems.


(For helping Vithal retrieve the extra-planar treasure)

EXP 20000 (each character)


16) Over at (x=2030, y=850) you'll find Goldander Blackenrock, who has

an usually deep voice for a gnome. Maybe that's why they're called Deep

Gnomes? Anyways, the Gnomes have unearthed some evil by digging too

deeply, and since Gandalf is nowhere to be found, they need your help

to keep it at bay. Naturally the gnomes can't offer much of a reward,

but they can help you get into the Drow city, which, if you were

following the dialogues, we need to do to find Irenicus and Bodhi. This

they can do by referring you to one 'Adalon'. Go kill the evil they

awakened and they'll give you a gem, which will illuminate your way to

this Adalon and let you deal with her. Before you go he'll give you a

'Stoneshape scroll', which will seal the creature in after you've

defeated it. It's always fun fighting things that lie buried deep in

the earth, that might survive a cave-in, and even after being defeated

in combat are so terrifying that they need to be buried.


17) Head over to the Svirfneblin at (x=3620, y=700), who will let you

pass now that you've been granted permission by Blackenrock. Now go

near the ladder at (x=3250, y=400) and spell-buff up. In addition to

your normal preparations, be sure to have cast a Remove Fear or Resist

Fear, Free Action, and equip any and all +3 weapons you have in

preference to any other weapons. If you're a low level party (i.e. you

didn't go around recruiting everybody) you may only have a few weapons

of +3 quality or better. By now even the least adventurous gamers should

at least have the Imapler +3, Celestial Fury +3, and a Cleric's

Staff +3. I really don't have too much sympathy for you at this point in

the game if you haven't accumulated a few usable +3 weapons by now...

I've certainly done my best to remind you to do so. Even I don't have

enough +3 weapons to arm everybody, but I can at least ensure that half

of my party is ready to go, and that'll have to do. Really, if you just

have a Fighter/Mage with Celestial Fury, you've got a chance, but we've

passed by numerous Spears +3 by now, at the very least. Anyways, that's

all for my guilty/consolatory speech, now it's time to get to business.

Now that we're spell-buffed, activate the pit and a Balor will show up.

The main danger this foe presents (besides requiring a +3 weapon to

hit) is its fondness for paralyzing effects. It'll start the fight out

with Symbol, Stun, and it'll constantly use an innate Paralyze ability,

so keep a Remove Paralysis handy. If Edventar's Gift is on your Cleric,

as I suggested when we found it, you should be able to counter the

Balor's Paralysis handily. You can contribute with spells (having

Imoen/Edwin pop out some Magic Missiles or Anomen/Viconia use Bolt of

Glory at least allows them to contribute.) Otherwise, it's not overly

dangerous, and a spell-buffed Fighter/Mage of any quality should be able

to destroy it before they run out of spell-buffs. When it's dead use the

Stoneshape scroll to seal the pit.

Note: If it's just not working for you, there's one more good chance at

getting the resources you need to kill the Balor. In step #16, you will

obtain numerous +3 weapons and some armor that'll make killing the Balor

easier-provided you can, of course, liberate them from their owners.


18) Return to Blackenrock and he'll grant you a decent experience

reward, the Light Gem you need to reach Adalon, and Skullcrusher +3,

a mace that's almost certainly better than what Anomen is using. We

could have used this before we fought that Balor, you know. Ah well.

It's time to pay this Adalon a visit.


EXP 25000 (each character)

Item Light Gem

Item Skullcrusher +3


19) Head east of where you found the device containing the trapped souls

and you'll eventually come to a bridge guarded by Kuo-Toa. This time,

a break down in communication (and the general violence of Kuo-Toa)

results in a fight. While they might be individually insignificant, in

numbers they can be a pain. Some have Kuo-Toa Bolts, which have a

chance to stun their targets, and others happen to be spell-casters

who attempt to cast Hold Person on the party. Sprinkled amidst the

archers and spellcasters you have the odd warrior who likes to take

advantage of defenseless characters. Of course, they're not too strong

if they can't wreak havoc with their Hold spells. I just enter into

combat with them, and if they hold some of my characters, I eliminate

the threat with a timely Dispel Magic. In the end, they're just not

worth spell-buffing for, and once they've wasted their Hold Person

spells, they die quick enough in a straight melee.


20) Now that the Kuo-Toan distraction is out of the way, there's a path

to the north just before the Kuo-Toa bridge that leads to an odd

platform. Once you step on it, a mini-cutscene occurs and a Drow raiding

party appears, which can suck if your party gets scattered crossing the

bridge to the platform. There's one spell-caster amongst them, but

otherwise this group is not the equal of the one we demolished earlier.

A simple Haste is enough power to allow me to destroy them fairly

easily, but if you're caught in a bad way, it can't hurt to throw out a

Slow or Chaos, too. When they're all dead, you can harvest their

ridiculously powerful equipment-if you were having trouble with the

Balor, but took out these Drow, you should find yourself plenty of new

magical arms and armor, which includes numerous +3 melee weapons.

You'll also find some Drow Bolts, whose number depends on how many shots

the Drow get off. Suffice it to say, you'll have armor for all your

front-line Fighters and enough +3 weapons to handle anything. The best

thing about Drow armor is the fact that everything except the Full Plate

allows you to use your Mage spells and Thief skills, which is really

good news for those dual-and-multi-classed Mages and Thieves out there.

Adalon's Lair (AR2102)


21) Now head north until the path splits. Stick to the western-most path

and exit the map at (x=4100, y=1000). Continue down some stairs to find

Adalon-the Silver Dragon-at (x=1500, y=1500). She'll explain that she's

the guardian of a temple on the surface that marks the sight of where

the Drow first descended into the Underdark. Her job is to keep the

peace between the two sides, a role which she is currently unable to

fulfill. Apparently Irenicus stole her eggs and is holding them hostage,

giving the Drow free reign to attack the surface at their whim. We can

only imagine that this distraction also benefits Jon and his plans to

strike back at his home town. Adalon wants you to rescue her eggs, and

in return she'll show you a way to escape the Underdark, as well as give

you a gift from her hoard. To facilitate this rescue attempt, she'll

transform you into Drow, disguised as a group she recently dispatched.

This should allow you to enter the Drow city of Ust Natha, find out what

Irenicus is doing, and allow you to rescue Adalon's eggs. It doesn't

really matter what you say, Adalon transforms you anyways. She spells

it out fairly enough afterwards-help her, or else. If you try and run

away without doing her task the illusion will fail before you breach

Drow lines and you'll be hopelessly outnumbered. If we try to get her

back by sabotaging the rescue, we'll have pissed off a Silver Dragon,

which isn't a good thing. Finally, we can't just wait this out, for

obvious reasons. We're stuck between a rock and a hard place-a silvery,

dragon-shaped hard place-and the best course of action for us is to

help Adalon out. On an optimistic note, there are plenty of quests to

do, experience to gain, and items to buy and find by infiltrating Ust

Natha. Also, Ust Natha is just one letter away from being part of the

bestest name ever, so it has to be worth exploring. My reasoning skills

are boundless and unassailable; it's best not to even bother. Keep the

Light Gem throughout the following quests-if you lose that gem, you

won't find your way back to Adalon once you have her eggs, which means

no reward.

Note: Now is a fine time to infiltrate the Illithid City (AR2400) or

Beholder Den (AR2101), or both. We'll get the time to come here after

Ust Natha, and we'll be explicitly forced to go to one or the other

during the quests in Ust Natha, but since we'll be pressured by time

limits on our outstanding quests in Ust Natha, now is a perfect time to

get at least one of these cleared while we're still free with our time.

In particular, the Illithid City seems to be a good choice for conquest,

as being able to rest at leisure will make surviving Mind Flayers much

easier. The Beholder Den, on the other hand, should already be cake,

since we possess the Cloak of Mirroring. I'll include the Illithid City

here in the FAQ, and leave it up to your discretion when to tackle it.

(Like I could force you to do anything in any order, anyways!) The

Kuo-Toa Ruins (AR2402) are left out of this discussion primarily for

the fact that we'll end up exploring them as we leave the Underdark

anyways, so why bother doing it now?

Note from Lee:

I do both of these quests here, before entering Ust Natha. I normally

end up gaining a level for a couple party members, and so... why not?


22) Now, a note on fighting Adalon, if you're inclined to attempt

anything quite so suicidal. Even at my best I've got just over two

million experience points, which means my Clerics have a few Fingers

of Death, but my Mages (Imoen and my protagonist, anyways) are in no

real position to do much, magically. Most of the awesome gear we'll use

in later Dragon fights has yet to become available to us, or I just

haven't bothered going there yet... you know, because I'd rather grab

some of the good Underdark stuff before tackling Dragons on the surface.

Needless to say, we're under-equipped, even if we're not under-leveled.

On top of that, Adalon is probably the strongest Dragon in Shadows of

Amn. She'll use several Stoneskins over the course of the fight, as

well as invisibility (although the latter seems to be a one-shot deal),

and she'll protect herself with Death Ward if she gets the feeling

you're tearing down her defenses to go for a quick-kill. When she

commits to melee (where she'll do 20-30 damage a hit) she'll help

herself out with Haste. On top of that she's got a stellar magic

resistance and a very high Armor Class, she seems to regenerate, and

has plenty of Hit Points. Add to this the fact that she can one-hit

kill you with her breath weapon (unless anybody in your party is

packing over 130 Hit Points), paralyze with her 'Silver Dragon

Paralyzation', and cast Hold Person, and you've got a real mess. My

girlfriend seems to have had more luck with this fight than I did... but

she was playing with two custom characters (a Fighter and a

Fighter/Mage/Thief) and had the evil party, which included Korgan and

a high-level Edwin.

I started the fight as I would start a fight with any Dragon, and this

is pretty much going to be our Dragon strategy... with alterations for

when we obtain better spells and gear. First and foremost you must

absolutely cast Remove Fear, as Dragon Fear can cause you to lose a

fight before it ever even begins. Then the typical spell-buffs begin,

Mirror Image, Stoneskin, Improved Invisibility, Haste, Defensive

Harmony, etc. Against Dragons I make the following preparations: I

load up my spellbook with Lower Resistance, a Greater Malison, and for

my protagonist-a lot of Stoneskins. He'll be the one who needs to endure

the Dragon's offense if anybody needs to heal, or while I debuff the

Dragon/rebuff the rest of the party. Protection from Evil 10' Radius is

typically another spell buff I use, but it won't do much good against

Adalon. Also specific to Adalon is the need for some Remove Paralysis

spells, as she likes to paralyze. Dragons also have a breath weapon, and

the individual preparations for these vary depending on the Dragon in

question. Many simply have elemental attacks, and for this Protection

from Energy is typically the go-to spell, as it reduces the damage you

take from elemental and magical attacks by 75%-just enough to keep

Edwin and Imoen alive, if not well. Adalon, however, has a cold-based

breath weapon, and we probably don't have the ability to cast Protection

from Energy. In this case, Protection from Cold and Resist Fire/Resist

Cold will have to do, which will block 50% of the damage dealt by

Adalon's breath weapon... which is less than ideal, but it's better than

nothing. As far as execution is concerned, summon as many allies as you

can and surround the Dragon-if they feel too much pressure in melee,

they'll wing buffet, which knocks everybody back. If you attack from one

direction, your entire party will be knocked back. Surrounding the

Dragon limits the number of attackers affected. It also spreads out your

party, making them less susceptible to their breath weapon and Remove

Magic, which most Dragons tend to employ. I'll be honest, my strategy

for Adalon was not very inspiring.

I started out like normal, spell-buffing, summoning, and attacking her

with everything I had. Brutal experience taught me that at this level,

I was really no match for Adalon. The best I could do was have

everybody-save my protagonist-equip +2 ammunition and fire at Adalon

from a distance. My protected protagonist ran up and attacked in melee.

When Adalon popped on a Stoneskin, Imoen ripped it down with Breach.

When the pressure became too great and my summons were all but dead, I

beat a hasty retreat back to the entrance of Adalon's cave, where the

Dragon cannot reach us. Keldorn hits her with a Dispel Magic before

running away, hopefully removing her spell buffs like Haste, Stoneskin,

and Death Ward. It's possible, but incredibly cheap, to pummel Adalon to

death from here with +2 missiles. It's also possible to hit her with

several Lower Resistance spells, some Greater Malisons, Doom, and then,

with her saves and magic resistance lowered to try and nail her with a

Finger of Death, Slow, and other debilitating magic.

With Edwin in your party, it's not inconceivable that Edwin might have

enough experience to cast 8th-level spells, and even if he's not, using

a Scroll of Horrid Wilting to hit Adalon can really do some damage. Also

using Spell Sequencer to chain up some Magic Missiles and Flame Arrow

spells can likewise deal some pretty impressive damage. With my THAC0,

weapons, and Adalon's Armor Class, the best chance I have is to start up

the fight with at least a pair of Lower Resistances and try and go for

the quick take-down by hitting her with direct-damage dealing spells. Of

course, without Edwin neither the great damage of Horrid Wilting or the

cumulative damage we can deal with Spell Sequencer is possible... Minor

Sequencer is a poor substitute. When she falls she'll leave behind the

'Blood of a Silver Dragon', a Note with which you can escape from the

Underdark, and 3000 gold. Not really such an epic reward for such a

difficult fight...


| Illithid City |


Sequence of Events: {WLK030}

1) Captured!

2) Bad Guy Mistake #1: Failure to Disarm

3) Umber Hulk Battle

4) Simyaz's Scheme

5) It's Harder When They Talk...

6) Mercy Killing

7) Illithid Serum

8) Control Circlets

9) Turnabout is Fair Play

10) Mind Flayer Rout

11) Brine Potions

12) Mind Flayer Cannae

13) Killing More Captives

14) The Secret Room

15) The Last Portal (aka: The End of Irving)

16) The Master Brain

17) Escape!

18) Slaying Simyaz

Illithid City (AR2400)


1) From the main area of the Underdark (AR2100) exit the map along the

south-eastern corner (X=5100, y=3400) (marked as the 'Eastern Tunnels'

on the map) to reach the Illithid City. This quest is better done before

we get involved with Ust Natha, as we'll suffer from constant time

restraints once we start interacting with the Drow. There are two ideal

times to do this-before Ust Natha (before you interact with the door

guard and gain entrance) or after the events of Ust Natha. You can

return to the Underdark at a later date, but why not just knock this out

now? It's also possible to do this during the events of Ust Natha, as

the timeliness of various missions sometimes leaves us a few days to

play around with, but why deal with any time restraints at all? Anyways,

I've made my case, you'll do this when it's right for you. You should

focus on support spells, rather than debuffing and offensive spells.

Death Spell is particularly useful against Illithids and their pets.

Inside the Illithid City you'll be quickly subdued by groups of

Illithids who appear and blast you with their psionics. Really, how else

did you think this would go?


2) You'll awaken in a cell, with the game attempting, as always, to be

ominous with text. Eventually an Ogre will show up and tell you that

you've gotta fight for the amusement of the Illithids to earn your keep.

If you don't, you'll be killed, and if you piss off the Mind Flayers,

they'll kill you with their thoughts-being on home turf apparently has

amplified their powers. Thankfully, however, they let us keep our



3) Your first fight is against a trio of Umber Hulks. If you're doing

this quest as part of the Ust'Natha questline, then taking a lot of

damage is-in this case-preferable to using up spells. I lead with my

heavily armored party members and hope for the best with their saves.

I'm more worried about my own party members becoming a threat to me,

than a target for the Umber Hulks! If you take a lot of damage, just

strap a Ring of Regeneration on the injured character to conserve spell

power. For your victory in the arena, you'll be given five Potions of

Extra Healing, which should go a long way towards keeping your Hit

Points high.


4) Go through the door to the north to find a group of Githyanki, led by

one Simyaz (x=2660, y=1400). We're not on good terms with the Githyanki,

but given their history, I'm sure they're willing to put small

differences aside for now. They'll admit they were sent here to retrieve

your Silver Blade, but for now the Illithids are the greater threat,

being the hated enemies of the Githyanki, and all. See? Who was right?

Probably the guy who played this game a half dozen times already. Shut

up self. After Simyaz is done talking, they'll be taken away to fight,

leaving you more time to wait (and regenerate). Once they return (with

two of their number missing) Simyaz will propose a plan. Despite your

troubles, they can use their psionics to weaken the Illithids around the

arena, giving you enough time to escape through one of the doors. With

the help of the Githyanki, you may just have a chance of fighting your

way out of here. No matter what you say, they'll obstinately declare

that they're going to try and escape whether you like it or not, and

really, why wouldn't you make the attempt?


5) Your Ogre jailer will return so as to gather you for your imminent

fight with the Githyanki. He even prefers you over them, what with their

sour faces and all. With a cheerleader of this quality, how can we have

anything less than utter success? Once you're in the arena, you'll find

that it's a three way battle, with Simyaz and the Githyanki to the

north, some Kuo-Toans to the wast, and yourself to the east. Kill the

fish-men and exit through the door at (x=2520, y=1900), which may

require a Knock spell or a good bash. Kill your unfortunate jailer... he

was right... it is harder when you talk!... and grab the Hilt of the

Equalizer from the table at (x=2800, y=1600).


(x=2630, y=1805) 525 gold

(x=2800, y=1600) Hilt of the Equalizer


6) Now that you have run of the place, you can go free some of your

fellow inmates behind the doors at (x=3380, y=1780) and

(x=3250, y=1500). And by free them, I mean 'from life'. The first door

contains a pair of Kuo-Toa Warriors, and the second contains a Sahuagin

Prince and a Sahuagin Baronial Guard. They're better off dead than in

the custody of Illithids, and all the more-so because we gained some

experience from it.


7) Now for my Mind Flayer strategy. Its brilliance will be matched only

by its simplicity... or perhaps it's not so brilliant, but it is simple,

indeed. Everybody save my protagonist equips ranged weapons, and my

main character is protected by Chaotic Commands. He then spell-buffs

with whatever defenses he has-Mirror Image, Blur, and Improved

Invisibility being the top choices. Everybody gets Hasted. My

Fighter/Mage then leads the way, acting as bait for the Mind Flayers.

Hopefully he'll engage as little as he can, leading Mind Flayers on a

merry chase while the rest of my party shoots them dead. If they target

anybody else, my protagonist will step in and earn their attention.

Since we have access to remarkable Drow armor here in the Underdark, we

can spell-buff our Fighter/Mage, then strap of Drow Full Plate Armor +5

to lower our Armor Class to -12... and with all the other buffs active,

my Fighter/Mage can cut a bloody swath through anything we'll run into;

Mind Flayers, Ulitharids, and Umber Hulks alike.

My first victims are to the east, through a door at (x=3370, y=1600).

I keep most of my party in the room where I killed the Ogre jailer and

head down with my protagonist-alone, then when I have the Mind Flayers'

attention I run back to the rest of my party, who open fire upon the

Mind Flayers as soon as they present themselves as targets. This

eliminates the bother of trying to shoot them down from inside a narrow

hallway, and the Illithid didn't even make it to my Fighter/Mage. Morale

failure for the win. Keep in mind that if you've gone through the

trouble to obtain Firetooth +4, the Quiver of Plenty, and the Crimson

Dart +3 from Watcher's Keep it'll be much easier to shoot down Mind


My evil party employs a different, and even simpler tactic. My

Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist can, with the benefit of Chaotic

Commands and The Paws of the Cheetah, perform hit-and-run backstab

attacks on various Mind Flayers. Deal some brutal damage, run out of

sight, hide again, and repeat. The only time I abandon this tactic is

when Mind Flayers come with Umber Hulk pets. Continue to the east to

find a room full of vats containing suspect fluids. Get near any one of

them and click on it twice to gather up a dose of fluid, or 'Illithid

Serum'. We'll need this in a bit.

Note from Lee:

My main character and Keldorn each with Boots of Speed and protected by

Chaotic Commands can take down all these Mind Flayers by themselves.

I leave the rest of the party in the Ogre Room and clear out the rooms

with just those two characters, suffering almost no damage at all

(having two Rings of Regeneration really helps here too). This same

strategy works well throughout the rest of this section (provided, of

course, you can either complete it before your Chaotic Command spells

wear off, or your Clerics and/or Druids have enough to re-cast if



8) From the Ogre jailer's room, head south through a pair of doors at

(x=3050, y=1950) and (x=3200, y=2250), where you'll find another pair

of Illithids. The same tactic we used on the single Illithid earlier

works just as well against these ones. Kill them and continue through a

door to the east (x=3600, y=2460) to reach a room with numerous

unconscious Human Slaves. With the Illithid Serum in hand, interact with

one of the many machines around the room until you insert the Serum.

Freed from their slumber, one of the slaves-Camaris of Highcastle of

Myratma-will thank you, and explain how he got here and what the

Illithids were doing. Seems they were using these folks to power the

machine over at (x=4400, y=2300), which creates Control Circlets that

the Illithids use to control their slaves-you know, like the Thrall

Collars in the Astral Prison. They even look the same! Help yourself to

four of them, after which the machine has the power to produce no more.


9) Equip one of the 'Control Circlets' into a quick-item slot and head

back into the room with the crimson vats to find that another Illithid

has shown up. Wonderful, just what we needed! use the Control Circlet on

the Illithid to bring it under your control. Turnabout is fair play,

after all. With your new friend in tow, return to the Ogre Jailer's

room again and go through a pair of doors to the north at

(x=3050, y=1460) and (x=3050, y=1250). Unfortunately the door out is

locked, and the game proclaims that "only a powerful mind or godly

Strength will force this door open." I guess half-godly Strength doesn't

cut it. Loot the object at (x=3000, y=900) for Methild's Harp, which if

you have a Bard can be put to good effect. Move the captured Mind Flayer

to one of the doors and both will open. Your Mind Flayer buddy will turn

on you, and the Githyanki will gate in. Put the Illithid down and speak

to Simyaz (x=3030, y=1100), who will explain that they are free.

Unfortunately, this doesn't include you, since you can't teleport around

and whatnot. Only by killing the 'elder brain' can you dispel the power

of the Illithids that keeps you prisoner. He wish you well... as well as

he can bring himself to wish you, anyways, and leave. At least you'll

get enough experience to make this worthwhile.

Note: Only Mind Flayers can open the doors in this area. Ulitharids

apparently do not count, even though they are superior. So don't waste

your Command Circlets on anything other than a Mind Flayer.


(For helping the Githyanki escape from the Illithid City)

EXP 25000 (each character)


(x=3000, y=900) Methild's Harp


10) Since there's only one way left to go, head west through a pair of

doors at (x=2850, y=950) and (x=2100, y=1000). I now dispense with the

notion that I'm too proud to use any spells, as through the next door

a pair of Umber Hulks, a Mind Flayer, and three Ulitharids await me. I

use the spell-preparations mentioned above and sneak up on the enemies

and cast a Death Spell just outside of their sight radius. With any

luck the Mind Flayer and Umber Hulks will be affected. The remaining

enemies-now provoked, set upon my Fighter/Mage. I run back to the party,

Haste, and wait for them to reach the room where I last met the

Githyanki. Once there, I hit them with everything I have. My

Fighter/Mage runs around, trying to distract the Ulitharids while

avoiding combat as much as possible. Even fully spell-buffed, a few bad

hits can reduce his super-human Intelligence, and that's a crappy way to

die. My evil party is all too ready to bombard the Mind Flayers and

Umber Hulks with Death Spells, after which I resort to my hit-and-run

solo protagonist sneak-attack tactic mentioned above. It's alot safer

than what my Fighter/Mage has to endure.

Note: I said it in the guide prior to the walkthrough, but since I know

people don't read that formative crap that tells them how to play the

game, how the guide is structured, and other trivial information, I'll

say it again here, now that it's about to bludgeon you in the face: as

you level up, some enemies do, too. While this isn't the wholesale

direct scaling like in Dragon Age and Final Fantasy VIII that I despise

so much, it does mean that the higher your level, the stronger some

enemies will be. Instead of Mind Flayers, for example, you might run

into Ulitharids, instead of Beholders, you might find Elder Orbs, and

instead of Mummies, you might find Greater Mummies, or Liches, to name

a few, important, examples. Also, the number of enemies may increase in

a given encounter. I mentioned this before during the Unseeing Eye

quest, and I'll probably mention it again when we clear out the Umar

Hills Dungeon. Fortunately, stronger enemies mean more experience, and

it keeps us from becoming too complacent while playing. At our higher

levels, we have the luxury of popping out Death Spells to negate Mind

Flayers and Umber Hulks, so we deserve a few Ulitharids to keep us in

check, and we have Sunray, so if we have to fight an extra Lich or ten,

it's nothing we can't handle... in theory.


11) Go through the door to the north-west (x=1750, y=950), as the one to

the south-west leads to our freedom, and we don't want that. Another door

awaits at (x=1600, y=650) behind which you'll find a pair of Mind

Flayers and an Ulitharid. This battle should be cake compared to the one

we just fought. Kill them and search the room, within which are numerous

containers filled with some reddish fluid or another, overgrown with

plant growth. Activate these containers, which are apparently Illithid

birthing pods, to gather some 'Brine Potions', of which you can obtain a

total of eight. These will temporarily make you immune to psionics,

which is good, because my Chaotic Commands is bound to expire sooner or

later... Not that I couldn't just cast another one and save these Brine


Note from Lee:

Save the Brine Potions, eh? Hhmmm... I wonder... Could we have a use for

these later?


12) Return to the site of our first large-scale Mind Flayer massacre

and go through the door to the south-west (x=1700, y=1200) to find a

passage south that leads to the audience part of the arena. Interesting,

but it serves no purpose. If you continue west you'll find another

crushing group of Illithids, this time including two Umber Hulks, three

Mind Flayers, and three Ulitharids. Same tactic as before, except I

cross my fingers extra hard and equip +2 ammunition if I must. In the

end, micromanagement pays off. Spells like Protection from Evil 10'

Radius and Defensive Harmony will further increase my survivability,

and there's really no reason not to go all-out for this fight.


(x=1460, y=1300) Laeral's Tear Necklace


13) From the room occupied by the half-dozen Illithids we just slew,

head through the door to the south (x=1050, y=1650) and continue south

until you reach a room with three capsules. The one at (x=1000, y=2000)

hides an Umber Hulk. The middle one (x=1250, y=2100) houses an Insane

Dwarf Warrior, who will drop a suit of Leather Armor, a Medium Shield,

Bullets x20, a Battle Axe, a Sling, a Ring of Fire Control, and 87 gold,

and finally the capsule at (x=1300, y=2320) contains a Kuo-Toa Priest.

The Ring of Fire Control gives you 50% of Fire Resistance, which is nice

for front-line characters who will-unfortunately-often be subjected to

fire spells... sometimes the enemy is mean, and sometimes I need bait.

Keldorn/Viconia will both get great magic resistance, so I see no need

to further burden them with this ring. Jaheira and Anomen, on the other

hand are both good candidates, as either one would be well-served by

having some fire resistance. Anomen in particular makes a good case,

since he has to rely on Slings for missile damage, having the ability

to pop out another Flame Strike will help his ranged attack out a bit.


14) Return to the room where we decimated that last smug bunch of

Illithids and go through the secret door at (x=1150, y=1300) and through

another not-quite-so-secret door at (x=1300, y=100). Inside this room

are a pair of Mind Flayers, an Ulitharid, and an Umber Hulk. We probably

don't even need a Death Spell this time, just lure them into the room to

the south and shoot them down. If you can, use a Control Circlet on one

of the Mind Flayers-we'll need another one very soon. Loot the room and

return to the site of our crushing victory over the foolish Illithid-our

Mind Flayer Cannae.


(x=1200, y=700) Staff of Command


15) Look at the map, we have to be getting near the end now, there's

almost no more room left for anything else! Send your captive Mind

Flayer up to the door to the north at (x=950, y=1250). If you killed all

of them in the last fight, you can find another one in the room where we

found the Ilithid Serum... and our last victim/friend. The door opens,

as we expected it would, and the Mind Flayer turns hostile and needs to

be put down. It's a shame, too. I named mine Irving. Another door waits

beyond the first (x=770, y=950), and although this door is also locked,

it's open to more traditional means of bypass.


16) Inside this last room is 'The Master Brain' (x=550, y=800), which is

big, ugly, and stinky; just like a Master Brain should be. It is

accompanied by a Mind Flayer, an Ulitharid, and an Umber Hulk. Lure them

out into the southern room and dispose of them in the traditional

manner. Once they're dead, equip melee weapons on your party (back to

the good old gear) and rush The Master Brain. Once it takes a bit of

damage it'll close (and lock) the door to the room and summon some

'Brain Golems' to defend it, which will just keep re-spawning until it's

dead. Focus your undivided attention on The Master Brain until it dies,

then mop up the Brain Golems. Note that the Brain Golems are immune to

non-bludgeoning weapons, so adjust your equipment accordingly. Despite

that, they're nowhere near as strong as Clay Golems, since they don't

have the ability to Haste themselves (or maybe it's just my new Drow

armor?) Either way, they're still worth lots of experience. You'll

automatically receive 'Elder Brain Blood' when The Master Brain is

destroyed. Keep it on you for now, as it's part of a later quest in Uth

Natha. The Master Brain will also leave behind an impressive assortment

of gems, including 53 Shandon Gems, a King's Tears, three Diamonds, two

Emeralds, and 540 gold. You'll also get a huge experience reward-we'll

take both as payment for doing a service for the world by eradicating

these creatures.


(For eradicating The Master Brain, and making the world a better place)

EXP 40000 (each character)


17) Return to where you entered (x=3900, y=800) and you'll find that the

Slaves you've freed have made their way to the entrance. Their leader

will thank you, promising to repay you if you ever reach the surface

before departing. It might not be loot, but you'll still get a nice

quest reward for this act of nicitude. It's a word now. When you're done

exit the Illithid City at (x=3900, y=800). Unlike Hannibal, we not only

crushed the Mind Flayers on their home turf, but we actually managed to

get a gate open, too. Eat it, Carthage!


(For freeing the Illithid's Slaves)

EXP 45000

Reputation +1


18) Now there's only one thing left to do before we head to Ust Natha..

or wherever you're going. Head over to (x=2750, y=2470) to find Simyaz.

It doesn't matter what you say, you can't avoid a fight with Simyaz,

which is a shame. I really felt a bond, you know? His scruples demand

that he reclaim the Silver Sword... and if you kindly give it up, his

racism dictates your demise anyways. So, he has his scruples, and we

have ours-not getting killed by treacherous Githyanki, for example.

They have plenty of spells at their disposal, so respond in kind. A

double-shot of Chaos and Insect Plague (just for fun, really) pretty

much ends the fight. Each of the Githyanki will drop some gold and a

Bastard Sword.


| Beholder Den |


Sequence of Events: {WLK031}

1) Between an Elder Orb and a Beholder

2) Menage a trois: Drow, Beholders, and You

3) Preparation is 9/10ths the Battle

4) Menage a trois: Illithids, Beholders, and You

5) More Cheap Kills

6) Ways Around Imprisonment

7) Some Money For Our Trouble?

Beholder Den (AR2101)


1) Again, keeping in mind the time restraints placed upon us during Ust

Natha, it might be a good idea to tackle the Beholder Den (AR2101) now.

We'll get time to do this quest as part of another quest in Ust Natha...

but there's no reason why we can't do it early and be ahead of the game.

Whenever you choose to do it, I'll list in it here in the FAQ. Head over

to the south-eastern corner of the map (marked as 'Southern Tunnels' on

the map) and exit at (x=4100, y=3700). Before I head into the Beholder

Den, however, I make some spell preparations, since at my level I will

be greeted by an Elder Orb and a Beholder. My party will appear in an

incredibly disadvantageous position, and let's just say my tactic for

fighting Beholders does not involve playing fair, much less playing

disadvantaged. I cast Invisibility 10' Radius on my entire party, and

Jaheira takes out her Shield of Balduran. In addition, she puts on the

Cloak of Mirroring, since some of the Elder Orbs also use spells. This

makes her as immune to Beholders as a character can be. Focus on the

Beholder first, as it'll be more likely to target other party members.

It's only a matter of time before the Elder Orb gets off a True Sight,

so move the entire party (save Jaheira, of course) on the stairs and

safely out of sight. Once the Beholder is dead (killed by a combination

of Jaheira in melee, and the rest of my party using missiles), Jaheira

can focus solely on the Elder Orb, and the Elder Orb can kindly return

the favor. When the Elder Orb dies, it'll leave behind an Amulet of

Spell Warding, the Blade of the Equalizer (we now have the entire

thing!), and an Eyestalk of an Elder Orb, an object which will come in

handy when we're in Ust Natha. I give the amulet to Jaheira, since she

has the worst save vs. spells amongst all my spell-casters.


2) Head up to the north, then east, with your Beholder-proof character

(for me this is, of course, Jaheira) and you'll find a Beholder being

plagued by five Drow. For the most experience, attack the Beholder,

kill it, and then run back to the beginning with the surviving Drow in

tow, then kill them, too. If you did the Unseeing Eye quest earlier,

you'll remember the various pockets of random loot stashed in various

niches within the organic walls of the tunnels. They're here, too, so

keep an eye out for them (or just keep an eye on this FAQ!) Make sure

to pick up the Sling of Arvoreen +4 (x=1210, y=770). You won't find a

better sling in Shadows of Amn. If Jaheira already has the Fire Tooth +3

dagger, this weapon goes to either Viconia or Anomen, whichever one you

have. What if you deviously have both? Give it to Viconia, as Anomen is

the better melee combatant. If you're doing this quest before venturing

to Ust Natha, however, give the weapon to Jaheira for now.


(x=790, y=600) Scroll of Flesh to Stone, 6 gold

(x=1210, y=770) Sling of Arvoreen +4, 47 gold


3) Continue to the south. If you trend towards the south-east you'll

encounter a random grouping of Beholders, depending on your level. For

me, this was three Gauth and three Beholders. Merely having Jaheira

present herself was enough to defeat them, but she also stabbed them a

bit for good measure. To speed things up, it's advisable to have the

rest of your party fire at the Beholders from a distance. It's not

quite as safe, as there's always a chance a Beholder will decide to be

a jerk and target an unprotected character (if you can shoot them, they

can shoot you) but they should focus on Jaheira, for the most part.


4) Keep going south and you'll run across a group of Mind Flayers

fighting some Gauth. This takes a little more effort than just

Beholders, as all my equipment can do nothing against Illithid psionics.

Jaheira casts Chaotic Commands on herself and uses Flame Tooth +3/Sling

of Arvoreen +4 to attack the Mind Flayers from a distance. The Gauth

typically gang up on Jaheira and try and kill her in melee (a tactic

that would be most successful if Jaheira had the poor sense to get

stunned). As it stands, however, they just uselessly gnash away at her

-10 Armor Class while she daggers or slings the Mind Flayers to death.

Once the Illithids are all dead, she merrily switches to Belm +2 and

finishes off the Gauth.


5) I now head east until I reach some forks in the road occupied by a

pair of Beholders. As I fight, more Gauths and Beholders will come from

the adjoining tunnels, but it's really just more experience for me.

Whatever you do, avoid the tunnel to the south-east, as that takes some

additional preparation, which we'll get to in a moment. When the dust

settles, five more Beholders lie dead, along with two Gauth.


6) Now for the tunnel to the south-east. There's an Elder Orb down there

who, in addition to his eye rays enjoys employing spells. The real

problem here is the fact that he's fond of using Imprisonment, against

which Jaheira has no effective defense. One way of dealing with this is

to hand the Shield of Balduran and the Cloak of Mirroring to my

protagonist, who casts Spell Immunity: Abjuration on himself. Then the

worst the Elder Orb can do is Maze him, which will give it a handful of

rounds of reprieve, but will only delay the inevitable. Another option

is to spell-buff to the max, send the whole party down (Jaheira leading

the way) and shoot it down before it gets off an Imprisonment, using

Imoen or Edwin to rip down its Stoneskins and other defense as the need

arises. An even sneakier option is to let Jaheira use the Vhailor's Helm

to create a Simulacrum. Both the gals head down to fight the Elder Orb,

but the real Jaheira pulls pack once contact has been made and leaves her

Simulacrum to do the fighting and suffer the Imprisonment. Either way,

what should be made abundantly clear is the fact that we have options.


7) Once that battle is effectively over, we've really stamped out all

the meaningful opposition in the Beholder Den. Now it's just time to

loot our way up north along the eastern edge of the map. Along the way

we'll find our old friend, the Greenstone Amulet, and two packs of

Gauth, one pack has two Gauth, and the other has three, and neither one

is more than a bother for Jaheira. I really don't have a use for the

Greenstone Amulet in this game, to tell you the truth. I can always just

use Chaotic Commands and Resist/Remove Fear to get the same effects,

with no charges and for a much longer duration. The massive stash of

gold and gems, however, is a much less dubious prize. There are no

spells that create wealth! Return and exit via where you entered

(x=300, y=1300).


(x=2500, y=1100) Garnet, 1 gold

(x=2510, y=570) Greenstone Amulet, Silver Necklace

(x=2150, y=150) Emerald x5, King's Tears x3, Gold Ring, 5610 gold

(x=1820, y=200) Scroll of Shocking Grasp, Scroll of Cacofiend


| Ust Natha |


Sequence of Events: {WLK032}

1) Infiltrating Ust Natha

2) Money is for Chumps

3) Carlig, Restocked and Re-stolen

4) Time is Not on Our Side

5) Freedom, at No Too Great a Price

6) Buying Experience

7) The Terrible Trouble of Telling Tall Tales

8) The Fighting Pit

9) Dueling Lasaonar

10) Crushing Chalinthra

11) Mage Duel #1

12) Mage Duel #2

13) Mage Duel #3

14) Other Forms of Entertainment

15) Sight-Seeing in Ust Natha

16) Solaufein's First Mission

17) An Odd Assortment of Ambushers

18) Rescuing Phaere

19) Well Deserved R&R

20) Food for Thought

21) Killing Qilue

22) Tavern Rendezvous

23) The Beholder Smuggler

24) A Lesson That Must Be Learned

25) Phaere's Problem

26) The Solaufein Question

27) Meeting the Matron

28) Blood of Thy Neighbors

29) The Gilded Rope

30) More Lich-Talk

31) Intrigue with Jarlaxle

32) Destroying Deirex

33) Deirex's Stash

34) A Slimy Situation

35) Sacking House Jae'llat

36) Liberation

37) A Reagent for the Ritual

38) Phaere's Plot

39) Solaufein's Scheme

40) Adalon's Eggs

41) Setting the Field

42) Feint Within a Feint

43) Escape or Extermination

44) Adalon's Reward

1) If you haven't already, visit Adalon and get yourself some nice new

illusory bodies. Leave Adalon's lair and return to the main section of

the Underdark and at the split head east into the unexplored. When you

get near the door of Ust Natha a Drow will run ahead of you and into

the city. In your sparkly new Drow disguise, when you approach the gate

the door will open and a Drow will confront you. If you have Viconia in

your party, she knows the correct thing to say to gain entrance. On your

own, you'll get four options. Pick option #4, as any other action is

either too strong, too weak, or simply obviously stupid and results in

a fight. Once you're accepted he'll tell you to seek somebody named

Solaufein, who is part of the Male Fighter's Society. when you're done

chatting with the gate guard, enter the city at (x=4900, y=100).

Ust Natha (AR2200)


2) Upon entering the city, a Drow will decide one of his Duergar

servants has outlived his usefulness, and will dispose of it. For his

impudence, a Drow Priestess shows up and informs him that he, too, has

overstepped his bounds and outlived his usefulness. The Drow Priestess

smites her son with a spell and leaves. Yeah, yeah, we get it. Drow are

bad news. But they've got good stuff to sell! There are three merchants

standing around, one at (x=1050, y=3350) sells scrolls, another Drow

at (x=1020, y=3100) sells some interesting weapons, armor, and some

scrolls, and the last one (x=1020, y=3000) sells a few interesting

trinkets and potions. All can be robbed, and all should be. This is the

first task I set about completing in Ust Natha. If you have morality

problems, just think, you're stealing from bad Dark Elves. This is a

super justified round of stealing! I go ahead and chug four potions of

Master Thievery to ensure the ease of this bout of stealing. Here are

the goodies I set my eyes on (although, being a habitual pick-pocket

and hoarder of useless game items, I'll probably steal everything that's

somewhat useful):

Merchant at (x=1050, y=3350):

Finger of Death


I already had one to scribe, but now both my Mages can cast it. There

aren't any better 7th-level spells for a Mage to keep on them

constantly. Instant death and the enemy has to save at -2? Good stuff.

Incendiary Cloud


We found one scroll earlier when we dealt with Vithal, but now both

Mages have access to it. It's not my go-to 8th level spell, as it's

not as versatile as Horrid Wilting, but sometimes it just pays to cast

a lingering cloud-effect spell.

Spell Sequencer


We just got one of these earlier from Carlig, and now, both Mages have



|Mage Spells| Merchant (x=1050, y=3350)


1st-Find Familiar


2nd-Power Word, Sleep

2nd-Ray of Enfeeblement


3rd-Detect Illusion

3rd-Hold Undead

3rd-Minor Spell Deflection

3rd-Protection From Cold

3rd-Protection From Fire

3rd-Spell Thrust


4th-Enchanted Weapon

4th-Fireshield (Red)

4th-Minor Sequencer

4th-Secret Word

4th-Spider Spawn

4th-Teleport Field


5th-Spell Immunity

5th-Conjure Lesser Air Elemental

5th-Conjure Lesser Earth Elemental

5th-Minor Spell Turning


6th-Carrion Summons

6th-Chain Lightning

6th-Death Fog


7th-Finger of Death

7th-Mass Invisibility


7th-Prismatic Spray

7th-Ruby Ray of Reversal

7th-Summon Djinni

7th-Spell Sequencer

7th-Spell Turning

7th-Summon Efreeti



8th-Incendiary Cloud


8th-Summon Fiend

Merchant at (x=1020, y=3100):

Harbinger +3


A Two Handed Sword +3? Is it a dream come true? Not quite. Although its

enchantment is up to snuff, it has the annoying property of unleashing a

10d6 fireball 5% of the time. This makes this a decidedly unfriendly

weapon to your party and any allies or innocent bystanders nearby. Its

property of killing Ogres is also fairly dubious. How many Ogres have

we fought so far? And how many of them are even really a threat anymore?

It might be worth picking up if you just want to collect as many unique

weapons as possible and you have the inventory space, but it has some

serious drawbacks that prevents Dorn/Keldorn/Minsc from using it


Fire Tooth +3


This weapon is excellent for Jaheira (if you allowed her to become

proficient in Daggers), or failing that, Edwin. In both cases, it

fulfills their need for a +3 weapon AND for a ranged weapon. As for a

primary melee weapon, Fire Tooth's 2d4+3 damage is blatantly superior

to Blackblood's 1d6 +3, and for some reason Fire Tooth seems to get more

attacks per round than it should-rivaling Belm. At the end of the day,

everybody but Jaheira will find a better weapon to use at some point in

the game. Imoen gets the Gesen Bow and Edwin can just use the Crimson

Dart +3, but there are no +3 Scimitars in Shadows of Amn. I make this

weapon Jaheira's ranged and melee weapon for the rest of the game. And

note... do not confuse this dagger, Fire Tooth +3, with the Crossbow

Firetooth +4. I guess the developers liked the name so much they had to

use it twice? Sure, fire is cool, and so are teeth... but it just seems

like a missed opportunity to name one of them 'Fire Fang', instead.

Sure, it means the same thing, but then at least one of them would have

a different name, and alliteration is always cool. Ah well.

Robe of the Evil Archmagi


If poor Edwin doesn't have the Robe of Vecna yet, you might consider

grabbing this for him... So long as you get it for free. After all,

Edwin won't benefit from the Drow Elven Chain that Imoen and Nalia can

wear. Even if you've slapped some Bracers of Armor on him, the magic

resistance and Saving Throw bonus helps.

Sentinel +4


This shield is just brute Armor Class, giving a whopping +5 bonus. It

might not have the missile resistance of the Fortress Shield +3 or the

immunities of the Shield of Harmony +2, but it sure outclasses Saving

Grace +3.

Spear of Withering +4


The best that can be said about this weapon is that it's got a +4

enchantment. Otherwise, I'd take the Impaler's ten piercing damage over

this weapon's four poison damage.

Staff of Earth +2


Well, there's a staff for every other element, why not earth? You

probably won't end up using it, but it can come in handy in select

situations where Earth Elementals are involved.



While it's nowhere near as useful in general as Horrid Wilting, on

occasion you might find yourself bothered by a heavy-hitter who uses

his head to hold a helmet more than anything else. In these cases,

popping off a Maze to take it out of the fight for several rounds may

be better than just dealing some damage. The fact that the enemy

doesn't get to save is a bonus, too.


|Mage Spells| Merchant (x=1020, y=3100)


4th-Fireshield (Red)


5th-Animate Dead



5th-Cone of Cold

5th-Monster Summoning III

5th-Shadow Door


6th-Conjure Earth Elemental

6th-Conjure Fire Elemental



Merchant at (x=1020, y=3000):

Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance


It has double the amount of Magic Resistance given by the Amulet of 5%

Magic Resistance, which makes it a fairly nifty accessory. I put it on

Keldorn, as he's one of my main Mage-debuffers. He can't really function

at using True Sight and Dispel Magic to save the party and confound

enemies if he's under some kind of debilitating spell effect. In an

evil party Viconia serves a similar role, but the Sensate Amulet works

well enough, so... it ends up on Dorn.

Rod of Smiting


This rod acts as a +3 Quarterstaff that deals ten bonus damage against

Golems and forces them to save vs. death or be destroyed each hit. If

you remember how we struggled against the Iron Golem in the de'Arnise

Keep, you'll realize that Golems can, indeed, be a pain... And we've yet

to find any Adamantine Golems! Previously our Mages just had to sit

back and hope the rest of the party could handle things-Golems being

immune to spells and all. Now, they can actually take an active hand in

dealing with Golems, provided they're well-protected. Since this rod can

only be used by Clerics and Mages, it's not a general substitute for

your front-liners.


3) Steal anything (and everything) you want. At 165% Pick Pockets I was

able to fleece just about at will... although there's always a chance

you'll get caught. Once you're done, we have a bit more stealing to do.

Head back out into the Underdark and visit Carlig, who treats you

noticeably different now. He'll also 'sell' you some new items,

including new scrolls and four more Potions of Master Thievery. Steal

whatever you wish and replenish your stock of Potions of Master

Thievery. Carlig is more on guard this time, and won't be as easy to

steal from as he was earlier. Still, I make sure to obtain his potions

to ensure that I end with a net gain in stealing supplies from this



|Mage Spells| Carlig


1st-Find Familiar


2nd-Power Word, Sleep

2nd-Ray of Enfeeblement


3rd-Minor Spell Deflection

3rd-Protection From Fire


4th-Minor Sequencer

4th-Secret Word

4th-Spider Spawn

4th-Teleport Field


5th-Spell Immunity


6th-Death Spell


6th-Flesh to Stone

6th-Globe of Invulnerability

6th-Invisible Stalker

6th-Tenser's Transformation



7th-Finger of Death

7th-Limited Wish

7th-Mordenkainen's Sword

7th-Warding Whip


8th-Improved Mantle




4) Return to Ust Natha. We're done stealing for a while, it's time to

get down to business. But before we bother doing anything in the city,

a word about the following missions. The Drow are fairly pissy about

having their tasks done in a timely manner. If you screw around too

long, you will draw the matron mothers upon you, and that is not a good

thing, to say the least, as it'll blow your cover and turn the Drow

hostile against you. For this first task, we've got about four days-

that's twelve rest sessions, or 96 hours. This is why I felt fairly

comfortable with stealing from those merchants, which wouldn't take up

more than one of our rest periods, at the most. There's still plenty of

time to go clear out the Illithid City (AR2400) or Beholder Den (AR2101)

should we desire. The former will be made easier with the acquisition of

Fire Tooth +3. If you already cleared these areas, or plan to do them

later, we've still got some time, so let's do a few things around Ust

Natha, just to get our feet wet.


5) Over at (x=1930, y=3190) you'll find a Djinni named Dola Fadoon, who

is being maliciously tortured-and then healed-by Drow, who are careful

to keep him alive, if not well. If you do what the Djinni wants and kill

him, you'll get the proper experience for killing one of his kind, but

the Overseer Handmaiden will not be pleased, and you'll be left with

two options-provoke her into a fight, which blows your cover, or pay her

4000 gold. If you do this quest much, much later (after Step #28) you

can play the 'House Despana' card to argue her down to 2000 gold.

Still, 2000 gold for 5000 experience? No thanks. Sorry Dola Fadoon,

next time try not to suck so much.


6) At (x=900, y=2860) you'll find a Drow who is selling the services of

some beasts, which will follow you around for a while and presumably

helping in combat... but you can't take them out of the city or into

buildings, which makes them fairly useless. Of course, you can always

buy them and kill them for their experience value, which is probably

the best use you can put them to. You can purchase a Gnoll (500 gold,

34 EXP), a Troll (750 gold, 1400 EXP), a Spirit Troll (1000 gold,

8000 EXP), and an Umber Hulk (1500 gold, 4000 EXP). Obviously the most

cost effective monster is the Spirit Troll, which gives an 8-to-1

EXP-to-gold payoff. Still, EXP is more plentiful than gold, so why


Drow Tavern, Downstairs (AR2202)


7) Head north into a building at (x=1800, y=2550), which is nothing

less than your typical Drow watering hole. In the large central room

a group of Drow trade tales, which largely just fill you in on the

history of the Ust Natha, and somewhat on the general history of the

Drow. There are also interesting tales of Adalon to hear, which will

go a long way towards explaining her antipathy towards the Drow, and

the significance of her eggs. Merinid (x=1170, y=1170) has a

particularly humorous story to tell, but in the telling he offends

another patron, Tathlyn, who attacks him and will, in all likelihood,

kill him. Shame.


8) Szordrin (x=1450, y=850) runs the fighting pit, where you can test

your mettle against enslaved beasts for the glory of Lolth... and some

gold. Make sure to send a strong (and preferably spell-buffed) character

into the fight. For me, this is a simple matter, my Fighter/Mage is by

far the most versatile and lethal single character in my party. Your

first foe is an Umber Hulk, not a trivial opponent, but no match for my

protagonist. Kill it and return to Szordrin for your reward of 250 gold.

The second foe is a Nabassu-you know, like Aec'Letec from the first

game. If it doesn't paralyze you with its gaze, it has no chance to

defeat you in melee combat. Your reward for this fight is 500 gold.

Next up is a Sahuagin Prince, which seems fairly weak compared to a

Nabassu. It is, however, like Szordrin promises, a powerful opponent,

capable of striking my -5 Armor Class with no great difficulty. Still,

Stoneskin and Mirror Image just gives me too many advantages. Return to

Szordrin and collect your reward-750 gold. Even Szordrin isn't eager

about the next fight, which will pit you against a fairly strong

Beholder. Even with the Cloak of Mirroring, make sure you have Chaotic

Commands, as it can still hit you with Domination and Fear... both of

which are more annoying than threatening. You could always just strap on

the Shield of Balduran, which makes this Beholder impotent. When it's

dead, head back to Szordrin for your predictable reward of 1000 gold.

You can now ask Szordrin some questions, but he doesn't say much that

the storytellers already haven't. If you attempt to challenge him to a

fight, brave Szordrin will admit he's no match for you and run off to go

find something worth your time. Wuss.


9) Sondal awaits at (x=570, y=1130). Talk to him and he'll tell you

about the dueling arena, where Drow fight other Drow. Watch as Lasaonar

destroys four lesser Drow before returning outside. Now's your chance

to take on Lasaonar, whenever you're ready. I simply go in with my

protagonist and cut Lasaonar to pieces. He's got a lot of Hit Points,

but otherwise, he's just not up to snuff. Before you kill him, he'll

yield, giving up his sword. To sweeten the deal, you'll also get a nice

experience reward. It's also worthwhile to grab the gear of his

defeated foes while you're here.


(For defeating Lasaonar)

EXP 30000

Item Blade of Searing +3


10) Immediately after defeating Lasaonar his benefactor, Chalinthra,

will show up and challenge you to a duel. You can dismiss her and fight

other duelists, instead, but why not pummel this impudent female? She's

a fairly potent priestess, but she focuses her initial efforts in spell-

buffing, as much as a Cleric can spell-buff. If you're lucky you'll

stun her with Celestial Fury and chop her down in short order, if not,

she'll get of a Sanctuary and cast Heal when she's hurt. Still, after

her sanctuary runs out you can continue attacking her. Since her spells

can't hurt you, and since I'm more powerful than her in melee combat,

she doesn't really stand a chance.


11) Next up we have some Mages to fight, who will only accept the

challenge of other Mages. Since my protagonist technically counts, I can

always send him in, or there's always Edwin and Imoen. Either way, I

make sure whomever is sent is wearing the Cloak of Mirroring, as it will

vastly improve their odds. In a straight spell-battle, I'm at a

disadvantage against Drow, as they have Magic Resistance where my Mages

do not. The Cloak of Mirroring overcomes this handicap and more. Once

protected against their offensive spells (but note, not their status-

affecting spells) I have several methods in mind for exiting victorious.

The most obvious is simply going after them with my Fighter/Mage, who

should be able to ignore most of their spells and cut them to pieces.

Edwin and Imoen use Summon Nishruu to deplete the enemy of their spells,

while tearing down their spell defenses with Breach. Using Lower

Resistance opens them up to spell assaults, and summoning monsters (with

spells or with items) can distract them. It's especially pleasing to use

the Black Spider Figurine we found earlier. What better to kill a Drow

than a spider? Of course, Edwin can use the Fire Tooth +3 we 'bought'

earlier as well, and Imoen always has her bow. Give them a Ring of Free

Action and cast Chaotic Commands on them and they should be able to

shrug off anything the Mages can throw at them. The first Mage begins

with Protection from Normal Missiles and Mirror Image on, but he is

otherwise laughably weak.


12) The second Mage begins with Shadow Door, which will prevent you from

targeting them with spells unless you use a True Sight or Detect

Invisibility to bring it down. He then summons some monsters and

attempts to spell-buff them with Haste before resorting to offensive

spells that are incapable of harming us, thanks to the Cloak of

Mirroring. Just remember that a single Death Spell will eradicate his

summons, and that beyond that, he can't really touch anybody wearing the

Cloak of Mirroring. I don't even bother using any other spells, I let

him Shadow Door, then I kill his summons with a Death Spell, and pick

him apart with whatever weapons I have equipped.


13) The third Mage also begins with Shadow Door, which they'll use to

safely cast Spell Turning and Summon Nishruu. How dare they turn our

tactics against us! My main character can smite the Nishruu in melee

combat easily enough, but Imoen and Edwin will have to use another Death

Spell to achieve the same end. While we deal with the Nishruu, the Mage

will attempt to remove our spell protections with Khelben's Warding Whip

(of course, this does nothing against our Cloak of Mirroring) before

finally resorting to offensive spells. Once the Nishruu is gone, there

isn't much this Mage can do to us. Once her Hit Points get low she'll

get off a Spell Sequencer that'll put up a Fire Shield, Stoneskin, and

give her some Melf's Minute Meteors to attack with. Unfortunately we

aren't immune to her Fireshield, but at this point it's the most

dangerous thing she can put up against us. When she inevitably dies

we'll be done with the dueling pit.

Drow Tavern, Upstairs (AR2203)


14) Head upstairs (x=500, y=850) to reach the second level of the

tavern. At (x=660, y=700) you'll find a male Drow who will entertain you

with 'the arts of oiled massage and other exotic pleasures'. Over to the

east you'll find a trio of imprisoned Drow, who were apparently refugees

from house De'Vir seeking sanctuary in Ust Natha. Again with R.A.

Salvatore... one gets the impression there wouldn't even be Drow if it

weren't for him. Granted there were old Dungeons and Dragons Modules

where they appeared, and they had an entry in the Fiend Folio, and the

first gaming appearance I remember of them was in a game on the Sega

Genesis, but they certainly wouldn't have gained such widespread usage

without the Drizzt Books. Still, that doesn't mean that everything has

to borrow from them... Anyways, there's not much you can do, but if you

talk to the closest of the captive males, he'll commit suicide. Finally,

at (x=1100, y=490) you'll find a Drow who controls what is obviously the

pinnacle of dark elven entertainment... aside from tormenting their

down-on-their-luck fellows. You get to see him press a button, after

which a slave walks out onto a rune and explodes. He'll demonstrate for

free, but if you talk to him again you can witness the brutality over

and over again for a mere 100 gold. You can do this three times, and

each time you pay for this spectacle, you'll lose a point of reputation.

If you're beaten up, or otherwise not at your peak, and you have some

time left, it pays to rest at the tavern (the barkeep is on the lower

level, on a raised platform north of the fighting pit). After we meet

with Solaufein, our fun time will be significantly reduced.


15) Return to Ust Natha. There are some slave pens to the north-west,

but since we really can't do anything with them yet, head north-east

instead. You'll find a dark elf engaged in diplomacy with some Mind

Flayers. Don't talk to her too much, or she'll get pissy and attack you-

blowing your cover in the process. Continue east to the Female Fighter's

Society. It's empty right now, and there's only a few gold coins of loot

inside, so it's not really worth exploring. The house on the next level

is outright inaccessible, although the map and the Drow outside name it

as Qilue's home. We'll deal with it later. To the south-east a surface

Elf will run by, followed later by the Drow who are hunting her for

sport. They'll ask you where she went, and you'll get the chance to

point her out, or send them the wrong way, neither of which seem to

lead to anything. If you go into the spire at (x=2500, y=1800) you'll

surface on the upper levels. Enter another doorway at (x=2150, y=1500)

to reach the top-most platform, and continue north-east, then

south-east, until you find the way blocked by some Drow males herding a

trio of Duergar. A female impatiently waits for the Drow to move their

slaves, and when this takes too long, she promptly smites them all and

walks on. Each Drow will leave behind a suit of Chain Mail, a Dagger,

and 120 gold. Over at (x=4650, y=1140) you'll find a 'Spelljammer Drow',

who owns a planar-ship. He'll offer to hire you on as crew if you're

around in a few months, which, unfortunately, we won't be. To the

south-west some slaves will fight (and ultimately feed) some Giant

Spiders. Return to the ground level of Ust Natha. We could explore to

the south-east, but both the points of interest in that direction

(Deirex's Tower and the Temple of Lloth) aren't worth exploring yet,

and there are no encounters to speak of. Head north-east instead,

towards the Male Fighter's Society, where you'll find your man Solaufein

at (x=3530, y=1650).


16) Solaufein will tell you that you're to meet with a Handmaiden near

the gates of the city. Apparently, you've already got a job to do. If

you have Viconia with you, she'll warn you about the Drow. Be obedient,

don't screw around, and kill everybody beneath you. Yeah, great advice,

Viconia. You can loot the Male Fighter's Society for a handful of gold,

if you wish, but since there's not much to do in Ust Natha right now,

return to the bazaar near the city entrance and find Solaufein

(x=1530, y=3330) and Imrae (x=1450, y=3280). You'll be told that due to

the preparations of the army, the city is a little short-handed right

now, and this is the only reason you're being given a chance to prove

yourself, instead of being enslaved. I'm sure we can see a huge

difference between slavery and servitude. Solaufein takes over after

Imrae is done threatening, and tells us that our job is to intercept a

group of 'devourers', or Mind Flayers, that have captured one of the

Matron Mother's daughters, and rescue her. You've got twelve hours to

reach the ambush site outside of the entrance to the Illithid tunnels.

So, let's hope you took my advice and rested up at the tavern after

completing the fighting pit and dueling arena!


17) A short ways outside of Ust Natha, just past the bridge leading

to the tunnels that run to Adalon and Ust Natha, you'll find a group of

enemies. This group of misfits consists of a Skeleton, an Ogre named

Boz, a Cleric named Chandrilla, a War Dog, a Mage named N'ashtar, a

Goblin named Simbja, a Thief named Damien and an Imp named Pitch.

Unfortunately for them, they don't have much in the way of detecting

invisible enemies, allowing you to blast them with area-of-effect spells

before heading into combat with them. It's obvious that their intent is

to send the weaker enemies to distract you, while the Mage and Cleric in

the back pester you with spells. My Fighter/Mage lets loose a Greater

Malison, Imoen fires off a Chaos, and Anomen or Viconia targets the

Skeleton with a Greater Command. It won't affect the Skeleton, but it'll

affect everything else!

Once done, only the Skeleton, N'ashtar, Damien, and Pitch remained in

fighting condition. Imoen casts Haste and Keldorn runs off on his own to

attack N'ashtar, or whatever other spell-caster might be roaming about

(his Drow Full Plate +5 reduced his Armor Class to an obscene -10, which

allows me to play him bolder than I otherwise might.) My party gangs up

on Damien and works their way down through any enemies that are still

conscious, finally smiting any hapless, and helpless, foes that remain.

It is with only a small amount of boasting that I admit that they didn't

manage to even scratch me, and all you need worry about is Damien. If

he's not affected by your initial spell barrage, he'll be keen on

chugging Potions of Invisibility and targeting your Mage... still, a

simple Stoneskin spell renders him impotent:

Damien: Potions of Invisibility x3, Potions of Healing x3 and Oil of


Boz: Full Plate Mail, Helmet, Dragon's Breath +4 (Minsc or Keldorn will

gladly use this Halberd if a +4 weapon is required) and 32 gold.

N'ashtar: Quarterstaff, Potion of Icedust x2... weird... and a Scroll of

Horrid Wilting.

Chandrilla: Plate Mail Armor, Medium Shield, Bullets x40, Mace and a


Simbja: Hide Armor, Arrows x60, Dagger, Shortbow and 23 gold.

Note: Looking at Infinity Explorer, you'll find that this party is an

odd bunch. Damien is Neutral Evil, Boz is Chaotic Evil, N'ashtar and

Chandrilla are both Chaotic Good, and Simbja somehow has no alignment

at all. Such a silly game...


18) Continue to the area marked on the map as the 'Eastern Tunnels' to

find Solaufein (x=4700, y=3100). Make sure to rest up and talk to

Solaufein. He'll tell you the Illithids are approaching. This will give

you several rounds to spell-buff. Move your party east of Solaufein, as

the Illithids will spawn all around him to the north, west, and south.

Switch to missile weapons and get up as many Chaotic Commands as you

can. Focus on defensive spells like Mirror Image, Blur, and

Invisibility, as Stoneskin won't help you much. When Solaufein is done,

three Mind Flayers appear (mostly west of Solaufein) and three Umber

Hulks (one north, two south). It's doubly imperative to have Chaotic

Commands, as a confused character is just that much easier for a Mind

Flayer to kill. I immediately have my protagonist and Imoen hit the

enemies with a Death Spell (using the Skull of Death might, on this

one occasion, prove useful). With three death effects all targeting the

central Illithid closest to Solaufein, all six of the enemies succumbed

to the necromantic onslaught. I used my main character (well-defended,

of course) as bait, but in hindsight it may be better to just use

summoned monsters. They won't last long, but they'll last long enough

to get the Death Spells off. After all the enemies are dead, Phaere

will, as Solaufein predicted, be rather contemptuous of your efforts.

Phaere decides to make her way back to Ust Natha alone, after showing

some interest in your protagonist. Solaufein will curse at her after

she leaves, and follow her to make sure she doesn't screw up your

mission by getting killed. I think they are friends.


(For rescuing Phaere)

EXP 20000


19) Return to Ust Natha, where you'll find Imrae and Solaufein in the

bazaar, in the same place they were standing before you went off to

rescue Phaere. Talk to Solaufein, and you'll be rewarded... kind of...

with text... so not really. Phaere demands your presence in the tavern

in a day's time, and she also demands that Solaufein and your party rest

and relax in the tavern as a reward. If you have to be demanded to

partake in something, does it still count as a reward?... Apparently it



20) A Duergar (x=1050, y=3150) will intercept you and tell you that his

'master', apparently the creature in the tank next to him, wants to

talk to you. If you refuse to speak with the creature, which is an

Aboleth, a fish-creature that is highly intelligent and capable of

telepathy, it'll broadcast your thoughts to the entire city, tipping the

Drow off. It's not bluffing, so head over to the tank and talk to it

(x=800, y=3000). It wants to know more about the religion of the Drow,

and the power that it brings them, and instead of cracking open a book

like a good fish, it wants you to kill a priestess named Qilue and bring

her brain to the Aboleth, from which it can add her memories to its own.

Lazy, gross fish! You can hardball it by refusing to do its task and

threatening to reveal its plans to the Drow if it reveals your identity,

but it's more fun to kill Qilue.


(For countering the Aboleth's threat)

EXP 12000

Qilue's House (AR2206)


21) We have a whole day to get this done, so head over to Qilue's House

(x=2720, y=1900), which is near the Female Fighter's Society. Inside is

Qilue, who is already hostile, so there's no real reason to worry about

diplomacy. She has two Drow Servants with her-both of which are spell-

casters. Your foes come in two varieties here-either as level 12/12

Fighter/Mages (worth 10000 EXP) and level 14 Abjurationists (11000 EXP).

Their tactics? Well, the Fighter/Mages are fond of casting Protection

From Normal Missiles and Protection From Normal Weapons... as if those

are any sort of defense anymore. The Abjurationists are more potent,

using Spell Triggers that put up the useless Protection spells mentioned

above, as well as Globe of Invulnerablity. They're also fond of using

Shadow Door. Offensively their two main attacks are Sunfire (which they

seem to just rely on their own Magic Resistance to mitigate) and

Symbol, Fear, usually their first strike. Qilue busies herself with

Remove Magic and True Sight. Now for the tactics. I immediately fall

upon the spellcaster near the door, while sending the two characters

wearing the Paws of the Cheetah (my Protagonist and Keldorn/Korgan)

after the further one, aided by a Breach courtesy of Edwin/Imoen. Both

Drow should fall in short order, but there are more lurking to the east.

The general strategies of these Mages? After those two are dead, Qilue

will dimension door to the east, where three more Mages await. I cast

Chaotic Commands on my protagonist, who goes east alone to kill the

other two Mages. They'll uselessly target him with their spells, and my

other party members will take down their spell defenses with Breach,

and soften them with missile fire. When Qilue is the only one left, I

finally bother to focus my attention on her. She goes down surprisingly

quickly. Once the fighting is done loot Qilue's corpse and lay your

hands on another suit of Drow Adamantine Chain +5, a Drow Shield +3, a

Drow Flail +3, Boneblade +4 (a great weapon for Jaheira if she's

proficient in Daggers, it'll allow her to damage creatures otherwise

immune to lesser weapons), Qilue's Brain, a Scroll of Conjure Fire

Elemental, and one gold. Her house has some very minor loot inside of

it, and the Drow Servants will drop a paltry amount of gold. Return the

brain to the Aboleth, which will be ungrateful, as is typical of

denizens of the Underdark. You'll get a small experience reward and the

critter will leave you be. Note that even though the experience reward

is only 10,000 EXP, we earned 57,000 EXP from killing Qilue and her

bodyguards, as well as obtaining the Boneblade +4. All in all, it's a

net gain of 55,000 EXP and one +4 weapon. Not bad.


(For bringing Qilue's brain to the Aboleth)

EXP 10000


22) Return to the tavern where we vanquished our enemies, both Drow and

beast, and find Phaere at (x=1000, y=750). Phaere is decidedly nicer to

you, and it becomes painfully evident that she and Solaufein have a

distinctly antagonistic relationship. Love-hate seems to miss the mark

by a four-letter word starting with 'L'. In any case, this works out

well for you, as Phaere is content to be somewhat less of a complete

bitch during this conversation. She'll tell you that since you and

Solaufein (emphasis on the 'you' is presumed) kick so much ass, you're

going to be rewarded with more dangerous work. Climbing the ladder is

fun! If you're flirty with her, you'll certainly get a negative response

from your romantic interest, if you have one. In any event, you have

several days to start this next quest... starting after Phaere leaves

the tavern. Talk to Phaere and she'll boast grandiose about the future

of her house, and herself in particular, promising that if you stick

with her, you'll invariably be caught in the updraft. Apparently House

Despana is planning something that will bring them to a position of

absolute power within Ust Natha. You can talk to Solaufein, too, who is

decidedly less interesting this time around. Rest up and head to Phaere

when you're ready... she'll be in the bazaar near the entrance to the

city, where Solaufein and Imrae were before-she substitutes for Imrae.

You have nearly three days to play with, if you wish. You could tackle

the Illithid City (AR2400) or the Beholder Den (AR2101) in this time, if

you didn't do so already and are now so inclined.


23) When you're ready to continue with the Ust Natha quests talk to

Phaere, who will tell you that a Beholder has infiltrated the city and

is smuggling precious Adamantine on its Spelljammer ship. Phaere says

it's located on one of the platforms along the south-eastern part of

Ust Natha. Head to the large circular platform south-east of Deirex's

Tower to rendezvous with Phaere and Solaufein. Before I talk to Phaere

(x=4020, y=3390) I cast Chaotic Commands and Remove Fear on my

Fighter/Mage, and move the rest of my party away from the stairs leading

from the platform to the city, as that's where the Beholder will appear.

When it shows up, my protagonist engages, utterly immune to all its

attacks. Once it dies, there's brief celebration followed by an

experience reward and, of course, another demand made by Phaere to meet

in the tavern-this time you have three days, and again, it's another

opportunity to explore some areas outside of town.


(For killing the adamantine-smuggling Beholder)

EXP 20000


24) Return to the tavern and talk to Phaere, who is in her usual spot.

She'll tell you that both you and Solaufein have been tasked with

teaching the Svirfneblins a lesson. Apparently they're just not quite

afraid enough of the Drow (and indeed, our time in the Gnome village

showed that they were just a bit too cheery, all things considered.)

Solaufein complains about having to degrade himself by such menial

labor. Keldorn will complain if he's part of your group, but it

doesn't strike Phaere as odd enough to look into. Solaufein wants this

job over with quickly, so don't mess around. Exit Ust Natha and travel

to (x=900, y=2200) where Solaufein awaits. Of course, you have some

options, you can do this the 'good' way, or the 'evil' way. This is

easy for you, since you really just need to choose whatever strikes your

fancy, but for your poor, beleaguered FAQ-writer, I have to play

through all options so you can be well informed. Just letting you know

how much more difficult and time-consuming this-and the next few steps-

are going to be for me... damned options! Anyways, despite my whining,

this step isn't too consequential. Talk to Solaufein and if you want to

save the Gnomes, tell Solaufein to take a hike and he will gladly

depart, to spite Phaere, if for no better reason. If Solaufein is still

around when the Svirfneblin arrive, they will be hostile and there will

be no room for diplomacy, but if he's gone, you can talk to their

leader and save the Gnomes while satisfying the Drow. Ask for the

leader's helmet to prove that you completed the deed and the Gnomes

will head off. The Gnomes will give decent experience, but the only

loot worth mentioning are the Darts of Stunning some of them drop.

Still, you don't lose reputation for killing them, and you don't gain

more experience for saving them, so it's really up to you. Like I said,

pretty inconsequential. Return to Phaere for your reward, which seems

inordinately large for the trouble of wandering outside and asking a

Gnome for his helmet. Phaere is extra testy today, and it even spills

out on you-but just a bit. She demands your presence at the Female

Fighter's Society within the hour, so make haste and head over there.


(For returning the Patrol Leader's Helmet to Phaere)

EXP 28000 (each character)

Female Fighter's Society (AR2204)


25) Head into the Female Fighter's Society (x=2500, y=2050) and talk to

Phaere (x=750, y=1020). Phaere is fed up with Solaufein, and his

continued insolence has become more than an annoyance to Phaere-her

continued tolerance of Solaufein could jeopardize her position. Simply

put, she wants you to kill him and bring back his piwawfi cloak as

proof, and she gives you three days to complete the task. If Jaheira is

in your party, she points out that sparing Solaufein might have some

merit-after all, we faked the murder of a Gnome patrol and got away with

it. It doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility that we could also

fake Solaufein's demise. I hope you enjoyed the novel sense of choice

and consequence we had when dealing with the Gnomes-from now on, our

choices have real consequences. You have three days to deal with

Solaufein, and if you haven't cleared either the Beholder Den or

Illithid City, now would be a very good time to do so. When you're

back and ready to continue on with your Ust Natha quests, rest up and

prepare some Sunray spells if you have them, and some Spell Immunity


Male Fighter's Society (AR2205)


26) Head over to the Male Fighter's Society (x=3500, y=1550), and talk

to Solaufein (x=700, y=920). Killing Solaufein is the easy task. He's

not terribly strong (in fact, my Fighter/Mage alone, with no spell-buffs

was more than a match for him), but there are considerations to be made.

Explaining what happens involves a little bit of spoilers, but it's

necessary in this case to make you see why I have reservations with

killing Solaufein. No matter who we side with, (Phaere or Solaufein),

there are only two real momentous outcomes of this whole ordeal-we

either save Adalon's eggs, or we don't. If we don't, we have to deal

with a very angry Silver Dragon, and regardless of what we do, our cover

in Ust Natha is bound to be blown as things get complicated. Our

priorities should therefore be to eliminate as many enemies as we can

while recovering Adalon's eggs. This means siding with Solaufein, who

will help us later-but only if he's alive. Even if you're undecided on

what you want to do later, you can always change your mind and be as bad

as you want to be, but if you kill Solaufein now, you limit your options

in the future. Since the difference between his life and death is a

mere 6000 experience and a few items that'll disintegrate on the

surface, I really have to advocate that everybody-good or evil-spare

Solaufein. Besides, it's not like evil people wouldn't occasionally

show mercy if they knew it was just to earn greater rewards later...

it's not about the actions, it's about the motive. In any case, if you

kill Solaufein he'll drop typical Drow gear, along with the rare Drow

Scimitar +3. Most importantly he'll drop his Drow Piwawfi Cloak, which

does great things. It would be wonderful to keep, but alas, we cannot,

and even if we could, it wouldn't do us any good on the surface. If

you decide to spare Solaufein, he'll tell the story about him and

Phaere, and give up his Piwawfi Cloak willingly. The more you tell

Solaufein, the more he'll reveal, in turn, going so far as to admit

that he worships Eilistraee-not Lloth.


27) Return to the Female Fighter's Society and hand Solaufein's Piwawfi

Cloak over to Phaere, who is naturally quite pleased, and rewards you

with another overly large experience reward. If your protagonist is

male, Phaere will decide to take you aside-alone, and her intentions are

decidedly adult in nature. If you're in a relationship, you can avoid

sleeping with Phaere by picking dialogue options #1, then #3 to say you

'belong to another.' When she demands to know who, say "It... it's

someone you don't know..." and she'll assume you mean a Handmaiden from

Ched Nasad has 'collared' you, which is enough to deter her, for now.

You can also pick dialogue options #1, then #2 to reiterate that you

'can't', which Phaere assumes to mean you have some kind of physical

disability. Afterwards, you'll be able to furnish Phaere with a

variety of stat-based lies which will throw her off if your attributes

are high enough. If you have a 13 Charisma and a 17 Intelligence, you

can convince Phaere that you made an oath of celibacy to Lloth. If

you've got a Charisma and an Intelligence of 15, you can convince her

that you were cursed. Finally, if you have a 17 Charisma or higher, you

can claim to be a eunuch. If you're not in a relationship, or you just

don't care, then it doesn't really matter, does it? Jaheira or Viconia

will certainly have a talk with you afterwards. Jaheira is understanding

if you use the 'maintaining our disguise' ruse. Viconia is more

violent... towards Phaere, not you. She seems rather amused in your

apparent inability to turn down some dark elven lovin'. In any event,

You're to head to the Temple of Lloth and meet with Mother Ardulace.

Apparently Phaere isn't the only one you've impressed.


(For delivering Solaufein's Piwawfi Cloak to Phaere)

EXP 30000 (each character)

Temple of Lloth (AR2201)


28) From the Female Fighter's Society head south-east, then turn

north-east at Deirex's Tower to reach the Temple of Lloth

(x=4200, y=2300). Head forward to find Matron Mother Ardulace at

(x=1100, y=1220). Funny how we were spotted by one brainy fish, but we

can prance merrily through a temple of Lloth unimpeded, no? Lazy spider

goddess-eight eyes, and no way to see what really goes on in your own

temples... or perhaps she just doesn't care? Ah... capricious, chaotic,

demonic deities... Anyways, when you approach Ardulace seems decidedly

unimpressed, but Phaere defends your worth quite uncharacteristically.

Ardulace will decide to let you prove yourself-as if we had done

anything else since we entered this city. You're to retrieve the blood

of one of the 'noble' neighbor races, blood belonging to their strongest

members. She means, of course, Beholders, Illithids, or Kuo-Toa.

Phaere's assassination of the Beholder earlier was a botched attempt to

kill an Elder Orb for this very purpose, and since Phaere screwed up,

it's up to us to get it right. Our options are to get Elder Brain Blood

(Illithid City), Eyestalk of an Elder Orb (Beholder Den), or Kuo-Toan

Blood (Kuo-Toa Ruins) which you could have, of course, done before ever

entering Ust Natha. If you gathered one or more of the components

previously, do NOT give them to Ardulace now, as that will set her plans

in motion and deprive us of some side quests that have just opened up in

Ust Natha. Speaking of which, accept to go hunting for Ardulace's grisly

components and leave the Temple of Lloth. You have three days, as usual,

to gather whichever one you desire.


29) Head up towards the Female Fighter's Society and you'll be bothered

by a Drow named Visaj (x=3000, y=2270), who will try to sell you a

golden rope. This 'relic of no small power' supposedly belonged to

Jarlaxle-yet another character from R.A. Salvatore's books. Long story

short, this rope is supposed to protect one from the powers of Deirex, a

Drow Lich living in Ust Natha. Perhaps in the area marked on your map as

'Deirex's Tower'? He wants 1000 gold for it, but can be talked down to

500... or you can just threaten him and he'll give it up for free.

I like free.


30) Now, before we rush in and do anything foolish, it's time for a

primer on Lich fights. They're like most other fights with Mages, and

now that we have the Cloak of Mirroring, we stand a good chance of

winning.. so long as we can force the Lich to focus on the character

with the Cloak of Mirroring. For me, that's my protagonist, who can

become absolutely spell-proof with a few good Spell Immunities.

Remember when we beat up that chump Lich, Alchra Diagott? Same rules

apply. For higher-leveled parties, we can take a more offensive

approach. While our spell-immune character soaks up magic, our Clerics

can sit back and try their luck with Sunray (so long as we keep True

Sight on so we can target the Lich). It should at least do some damage,

and with a little luck, kill it outright... hence why I told you to

prepare back in Step #25.

Deirex's Tower, Level 1 (AR2207)


31) Head up to Deirex's Tower (x=3700, y=2800), which you can now enter

thanks to the 'Gilded Rope' you got from Visaj. Once inside, however,

things don't go exactly as planned, as the rope only gains you entrance-

it does nothing to prevent the Lich from hitting you with Imprisonment.

Or 'Banishment', as the case may be. Instead of a game over, or anything

so depressing, you end up in a rather nice room talking to Jarlaxle,

who will admit that Visaj-one of Jarlaxle's lieutenants-arranged for you

to get the rope and barge in on Deirex (damn my insufferable brutishness

and aggressive loot-seeking!) What Jarlaxle wants is simple-go retrieve

the gems within which the souls of some of his men are trapped. How you

get them, and whether you kill Deirex and then, what you do with the

House Jae'llat Wardstones are of no concern to Jarlaxle. Of course, to

compel you to at least do what he wants, Jarlaxle warns you that he

knows your true identity, and like the Aboleth, he threatens to blow

your cover if you don't do what you want. Unlike with the Aboleth, you

have no way to counter Jarlaxle, but like the Aboleth, it's more

beneficial to do what your blackmailer wants.

Note: There is a bit of a bug with the Deirex encounter... one that

works in our favor. If you have the game set to auto-pause when you see

an enemy (I do, it's good stuff to prevent the enemy from getting the

drop on you) or if you just pause manually as soon as you enter, you can

direct your party to attack him. No big deal, right? Sure, except for

one problem-Deirex is scripted to walk towards you and cast his

Imprisonment spell once he reaches a set destination. If you rush him as

soon as you enter, some of your party members might impede his progress.

Granted, they are scripted to stop attacking once Deirex is done

talking, and you will lose control over your party, but this does not

seem to affect your protagonist, who will continue to attack while

Deirex moves (slowly, and perhaps futiley) towards his scripted casting

spot. It's entirely possible to kill Deirex without him ever casting

his Imprisonment spell, without him even being able to lift a finger to

defend himself. If that happens, wait a few moments and you'll be

teleported to talk to Jarlaxle as if you had been imprisoned-everything

works out fine, but when you reappear in Ust Natha and head back to

Deirex's Tower, he'll still be dead. There is absolutely no downside to

this, as far as I can tell. You continue the quest, get the experience

for killing Deirex (and his loot), and you don't even have to bother

with the messy business of him being able to defend himself. This trick

still works in the Enhanced Edition, you just have the pause the game

while the interior of Deirex's Tower is loading, then force-attack the

Lich, as he starts out neutral now.


32) So, now it's time to spell-buff up and head inside Deirex's Tower,

and this time hopefully meet with a little more success. Unfortunately

the idea of sneaking in and stealing from the Lich seems wildly

impossible to me, since you must take your whole party in, and any

invisibility will be countered by True Sight. Might as well just

prepare to kill him. One way to do this is to simply waltz in and hit

him with Sunray and hope to kill him. If you're not quite there yet

level-wise, you'll have to do the Alchra Diagott strategy, except you

must immediately grab your party (save your spell-eater) and run them

somewhere safe. After all, your spell-immune character won't help very

much if they aren't being targeted, will they? Deirex will start out

with True Sight, Protection from Magical Weapons, and Spell Trap. In

typical Lichy fashion, he'll then cast Time Stop, and use the free time

to cast Death Spell (to clear out any summons, I presume) and Symbol

spells. He's also not above casting spells like Wail of the Banshee, to

score some cheap kills. When he takes some damage, he'll unleash a

Chain Contingency which consists of Mislead and Spell Turning, and his

last, final, desperate gasp involves a Contingency that'll put up

another Protection from Magical Weapons. When Deirex dies, loot him for

a Lich's Tooth, which claims to open up the other levels of this tower,

and the Jae'llat Wardstone, which we can use to obtain some more loot.

The Armor of the Viper is pretty decent armor for Minsc or Valygar.

Sure, the -2 penalty to saves vs. poison/paralyzation sucks, but most

effects that hold, stun, or poison are saves vs. death or magic. The

only thing that I can think of that actually requires a save vs.

paralyzation are Paralytic Bolts. Then again, their Armor Class isn't

terribly important, since I tend to use them as archers for most fights.

Once you grab Deirex's Gems, Jarlaxle will retrieve you and relieve

you of your new-found gems. He'll reveal that he really only wanted the

gems as payment. House Jae'llat owed him, after all, and killing Deirex,

a member of House Jae'llat and their ally was punishment enough for

stiffing Bregan D'aerthe. Unfortunately, your responses to Jarlaxle are

rather limited, and all around unsatisfactory (you have no choice but

to be a poor sport, it seems). In any event, Jarlaxle thanks you for

playing along, and encourages you to finish looting Deirex's Tower, and

candidly suggests that you attack House Jae'llat, too. Jarlaxle promises

us some money for our trouble, but none is forthcoming. At least we get

a bit of experience, though.


(For helping Jarlaxle even the score)

EXP 10000


(x=850, y=850) Bloodstone Gem, Scroll of Wizard Eye, Scroll of Deafness,

Scroll of Glitterdust

(x=1600, y=870) Scroll of Grease, Scroll of Remove Magic,

Scroll of Contagion

(x=1100, y=700) Armor of the Viper +5

(x=1550, y=550) Deirex's Gems, Scroll of Limited Wish,

Scroll of Melf's Minute Meteors, Scroll of Spook


(x=1100, y=700)

(x=1550, y=550)

Deirex's Tower, Level 2 (AR2210)


33) Despite Jarlaxle using us for his own ends, I see no reason

whatsoever why we shouldn't finish off Deirex's Tower and then sack

House Jae'llat. If this makes Jarlaxle happy, so be it. It'll make us

richer in loot and experience, and isn't that really what life is all

about? I've got a minor in Philosophy, trust me, it is. Enter the

door near the Drow Wizard at (x=3470, y=2750) to find a rather large

cavern. Loot the pool in the middle for a considerable bit of loot.

More than enough, in fact, to make this entire quest worth completing.

None of the items, however, make it into my character's hands. The best

item, the Crossbow of Affliction +4, retards the melee capacities of

the wielder, and since Keldorn is primarily a melee Fighter, we can't

have that. I take the description of the weapon as a cautionary tale

and decide to sell it as soon as I hit the surface. When you're done

cackling with glee over your new loot, head over to the Male Fighter's

Society, which you won't quite reach before something else snags your



(x=500, y=800) The Jester's Folly, Crossbow of Affliction +4,

Rogue Stone, King's Tear x2, Moonbar Gem x3, Pearl x5,

Wand of Magic Missiles, Wand of Frost, Short Sword +2,

Two Handed Sword +2, Spear +3, scroll of Cacofiend,

Scroll of Ruby Ray of Reversal, 1128 gold


34) While wandering around you'll again be bothered by a Drow, this time

a female named Taso Kala (x=2480, y=2100), who waits outside of the

Female Fighter's Society. When you walk pass she'll harass you, and tell

you that Lloth requires your services. By this, I suspect she means the

mortal servants of Lloth, and not actually Lloth herself, what about

you? A sect of Ghaunadaur worshipers have been found in the city, and

you need to eradicate the remnants hiding in the city. Head back down

to the south-east, past Deirex's Tower to the large platform where you

smote the Beholder with Phaere and Solaufein. Here you'll find a

Ghaunadaur Priest, a Ghaunadaur Priest Leader, a Mage named Relonar,

two Otyughs, two Green Slimes, two Mustard Jellies, two Ochre Jellies,

and two Gray Oozes. Fun. These folks suffer for their lack of counter-

scouting techniques, and I lay into them with three Fireballs to start

things off (one from my protagonist, one from Imoen or Edwin, and one

from whomever has the Book of Infinite Spells.) I then retreat back to

near Deirex's Tower, where I left half of my party, and bottleneck them

on the stairs. I hit the spell-casters with an Insect Plague, and then

just kill what opposition remains in melee. The Drow drop typical Drow

gear... none of which we really need anymore. Return to Taso Kala, who

will decide that your continued existence is reward enough. Typical...

Head over to House Jae'llat like we originally intended.

House Jae'llat (AR2209)


35) With the Jae'llat Wardstone in your inventory, you can enter House

Jae'llat (x=3250, y=1450), but you should spell-buff outside before you

do. (You can also enter at (x=3500, y=1350), but either route takes you

to the same place.) Outside of House Jae'llat, search one of the windows

to find some Bracers of Binding. They're cursed, but at least now you

can't accuse me of not pointing them out. Inside you'll find various

members of House Jae'llat, including Rilloa Jae'llat (a Cleric) along

with several Jae'llat Guards. Jump on Rilloa as soon as you enter and

she should go down quickly, then mop up the rest of the Jae'llat Guards

nearby. Once they're all dead head to the east, then turn north to find

Hindra Jae'llat and Ist'tar Jae'llat, the former of which is another

Cleric, and the latter of which is a Fighter. Target the former, and if

the latter is causing you too much trouble consider targeting him with a

debuff like Chaos or Slow. Once they're all dead, loot them. Hindra

will leave behind four Diamonds, and of course everybody will drop

Drow gear, which we don't need. Loot the house for some more significant

loot. Water's Edge +3 is really just a +3 Scimitar, but since the

developers decided to name it, I'll include it as a somewhat-unique

weapon (as opposed to a simple Spear +3). And of course, the gems and

gold are welcome, too. Make sure you have everything before you leave,

you won't be able to come back without the Jae'llat Wardstone.

***ITEMS*** (AR2200)

(x=3350, y=1400) Bracers of Binding

***ITEMS*** (AR2209)

(x=620, y=600) 12 gold

(x=350, y=800) Water's Edge +3

(x=300, y=750) 1 gold

(x=220, y=750) Emerald x4, Pearl x45

(x=170, y=800) 2500 gold


36) Now there's only one thing left to do before returning to Phaere

and Ardulace, it's time to rescue some slaves. Over at (x=1100, y=1800)

you'll find a Drow Slave Trader. Ask to buy some slaves and, now with

the favor of House Despana secured, he'll agree. If you want them

unarmed you can get them for 1000 gold, but if you want them armed,

you'll need to pony up 2000 gold. You can argue him down to 500/1500,

but that's as low as it goes. But what to do with them? If you buy

them you can hunt them down for some experience... for whatever reason,

you won't lose any reputation. You can free them unarmed, but as the

Slave Leader points out, they've got little hope of making it back to

the surface alive. No kidding, this crap is hard! On the other hand

if you arm them and then free them, you've significantly improved

their odds for survival. You'll get a heftier experience reward and a

point of reputation. Of course, if you just hunt and kill them you'll

get roughly 4946 experience if you catch them all. Do whatever your

alignment dictates.

Okay, so there's one more thing to do: sell off the armor and other

crap you've accumulated during your stay here. You don't need it, and

it's better to sell it off now than let it disintegrate on the



(For freeing the slaves-without weapons)

EXP 5000


(For freeing and arming the slaves)

EXP 7500

Reputation +1


37) Now that we've cleared the Beholder Den, the Illithid City, and

done all the side quests in Ust Natha that can be done, it's time to

bring the Matron Mother her component. Talk to Phaere (who is, of course

in the Temple of Lloth (AR2201) and they'll collect whatever components

you have (no sense carrying them around anyways). Ardulace will then

decide to seal the city during the ritual, to prevent the potential

interference from a certain testy dragon. Phaere, of course, demands

that you meet her in her personal quarters quick-like.


(For delivering the blood of a noble race to Matron Mother Ardulace)

EXP 22000 (each character)


38) Return to the Female Fighter's Society and talk to Phaere, who tells

you that she has a plan to take over House Despana-an arrangement that

would also be very beneficial to you, were you actually a Drow. After

all, why not be the favored male of a Matron, rather than just the

favored male of a Matron's eldest daughter? Before she'll tell you her

plan you have to say that you're willing to betray the Matron Mother.

And why wouldn't you be? The Drow seek to summon a powerful demon to

aid them in their attack on the surface elves-which is not merely just

a raid, but a full-out war. To get the demon's attention the blood of

a noble beast was needed, but giving it Adalon's eggs would entice it

to aid them fully. Taking the eggs hostage also prevented Adalon from

attacking the Drow soldiers as they mustered their forces. Once they

have the services of a greater demon, they wouldn't need to fear Adalon,

either. Whatever Jon wants with those surface elves, he's willing to

release Drow and all of their schemes upon them, so we can assume it's

really nothing good. Since Irenicus wants the elves dead, it would make

sense to view them as friendly-the enemy of our enemy, and all that.

Phaere has no problem with any of that; in fact, that's what is going

to escalate her house into a position of pre-eminence. She wants you

to sneak into the House Despana treasury and switch out the real eggs

with her fake eggs. When Matron Ardulace offers the phony eggs, the

demon will naturally be offended and kill the Matron Mother, at which

point Phaere will present the real eggs and gain all the glory. She'll

give you the 'Fake Dragon Eggs (Phaere's)', and the 'Despana Treasury



39) Head over to the Temple of Lloth and Solaufein will appear if you

spared him. To repay you for your mercy he'll give you a second set of

fake eggs-these ones will fool Phaere. Solaufein claims not to care

about the Drow and their war against the surface, he just wants to

screw Phaere and her house... and not the way he used to! The operative

idea is that you take the real eggs, replace them with Phaere's, and

then give Phaere Solaufein's fake eggs, resulting in the death of both

Phaere and Matron Ardulace... and leaving you with the real eggs. With

the 'Fake Dragon Eggs (Solaufein)' in hand, head into the Temple of


Note: If you have any thoughts about siding with Phaere or Matron

Ardulace, you need to make some pretty serious adjustments to your

prepared spells. Get as many Bolt of Glory spells prepared as you can,

and for your Mages, focus on Magic Missile, Melf's Acid Arrow, Flame

Arrow, Greater Malison, and especially Lower Resistance. That is, unless

you have some +5 weapons stashed away that I don't know about.


40) Head to the central main chamber, and head south down a ramp, which

curves around back to the north and terminates at a guarded treasury

door (x=2100, y=800). If you open the door, the guards will attack-this

is inevitable, so just open the door and head into the treasury and kill

the Egg Guards inside, where it's less likely other Drow will see them.

Inside this room you can see an obvious problem. Five of them, in fact.

Besides the Egg Guards, who were just about the weakest Drow ever, are

five Golems: two Clay Golems, and three Stone Golems. Gather a strong

bunch of melee Fighters and arm them with bludgeoning weapons... Imoen

or Edwin can equip the Rod of Smiting and use the range of the weapon to

attack from the back. Once your defenses are up, run into the treasury

and loot the eggs (x=2100, y=350) and grab the 'Dragon Eggs'. If you

leave the room, the Golems won't follow you out, but what fun is that?

Dispose of the Golems (which should be pretty easy if you can knock even

one out with the Rod of Smiting) and leave. Now, if we have both sets of

fake eggs (Solaufein's and Phaere's) and the real eggs, we can take one

of several paths, depending on whose eggs you keep and whose eggs you

give to whom. To prevent any mistakes and to understand the options

before you, be sure to read Steps #41 and #42 before doing anything.


41) If you take the eggs to Matron Ardulace (x=520, y=1150) and show her

both the real eggs Phaere made you steal, and the fake eggs Phaere

planned to replace them with, she'll believe you and bring Phaere in,

who is promptly killed. Note that you can give Ardulace Solaufein's fake

eggs instead of the real ones. If you don't want to betray Phaere to

Ardulace, you can net some extra experience by returning to Phaere at

the Female Fighter's Society and giving her the real eggs. And again,

you can, of course, give Phaere Solaufein's eggs, as well. If you end up

without the real eggs, an Imp will show up and warn you that Adalon can

see what's going on, and you had better get those eggs back or else

Adalon will be very... unhappy (Lee says I should comment on the Imp

talking like Yoda, but I will NOT be pressured when it comes to

pointless jokes!) If you have the eggs, the Imp (and presumably Adalon)

are pleased, but you're told that Matron Ardulace must be killed before

you can get out of the city... since it's sealed and all. If you gave

Phaere either the real eggs, or Solaufein's eggs, return to the Temple

of Lloth and meet with her there. If you betrayed Phaere, after Adalon's

Imp leaves, a Ritual Guard will show up. Either way, you'll be whisked

to the ritual room.


(For giving Phaere the real eggs)

EXP 10000


(For giving Phaere Solaufein's fake eggs)

EXP 20000


42) Ardulace will begin the rite to summon the demon, and sure enough a

Lesser Demon Lord shows up. Don't let the 'lesser' fool you, focus more

on the 'Demon Lord' part. If you played a switcheroo on Matron Ardulace,

however, she'll be smote by the demon. If Phaere is still alive, she

will interject and attempt to placate the demon by offering it the real

eggs... or what she thinks are the real eggs. Again, if she has fake

eggs she'll be smote by the demon, too. If Ardulace has the real eggs,

she offers them up to the demon without a hitch, and the demon will

reveal your disguise, and they'll all attack (Phaere is worth 12000

experience, Ardulace is worth 16000, and the Lesser Demon Lord is worth

26000, or 54000 total). If Ardulace was killed and Phaere attempts to

give the demon the eggs, you'll get a chance to interject. Both of them

will turn hostile anyways, but you'll be able to loot the real eggs off

Phaere's corpse this way. If Phaere succeeds in giving up the real eggs,

the demon will reveal your disguise and both Phaere and the demon will

attack you. If you gave them both fake eggs, or if you had Phaere killed

and gave Ardulace fake eggs the demon will leave without a fight.

Finally... if you're evil, you can bargain with the demon yourself after

the two Drow are dead. You can ask the demon for a vast amount of

wealth, or power beyond belief... but the demon will just kill you

instead. He'll also kill you if you try and change your mind. If you ask

for escape, he'll escort you out of the city, killing every Drow

you encounter along the way. If you ask for a 'powerful magic item'

the demon will give you Blackmist +4, a Halberd that can cast darkness

three times per day. Unfortunately, Adalon has a better deal for us. So

what to do? If you want to kill as much as possible, you could give

Phaere the real eggs, then interrupt her ritual and kill her and the

demon (12000 experience, and 26000 experience, respectively, plus the

10000 experience for giving Phaere the eggs.) The demon is invulnerable

to anything less than a +5 weapon... which we don't have. His Hit

Points, however, aren't insurmountable. If you can hit him with several

Bolt of Glory spells he'll go down. If you're lower level, hit him with

at least two Lower Resistance spells, which will open him up to other

offensive spells (magic missile, etc.) He might be strong, but he is

far from unbeatable if you take his magic resistance down. On the other

hand, if you do a double-switcheroo by replacing the real eggs with

Phaere's fake eggs, and then give Phaere Solaufein's fake eggs, you'll

get a hefty quest experience reward which far outstrips what you'd get

from fighting. Frankly, this is my favorite option. Even the loot-monger

in me can admit that Blackmist +4 isn't worth fighting Adalon over,

since it will be soon out-classed by loot we will find when we're back

on the surface. It also prevents us from getting the quest experience

for returning Adalon's eggs, which is pretty damn generous. Loot Matron

Ardulace for some truly quality loot, including Gorgon Plate +4. With an

Armor Class of -1 it's one of the best suits of armor in Shadows of Amn.

I typically put it on one of my shield-carrying characters with a decent

amount of Dexterity, as it's Armor Class isn't quite as good as some of

the other high-end armors we'll find. For me, this typically means

either Jaheira or Viconia. She also drops a Ring of Spell Turning, which

casts Minor Spell Turning once per day-it'll block up to four spell

levels worth of spells, or up to one 7th level spell... which doesn't

really make it worth wearing around. In addition, she drops three Rogue

Stones, five Moonbar Gems, six Black Opals, and 3500 gold.


(For tricking Phaere and Matron Ardulace to their demise)

EXP 25000 (each character)


43) Now we only have a few minutes to escape the city before our cover

is blown (provided it wasn't blown by the demon earlier). But the

obvious question remains... why do we care? Most Drow are worth several

thousand experience apiece, and we can fight them in relatively small

groups. If you want to get as much experience as you can, just go

through Ust Natha killing the Drow. You won't be coming back here, so

there's really no point in sparing anybody or anything. You can expect

to earn tens of thousands of experience.. even if you won't find any

good loot. You can also cast Haste on your party and try to make a

break for it... perhaps aided by Invisibility 10' Radius? As an Elf,

however, I just can't resist the chance to turn the tables on the Drow.

Note: After you leave Ust Natha, it's a good time to visit Carlig and

sell some junk. You can also visit the Gnomes for more shopping. You

might want to consider buying some +2 ammunition, if you don't have any

lying around. This will come in handy during an encounter later.


44) Leave Ust Natha and enter Adalon's cave... you do still have that

Light Gem, right? Let's hope so. Go up to Adalon with her eggs in hand

and give them to her. She'll be delighted and rewards you as promised-

not only with the largest experience reward so far, but with Necaradan's

Crossbow +3 as well. It's a decent Crossbow, but its +3 THAC0 and

damage isn't worth trading the +5 THAC0 and +2 damage of The Guide +2.

Adalon will reveal that she lied-you could have fought your way out, but

it doesn't really matter anymore. This was far more rewarding. She now

fulfills the last part of her bargain-taking you to the surface...

Farewell Underdark!


EXP 78500 (each character)

Item Necaradan's Crossbow +3


| Escaping the Underdark |


Sequence of Events: {WLK033}

1) The Drow Gate

2) Crushing Kuo-Toa

3) Kuo-Toa and Beholders

4) The Shrine of Demogorgon

5) The Elven Shrine

6) Black and White

7) Freedom at Last!

Kuo-Toa Ruins (AR2402)


1) Okay, so we're not quite out yet. Adalon takes us to the gates, but

not quite out. As soon as we arrive some Drow yell at us (we can no

longer understand their tongue, and Viconia, if she's there, isn't able

to bring any favorable results.) A fight ensues, with you, a Drow Mage,

a Drow Priestess, a Drow with a Crossbow, and two over-powered

Skeletons. Adalon decides to help you-in elven form-primarily by casting

Lower Resistance spells on the enemies. After the Drow are dead Adalon

will wish you farewell and leave you to your own devices. Sure, we can

begin to cut our way through the Drow between us and the exit, but we

still haven't searched the Kuo-Toa Ruins, and it would be very

profitable for us to do so.


2) Head over to the south-east and dispose of a Kuo-Toa Whip, a Kuo-Toa

Warrior, and a Kuo-Toa Wizard. Keep an eye out for their bolts, which

can stun, and the Wizards are fond of using Hold Person. Leading with a

character wearing a Ring of Free Action might not be a bad idea.

Continue south-east until the path forks to the north-east/south-west.

Go north-east first to find a room filled with Kuo-Toa, including a

Warrior, two Whips, a Captain, a Priest, and a Wizard. When they're dead

head into another room to the south-east to find two Monitors and a

Kuo-Toa Prince. They may have already been provoked by fighting in the

previous room, but if not... well, kill them now. These fights required

no special strategies on my part, just Haste and leading with a

character wearing a Ring of Free Action... and if any of my characters

were stunned or held, I had a Dispel Magic ready. When the Prince dies,

loot his corpse for Kuo-Toa Bolts x30, a Spear, eleven Garnets, five

Water Opals, some Kuo-Toan's Blood (which we no longer need), three

Pearls, seventeen Horn Coral Gems, 4540 gold, and Bracers of Blinding

Strike, which cast Improved Haste on the wearer once per day for twenty

seconds... or a few rounds. These won't grant a great bonus to any

character, but since a character who has a Ring of Free Action can't

be hasted normally, these might be useful once in a while.


3) Journey back to the natural caverns and explore to the previously

neglected south-west, where you'll find another group of Kuo-Toans.

Again, they're cheese. Just massacre them and keep going south until

the tunnels split to the east and west. Head west first. If you keep

going west, you'll eventually reach the tunnel that will take you back

to the main Underdark area. To the north there are two artificial

rooms, the easternmost one contains more lame Kuo-Toa, and the

westernmost one contains a Beholder and two Gauth. Jaheira straps on

her Shield of Balduran and smites them.

Note: You can loot the pool (x=1200, y=950) in the southern chamber to

obtain some 'Corrupted Tadpoles'. You can then put them in the pool in

the room with the Kuo-Toan Prince (x=3100, y=500) to spike their healthy

youngin's with these diseased, inferior ones. This is supposed to make

the Kuo-Toans weaker, but since it involves going through the area in

a different way then I care to, as well as sneaking the tadpoles past

Kuo-Toans, I never bother.


4) Travel east as far as you can-there's a trap along the narrow

walkway between the water, just beyond the rune-although my Imoen was

apparently not up to the task of disarming it-and go through a door at

(x=2800, y=1650) to reach a shrine of Demogorgon. Now that's a demon!

Click on the statue at (x=2900, y=1000), which will tell you "Place

an animal sacrifice before great Demogorgon and awaken his children

from their long sleep." Any 'children' of Demogorgon's can't be good

news. Rest up and spell-buff to the max just outside the door. Equip

ranged weapons with +2 ammunition (this is why you were told to buy

some earlier!) and, when ready, summon a monster (from a spell or item)

at the feet of the statue of Demogorgon. Five Demon Knights will appear

and attack the party, and this time they're fond of using level drain.

They also won't refrain from throwing out spells like Symbol: Fear,

Power Word: Stun, and Power Word: Kill on your party, so you might need

to buff up your brave summoning character before you provoke the

Demonknights. After their initial spell assault, however, they'll tend

to stick to melee attacks, which are bad enough in their own right.

I run my protagonist into the doorway to be the first line of defense

for my party, while they shoot at the Demon Knights who engage my

protagonist. Taking refuge near the door serves two purposes-first,

many of the Demon Knights may not engage immediately, and secondly only

one or two will be able to assault my protagonist at the same time,

third, when they use Remove Magic, it might only hit my protagonist, and

with any luck most of his defenses will remain intact... or at least

Stoneskin. With this tactic I don't suffer even a single point of damage

(having numerous Stoneskins to raise once they chop through them is the

large reason why), and more importantly-no level drain.

Four of the Demon Knights will drop a Two Handed Sword +1, but the

north-most one near the statue has some special loot for you-Soul

Reaver +4, a Two Handed Sword +4 that can't be used by good characters.

It also drops the THAC0 of an enemy hit by it by two points every time

it hits. Seems like a pretty damn awesome weapon for Dorn, no? It's just

a shame that Keldorn and Minsc can't use it. It also drops the Girdle of

Frost Giant Strength, which raises the wearer's Strength to 21. It's a

fantastic item, although we won't keep it forever-it'll do Keldorn or

Korgan a great service for a while. The last premium item the Demon

Knight drops is Armor of the Hart +3, which gives an base Armor Class

bonus of -2. I put this on Keldorn/Korgan, since they need the Armor

Class more (since they don't use shields... or in Korgan's case, because

he won't be using a shield forever.) Besides... it just seems like the

kind of armor that Keldorn should wear, what with the bravery and all.


(x=3280, y=1150) 15 gold

(x=3200, y=1070) Scroll of Protection from Evil

Elven Shrine (AR2401)


5) Now that we've claimed such tremendous loot, it's time to head back

to the door where Adalon left us. Exit the Kuo-Toa Ruins at

(x=950, y=400) to enter the Elven Shrine that Adalon was supposed to

be protecting. Lazy dragon. Not surprisingly it's crawling with Drow,

and a fight ensues as soon as you enter. There's a Drow Mage lurking

above, and I have Keldorn hit him with a Dispel Magic, followed by my

protagonist engaging him in melee. Once he's eliminated it's a straight

melee between you, the Drow, and their pet spiders.

Note from Lee:

Before exiting the Underdark altogether, I return to Carlig via the exit

at (x=250, y=1850) and sell off ALL the drow gear. After the next couple

of steps it's going to disintegrate, and my regular armor, etc, is

sufficient to get me thru these steps. Once again wearing my 'normal'

gear, I return here and exit as described.


6) After those Drow are smote, continue north, where you'll find a War

Elf trying out some bravado. Once you enter the first room the War Elf

will tell you to get to the surface and report to one 'Elhan'. Sure. But

that doesn't mean we can't smite every Dark Elf we see along the way. Go

through the door at (x=850, y=350) to find a trio of Dark Elves fighting

some War Elves. After the Drow are dead one of the Elves will again tell

you to find Elhan, and to avoid becoming a casualty. How sweet.


7) Go through the door at (x=800, y=500) to find another, larger,

Drow-on-Elf engagement. One of the Elves is kind enough to tell you to

get the hell out of here and... talk to Elhan. Yes, we get it. Kill the

Drow and continue through another door (x=500, y=700). Note that if you

do this room first (before the room in Step #6) the Elves here have a

nasty habit of turning hostile for no reason... but it doesn't seem to

cause any problems down the road, so don't sweat it. In this last room,

you can finally escape the Underdark-and Chapter 5, by exiting at

(x=200, y=600). You might as well take off all your wonderful Drow

armor, as it's about to turn to dust... I know, I know... life isn't

fair sometimes. But at least you got two pretty nice suits of armor in

the Underdark to somewhat deaden the pain of returning to laughable

surface gear.


(x=620, y=570) Iol Gem




Blackguard 18

Experience: 3025735

Hit Points: 107

Armor Class: -6

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 1

Rod/Staff/Wand: 3

Petrify/Polymorph: 2

Breath Weapon: 2

Spells: 4

Weapon Proficiencies

Bastard Sword ++

Two Handed Sword ++

Halberd ++

Cross Bow ++

Two-Handed Weapon Style ++

Armor: Armor of the Hart +3

Gloves: ...

Helmet: Helm of the Noble +1

Amulet: Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance

Weapon: Ilbratha +1 (THAC0: 1)

Soul Reaver +4 (THAC0: -5)

The Guide +2 (THAC0: -4)

Shield: ...

Ring 1: Ring of Human Influence

Ring 2: Ring of Earth Control

Cloak: Nymph Cloak

Boots: Sense of the Cat

Belt: Girdle of Fortitude

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: ...



Berserker 20

Experience: 3024177

Hit Points: 148

Armor Class: -11

Paralyze/Poison/Death: -2 (-2)

Rod/Staff/Wand: -2 (-2)

Petrify/Polymorph: 2 (-2)

Breath Weapon: 2 (-2)

Spells: -1 (-2)

Weapon Proficiencies

Axe +++++

War Hammer ++

Two-Weapon Style +++

Armor: Full Plate Mail

Gloves: The Brawling Hands

Helmet: Helmet of the Noble +1

Amulet: Amulet of 5% Magic Resistance

Weapon: Stonefire +3 (THAC0: -8)

Frostreaver +3 (THAC0: -8)

Hangard's Axe +2 (THAC0: -9)

Dwarven Thrower +3 (THAC0: -9)

Shield: Saving Grace +3

Ring 1: The Guard's Ring +2

Ring 2: Ring of Air Control

Cloak: Cloak of the Sewers

Boots: The Paws of the Cheetah

Belt: Girdle of Frost Giant Strength

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: Iron Horn of Valhalla



Fighter 14/Druid 14

Experience: 1524560/1524560

Hit Points: 92

Armor Class: -10

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 5

Rod/Staff/Wand: 7

Petrify/Polymorph: 6

Breath Weapon: 5

Spells: 3 (-5)

Weapon Proficiencies

Scimitar +

Dagger ++

Club ++

Quarter Staff +

Sling +

Sword and Shield Style +

Armor: Gorgon Plate +4

Gloves: Xarranous' Second Sword Arm

Helmet: Helm of the Noble +1

Amulet: Harper Pin

Weapon: Firetooth +3 (THAC0: -1)

Blackblood +3 (THAC0: -1)

Shield: Sentinel +4

Ring 1: Ring of Spell Turning

Ring 2: Ring of Fire Control

Cloak: ...

Boots: The Frost's Embrace

Belt: Girdle of Hill Giant Strength

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: ...



Cleric 21

Experience: 3027992

Hit Points: 84

Armor Class: -9

Paralyze/Poison/Death: -1 (-3)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 3 (-3)

Petrify/Polymorph: 2 (-3)

Breath Weapon: 5 (-3)

Spells: 4 (-3)

Weapon Proficiencies

War Hammer +

Club +

Flail +

Mace +

Quarterstaff +

Sling +

Sword and Shield Style +

Armor: Full Plate Mail

Gloves: Hands of Takkok

Helmet: Helm of Balduran

Amulet: Sensate Amulet

Weapon: Flail of Ages +3 (THAC0: 1)

Sling of Arvoreen +4 (THAC0: -3)

Shield: Shield of the Lost +2

Ring 1: Edventar's Gift

Ring 2: ...

Cloak: The Spirit's Shield +2

Boots: ...

Belt: Destroyer of the Hills

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: Black Spider Figurine



Fighter 12/Mage 12/Thief 14

Experience: 1050077/1050077/1050077

Hit Points: 106

Armor Class: -3

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 5 (-2)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 5 (-2)

Petrify/Polymorph: 6 (-2)

Breath Weapon: 6 (-2)

Spells: 5 (-2)

Weapon Proficiencies

Long Sword ++

Katana ++

Two Weapon Style +++

Armor: Robe of the Evil Archmagi

Gloves: Bracers of Defense A.C. 3

Helmet: Vhailor's Helm

Amulet: Amulet of Power

Weapon: Celestial Fury +3 (THAC0: 2)

Sword of Flame +1 (THAC0: 3)

Shield: Blade of Roses +3 (THAC0: 3)

Ring 1: Ring of thes Princes +1

Ring 2: Ring of Acuity

Cloak: Cloak of Mirroring

Boots: The Paws of the Cheetah

Belt: Elves' Bane

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: ...



Conjurer 18

Experience: 3041118

Armor Class: 3

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 6 (-4)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 1 (-4)

Petrify/Polymorph: 5 (-2)

Breath Weapon: 0 (-9)

Spells: 4 (-2)

Weapon Proficiencies

Dagger +

Quarter Staff +

Dart +

Sling +

Armor: Robe of Vecna

Gloves: Bracers of Defense A.C. 4

Helmet: Pale Green Ioun Stone

Amulet: Edwin's Amulet

Weapon: Rod of Smiting (THAC0: 11)

Boomerang Dagger +2 (THAC0: 12)

Shield: ...

Ring 1: Reaching Ring

Ring 2: Ring of the Princes +1

Cloak: Cloak of Displacement

Boots: ...

Belt: Belt of Inertial Barrier

Misc 1: Book of Infinite Spells

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: Efreeti Bottle


My front-line fighters now have more even Armor Classes, but I am still

pampering Korgan for the day when he gives up his shield so he can dual-

wield Axe of the Unyielding and Crom Faeyr. Another bit of gear info to

make note of is the sad fact that we will be giving up the Girdle of

Frost Giant Strength and the Hands of Takkok to obtain Crom Faeyr. At

that point, Viconia will get the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength that

Jaheira has worn most of the game, but never fear, a better girdle will

be obtained soon for Jaheira. Once obtained our front line will boast

a Strength of 19/25/20/19. If Viconia obtains her holy symbol any time

soon, it will further boost her Strength. The Guard's Ring +2 will also

dance around a bit-it's been on Korgan since we've obtained it, but

once Korgan gets himself a suit of magical armor, he'll give it to my

protagonist. When she gets a suit of magical armor, it'll go to Edwin.

When he gets a superior ring, it'll find yet another home. Other

noteworthy gear-changes coming up before the end of the game include the

Ring of Gaxx for my protagonist, as well as the long-awaited suit of

magic-friendly armor near the end of the game. We'll be creating the

Equalizer shortly, which will serve as my protagonist's off-hand weapon

for the rest of Shadows of Amn, and we'll obtain Daystar, which will be

an alternate main-hand weapon for my protagonist which will allow her to

(hopefully) cheap-shot undead throughout the rest of the game. Dorn will

get the vorpal Silver Sword, which, while only having an enchantment of

+3 has some wonderful properties that makes it worth using over Soul

Reaver +4. Korgan will get Crom Faeyr, dropping his shield and becoming

a two-weapon fighter. It'll be a while before he comes into his own in

this regards, but it's hard to argue with a Strength score of 25.




Inquisitor 15

Experience: 2394012

Armor Class: -8

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 1 (-1)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 3 (-1)

Petrify/Polymorph: 2 (-1)

Breath Weapon: 1 (-1)

Spells: 4 (-1)

Weapon Proficiencies

Long Sword ++

Two Handed Sword ++

War Hammer +

Cross Bow ++

Two Handed Weapon Style ++

Armor: Armor of the Hart +3

Gloves: The Brawling Hands

Helmet: Helm of the Noble +1

Amulet: Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance

Weapon: Flame of the North (THAC0: -1)

Ras +2 (THAC0: -1)

Firetooth +4 (THAC0: -3)

Shield: ...

Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration

Ring 2: Ring of Earth Control

Cloak: Nymph Cloak

Boots: Boots of Grounding

Belt: Girdle of Frost Giant Strength

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: ...



Fighter 14/Druid 14

Experience: 1552524/1552524

Armor Class: -9

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 2 (-3)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 4 (-3)

Petrify/Polymorph: 5 (-1)

Breath Weapon: 2 (-3)

Spells: 7 (-1)

Weapon Proficiencies

Scimitar +

Dagger ++

Club ++

Quarter Staff +

Sling +

Sword and Shield Style +

Armor: Gorgon Plate +4

Gloves: Gauntlets of Weapon Skill

Helmet: Helmet of Defense

Amulet: Periapt of Proof Against Poison

Weapon: Boneblade +4 (THAC0: -2)

Fire Tooth +3 (THAC0: -1)

Shield: Sentinel +4

Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration

Ring 2: Ring of the Ram

Cloak: Cloak of Displacement

Boots: Boots of the North

Belt: Girdle of Hill Giant Strength

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: Black Spider Figurine



Cleric 18/Fighter 7 (Inactive)

Experience: 2347951/64000

Armor Class: -6

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 3 (-1)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 7 (-1)

Petrify/Polymorph: 6 (-1)

Breath Weapon: 9 (-1)

Spells: 8 (-1)

Weapon Proficiencies

War Hammer ++

Mace ++

Sling ++

Sword and Shield Style ++

Armor: Doomplate +3

Gloves: Gauntlets of Ogre Power

Helmet: Helm of Balduran

Amulet: Sensate Amulet

Weapon: Skullcrusher +3 (THAC0: 2)

Sling of Arvoreen +4 (THAC0: 4)

Shield: Fortress Shield +3

Ring 1: Ring of Free Action

Ring 2: Ring of Holiness

Cloak: Cloak of Sewers

Boots: Boots of Avoidance

Belt: Girdle of Bluntness

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: Silver Horn of Valhalla



Fighter 14/Mage 14

Experience: 1621150/1621150

Armor Class: -4

Weapon Proficiencies

Katana ++

Flail ++

Two Weapon Style +++

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 3 (-2)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 5 (-2)

Petrify/Polymorph: 4 (-3)

Breath Weapon: 3 (-2)

Spells: 6 (-2)

Armor: Adventurer's Robe

Gloves: Bracers of Defense A.C. 3

Helmet: Vhailor's Helm

Amulet: Amulet of Power

Weapon: Celestial Fury (THAC0: -1)


Shield: Flail of Ages +3 (THAC0: 2)

Ring 1: Ring of Protection +2

Ring 2: Ring of Acuity

Cloak: Cloak of Mirroring

Boots: Boots of Speed

Belt: ...

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: Golem Manual



Ranger 16

Experience: 2406238

Armor Class: 0

Weapon Proficiencies

Two Handed Sword ++

Halberd ++

Mace ++

Long Bow ++

Two Handed Weapon Style +

Two Weapon Style ++

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 5 (+1)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 5 (-1)

Petrify/Polymorph: 4 (-1)

Breath Weapon: 3 (-1)

Spells: 6 (-1)

Armor: Armor of the Viper +5

Gloves: Bracers of Archery

Helmet: Helmet of Defense

Amulet: Amulet of 5% Magic Resistance

Weapon: Dragon's Bane +3 (THAC0: -1)

Ilbratha (THAC0: 4)

Elven Court Bow +3 (THAC0: -4)

Shield: ...

Ring 1: ...

Ring 2: ...

Cloak: Cloak of Non-Detection

Boots: Boots of Stealth

Belt: Girdle of Bluntness

Misc 1: Boo

Misc 2: Horn of Silence

Misc 3: Book of Infinite Spells



Mage 15/Thief 7 (Inactive)

Experience: 2206822/40000

Armor Class: -1

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 9 (-2)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 5 (-2)

Petrify/Polymorph: 7 (-2)

Breath Weapon: 4 (-7)

Spells: 6 (-2)

Weapon Proficiencies

Dagger +

Quarter Staff +

Short Bow +

Dart +

Two Handed Weapon Style +

Armor: Robe of Vecna

Gloves: Glove of Pick Pocketing

Helmet: Pale Green Ioun Stone

Amulet: Amulet of Metaspell Influence

Weapon: Cleric's Staff +3 (THAC0: 12)

Tansheron's Bow +3 (THAC0: 10)

Shield: ...

Ring 1: Ring of Fire Control

Ring 2: Ring of Danger Sense

Cloak: Cloak of the Shield

Boots: Boots of Grounding

Belt: Belt of Inertial Barrier

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: Efreeti Bottle



| Chapter 6 |


| Settling into Surface Life |

| (Baron Ployer's Curse and the Harper Hold Quests) |


Sequence of Events: {WLK034}

1) Elhan's Interrogation

2) Our Immediate Goals

3) Drow and Dreams

4) Jaheira's Hostage Situation

5) Companions of the Pink Hammer

6) Last Gasp of the Githyanki

7) Have a Heart...

8) Ribald's Updated Stock

9) Returning to Deidre

10) More Braggart Adventurers

11) Crafting with Cromwell

12) Discussing Future Goals

13) Jahaboam's Romantic Sale

14) Baron Ployer's Curse

15) The Pirate Cave

16) Baron Ployer's Companions

17) Baron Ployer's Collapse

18) Rylock's Monster Bash

19) Entering the Harper Hold

20) Rescues are for the Birds

21) The Double Play

22) Summoned to the Harper Hold

23) Galvarey Condemnation

24) Revaine's Revenge

25) Dermin's Warning

26) Rescuing Jaheira

27) Dermin Revealed

28) Jaheira's Redemption

Underdark Exit (AR2500)


1) You'll get another narrated cutscene announcing the transition of

Chapters before you appear on the surface, surrounded by Elves. One

Elven Warrior will talk to you and will-at length-take you to Elhan...

or rather his stooge, General Sovalidaas. He's a trustworthy chap who

eventually displays the boundless decision-making skills that proved

so instrumental in rising to the rank of General by referring you to

Elhan. When you finally get to speak to Elhan (a rather deep-voiced

Elf, if I do say so) you'll be questioned, and the veracity of your

answers will be tested by some snooty sages. Answer however you please,

you really can't mess this up. At length Elhan will get around to

telling you his problems, like we need them. Apparently the city

Irenicus was after-Suldanessellar-has vanished, leaving these Elves

fighting the Drow cut off from home, and all the supplies and

reinforcements that home can send. Apparently Irenicus wanted the Drow

to split the forces of the Elves and occupy those outside of the city

to prevent whatever concealment he placed around it from being

breached. He's stalling for time, and time is one thing we don't have

(supposedly). To reach Irenicus (that soul-stealing bastard) you need to

find an item called the Rhynn Lanthorn, a lantern that would allow you

to find your way to Suldanessellar. The problem? Somebody stole it when

the Drow attacked, and since we cut up all the leading Drow, it wasn't

them. Now, who would Irenicus trust with the only item that could

thwart his plans? Barring some mysterious new ally, it would seem to be

Bodhi, who probably wouldn't be anywhere near these Elves... If I were a

crazy Vampire bitch, where would I be? Well, I certainly wouldn't have

returned to my old hiding place, that would be too obvious... right?

Ask Elhan for some supplies (stakes, holy water, that jazz), to

gain four Wooden Stakes and three vials of Elven Holy Water. He'll also

suggest that we speak to old friends. If we sided with the Shadow

Thieves earlier, I can think of no better group to ask. If Bodhi is back

in town, they would know. If Viconia is in your party he'll decide that

she needs to be.. neutralized. This will end with Viconia being geased

to ensure her faithfulness to your cause, something you can be sure

Viconia vehemently hates. Aww... poor girl, she'll get over it.

Note: You remember when I told you that killing the Elves in Step #7

wouldn't cause any problems? As far as I know, I was right, but wantonly

killing your Elf buddies is still not a good idea. A fellow reader of

this FAQ encountered a problem where he would be questioned by Elhan,

and everything would go down just fine... until the conversation ended,

when he would be called a traitor and promptly executed. Since turning

your Elf-buddies hostile is a game-breaker, the developers just made it

a death-worthy offense. If Elhan reaches your protagonist and enters

dialogue, it'll result in an auto-kill. If you're going around camp

killing the Elves of Suldanessellar, you deserve this. You pick a game-

breaking fight, you deserve a game over... or a broken game. But as far

as my reader knew, he did no such thing-and obviously, the surface Elves

didn't initially think so, as they weren't hostile at the outset. Long

story short, he either had a messed up variable, or (more likely) had

accidently killed a goodly Elf at some point without knowing. Since it

happened once (and therefore might happen again to any of my readers)

and since I spent time trying to help troubleshoot this problem, I might

as well relate the solution here-after all, it's not intially apparent

when this has occured... until you end up dead after talking to Elhan.

If this is happening to you, make an alternate save before surfacing

(and hence being forced to talk to Elhan) and open this save with

Shadowkeeper. Go to the 'Global Variables' section and look for a

variable called 'GOODELFKILL'. If it's there at all, you killed somebody

you shouldn't have... the value shouldn't matter. Simply delete the

variable line entirely and reload. With any luck, you won't be killed

by Elhan. It worked for my reader, so hopefully it'll work for you, too.

Again, Shadowkeeper proves to be an invaluable tool... but a better

moral of the story is that tiresome RPG refrain-save your game often,

and keep multiple saves.


2) Anyways, we have our next main quest... but we won't pursue Bodhi

until we've done everything there is to do in Shadows of Amn. There's

still a few high-level dungeons left, and some general exploration that

just wasn't worth doing earlier. We've got great gear, good enough to

start gathering the best weapons and armor in the game. My next goal?

It's time to return to Athkatla, have Cromwell forge us some of the

weapons we've collected, and complete all the areas in detail. We shall

leave no stone unturned! At least... this FAQ won't, you turn whatever

stones you wish. There's also new stuff at the Adventurer's Mart, and we

still didn't get everything from Deidre that we could have.. now that

I have 100,000+ gold (and plenty of junk to sell!) we would be well-

served by buying anything that caught our fancy. We spent the first

half of the game (Chapter 2) recruiting characters, and we'll spend most

of this chapter unearthing epic loot and generally finishing up areas

for our peace of mind.


3) Before we go off exploring, rest near the entrance to the Underdark.

Eventually a Drow squad will show up, including two Drow Mages and a

Fire Elemental, along with three normal Drow. Kill them and loot them,

each of the normal Drow have suits of Elven Chain +1 and a Long

Sword +2. At the very least it'll sell good. If you sleep long enough,

you might get another dream, where a 'Dream Vision' talks to you on a

giant tree and tells you that you must reclaim your missing soul.

Yeah.. we kinda figured that part out already.


4) Did I also mention that now that we're free from the Underdark, our

romances will resume again? That imminent fear of death all around

doesn't do good things for the spirit, you know. Once you get far enough

along in the Jaheira romance, you'll be ambushed by a thug named Ertof

Dand while you rest, who will take Jaheira captive. The correct and

manly thing to do is to offer yourself up instead of Jaheira.

Afterwards you'll get shot by someone named Kracer, which will take

about half of your Hit Points away. A fight will then ensue. Despite

their armor, they're not much of a threat against, say, Insect Plague.

Focus on Wurn first, as he's the one who'll cast spells and make life

hard for you. Once he's down it's a straight melee, which a Haste and

Slow will make a laugh. They'll drop nothing of real value or interest.

After the fight Jaheira will check on you, mixing concern and anger as

she typically does.


5) Now we're ready to move back to civilization... mostly to purchase

things. If you still have anything to buy at Trademeet, head there

(provided you already completed Trademeet). If not, there's new stuff

at the Adventurer's Mart, and there are still things to buy from

Deidre. Both tasks require us to return to Athkatla, so head to

Waukeen's Promenade. On your way, you'll probably encounter Drizzt and

his friends. This isn't really a fight worth getting into, as Keldorn

and Jaheira will abandon you if you pick a fight.. and they're a pain in

the ass to defeat, being largely magic immune and all. I couldn't even

take down one of them at this point in the game. If you helped him

in the last game you can convince Drizzt and his buddies to join your

fight against Bodhi and her Vampires. If you attacked him in the last

game, he'll question your motives. If you tell him that you've changed

since then, or that you attacked him because you were afraid he'd turn

on you after the Gnolls were dead, he'll accept your apology. If you say

that you fight for what's right, he'll still join you against Bodhi,

even though you've shown him such a poor reception in the past. This

might be alignment or reputation conditional, but I'm just too lazy to

find out for sure. Especially since I consider a forced cameo by Drizzt

and company to be incredibly silly and forced, but taking them along

with you to fight Bodhi? It just seems cheap, and stupid. And did I

mention forced?

Waukeen's Promenade (AR0700)


6) Back in Waukeen's Promenade for the first time in... a long time.

Head over to the Adventurer's Mart and you'll be accosted by a Githyanki

named Kruin (x=2200, y=1930). He's a bit... odd... but he'll eventually

get around to asking for the Silver Blade. This is one rare case where

you can actually hand it over without a fight... but you've made it this

far, you might as well keep it. You should probably spell-buff to the

max before you get over there, they've got lots of spell-power and you

would be well-advised to respond in kind. When you ultimately refuse to

hand over the Silver Blade Kruin will be joined by Gish, Knights,

Anti-Paladins, a Captain, and a Warlock. They're fond of casting

Lightning Bolt, which can be even more unpredictable in Waukeen's

Promenade, and they're not above using Potions of Invisibility to hide

and attack weaker party members. Use True Sight to keep them honest, and

keep in mind, a Chaos and Insect Swarm used to good effect will pretty

much win the fight. Of course, be wary of their own Chaos spells. When

they're dead, loot them for various Potions of Invisibility and Potions

of Extra Healing (the quantity depends on how many the greedy Githyanki

drank), numerous suits of Plate Mail Armor, and the Silver Hilt. Now we

can turn this stupid Silver Blade into an useful sword, rather than a

Githyanki magnet that just takes up space...

Note: You can be accosted by Kruin and his fellow Githyanki in many

different places around Athkatla, not just in Waukeen's Promenade. You

will not, however, be bothered if you do not have the Silver Blade in

your possession.

Temple of Ilmater (AR0703)


7) Anyways, while we're here let's solve our Yoshimo problem and open up

some of our inventory. Really, how long have we been carrying around

this festering organ? Too long, let's leave it at that. Head over to the

Temple of Ilmater (x=3250, y=700) and talk to the Priest of Ilmater

(x=520, y=350). Pick option #4, and either of the following options to

give him Yoshimo's Heart, which can be cleansed of his geas and hence,

free Yoshimo from his guilt. For this act of selfless soul-saving

you'll get the largest single experience point reward of the entire

game (not counting the cumulative experience gained by 'each character'

from some quests.)


(For taking to Yoshimo's Heart to the Temple of Ilmater)

EXP 200000

Adventurer's Mart (AR0702)


8) Now that we've settled our Githyanki problem and our Yoshimo problem,

head into the Adventurer's Mart. It's now time to talk to Ribald and buy

what 'normal' gear we haven't purchased yet. For me, this included the

Reflection Shield, which may come in handy from time to time. Pay 50

gold to see his new 'special stock'. These are the items I found

interesting, and why:

Helm of Brilliance


It doesn't increase your Armor Class, but it does allow you to cast

a variety of spells, including Fireball, Sunray, and Prismatic Spray.

It could, conceivably, come in handy, but by now we can just cast

these spells on our own.

T'rachcie's Plate +5


With an Armor Class of -2, it's one of the more defensive armors in

Shadows of Amn... however, the decrease of five points of Charisma could

be a problem... and the -2 Constitution penalty is definitely trouble.

If you had a character with neutral Constitution, it might be useful

without harming the character too much-Viconia, for example, but there

is better armor out there. We don't need to pay for the pleasure of

strapping on cursed armor.

Crimson Chain +5


With an Armor Class of 0, this is pretty much as good as it gets

without being Plate Mail. Of course, you can't cast spells or sneak in

it, so you might as well just wear whatever Plate Mail you can find.

Warblade +4


Here's the +4 Two Handed Sword we've been looking for... and it has an

improved damage ranged of 1d12. Unfortunately, we just got the second

piece of the Vorpal Silver Sword, and we're imminently going to obtain

another, greater weapon.

Heartseeker +3


This bow, with its' +4 THAC0 and +2 Damage is a clear improvement over

the Elven Court Bow +3. You might actually consider getting this for

Minsc or Valygar... or you could just wait until we find one later, or

another, better bow.

There are also plenty of 8th and 9th level spells worth purchasing

(especially Time Stop), but they are rather pricey... Get what you want,

so long as that includes Time Stop.


|Mage Spells| Ribald Barterman (Special Stock)


8th-Incendiary Cloud


8th-Pierce Shield

8th-Power Word, Blind

8th-Protection From Energy


9th-Black Blade of Disaster

9th-Chain Contingency

9th-Energy Drain


9th-Power Word, Kill



9th-Spell Trap

9th-Time Stop

9th-Wail of the Banshee


9) As I mentioned in Step #2, it's also time to purchase all those

wonderful things from Deidre we couldn't afford before-she doesn't

have any new loot on her, so you don't need to worry about that. I

purchase the Sensate Amulet and the long-awaited Robe of Vecna. I now

have some much happier Clerics and Mages.

Den of the Seven Vales (AR0709)/(AR0712)


10) Now let's visit the Den of the Seven Vales (x=3330, y=430), where

you can find an enterprising Mage attempting to be a Bard, Alatelo De

Bonito (x=500, y=520), whose efforts are ultimately unappreciated.

There's also the owner, Patricia (x=620, y=420), who really doesn't

like men (but she's pretty cordial with females who talk to her.) All

of this is terribly interesting, of course, but what we really want to

do is head up the stairs at (x=200, y=700), where we'll find a group of

relaxing adventurers, including Mencar Pebblecrusher, Smaeluv Orcslicer,

Sorcerous Amon, Brennan Risling, and Pooky. They're contemptuous

braggarts who seem to think that picking a fight with you will improve

their life expectancy. It really won't. We could have cleared out

this den of buffoons as soon as Jaheira had Insect Plague, but there's

no reason we can't do it now. An Insect Plague and a Chaos or two go

a long way towards putting them down, but at this level, I find it

works just as well to have Keldorn put up a True Sight. My

Fighter/Mage then rushes Sorcerous Amon, who dies disturbingly quickly

due to my attentions. Pooky is the next to go, as he is actually more

of a magical threat than he might seem. We don't need him casting his

own Chaos on us, at any rate. To counter the threat he represents, my

Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist starts out the battle with a sneak

attack against Pooky. Smaeluv and Mencar are just Fighters, but

Brennan is fond of chugging Potions of Invisibility, then sneak

attacking. Once they're all dead, you can loot them for some goodies:

Mencar: Full Plate Mail, two Potions of Extra Healing, a Potion of Fire

Giant Strength, an Iol Gem, a War Hammer +1, a Helmet and 80 gold.

Smaeluv: Hide Armor (probably where the name 'Smelly' came from), an

Angel Skin Ring, our old friend, the Cursed Berserking Sword +3 and

42 gold.

Sorcerous: Whispers of Silence (aka: Cloak of Non-Detection), a Wand of

Lightning, a Potion of Extra Healing, a Silver Necklace and 102 gold.

Brennan: Studded Leather Armor +1, Sandthief's Ring (aka: Ring of

Invisibility), an Angel Skin Ring, two Potions of Extra Healing, a

Short Sword +1 and 32 gold.

Like in the first game, I still have no use for the Whispers of Silence,

and since you can purchase the Ring of Air Control from Ribald for a

few thousand gold the Sandthief's Ring is also useless. Why settle for

a ring that bestows Invisibility once per day when you can get one that

casts Improved Invisibility? None of the gear is worth wearing, but

it'll still sell well. Loot the room for whatever goodies the chests are

hiding, then leave.


(x=400, y=500) Arrows +1 x4

(x=270, y=320) Scroll of Protection from Petrification, 212 gold

(x=170, y=400) Garnet, 1 gold


(x=400, y=500)

Cromwell's House (AR0334)


11) Now, the purpose of this Sequence is to buy new gear, and sell all

the junk we gathered on Brynnlaw, in Spellhold, and in the Underdark.

We also needed to get a few encounters out of the way, and kill those

miscreants in Waukeen's Promenade, which completes that area (unless

some quest or another forces us to go back there, but what are the odds

of that happening?) But there's another thing we really should do now

that we're back on the surface... it's time to turn some of these

artifact components into top-notch weapons. Head over to the Docks

District and enter Cromwell's House (x=4080, y=2450), within which

you'll find... wait for it... Cromwell! (x=500, y=330) He's a smith that

only works on commission, which means you won't be buying crap from

him. On the other hand, if you bring him special components he'll

forge arms and armor out of them... think Taerom Fuiruim, from the

Thunderhammer Smithy back in Beregost in Baldur's Gate 1, but set to

a much higher standard. Cromwell is, after all, a Dwarf. Let him

rummage through your backpack to see if you have anything he can

reforge. At this point in the game, if you've done EVERYTHING listed

above in the Walkthrough, you should be able to reforge the following


The Equalizer


(7500 gold)

(Blade of the Equalizer)

(Hilt of the Equalizer)

(Pommel Jewel of the Equalizer)

This is a great Long Sword for, say, my Fighter/Mage/Thief, who just so

happens to enjoy using Long Swords. I wouldn't dream of giving up

Celestial Fury, but since most enemies aren't True Neutral, Chaotic

Neutral, or Lawful Neutral, (save animals, and who cares?) it'll

do at least +2 to hit and +4 damage, and against many foes it'll act as

a +3 to hit and +6 to damage weapon. I use it as my off-hand weapon for

the rest of Shadows of Amn, at the very least its immunity to charm

and confusion are welcome. My Fighter/Mage, on the other hand, will just

keep using Flail of the Ages, instead.

Shortbow of Gesen


(7500 gold)

(Gesen Bow Shaft)

(Gesen Bow String)

A +4 Short Bow that adds two additional piercing damage and 1-8

electrical damage to make up for its seeming lack of a brute damage

bonus. The 20% electrical resistance is a nice perk, too. It's the

best Short Bow in the game, Nalia or Imoen need not worry about their

ranged weapon again... and if they do worry, it's too damn bad, they're

not getting anything better.

Wave +4


(7500 gold)

(Wave Blade)

(Wave Shaft)

The big draw of this weapon is the fact that it instantly slays Fire

Elementals, Efreet, and Salamanders. Just switch over to it when you

encounter such foes and laugh with glee as they die in one hit. Against

more conventional enemies, it will deal an extra 15 damage 15% of the

time. Good stuff.

Silver Sword


(7500 gold)

(Silver Blade)

(Silver Hilt)

Aka the Vorpal Silver Sword. It's a +3 Two-Handed Sword that has a

25% chance to force enemies to save vs. death (at a -2 penalty) or die

instantly. If you mix this with Greater Malison, you can cut down even

the strongest enemies instantly... Or devastate groups of lesser

enemies. Even though its enhancement bonus is only passable, its vorpal

quality makes it a winner for Shadows of Amn.


12) You may ask yourself, "why did this moron FAQ-writer wait until now

to do these quests?" It's a valid enough question, and here's my excuse:

The quests we did earlier in the game (Chapter 2) revolved specifically

around recruiting party members, obtaining strongholds, and gathering

what choice gear and solving what low-level quests were along the way.

Some quests (like the Jaheira quests) I skipped because they fit better

into this section-where we finish off all the quests in Athkatla (and

beyond) than it fit into the party-securing section of the FAQ. Other

quests were either just too out of the way, or too difficult to easily

complete before now. We have some of the best gear in the game, and

running after the main story will deny us the opportunity to complete

side-quests, so there really is no better time than now to finish

every remaining Shadows of Amn quest. Of course, anybody who has yet to

recruit certain characters or otherwise do anything mentioned earlier

in the FAQ should go ahead and get that done now. This includes

Trademeet, the Unseeing Eye, the Astral Prison, the de'Arnise Keep, and

all that fun stuff. I will assume you've got the gear and experience for

the parts ahead, so don't come crying to me if you ignore some of the

easier quests and continue with this section of the FAQ and get killed

by some large, winged, reptile that you weren't prepared to face. Nah,

I'm just jokin', you should be fine.


13) While in the Docks District, you may just find a merchant named

Jahaboam, who will be around if your romance with Jaheira has

progressed far enough (usually requiring you to get ambushed by Ertof

and his gang, first.) He'll hawk some magical romantic gifts upon you,

obviously showing that you and Jaheira aren't nearly as transparent as

you two pretend to be. Buy the locket off of him for 20 gold and tell

Jaheira to shut up and take it. Is that a cue? Perhaps. The next couple

of quests will involve Jaheira specifically. If you don't have her with

you, but want to do these quests, go get her. If you don't care about

doing these quests, just skip to the next Sequence. Otherwise, read on.

These quests aren't necessarily romance-specific, but they allow the

romance to proceed, and I won't bother separating the romance and non-

romance parts of the quests ahead.

Sea's Bounty (AR0313)


14) Now it's time to head over to the Sea's Bounty (x=2100, y=2100).

We've gone here before, but notice how we've always left Jaheira behind.

It's because of a little quest that begins if you bring her into

contact with one of the Sea's Bounty's patrons, one Baron Ployer

(x=480, y=350). He'll begin speaking to Jaheira as soon as she enters,

and the fact that he has a voice should tip you off to the fact that

he's important. Jaheira plays coy until Baron Ployer admits to being a

slaver, at which point the nature of the past dealings with one another

becomes apparent. Baron Ployer has apparently planned to punish Jaheira

for causing his downfall, and two Mages show up-Gracien and Terrece,

who inflict Jaheira with a wasting curse before teleporting away with

Baron Ployer. Jaheira then curses and resolves to hunt Baron Ployer

down. If you like her, you should probably make this your top priority,

and not tell her to get over it or solve it herself. Jaheira mentions

three leads-the Cowled Wizards, the Slums District, and Belgrade. You'll

notice all of Jaheira's stats (save Wisdom and Charisma) have taken a

one-point hit, so this isn't a bogus curse. Every day after being

cursed Jaheira will lose another point from all her afflicted stats

until her Intelligence reaches 0 and she dies. Let's try and avoid this

unfortunate consequence of wasting time, and make the resolution of this

quest our first priority...

Sea's Bounty Pirate Cave (AR0310)


15) ...well, almost our first priority. The secret door in the lower

level of Sea's Bounty (AR0313) is just too appealing to ignore any

longer. Open the secret door at (x=500, y=150) and head on through.

Inside you'll find a Pirate Captain and his crew. Of course you were

going to find some Pirates, you KNEW you were going to find Pirates.

Needless to say, they're none too happy you stumbled in on their

meeting and resolve to kill the spies. They're accompanied by a Mage

who'll cast Mirror Image and Protection from Normal Missiles, but he's

not smart enough to cast Stoneskin. Head over there and smite him,

the mop up the sorry survivors. The Pirate Captain will drop a Long

Sword +1, and the rest will drop garbage. Loot the pool at the end of

the room and head on out, sated with some new loot.


(x=900, y=400) Pearl Necklace, Pearl x2, 1100 gold


16) Head over to the Government District, enter the Council of Six

building (x=3170, y=900) and talk to Corneil (x=580, y=800). He is,

of course, extremely unhelpful, and I don't know why we thought he'd

be any different now. Once you leave Terrece-one of the Mages who cursed

Jaheira-will come speak to you and will make an offer. It appears that

even freelance Mages who curse people for coin find Baron Ployer

despicable, and are willing to abandon him. For one thousand gold

they'll promise that when you find Baron Ployer (and they seem pretty

certain you will) they'll leave him to you. For 2000 gold, they'll go

kill him themselves. You can argue him down to 500 gold to abandon

Ployer, and considering the quest experience you get for it, it's not

a bad deal... but killing them is worth slightly more, and it's gold-

positive. No matter what you want to do, go complete the next step.


(For paying Ployer's mercenary Mages to abandon him)

EXP 10250


(For paying Ployer's mercenary Mages to kill him)

EXP 19750


17) Now return to our favorite watering-hole, the Copper Coronet. You

can find Bernard wandering around to the north-west. Talk to him and he

will-at length-reveal that Belgrade died just like Jaheira will, and

that his body was found in the eastern part of the Slums. Head outside

and enter the Derelict Home (x=2420, y=700) near the Slaver Stockade.

Wow, dead Harpers on the street and a Slaver Stockade next door? Ployer

can't possibly be stupid enough to live here... unless he wants to be

found, that is. Head inside and indeed, you'll find your man, who

admits that he wanted Jaheira to find him, too weak to fight back, and

he nurtures some insane hope that Jaheira will beg for her life. He

clearly doesn't know Jaheira. If you didn't deal with Terrece earlier,

he'll gate in, along with Malacazar and Gracien and attack. If you

bribed the Mages to abandon Baron Ployer, they won't show up when he

calls for them, and you'll be free to put him down on your own. If you

paid them to kill him, when he calls them they'll show up, and he'll

die. If you have to fight the Mages (and you should, because you get

12000 experience for killing them, 6000 for Baron Ployer, and the

quest reward, not to mention the money you'll save) just get on them

early, hit them with Breach and Keldorn's Dispel Magic ability and take

them down. An Insect Plague works well, too. Ployer is, on his own, not

a threat at all, just deal with his Mages and cut him down. Terrece will

drop Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, a Quarter Staff +1, a Golden Necklace, a

Silver Necklace, 20 Darts, and 20 gold. Gracien will part with a Cloak

of Protection +1, a Quarter Staff, 20 Darts, and 67 gold. Malacazar

forfeits a Potion of Healing, a Quarter Staff, 20 Darts, and 30 gold.

Finally, loot Baron Ployer for a suit of Leather Armor, a Lock of

Jaheira's Hair, a Greenstone Ring, a Two Handed sword, and 20 gold. Take

the lock of hair and Jaheira's curse will be lifted, and just like she

says, she'll get better in time.


(For lifting Baron Ployer's Curse)

EXP 21250


(x=360, y=210) Note, 20 gold

(x=650, y=240) 1 gold

Prebek's Home (AR0407)


18) Now it's time to deal with the Harper Hold... the big orange

building in the Docks District, in the south-western corner of the map.

This is where Xzar wanted us to look for Montaron, and where we brought

the poisoned Renfeld a lifetime ago. Talk to Rylock (x=1440, y=2950) who

stands outside near the door. It seems your goodwill in bringing back

a poisoned Harper wasn't good enough to get you in, and lying won't do

the trick either. Toss out the word Harper and Rylock will play stupid.

If Jaheira is with you, she'll interject, which leads to Rylock

assigning you with a quest to destroy some 'vile experiments' being

concocted in a house to the north. Head up to the house marked as

'Prebek's House' on your map and enter at (x=1880, y=1250). Inside

you'll find two Mages, one named Sanasha and the other named Prebek,

along with a trio of Goblins. They'll mention their 'master', who is

obviously not a nice guy (nor terribly balanced) and attack. They

start out with some defensive spells-Stoneskin and Mirror Image. Just

tear them down with Dispel Magic and Breach and pummel them into

submission. Sanasha spills a Scroll of Knock, a Scroll of Dispel Magic,

a Scroll of Cone of Cold, a Quarter Staff, and 28 gold, while Prebek

pays up a Wand of Magic Missiles, a Potion of Insight, a Scroll of

Color Spray, a Scroll of Sleep, a Scroll of Fireball, a Dagger, and

26 gold. Needless to say, they've got some nice low-level spell

scrolls... but with my pick-pocketing regimen we hardly needed them,

even at the beginning of the game.


(x=370, y=210) 1 gold

(x=550, y=150) Scroll of Detect Invisibility,

Scroll of Invisible Stalker, 52 gold

(x=660, y=240) War Hammer +1, Scroll of Resist Fear,

Scroll of Conjure Fire Elemental, Scroll of Horror,

70 gold


(x=550, y=150)

(x=660, y=240)

Harper Hold, Level 1 (AR0308)


19) Now return to Rylock and tell him of your good deed. He'll agree to

let you into the Harper Hold, but warn you to stay on the first floor.

Damned Harpers and their expectations! Who wants to guess that Montaron

isn't on the first floor? Anyways, help yourself to a nice little

experience reward and continue into the Harper Hold (x=1330, y=2900).

Inside the Harper Hold you can talk to some of the Harpers standing

around. Harpers are a bunch of dinks that try to 'keep the balance'.

Not content to fight evil and mischief, they feel it's their business

to stand up to anything that gets too strong... and this is why

everybody still goes around in Plate Mail swinging swords, because

everybody loves the status quo too much to advance. Another word for

'balance' and 'neutrality' is 'conservative'... Troglodytes... Anyways,

what you should glean from their chatter is that their amulets are

unusual for Harpers (who typically tend towards the inconspicuous, and

don't often sit around for long periods of time in large, rich, orange

buildings) and that the guardians are 'Spectral Harpists'. Unfortunately

for the Harpers, they let you have free roam of the place, and sure

enough, there's a Harper Amulet just waiting for you over in the desk at

(x=1000, y=300). Take it-if you wish-and head upstairs (x=660, y=400).


(x=1400, y=570) Potion of Extra Healing x2, 110 gold

(x=1220, y=500) History of the Dragon Coast, Potion of Mind Focusing,

Scroll of Conjure Lesser Air Elemental

(x=1400, y=440) Helmet of Charm Protection

(x=1100, y=400) Potion of Insight, History of Durpar and Var

(x=1000, y=300) Harper Amulet


(x=1400, y=570)

(x=1400, y=440)


(For gaining access into the Harper Hold)

EXP 14500

Harper Hold, Level 2 (AR0309)


20) So long as you have the Harper Amulet in your inventory, the

Spectral Harpists won't bother you. At this stage of the game, it

hardly matters, however. They're not sufficiently strong as to really

threaten you. If you're recognized as a friend they'll chat with you a

bit, and reveal that thieves who invade the Harper Hold are kept as

birds. Of course, they don't come right out and say that, they try to

be clever with riddles, but they're hardly obscure. After listening to

the spectres talk the only sensible thing left to do is to loot the

place.. but don't worry, you're not 'stealing', the Harpers clearly have

too much money and you're just trying to impose some 'balance' on them.

There's a Note that mentions a Thief which may interest you, and some

low-end loot lying around. When you're done go through the doorway at

(x=900, y=500) to find a large aviary. Open the door and step in and

activate the object at (x=950, y=300) to catch one of the birds. Now

that you have Montaron, leave the Harper Hold.


(x=250, y=650) History of the Unicorn Run, Bolt of Biting x40

(x=200, y=700) Scroll of Phantom Blade

(x=400, y=700) History of Waterdeep, Potion of Extra Healing x5

(x=450, y=750) History of Waterdeep, 1 gold

(x=700, y=1200) Note, Iol Gem

(x=1030, y=1100) 1 gold

(x=1100, y=1000) 40 gold

(x=1500, y=700) 1 gold

(x=1440, y=650) Bloodstone Ring, Bullets +1 x40, 107 gold

(x=1350, y=600) Bloodstone Ring, Arrows of Acid x40

(x=1500, y=500) Dart +1 x40, 3 gold

(x=1570, y=550) Scroll of Detect Evil, Scroll of Knock

(x=1660, y=620) Bloodstone Ring

(x=1100, y=250) 1 gold


(x=1350, y=600)


(For rescuing Montaron from the Harper Hold)

EXP 20000


21) Now return to Xzar, who is wherever you left him earlier. You'll

get a nice experience reward for giving over Montaron (which is one of

the main reasons why we bother to do these quests in the first place.)

Our rescue is extra timely, since apparently we slew Xzar's creations.

Honestly, was there any doubt that Sanasha and Prebek's master was

Xzar? Before you get your monetary reward, however, Xzar decides to

turn Montaron back into... well, Montaron, to make sure you're not

finching him. Err... filching him. Unfortunately for Xzar, it's not

Montaron that appears, but a Harper named Lucette (quite probably the

'-L' from the note we found regarding the thief in the Harper Hold),

who promptly smites Xzar before pestering you. It seems you were just a

pawn in an elaborate ruse. The Harpers used you to get close to Xzar,

who was creating monsters and hence, needed to be exterminated. Jaheira

is decidedly annoyed that her own organization decided to manipulate

her, but at least this quest is over with. Loot Xzar as fair

compensation for a job well-done. He sure won't be needing the Bracers

of Defense A.C. 6, the Pearl, the Black Opal, the Water Opal, the Scroll

of Slow, the Scroll of Vampiric Touch, the Scroll of Friends, the

Flamedance Ring, the Staff Spear +2, nor the 907 gold he leaves behind.


(For returning 'Montaron' to Xzar)

EXP 35500 (each character)


22) Shortly thereafter, a Harper named Meronia will appear and bother

Jaheira, telling her that her presence is required at the Harper Hold.

Jaheira will leave and promise to return soon, so go find somewhere to

rest for a while (the Sea's Bounty, perhaps, or your Thieves' Guild, if

applicable). After a rest session, Jaheira will show up again and be

somewhat excited to see you (uncharacteristically so). She informs you

that we need to go to the Harper Hold in Athkatla, so accept Jaheira

back into your party and head on over there. It might not be a bad idea

to spell-buff before you enter... not that anything could ever go wrong

with the Harpers.

Note: You can postpone this meeting indefinitely, as far as I have been

able to tell. Jaheira will whine at you, and the third time she does

so you'll get a chance to respond, but she will not simply quit the

group the way many pissy allies will.


23) Once inside a Harper named Galvarey will begin chatting with

Jaheira, who is upset that they were summoned here with a Herald's

authority-yet with no Herald present. Galvarey is obviously too big for

his britches, and they are something just shy of hostile with one

another (at one point, depending on how you respond, Galvarey mentions

Khalid, at which Jaheira threatens to remove Galvarey's tongue. A well-

oiled machine, these Harpers..) In any event, Galvarey's questions are

vague, and his interpretations of them are perhaps even more unfair

than the judgment that Elhan passed down on Viconia earlier. It's

obvious that Galvarey is here to subdue you by means of an Imprisonment

spell to bolster his own political standing in the Harpers by

neutralizing an agent of chaos. Whatever the fact of the matter is,

every Lich in the game has been gunning to do the same thing, and none

of them have yet succeeded. If Jaheira likes you, she'll defend you at

every turn (to no avail, of course).

Eventually a fight breaks out, and when one does, don't send Jaheira

away or she'll decide to volit the field. Anyways, this battle isn't

too difficult by now. They've got plenty of spell-power, but then again,

so do you. I start out with an Insect Swarm (aimed at Nadinal), two

Chaos spells, and a Greater Command (aimed at Kail). When the first

round is over, there's not a single enemy that isn't unconscious or

confused, and the Insect Swarm just seals the fate of their Mages. When

they're all dead, loot the corpses:

Nodinal: Cloak of Protection +1, Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, Reaching

Ring (gives one extra 5th, 6th, and 7th level spell), Gold Ring and

a Quarter Staff +1.

Galvarey: Plate Mail +1, Arrows +1 x10, Arrows x20, two Potions of Extra

Healing, Oil of Speed, Composite Longbow, Two-Handed Sword +1 and 105


Kail: Potion of Extra Healing x2, Potion of Fire Giant Strength,

Silver Necklace, Katana +1 and 67 gold.

Bessen: Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, Garnet, Darts of Stunning x2,

Darts x10, and 29 gold.

Iko: Studded Leather Armor, Bolts +1 x10, Bolts x20, two Potions of

Invisibility, Potion of Extra Healing, Light Crossbow, Short Sword +1

and 55 gold.

Clearly the prize from this fight is the Reaching Ring, which goes on

my full Mage (either Imoen or Edwin) without delay. With Edwin I might

be more disposed towards letting my protagonist have it, as he already

has tons of spells to choose from, but it's really up to you.

Note: I had issues with getting Nadinal to give me any experience in

early versions of the guide, so, finally, I got on Infinity Explorer to

see exactly how much experience Nadinal was worth, and why the game

never gave me any for killing him. Turns out on his CRE file, he's

actually set to be worth 0 experience. Oops. Well, mystery solved. So

if you're wondering why he's not in the Experience Lists... well, he

just isn't worth any. It's worth noting that this was not fixed in the

Enhanced Edition.


24) Certainly the fight in the Harper Hold is going to bother Jaheira,

and the next several of her banters pretty much consist of Jaheira

second-guessing herself and lamenting her split from the Harpers. The

next event occurs when you travel to, or rest in, a location outside of

Athkatla, after several such banters. In the meantime, you might want to

continue with some other quests while you wait for these to occur. For

the sake of organization, however, I will continue the rest of Jaheira's

quests here. Eventually a Harper named Reviane will show up, along with

some buddies, to confront Jaheira. If your reputation is 16 or better,

you can allow Jaheira to tell Reviane about you and choose to stand

down, which will prompt Reviane to depart without a fight. If you are

somewhat less of a saint a fight will be unavoidable... but hey, at

least there's always loot:

Revaine: Plate Mail, Ring of the Princes +1, Potion of Extra Healing x2,

Potion of Invulnerability, Angel Skin Ring, Halberd +2 'Suryris Blade'

and 67 gold.

Harper (Cleric): Plate Mail, Helmet, Small Shield +1, Bullets +1 x10,

Bloodstone Ring, Flail +1 and a Sling.

Harper (Harper): Full Plate Mail, Helmet, Ring of the Princes +1, Large

Shield, Potion of Extra Healing x2, War Hammer +1 and 105 gold.

Harper (Mage): Cloak of Protection +1, Bracers of Defense A.C. 6,

Quarterstaff +1, Darts of Stunning x2, Darts +1 x6 and 38 gold.

Harper (Thief): Studded Leather Armor +1, Arrow of Biting x2, Arrow of

Fire x5, Arrow of Slaying x2, Arrows +1 x10, Oil of Speed, Potion of

Invisibility, Short Bow +1, Poisoned Throwing Daggers x3, Short Sword

and 29 gold.

We've fought off our second group of Harpers, but for poor Jaheira it

looks like things are going to get worse before they get better.


25) After more time passes Jaheira will have a happy run-in with her

mentor Dermin Courtierdale-the very guy who introduced her to the

Harpers. Okay, so it's not such a happy coincidence, since Dermin was

sent to kill her... which is really quite cruel to both of them, if you

think about it. Pick options #1 or #4 the first time you're given a

chance to speak. Picking the other two options will make Jaheira doubt

herself and decide to take a middle course-removing herself from both

the Harpers and your party. I guess that whole revenge for Khalid

thing isn't that important in the long run, eh? Being nice to Jaheira

here again pays off, as she'll just renounce her Harper status.


26) Another long series of banters will follow before Dermin will show

up again and inform Jaheira that she's been deemed a traitor and

murderer of Harpers. Harper attacks will now become more severe and

numerous, unless of course, Jaheira submits to Harper justice. It seems

the Harpers can understand the fact that I killed a bunch of them, but

for Jaheira, that's apparently another story. Jaheira will determine to

think on it, and sure enough the next time you rest Jaheira will leave.

Some weirdo named Terminsel (by now we've faced name-related word

jumbles plenty of times, so see if you can guess who this is) will show

up and give you a note he found, and give a big hint-hint about not

losing important things. Yeah, he's about as subtle as a maul. Return

to the Harper Hold, wherein you'll find a group of Mercenaries. Dispose

of them and loot them (you'll get a few Potions of Extra Healing, some

gems/jewelry, and a suit of Studded Leather Armor +1) before heading

upstairs. Jaheira is there, waiting for you. She has determined that

since the Spectral Harpists are gone, that no true Harpers inhabit this

place anymore, and the ones we killed earlier (as well as those we may

yet have to kill) were justifiable as self-defense. Jaheira warns you

that this may have been a trap. Accept her back into your party and

head back downstairs, come what may. A few more Mercenaries await you,

and although they have some spell-power this time, they're not even as

dangerous as the two Harper groups we encountered earlier. Again, you'll

score some Potions of Extra Healing (and perhaps a Potion of

Invisibility), some Bullets +1, Arrows of Acid, a Flail +1, a Sling +1,

a suit of Leather Armor +1, some Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, some Bracers

of Defense A.C. 7, the Heart of the Golem +2, as well as the odd

assortment of random jewelry, gems, scrolls, gold, and whatnot.


27) More time will pass, and another banter or two, before Dermin will

show up a third-and final-time. Dermin exchanges some venomous words

with Jaheira, who sticks to her belief that she is in the right. Dermin

will incriminate himself before attacking. He's joined by the Dwarf

Thenry, the Mage Jeremon, a Cleric named Chrost, and Lennah. All things

considered, they're about as strong as Galvarey and his goons, which

means a Chaos or two and an Insect Plague will do them in:

Dermin: The Protector +1, Bracers of Defense A.C. 5, Bolts of

Lightning x2, Bolts of Biting x2, Bolts +1 x15, Potion of Extra

Healing x3, Short Sword +1, Light Crossbow +1 and 55 gold.

Thenry: Full Plate Mail, Helmet, Ring of the Princes +1, Potion of

Heroism, Large Shield, Potion of Extra Healing x2, Scroll of Death

Spell, War Hammer +1 and 67 gold.

Jeremon: Cloak of Protection +1, Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, Gold Ring,

Quarterstaff +1, Darts +1 x5 and Darts of Stunning x2.

Chrost: Plate Mail, Helmet, Small Shield +1, Bullets +1 x10, Flail +1,

Sling and 47 gold.

Lennah: Studded Leather Armor +1, Arrow of Slaying x2, Arrow of

Biting x2, Arrow of Fire x5, Arrows +1 x10, Jade Ring, Short Bow +1,

Poisoned Throwing Daggers x3, Oil of Speed, Potion of Invisibility and

a Short Sword.


28) After your final, fatal encounter with Dermin, you'll have to deal

with a few more banters that conclude the romance. Eventually Terminsel

will show up again and talk to Jaheira. He will, at length, ask if

Jaheira did the right thing. Again, 16 is the operative reputation for

a good result-if your reputation is high enough Jaheira answers without

hesitation that she did the right thing. Otherwise she'll hesitate and

Terminsel will decide that her doubt is punishment enough. Either way,

you'll get 100000 experience points for completing the Harper Quests and

romancing Jaheira. If Jaheira answered favorably, Terminsel will give

her a sign of the Harper's favor-a Harper Pin-and take off. Jaheira

guesses Terminsel's identity, and will give you the word anagram if you

still haven't figured it out for yourself. In addition, when I sold all

the loot the Harpers and their mercenaries dropped me, it was worth

about 27,500 gold. Those Bracers of Defense really add up! In any event,

the Harper Pin gives Jaheira a number of useful protections, including

+5 saves vs. spells and 100% Resistance to Electricity. The Non-

Detection is pretty useless, and immunity to Magic Missiles is very

Baldur's Gate 1, but overall it's a great amulet, and will serve Jaheira

well for the rest of the game.


(For completing the Harper Quests unburdened by doubt)

EXP 100000 (protagonist)

Item Harper Pin


(For completing the Harper Quests plagued by doubt)

EXP 100000 (protagonist)


| Kangaxx the Demi-Lich and the Twisted Rune |


Sequence of Events: {WLK035}

1) Daystar

2) Kangaxx the Cursed

3) The Shade Lich

4) The Elemental Lich

5) The Twisted Rune

6) Kangaxx the Demi-Lich

7) Abandoned Warehouse Ammo

8) The Last of the Docks District Discoveries

Crooked Crane, Secret Chamber (AR0087)


1) While we wait for Jaheira's banters to come and allow us to continue

her Harper quests (or if we don't have Jaheira or don't otherwise care

to pursue her quests...) we've got plenty of quests to do around

Athkatla. Since we're so very close to having to Docks District done,

let's tackle a quest that'll help us achieve that end. Head over to the

City Gates District and enter the tavern at (x=220, y=450). There's a

secret door (x=500, y=150) that I warned you to avoid earlier when we

were doing the Mage's Stronghold quests. If you weren't privy to those

quests... then you had no reason to come to this little piss-hole tavern

in the first place.

Anyways, rest up and prepare one of two Lich-strategies, either the

Sunray rush, or the spell-immunity tactic and head inside... either with

just your spell-immune character, or your Cleric(s). The Lich will start

out with Mantle, Mirror Image, Stoneskin, Fire Shield (Red), and Globe

of Invulnerability, making it perhaps the most well-protected enemy

we've faced yet. Of course, it matters little if you have Spell

Immunity: Conjuration, Abjuration, Alteration, Death Ward, and Chaotic

Commands, or if you nail it with a Sunray or two. By now you know what

to expect, the Lich will throw out all manner of death and destruction

(and this one is partial to summoning a Pit Fiend). Use Breach and True

Sight to open its defenses after you soak up some of its spells and it

should go down soon enough.

Loot the chest at (x=350, y=300) to obtain the Long Sword, Daystar +2,

which is a +2 Longsword (+4 vs. Evil) that does double damage against

undead and can cast Sunray once per day. It's an invaluable weapon

against all sorts of undead, but we'll be putting it to good use shortly

against more Liches. It's just one more weapon in our arsenal-one more

way to bring another Sunray out quickly. And of course, it's great for

slicing up undead should our Sunray fail. The Lich itself will leave

behind a Ring of Invisibility, a Wand of Cloudkill, a wand of Lightning,

a Wand of Fire, and the Rod of Terror. Frankly, I want to keep my Mage

out of fighting, where they can typically do better things (like cast

spells). Plus, we already have the Rod of Smiting, so we don't need

another +3 Quarterstaff. Especially not one that has a chance of

dropping our Charisma.


(x=350, y=300) Zircon Gem, Daystar +2

Mysterious House (AR03300/(AR0331)


2) Now return to the Docks District. Near Mae'Var's Guildhall is an

unmarked house (x=2700, y=2250). Head through the locked and trapped

doorway into the house (AR0330). Inside, smite the trio of pathetic

Minotaurs and loot the level. When you're ready, head down the stairs

at (x=250, y=350). In the middle of the room is a sarcophagus. If you're

having deja'vu, it's because we passed through a room identical to this

one in the sewers during the Unseeing Eye quest (bonus points for you

if you gathered that we're heading there next.) Interact with the

sarcophagus at (x=700, y=450) to talk to a golden skull named Kangaxx.

It claims to have been cursed by its enemies, and promises you rewards

if you reclaim its body-and a rain of death and a thousand years of

suffering for every one it spent imprisoned if you don't. The usual...

It is certain of one thing, however, its enemies are within the city,

lying within tombs like Kangaxx's own. See why we went and got the

Daystar, first? Honestly this is an unnecessary step in the quest, but

for the sake of good questing, talk to Kangaxx first to activate the



(x=550, y=150) Andar Gem, 19 gold

(x=660, y=150) Shandon Gem, Potion of Regeneration

***TRAPS*** (AR0300)

(x=2700, y=2250)

Old Tunnels (AR0202)


3) Head on over to the Temple District and head down one of the sewer

entrances (x=2550, y=2620), and from there enter the Old Tunnels

(x=100, y=400). Head over to the 'Lair of the Cult Outcasts' on your

map, where you'll find a sarcophagus at (x=1700, y=500). Remember how

we were told not to disturb the sarcophagus earlier? Well, get your

party ready to fight another Lich and disturb it. Either wait for the

Lich to arrive with Clerics and the wielder of Daystar ready with

Sunray, or send a spell-immune character in alone. Once you molest the

sarcophagus a Shade Lich will appear-the guardian of Kangaxx's arms

and legs. For trying to gather Kangaxx's body, the Lich will attack,

and in typical Lichy fashion it'll start out combat with Mislead,

Stoneskin, Fire Shield (red), Spell Turning, and Globe of

Invulnerability before attacking with a party-disabling Chaos. It'll

then begin its by-now routine tactic of Time Stop followed by Symbol

spells, in turn followed by some death spells. A few Mazes follow before

it falls back on direct damage spells like Sunfire and Horrid Wilting,

then it mops up with Finger of Death and Prismatic Spray. Once it

summons an Efreeti, you can be pretty confident that most of its major

spell-power has been spent, except for perhaps a Disintegrate and

Domination or two. When it dies loot the sarcophagus for Golden Arms and


Mysterious House (AR0525)/(AR0526)


4) Our next destination is the Bridge District, where there is another

unmarked house south of 'Delosar's Inn'. Disarm the trapped doors

(x=1800, y=3350), (x=1600, y=3350) and head on inside the southern-most

door (x=1600, y=3350). You'll note that this house is identical to

Kangaxx's, even the loot is the same! Now that's just lazy. Head

downstairs (x=250, y=350) to find another sarcophagus room-again

identical to Kangaxx's-and activate the sarcophagus (x=700, y=450) in

the middle. This time the Sunray rush strategy is better than the spell-

immunity strategy, as the Lich that comes forth can possibly target

party members, and we can't protect everybody from a Liches wrath.

Position Anomen/Viconia and whomever has the Daystar to the south of

the sarcophagus, on the landing on top of the stairs, and as soon as

the Lich appears nail it with a double-shot of Sunray. If you start

casting as the Elemental Lich is forming up, you can hit it right after

it's done talking. With any luck it'll die... if not, it should be hurt,

try and tear down its defenses with True Sight, Dispel Magic, and

Breach and kill it quickly. When it dies, loot the sarcophagus for the

Golden Torso. We were told that Kangaxx was separated into three

pieces-one of which is the golden skull that IS Kangaxx, so we're

ready to return triumphantly to Kangaxx.


(x=550, y=150) Andar Gem, 19 gold

(x=660, y=150) Shandon Gem, Potion of Regeneration

***TRAPS*** (AR0500)

(x=1800, y=3350)

(x=1600, y=3350)

Twisted Rune (AR1008)


5) Now, we're ready to head back to Kangaxx for our undoubtedly

well-deserved reward, but since we're here, and there was another

trapped door just around the corner, why not explore it? I'll warn you,

inside is one of the tougher fights in Shadows of Amn, but by now, as I

near 3,000,000 experience and have some of the better loot in the game,

I feel up for it. Of course, after picking on Liches it would be a good

idea if I rested, first. When ready, go through the doorway at

(x=1800, y=3350). If you have a Rogue Stone in your inventory, it'll

disappear and you'll be teleported away. Head into the room to the

north, where you'll be confronted by a Lich named Shangalar, who will

tell you that you're not in the Bridge District anymore. Anyways, for

trespassing Shangalar decides that you need to be taught a lesson, and

will summon the rest of the 'Twisted Rune', which includes a Beholder

named Vaxall, a Vampire named Shyressa, a warrior named Revanek

(19th-level Fighter), and another powerful Mage named Leyane (an

18th-level Abjurer). Shangalar himself is a 26th-level Abjurer.

To deal with these varied threats and immense amount of spell-power,

I render my protagonist spell-immune, and I cast a few buffs on Jaheira,

too (Chaotic Commands, Death Ward, Free Action, Protection from Fire,

etc.) while the rest of my party gets a basic dose of Remove Fear,

Haste, and Protection from Evil 10' Radius. Jaheira straps on the Shield

of Balduran and along with my protagonist heads into the room where

Shangalar will appear. Once he attacks, he'll teleport into the room

where I entered. My protagonist immediately runs back into the room and

uses Daystar to cast Sunray, along with Anomen/Viconia, while Jaheira

attacks Vaxall. I have to be careful not to let Shyressa attack Jaheira,

so I try and keep my protagonist between the two rooms-close enough to

hit Shangalar with Sunray, but not so close that Shyressa is tempted to

attack Jaheira. With any luck, Shangalar will fall after a double-shot

of Sunray (and if I'm very lucky, Shyressa will be caught and destroyed

in one, too!) If not, my protagonist switches to Daystar and cuts the

Vampire down, then moves on to help Jaheira with Vaxall. Layene will

cast a Time Stop, followed by a Meteor Swarm (probably focusing on

Jaheira, being closest, hence the Protection from Fire) and Gate before

her Time Stop ends. Keldorn takes the opportunity to hit her with a

Dispel Magic. With any luck it'll take down some of her spell defenses

and-most amusingly-her Protection from Evil, which will make her focus a

bit on the Pit Fiend she just summoned! After Vaxall dies I focus all my

effort on Layene, dispelling her illusions with True Sight and hitting

her with Breach to open her up. Finally, I focus on Revanek, who is just

fodder for my sword by now. The evil party doesn't deviate from the good

party in any meaningful way, save for Dorn, who can freely engage

Shyressa due to his immunity to level drain.

Loot Layene for the Staff of the Magi and 25 gold, Vaxall leaves behind

a Beholder Eye, and Shangalar drops 3890 gold-fair compensation for

wasting one of our Rogue Stones. Seriously though, the Staff of the Magi

is the real winning item here. It counts as a +5 weapon for determining

what it can hit, gives its wielder Invisibility, Immunity to Charm, a

+2 bonus to Armor Class and Saving Throws and Protection from Evil while

it's equipped, can cast a Fireball-Lightning spell three times per day,

Spell Trap (absorbing 30 spell levels) once per day, and inflicts Dispel

Magic on every hit. Honestly, can you think of a better weapon for a

Mage? Well, I'm sure you can, but this is still pretty damn good. The

best thing about it is its ability to allow the wielder to go invisible

at will-just select a different weapon and reselect the Staff of the

Magi and boom-you're invisible. Now to escape. Activate the cauldron at

(x=1350, y=400) to dispose of the Beholder Eye and activate the machine

at (x=750, y=300). You'll find yourself mercifully teleported back to

the Bridge District, one Staff of the Magi richer.

Note from Lee:

Party spell buffs include Defensive Harmony, Protection from Evil 10',

Haste, Invisibility 10', and Resist Fear; individual spell buffs are

varied and somewhat task specific - most importantly Death Ward, Chaotic

Commands, Spell Immunity: Abjuration, Protection from Fire, Fire Shield

(Red), etc, on my protagonist and Keldorn, since they will actually be

moving in and attacking. I send Keldorn (double Hasted + Boots of Speed)

in to initiate dialog and start the encounter while my protagonist and

Edwin summon as many creatures as they can to the left and right of

Keldorn, using Wands of Monster Summoning (faster casting time). As soon

as the dialog is over, Keldorn runs back into the room with the rest of

the party and helps cut down Shangalar while I send my summoned

creatures up the left and right sides to delay Shyressa and Layene.

Once Shangalar is dead (it could not have taken more than three rounds),

I send in Jaheira with the Shield of Balduran to deal with the Beholder,

while my spellslingers cast a few magic removing spells on Layene. So

now I have a dead Lich, a dead Beholder, and an angry Pit Fiend who is

attacking his summoner. The Pit Fiend takes out Layene handily while the

party moves up to kill Shyressa. I must have had my timing exactly

right, as well as getting the party positioned perfectly (just out of

the fog of war), because the Fiend didn't come after me when he was done

playing with Layene. With all the toughest combatants gone, it was then

fairly easy to destroy the Pit Fiend and Revanek. If you time this all

right, and get a bit of luck on your side, you can avoid the Meteor

Swarm - or at least be able to minimize the damage from it.


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Twisted Rune {VID003}


6) Our next goal is to return Kangaxx's body parts to him. I'm sure

it'll be a simple and friendly transaction-we'll waltz in, restore

Kangaxx, he'll thank us warmly and perhaps pass on a bit of good-will

in the form of a reward and everybody will be happy... But just in case,

somehow, everything doesn't go so smoothly, gather all the +4 weapons

you have-namely I make sure Jaheira has Boneblade +4, Minsc/Dorn has the

Wave +4/Soul Reaver +4, and my protagonists have Daystar +2. Also stop

over at the Adventurer's Mart and buy two Scrolls of Protection From


Now return to the Docks District and revisit Kangaxx. How many of you

are still expecting a peaceful resolution to this quest? Nobody? Good... I

I spell-buff with our usual Lich-fighting spells, making my protagonist

immune to everything and all that. I also bring Anomen/Viconia along

to stand near the sarcophagus, ready to cast Sunray. Jaheira and

Minsc/Dorn, equipped with the Boneblade +4 and the Wave +4/Soul

Reaver +4 (respectively) stand at the base of the stairs to the north

and south, each with a Scroll of Protection From Magic ready in their

a quick item slot. Give Kangaxx his body back and he will show up near

the sarcophagus. He'll promise you sweet painful death and begin to

attack. I'm shocked. During this phase of the battle Kangaxx fights like

most any other Lich. I hit him with Sunrays courtesy of Daystar +2 and

my Cleric and hope that puts him down, just like the Elemental Lich.

When he is smote, he'll reveal that he needed to be freed-then

destroyed-to take his true-form, which is that of a Demi-Lich. It's

essentially the remains of a Lich who has existed too long ('lived'

wasn't the correct word), although Kangaxx violates the Monster

Manual II version by being somewhat more aggressive and concerned with

the physical world... although to be fair, I am going by the Advanced

Dungeons & Dragons version, not any 2nd Edition sources (I prefer the

word of the almighty Gary Gygax to later writers, rest in peace.)

Anyways, there are two things to watch out for with Kangaxx. First, he

can only be harmed by +4 or greater weapons, of which we have a

variety. I covered it above, but i'll reiterate... we should have the

Bone Dagger +4, the Staff of the Magi, Soul Reaver +4, the Wave +4, and

best of all-Daystar +2. Yes, Daystar +2-it counts as +4 versus evil

creatures remember? Kangaxx certainly counts as evil, and it does double

damage against undead, making it the single most potent item we have in

this fight. Our protagonist need not do this alone, however-we've got

several choices for attackers in addition. Jaheira, Imoen/Edwin, or

Dorn/Keldorn/Minsc. Second, Kangaxx attacks with only two spells-

Imprisonment, and Demilich Howl (which is like wail of the Banshee),

both of which he can infinitely cast. Needless to say, an unprepared

party won't last long against it... Hence the Scrolls of Protection

From Magic. Scrolls of Protection from Magic will effectively make you

immune to Kangaxx for a while, while on the other hand my protagonist

is protected by a combation of Death Ward and Spell Immunity:


Jaheira and Minsc/Dorn use their Scrolls of Protection From Magic on

themselves, while Anomen/Viconia retreat to the corner of the room with

the stairs from whence we came. The former two attack Kangaxx, along

with my protagonist. Daystar +2 really shines in this fight, as it's

capable of dealing many times more damager per hit than anything else.

Just keep attacking Kangaxx-he's highly resistant to damage and he

regenerates, but he doesn't have very many Hit Points. He should fall

fairly quickly, hopefully without being an asswad and attacking any of

your unprotected characters.

Once Kangaxx dies you'll get a hefty experience reward, and you can loot

his body for the Ring of Gaxx, 23 gold, and a Silver Necklace. The Ring

of Gaxx is probably the best ring in the game, as it bestows a +2 bonus

to Armor Class, a +2 bonus to Saving Throws, 10% magic resistance,

immunity to disease and poison, regeneration at twice the rate of a Ring

of Regeneration, and allows the wearer to cast Invisibility once per

day, and more importantly, Improved Haste three times per day. There's

no debate here-it goes on my protagonist. Why give it to my main

character? Favoritism, plain and simple. In the first game it was better

to spread gear around, but in Baldur's Gate 2, it can be quite

beneficial to have one character who can tank for the party-as we have

clearly seen. More importantly, my main character would often switch out

his Ring of Protection +2 and a Ring of Regeneration, as needed. Now he

need not bother. Also, since he performs tanking and shock-assault

attacks, making him immune to poison and disease makes him that much

harder to take down, and Improved Haste allows him to make more of an

impact when he goes after an enemy. With the Cloak of Mirroring, The

Paws of the Cheetah, and the Ring of Gaxx (not to mention his impressive

spell-casting powers) he has become a dynamic offensive character

who can pulverize opposing Mages and Fighters alike, as well as a

character capable of frustrating well-protected spell-casters by

spell-buffing himself to near invulnerability.


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Kangaxx the Demilich {VID004}

Abandoned Warehouse (AR0318)


7) Now, if you want to be completionists there are a few more places to

go around the Docks, and a few people to talk to. There's a 'Lost Girl'

near Mae'Vars Guildhall (x=3280, y=2700). If you treat her poorly, it

will provoke a little argument between Viconia and Jaheira. Or you can

give her a gold coin and she'll wander off. How epic. North of the

Shadow Thief Guildhall is an abandoned house (x=1700, y=500) wherein you

can find some cheap loot lying around, including a sparse collection of

magical ammunition.


(x=620, y=200) Arrows x40, Arrows +1 x8, Bullets x30, Bullets +1 x10

(x=570, y=170) Bolts x60, Bolts +1 x9

(x=400, y=350) Dart +1 x7, 1 gold

(x=170, y=370) Dart x30

Temple of Oghma (AR0319) and Barracks (AR0332)/(AR0333)


8) Over at (x=2850, y=950) you'll find a Temple of Oghma, where you can

find a Priest of Oghma who'll sell you some potions, a Ring of Animal

Friendship, and provide other typical Clerical services. Excited yet?

No? Good, you have no reason to be. Finally there's a Barracks

at (x=3500, y=1050), wherein you'll find numerous containers, some

holding gold or some cheap jewelry. So unimpressive is the haul,

however, that it doesn't even bear mentioning. Now we'll head off and

complete more areas of Athkatla. These quests won't be nearly as

demanding-nor as rewarding as the ones we just completed, but this guide

isn't about doing things in a logical sequential order... it's about

doing them in MY random order. And if I said somewhere earlier in the

FAQ that there is some order to this nonsense... well, what are you

going to do, stop reading this far into the game? No, I didn't think so.


(x=470, y=300) Potion of Invisibility, 30 gold


| Slavers in the Slums |

| (Copper Coronet Quest and the Slaver Stockade Quest) |


Sequence of Events: {WLK036}

1) Lecherous Lehtinan

2) People in the Pub

3) Purchased Employees

4) Restricted Area

5) Hendak's Plea

6) Tattling on Hendak

7) Double-Crossing Lehtinan

8) Killing the Beastmaster

9) Bernard's New Toys

10) Lend Me a Hand

11) Hobgoblins?

12) The Lover's Ring

13) The Myconid Lair

14) The Shaman's Staff

15) The Glowing Pool

16) Quallo's Riddle

17) Lilarcor

18) Captain Haegan

19) Troll Food

20) Freeing More Slaves

21) The Last of the Slavers

22) Hendak's Reward

Copper Coronet (AR0406)


1) Now, let's go do some quests in the Slums district, which is

festering with things to do. Head over to the Copper Coronet and talk

to Lehtinan (x=400, y=1220). He's rather... creepy... Pick dialogue

options #3, then #2 and he'll mention a variety of other 'services'

offered by his establishment. Asking about a specific one may cause him

to ask for a bribe, as Lehtinan thinks you 'look like trouble'. If you

Charisma is high enough, you'll be able to get away without paying,

otherwise you'll have to shell out some gold. This will allow you to

enter the back rooms to an extent without causing trouble. Now, before

we dive headlong into a quest, let's look at some of the things we can

do and some of the people we can talk to.


2) Over at (x=520, y=1320) you'll find Salvanas, who fancies himself

a ladies' man. Chat him up with some of your female party members to

see him get shot down in an amusing fashion. If your own protagonist is

female, you can be somewhat more receptive... which will only reveal

that Salvanas is all talk, no action. At (x=750, y=1300) is Garoll, who

will mention some of Lehtinan's back-room entertainment, if you buy him

a drink. Finally, talk to Tiana at (x=960, y=1260), who is looking for

her husband, Lord Rumar. Go up through the door at (x=850, y=880) to

find Lord Rumar (x=1120, y=680). If you talk to him you can then report

back to Tiana, and if you tattle Tiana will head to the back to confront

her husband and his mistress. Priss doesn't know when to keep her mouth

shut, and ends up getting into a fight with Tiana, who will almost

certainly kill her. Afterward Tiana collects her wayward husband and

makes off triumphantly. Her husband wisely obeys. We might as well loot

the back rooms while we're here, and deal with Llynis, Wellyn's

murderer and possessor of Littleman, if you haven't done that already

(of course, if Wellyn has gone ignored thus far, you'll have to wait

until after the fight with Bodhi to do it).


(x=600, y=500) Emerald, Greenstone Ring, Silver Ring, Scroll of Luck,

Scroll of Resist Fear

(x=750, y=600) Gloves of Pick Pocketing, Potion of Extra Healing,

Scroll of Melf's Acid Arrow, History of Shadowdale


(x=750, y=600)


3) Now go through the door at (x=1700, y=1550) to reach the audience

portion of the indoor arena. You'll be greeted by a well-dressed guy

named Frankie, who will tell you that the fights in the arena beyond are

man versus beast. Purchased employees, indeed. Continue to the arena,

where an announcer will begin... well... announcing. A Dwarven gladiator

will complain to no avail, and if you have him in your party, Anomen

will again clamor for justice. A Troll will be set into the arena with

the Dwarf and.. well, let's just say you probably wouldn't do well

against a Troll armed with just your fists, either.


4) Head back into the tavern proper and go through the doorway at

(x=1580, y=1350). Continue down a passage past two secret doors. The

first (x=2000, y=1000) leads to a black lotus den, and the second

(x=2150, y=900) leads to some as-of-yet unexplored sewers

(x=2070, y=670). We'll get there soon enough, but first go through the

door at the end of the hall (x=2500, y=700), beyond which you'll be

pestered by a Copper Coronet Guard. Pick any options other than the

last one and he'll attack... and even picking the last one only gives

you time enough to leave. When he turns hostile, some buddies of his

will show up, two Mages and two Fighters. By now, our party is so strong

that they just really don't have an answer for us, but you can throw

out a Chaos or Insect Plague if it'll make you feel better about

butchering them. They'll have some junk jewelry on them, and low-level

Mage scrolls, but in all fairness, their loot really matches the level

threat they posed to us.


5) When you pass near the middle cell, a man named Hendak will speak

to you, begging you to free him. If you decline, he'll be understandably

upset. Anomen thinks that leaving the slaves confined is the right thing

to do, as they are rabble. Keldorn is more altruistic, and it just goes

to show how Lawful Neutral and Lawful Good can make a world of

difference. It is much more profitable to help Hendak, however, so hear

him out. He'll ask you find the Beastmaster, who has a key to the cells

on him. All well and good, but for steps #6 and #7, we'll look at

tattling to Lehtinan-just to cover all options, and after you see the

quest rewards, you can decide what, exactly, you wish to do.


6) Now, if you want to be a bastard you can go tell Lehtinan that

Hendak plans to escape. As as reward you can coerce him to give you a

suit of Plate Mail Armor (wee...) He'll then ask you to go kill Hendak

for his audacity, and give you the 'Beastmaster Key' with which to open

the cell. If you go back and kill Hendak, you'll get a small quest

reward. Return to Lehtinan when the deed is done and he'll sweeten the

deal by giving you Kondar +1, but you'll lose a point of reputation.

Don't worry about Kondar +1, there's another way the good-guys can

obtain it. Overall, it's immensely more beneficial to side with Hendak,

as you'll see by following the experience trail.


(For killing Hendak and putting down the slave revolt)

EXP 7500

Item Plate Mail Armor

Item Kondar +1

Reputation -1


7) Of course, you can always double-cross Lehtinan once you have the

Beastmaster Key and use it to free Hendak. You'll get an identical

experience reward (the real deal must be using the key to open the

door, regardless of what you do afterwards) and Lehtinan will lead an

attack on the Copper Coronet. Unlike most useless NPCs, he decides to

go after Lehtinan himself. Fight your way through Copper Coronet Guards

(or not), and eventually Hendak will reach Lehtinan and challenge him.

Hendak will most assuredly win, and afterwards he'll announce that he's

taking over the Copper Coronet. You'll get a much more substantial

quest reward this time around, and Hendak will ask you to embark upon

another quest-to exterminate the slavers in Athkatla. He'll tell you

that it's in a dry-docked boat in this district.. you know, the area

marked on your map as the 'Slaver Stockade'. He'll suggest that an

indirect route may exist between the Copper Coronet and this Slaver

Stockade through the sewers-the entrance to which we've already

uncovered. Which begs the question.. why were they transporting slaves

over the city streets earlier? Ah well, I suppose we'll find out, eh?

Be sure to loot Lehtinan, as he'll drop a Diamond, a Water Opal, three

Emeralds, a Scroll of Summon Nishruu, a Scroll of Death Fog, a Dagger,

and 1287 gold.


(For double-crossing Lehtinan and freeing Hendak)

EXP 7500

Item Plate Mail Armor


(For freeing Hendak and overthrowing Lehtinan)

EXP 48750


8) Now, if you want to do this the conventional way go through the door

at (x=2720, y=880) to reach the arena floor. Cross the arena to the

south-east to find the beast cells. If you want to spare yourself some

trouble, kill the beasts along the way before you meet the Beastmaster.

They're cheese, but why fight them all at once? Along the way are some

Mutated Gibberlings, a Panther, a Grizzly Bear, a Black Bear, a Leopard,

and a Minotaur. Kill as many as you can, at the end of the hallway the

Beastmaster and his pet 'Tabitha' await. You can delay a fight by

claiming to be one of Lehtinan's guests, then promising to leave. Put

down the Beastmaster and his pets, and loot his body for a suit of

Plate Mail Armor, a Helmet, Arrows x20, the Beastmaster Key, a Scroll of

Stone to Flesh, the Tuigan Bow +1, a Spear, and 144 gold. The Tuigan

Bow +1 might have been moderately useful at low levels, what with its

fast attack speed, but we've long since had better Short Bows. Go and

free Hendak and the other slaves and the quest proceeds the same way it

did in Step #7. The Copper Coronet Guards turn hostile, Hendak kills

Lehtinan and sets himself up as owner, and asks you to clear out the



(For killing the Beastmaster and freeing Hendak)

EXP 7500


(For freeing the child-slave)

EXP 2500 x2


(For freeing Hendak and overthrowing Lehtinan)

EXP 48750

Note: If you're low-leveled, you can always wait with your party in the

arena and lure out the animals so they can be destroyed piecemeal.


9) The best part about completing the Copper Coronet quest is that

Bernard will now sell you new gear-regardless of whom you sided with.

The standouts include the Blade of Roses +3, which is mostly good just

because it's a +3 Long Sword you can get for 5000~ gold. Next is the

Mauler's Arm, a +2 Mace that raises the wielder's Strength to 18. I've

used this on Viconia in early-game situations before, so she'd have the

Strength necessary to equip heavier armor and shields and whatnot. The

Sling of Seeking +2 is a decent low-level Sling, and even at this

point in the game, the fact that it gives a Strength bonus to damage

makes it considerable as a weapon. Stonefire +3 is another good +3

weapon that can be purchased for less than 4000~ gold, and apart from

Frostreaver +3, it's one of the best Axes in all of Shadows of Amn.

He'll also sell you some nice Mage scrolls, like Chain Lightning,

Spell Sequencer, Prismatic Spray, and Incendiary Cloud. Best of all,

this loot can be stolen if you've got the patience and the Potions.

Just suck down enough potions to raise your Pick Pockets score to

180+ and you'll be able to steal on a whim. The new spells Bernard

sells are listed below:


|Mage Spells| Bernard, post-quest


6th-Chain Lightning


7th-Prismatic Spray

7th-Spell Sequencer

7th-Spell Turning

7th-Summon Efreeti



8th-Incendiary Cloud


8th-Summon Fiend

Sewers (AR0404)


10) Now that we're done with the Copper Coronet, head off to the

entrance to the sewers (x=2070, y=670). First go to the south-west to

find a large circular room inhabited by an Otyugh, an Ochre Jelly, and

a Mustard Jelly. Smite them and inspect the grate in the center of the

room (x=500, y=950). For your trouble you'll take some damage, and

be rewarded with a desicated hand. Wonderful.


11) From where you entered the sewers head south-east to find a group of

Hobgoblins, of all things. They include some tougher versions than we

used to face in Baldur's Gate 1, including a Hobgoblin Captain and some

Hobgoblin Shaman. Still, this is Baldur's Gate 2, not Baldur's Gate 1,

what are Hobgoblins anymore? You just need to watch out for the Shaman,

lest they hold anybody. Kill them and continue south-east.


12) Just behind the Hobgoblins you'll find some skeletons stuck on the

wall (x=1650, y=850). Activate the skeletons to obtain 'The Lover's

Ring'. Nice. Now continue into another hallway to the north-east until

you reach some stairs guarded by a Mustard Jelly. Smite it and continue

up the stairs (x=2200, y=600).

Myconid's Lair (AR0418)


13) Up here you'll find an 'Andorian' fighting some Myconids. Help it

out and it'll eventually die, but it'll distract the Myconids somewhat

in the meantime. Apparently it was part of a group that wasn't so

lucky or well-equipped as us. Oh well. Return to the sewers.


14) Follow the tunnel perpendicular to the one you originally came

from, continuing to the south-west, then turning to the south-east.

You'll reach a doorway leading to a more conventional sewer tunnel

running south-west/north-east. Disarm the trapped door bridge in the

middle of the tunnel and head to the north-east to find a group of

Kobolds, who will warn you to leave. They won't, however, actually

attack, so you'll need to be the aggressor here. When they're dead, grab

the Shaman's Staff from the talkative Shaman.


(x=1660, y=1850)


15) Head back south and smite a Carrion Crawler for no good reason, then

head down the tunnel to the south-east opposite the doorway by which you

first entered the Sewers. Head north-east to find another group of

Kobolds in these tunnels, but they're not what we're here for. Go

through the door at (x=2670, y=1900) and a 'Glowing Pool' will talk to

you and give you a riddle:

"Four locks are cast and made

Four wards will hold the blade

In what order shall thou place the keys?

Four deaths await thee"

It'll mumble some things about scratching rhymes on the wall, and will

tell you to go talk to Quallo. Who's Quallo, you ask? Head back to the

south-west (disarming a trap along the way).


(x=1900, y=2400)


16) Find Quallo at (x=2250, y=2750). He'll talk about a lot of

nonsense, including a hidden sword, his crazy Carrion Crawler

companion, and some clues left by 'The One'. Kill his Carrion Crawler

companion and loot it for the 'Blood of Quallo's Friend'. Now talk to

him again and tell him you've found his clues. Ask him about the

various objects you've found to glean some clues about the order in

which you have to place them. Where they go shouldn't need any

questioning, by interacting with the pipes in the room where you met

the 'Glowing Pool' you'll get some riddles, which are moronic in their


Lover's Ring: It is not first, nor does it belong in the third pipe.

Shaman's Staff: The staff shall seal the bargain and prove your worth.

Hand: It was Vallah's hand that cast the One into the depths.

His suffering is of prime importance.

So we know that the Shaman's Staff goes last, (4th) since it 'seals the

deal', and we know that the Hand goes first (1st) being of 'prime

importance'. If the Lover's Ring doesn't belong in the first or third

pipes, it either belongs in the second or fourth. Since the Shaman's

Staff is fourth, the Lover's Ring must be second (2nd). This leaves

only the Blood of Quallo's friend, which Quallo neglects to mention. It

obviously goes third (3rd). All we need now is a handy table to sum

everything up and... oh, there's one!


| Pipe | |Item Required |

| Location | Childish Riddle | (Order) |


| (x=2900, y=1770) |Vallah is no more | Hand |

| |But he has left a thing behind | |

| |Give me a hand | |

| |And I shall help you in return | (1st) |


| (x2770, y=1670) |They wailed and sighed | Lover's |

| |Then they died | Ring |

| |From the grave I've had my kiss| |

| |Bring me now the lover's gift | (2nd) |


| (x=2850, y=1720) |No sacrifice will do | Blood of |

| |But the blood of a friend, | Quallo's |

| |true. | Friend |

| |But guilt will leave its stain | |

| |If you wish to have the blade | (3rd) |


| (x=3000, y=1820) |Smell of dog | Shaman's |

| |Skin of lizard | Staff |

| |To find the staff | |

| |Kill the wizard | (4th) |



17) Go put the right items in the right pipes in the right order,

according to the chart above and you'll get an experience reward, as

well as an ominous bit of text concerning your new-found sword. Behold,

the mighty Lilarcor! And by mighty, I mean mighty annoying. It's a good

sword, bearing a +3 enchantment and granting immunity to charm and

confusion, but... well, just use it for a while and see how long you can

put up with it. You can spend some time conversing with the sword, for

what good that's worth. Honestly though, it'll bother you more often

than you'll bother it, it'll even act as another party member if you

have it equipped... or rather, it'll whine about being bored. Keep it

around as long as you can stand it. It's a pretty decent weapon for

Dorn, Minsc, or Keldorn... but in the first case, I find the pairing

especially fun. If you return to Quallo, he'll be released by whatever

spell was keeping him down here, although Jaheira rightfully cannot

guess how this idiotic sword was able to dominate anybody. When you're

ready to leave, head up the stairs at (x=2900, y=2500).


(For solving the sewer riddle and claiming Lilarcor)

EXP 18000 (each character)

Item Lilarcor

Slaver Stockade (AR0405)


18) As soon as you arrive you'll meet Captain Haegan, who wonders just

why in the hell you're trying to ruin his lucrative slave trade. I mean,

besides the obvious reasons that slavery is bad, and the fact that a

rich slaver is probably worth killing and robbing-morality aside. He's

joined by a Priest of Cyric and some guards. Focus on the priest first,

as he's the one with spells and hence, the one who can cause you

trouble. Hitting them with a Chaos can just about win this fight on its

own, although once the Priest of Cyric is defeated, it's really just a

matter of mopping up the warriors. Once they're dead, loot them for the

minor gold they've got on them. Some of the Slavers will drop Composite

Long Bows +1 and Arrows +1. Loot Captain Haegan for Studded Leather

Armor +2, a Helmet, two Potions of Extra Healing, a Potion of Frost

Giant Strength, Haegan's Key, a Two Handed sword, Throwing Axes

(varies), and 31 gold.


(x=1800, y=1330) Jasper Gem, Andar Gem, Turquoise Gem, Iol Gem,

Chyrsoberyl Gem, Splint Mail, Helm, Flail, 14 gold

(x=1490, y=1350) Arrows x20, Short Bow, Arrows of Fire x20


(x=1700, y=1270)


19) Now head through the door at (x=2120, y=1200) to find a room with

two Trolls and a helpless girl (x=2420, y=900). Kill the Trolls (use the

Arrows of Fire we got from the Kobolds in the sewers if you must) and

talk to the girl. She'll tell you that her and the other slave-kids

(I don't see any others, do you?) were of no use to the slavers anymore,

so they were more or less being fed to Trolls for sport. Free the slaves

and you'll get some experience and a point of reputation. If you give

the girl 100 gold... you'll get the same reward, although abstaining

will make Anomen and Jaheira argue with each other-even threaten each

other with violence! Jaheira is apparently touchy over this whole slave



(For freeing the child-slaves)

EXP 3500

Reputation +1


20) Head up stairs and into a hallway that is lined with cells. Go into

both cells and talk to the children inside to free them and claim more

experience. Continue through the tunnel to the north-west and disarm

a trap on the other side of the doorway (a particularly nasty, rearming

Prismatic Spray trap, at that). Go into the room to the north-east and

dispatch a pair of Yuan-ti before looting and leaving.


(For freeing more child-slaves)

EXP 2500

EXP 2500


(x=1660, y=260) Scroll of Protection from Evil, 14 gold

(x=1700, y=300) Arrows +1 x2, Potion of Extra Healing,

Scroll of Shocking Grasp, 312 gold

(x=1300, y=530) Potion of Healing, Arrows x20, Bolt x1, Scroll of Shield

(x=1250, y=500) Flail, Flail, Light Crossbow, Bolt x20, Spear

(x=1020, y=650) Club, Oil of Speed


(x=1300, y=770)

(x=1660, y=260)


21) Now go through the doorway to the south-west to find a more

formidable group of slavers, including two Slaver Wizards. One will

whine about the guards pestering them before realizing that you're not

any form of legal authority and attacking. Hit them with Dispel Magic

and/or Breach (the Dwarf will certainly start out with Stoneskin and

Mirror Image) and cut them down before they can hit you with Hold Person

and other such bothers. One Slaver Wizard will drop a Cloak of

Protection +1, a Quarter Staff, Darts x20, and 15 gold. The other will

drop three Potions of Icedust, a Quarter Staff, Darts x20, and 14 gold.

There are also two more archers with Composite Long Bows +1 and

Arrows +1. Loot and head down the (trapped) stairs. There's a little

looting to be done to the south, exit at (x=800, y=1950) when you're

ready to leave.


(x=950, y=720) Wand of Fear, Dart +1 x4

(x=850, y=720) Arrow of Acid x1, Gold Ring, Silver Ring, Bloodstone Gem,

Scroll of Dire Charm, Scroll of Sleep,

Scroll of Chill Touch

(x=1200, y=1700) Sling, Bullets x20

(x=840, y=1800) Scroll of Lightning Bolt, 101 gold


(x=950, y=720)

(x=550, y=1200)

(x=1200, y=1700)


22) Now return to Hendak, who will be thrilled that you killed the

slavers. Everybody will get a hefty experience reward, as well as some

other choice loot and money. We end up getting all the loot Lehtinan

would have given us, plus 3900 gold, and a great deal of experience.

What's not to like? Anyways, we're now done in the Slums District.


(For ending slavery in the slums of Athkatla... for now)

EXP 38000 (each character)

Item Plate Mail Armor

Item Kondar +1

Gold 3900

Reputation +1


| Clerical Competition |

| (Sir Sarles' Quest, the Dawn Ring Quest, Fallen Paladins Quest) |


Sequence of Events: {WLK037}

1) Art and Religion

2) Sir Sarles' Demand

3) Murderous Masquerading Merchants

4) Jerlia the Ore Merchant

5) Tempermental Artists...

6) Art is Interpretation

7) The Source

8) Unger's Excuse

9) Reunited with Neb

10) Mace of Disruption +2

11) Satisfying Sir Sarles

12) Neb's Bounty

13) For the Glory of Helm

14) More Meddling

15) Talassan Thievery

16) Travin the Con

17) Reclaiming the Dawn Ring

18) High Hall of Pretentiously Long Names

19) Posing Paladins

20) Turf War

21) Anarg's Cup

22) Order Restored

23) A Note on Epic Feats

Temple of Helm (AR0901)


1) Remember Guardian Telwyn (x=700, y=700) in the Temple of Helm

(AR0901)? He wanted us to get a guy named Sir Sarles to create some art

to jazz up the temple and make stuffy old Helm cool with the kids.

Anyways, the trouble with Sir Sarles is that he's charging an outrageous

commission fee and will work with nothing less than pure illithium,

which is expensive in itself. Your job is to convince Sarles to accept

a more modest commission and to secure the illithium... and chase off

any other meddling churches, if the need arises. You need to work quick

to beat the other churches to the punch, and with the promise of

compensation in mind, head off to the Jysstev Estate in the Government


Note: Depending on your alignment, different temples, and therefore

different characters will assign this quest. Everything besides who

gives you the quest, and who you return to once the quest is completed

remain the same. If you are evil, this quest will be given by Talon

Yarryl (x=330, y=320) in the Temple of Talos, and if you are good you'll

need to talk to Dawnmaster Sain (x=630, y=630) in the Temple of

Lathander. Also note that you must have at least started the Unseeing

Eye quest for this quest to be offered, regardless of your alignment.

Jysstev Estate (AR1006)


2) The Jysstev Estate is at (x=2900, y=2900) in the Government District.

If you've done Jan's quest, you've been here before, but for most of us,

I suspect this is our first visit. Inside you'll be bothered by a rather

rude Butler. Find Sir Sarles at (x=700, y=200). He doesn't really care

about the commission at all-he's got it made as the favored artist of

the day, ever since some Prism died up north (hmm...), but he refuses to

change his mind on the whole illithium thing. He'll refer some lady

named Jerlia, an ore merchant from Waukeen's Promenade. You have to

somehow obtain 200 pounds of this crap. There's a few things to loot in

this house,


(x=220, y=550) 120 gold

(x=350, y=450) Potion of Extra Healing

(x=450, y=400) 29 gold

(x=600, y=220) Dart +1 x2, 3 gold

(x=800, y=200) History of Sembia, Waterstar Gem


(x=350, y=450)


The chest at (x=350, y=450) can now be unlocked. It was permanently

sealed in the vanilla verison of the game-although you could disarm the

trap protecting it.


3) On my way to Waukeen's Promenade I was attacked by a group of

brigands who posed as my party members. I assume this had something to

do with my heightened reputation. They had a considerable amount of

low-level spell-power, but they typically just used it to hit me with

Melf's Acid Arrow, Fireball, and Magic Missile. Some had Heavy Crossbows

with which they attacked at range (and carried Bolts +1), others just

had Long Swords, and one had a Scroll of Mislead, a Scroll of True

Sight, and a Scroll of Death Spell.


4) Anyways, continue on to Waukeen's Promenade and find Jerlia the Ore

Merchant at (x=730, y=2200). She'll complain about the outrageous

demands of Sir Sarles (tell us about it) saying that her source only

gives her 50 pounds a season. Since we really don't have a year, we've

got two options: go haggle with her source, or give Sir Sarles a cheaper

substitute. Of course, what have we learned about doing things the lazy

way? We usually get a significantly worse outcome, as far as quest

rewards go. This isn't really the case this time around, but there are

two approaches, and I will cover them both. Step #5 will cover the fake

illithium approach, while the subsequent steps will cover the more

complicated approach.


5) If you want to give Sir Sarles some crap metal, agree to pay Jerlia

200 gold and go wait a day. when you return she'll inform you that

other churches have been sniffing around this deal, and that since the

demand has risen, so too, have the prices. Being an 'honest' business

woman, however, she offers to sell the alloy to you first... for 500

gold. Accept and head back to Sir Sarles. Unfortunately, he's not

nearly as clueless as Jerlia assumed he was, and he'll detect that the

supposedly unblemishable illithium is not quite right-or, if you have

Keldorn in your party, the stupid Paladin will outright admit that it's

fake. Either way, the prissy artist will become incorrigible and decide

to leave the city immediately in the face of this apparent insult. Well,

at least this way no other temples will be able to one-up them, right?


6) Head back to the temple, where the quest takes an unexpected turn...

apparently a lump of shapeless illithium can carry symbolic meaning to

these guys. You'll get some experience and the choice between a Ring of

Holiness, the Armor of Faith, or a Staff Spear... if your protagonist

is a Cleric. Otherwise you'll get the Helm of the Noble +1 from the

Temple of Helm (which is by far the best reward), a Periapt of Life

Protection from the Temple of Lathander, or a crappy Mace-Ardulia's

Fall +1-from the Temple of Talos. The Honorary Ring of Sune (aka: Ring

of Holiness) is decent, but we've got better spells than 1st-4th level

in this game, and if there's one thing your Clerics aren't going to need

in Throne of Bhaal it's more low-level spells. The Armor of Faith is

decent Splint Mail, with an Armor Class of 1 and a bonus to all Saving

Throws, but any suit of Full Plate +1 will exceed its Armor Class bonus,

and we're set to obtain some of the best suits of armor in the game-at

this point in the game there's just nothing all that special about this

armor. And of course, there's the Staff Spear +2... of which we've found

several already. If we're not using those, why would we take this one?

Anyways, pick one and it'll be brought to you eventually. You'll also be

informed that there's another task you can perform, which is covered in

Step #14.


(For giving the fake illithium to a temple with a Cleric protagonist)

EXP 10000

Item Honorary Ring of Sune


Item Armor of Faith


Item Staff Spear +2


(For giving the fake illithium to the Temple of Helm)

EXP 10000

Item Helm of the Noble +1


(For giving the fake illithium to the Temple of Lathander)

EXP 10000

Gold 1500

Item Periapt of Life Protection


(For giving the fake illithium to the Temple of Talos)

EXP 10000

Gold 1000

Item Ardulia's Fall +1


7) On the other hand, if you want to do the quest the right way, ask to

meet Jerlia's source. She'll demand compensation for revealing her

source (it'll take 1000 gold), so pay up. She'll tell you that her

source is a Duergar named Unger Hilldark who hangs around at the

Copper Coronet.

Note: There's absolutely no reason you can't get both the alloy and

pursue the pure illithium. If you want the Mace of Disruption +2, you'll

have no option but to turn in the alloy... which actually isn't a bad



8) Head over to the Copper Coronet, where you can find Unger Hilldark

at (x=300, y=1400). Despite Jerlia's warnings, he really can't be

provoked. Talk to him and he'll tell you that there's no illithium to

be had-his entire stock was stolen by some Hill Dwarf who has holed up

in the Bridge District. The only way you're getting some illithium is

if you head over there yourself and take it back. Sounds simple enough,

for a change. The name of this Dwarf we're seeking is Neb, who is on

the run from Baldur's Gate. Why does that sound familiar...?

Derelict House (AR0529)


9) Travel to the Bridge District and enter the 'Derelict House' at

(x=500, y=2550). Actually, only enter the house with the character

protected by the Amulet of Power, or Dorn. That's right, there's level

drain involved within, and my best response to it is to simply avoid the

bad undead with everybody save my protagonist. Inside you'll find Neb,

who will question you before summoning some 'children' and quaffing a

Potion of Invisibility. Kill the Child Spirits, who aren't very strong

against a character protected against level drain. They do require +2 or

better weapons to hit, but by now this isn't an issue. When they're all

dead I bring in Keldorn (or a Cleric) and cast True Sight to reveal Neb,

whom I set upon with my party. It's overkill, but it's no less than Neb

deserves. He'll continue to try and quaff Potions of Invisibility, and

then backstab while invisible. Note that if you kill Neb BEFORE killing

all the Child Spirits, they'll vanish and thank you, and you'll get

2500 experience for each one alive, as opposed to the 1500 you get for

killing them. When Neb dies, loot his body for Neb's Head, Potions of

Invisibility (1-5, depending on how many he drank), two Potions of

Extra Healing, Illithium Ore, an Iol Gem, Neb's Nasty Cutter +2 and 30

gold. Each Child Spirit will also drop a Pearl. Loot and leave. The

next step is entirely optional, and is concerned with the crafting of

the Mace of Disruption +2 (at the cost of the 21750 experience and

the 1000 gold we would get by turning in the pure ore to Sir Sarles.)


(x=200, y=380) Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Extra Healing

(x=300, y=300) Moonstone Gem, Silver Necklace, Angel Skin Ring, 452 gold

(x=450, y=250) 11 gold

(x=750, y=270) 1 gold


(x=300, y=300)


The trap at (x=300, y=300) can now be disarmed. I was unable to best

this trap with a Find Traps score of 170 in the vanilla version of the

game-it's no match for 100 in the Enhanced Edition.


10) Now you can take the Mace of Disruption +1 we got a lifetime ago and

the illithium ore over to Cromwell and he'll offer to upgrade the

former. It'll cost you the traditional 7,500 gold and a day of labor,

and you'll get the Mace of Disruption +2. The real perk of this weapon

is the fact that its wielder is immune to level drain, and its +2

enchantment means it's just strong enough to harm lesser Vampires. How

this takes up all 200 pounds of illithium, I have no idea, and why the

alloy can't be used further baffles me. Oh well, you'll have to choose-

Mace of Disruption +2, or the full quest reward. Read on and compare

the results before you make your decision.


11) Return to Sir Sarles and give him his damn ore. You'll get a

sizable experience reward, and the stupid artist is finally happy with

the commission.


(For giving Sir Sarles the Illithium Ore)

EXP 21750


12) Since we're already in the Government District, let's head over to

the Council of Six building (x=3200, y=950). Talk to Chief Inspector

Brega (x=1120, y=500) and give him Neb's Head. For bringing this

murderer to justice you'll gain some gold and a reputation increase.


(For turning in Neb's Head)

Gold 2500

Reputation +1


13) Finally, return to the Temple of Helm and tell Guardian Telwyn of

your success. You'll get another experience reward and more gold, as

well as a variety of rewards-one of three items if you protagonist is a

Cleric, as described in Step #5, or a specific item that differs from

each temple if your protagonist is not a Cleric. Again, the items-the

things that really matter-are the same as the alloy approach. The only

real difference? You get more gold and experience by doing this the

right way. Honestly, the Mace of Disruption +2 is probably the better

reward, even if its functionality is somewhat limited by its meager

+2 enchantment. Complete the quest as if you were going legit to bag

Neb and score the Illithium Ore, then make the Mace of Disruption +2

and secure the alloy, finishing the quest by angering Sarles, but do

what you wish. After you claim your reward, the temple will have

another quest for you.


(For securing the services of Ser Sarles with a Cleric protagonist)

EXP 20000

Gold 1000

Item Honorary Ring of Sune


Item Armor of Faith


Item Staff Spear +2


(For securing the services of Sir Sarles for the Temple of Helm)

EXP 20000

Gold 1000

Item Helm of the Noble +1


(For securing the services of Sir Sarles for the Temple of Lathander)

EXP 20000

Gold 2500

Item Periapt of Life Protection


(For securing the services of Sir Sarles for the Temple of Talos)

EXP 20000

Gold 1000

Item Ardulia's Fall +1


14) Whatever you do, talk to Guardian Telwyn, and he'll tell you that

the priests of Lathander and the priests of Talos are bickering again,

and will refer you to Dawnbringer Sain for more information. Your job

is, of course, to maintain balance in the situation by helping the side

that has currently gained the upper hand. The quickest way to get rid

of the Temple of Helm? Get rid of all the other temples, then they

wouldn't have any meddling to do.

Note: If you're good, talk to Dawnbringer Sain directly to obtain the

quest. If you're evil, you'll get this mission from Talon Yarryl, again.

In the latter case you'll be tasked with retrieving the Dawn Ring from

the Thief Travin, which was stolen in revenge for Stormherald Nallabir's

humiliation at a theological debate. Just a different motivation to

obtain the same ends.

Temple of Lathander (AR0902)


15) Head over to the Temple of Lathander (x=2900, y=1500) and find

Dawnbringer Sain (x=650, y=620). Apparently the Talassans have hired

thieves to steal the Dawn Ring. They were successful, and our job is to

intercept the thieves in the Slums District before they can deliver the

artifact to the Talassans. We're looking for a Thief named Travin.

If it's night time, head over to the Slums District, if not, rest up,

waste some time.


16) You'll find Travin near the northern District Exit, standing at

(x=520, y=770). It doesn't matter what you say to him, you really can't

mess this up-just don't pay him 400 gold, it's a scam. Eventually he'll

tell you to go to the red brick house on top of the Copper Coronet,

where you're supposed to meet a man named Borinall.

Borinall's House


17) Enter Borinall's House at (x=2250, y=1600), where you'll find, of

all people, Borinall. Go figure. He'll give you the ring if you do a

simple thing: swear your devotion to Talos. The reasoning is simple: if

you were a worshiper of Talos, you'd have no qualms about saying it.

On the other hand, if you weren't, you'd probably be smart enough to

realize the crossing the god of storms and destruction isn't a good

idea. If you swear to Talos, you'll be struck by lightning. Indoors,

even! If you refuse and insist he hands the ring over, he will attack,

along with some goons. Of course, if you get struck by lightning he'll

realize you're full of it, and attack anyways, so you might as well

avoid blaspheming the gods. Borinall and his crew are laughable, smite

them and take the Dawn Ring off Borinall's corpse. Loot the house and

leave, return triumphantly to Dawnbringer Sain, who'll reward you

appropriately. Of course, if you're here on behalf of the temple of

Talos you can make that oath without consequence. Doing so will allow

you to claim the ring without a fight, and take it to Talon Yarryl for

a nice reward.


(x=660, y=400) 9 gold

(x=400, y=300) War Hammer +1, 70 gold

(x=600, y=140) 3 gold

(x=170, y=150) 52 gold


(For returning the Dawn Ring to Dawnbringer Sain)

EXP 16250

Gold 1000


(For returning the Dawn Ring to Talon Yarryl)

EXP 16250

High Hall of the Radiant Heart (AR0903)


18) Now that we're done with Sir Sarles and the Dawn Ring, let's head

over to the High Hall of the Radiant Heart (x=3300, y=3400), where you

might have been before if you dealt with Keldorn's marital problems or

helped the Solamnic Knights in the Planar Sphere. In any event, outside

you'll catch another segment of the ill-fated Lady Irlana-Garrick

romance, written by Cyrando, with color commentary by Sir Cadril. Inside

you'll be bothered by Squire Cathras, who will ask you what your

business is. Tell him that you need to speak to the Prelate in private,

we can deal with Bodhi later.

Note: If you started Dorn's questline and crashed the wedding at the

High Hall of the Radiant Heart (OH5000), you'll have to continue with

Dorn's questline before the area will revert to the original-Paladin-

filled version (AR0903) we're looking for.


(x=440, y=1480) Potion of Fortitude, 7 gold

(x=620, y=1480) Potion of Healing x8

(x=280, y=1370) Dart +1 x4, Dagger, Small Shield


19) Over at (x=820, y=1220) you'll find Sir Ryan Trawl, who will ask you

to help the High Hall of the Radiant Heart. Apparently a former Paladin

named Anarg was implicated in slave smuggling and was expelled from the

order. Unfortunately he took other Paladins with him and has gone back

to his evil ways, masquerading as a Paladin all the while. Since a

bunch of armored Paladins approaching might tip them off, they need

outside help to deal with Anarg. Edwin is particularly giddy about the

opportunity to fling spells at these former Paladins. Before you go,

why not rob the place? Paladins don't need wealth. We're, ah, helping

them fulfill their vows of poverty and avoid temptation.


(x=1890, y=1250) Bolt +1 x10, Bolt x20

(x=1800, y=1170) Bullet +1 x5, Buckler, Angel Skin Ring

(x=1760, y=1200) Arrows +1 x10, Arrows x40

(x=350, y=520) Potion of Heroism x2, Garnet


20) Head over to the Bridge District and go east from the gate to find

a group of Paladins led by Reynald de Chatillon, who will strike down a

group of smugglers led by a character named Rindus. After the smugglers

are slain, Reynald will turn his attentions onto you and ask what your

business is, which leads to him asking-at length-if you want to join up.

Well... we are here to infiltrate their order, and since Anarg isn't in

sight yet, we'd best do their job so we can meet number one. You can

loot the bodies of the dead Smugglers, for what little wealth they have.


21) You'll be told to retrieve Anarg's cup from the High Hall of the

Radiant Heart. A cup? Really? Oh well, head back to the HHRH and talk to

Sir Ryan Trawl to get the cup. He'll make you promise to return it when

you're done with it... which shouldn't be too hard to promise, since

it's just a freaking cup!


22) With Anarg's cup in hand, return to the Bridge District and present

it to Reynald. Anarg will show up and sniff out Keldorn-or at least

your cause-and attack. Taken together, they're strong melee Fighters,

but they've got no spell-power whatsoever. Haste yourself, and hit them

with a Slow or Chaos and this fight is over. After the fight, loot them,

as they all have moderately valuable suits of Plate Mail. In addition,

Reynald has some Worn Out Boots (why he and one of the Smugglers had

these I have no idea) two Potions of Extra Healing, a Potion of Fire

Giant Strength, a Two Handed Sword, and 57 gold. Anarg drops a Helmet,

two Potions of Extra Healing, a Potion of Invulnerability, a Halberd +1,

a Two Handed Sword, and 147 gold. Return to Sir Ryan Trawl for your

reward. As a bonus, their armor and Anarg's Halberd +1 sold for a

combined 1320 gold, so at least you'll get some monetary reward for your



(For bringing Anarg's cup to Reynald)

EXP 10250


(For disposing of the Anarg and his Fallen Paladins)

EXP 17500 (each character)

Item Gloves of Healing

Reputation +1


23) Now, we've done most of the quests in the game by now, certainly if

you've completed everything previously mentioned. If so, then you, like

me, have just started to obtain Epic Feats. Sure, I mentioned them in

their own section, but now it might be worth talking about which ones

to actually get. Obviously Whirlwind and Greater Whirlwind are great

for your warriors, and in the case of Korgan the decision is pretty

simple. On the other hand, there are defensive considerations to be

made for some characters, and your multi-classed characters will

certainly have plenty of options. I generally consider summons to be

better choices in the short-term, since some of the Epic Feats allow

you to obtain truly potent allies, even if it's for a short amount of

time. We probably won't be getting too many more levels in Shadows of

Amn, so being able to cast Summon Deva for 20 rounds is probably better

than using a Whirlwind Attack once. Keldorn is a case in point, as he

can grab the Summon Deva ability and use it as an innate ability,

whereas other characters must prepare it as a 7th level Clerical spell.

Of course, keep in mind that you can only have one such creature

summoned at a time, so don't stock up on Summon Deva or Summon Planetar

spells. If you don't have Keldorn in your party, you'll just have to

bite the bullet and get the ability with your strongest Cleric (ideally

Anomen or Viconia). Jaheira's Greater Elemental Summoning is another

good choice, as being able to whip out a Summon Deva and Greater

Elemental Summoning really adds some tanking power to your party.

Another consideration are defensive spells, like Aura of Flaming Death.

Being able to become 90% immune to fire for a while can really make an

upcoming fight easier.


| Umar Hills (Part II) |


Sequence of Events: {WLK038}

1) Bones of the Prophet

2) Morn Ritual Note and Sun Gem

3) The Fire Pit Room

4) Noontide Ritual Note

5) Dawn's Light Symbol

6) Undead Encounter

7) Walking the Path

8) Lightstone Symbol and Dusk Ritual Note

9) Completing the Ritual

10) Thaxll'ssillyia, the Shadow Dragon

11) The Shade Lord

12) Crappy Armor

13) More Crappy Armor

14) Shadow Dragon Scale Armor... Not So Crappy!

Fallen Temple of Amaunator (AR1401)


1) We've now finished most of everything there is to do in Athkatla, but

there are still a few quests to do outside, and some extra areas on our

map to explore. First and foremost, however, it's finally time to return

to the Temple Ruins near Umar Hills and finish what we started when we

came to recruit Mazzy. If you didn't do that already, then do the first

half of the Umar Hills quest [WLK021] and return here for the rest. If

you forgot what we were up to, we were trying to kill some creature

called the Shade Lord, who is apparently responsible for all the

murders in the Umar Hills area. And then there was the Shadow Dragon,

the Shadow Altar, some key, some Sun Gems... light versus darkness,

and so on. Enter the first room to the north and loot an altar at

(x=1850, y=950) for Amauna's Bones, which I had previously decided to

leave in place. Continue to the prisons where we found Mazzy and loot

the rubble at (x=1360, y=380), if you didn't loot it during our

previous visit, to score Tombelthen's Journal (2nd half) as well as

some ammo. Don't get too bent out of shape by this note. It hints at

treasure, but it has to do with the Ranger Stronghold. Unless you're

a ranger, you can safely ignore this item. Now we are ready to proceed

with our exploration of this dungeon as normal.


(x=1850, y=950) Amauna's Bones

(x=1360, y=380) Bolts x40, Bullets x80, 1 Gold,

Tombelthan's journal (2nd half)


2) Head into the room south-west of the prisons and loot the pillar at

(x=1050, y=850) to obtain the Morn Ritual note. Continue to the

south-west and grab the Sun Gem from its pedestal at (x=750, y=1300).

You'll be rushed by some Shadows, but they weren't too bothered by the

light anyways.


3) With the Sun Gem in your possession return to the hallway that leads

to the exit and continue west down the hallway through the shadow door

at (x=1500, y=1100), which now opens before you. Go through the doorway

to the east and cross a wooden bridge that defies the laws of physics

and kill some more shadow beasties along the way. You'll enter into a

room with a large fire-filled pit in the middle. Of course, there are

goodies to loot within. Just remember that fire = hot, so don't be

surprised if you take a bit of damage crossing the pit.


(x=2050, y=1360) Pearly White Ioun Stone, Bolt of Lightning x40

(x=2170, y=1520) Arrows of Ice x40, 1 gold

(x=2250, y=1330) Wand of Lightning, Darts of Stunning x80


(x=2250, y=1330)


4) Across the pool of fire-through a doorway to the north-east-you'll

find a group of undead. At my level this included a Skeleton Warrior

(another one of the retarded arrow-shooting types) a more conventional

Skeleton Warrior, a Bone Golem, and a Greater Mummy. Instead of walking

your party over the fire and bottle-necking them at the door I prefer

to run in with one character (perhaps my regenerating protagonist with

The Paws of the Cheetah?) and lure them out into the fire-pool room,

where I safely kill them near the bridge. After all, why should we have

to stand on fire to fight them when we can coerce them to come to us?

When they are dead, loot the trapped pillar (x=2500, y=1250) in the

room to obtain the Tome of Amaunator and the Noontide Ritual note.

Note from Lee:

I do Step 5 before Step 4 by going down the edge of the fire pool, then

follow with Step 4 using the doorway to this room instead of the wooden

bridge to bottleneck the baddies. Main character, Boots of Speed, Ring

of Regeneration, stop on the way over to grab the loot at

(x=2170, y=1520). Once the creatures are dead (and they WILL run into

the fire pit to sustain some free damage), I send my thief around the

southern edge of the fire pit to reach the room and the trapped pillar

while suffering no damage. Also, on my latest time thru here, I

encountered a Lich in the room with the other enemies, who was fond of

casting Time Stop and other various nasty spells - it made this a very

interesting encounter.


(x=2500, y=1250) Scroll of Wyvern Call, Tome of Amaunator, Noontide

Ritual Note, Bullets +1 x40


(x=2500, y=1250)


5) Now go into the room south-west of the fire-pool room to find two

spirits, Dettseh (x=1850, y=1600), and Badon (x=1770, y=1670). They'll

talk to you and ask you for Amauna's Bones, and will tell you a bit

about the fallen child-prophetess if you ask. After taking the bones

they'll die, and Amauna will show up and thank you, and tell you how to

avoid the Shadow Dragon-as if we'd want to do that! Loot Dettseh for

250 gold, and be sure to loot Amauna's sarcophagus for some more loot,



(x=2000, y=1550) Scroll of Pierce Magic, Sunstone Bullet +1 x20


(For returning Amauna's Bones to their proper resting place)

EXP 17750

Item Shadow Dragon Wardstone

Item Dawn's Light Symbol


6) Continue south-west over a stone bridge overpassing a natural rock

chamber at the far side of which you'll find a continuation of the main

winding tunnel that connects to the entrance. Since we can't get through

the second shadow door to the north-west, we might as well go south-east

and head north-east the first opportunity we get. In the narrow hallway

we'll run into another group of undead. This time I had to fight two

Greater Mummies, two Skeleton Warriors, and a Lich. We should by now

have Sunray, it's no longer a luxury, it's pretty much necessary now

that Liches are going to show up as random enemies. Failing that, we

need to Haste up and hit the Lich with Breach and/or Keldorn's Dispel

Magic to take down its Stoneskin and try to kill it as fast as possible.

Your odds of killing it will be much greater if you at least cast Spell

Immunity: Conjuration to absorb its Time Stop assault with the defended



7) Continue into the room past the random undead and you'll get the

following message:

"As you approach the letter-tiled floor, a voice intones: Only the

Name of the Master shall keep thee from the Power of the Darkness!"

Well, there's no way to spell 'Shade Lord', and the puzzle promises to

protect us from the 'Power of Darkness', so we should just assume that

the puzzle refers to the original master of this place-Amaunator. So

cross the letters stepping on the letters that spell the name, starting

with the 'A' to the east and ending on the 'R' in the middle.


8) Go through the doorway at (x=2660, y=1750) to find an imprisoned

Shadow. It'll offer to tell you some secrets that'll help you take the

Shade Lord down if you take the critter across the traps in the room

we just crossed. Pick dialogue option #1 to outright agree, and you'll

get the chance to make it tell you its secrets before you let it tag

along (option #3). If you do so, it'll tell you that it stole a key from

the nearby chapel and hid it in this cell. Sure enough, at

(x=2720, y=1670) you'll find the Lightstone Symbol. Loot the altar in

the next room (possibly killing a Bone Golem in the process) for more

loot, including the Sun Gem, Arla's Dragonbane +3, and the Dusk Ritual

note. The first and last are items we need to navigate this place, and

the Sling is an old friend from Baldur's Gate 1. It just seems to bounce

from dungeon to dungeon, doesn't it? Cross the tiles in reverse order to

reach the other side safely. Your ungrateful Shadow will appear again

and attack you. No big loss.


(x=2720, y=1670) Lightstone Symbol

(x=2620, y=1620) Scroll of Protection from Magic Weapons,

Scroll of Disintegrate, Sun Gem, Sunstone Bullets x10,

Arla's Dragonbane +3, Dusk Ritual note


9) Return to the room north-west of where Mazzy was kept captive and

speak to the Statue at (x=900, y=200)-some shade creatures may have

respawned during our absence, so kill them along the way. It's got

something we need, and we need to take the test of the Holy Ritual

before we can loot it. Check out the three notes we've found-the

Morn Ritual, Noontide Ritual, and Dusk Ritual-to see what clues we

have so far:

Morn Ritual

1) ???

2) Hold the Holy Tome up to the Sun and my Power shall bless it.

3) Reflect as thou perceive the victory of Light over the Dark.

Noontide Ritual

1) Let thy voices sound the glorious songs of thy Lord.

2) ???

3) Rejoice on the Glory of the Light as it reigns over the Dark.

Dusk Ritual

1) Recite the Tenets of the Faith. They shall give you Strength until

I come again.

2) Hold high your children that they may longer see the Sun before it

slips beyond the realm. The Sun shall give them courage against the

fears of the Night.

3) ???

The Statue will ask us three questions for each ritual, and we know two

of the answers for each ritual. Each question will consist of three

possible answers. You job is to provide the answers in the correct

order. Each answer is only correct once, so if the Statue asks us a

question and two of the answers are part of another ritual, we know

they're wrong. For example, the possible answers to the first question

are as follows:

1) I shall sing a hymn to the Sun Lord.

2) I shall say a prayer to the Light.

3) I shall recite the Tenets of Faith.

Since #1 is part of the Noontide Ritual, and #3 is part of the Dusk

Ritual, we know the correct answer is-by process of elimination-#2. Of

course, if you have the Cloak of Mirroring on the Statue's reprisal for

a wrong answer-a Flame Strike-is ineffective. The answers that are

already 'known' aren't as clear-cut as they might seem, since the

Statue doesn't mimic them word-for-word. Just keep an eye out for key

words and pick what fits best.

The answers for the 'unknown' questions are as follows:

Morn Ritual, 1st Question:

"I shall say a prayer to the Light."

Noontide Ritual, 2nd Question:

"I shall raise my hands to the Light"

Dusk Ritual, 3rd Question:

"I shall mourn as I watch the Sun give way to the onslaught of night."

For completing the three rituals you'll get a nifty experience reward

and the 'Sun Ray Symbol', which is the last part of the fragmented

'Symbol of Amaunator'. If all three are in your inventory at once

they'll fuse and you'll get the full symbol, which we need to proceed.


(For solving the Statue's riddles)

EXP 45500

Item Sun Ray Symbol


(For reassembling the Symbol of Amaunator)

EXP 21250

Shadow Dragon Lair (AR1402)


10) Now head east down the hallway from where the trapped-tile room was

(crossing the fire-pit again on the way) until you reach another shadow

door at (x=2900, y=1800). Open it with our new Sun Gem and continue

until you exit the level at (x=3150, y=1450). You'll find yourself in a

new area, an unsettlingly large temple that should just scream 'big

fight!' to you. If you want to be a chump you can slink over to the west

and exit at (x=600, y=850), but any gamer worth their salt will want to

take on the Shadow Dragon in this area. Our Dragon Strategy should work

much better against this critter than it did against Adalon. We're more

powerful, we have better gear, and most of all, the Shadow Dragon is

nowhere near as powerful as Adalon, which is why-unlike Adalon-we'll

actually fight it. Oh, and it's not massively more worthwhile to avoid

the Shadow Dragon, like it was with Adalon. Spell buff to the max with

Haste, Blur, Mirror Image, Protection from Evil 10' Radius, Defensive

Harmony, Armor of Faith, and most importantly, Remove Fear. Also be sure

to summon as many creatures as you can, for fodder purposes. Beware that

the Shadow Dragon, Thaxll'ssillyia, loves to use Death Spell to get rid

of your summons, but with an Elemental Prince or Deva, it's just wasting

its time. Plus, forcing it to waste a round on this endeavor isn't

really a bad thing. Try and cast Haste and Remove Fear after summoning

critters, so you can catch your summons in these effects, too. Finally,

unlike most other Dragons, the Shadow Dragon will inflict severe level

drain (temporarily) upon party members with its breath weapon, which can

greatly weaken them. A character who is highly level drained doesn't

have the Hit Points to survive melee with the Dragon, nor the THAC0 to

deal damage, not to mention the havoc that spellcasters suffer from

losing levels-and hence, most of their spells. Also, if enough levels

are drained from a character by the Shadow Dragon's breath weapon, they

might become susceptible to its Death Spell, although this is quite

rare. To counter its breath weapon, you can have Imoen/Edwin cast

Limited Wish, ask for a repeatable wish, and ask for protection gainst

the undead, which will give the entire party negative plane protection

for a while. Be sure to cast this last. Once thus prepared run up to

Thaxll'ssillyia and talk to it.

It'll boast about feasting on your innards and such garbage before

turning hostile and will immediately start out with a Stoneskin, and

later with Protection from Magical Weapons, (both of which can be taken

down with a simple Breach spell), but at this point in the game, with a

protagonist who has Whirlwind, and a simulacrum with Whirlwind, a Deva,

and an Elemental Prince, this Dragon just doesn't stand a chance. It

then typically uses Wing Buffet and its breath weapon before bothering

with melee. If it focuses on a character that's not protected by

Stoneskin, it can do some damage very quickly, but it should be too

preoccupied to give injured characters more than a half-hearted chase

when they retreat to heal. It also may get out a Chaos spell, if it

lives long enough. Besides some extensive spell-buffing and a Breach,

I don't even have to use any offensive spells to bring it down, and it

only deals incidental Wing Buffet damage to me.

Alternatively, with the evil party, I had an entirely different tactic

in mind. Edwin had just hit 3,000,000 experience, and thus, just reached

level 18... good enough to get four 9th-level spell-slots. This induced

me to try my luck with a purely magical assault to see if I could, in

fact, kill this Dragon without having to resort to melee at all. You

know, you play the game a dozen times, and you start to wonder just how

many different ways you can kill something... anyways, this is how it

went. Edwin casts Stoneskin and my party buffs as usual (in case

something goes awry), then Edwin heads forward alone and starts out the

fight by casting Time Stop-his first of two. He uses this Time Stop to

cast Pierce Magic and two Lower Resistance spells (normally it would be

worth chaining these together, but I don't yet have Spell Trigger or

anything potent enough to allow me to chain these spells.) After the

first Time Stop ends, I resign myself to enduring the Dragon's initial

attacks, which usually includes Remove Magic, Wing Buffet, and its

breath weapon. After my characters are standing again, Edwin launches

his second Time Stop and casts two Comets (hence using up his final

9th-level spell) and Horrid Wilting. This should outright kill the

Dragon... but if it doesn't, I have more Horrid Wilting spells to throw

at it. I don't really recommend using Edwin to blast down the Dragon, as

it's just easier to mimic the good party's tactics of spell-buffing,

summoning fodder, and using overwhelming force to chop the Dragon down.

Loot the dead Dragon for some Shadow Dragon Scales, two Moonbar Gems, a

water Opal, a Black Opal, a Sphene Gem, a Pearl, the Crom Faeyr Scroll,

and 3299 gold. Hold onto the scales and the scroll-both can be used to

create some pretty good items. Victorious, I take my triumphant party

through the doorway at (x=3150, y=1450). I should be able to still

confront the Shade Lord with some spellbuffs, and after killing its

Dragon, how tough can it be?

Note from Lee:

I enter the chamber, but stay by the entrance and prepare for the fight

to come. I summon as many 'helpers' as I can manage at one time (there

apparently is a limit), and include them in all spell buffs. Cast every

defensive spell possible and Haste everyone until their hearts are about

to explode, then move the 'helpers' a little ways away from the main

party. SAVE - for the love of Amaunator, SAVE! I send Keldorn with

Dragon's Bane +3 along with the 'helpers' forward to sight the beast,

and soon as I have him spotted I do the following: Jaheira casts Insect

Plague, Anomen hits him with a blast from his Wand of the Heavens, my

Protagonist and Edwin each cast Lower Resistance, while Yoshimo hits

him with an Arrow of Detonation. Round 1 complete, and he hasn't even

initiated dialogue yet (or just barely)... Next, Jaheira does another

Insect Plague (more is better, right?), Anomen casts Flame Strike,

Edwin and Protagonist hit him with Breach, and Yoshimo switches to

Arrows of Biting, while everyone else attacks. At this point he's at

Badly Injured status, and we can just rush him in melee. He actually

dies quite easily after having all his defenses removed or lowered,

although it took several attempts to actually kill him and win the



Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Shadow Dragon {VID005}

Temple Ruins (AR1404)


11) When you arrive the Shade Lord threatens you before attacking. Wee.

It's joined by Shadow Patrick, the Shadow Altar, and Shadows will

continuously show up. The Shade Lord is the only 'threat' here, and it

can cast some decent spells, like Symbol, Stun. Rush it and chop it to

pieces. It'll also use a level drain attack that can be annoying...

which is just another good reason to focus on it. After it's dead, smite

the Shadow Altar to keep more enemies from showing up. After all the

enemies are dead, the lost Ranger Merella will be where the Shade Lord

fell. Go talk to her and she'll promptly die, and spill some loot. Grab

the King's Tears, the Rogue Stone, the Cloak of Stars, and the 4872 gold

that she drops, and loot Shadow Patrick for Darkmail +3, the Halberd +2,

Duskblade, a Composite Long Bow, and 40~ Arrows. By now Darkmail is

wildly inferior to everything I have equipped, and its 20% resistance

to fire is hardly enticing enough to overcome its Armor Class

deficiencies. The Halberd +2, Duskblade has likewise been long since

obsolete... we found a better Halberd during the Unseeing Eye quest!

Lastly, the Cloak of the Stars creates six +5 Darts per day... but

that's not really enough to get much of anything done. So all the gear

we got from the Shade Lord was a dud, but at least we got some good

experience. Light returns, the map changes, birds chirp, and everybody

is happy. Yay. Time to return to town for our reward.


(For defeating the Shade Lord and smashing the Shadow Altar)

EXP 44250 (each character)

Minister Lloyd's Home (AR1104)


12) Return to Umar Hills (AR1100) and enter Minister Lloyd's Home

(x=5000, y=2550) and talk to Minister Lloyd (x=660, y=380). Tell him

what happened with the Shade Lord and Merella and you'll get the

The Night's Gift +5. Honestly, look at this armor. Is it really much

better than Shadow Armor? A little better Armor Class, 5% less Hide in

Shadows. Meh. He'll also offer you Merella's Cabin if you're a Ranger...

and we know what that means.. next up are the Ranger Stronghold Quests.

Well, after we deal with some armor, kindly donated by some Dragons we

may have slain.


(For stopping the evil and saving Imnesvale)

Item The Night's Gift +5

Reputation +1 (or 100 gold)

Umar Hills (AR1100)


13) If you killed Adalon earlier, you might as well go visit Fael near

the Umar Inn (x=3500, y=2860), and give him the Shirt Made of Human

Flesh and the Blood of a Silver Dragon. He'll tell you to return in four

days to collect the completed armor. In four days you'll indeed get your

armor, but Fael knows you're not the tanner, and he'll call in three

Mage buddies to attack you. One has to wonder why he gives you the armor

and THEN attacks. Anyways, some of the Mages are moderately powerful,

able to cast Horrid Wilting and other annoying spells. They are,

however, in very close order, and can easily be taken down with one

Insect Plague. Unfortunately, for all this work the armor is somewhat...

underwhelming. Okay, it's not bad, its Armor Class is three, which is

just one lower than Shadow Thief Armor, and it gives a whopping +4 bonus

to your saves and 20% magic resistance, making it good all-round

defensive armor. The down side is that its Armor Class is inferior to

other light armor we are going to obtain soon, and it can only be worn

by evil characters. Name me an evil Thief who might want to use this

armor...? That's right, there aren't any. So there are no good

candidates for this armor unless you have a Thief protagonist, and

frankly, there's better armor out there. Fael will drop some gold, a

Warhammer, and a suit of Leather Armor +1. One of the Mages dropped a

Potion of Mind Focusing, another leaves behind a Bloodstone Amulet, and

the third dropped a Zircon Gem and 25 gold. Overwhelmed by the awesome

loot? Don't worry, the next armor is better. Return to the Docks

District of Athkatla and pay Cromwell a visit.


14) With the Shadow Dragon Scales in hand, Cromwell will offer to make

you the Shadow Dragon Scale Armor for a scant price of 5000 gold. It's

Armor Class is only one point worse than Full Plate Mail +1 and imparts

a +50% resistance bonus to acid. Best of all, it counts as light armor

and can be worn by Rangers and Thieves without interfering with their

ability to sneak. You won't find better light armor in Shadows of Amn...

unless you're a Mage multi-class, in which case, the hunt is still on.


| Ranger Stronghold Quests |


Sequence of Events: {WLK039}

1) Best Wishes from Imnesvale (Please Stay!)

2) Mairyn's Mission

3) Tombelthen's Family Treasure

4) The Violent Option

5) The Mithril Medallion

6) Appeasing Tombelthen

7) Mairyn's Reward

8) More Trouble in Imnesvale

9) Orog Assault

10) Rescuing Madulf

11) Umar's Return

12) Mairyn's Plea

13) Saving the Forest

Ranger Cabin (AR1107)


1) Okay, you beat the Shadow Dragon and the Shade Lord, so you're a

pretty badass Ranger. Of course, since you're a Ranger, Baldur's Gate 2

hates you. Nobody else had to beat up a Dragon to get their stronghold,

after all. Don't worry, though, the Ranger Quests are actually some of

the more interesting class-related quests. They sure beat the lame-ass

Cleric Quests, in any event. The first order of business is to head off

to the 'Ranger Cabin' (x=650, y=2800) in the Umar Hills. You'll find

that the place has been restocked, so go loot around. It's not anything

great, but it does somewhat make up for the poor reward we got from

Minister Lloyd for saving his town. Read the note they give you, which

just says 'thanks for saving our asses, here's some crap, enjoy your

cabin... please stay?' Aww, heck, I can't resist some good old



(x=950, y=380) Bullets x40, Bullets +1 x10, Bullets x2 x10

(x=650, y=350) Long Sword +1, Flail, Composite Long Bow +1, Short Bow,

Sling +2, Battle Axe, Throwing Axe x10

(x=620, y=400) Arrows x60, Arrows +1 x20, Arrows of Biting x5,

Arrows of Fire x10

(x=450, y=550) Potion of Hill Giant Strength, Potion of Healing x5,

Antidote x2, Potion of Extra Healing x3

(x=550, y=600) Note from Imnesvale, 300 gold


2) Rest for a while and a green lady-a spirit of the forest, no less-

named Mairyn will show up and beg for your help. As the local Ranger, it

looks like it's up to you to deal with the problems of creepy animist

spirits. Now that we've made the woods safe and brought light back to

the former temple of Amaunator, some Humans have moved in and are

tearing up the place, causing considerable damage to the forest-and its

spirits-in the meantime. They are apparently looking for something, and

if they're all the way out there it's probably something valuable... we

can expect a warm reception, surely. She'll then teleport outside and

wait there for the good news. Can't blame her, this house is creepy.

Unlike most quests in this game you really have the option to fail this

one-you can just go talk to Mairyn (x=650, y=3000) and tell her that

you don't feel like doing the quest. She decides you're not much of a

Ranger and leaves to go try to deal with the problem herself. I don't

know about you, but I can't tell a pretty green chick that she's on her

own. Maybe I'm too gallant and chivalrous, and stuff?

Ruined Temple (AR1400)


3) Return to the Ruined Temple area (AR1400) and head over to

(x=2520, y=2000) to find one Lord Igen Tombelthen. If experience has

taught us anything, it's that people named 'Lord' something-or-other are

going to be haughty pains in the ass. Sure enough, he's entirely rigid

about the class thing, as if his 'nobility' mattered a bit in the

middle of the forest. Still, he's not entirely inflexible. He does

outright refuse to leave, but you can persuade him to let you look for

some mithril one of his ancestors hid away here. He'll even give you

Tombelthen's Journal (first half) to aid you in your search.

Unfortunately for Igen, this is the ass half of the note, giving only

the general description 'far to the north-west of Imnesvale village, in

a forest --'. The second half is much more precise.


4) Of course, it's much easier to resort to violence, and the game seems

to try and entice you down this path by making it an option at nearly

every step of the conversation with Igen. If you provoke them, the only

one really worth watching is Tamorlin, who is a Mage, and hence, has

the power to at least be annoying, which is more than can be said for

the rest of them. Lord Tombelthen will leave behind a suit of Full Plate

Mail, a Helmet, Bolts x20, a Two Handed Sword +1, a Heavy Cross Bow, and

26 gold. Tamorlin drops some Traveler's Robes, Bracers of Defense

A.C. 6, a Quarter Staff, and 6 gold. The soldiers merely carry Large

Shields, Chain Mail Armor, and Bastard Swords.


5) If you're being merciful and helpful, and not succumbing to the whole

'murder' thing in your blood, head to the east, where you'll find some

Skeletons led by a Skeleton Warrior. They're laughably weak by this

point in the game, so smite them and loot the stone columns at

(x=3900, y=2300) to obtain 'Lord Tombelthen's Note' and a Mithril

Medallion. If this is what Igen is looking for... it had best hold some

sentimental value, or mithril must be worth a fortune.


6) Return to Igen, where his reaction lets you know that mithril is,

in fact, not quite so valuable that a simple medallion is worth this

expedition. He'll offer you 1000 gold for finding it for him. If you

try and hardball he'll drop down to 500 gold, and if you don't give it

to him at all he'll attack. If you decline any monetary reward, you'll

get 10000 experience, instead.


(For giving the Mythril Medallion to Igen)

EXP 10000


Gold 1000


7) Now that you've gotten rid of the defilers (one way or another)

return to Imnesvale and talk to Mairyn. You'll get an experience reward

for helping her out, if nothing else, although she'll lament that you

killed Igen, if you did. If not, everybody's happy. Either way, it's

the same experience reward.


(For getting rid of Tombelthen and saving the forest)

EXP 21500


8) Your next mission will happen about a week later. Delon will be sent

to find you, and tell you that some Orcs are threatening Imnesvale,

and that they'll be there in three to four days at the most. Sooo...

return to Imnesvale and find Minister Lloyd, who'll tell you that Ogron

are attacking... Ogrons/Orcs, close enough. Our buddy Madulf has been

fighting the good fight, but he seems to be getting the bad end of

things, and has retreated into a cave with a shepherd named Atta. Looks

like a rescue mission is in order. Note that Minister Lloyd says we must

save Atta, and make sure Madulf doesn't die in vain... how would he know

that Madulf is dead, and that Atta wasn't? Or is he just being hopeful?

Note: If you fail to attend to this quest in a timely manner, the

situation will resolve itself-poorly. You won't get an explanation or

an update, but when you talk to Minister Lloyd again, he'll rudely tell

you that you're no longer welcome in town, no longer deserving of the

cabin, and no longer the Ranger of Umar Hills... which prematurely ends

the Ranger Stronghold quests. So be sure to make it to Umar Hills before

three days have passed.


9) Head over to the Umar Cave (x=1600, y=1300) where you'll find a group

of Icewind Dale rejects-an Orog Leader, three Orogs, and two Orc

Archers. Laughably weak, smite them and loot them. The Orc Archers have

some Arrows of Fire if you kill them fast enough, and the Orog Leader

will drop a suit of Studded Leather Armor +2, a Small Shield, a Scroll

of Infravision, a Bastard Sword +1, and 370 gold.

Umar Cave (AR1106)


10) Enter the cave and talk to Madulf (x=720, y=1150), who isn't in a

great way, but is far enough from dead. He'll thank you for your timely

rescue, and prove his virtue again by having protected the shepherd,

Atta, from the Orogs. He'll leave to go find his friends, and you'll get

a quest reward. Return to Minister Lloyd for more juicy rewards.


(For driving off the Orogs and saving Madulf)

EXP 21750


(For saving Imnesvale from the Orogs)

EXP 25000


11) Another week will pass, and another danger will threaten Imnesvale.

Delon finds you again and asks you to return and talk to Minister Lloyd,

apparently Umar herself has decided to plague the town. Minister Lloyd

tells you that Umar-or at least a very convincing impersonator-showed up

and told the townsfolk to leave 'her lands'. The black balls of fire and

the demons she summoned were enough to convince shaky old Imnesvale,

but we... we... have seen some things, and if a city full of Drow

couldn't stop us, neither can some sleepy-town witch.


12) So... let's return to the Ruined Temple and head over to the ruins

of the temple of Amaunator (x=4500, y=200)-you know, where the Shade

Lord and his minions were holed up? Near the stairs you'll find Mairyn,

who will add her pleas to those of the townsfolk-whatever this 'Umar'

is, it's poisoning the land around here, too. She will helpfully wait

outside, of course.

Restored Temple of Amaunator (AR1401)


13) Inside the ruined temple of Amaunator you'll find that it has been

repopulated with undead. Undead of a less shadowy, more corporeal

nature, but undead nonetheless. Within are also numerous fiery, demony

critters, which don't get along well with the undead. Near the entrance

you'll find Skeletons, Zombies, a Salamander, and in the room where we

found Amauna's Bones, a Glabrezu and a Spectre, the latter of which can

level drain. Head over to where we found Mazzy and sweep around until

you reach the room where we obtained the Sun Gem, exterminating Zombies,

Skeletons, a Skeleton warrior, another Spectre, and finally, an Imp

before reaching 'Umar' (x=740, y=1240). If you get too close, she'll

turn hostile and attack. She is, however, no ancient witch or Lich or

anything of the sort-she can't even keep her minions from fighting! She

starts out with Mislead and Stoneskin before she tries to go for a

Greater Malison/Chaos combo. Still, she's not nearly dangerous enough

to warrant any real worry. When dead, she'll volit a Mage Robe of Fire

Resistance, Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, Wand of Lightning, Dagger,

25 gold. When you leave the temple Mairyn will reward you with a rather

potent figurine that summons Cerebus, a powerful companion that can use

various abilities, including the Moon Dog Howl, a combination of Remove

Fear and Protection from Evil, Moon Dog Sight, a combination of True

Sight, Detect Traps, and Detect Evil, as well as more typical spells

like a Healing Lick (Cure Light Wounds), Improved Invisibility, and

Mirror Image. It might not be able to survive as well as, say, a Deva

or Elemental Prince, but it still is one of the more useful summons



(For dispatching 'Umar' and saving the forest)

EXP 26750

Item Moon Dog Figurine

Reputation +1


| Firkraag |


Sequence of Events: {WLK040}

1) Firkraag's Offer

2) Monster Murder

3) Sanctuary

4) Iltha Abducted

5) Firkraag's Challenge

6) They Don't Need it Anymore...

7) Pack Attack

8) Ankhegs and Other Random Monsters

9) The Fairy Queen

10) Hobgoblin Assault

11) Vampiric Mist Cave

12) Lord Foreshadow

13) Kobold Kamikazes

14) Under a Hail of Arrows..

15) The Golem Engagement

16) Orcs of a Feather, Beg Together

17) The Culinary Arts

18) Undead Infestation

19) Teaming up with Samia

20) The First Guardian

21) The Director

22) Reassembling the Mask

23) Tools of the Trade

24) Treacherous Samia

25) Doggies

26) Dragon Helm

27) More Masquerading Mutts

28) Dissent

29) Golem Guardians

30) Orogs and.. Golems?

31) Tazok Returns

32) Iltha Imprisoned

33) Face to Face with Firkraag

34) Betraying Garren Windspear

35) Freeing Iltha

36) Out of the Frying Pan and into the Firkraag

37) Unconventional Armors

1) Okay, now we're ready to take on one of the signature quests in

Shadows of Amn. Head over to the Copper Coronet in the Slums District

of Athkatla and talk to Lord Jierdan Firkraag (x=720, y=1400). He's

been pestering us with floating text for a while now, but since he

wasn't nearly as annoying as Nalia (and because of this FAQ writer's

knowledge) we've been avoiding him. He'll tell you that he needs a

'creature' such as you to drive off some Ogres and Trolls that are

causing him trouble, and he'll offer you a whopping 10000 gold for the

task. His offer remains open for you to peruse at your leisure-hardly

seems like much of an emergency-and the Windspear Hills will be added

to your map. We shall all receive exactly what we deserve, indeed.

Windspear Hills (AR1200)


2) The Windspear Hills are east of Trademeet, and it'll probably be a

good idea to stop at Trademeet and rest before you head over to the

Windspear Hills.. oh, and you need to exit the side of an adjacent map

to travel to the Windspear Hills anyway, a la Baldur's Gate 1. Once you

arrive you'll find a curious group of monsters including a Gnoll Elite,

a pair of Ogres, an Ogre Mage, and a Baby Wyvern. We've seen stranger

things, though. Of course, one of the Ogres talks to you and seems to

think that YOU are the monsters... it doesn't matter what you do,

they'll attack and you'll be forced to put them down. Further evidence

that this is an unusual event will surface as you kill them and receive

an inordinately large experience reward, and the fact that they wear

metal armor. Once they're all dead a man named Garren Windspear will

show up and inquire as to who you are, and how you can change your form

from man to beast at will. Then the truth will become apparent-you've

killed some knights by accident! Garren suggests that you follow him to

his home until you can make sense of this-the Knights of Helm won't be

so forgiving.

Windspear Cabin (AR1204)


3) If you agree to go with Garren Windspear you'll appear outside of

his cabin. Enter at (x=800, y=3150) and talk to Garren... or rather, get

talked to by Garren. He'll tell you that he used to be the lord of this

land until he lost everything to Lord Jierdan Firkraag, the apparent

cause of our collective troubles. He'll leave to talk to the Most Noble

Order of the Radiant Heart on your behalf and his daughter-Iltha-will

show up and thank you for giving her father the chance to help somebody,

as if we had a choice.

Note: If you're playing a female protagonist, Garren will have a son

named Taar, who will take the place of Iltha in all things. Clearly,

they're trying to play into your sexual sympathies.


4) Your party will rest and a Halfling named Jum will show up and scream

bloody murder about some bandits approaching. Before you can deal with

them, they'll show up in the house and abduct Iltha/Taar before

attacking you. They're a motley bunch, led by a Mage named Plath

Rededge, who openly admits to working for Firkraag. Their intentions are

quite simple: they've abducted Iltha/Taar and plan to frame you for that

crime, doubtlessly an attempt to further your reputation as merciless

marauders. Whatever we did to Firkraag, he's got it in for us something

fierce. The only clue Plath gives us is that it's 'revenge against those

beyond reach, against friends of yours that were enemies long past.'

Which could really be anybody from Baldur's Gate 1. When she finally

shuts up, the bandits will attack, including Plath Rededge, a Dwarven

Bandit, and two Orcs. Needless to say I focus all my attention on Plath

and strike her down almost instantly, then it's just a matter of mopping

up the unfortunate melee enemies. When they're dead, loot Plath Rededge

for a Bloodstone Amulet, a Quarter Staff, and 20 gold. The Dwarf drops a

suit of Plate Mail Armor, a Helmet, a Large Shield, a Silver Necklace, a

Battle Axe, and 30 gold. The Orcs will typically drop some random gems,

jewelry, or gold, as well as a scroll.


5) As can be expected, Garren Windspear shows up just after the last

enemy dies. He's distraught, but he just manages to avoid blaming you.

He'll tell you that despite your lackluster defense of Iltha/Taar, he

was successful with the Radiant Heart, and they have decided to pardon

you-so long as you seek out justice for the slain. As if we needed more

encouragement to go after Firkraag. Jum will show up and give you a

letter, and the very name, 'Firkraag's Challenge' is provocative enough.

Whoever this Firkraag is, he's at least arrogant enough to let you know

where he is, and has the gall to express his boredom with this little

'game' of his. Note the exaggeration on the word 'person' in his own



6) Garren and Firkraag's letter both suggested the ruins to the

north-east, but as is typical, I prefer to explore the area before

committing to a dungeon. Just north-west of the cabin you'll find a

crack in some rocks worth looting. If you want to loot the bodies of the

dead knights, they sure haven't gone anywhere. Head over to the

north-western corner of the map where you entered the level to score a

few suits of Plate Mail Armor to sell. Murder and robbing the dead?

Well, in for a penny, in for a pound. You can also loot some nearby

bushes, for what it's worth..


(x=200, y=2075) Star Sapphire

(x=300, y=540) 63 gold


7) Just north of the center of the map you'll find a group of unarmored

Fighters killing some Gnolls. After all the Gnolls are dead they'll end

up chatting amongst themselves for a while, and the canine puns are

numerous and obvious enough that it should be no surprise when they tire

of their meaningless musing and turn into Werewolves. Unfortunately for

them, we fought through an entire island of Werewolves when we were

half the level we are now, these mangy critters don't stand a chance.


8) East of Windspear Cabin I encountered an Ankheg, one of our long lost

friends from Baldur's Gate 1. Those things were everywhere before, but

now they're rare, and no real threat. If Taerom Fuiruim could make you a

suit of Ankheg Full Plate in the first game, it should be no surprise

that Cromwell can do the same in this one. Of course, we've long since

outgrown the need for such weak armor. In addition to the random Ankhegs

that'll pop up, you also might run across groups of Goblins,

Gibberlings, and other pointless encounters.


(x=2260, y=2690) 11 gold


9) In the south-eastern corner of the map you'll find Vaelasa, the Fairy

Queen (x=4040, y=3050), who'll talk to you. You're supposed to give her

the Dryad acorns we found in Irenicus' Dungeon, all the way back near

the beginning of the game. If you do, you'll get a nice experience

reward for the trouble.


(For giving Vaelasa the Acorns of her Dryad sisters)

EXP 32500


(For freeing Elyme, Ulene, and Cania from Irenicus' clutches)

EXP 9750

Windspear Dungeon, Level 1 (AR1201)


10) After returning the Acorns, killing some Werewolves, and grabbing

an Ankheg Shell head to the north-eastern corner of the map and enter

the dungeon at (x=4400, y=500). When you get inside you'll be greeted

by an Orog named Chieftain DigDag, who orders his minions to attack,

then leaves. Dispatch his sorry collection of Hobgoblins in his absence,

which consist of a Hobgoblin Captain, a Hobgoblin Archer, two Hobgoblin

Elites, a Hobgoblin Wizard, and a Hobgoblin shaman. The Shaman will

drop some Potions of Healing and a Scroll of Cure Serious Wounds. The

Archer will drop some Arrows +1, and the rest of the Hobgoblins will

drop useless gear and random loot. Continue to the north-east and

exterminate another group of Hobgoblins, which are just as unimpressive

as the last group was. I was also molested by some Vampiric Mists

between the two groups, which I dispatched by engaging them with my

main character in melee, and shooting at them with the rest of the

party. True Sight also helps for when they inevitably turn invisible and

attack less well protected party members.


11) Head to the north-west, where you'll find a group of weak humanoids-

either Orcs or Hobgoblins. If it's Orcs, you'll find Orcs and Orc

Archers. If it's Hobgoblins, it'll be an even more diverse group,

including spell-casters. They're pathetic opposition by now, dispatch

them however you wish. In a cavern to the south-west you'll find more

annoying enemies-Vampiric Mists. I tend to just send my Protagonist

down there alone, let them swarm around me, and use Daystar to cast

Sunray and hopefully dispatch as many of them as possible. If you go

fight them normally, they're fond of turning themselves invisible if

they're heavily injured.. and while invisible, they will-more often

than not-target party members that are not protected from their level

drain. Once they're all gone, search the cave the mists came from for

some minor loot.


(x=800, y=1600) The Protector +1, Aquamarine Gem, Horn Coral Gem x2

(x=770, y=1430) Waterstar Gem


12) Head to the north-west (opposite the Vampiric Mist cave). Off to the

side will be a large chasm. Investigating it gives you the clue that a

large creature burned and dug its way down, forming the pit. If you

interact with the pit you'll knock a pebble down into the depths and

hear an indignant snort. Subtle, huh? You might also find more petty

humanoid foes over here.


13) Continue on until you find a Ruhk Transmuter, who is surrounded by

several Kamikaze Kobolds. He'll sic them on you, then retreat. Be sure

to kill them with ranged weapons, as they explode into Fireballs when

slain. After that little threat has been neutralized, rush the Ruhk

Transmuter and cut him down. He'll be kind enough to leave behind a

Ring of Fire Resistance.. which will come in handy soon enough. Put it

on a character who doesn't yet have fire resistance, or easy access to

spells that grant fire resistance. Head through the door at

(x=2350, y=900) to reach the lower level of the dungeon.

Windspear Dungeon, Level 2 (AR1202)


14) When you arrive you'll be shot at by a bunch of butthole Orc

Archers. You can either shoot down the Orcs with counter-fire, barge in

on their positions via secret doors at (x=1600, y=2100), and

(x=1900, y=2350), or run through the middle door at (x=1880, y=2200).

If you kill them they'll each leave behind a suit of Plate Mail Armor,

some Arrows, and some Arrows of Fire. A second door awaits you at

(x=2250, y=1900). Note that all the doors mentioned above are locked,

so make good use of your Thief to get through them... or a Knock spell,


Note from Lee:

A Fireball into each side chamber will severely injure, if not kill

outright, all the buttholes. Chaos is also interesting, as they don't

have a lot of room to move, and they continually run into each other

like bumper cars. Doesn't really hurt them, but it's fun to watch...


15) The hallway ahead of you is blocked by several Golems, and at this

point in the game, we've got to deal with an Adamantine Golem. It's

accompanied by two Stone Golems, but fortunately, only the latter can

fit through the small doorways to reach us. Lure the two Stone Golems

into the wider room and smite them. Adamantine Golems are immune to

anything less than +3 weapons, and take very little damage from weapons

regardless of their enchantment. Still, we can easily surround it with

competent melee Fighters and hack it to death, or attempt to cheap-shot

it with the Rod of Smiting, if you are so inclined. Of course, I was

just as inclined to have Jaheira kill it at a distance with her Fire

Tooth +3.


16) Go through the doors to the north-west at (x=2050, y=1660) and

(x=1950, y=1600) to find a room containing two rather pathetic Orcs.

Derg the Orc will beg for his life, and promise not to eat children or

kick old people anymore... at least not as a job.. as a hobby,

however... There's no good reason to let him live, and if you kill him

you'll get a suit of Leather Armor, an Angel Skin Ring, a Bloodstone

Ring, a Bastard Sword, and 47 gold. Then there's Flayan the Orc

(x=1660, y=1660) who is just as pathetic as Derg. He will, however,

offer you some information about the place, although it's nothing you

don't already know. Firkraag has Iltha/Taar with him, and wants you to

come to him. Oh, and Flayan has no confidence in your abilities when it

comes to Firkraag, who he seems to think is all-powerful.


17) Now head through the doorway on the opposite end of the Golem

hallway (x=2660, y=2100), wherein you'll find a Troll Cook

(x=2880, y=2300), who will kindly ask you to 'jump onto that grill over

there.' He's a Troll Cook you see, and it would sure be helpful if you

got on the grill so he could, well, cook you. Don't want to be cooked?

Then you shouldn't have applied for the job. When the conversation ends

he'll summon some Hobgoblin buddies to try and apprehend you. Smite

them all (Jaheira's Fire Tooth +3 does wonders against Trolls). When

they're dead, loot the table in the middle of the room for an Orcish

Cookbook and some +2 ammunition, if you dare. The Orcish Cookbook is

more rambling musings, hints about monsters in the dungeon, and a

treasure guide, than an actual cookbook. Through another pair of doors

to the south (x=2520, y=2400) and (x=2450, y=2550) you'll find an

Otyugh, the typical, indispensable cleaning utility for dungeons



(x=2700, y=2330) Orcish Cookbook, Jade Ring, Bolts +2 x40, Arrows +2 x40


18) Return to the hallway where the Golems were and go through the door

at (x=2350, y=1800). Engage and exterminate another group of Orcs and

go through the door at (x=2700, y=1600). To the south-east I ran afoul

of a veritable horde of undead, including six Vampires, three Mummies,

and two Ghasts. I send in my spell-buffed protagonist-alone in the good

party, accompanied by Dorn in the evil party. If you've got the Mace of

Disruption +2, you can also safely send in Anomen/Viconia. and use

Daystar's Sunray power to thin the herd. The rest of the party can

(and probably should) assist with missile fire... or at least Imoen

with the Gesen Bow, Jaheira with Fire Tooth +3, and Keldorn with The

Guide +2. Before your buffs run out, head to the south-east and go

through a door (x=3450, y=2450) to reach a room full of Shadows, Shadow

Fiends, Wraiths, Greater Wraiths, and the like. They're not as numerous

or dangerous as the undead we just faced, but with the Wraiths some

caution is still called for. Make sure to grab the Chapel Key in the

Wraith room, if nothing else.


(x=3270, y=1750) Polymorph Other, Gold Ring, Dart of Wounding x20,

Arrows x120, Bolts x120

(x=3130, y=2620) Chapel Key, Bullets +2 x40, Dart of Stunning x20


(x=3270, y=1750)


19) Head back north-west and go through the door at (x=2600, y=1400),

beyond which you'll find Samia. She's here looking for information about

the long-dead King Strohm III of Tethyr. The only problem is, she seems

to be unable to forge forward, which she blames on magic that prevents

her entry due to her heritage. Her plan? Make you do all the work and

compensate you for whatever you dig out. It's not like we have anywhere

else to go, so we might as well accept. You'll need to defeat seven

guardians, the last of which is invisible and protected from even the

strongest magics.


20) First, go find the traps on the doors in the hallway where you met

Samia. Go through the one untrapped door at (x=2600, y=1300), then go

through another at (x=2700, y=1130), and finally through a door at

(x=2550, y=950) to find the first Guardian (x=2470, y=900), all of which

are Efreeti. This is a great opportunity to get some use out of the

Halberd +4: Wave, if you have anybody proficient in its use. Also, since

most of their attacks are fire-based, doubling up the Ring of Fire

Resistance and the Ring of Fire Control pretty much makes you immune to

everything they've got to throw at you. When it dies, loot its body for

a 'Piece of Burial Mask'. Also note that in the room with the lootable

stack of books, you may run across a Fell Ghast. I suppose it's the

Baldur's Gate 2 version of the suped-up Greater Ghouls from Durlag's

Tower in the first game... only a Ghast. Remember back then, when

enemies who could paralyze us were legitimate threats in their own

right? Yeah... not so much anymore.


(x=2650, y=920) Book of King Strohm III, Scroll of Wizard Eye,

Scroll of Stone to Flesh


(x=2150, y=1100)

(x=2350, y=1100)

(x=2450, y=1200)

(x=2880, y=1100)

(x=2400, y=850)


21) Now have whichever character is protected by the Cloak of Mirroring

head through the door at door (x=2750, y=900) to reach another hallway

full of doors. Behind the locked door at (x=2880, y=800) you'll find the

Director, a Beholder who only seems to use the spell Slow as an eye ray

attack. Otherwise, it prefers to attack with Magic Missile, Burning

Hands, and Ice Storm, which are all deflected by the Cloak of Mirroring.

My protagonist easily smites the creature.


22) Let's get rid of the remaining Guardians now. Their locations are

listed below, as well as the locations of the doors beyond which they

lie. They're weak enough that we need not discuss any sort of strategy

about them, just smack them with the Halberd +4: Wave. Make sure to pick

up the 'Piece of Burial Mask' they drop, listen to their vague clues

when they talk, and keep an eye out for the trapped doors that lead to

nowhere. Avoid the door at (x=3250, y=550), as beyond it you'll find

the lead Guardian, which cannot be seen (and therefore, attacked) until

you have the rest of the mask assembled.

Guardian (x=3030, y=500), behind the door at (x=3100, y=550)

Guardian (x=3200, y=880), behind the door at (x=3300, y=950)

Guardian (x=2950, y=1330), behind the door at (x=3150, y=1200)

Guardian (x=3350, y=1470), behind the door at (x=3440, y=1400)

Guardian (x=3650, y=1250), behind the door at (x=3570, y=1300)


(x=2900, y=700)

(x=3070, y=950)


(For reassembling the Mask of King Strohm III)

EXP 24550


23) When you obtain the 6th and final piece of the mask, it'll

automatically reassemble itself in your inventory. If you didn't gather

from the babbling Guardians, Strohm died fighting off Drow and their

pet Red Dragon. Now head through the door at (x=3250, y=550) and engage

the final Guardian with whatever character is most suited for the task.

Since it's got the form of a Fire Elemental, you might as well put the

Halberd +4: wave to more good use. Just be sure that whomever is

engaging the beast is wearing the Mask of King Strohm III, or they won't

be able to strike it. When it's dead, go through the door at

(x=3530, y=350) and loot the... ground... to obtain some more tools of

the trade. The Dragon Scale Shield +2 has a respectable Armor Class

bonus of three, and the 25% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity is

welcome, if not overwhelming defense against the elements. Against

critters fond of using any of those elements, this shield might be more

worthwhile than the Shield of Harmony or the Fortress Shield, but as

a general-use shield, it's already been eclipsed. The Dragon Slayer

Sword is another weapon that may come in handy against Dragons. It

grants immunity to fear, regenerates Hit Points (even if it's at a

pathetic rate), and scores double damage against Dragons. It may be a

more worthy off-hand weapon for my protagonist when dealing with

Dragons, but since many Chromatic Dragons we'll be facing are Lawful

Evil or Chaotic Evil (if they follow the book rules, anyways) the

Equalizer will give a respectable +3 bonus to THAC0 and +6 damage...

and I shouldn't have to point out how the Flail of the Ages trumps the

Dragon slayer Sword.


(x=3400, y=100)


24) Of course, shortly after claiming the loot Samia will show up with

a band of ne'er-do-wells. Her plan all along was to get you to do all

the work, then kill you and take all the treasure. Of course... dear

Samia... if we were competent enough to make it here, what makes you

think we're not up to the task of killing you, too? Samia is joined by

Akae, Chak, Legdoril, Ferric Ironblade, and a Mage named Kaol. Jaheira

shows off her Insect Plague spell, and Imoen/Edwin let loose a Chaos,

which by and large wins the fight by itself. Despite my rather

dismissive description of this group, they can be somewhat dangerous.

Just be sure to keep an eye on Kaol, as any Mage can cause trouble, and

Legdoril, who can harass you with spells of the Clerical variety. Still,

our party buster spells work fine, and Haste will speed up the


Akae: Katana and a Wakizashi (both unenchanted, despite his formidable

combat abilities), Silver Necklace, Potion of Extra Healing x2 and an

Oil of Speed.

Samia: Plate Mail +1, Medium Shield +1, Potion of Extra Healing x2, Iol

Gem and a Scimitar.

Kaol: Scroll of Infravision, Wand of Fear, Potion of Extra Healing and

a Quarterstaff.

Ferric Ironblade: Studded Leather Armor +2, Arrows x20, Potion of Extra

Healing x2, Potion of Frost Giant Strength, Long Sword, Shorbow and

50 gold.

Chak: Large Shield +2, Battle Axe +2, Bluestone Necklace and 40 gold.

Legdoril: Plate Mail Armor, Small Shield, Mace and 38 gold.

That's right, they dropped us nearly nothing of substance; they were

just well-leveled folks with crap gear.


25) Return to the hallway where we met Samia and go through the door at

(x=2450, y=1400). Continue down the tunnel to the north-west, where

you'll encounter a group of Dread Wolves and Greater Wolfweres. They're

can be rough in melee if they gang up on a party member in an enclosed

space, but since we all have +3 weapons or better and are a much higher

level than we were in Spellhold, they're really just so much fodder.


26) Go through another door at (x=1570, y=1150) and dispatch some Orogs.

At least we're finally back to killing Firkraag's minions. Investigate

the well at (x=1250, y=1250) and raise up the water pail to obtain the

Dragon Helm. You'll also be attacked by an Air Elemental for your

trouble, but such a creature is little more than free experience for us

by now. The helmet doesn't give a bonus to Armor Class, but it does

improve your resistance to fire, cold, and electricity by 25%. Combined

with the Dragon Scale Shield +2, that's 50% resistance to three of the

game's most common elements. Unfortunately, this helmet is slightly

out-competed by the Helmet of Defense. I'd take a +1 bonus to my saves

over 5% resistance to elements any day.

Note from Lee:

I usually see the Orogs and Golems from Step 30 show up here, but the

Adamantine Golem blocks their path across the bridge, so it's safe to

ignore them. Of couse, why do that when you can simply kill them and

clear the path for later...? Either way, I don't do those steps until

after 27-29, as listed in this guide.


27) Head through a locked door across the stone bridge at

(x=1100, y=1450). Through another door (x=850, y=1630) you'll find a

warrior named Grancor, who attempts to lead you away to treat some

injured companions of his. Of course, if you doubt him his story doesn't

hold water, and he'll soon grow impatient, turn into a Greater Wolfwere,

and attack. Kill him and his companion and go through the door at

(x=1000, y=1850), where you'll find more Wolfweres in need of some

death. Loot the first room, and go through another door at

(x=1050, y=2000) and loot this room, too. The Horn of Blasting is a

decent area of effect item that does a bit of damage and has a chance

to stun creatures effected. Unfortunately, it always centers its blast

on the user, meaning you're going to harm yourself every time you use



(x=800, y=1630) Scroll of Chaos, Dart of Wounding x20, 44 gold

(x=700, y=1700) Bloodstone Gem, Bolt of Lightning x20, Arrows of Ice x40

(x=900, y=2100) Scroll of Domination, Scroll of Hold Monster,

Bolt of Biting x40

(x=800, y=2000) Scroll of Hold Undead, Horn of Blasting, Bullet +2 x40,

Arrows of Piercing x40, Dart of Wounding x20, 2120 gold


28) Return to the small room before you met Grancor and head north-west

through the hole in the wall to reach a cavern. Inside you'll spot a

'Captain' berating some critters for failing to clean 'the master's'

favorite Golems. The Captain will turn into a Wolfwere and attack the

servants-a Hobgoblin named Gerg and a Troll. If you kill the Captain,

the other two will leave, but helping out the Captain only earns you

his hostility, afterwards. The Captain drops a Silver Ring and a Silver



29) Anyways, continue past them until you find a secret door

(x=500, y=1000) beyond which lies 'the master's' Golems, what else? This

is just another typical grouping of an Adamantite Golem and two Stone

Golems, the former of which can't squeeze out of the secret door, so

smite it at a distance like we did the first one and cut the Stone

Golems up in melee... or just shoot them all to death, if they crowd

around the secret door and the Adamantite Golem blocks the other Golems.

Why do more work than we have to? When they're all dead, head safely

into their cavern and loot the wall at (x=800, y=450) to claim the

Heartseeker +3, a Beljuril Gem, and a pair of Moonbar Gems.


(x=800, y=450) Heartseeker +3, Beljuril Gem, Moonbar Gem x2


30) Return to the stone bridge where we found the Dragon Helm and head

across the crude wooden bridge-the bridge upon a bridge, as it were-to

the north and up a corridor, where you'll find more Orogs to sate your

killing urges to the east. Sometimes a group of Golems (an Adamantite

Golem and two Stone Golems) showed up in the corridor leading to the

Orog room, other times, they did not. If you run afoul of some Golems,

just run back across the bridge, cut down the Stone Golems, and shoot

the Adamantite Golem (who can't cross the bridge) to death. If they

didn't show up the first time through, they'll certainly show up the



31) Go through the locked door (x=1600, y=750), and then through another

door (x=1950, y=850) to reach a prison. Inside is a very special friend

of ours-the Ogre Tazok-now in the employ of Firkraag. Apparently this

Firkraag sought out Tazok for his special relationship with us. Firkraag

resurrected him for the sole purpose of meeting us here, so for Kivan's

sake, let's give Tazok the warm welcome he deserves. Chieftain DigDag is

also there, but he seems rather... who cares, to me. I bottleneck them

at the doorway and cut them down. Not because of their fearsome might,

but just because it's good tactics. In fact, I have my protagonist

bottleneck them at the door and cut them all down himself. Tazok

deserves no less. Tazok might be a bit stronger in this game than he

was in the first, but I am much, much, stronger still. Chieftain DigDag

will leave behind Delver's Plate +2, a Helmet, a Large Shield, and a

Bastard Sword. Delver's Plate, despite being slightly lighter than Full

Plate Mail +1, it's not nearly as protective, so it serves us no purpose

at this point in the game. Tazok leaves behind a suit of Full Plate

Mail +1, two Potions of Extra Healing, a Sewer Key (with which we'll

finish off Athkatla), a Zircon Gem, a Flamedance Ring, a Two Handed

Sword +2, and 430 gold.


(x=2100, y=650) Fireshield (Red), Star Sapphire x2, Arrows x80,

Bolts x80, Bullets x80, Darts x80, 240 gold

(x=1950, y=650) Scroll of Minor Sequencer, Scroll of Teleport Field,

Rogue Stone x2, King's Tears, Laeral's Tear Necklace,

680 gold


32) Over at (x=2370, y=700) you'll find Iltha/Taar, safely imprisoned

behind bars we don't have the key for. Talk to her/him and she/he will

tell you that the Mage who brought her/him here has the key, but she/he

has no idea how to get it. She/He begs you to not fight Firkraag-just

get the key and flee. Head to the next area by entering the cavern at

(x=1800, y=350).

Firkraag's Lair (AR1203)


33) Head down the overly large stairs and you'll find yourself in an

overly large chamber, where Firkraag lurks (x=1500, y=1500). It should

now become quite apparent why none of Firkraag's minions thought we'd

stand a chance, and why Firkraag so brazenly challenged us. Being a Red

Dragon should give one sufficient reason to be arrogant. His interest in

you was two-fold, powerful creatures seem to be drawn to you, being a

Bhaalspawn and all. On top of that, Gorion crossed him back in the day,

and since he can't do anything to Gorion, picking on his kid is the next

best thing. It turns out that Firkraag's reasons for troubling us aren't

so grand, just curiosity, boredom, and a bit of revenge. Of course, on

close examination we Bhaalspawn aren't significantly different from

other mortals, so Firkraag has decided to let us be so we can hunt down

Irenicus. Too bad for him, I don't intend to grant him the same leisure.

First, however, he'll allow you to attempt to save Iltha/Taar, as more

of a test for his minions than for any other reason. If you're feeling

evil, you can side with Firkraag and offer to go get him Garren

Windspear's deed. Both alternatives will be covered below.


34) If you decide to betray Garren, Keldorn will leave your party-and

rightfully so. This is no more than an act of pure malice and greed.

Iltha/Taar will be slain by Conster on your way back to Windspear

Cabin. When you arrive, just kill Garren, don't bother talking to him or

he'll leave. Loot the 'Deed to the Windspear Hills' from his body and

return to Firkraag. He'll give you a single item from his horde-and not

surprisingly, one of the weakest. You will, however, get a pretty large

experience reward. Yep... that's all there is to it. Not very exciting,

right? Now, for the suggested anti-Firkraag route.


(For bringing the Deed of the Windspear Hills to Firkraag)

EXP 40500 (each character)

Item Cloak of the Shield


35) Return to the previous level in your attempt to beat Conster to

Iltha/Taar. Conster will challenge you when you reach the prison. He

might be fanatically servile to Firkraag, but he's not terribly strong.

Hit him with a Dispel Magic or Breach to take down his obligatory

Stoneskin, then rush him and cut him down. Loot his body for the

Firkraag Prison Key, a Scroll of Magic Missile, a Quarter Staff, and

25 gold. Key in hand, open the door at (x=2350, y=700) to free

Iltha/Taar. She/He will tell you to meet her/him back at her/his

father's house and leave. Do as she/he suggests and you'll get another

experience reward. If you're a Paladin, Garren Windspear will suggest

that you return to the Most Noble order of the Radiant Heart. That's

right, it's another series of Stronghold quests coming up-but first,

let's see Firkraag off in fitting manner. Of course, if you're a Paladin

you should really do the Paladin Stronghold quests first, since dealing

with Firkraag is part of that string of quests. On the other hand, if

your protagonist isn't a Paladin, you have no reason to bother, just go

fight Firkraag now.


(For freeing Iltha/Taar)

EXP 23750


(For returning back to the Windspear Cabin after rescuing Iltha/Taar)

EXP 44500 (each character)


36) Standard Dragon fight rules apply: spell buff to the max, and

include spells like Protection from Fire to your normal preparations.

Firkraag's breath is no laughing matter. Fireshield (Red) and Aura of

Flaming Death are also good defenses against this scourge. Other than

that.. summon whatever critters you have, the more targets, the better.

Edwin/Imoen equips the Ring of Fire Resistance or Ring of Fire Control

so there's at least a chance that they'll survive Firkraag's breath-but

they should be kept back, in any case. Surround Firkraag liberally, for

several reasons. First, he'll almost certainly use Remove Magic, and the

fewer characters this hits, the better off you'll be. Second, when

pressed he'll wing buffet, and the fewer characters knocked back, the

better off you'll be. Third, it'll keep him from hitting everybody with

his breath weapon, and the fewer... well, you know. Imoen/Edwin and my

main character start out with Lower Resistance, followed by Greater

Malison, hopefully making him more vulnerable to the Silver Sword,

Celestial Fury, Flail of the Ages, or Finger of Death. Unfortunately,

with such powerful summons, good start-up defenses, and Whirlwind

Attacks, Firkraag does little more than roll over and die.

When he falls, loot his carcass for some truly epic loot. He'll leave

behind some Red Dragon Scales, Carsomyr +5, a Holy Avenger that will

serve Keldorn for the rest of the game, a Cloak of the Shield, a Scroll

of Simulacrum, a Gold ring, and 1500 gold. Keldorn gleefully equips

Carsomyr +5 and gains a +50% bonus to his magic resistance. Re-equip his

amulet and it raises to its rightful 60%. Three more Dispel Magic spells

and the ability to Dispel a target every hit further enhances Keldorn's

innate Mage-killing powers, and the +5 damage against chaotic evil foes

helps him punish the baddest of baddies. As an added bonus, selling off

all the magical (but not useful) loot I found in this Sequence I earned

another 8000 gold.


Firkraag, like most Enhanced Edition Dragons, is now much more fond of

Remove Magic and Dispel Magic than they were in the vanilla game. You

can also expect Enhanced Edition Dragons to buff themselves with Haste.

These tactics were employed in the vanilla game, but now pretty much

every Dragon will use them, and often. You can try to counter their

Haste, but your options are limited. If you try to use Remove Magic,

you'll have to contend with their caster level, which almost certainly

out-matches yours by enough to make the spell useless. Of all the

characters you have, Haer'Dalis might be the most likely to succeed at

it, considering how quickly a Bard levels. Edwin, Imoen, and my

protagonists, however, need to look towards other spells. Slow should

come to mind, but even at a -4 save, they're likely to make the save...

and that's if you get past their Magic Resistance. If you brought the

latter down with Lower Resistance, it might be worth the time, but

ultimately, this is better served for when you have plenty of prepared

Spell Triggers (two Lower Resistances and a Greater Malison) and

Spell Sequencers (three Slow spells), or you can cast Time Stop to cast

three spells in sequence. This takes time, however, and considering

that Dragons will constantly bring up Stoneskin and Protection From

Magic Weapon spells, you'll probably need to reserve your Mage's

precious time for repeated castings of Breach.


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Firkraag {VID006}


37) Before we run off and fight the good fight with the Paladins of the

Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart.. or do whatever else there is to

do if you're not a Paladin... let's pay Cromwell another visit. With the

Red Dragon Scales and 5000 gold, Cromwell will forge for you the Red

Dragon Scale Armor. With it's Armor Class of -1, and inherent 50%

resistance to fire, it's some of the better armor in the game. In

Shadows of Amn, it allowed you to wear another magical item with it-like

a Ring or Protection. However, in Throne of Bhaal the developers fixed

the oversight (after all, if the Shadow Dragon Scale Armor didn't allow

it, why should the Red Dragon Scale Armor?) I give this armor to

Korgan in the evil party, or Anomen in the good party. In the good

party, Keldorn doesn't need the fire resistance (due to his high

magic resistance) but he does need the armor class from the Armor of

the Hart +3. In the evil party, Viconia likewise doesn't need the fire

resistance, and in either case, I'm comfortable just leaving the

Gorgon Plate +4 on Jaheira. You can also turn your Ankheg Husk into

Ankheg Plate Mail for 5000 gold, although compared to the best armor in

Shadows of Amn, it's really lacking.


| Paladin Stronghold Quests |


Sequence of Events: {WLK041}

1) Joining the Order

2) The Odd Couple

3) Saving the Knights

4) Publicity Stunt

5) Inconvenient Truth

6) Let Your 'Detect Evil' be Your Guide..

7) Last of the Morningales

8) An Imperfect Symbol

9) Reclaiming the Holy Avenger

High Hall of the Radiant Heart (AR0903)


1) Take Garren Windspear up on his offer and visit the High Hall of the

Radiant Heart (x=3300, y=3400) in the Temple District of Athkatla. Go

talk to Prelate Wessalen (x=350, y=590), who will direct you to one

William Reirrac (x=1180, y=1120). Your first task is actually quite

urgent, and he'll instruct you to leave within the hour. Ask about the

particulars and he'll talk about the conflict with the Sythillisian

Empire. Apparently all is not well, and one of the order outposts is

under attack. It's your job to go relieve the outpost and rescue the

Amnish garrison. You may have heard a bit about this war if you talked

to any Town Criers at any point. Of course, this is all meaningless

back-story if you're not a Paladin, but hey, if you are, it actually

has some bearing on the game. Who knew? Our destination is the Umar



2) Note that on the way to or from the Order of the Radiant Heart you

may see the final segment of the Garrick-Lady Irlana romance if you've

experienced the two previous exchanges and haven't neglected to talk to

Cyrando when he was standing outside by himself. It seems that the

smooth gnome, Cyrando, has won Lady Irlana's heart. Garrick, according

to their accounts, got the consolation prize of one of the bridesmaids

at the wedding. Everybody wins!


3) When you arrive at the Umar Hills, you'll be greeted by one Sir

Alynar, who will take you to the site of the battle. The combatants

include two Ogre Mages, two Ettins, and several Orcs. Despite the

low-level spells of the Ogre Mages, you should attend to the Ettins,

first, as they are the greatest threat to your fellow Knights of the

Order. When all the baddies are dead Squire Elotte will speak to you

and thank you for your rescue, after which you'll get a small experience



(For saving the garrison)

EXP 8000


4) Return to the High Hall of the Most Radiant Heart and report to Sir

William Reirrac. He'll be quite pleased with how things turned out

(provided you didn't let people die, that is) and will give you your

second mission. Some Baron Metrich wants some squatters removed from

his land, and it's our job to restore order. This is, of course, little

more than an over-glorified public relations stunt, but hey, a job's a



(For reporting your success to Sir William Reirrac)

EXP 10000


5) Now head back to the Umar Hills area again, where you'll find a man

named Crolus, who'll escort you to your meeting with Baron Metrich. He

points out that the Baron would rather you not talk to any of the

squatters along the way... which means that we probably should. Over at

(x=4150, y=2620) you'll find Moreno, who says that they did indeed

attack Metrich's men... after he burned their crops. He'll accuse

Metrich of being a newcomer, more interested with setting up private

hunting grounds than respecting the farmers of the land, and taxing,

burning, and raiding to get what he wants. Next talk to Brunson over at

(x=3950, y=2720) and Pardo over at (x=3900, y=2920). You'll get all

the points of view of the resistance, from the aggressive Moreno, the

moderate Brunson, and repentant Pardo.


6) When you enter the bar, a lady named Lanka will speak to you, mostly

serving as a catalyst for the conversation with Metrich. Metrich will

demand that you remove the squatters, and if you decide to side with

him, they'll leave without a fight. This is one instance where there is

no moral ambiguity, however. Baron Metrich is evil, as a simple Detect

Evil will reveal, and siding with him will give you a sub-optimal

response from Sir William Reirrac. Confront him with the knowledge of

Metrich's antics, and Lanka will waver in her support of the Baron. As

you continue to press him, Metrich becomes more belligerent, and it's

obvious that he just wants to use the moral and military authority of

the order to effect the egress of the 'squatters' from lands he wants

to claim. When a fight breaks out, attack Sorcerous Amin, first. Being

the sole spellcaster in the enemy ranks, he's the obvious threat that

must be dealt with. I wonder if Sorcerous Amin is related to Sorcerous

Amon? Ah well, after he dies it becomes a straight melee, which is

just an unwinable situation for our foes. Sorcerous Amin will leave

behind a Scroll of Friends, Darts x20, a Quarter Staff, and 12 gold.

The Metrich Yeoman will leave behind some Arrows of Fire among other

junk, and Baron Metrich will leave behind a suit of Plate Mail Armor,

a Long Sword, and 7 gold. Yeah, yeah, our cup runneth over, right?

Return to Sir William Reirrac for the reward that you deserve.


(For supporting Baron Metrich and running off the 'squatters')

EXP 15000


(For supporting the 'squatters' and killing Baron Metrich)

EXP 25500

Note from Lee:

I just couldn't help but think of Cartman from South Park when Baron

Metrich exclaims "You will respect my authority!"


7) Your next mission immediately follows. Sure, we get little time to

rest, but at least we don't have to wait a week between every mission

like those lazy Rangers. Anyways, the one decent family in Athkatla-the

Morningales-have paid a heavy price for opposing the slave trade that

runs rampant in the city: they've been murdered down to the last member.

The survivor, a shining bright example of her family's righteousness-

Tyrianna-is being put into your care until she can be smuggled from the

city. You need to go to the safehouse-a building in the Docks District

near the temple-and await her godparent, an upstanding man from Baldur's

Gate named Hurgis Baltezan.

Safehouse (AR0415)/(AR0416)


8) When you reach the Docks District, head into the house beside the

Temple of Oghma (x=3350, y=1050), where you'll be accosted by Franco,

the guy you're relieving. He'll hint at some problems with the job that

made him so edgy, but leave you to discover the particulars. When

Tyrianna shows up, she'll make the source of Franco's discomfort all too

clear. To put it simply, Tyrianna is a spoiled brat who has no business

being the symbol of morality she clearly doesn't embrace. After she bugs

you a second time, some Assassins will show up and attack, although

they're not very dangerous. After they're dead, Tyrianna has nothing

better to do but whine about the blood on the carpeting... and your lack

of cleanliness. She'll then try and leave, certain that her godparent is

outside. Send her upstairs and her godparent will show up, and you'll

find where she gets her brattiness from. Surely such an upstanding

figure wouldn't be so rude and confrontational? Of course, we have a way

to check if somebody is evil or not, don't we? Use Detect Evil and find

out if Hurgis Baltezan is, in fact, evil or not. If he is evil, don't

hand Tyrianna over to him, if he's not evil, hand her over, despite your

misgivings. You'll have to talk to Tyrianna, tell her either to stay

upstairs or go down to her godfather, then return downstairs and talk

to Hurgis one last time to either see them off (if he's not evil and

hence you sent Tyrianna down) or to tell him he's not getting Tyrianna

and thus provoke him to a fight (if he is evil). If you kill Hurgis

(the real one or the evil one), you'll get some experience for it when

you talk to Tyrianna and tell her, but if you killed the real (non-evil)

Hurgis you'll be expelled from the Order when you talk to Sir William.

Likewise if you give Tyrianna to an evil Hurgis, you'll find out that

he was an imposter and that Tyrianna was killed, and you'll be kicked

out of the Order. So let's not do that, hmm? Once you're done, return

to Sir William Reirrac, who will reward you with a Large Shield +2 and

the Pride of the Leigon +2, armor with a decent Armor Class of -1.

Still, it has no other redeeming qualities, and the Armor of the Hart,

the Red Dragon Scale, and the Gorgon Plate are all better than it. Note

that if you encountered an evil Hurgis, you'll get a better reward than

if you did not. It's not fair, and it's really just luck whether you get

the real Hurgis or an impersonator, but that's the way it is.

***ITEMS*** (AR0416)

(x=400, y=200) Mace, Potion of Heroism, Jasper Gem


(For being paranoid and killing Hurgis Baltezan)

EXP 5000


(For delivering Tyrianna into Hurgis' care)

Item Pride of the Leigon +2

Item Large Shield +2


(For exposing the Hurgis impersonator and protecting Tyrianna)

EXP 25000

Item Pride of the Leigon +2

Item Large Shield +2


9) Now that you're such a well-respected and obviously potent Paladin,

Sir William Reirrac gives you one last task-the Red Dragon of the

Windspear Hills is an abomination that must be destroyed. Being evil is

bad enough, but the overgrown iguana also has a Holy Avenger as part of

his horde-and it's up to you to retrieve this priceless holy weapon.

For information on how to stomp Firkraag, see Step #36 in the previous

Sequence. when you return to Sir William Reirrac, he'll reward you by...

well, praising you and letting you keep the Holy Avenger, Carsomyr +5.

You'll also get some experience to sweeten the deal.


(For recovering the Holy Avenger from Firkraag)

EXP 35000


| Illithids Under Athkatla |

| (Obtaining Crom Faeyr) |


Sequence of Events: {WLK042}

1) Who Dares Wins

2) Illithids Under Athkatla

3) Murdering Mind Flayers

4) Claiming the Prize

5) Crom Faeyr

Sewers (AR0701)


1) Now that we have the Sewer Key (which we obtained from Tazok) there

is another quest we can do in Athkatla. Head to the Temple District and

make your way down to the sewers. Way back in the FAQ we defeated a

group of adventurers down here. Near where they were you'll find a

secret door (x=1900, y=450) which can only be opened with this key.

It's kind of cryptic, and the game only tells you that the key opens

something in the sewers, so it's got to lead to good stuff, right?

Enter and head down a tunnel. The bodies along the way are a hopeful

sign, as is the 'psychic force' that blasts you. This is the game

warning you to tread lightly. After the Twisted Rune and Firkraag,

however, what do we really have to fear in Shadows of Amn? Head up the

stairs at (x=2600, y=200)

Illithid Stronghold (AR0711)


2) You'll arrive at an area that has some... unfortunately familiar

decoration. That's right, Illithids. Head through the door to the west

(x=2150, y=1100) to reach a room containing a number of baddies,

including some Adventurers (an Assassin, two Fighters, two Archers,

a Mage, and a Cleric), an Umber Hulk, and a Mind Flayer. I run up with

my protagonist, let them see me, and run back to the entrance. Protected

by Chaotic Commands, Stoneskin, and the Cloak of Mirroring, he really

doesn't have to worry about reprisal. My party waits for the enemies in

the first room and the enemies typically bottleneck themselves in the

hallway leading to it. An Insect Swarm largely settle matters, although

I'm not above using Chaos, as well, to ensure complete victory. When the

Illithid and Umber Hulk show themselves I hit them with a Death Spell

and hope for the best. If the Mind Flayer is still kicking, I have most

of my party shoot at it, while my protagonist casts Mirror Image and

engages in melee. When they're all dead, loot for some minor trinkets-

the Assassin has a Short Sword +1, and the Cleric will drop a suit of

Plate Mail Armor.

Note from Lee:

If you still have the Brine Potions from the Illithid City quest (in the

Underdark) they come in real handy here, and for the next few steps, as

do the Control Circlets. I render my whole party immune to psionics with

the potions, and my main character and Keldorn use the Control Circlets

on a couple of the Mind Flayers, turning them into allies. Makes this

entire section a cake-walk, and When you're done with your new allies,

you can simply kill them. I send my protagonist and Keldorn, immune to

the various psionics and other mind affecting magics, ahead alone to

kill off all the Mind Flyers, etc, then bring the rest of the party up

room by room.


3) Now go through the door at (x=1700, y=900) and continue down a tunnel

through another door at (x=950, y=950). Beyond the latter door you'll

find a large and imposing collection of Mind Flayers, Ulitharids, and

Umber Hulks. I hit them with a double shot of Death Spell (after all,

time isn't of the essence as much as it may have been back in the

Illithid City, I can rest as much as I damn well please) and lure them

back into the previous room. Fighting groups of Mind Flayers is always

tricky, but with the better ranged weapons we have now, it's less of

an ordeal for my protagonist to keep them occupied long enough to kill

them. With my evil protagonist, I can't avoid a good game of hit-and-

run, and Illithid lairs seem to be well-built for such endeavors. If

you're too timid for such fun, however, simply using defensive spells

and ranged weapons works fine for either party.


4) Another room, another pair of doors (x=600, y=1000), (x=450, y=650)

beyond which lie another group of Mind Flayers and Umber Hulks-this

time led by an Alhoon, and undead Illithid spellcaster. It'll spell-

buff itself before attacking, and that's about the only difference I

noticed. Again, I provoke them with my protagonist and run back to

the room where my party is entrenched, where they shoot anything that

moves. Imoen hits the Alhoon with a Breach, and I then proceed to shoot

it down as normal. Just because it's new doesn't mean it has to be

challenging, right? Ideally only a few creatures chase me at a time,

but even if they attack in a group, my protagonist can certainly block

them off at the doorway while my party shoots them down. I've always

got Blur, Mirror Image, and Improved Invisibility to help protect

against the Illithid Intelligence drain. When everything it dead, loot

the fountain in the middle of the room the Alhoon was in for some

choice gear. The note pretty much just says you've foiled whatever

plans the Illithids had, it doesn't lead us on another quest or

anything, so let's look at the loot. The Wand of Wonder is... well, the

game warns you that it's unpredictable in its description. I've tried

to determine what it does as best as my interest and patience would

allow, but the bottom line is, if you ever feel that you might need to

use the Wand of Wonder in a fight, all is not well, you may as well

just reload and try again. More information on it is in the Item

section of the FAQ [ITM006]. The best that can be said about it is the

fact that it sells for the absurd price of 15000 gold, making it one of

the more valuable items in the game. Of course, the price will drop

afterwards, making it a poor choice for the sell/steal exploit, but for

a one-time sell, it doesn't get much better than this. The Hammer of

Thunderbolts +3 is a +3 Warhammer that was meant to be used in tandem

with the Hands of Takkok and a girdle of giant Strength. With it in

hand, let's pay Cromwell another visit...


(x=400, y=350) Hammer of Thunderbolts +3, Wand of Wonder,

Illithid Correspondence, 8 gold


5) With the Hammer of Thunderbolts, the Hands of Takkok, the Girdle of

Frost Giant Strength, and the Crom Faeyr Scroll, Cromwell can forge the

best hammer in the entire game-Crom Faeyr. Of course, you're sacrificing

two Strength-boosting items for a Hammer, but we'll find replacements in

time. This weapon instantly kills Stone Golems, Clay Golems, Ettins, and

Trolls in a single hit, and raises the wielder's Strength to 25-the

highest value in the game. For either Anomen or Korgan, it doesn't get

any better than this. Korgan now may as well switch to a two weapon

fighting style, if you've been making him proficient like I suggested-

the Strength boost far outweighs the Armor Class bonus he'd gain from a

shield... and Jaheira will have to wait a little before she gets another

Strength-boosting item. Anomen simply slips Crom Faeyr on and is set for

the rest of the game, and Keldorn is left without a Strength-boosting

item... although Keldorn in the good party, with his 17 Strength,

weathers it better than Jaheira in the evil party does, with her 15

Strength. Now that we're done with that, there are more quests we can

do-quests of a magical nature. Prepare Limited Wish and get ready to

have some more fun.


| Limited Wish Quests |


Sequence of Events: {WLK043}

1) I Wish to be Rich

2) I Wish to be Anything I Desire

3) I Wish to be Prepared for Anything

4) I Wish to be More Experienced

5) I Wish for a Powerful Magical Item

6) I Wish that All My Enemies Will Die

7) I Wish to See All as it Really is

8) I Wish for Control Over Time

9) I Wish for an Adventure...

10) The Gong Dispute

11) Roger's Troll Trade

12) Roughing Up Grae

13) Bartering with Drush

14) ...Like None I've Ever Experienced Before

1) Calling these steps part of some 'quest' is largely inaccurate, but

it's something to do, and do it we shall. We all know and love Limited

Wish. It gives us Negative Plane Protection without being all arrogant

like Wish is. Cast it, and when the Dao appears, ask for a one-time

wish. Let's get the less interesting wishes out of the way first. If

you wish to be rich, the Dao will give you an Emerald, a Black Opal,

a Pearl, a Horn Coral gem and 2000 gold. Not bad.

Note: Some wish options require the caster to possess a certain Wisdom

score in order to select them... I assume because a less-wise caster

wouldn't have the common sense to ask for control over time? In any

event, of the Mages you have available for you, Nalia has the worst

Wisdom (with a score of 9), so I won't bother looking for Wisdom

requirements below that number... even this laughably low Wisdom score

allows you to make the first four wishes (steps 1-4), as well as the

quest-related wish (steps 9-14). If you find your Wisdom to be lacking,

quaff a Potion of Insight before casting Limited Wish... it'll give you

all the Wisdom you need, and then some.

Wisdom Requirement: 9+


2) If you wish to be 'anything you desire', you'll get the ability to

shapechange into a Mind Flayer, an Iron Golem, a Giant Troll, a Greater

Wolfwere, a Fire Elemental, and an Earth Elemental. This will last

until the next time you rest... or at least for a span of several hours.

If anything, it's interesting to see the attributes and resistances of

various enemies, for what good it does you. This is just a replication

of the 9th-level spell, Shapechange. Using one-time wishes to duplicate

9th level spells will, unfortunately, be a common feature of this spell.

Wisdom Requirement: 9+


3) If you wish to be prepared for anything, the Dao will just allow you

to cast another 9th-level spell, Chain Contingency. Excited? I didn't

think so. This must have been more interesting to players back before

Throne of Bhaal came out-when the only way you could cast 9th-level

spells was off a scroll, or via Limited Wish.

Wisdom Requirement: 9+


4) Before you wish to be more experienced, go somewhere with narrow

hallways, passages, or something similar. I prefer the roofs over

Mae'Var's Guildhall, personally. I separate Imoen/Edwin from the rest

of the party, use this wish while standing on the narrow walk-ways and

bridges on the roof of Mae'Var's Guildhall, then when the Dao summons

some Golems-a Sand Golem, an Adamantite Golem, and a Juggernaut Golem

at my level-I re-equip the Staff of the Magi to quickly become

invisible and rejoin the rest of the party. I then lure the two smaller

Golems to the party, where they are dispatched without much trouble.

Once the little ones are dead, I return with all my characters who have

a decent ranged weapon and easily dispatch the helpless Adamantite

Golem. Fight well and experience you will earn, indeed.

Wisdom Requirement: 9+


5) Continue to be greedy and wish for a powerful magical item with your

next wish. This time you'll gain a suit of Full Plate Mail +2, which is

nice, if not terribly useful anymore. Why didn't I tell you to do this

earlier? Even with a lot of questing prior to heading off to rescue

Imoen, I barely had more than 1,000,000 experience before heading off

to Spellhold. At that point in the game, we're imminently ready to

obtain the Drow arms and armor that will see us through most of the

Underdark. By the time we reached the surface, we had Gorgon Plate and

Armor of the Hart. By the time you have enough experience for this wish,

you're largely past needing it... unless, of course, you're an over-

achieving evil party.

Wisdom Requirement: 11+

Note from Lee:

What a piece of crap - this armor only sells for 30 gold.


6) If you wish for all your enemies to die, the Dao will allow you to

cast Wail of the Banshee. Again, another one-time only 9th-level spell.


Wisdom Requirement: 12+


7) And for a change of pace, if you wish to see all as it really is,

you'll be given another pair of Glasses of Identification. Easily the

best item you'll get from wishing, having a second pair is pretty

cool... Although it's a bit unnecessary to have another

infinitely-rechargable item. Still, if you don't mind the inventory

clutter, you'll really never need to bother with preparing another

Identify spell. Note that the game will only 'read' the charges of the

first set of Glasses of Identification in your inventory... the first

being those furthest to the left. After using three charges, the

'Scroll' option will be greyed out, as if you had no more charges to

use. Simply swap the spent set of glasses with the fresh ones to use

the other three charges.

Wisdom Requirement: 12+


8) By wishing to have control over time the Dao will cast Time Stop.

It functions just like the 9th level spell we'll be abusing later.

Honestly, I never found a situation so dire that I needed to use a

one-time-only 7th-level spell to duplicate the effects of a 9th-level


Wisdom Requirement: 14+


9) Now wish for 'an adventure like none I've ever experience before.'

Shortly after casting the spell, a glass bottle will roll into your

foot, and the note inside will give us our wished-for quest. Read the

note, from one Captain Dennis, which politely asks someone named

Vittorio to return some gong. Since the note names Delosar's Inn, we

might as well start our search there.

Wisdom Requirement: 9+

Delosar's Inn (AR0513)/(AR0514)/(AR0515)


10) Head over to the Bridge District, where you'll find Vittorio over

at (x=1820, y=2870). He'll ask you to shake down Captain Dennis, who

offered to pay off his bartap in return for gong lessons. Gong

lessons? Anyways, agree to help him and head into Delosar's Inn

(x=2050, y=3050). Inside you'll find out that Vittorio did indeed teach

Captain Dennis some of the finer points of... ah... gong playing, but

before finishing the lessons he ran off with Captain Dennis' mother's

gong-a valuable family heirloom, apparently-and traded it for booze

money. Vittorio meekly asks you to go find this gong and make things

even. He sold it to a fence named Roger, who hangs out in the sewers.

Don't worry about looting Delosar's Inn right now-seeing as how the

Mercenaries of Riatvin will go hostile and call the guards if they

catch you-but we can pick some locks for cheap experience.



(x=100, y=650) Iol Gem


(x=400, y=550) Scroll of Fireshield (Red)

(x=400, y=420) 9 gold

Sewers (AR0701)


11) Return to the Temple District and crawl back into the sewers

(x=2550, y=2620). Wait, weren't we just here? Ah well.. short-sighted

stupid FAQ-writer... anyways, go find our old pal Roger at his usual

spot (x=1690, y=2300). Since we already helped him with his Sea Troll,

Roger will readily tell us where the gong is-he sold it to a Troll

Shaman named Grae, who lives in the Troll Mound outside of Trademeet.

How...? Why...? Ah hell, nevermind. To the Druid Grove!

Druid Grove (AR1900)


12) At (x=1330, y=2200) you'll find Grae, and the fact that she starts

out hostile should clue you in to the fact that you're going to need to

beat the quest progress out of her. Do so, and she'll capitulate,

promising to tell you where the gong is. She'll tell you that she sold

it to an Ogre Magi named Drush, who lives in a tower to the north-east.

Note from Lee:

Make sure you don't accidentally kill Grae before she speaks again and

tells you where the gong is. If you do, then Drush will not be in the

tower, and you'll have no way to retrieve the gong.

Ogre Tower (AR1905)


13) Ever wonder why that place where we found Belm was called the

'Ogre's Tower'? Because of this little quest, of course. Head over to

the tower (x=4800, y=1200), inside of which you'll find Drush, who is

rather sensible and peaceful for an Ogre Mage. Be nice to him, and he'll

be nice in return. He wants a Wand of Frost in return for Dennis'

Mother's Gong, which he uses to shovel dung. If you have one, hand it

over for an experience reward, if not just kill him and take the gong.

He tends to drop some jewelry (I got a Laeral's Tear Necklace from him)

as well, making it worth your while. Of course, if it's still around you

can always trade that Wand of Frost we found in Irenicus' Dungeon, which

only has one charge left anyways. If you're extra stingy you can always

make the trade, then kill Drush, take your wand back, (and whatever loot

he has besides) and have the best of both worlds. He will mention

Adratha as a possible source for a wand of Frost if you don't have one,

but I have long since resolved that quest, and didn't care to postpone

it until I could cast this spell, in any case.


(For trading a Wand of Frost to Drush for Dennis' Mother's Gong)

EXP 12250

Item Dennis' Mother's Gong


14) Return to Delosar's Inn and give Captain Dennis back his... gently

used... gong. He'll be appreciative enough to drop his trouble with

Vittario, and pay off half of the drunkard's tab. Actually, that's

pretty nice of him, considering. You'll also get a decent reward,

including the Boomerang Dagger +2, which is a weaker substitute for the

Fire Tooth +3. If I have both Jaheira and Edwin in a party, I'm rather

disposed towards having him use this weapon, while Jaheira uses Fire

Tooth +3, which I consider to be the best weapon for her in Shadows of

Amn. If you don't have Edwin, or have already obtained the Crimson

Dart +3, then this weapon is completely useless. In any event, you can

now loot this level of Delosar's Inn.


(x=170, y=400) Scroll of Identify

(x=270, y=330) 8 gold

(x=400, y=500) War Hammer, Arrows x20, 91 gold


(For reuniting Captain Dennis and his... gong)

EXP 16500 (each character)

Gold 1500

Item Boomerang Dagger +2


| Exploring Outside of Athkatla |

| (North Forest, Small Teeth Pass, Forest of Tethir) |


Sequence of Events: {WLK044}

1) Exploring the Forests of Amn

2) Genie Grave Guardians

3) The Best Defense is a Good Spell Rush

4) Other Beasties in the North Forest

5) Slaughter in Small Teeth Pass

6) More Mists

7) Tree Traveling

8) The Mana Bow

9) Wyvern Cultists

10) A Quest from the Past (That Doesn't Rhyme...)

11) Mist Cabin

12) Love Triangle

1) Now, as I'm sure you've already noticed, since we returned to the

surface there have been a few forest areas around Trademeet for us to

explore. Now's the time to go deal with these areas, and the order in

which I will cover them is the North Forest, Small Teeth Pass, and the

Forest of Tethir. We've postponed these areas for now mostly because...

well, generally they're not that interesting, with a few exceptions,

and they're certainly not nearly as lucrative as the quests that

earned us Carsomyr, the Red Dragon Scale Armor, and Crom Faeyr. I use

Imoen (safely rendered invisible by the Staff of the Magi) to explore.

My evil protagonist can, of course, do the job for her party.

North Forest (AR1800)


2) When you arrive in the North Forest, head south and you'll find an

Efreet and a Dao defending a sarcophagus. Kill them (yet another area

where the Wave +4 comes in handy) and loot the sarcophagus.

Alternatively, if you arrive here at night you could find a pair of

Vampires guarding the sarcophagus.


(x=1550, y=520) Skydrop Gem x2, Gold Necklace,

Scroll of Spell Sequencer, Scroll of Stone to Flesh,

Scroll of Protection from Undead, 73 gold


3) Just a short walk to the south-west you'll find an unsavory group of

adventurers including a Mage, a Priest of Cyric, an Orog Mercenary, an

Archer, a Duergar, a Thief (who starts out invisible, and is using the

'Detect Illusion' Thief skill to keep you honest), a Mist Mephit, and a

Skeleton Warrior. Even though they can technically see through

illusions, this doesn't stop us from getting a telling first-strike, as

we can safely target the ground near them, without bringing them into

view. We need to be careful of one thing with this fight-the Mage has

in his possession a Scroll of Time Stop, which he will use if given the

chance. While this probably won't lead to your defeat, it's bad enough

that this moron will waste such a valuable scroll. A simple solution?

By now, you should be able to cast Incendiary Cloud. Prepare one, and

equip the Staff of the Magi to turn your Mage invisible. Cast

Incendiary Cloud at the edge of your sight-radius, just without having

any of the enemies on the screen. Re-equip the Staff of the Magi to

go invisible again, and wait for the Incediary Cloud to do its work.

With any luck, none of the enemies will be able to detect you, and

they will all stand around stupidly in the middle of the spell and

die... save for the Skeleton Warrior, who will probably just be immune

to the spell. Their gear is as follows (allowing for discrepancies,

depending on how much ammunition they used and how many potions they


Archer: Hide Armor, Acid Arrows x6, Arrows +2 x20, Arrows of Ice x10,

Potion of Insight, Dagger, Shortbow and 1 gold.

Duergar: Splint Mail, Helmet, Medium Shield.

Mage: Mage Robe of Cold Resistance, Wand of Paralyzation,

Scroll of Time Stop and a Quarterstaff.

Mercenary: Full Plate Mail, Lynx Eye Gem, Two Handed Sword +2 and 20


Priest of Cyric: Plate Mail +1, Mace +1, Bullet x40, Mace and a Sling.

Thief: Leather Armor, Potion of Invisibility x3, Potion of Healing x3,

and a Dagger +2.

The big gain of this fight is the Scroll of Time Stop. You have now

obtained two-one for Edwin/Imoen, and one for your protagonist, if



4) On other playthroughs, I've found a Greater Wyvern to the south.

Also, east of that I've encountered a group of Trolls (two Trolls and

two Ice Trolls) or a pack of mists (including Vampiric Mists, Poison

Mists, and Crimson Deaths). Hooray for random encounters! Stupid


Small Teeth Pass (AR1700)


5) This area is just a collection of low-to-mid level encounters, none

of which give any noteworthy loot. I have encountered Wolfweres, groups

of mists (including Vampiric Mists, Crimson Death, and Mist Horrors), a

group of Shadows (including Wraiths, Shadows, and Shadow Fiends) and

Ankhegs. Explore as much as you care to, and kill whatever you find.

Forest of Tethir (AR2600)


6) You'll enter this area in the middle of the northern edge of the map.

Just south from where we start I encountered another group of damned

mists, including two Poison Mists, a Mist Horror, a Vampiric Mist, and

two Crimson Deaths. By now, we know how I'm going to deal with this-my

protagonist leads and smites them all... protected against their level

drain by the Amulet of Power.


7) After that group is dead, note that the way to the east is blocked by

a giant tree. This is the case for much of the area, so head west from

where you found the mists to find another fallen tree blocking the way,

this one perpendicular to the one in the east. You can get on top of

this western tree, however, by walk up another, smaller tree. When all

else fails, just find accessible areas by moving your cursor around.

With any luck, just click on accessible areas and let pathfinding do

the work for you. (The tree-bridge you're looking for to get on top of

the larger tree to the west is at roughly (x=2400, y=1620). On top of

this tree you'll encounter more mists, and some local wildlife-for me

this was a Panther and some Spiders.)

Cave (AR2602)


8) If you go south along the trunk-then use a smaller fallen tree as a

bridge to the east-you'll reach the mysterious land beyond the large

fallen tree that blocked our passage to the east. Another pair of Mists

block my way, and a group of Orcs were milling around outside of a

shelter built into a hill (x=4500, y=2200). Head inside and loot the

pool (x=400, y=800) to obtain some loot including the Mana Bow +4, the

best Long Bow in Shadows of Amn.


(x=400, y=800) Bullets +2 x10, Darts of Wounding x10, Mana Bow +4

Note from Lee:

I found a group of about a half-dozen Kua-Toa in here, including a Mage

and a Shaman. The first group was in the north-east part of the area,

and the second appeared when I returned to the main chamber.


9) Return to the huge western tree that bisects the level. It is in

turn covered by smaller trees, which serve as bridges to the west. There

is one to the south (near the middle of the level) and one to the north.

The lower tree leads to more bridge-trees, which in turn leads to a lot

of dead ends, wasted time, and perhaps a few more mists. The only

notable encounter along the southern branch is a pair of Wyvern Cultists

(one warrior and one Mage) a Baby Wyvern, and one Greater Wyvern. The

Mage will drop a Quarter Staff +1, and 32 gold, while the warrior will

leave behind a suit of Studded Leather Armor +2, a Spear +2, and

30 gold.


10) On the other hand, the northern-most tree-bridge to the west will

lead to a Cabin, near which we'll find our old friend Coran

(x=830, y=1130). He'll tell you that his love, Safana (remember her?)

was kidnapped by a pack of Wolfweres, and that he needs your help to

save her. Since Coran and Safana were some of the less useless NPCs in

Baldur's Gate 1, I'll oblige them.

Cabin (AR2603)


11) First, however, let's loot the Cabin he was near (x=600, y=900).

After all, I'm sure those Wolfweres are the patient sort of

lycanthropes. I only send my protagonist in (along with Dorn if you

have him, and perhaps Anomen/Viconia, if we got the Mace of

Disruption +2 earlier), because the Cabin is filled with Mists. Two Mist

Horrors, two Vampiric Mists, a Wandering Horror, and three Crimson

Deaths will greet you. My protagonist promptly uses Daystar to smite

them... or to smite some of them, and put many on the brink of smitten.

You could cast Limited Wish and get Negative Plane Protection for your

whole party before going in, but since some of the critters use Chaos

(not to mention fear, stun, and all the other effects that make us love

Mists), I find it less of a headache to just head in with my

protagonist, who-with a dose of Chaotic Commands-is immune to everything

they can throw at me... save physical damage, and there's always

Stoneskin. Loot the profitable Cabin, then leave. Note that you can

enter the Cabin individually, but to leave you have the bring the party

in. Weird.

***ITEMS*** (AR2600)

(x=370, y=1000) Jade Ring


(x=150, y=350) Potion of Healing x3

(x=100, y=370) Bullet +1 x10, Bullet +2 x20

(x=500, y=150) Potion of Extra Healing x3, Potion of Healing x2

(x=200, y=170) Chain Mail +2, Wand of Lightning, Potion of Healing x2

Potion of Extra Healing x3, 75 gold

(x=250, y=150) Large Shield +1, Bolt +1 x10, Bolt +2 x20

(x=350, y=100) Long Bow +1, Arrows +2 x10, Arrow of Biting x3,

Arrow of Piercing x2, Arrows x20


(x=200, y=170)

(x=250, y=150)

(x=350, y=100)


12) Now we're ready to go rescue Safana. Head over to the area marked on

your map as the Wolfwere Camp... you know, where you entered the level.

You'll find the Wolfweres, who are lead by one Lanfear, and Safana is

indeed there, apparently their captive. Of course, Safana is only too

eager to see you... and not in a good way. Apparently she has made some

deal with a 'wizard' who will pay the pack dearly for our demise. At

this point in the game, I can only think of one wizard that would be

quite so eager for our demise... it seems Safana has thrown her hand

against us in a manner which historically leads to a swift and bloody

death. Coran, on the other hand, shows up and seems quite opposed to

the idea. Unfortunately for Safana, Lanfear has his own goals-he doesn't

care about us, only that Safana said that *Coran* would bring us. Things

proceed the only natural way: with the death of everything and everyone

opposed to us. Lanfear kills Safana, then makes a proposition to Coran

which is ultimately refused. Lanfear goes hostile and attacks Coran,

and if you're quick you can kill Lanfear and her Wolfweres before Coran

falls. This feat is much easier if you take the time between the

conversations (during Safana's death) to move up between Lanfear and

Coran. I also cast Improved Invisibility on Coran between the

conversations (or at least got the spell started), reducing his

likelihood to become a target. After the fight Coran will thank you,

and decide to drown his sorrows with wine and women. He'll be fine.


| Dorn's Bloody Path, Part I |

| (Secure Dorn) |


Sequence of Events: {WLK045}

1) Wedding Crashers

2) Butchering Bollard

3) Interrogating Guardian Telwyn

4) Sacking the Helmite Camp

5) Retribution

6) Summerhigh's Woes

7) Wildlife Eradication

8) Bridges Over the Gorge

9) Treadsoft and Yarrow

10) Sundered Summoning Circle

11) Winterbrook's Summoning Stone

12) Winterbrook's Cave

13) Magnificent Fil's Crystal Request

14) Killing Corrupted Ankhegs

15) Fil and Xachrimos' Summoning Stones

16) The Sacrifice

17) Power or Freedom?

High Hall of the Radiant Heart (OH5000)


1) Enter the High Hall of the Radiant Heart (x=3330, y=3400). Inside

you'll be harassed by a doorman-say you're with the bride to avoid

any trouble here. Beyond the door to the north-east awaits the 'Bride's

Brother', who is more difficult to fool. If you pick a fight, you'll

lose two points of reputation. If you capitulate and try to head through

the door to the north-east at (x=900, y=1300) you'll lose reputation.

Whatever you do, a fight, and reputation loss, is inevitable. Kill him

and the nearby Guards, which will help alleviate our reputation woes

by dropping suits of Plate Mail Armor, some gold, and Short Swords,

while the Bride's Brother will drop a Long Sword +1 and 15 gold.


2) Continue through the door to the north-east to reach the wedding

ceremony. Here you actually have some options-most of them lead to

Dorn and Bollard facing off. Options #1 and #1 will pit the wedding

party against itself before leading to the show-off, while other options

will just start a general melee... ultimately it doesn't really matter

what you do, because after defeating Bollard, Dorn'll direct the rest

of the party to continue the slaughter. So, you end up killing

everybody regardless, your dialogue options just determine how many

you fight at once. After the slaughter Dorn will talk to you-confirm

your desire to continue working together, then get to looting. Bollard

will drop a suit of Plate Mail Armor, a Mace +1 and 67 gold. Another

guest will drop a Flail +1, and others have Potions of Extra Healing,

Bottles of Wine, and gold.

After completing this quest, you should have bought yourself a good

deal of time as far as Dorn is concerned. For the sake of continuity

we'll continue with his quests in the next Step, but you should really

go complete other quests in the meantime. You'll need the experience and

gear. I had about three weeks in between Dorn's first murder and his

second, during which time I was able to complete everything up until


Note: The High Hall of the Radiant Heart (OH5000) used in Dorn's first

quest is a different version than the normal area (AR0903) wherein

you'll be able to start some quests, not to mention where you'll be

able to find Keldorn if you don't take him along with you during the

Unseeing Eye quest. After crashing the wedding, the original area will

not be available until you start the next phase of Dorn's quest.

Up next is the Unseeing Eye quest, which is billed as a good party

quest, due to Keldorn's involvement. If you've been following along

chronologically, well, adjust your party as necessary. Good parties

who are following along should drop all the evil characters they've

picked up, since we don't need them at the present. On the other hand,

if you want to keep the party the way it is now or otherwise don't care

to get Anomen and Keldorn either tackle the Unseeing Eye quest without

them or skip ahead to the Astral Prison Quests [WLK013]. For an evil

party, it's a great time to deal with the Copper Coronet quests we've

ignored earlier [WLK036]. The gear and money earned from the Copper

Coronet will make the Unseeing Eye quest go by much easier, in any


Temple of Helm (AR0901)


3) After a good long while Dorn'll bug you again. His patron wants

another goody freak dead, this time a Paladin named Terpfen. Sadly,

Dorn doesn't know where Terpfen is, but he knows who knows where he

is. Uh. Right. I typed that right. We need to talk to Guardian Telwyn

at the Temple of Helm, who is our knower. Head over to the Temple of

Helm, wherein you'll immediately find yourself talking to Dorn. Say

whatever and you'll find yourself in a room interrogating Guardian

Telwyn. It doesn't really matter what dialogue options you choose here-

the end is the same. You end up killing Guardian Telwyn. If he doesn't

end up talking beforehand, you can find the location of Terpfen from

Telwyn's Note, which he'll be kind enough to leave behind.

Note: You might want to avoid doing this quest until after The Unseeing

Eye [WLK009] and Clerical Competition [WLK037], as Guardian Telwyn will

be giving us a few tasks complete (if you're neutral-aligned)...

Something he obviously can't do if he's dead. If Dorn's questline has

progressed to this point, you can prevent him from confronting Telwyn by

simply not bringing him into the temple with you. After you've dealt

with the Dawn Ring quest, you should have no further use for Telwyn. If

you're not neutral-aligned, Telwyn won't be giving you these quests,

hence you need not worry about him.

Helmite Camp (OH5300)


4) Seems like our quarry can be found outside of Athkatla. To get out

of the city, in case you haven't done so before, you need to head to

the City Gates District (AR0020) and exit out the gate (x=1070, y=170).

Once done click on the 'Helmite Camp'. Once you arrive, rest, spell

buff, and head forward. You'll be challenged by a 'Helmite Sentry',

and Dorn will show off his great Half-Orc diplomacy. You'll be taken

into the camp, where you and Dorn will get to talk to the Helmite

Sentry, Hokkney of Tyr, and Guardian Terpfen. Seems Dorn's reputation

preceeded him, and Hokkney wants him dead. Terpfen, however, is the

voice of reason, or rather, obedience. Fortunately for Hokkney, however,

Dorn is dead-set on picking a fight, and so one ensues.

And what a fight it is-being fully buffed is not enough to win this

one, although it's a necessary step. You're surrounded by sixteen foes,

including Shield Knights, which are just melee brutes, Helmite Sentries

and a Priest of Helm, which cast Clerical spells, Squire Haldi, who...

well, he's just a squire and isn't much of a threat, Hokkney of Tyr,

who is another melee threat, and Guardian Terpfen, who can cast higher

level Clerical spells. Not only must you deal with heavily armed and

potent melee foes-and alot of them, at that-but you've got several

spell-casters who'll hit you with Flame Strikes and Hold Person spells.

The way to win? Massive magical retaliation. Have Jaheira drop an

Insect Plague while Edwin and my protagonist cast Chaos (Edwin casts

more, as he has more, and my protagonist is needed in combat). In

addition, consider throwing out a few Slow spells, as it'll have great

effect on the outcome, as they're primarily melee. Chuck out enough

debilitators, be ready with Heal and Remove Paralysis and you should


Once you're done smiting, get to the looting. The Shield Knights all

have Plate Mail, Helmets, Large Shields, Bastard Swords, and two bits

of random loot-either coins, potions, scrolls, or jewelry. Squire Haldi

will leave behind a suit of Chain Mail and a Short Sword. Hokkney of

Tyr drops a suit of Full Plate Mail, a Cloak of Protection +1, a Two

Handed Sword +1, and 67 gold. Finally, there's Guardian Terpfen, who

will gift us with a suit of Full Plate Mail, a Medium Shield +1, a Helm

of the Noble +1, a Flail +2 and 1 gold. I won't insult you by pointing

out the Helm of the Noble +1 is the prize here... actually, I just did,

but that's why you're reading along, right? I put this little toy on

the party leader (if you didn't already get one from doing the cleric

quests in [WLK037]. If you did, give it to number two-Korgan or Anomen.

They don't need the Charisma, but the Armor Class is great for a

front-liner. As for Viconia/Jahiera, I prefer the save bonuses on the

Gift of Peace or the Helm of Balduran. Anyways, once everything is

dead Dorn will talk to you and voice his dislike of his current role.

Seems like something might need to be done about his master some day...

loot the area and leave-and try not to kill the Cook wandering around.

You already lost a point of reputation here, no need to lose more.


(x=880, y=900) 26 gold

(x=700, y=850) Mace, Mace, Large Shield, 9 gold

(x=900, y=1350) 16 gold

(x=1550, y=1270) Scroll of Color Spray, Jasper Gem


(For killing Terpfen)

EXP 12000

Reputation -1

Wilderness (AR0024)


5) Head back to Athkatla... or rather, attempt to. Unfortunately you'll

be harassed by some goodly types before you get back to town. Led by

Traggor the Hammer, they include Wagner, Big Mordin, Simon, and

Garfunkle. Don't let their numbers fool you-they're each more potent

than the foes we just fought. Simon will start out the fight with some

buffs-which they really don't need-while Garfunkle will sit back and

blast the party with Clerical spells. Buff up quickly (if you're lucky

some buffs from the last fight should be in place, but at least recast

Haste) and throw out a Chaos or two, an Insect Plague, and later on,

a Slow spell or two. Dorn moves west to engage Big Mordin, while Korgan

moves south to occupy Traggor the Hammer. My protagonist attacks

Garfunkle, and hopefully disrupts his casting. After getting their

spells off, Jaheira and Viconia go help out Dorn and Korgan, while

Edwin keeps up the spell assault. It can be a rough fight, given their

high Hit Points, low Armor Class, and potency in melee combat... even

worse if you stumble into the fight early on in the game, but enough

spells can win it.

Once the fighting is done a witch named Azothet will show up and bother

you-promising vengeance and freedom for Dorn if he takes advantage of an

oh-so-convenient trap for Ur-Gothoz in 'Resurrection Gorge'. After she

leaves Ur-Gothoz will show up and complain about losing contact with

Dorn. If the name Azothet sounds familiar for some reason, you'll

remember that in the first game that Simmeon claimed to be a Blackguard,

and was joined by a pair of 'Thralls of Azothet' once hostilities

ensued. This Azothet, it seems, has crossed us before, at least by being

the infernal benefactor of Simmeon, and she can't be happy about losing

her Blackguard. Anyways, once they're gone, feel free to loot:

Traggor the Hammer: Full Plate Mail, Helm of Charm Protection, Potion

of Extra Healing x2, Potion of Fire Giant

Strength x1, Two Handed Sword +2 and 67 gold.

Big Mordin: Full Plate Mail, Helm of the Noble +1, Potion of Extra

Healing x1, Two Handed Sword +1 and 67 gold.

Simon: Full Plate Mail, Helm, Potion of Extra Healing x2, Mace +2 and

60 gold.

Wagner: Full Plate Mail, Helm of Charm Protection, Potion of Extra

Healing x2, Two Handed Sword +1, 67 gold.

Garfunkle: Full Plate Mail, Helmet, Potion of Extra Healing x2, Mace +1

and 10 gold.

More helmets than one could ever need! Honestly, however, it's getting

hard to place these Helms of the Noble on people. I suppose it rather

depends on whether you'd rather have the save bonus from the Gift of

Peace (which you'll find later in the guide-but we're not following

chronologically here, so I suspect most readers will have them already)

or the Armor Class bonus from the Helm of the Noble. Either way, Dorn's

next destination is Resurrection Gorge, to finally cut his ties to

Ur-Gothoz once and for all. It's worth noting that there doesn't seem

to be a time-limit for this next leg of the quest, so if you must delay

it, feel free to do so.


(For defeating the ambushers)

EXP 24000

Resurrection Gorge, Exterior (OH5100)


6) When you arrive at Resurrection Gorge, Dorn'll speak a bit. Wee.

Head to the east to find the Druidess Summerhigh (x=750, y=3270), mother

of Vernus. She will, if you talk to her a few times, stop the animals

from attacking you and sell you some garbage. She'll also fill you in

about the area's backstory-her son Vernus' failure, the Dryad Yarrow's

attempts to keep the Abyss at bay, all that good stuff.


7) Once you're done wasting time with Summerhigh, continue to the east,

dispatching wildlife as you must if you didn't get Summerhigh to call

them off. Eventually you'll come across a Nymph and her animals minions,

which guard a fallen tree that serves as a bridge to the north. Kill if

you must, then cross the bridge. On the landing to the north you'll find

another tree-bridge continuing to the north. Take it, and on the next

platform you'll find a more conventional bridge running to the west.


8) As you cross the rickety rope-and-wood construct, your party members

will complain. Apparently they're not fond of walking across some

incompetent Druid's bridge over some Abyssal gorge. Babies. Eventually

you'll reach a wooden platform built around a giant tree. You can

continue west, but it's a dead-end, so... take the bridge to the

north-west, instead.


9) At the end of this last bridge you'll find a Halfling warrior named

'Treadsoft' (x=2130, y=500), who warns you to stay back. Yeah... that's

not happening. Advance and smack the wimp around for a bit. Yarrow will

show up to put a stop to the fight. You can talk to Yarrow and get her

to transport you down into the gorge, if you want, but she'll inform

you that it's a one-way trip-she won't bring you back while the demon

below remains. If you pick dialogue #3 as soon as you get a chance to

talk, you can finish off Treadsoft and kill Yarrow as well. It might

seem like a bad idea to kill the spirit of the tree that's keeping a

demon at bay, but she'll drop the 'Acorn of Yarrow', which, when

equipped as a quick item and used will allow you to teleport down to

the gorge and back as you see fit. Why be trapped down there if we don't

have to be? There's just no good reason to keep Yarrow alive. Her little

champion will leave behind a suit of Chain Mail Armor, a Helmet, and a

Morning Star, for what that's worth. Either get Yarrow to send you down

to the gorge, or kill her and take yourself there.

Resurrection Gorge, Interior (OH5200)


10) Down in the gorge, you'll notice that some creature called

'Xachrimos' is down here, spewing taunts, threats, and promises. At

least, his floating text does-where this creature actually is is another

story. We'll deal with it later. Head to the west to find a nereid named

'Winterbrook' (x=350, y=650). Ignore her for now-although she seems

like an obvious character to talk to, for the purpose of making sense

of what we're doing, we'll go elsewhere, first. Continue south along

the river, and when you run out of south, turn east and walk along some

giant roots, finally heading under the tree at (x=1200, y=1250). Once

inside Dorn's exaltation at finally reaching the summoning circle will

turn to anger as he realizes the circle isn't intact. Apparently some

of the local wild-life might have made off with some of the summoning

stones... and perhaps the demon who lurks down here, as well. We'll

just have to hunt them down, won't we?


11) Now that we know what our goal is, head back outside and return to

Winterbrook (x=350, y=650). There's something not quite right with her,

but if you lived down in an abyssal pit with some wanker of a demon

shouting all the time, you'd probably be a bit off, too. There are two

ways to proceed-keep selecting dialogue option #1 to resolve this

peacefully, and Winterbrook will run off and retrieve the summoning

stone she took. You can also provoke Dorn into attacking her, or you

can simply force-attack her. When she falls, she'll leave behind a

Potion of Clairvoyance and a Pearl. Of course, that doesn't get us her

summoning stone, does it? The next step will cover Winterbrook's Cave,

which you'll need to search if you attacked her... and it's worth

searching if you didn't, since once cleared it'll provide a safe place

to rest... otherwise you'll have to fend off Ankhegs every time you try

to rest outside.

Winterbrook's Cave (OH5110)


12) If I were a stupid Nereid, where would I hide my summoning stone?

Probably somewhere wet. Head into the cave beyond the waterfall at

(x=300, y=600), wherein you'll find a tribe of Myconids, led by a

Myconid King. You are your own worst enemy in this fight, as the

Myconids can cause confusion. Korgan running amok is far more dangerous

than anything the Myconids could do. Fortunately, a Death spell works

well here, capable of winning the fight in one casting. If that fails,

well... just cross your fingers and hope the wrong person doesn't get

confused. Once you're done murdering mushrooms, search over at

(x=1020, y=550) to find Winterbrook's stash, including Winterbrook's

Summoning Stone, another Potion of Clairvoyance, and a Pearl.


(x=1020, y=550) Winterbrook's Summoning Stone, Potion of Clairvoyance,



13) Leave the cave and return to the shore. From where Winterbrook

is/was, turn south and continue along the shore, stopping only long

enough to loot a camp for a Rogue Stone. Where you run out of south,

turn east and walk amidst the tree roots and giant mushrooms, this time

ignoring the summoning circle and continuing east. At (x=2300, y=1530)

you'll find a Faerie Dragon who insists on calling himself 'The

Magnificent Fil'. His buddies are rather shy and will vanish at your

approach, but Fil is most talkative. Dorn'll complain when you get

near, and his annoyance with Faerie Dragons seems to be well-founded,

in this case. Fil has one of the Summoning Stone we're after, and as

with Winterbrook, there are two ways to get it. First, you can just

smack him around until he hands it over. Simple enough. Second, you can

trade for it. He wants a crystal that can be found in the north-eastern

corner of the gorge. Crystals are apparently aphrodisiacs for Faerie

Dragons. Human women, too, as it turns out.


(x=770, y=950) Rogue Stone


(x=770, y=950)


14) Anywho, let's go get this stupid dragon its stupid crystal so it

can get stupid laid. Continue north and you'll encounter a nest of

'Corrupted Ankhegs' near an odd crystal formation (x=2200, y=620).

Corrupted they may be, but they're hardly any threat to us anymore.

Cut them down and loot the crystals for a Wand of Glitterdust and a

Purple Crystal. We'll be making use of both of these, shortly.


(x=2200, y=620) Purple Crystal, Wand of Glitterdust


15) Return to Fil and give him his Purple Crystal, and he'll hand over

'Fil's Summoning Stone'. Two down, one to go. Equip the new-found Wand

of Glitterdust and wander around the area. We're looking for Xachrimos

now. The bad news? He's invisible. The good news? He can't keep his

mouth shut. Find his floating text and cast the Wand of Glitterdust in

the area of the floating text, which should make Xachrimos appear. He's

none too happy about being spotted, and will attack. Fortunately, he's

a wuss. Somewhat strong in melee, he'll start out with Remove Magic

and Power Word: Stun. It took no great strategy for me to kill him, I

just jumped on him in melee and there was little he could do. After he

takes enough of a beating, he'll surrender-in that reluctant, demony

sort of way. He'll offer you treasure if you leave him alone, handing

over both the Abyssal Blade and Xachrimos' Summoning Stone. The Abyssal

Blade is a +3 Two-Handed Sword that give a bonus to Dexterity, a penalty

to Intelligence, +5 damage versus good-alinged foes and a bonus +1d4

fire damage. It's quite possibly a better weapon than whatever Dorn is

using, unless you're advanced enough to possess the Silver Sword. If you

are merciful to Xachrimos, you're only delaying the inevitable, as

Xachrimos will show up and attack the next time you rest. So... put the

demon down (twice, if need be) rest up, and get ready to enter the

summoning circle again, this time with purpose!

Vernus' Summoning Circle (OH5120)


16) When you enter this time, Dorn'll reveal that you'll need to

sacrifice a sapient creature to complete the ritual. He suggests one of

the party members... which is beyond stupid. Why would you kill one of

your allies right before confronting the creature that you're trying to

break free from? This is why Dorn isn't the decision-maker. Fortunately,

there are other, less strategically disruptive options. First, you can

just summon any old creature, even from some rechargeable summoning

device. Second, if you cast Raise Dead on Vernus (x=580, y=580) he'll

become a candidate, as well. Just move your victim onto the solid

circle in the middle of the summoning circle to get the prompt from

Dorn. Before you do this, however, be sure to spell-buff up. Summon

whatever beasts you can, use Remove Fear, Protection From Evil 10'

Radius, Haste, and whatever personal buffs are necessary. Include in

these Free Action (a 4th-level Cleric spell) on Dorn.


17) After the sacrifice is made, you'll get a dialogue option, which

actually determines quite a bit about the upcoming events. Whichever

hellion's name you inscribe isn't going to be happy about being

summoned-whether it's Ur-Gothoz (dialogue option #2) or Azothet

(dialogue option #3).

Let Dorn run up and confront Ur-Gothoz or Azothet-whichever you

summoned. A fight will break out shortly. Azothet and Ur-Gothoz are

both fairly potent in melee. The latter will start out the fight

with Demon Fear and a rather potent Fireball before the demon finally

resorts to melee combat. Azothet is, if anything, even more dangerous

in melee combat, and she'll exacerbate things by starting out with

Symbol, Stun, followed by up to seven Paralyze effects. With Ur-Gothoz,

I delay long enough for him to take out his aggression on Dorn-no need

for my whole party to get hit by his Fireballs. After that, I rush him

and smite him in melee, withdrawing and healing wounded characters as

necessary. With Azothet, I engage her with my entire party save my

Cleric... after I let her toss as many of her paralytic effects at

Dorn as possible. If he's stunned or paralyzed, I'll attack with the

rest of my party and have my Cleric use a Remove Paralysis. If not, the

rest of my party will join the fray after she resorts to melee, to

prevent Dorn from being cut to shreds. In case you haven't figured it

out yet, Remove Paralysis is essential in this fight, as she can carve

up a stunned or paralyzed party member in seconds. As long as you

ensure your Cleric isn't one of the debilitated characters, you can

always set things right with a Remove Paralysis. Either way, against

a buff-up party, neither of them should prove much of a challenge.

Killing Ur-Gothoz will upgrade the Abyssal Blade, which gains a

+5 damage bonus vs. devils, whereas putting Azothet down will score the

weapon a +5 damage bonus vs. demons. Both these upgrades are nice...

but there are better two-handed swords for Dorn in Shadows of Amn,

upgrades or not. Soul Reaver +4 and the Silver Sword both come to mind.

As for the loot... Ur-Gothoz drops a heaping mound of nothing, while

Azothet at least has the decency to leave behind Water's Edge +3. This

mediocre Scimitar might seem like a fair weapon for Jaheira, but it will

be out-classed by a variety of weapons, including Fire Tooth +3,

Belm +2, or heck, even Blackblood +3.

Fortunately, our work isn't done yet. After slaying the first hellion,

the second will show up. Note that if you had the Abyssal Blade

equipped on Dorn, the game is fond of unequipping it (presumably because

of its upgrade?), so be sure to re-equip the weapon, unless you fancy

Dorn's pugilistic prowess. Ur-Gothoz will be suspicious of Dorn's

independence, although he's pleased with Azothet's demise. Stick to

dialogue option #1 and he'll reward Dorn's initiative with The Visage,

and promise to provide Dorn with more worthy tasks in the future.

Azothet tries to establish control over Dorn, promising more power and

freedom than he had under Ur-Gothoz... which is supposed to be a

reward in its own right, but it compares poorly to The Visage. You can,

of course, provoke either hellion into a fight, if you wish. Killing

them both will add their respective bonus to the Abyssal Blade (along

with the bonus you gained from killing the previous one) but... well,

without a patron Dorn'll lose all his Blackguard powers. Spells,

immunities, special abilities-the whole deal. He does, however, retain

the ability to obtain (or if already obtained, to use) the 'Summon

Fallen Deva' High Level Ability.

So... for all that, the most rewarding course of action is to kill

Azothet (who should be summoned initially), then play nice with

Ur-Gothoz. Seems like a lot of bother just to have Dorn remain

Ur-Gothoz's thrall, but that's evil for you. It's really all about The

Visage, which gives a +1 bonus to THAC0, a +1 bonus to Saving Throws,

immunity to feeblemind, confusion, fear, and charm... and two charge

abilities that nobody really cares about anyways. It can't be worn by

goodly folks, but in my evil party, that still allows... everybody who

can wear a helmet. Although obstensibly a prize for Dorn, it'll serve

Viconia or Jaheira better, what with its immunities and Saving Throw

bonus and all. It's a bit of a hard choice for me, considering that

Jaheira will make better use of the THAC0 (what with multiple attacks

per round and all), but she's a far less capable debuffer than

Viconia. If you go through the trouble to get this helmet with the

good party, I'd suggest putting it on Jaheira. For the evil party,

however, Viconia will put it to the best use. This allows her to hand

the Helm of Balduran to Jaheira, which isn't a bad deal-it's superior

to the Helm of the Noble +1, anyways.

In any event, that's the end of Dorn's questline in Shadows of Amn.

All in all, a rich treasure-trove of magical helmets.


(For defeating Ur-Gothoz)

EXP 24000 (each character)

Misc Abyssal Blade upgrade: +5 slashing damage vs. devils


(For defeating Azothet)

EXP 24000 (each character)

Misc Abyssal Blade Upgrade: +5 slashing damage vs. demons

Item The Visage


(For defeating both Ur-Gothoz and Azothet)

EXP 24000 (each character)

Misc Abyssal Blade Upgrade: +5 slashing damage vs. demons

Misc Abyssal Blade upgrade: +5 slashing damage vs. devils


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Ur-Gothoz and Azothet {VID007}


| Hexxat's Request, Part I |

| (Secure Hexxat) |


Sequence of Events: {WLK046}

1) Hexxabot

2) Shade Thief Slaughter

3) Slots and Scaling Shades

4) Tomb-Climbing

5) Butchering Burich

6) Insertion For Exploration

7) Dragomir the Red

8) Breaching the Barrier

9) Hexxat Snack

10) Inventory Win

11) First Mission for 'L'

12) The Lesser of Two Evils

13) Beating Brain-Eaters

14) Key of Scholars

15) The Direct Approach

16) Sarcophagi Looting

17) Greater Mummy Guardians

18) Ki Chin Sang's Challenge

19) Killing the Lieutenants

20) The Claw of the Black Leopard

21) Second Mission for 'L'

22) Potent Prophets

23) Bloated Spiders

24) Scimitar Statues

25) Furious Genie

26) Antagonistic Mages

27) Clear and Pristine

28) Hand-Hungry Face

29) The Shroud of the Unproved

30) 'L' Appeased

Dragomir's Tomb, Entrance (AR0811)


1) If you don't have Hexxat in your party yet/still, return to the

Copper Coronet and pick her up, then return to the Graveyard District.

Head over to the tomb at (x=2400, y=1850) and Hexxat will babble some

more. Get her to open the door and you'll be ambushed by two shade

Thieves that implore you to enter the tomb, while doing their best to

prevent you from doing so. They're push-overs. Kill them and enter the

tomb. Once inside Hexxat will speak again, then reveal a secret door

at (x=300, y=300). Before you drag your automaton down into the depths,

loot the Sarcophagus at (x=450, y=400). The Staff of Curing is a staff

which is poor in combat but it can in a pinch cure disease, poison and

heal for 3-18 +3 Hit Points.


(x=450, y=400) Lynx Eye Gem*, Staff of Curing

*Alternatively, I found a Scroll of True Sight here. Win.

Dragomir's Tomb (OH7000)


2) Watch a video that shows the best movie graphics of a decade ago,

which is actually a compliment compared to the crappy 'video' remakes

found in the first game. Seriously. Those were awful. Made me wish they

had the common sense to keep the ugly old videos from the original

game, which they did for this game. Once in the next level, Hexxat will

mutter some more and you'll encounter two more shade Thieves, who again

implore you to enter the tomb and 'Awake the Sleeper'. Fun. Kill them

and head west.


3) At (x=1850, y=380) you'll find a slot begging for insertion. Don't

they all? Read the pop-up text informing you of its existence, then

turn south. Dispatch a Shade Wolf and diarm a trap before you enter

a curving east-west running tunnel. You should be wary of scaling

encounters here-if you come here at a later level, you could well find

Devil Shades here, along with the Shade Wolves. Devil Shades drain

levels, and fairly potent in melee, and when they die, spawn into two

Shadow Fiends.


(x=1700, y=700)


4) Ignore the east and continue west, disarming another trap as you go,

then head north when you run out of west. Disarm yet another trap to the

north, then find Dragomir's sarcophagus (x=1000, y=800). Hexxat will

implore you to climb in. Before you do so, however, loot another

sarcophagus to the north-east, then explore down the tunnel to the

south-west beyond Dragomir's sarcophagus. Disarm a trap just beyond

Dragomir's sarcophagus, kill three Shadow Fiends, and loot another



(x=1300, y=600) Zios Gem Studded Necklace, Silver Ring,

Incomplete Skeleton

(x=700, y=1000) Scroll of Protection From Undead, Incomplete Skeleton,

9 gold


(x=1600, y=800)

(x=1200, y=900)

(x=900, y=850)


5) When you're ready, climb into Dragomir's sarcophagus. Only one

character can enter at a time, so choose your champion well. The foe

beyond can drain levels, if that helps with preparations any. I send

in Dorn, who-while lacking in Armor Class, is at least immune to level

drain. Beyond you'll find a shade warrior named Burich, who'll blather

on before attacking. He's not too hot in melee, and Dorn has no trouble

killing him. When he dies, loot his body for an 'Iron Rod', which Hexxat

implores you to use on the slot near the entrance to this tomb.


(x=1000, y=1250)


6) Climb back out of the sarcophagus, head back to the entrance and

insert your rod into the... slot. Jeeze, what am, a two year old?

Whatever. It's still funny. Once inserted you'll find that you're

locked in. Never fear, though, you can pull the rod back out anytime.

which seems kind of silly. Whatever, close the way back to open the way

forward. Return to the south and when you reach the east-west tunnel,

venture to the unexplored east. Loot two sarcophagi, and when you run

out of east, head south.


(x=2000, y=600) Incomplete Skeleton, 12 gold

(x=2200, y=600) Dagger +2, Incomplete Skeleton


7) Make a long run to the south-west, looting a sarcophagus as you go

and disarming a trap at (x=2000, y=1020). Open a door at

(x=1550, y=1400) and go through to find Dragomir the Red. He'll talk to

you, but this is going to end in a fight whatever you say. The most

you can get out of him is the fact that Hexxat is apparently trying to

escape this tomb. Hmmm... Anyways, Dragomir is actually a pretty rough

foe, being mostly a melee bruiser. He can, however, cast Dire Charm, so

be wary for that. I prefer to lead with my spell-buffed protagonist, as

it's unlikely he'll live long enough to cut through a Mirror Image and

a Stoneskin. Once he falls, Hexxat will speak to you, commenting on the

obvious, and imploring you to keep moving. Such a charming, girl, no?

Loot Dragomir for the Cloak of Dragomir, which 'allows a vampire to

travel outside during the day and in full view of the sun. Hmm...


(x=1800, y=1000) Incomplete Skeleton, Angel Skin Ring, Antidote x2,

Scroll of Protection From Cold


(x=2000, y=1020)


8) Whew. Almost done now. Head south, then turn down a hallway to the

west to find a gaudy purple light barrier. If you try to go through

with any character save Hexxat they'll be replused with the following


"A wave of foul necrotic energy hits you-you withdraw immediately and

involuntarily. Only someone of single-minded purpose could overcome

this barrier."

Someone one single-minded purpose? Sounds like somebody we know. Send

Hexxat-bot through and once on the other side, the barrier will vanish.

Continue on to the other side and go near a sarcophagus to meet...



9) Hexxat eats Hexxat and speaks to you. She is, obviously, a Vampire,

and the Hexxat we've been traveling around with was just a drone, a

charmed creature who served the purpose of getting past Dragomir and

reviving the real Hexxat. You can pick a fight with Hexxat, by why

bother going through all that work just to fisticuffs? Play nice-or at

least nice enough-and Hexxat will tell you to meet her in the Copper

Coronet in two hours. Follow her back east and she'll stop, asking for

the Cloak of Dragomir, a tool any enterprising Vampire would need.

She's not playing around-if you don't give it to her, she'll take it

by force. And no, she won't say the magic word for it, either. Evil

people are no damn fun, just like my girlfriend. After you hand it

over, you need only ask Hexxat to travel with you and she will. She'll

take care of that Copper coronet business on her own.


(For recruiting Hexxat)

EXP 10000


10) Hexxat is as good of a single-class Thief as you can get... at

least while indoors or during the night, when she can go without the

Cloak of Dragomir. Otherwise, she's pretty unexceptional. Her Hit Points

are laughable, but this problem will be alleviated somewhat the next

time you rest. When you wake up, Hexxat will ask you to hold something

for her-Dragomir's Respite. This is a Bag of Holding that contains a

coffin for Hexxat to use. Yeah, 2nd Edition Dungeon and Dragons stuck

to that stupid cliche. Why would a Vampire need to sleep? I can see

getting out of the sun, but sleep? Wouldn't it just be enough to find

a dark cave? Whatever, point is, with this device handy, Hexxat can

return to it when she is slain and heal. Essentially, this makes her

completely expendable in combat, which is a useful consideration for a

character with so few Hit Points. Best part about it, however, it

functions like a normal Bag of Holding, letting you store goodies

inside of it! You don't even have to keep Hexxat around to use it, just

boot her if you don't want her, and she'll return to her customary spot

in the Copper Coronet. Sadly, she'll also give you the Casque of

Dragomir, which is perma-locked into your inventory until you finish

Hexxat's questline. Overall, however, it's an inventory win. She'll

mention some job in the future, but you have a bit of free time before

it becomes a serious issue, so run off, tackle other quests, waste time.


11) Eventually Hexxat will initiate dialogue and tell you that during

some mysterious down-time she made contact with her old employer. Must

have been when we were eating, or pooping, or sleeping... you know,

things the game doesn't cover? Anyways, her old boss-'L'-will be sending

a contact eventually to provide Hexxat with more work. Yay. After more

time passes, a lady named Cabrina will come pay you a vist... but only

at night. She'll exchange friendly (flirty) banter with Hexxat. The

take-aways? It's been some time since Hexxat and Cabrina have seen each

other, Hexxat's master, 'L', isn't a fan of her undeath, and he sent her

into Dragomir's Tomb. Considering the relics within, this 'L' must have

more than a passing interest in the undead. Anyways, 'L' now has a new

job for Hexxat-and by extension, us. He wants a scepter once possessed

by one 'Nan Kung Chi', first high priest to the Cult of the Black

Leopard, aka 'the Claw'. This over-hyped stick now resides in the crypts

of Durkon, in a far away place called Shou Lung. The good news?

Apparently there's a magical tomb railway system throughout Faerun. The

ticket required is the Casque of Dragomir, which will allow us to

'Tombwalk' to our destination. How uncannily convenient. The bad news?

Our ticket is a one-way ticket. Until we get what 'L' wants, we won't

be able to return once we've departed, which, as dialogue option #2

succinctly suggests, is retarded from a tactical point of view... but,

hey, considering the predicament we found Hexxat in, we shouldn't be

surprised that 'L' needlessly endangers the lives of his minions.

Fortunately, this quest is very generous with the time. I rested 50

days without Hexxat whining, so don't feel compeled to run off before

you're ready. Be warned that this is a pretty rough quest, so you might

want to postpone it for a while-this leg of the quest is something

that ideally can wait until just before you complete Chapter 2, but it

should be completed before you go after Imoen, due to story conflicts

that might occur in the Graveyard District.

Crypt of Durkon (OH7100)


12) Reaching the Crypt of Durkon is pretty easy-just head over to the

Graveyard District and Hexxat'll start chatting. All you must do is

agree to go and you're gone. When you appear in the Tomb of Durkon,

hsead south, looting sarcophagi and disarming a rather huge trap until

you find a group of 'Ghostly Monks' led by one Keno (x=500, y=1020).

When they see you, one of the ghosts will cry havoc and let slip the

ghost-dogs of tomb-guardianship, only to be restrained by Keno.

Intruders you may be, but you're not the intruders that currently plague

this time. Apparently some creatures from the Underdark who 'consume

the preserved brains of our ancestors' broke in, and, well... you know,

they're probably not fans of the whole brain sucking thing. You can

pick a fight with them (Step #15), but they're actually quite tough (as

their experience rewards will show) and they drop crap loot. Agree to

help them and Keno will agree to allow you to plunder the rest of the

crypt. Well... they're not much for guardians, I guess, but I suppose

we're the lesser of the two evils right now.


(x=150, y=500) Skill, 1 gold

(x=450, y=450) Skull, Pearl

(x=200, y=700) Skull, Incomplete Skeleton

(x=650, y=900) Incomplete Skeleton, Broken Weapon, 9 gold


(x=400, y=600)

(x=650, y=900)


13) When you agree to be helpful the ghosts will open the door at

(x=900, y=1100). Before going through, spell-buff up and cast Chaotic

Commands on whatever character you use for tanking. My protagonist is,

as usual, my prime candidate here. When ready, go through the door to

find a curving tunnel running to the north. In this tunnel you'll find

several Umber Hulks loitering around. Umber Hulks are often-but not

always-accompanied by Mind Flayers in Shadows of Amn, and unfortunately,

this is one of the instances in which they are. Umber Hulks are bad

enough, being pretty potent in melee combat and starting out fights with

a 'confusion gaze' that can confuse characters. Mind Flayers are even

worse, having psionic attacks that can stun several party members at

once. In addition they perform 'brain devouring' attacks in leiu of

normal melee attacks. Instead of dealing Hit Point damage, they drain

Intelligence-five points per hit. This is pretty nasty, considering that

most of your otherwise sturdy, front-line warriors only tend to have

around 10~ Intelligence, making them incredibly vulnerable to Mind

Flayers. Your Wizards won't fare much better, considering that their low

Armor Class will negate their high Intelligence. This is just another

situation where my chosen multi-class protagonists shine. Possessing

a high Intelligence (19), their spell-buffs can balance their poor

Armor Class and give them some semblance of survivability against

these foes... the best of a bad situation, to be sure, but better than


In this instance, the Umber Hulks preceed the Mind Flayers by a bit.

There are four of the former, and three of the latter, including Goxxa

the Alhoon. I lead with my spell-buff protagonist, protected by

Chaotic Commands. The Umber Hulks will engage erratically, so keep an

eye on them to see who they're going after, in case they choose to pick

on Hexxat or Edwin. It's worth noting that one well-placed Death Spell

should kill off the Umber Hulks. Once they're dealt with, focus on

the Mind Flayers. An Alhoon, in case you're wondering, is an undead

Mind Flayer, sort of a lich/Illithid. Tactically, this just means that

the critter will protect itself with some spells before attacking, so

be sure to have a Breach ready if the wily Alhoon brings up a Stoneskin.

The one saving grace of this encounter that makes it manageable is the

fact that the ghostly guardians will aid you in this fight, usually

rushing past the Umber Hulks and engaging the Mind Flayers. They tend to

promptly get stunned, then brain-yummed... two things incoporeal undead

should, you know, be immune to.


(x=750, y=650) Pearl Necklace, Incomplete Skeleton, Iol Gem

(x=650, y=450) Bluestone Necklace, Scroll of Protection From Fire


(x=750, y=650)


14) Depending on how the battle went, our circumstances will vary a

bit. If Keno lived, he'll give you the 'Key of Scholars' we need to

progress, as promised. His buddies will object, but Keno is an honorable

enough dude and keeps his underlings in line. If Keno died, but any of

his ghosts survived, they're not quite as generous, and you'll have to

put them down. Good thing you're spell-buffed, right? Just be wary of

their Quivering Palm, which is a death attack (it can be blocked by

a simple Death Ward spell) and their general prowess in melee. Be sure

to grab the 'Key of Scholars' off of Keno's ghost-corpse. Once done,

head into a small room to the east with Hexxat and she'll comment on a

mural, prompting her to muse about her mother. She won't let you dig too

deep into her past before deciding you need to get back to work,



15) If, on the other hand, you decide you don't take kindly to the

ghosts at all, well... be sure to have spell-buffed before provoking

them. The biggest thing to fear when fighting the Ghost Monks is their

Quivering Palm, which will kill a character outright if they fail to

Save vs. Death. Ideally you'll send a character ahead (protected by

Death Ward and either a high Armor Class or Stoneskin) to absord these

attacks, followed shortly by the rest of your party. Of less concern

is the 'Ghostly Priest' nearby. He'll cast Iron Skins and Hold Person,

as well as attack ineffectually in melee (ableit, with a chance to

paralyze each hit). I've even had one cast Finger of Death... on

himself. No joke. Anyways, they drop paltry loot-usually a crappy scroll

or a few coins. Keno, however, has the 'Key of Scholars' on him, which

you'll need to advance.


16) After you've fought your way through ghosts, Mind Flayers, or both,

return to the western-most tunnel and follow it south, looting

sarcophagi and disarming traps as you go. Along the way you should score

the Periapt of Life Protection, which increases the wearer's Save vs.

Death by three. It's decent protection for characters who suffer in this

area, particularly Mages and Rogues. Stupidly enough, however, both

Hexxat and Edwin have amulets they refuse to take off. Oh well.


(x=1050, y=1300) Periapt of Life Protection, Incomplete Skeleton,

Silver Ring

(x=1300, y=1450) Incomplete Skeleton, 8 gold


(x=1050, y=1300)

(x=1300, y=1450)

(x=1400, y=1600)


17) At (x=1900, y=1600) you'll find the door that fits your key... or

is it the other way around? Either way, it's gaurded by a Ghostly Monk

and a Ghostly Priest. They'll tell you not to trek mud all over the

place, or some such. You can provoke a fight, of promise to behave, as

it suits you. If you disobey and fondle the sarcophagi nearby, you'll

have to deal with five angry Greater Mummies. They're potent enough in

melee that they warrant a spell-buffing for a lower-level party,

otherwise, just watch out for the dieases they spread. Ultimately it's

worth picking a fight with these undead order to loot their sarcophagi,

as one contains the Jade Fang, a +3 dagger that heals its users one

Hit Point per hit and has a 5% chance to stun the target for three

seconds. A great weapon for Jaheira or Hexxat.


(x=2250, y=1450) Garnet Gem

(x=2100, y=1420) The Jade Fang, Jade Ring

(x=1800, y=1350) Bloodstone Ring

(x=1650, y=1300) Sphene Gem


18) Go through the doors at (x=1500, y=1150), head south-east down

another tunnel, then go north to find Ki Chin Sang (x=1900, y=820).

Apparently there's another key you'll need to get into 'the master's'

crypt-and you ain't got no key. Ki Chin Sang just so happens to have

this key, but he won't give it to you unless you defeat the master's

six 'most trusted lieutenants' in the hallway to the south. Hexxat will

suggest a simpler solution-simply steal the key from the stupid ghost.

Do ghosts have pockets? They must. This I was able to easily achieve

with a Pick Pockets score of 120%. You can also kill him-he's an easier

fight than the six lieutenants, at least. If you want to be sneaky, or

if you kill kill Ki Chin Sang, skip to Step #20. If you want to fight

the lieutenants, however, skip to Step #19.


19) If you click on any of the sarcophagi to the south (you'll know

when you're over one because the cursor will change to the 'attack'

icon) the lieutenants will arrive. They consist of Jiang Dai, a Kensai

capable who'll use his Kai ability, then set upon you with a

Katana/Wakizashi combo, Yi Kwon, a Monk capable of Quivering Palm,

Ming-hua Dai, a Mage, Weimin Min, a priest who will cast Insect Plague,

Yi Niu, who'll cast Haste, then go to work with a bow, and Borok Tosst,

a Yuan-ti warrior. The key to winning this fight is, as with most fights

against groups of diverse foes, is preparation. In addition to your

normal buffs, add Remove Fear to the mix just in case Weimin Min gets

off an Insect Plague-if it can decimate our foes it can do the same to

us, after all. I have no intention of allowing him to cast the spell,

though. I assemble my party around where Weimin Min will appear

(x=1480, y=950) save my protagonist who, protected with Mage buffs and

Death Spell will wait near Ming-hua Dai (x=1620, y=1030). When they

appear, my party sets upon Weimin Min, hopefully killing him before

he casts his Insect Plague. My protagonist engages Ming-hua Dai,

scoring a backstab before he gets his buffs up if I'm lucky (if not,

Edwin contributes with a Breach). At the very least my protagonist will

lure Yi Kwon and absorb his Quivering Palm. Throwing out an Insect

Plague of you own won't hurt, either. With this set-up, I had no trouble

at all taking this bunch down. Afterwards Ki Chin Sang will come over

and, much humbler than before, hand you the 'Key of the Master's Crypt'.

Jiang Dai: Leather Armor +2, Katana +1, Wakizashi +1, 9 gold

Yi Kwon: 3 gold

Ming-hua Dai: Quarter Staff, Dart x20, 69 gold

Weimin Min: Platemail +1, Mace +2

Yi Niu: Splint Mail +1, Helmet, Acid Arrows x10, Arrows x20, Potion of

Superior Healing, Potion of Extra Healing, Composite Longbow +1,

Bastard Sword, 52 gold

Borok Tosst: Leather Armor +2, Katana +1, Wakizashi +1, Jasper Gem


20) However you manage it, once you have the 'Key of the Master's

Crypt' use it to open the doors at (x=1350, y=550) to gain access to

the burial chamber of Nan Kung Chi. Disarm some traps and continue to

the east to find your mummy (x=2170, y=550). Sadly he's in no mood to

just hand over one of his toys, and insists on fighting. He'll cast

some Clerical spells, starting off with Blade Barrier, but if you just

rush him, he should die before he causes too much trouble. When he

falls, loot his tomb at (x=2100, y=400). Once you possess the Claw of

the Black Leopard, Hexxat will chat at you again. You can try to pry

(unsuccessfully) into her motivations for stupidly serving 'L', and you

can also opt to go back to Athkatla. If you decide to stay and loot

around, just rest to get her to prompt you to go back again.


(x=2100, y=400) The Claw of the Black Leopard, Gold Necklace


(x=1500, y=500)

(x=1570, y=570)


(For obtaining the Claw of the Black Leopard)

EXP 15000


21) The waiting game begins again-after about a week you'll again be

pestered by Cabrina. She'll banter with Hexxat again, and ultimately

give Hexxat yet another job. This time 'L' wants 'The Shroud of the

Unproved', which lurks in another tomb, this one buried in the sands of

the Zakhara desert. All these exotic places look the same once they've

been buried for centuries. Anyways, listen to Cabrina's story, and

when she's done babbling, return to the Graveyard District, chat with

Hexxat, and teleport to this next tomb.

Tomb of the Unproved (OH7200)


22) When you arrive in this tomb, the first thing you'll notice are some

more ghosts standing to the north-east. Go over to them and talk to

Rabi'ah (x=700, y=340). Whatever you do, do not pick a fight with them,

for reasons that are discussed in the following paragraph. Lazy version?

They're super-strong. Rabiah will speak to you, and you'll be told to

'go through the webs', as you'll 'find everything you see within'. Yay.

Cryptic. Note the chest nearby (x=900, y=350). It contains a variety of

items, including a Scimitar +1, a Piece of Silk, a Gold Statue, and a

Lamp of Oil. These items serve to complicate our progress, but they will

also result in us scoring some loot and experience, so... do what you

will with them.

The folks at Overhaul Games were trying to be clever by putting a

group of over-powered 'invincible' foes here, and except for the

strongest, most-well equipped parties in Shadows of Amn, they might as

well be. Arainah and Bilqis will both go at you with bows (even though

Arainah doesn't actually drop any weapons) and I presume both are

Archers (Ranger kits). They've got plenty of enchanted arrows and

potions to pester you with and keep themselves in the fight,

respectively. The real pains in the ass are Sukayna and Rabi'ah, who

are both Mages who will start out with an absurd amount of defenses,

including Improved Mantle, Protection From Fire, Fire Shield (Red), and

Spell Turning, amongst other defenses. Down the line they're not afraid

of putting up a Stoneskin or Protection From Magic Weapons, either.

Their first move in combat will be to cast Time Stop and Horrid Wilting.

If the fight drags on they'll resort to Finger of Death, Flesh to Stone,

and a few summoning spells, including Gate and Summon Efreeti. Needless

to say, they can be a handful. Not only that, but Rabi'ah seems to have

superlative Magic Resistance that makes a Time Stop/Horrid Wilting

combo or Insect Plague your own unlikely to succeed... at least in

killing them outright. The only way I've beaten them without loss is by

equipping my protagonist with the Reflection Shield (which neutralizes

Bilquis) and using my Lich strategy against Sukayna and Rabi'ah...

namely protecting myself with Remove Fear, Death Ward, Chaotic Commands,

and three instances of Spell Immunity (Conjuration, Alteration and

Abjuration), which makes me immune to everything save summons, and their

melee attacks, which are stupidly good for Mages... but they look and

attack like Monks, so who knows?

I start the fight out by focusing on Arainah, who is quite competent in

melee and rather less willing to get himself killed by the Reflection

Shield than Bilqis. After that, I focus on Bilquis, and with him dead,

I turn my attentions on the Mages. I should be immune to most everything

they might cast, but my buffs won't last forever-they're just there to

get me through the initial onslaught of Time Stop combos and death

spells, but there's a chance they'll end before they're out of spells,

and getting polymorphed into a Squirrel is a good way to get a game

over. Edwin will tentatively aid in the fight from a distance at about

the time they start summoning Efreet, using Death Spell to clear

summons, Breach to drop their defenses, and whatever high-level damaging

spells he has to hopefully soften them up a bit-a Time Stop/Horrid

Wilting combo might just catch one of them off guard and penetrate their

Magic Resistance, especially if Edwin and my protagonist softens them up

with Pierce Magic or Lower Resistance. What really pisses me off is that

they're only worth 10000 EXP each and drop garbage loot.

Sukayna: Potion of Superior Healing x2, Potion of Invisibility

Bilqis: Fire Opal Ring, Acid Arrow x10, Arrow +2 x20, Arrow of

Biting x20, Potion of Superior Healing x2, Oil of Speed, Potion

of Invulnerability

Arainah: Ruby Ring, Acid Arrow x10, Arrow +2 x20, Arrow of Biting x20,

Potion of Superior Healing x5, Oil of Speed x5, Potion of

Invulnerability, Shortbow +3

Rabi'ah: Potion of Superior Healing x2, Potion of Invisibility


(x=900, y=350) Scimitar +1, Piece of Silk, Gold Statue, Lamp of Oil


23) So, ignore the stupidly over-powered prophets and go through the

door at (x=440, y=770). Send your Thief forward just enough to detect

two over-lapping traps at (x=450, y=1000). Disarm them and ignore the

two butthole Bloated Spiders that'll be spitting at you from a distance.

Once the traps are disarmed, charge the bugs and whup them. When they

die, they'll release several Small Spiders, which you'll have to mop up.

As with all spiders in these games, keep a Slow Poison or four handy.

Continue south and repeat the process with another pair of traps and

another two Bloated Spiders.


(x=450, y=1000)

(x=450, y=1000)

(x=450, y=1450)

(x=450, y=1500)


24) Turn the corner and head east, going through the door at

(x=1070, y=1700). Beyond a statue-lined hallway curls north-east. If

you brought the Scimitar +1 from the prophet's chest the warrior statues

will animate and attack. They're not very tough, nor are they worth

much experience, but they do carry some decent loot, including a piece

of random loot (a scroll, some gold, a gem, some jewelry etc.) a suit of

Full Plate Mail and a Scimitar +1. There are six of these statues in

total, four to the west, and two further east. Their arms and armor

might not be worth wearing, but it'll sure sell for a pretty penny.


25) Continue past a dummy chest to the north-east to find a series of

spike traps across the hallway. You can't dodge them, you can't disarm

them, and they'll constantly trigger as long as you're on them. The

only thing to do is man up and cross. If you took the Gold Statue, it

will suddenly gain a new property halfway across the spikes-it'll

suddenly weight 1000 pounds. That's not a typo. The purpose of this?

To force you to stop moving and take extra damage from the spikes. Drop

it, or chuck it into Dragomir's Respite, and carry on. Past the spike

pit you'll have to fight two more statue-warriors if you brought the

Scimitar +1 around. A new foe also awaits-if you have the Lamp of Oil

in your possession a 'Furious Genie' will show up and attack, starting

out with (or rather, as) a Fireball. He's moderately dangerous in melee

combat, but his spells are worse-nothing nearly as deadly as the

prophets, but his Flesh to Stone is pretty obnoxious. When he falls

he'll leave behind Rashad's Talon +2-a Scimitar +2 with a name.


26) Go through the door at (x=2100, y=1100) to find a library, occupied

by three dingus Mages-Iqbal al-Din, Diya al-Hafiz, and Quir Ra'ul. These

pompous, deranged, and hostile guardians will talk to you for a bit,

and it doesn't really matter what you say, you're bound to provoke them.

Talk to Diya al-Hafiz (x=2320, y=850) to get things started-if you

mention the prophet at all, you'll be attacked as the tomb-robber and

defiler you are. You can also attempt to play them off each other, and

it'll become clear that their relationship is... antagonistic, to say

the least. Anyways, when the inevitable fight breaks out they'll start

out with Mirror Image and Spell Turning, followed by Power Word,

Silence, against you and each other, which they'll promptly counter

with Vocalize. They'll then proceed to cast Greater Malison, followed

by Chaos, then Power Word, Stun. Finally they'll begin with the brunt of

their offense-each will toss out several Lightning Bolts

indiscriminately. Once out of those, they'll finish up with Magic

Missiles, then resign to attacking in melee. A spell-buffed party of

any decent potency should be able simply rush in and cut them down,

but if you're more well-equipped, a Chaotic Commands and either the

Harper Pin or the Cloak of Mirroring (or Protection From Electricity or

Spell Immunity (Evocation) should be enough to weather their magical

onslaught). I'm fond of the latter approach-just send in one protected

character-either by the aforementioned items or buffs and let them

waste their magic on you. Once two of them are dead, the third will

stop attacking, apparently believing that you were just being the good

subordinate who was helping their better take down his rivals. This

conversation invariably ends in a fight, too, so put down the final

Mage, then turn your attentions to the library itself. There are a

number of bookshelves around, where you can find... well, books and

scrolls. What did you expect? The scrolls are obviously nice, but the

books have a value too-you'll need to read them to actually complete

this little tomb robbery. I mean, YOU don't actually have to read them,

of course, but you need to go through the motions-put them in your

inventory, right-click on the book, then discard it. Some give hints as

to the purpose behind some of the items stolen from the prophet's

chest, many are just unreadable junk, while the 'Tale of the Prophet

Unproved' over at (x=2000, y=500) is the key to advancing.


(x=2500, y=500) Scroll of Carrion Summons, Scroll of Summon Efreeti

(x=2270, y=670) Dusty Book, Dusty Book, Scroll of Summon Hakeashar

(x=2200, y=500) Dusty Book, Scroll of Summon Djinni

(x=2100, y=500) Dusty Book, Dusty Book

(x=2000, y=500) Tale of the Prophet Unproved, Dusty Book, Dusty Book

(x=1850, y=700) Scroll of Stone to Flesh


27) When you're done killing deranged Mages and reading books, bring the

whole party into the library (if you haven't already) then open the door

at (x=1800, y=950). When you head through the door, Hexxat will make her

way to your protagonist to initiate dialogue. Pick option #1 and Hexxat

will explain the area before you-avoid the webs and cracked stone tiles

and walk only on the pristine or clear ones. If you fail to do this,

the trespassing character will be teleported back to the north-eastern

end of the room and a spider (either a Small Spider, Giant Spider,

Sword Spider, or Phase Spider) will be summoned to deal with you. The

correct route is painfully obvious, so it's not much of a trap... I

suppose confounding only players who were short with Hexxat. It's a

straight shot down the center, save for one clear tile with a web over

it (x=1300, y=1300), which you'll have to go around. I even made a

little text image... not because one is needed here. I mean, I could go

on about how a good FAQ writer shouldn't make assumptions about his

readers and include as much information as possible, professionalism,

blah, blah, blah... but the truth is I was bored, and perhaps I was also

hoping that there was a 'most useless text map' award out there, and

that this would at least get me a nomination...

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

| X | | | | X | |


<--- Stairs | | | X | | | | Library --->


| | | X | | X | X |



28) After you've navigated the painfully simple tile 'puzzle', go

through the door at (x=700, y=1350). In the room beyond is a chevron-

shaped trap at (x=750, y=1220), behind which lurks a Bloated Spider.

Yes, that old game again. Dispose of it, and its baby spiders, and

note the chatty, hand-hungry face over at (x=650, y=800). Get near it

and activate it to initiate dialogue. Lie about your identity or tell

the truth and it'll riddle you. If you read the 'Tale of the Prophet

Unproved' in the library, you should have no trouble answering its

questions correctly (dialogue options #1, #2, #1, #1, then any of the

three options for the final question). If you fail, it'll tell you to

'place your hand within my mouth', whereupon it'll administer some

punishment-several points of damage and you'll be teleported back to

the library, kind of as a hint-hint? You could always just refuse to

put your hand in its mouth (other riddle-statues in the game were at

least wise enough to force you to put your hand on the line before

asking the question, but this one's clearly not so bright) to avoid

punishment. Answer the questions correctly and the door at

(x=970, y=970) will open.


(x=750, y=12200


29) Head into the room you opened to encounter Raffiyah, who is

borrowing Centeol's situation, character sprite, and choices of pets and

habitat. Way to 'enhance' the sequel by wholesale borrowing elements

from the first game, Overhaul Games. I guess one cursed, bloated

spider-chick wasn't good enough. Anyways, she'll babble at you, Viconia

will whine about the situation, and Raffiyah will seem open to flattery,

but ultimately a fight ensues. Raffiyah is joined by two 'Spiders',

who somehow have the ability to speak. They're just fodder, though.

Raffiyah herself is more sturdy and somewhat more dangerous, being

capable of casting Clerical spells and all. She can cast Protection From

Good 10' Radius, Bolt of Glory, Finger of Death, Flame Strike, Doom,

Slay Living, Confusion, and Spider Spawn, seemingly at random. She has

Magic Resistance, too, so attempting to hit her with Silence or Insect

Plague might take a few tries. Ultimately, the best way to deal with

her is probably just brute force-buff up, rush her, ignore her minions,

and cut her down before she can cause too much mischief. Her spell

arsenal, although impressive, is finite, save the 'Spider Spawn' spell,

which she'll cast until she's got three Giant Spiders at his disposal.

When she dies she'll leave behind a Potion of Stone Form. Yay... the

cloak you're looking for is over in a huge sarcophagus (x=1500, y=400).

Seems a little extreme for a fetus, but hey. Grab the 'Shroud of the

Unproved' and Hexxat will prompt you to leave. With pleasure.


(x=1500, y=400) Shroud of the Unproved


(For claiming the Shroud of the Unproved)

EXP 22000 (each character)


30) When you return to Athkatla, Hexxat will inform you that she's going

to take the Shroud to Cabrina, over at the Copper Coronet. If you follow

her, you'll find out that this last mission concluded Hexxat's business

with 'L'. Cabrina will banter a bit before leaving, and Hexxat is now

finally free to focus solely on your own business. Her banters will

continue, as will her romance (if your protagonist is female), but

Hexxat's business is done... at least in Shadows of Amn.


| Neera's Hidden Refuge |

| (Recruit and Secure Neera) |


Sequence of Events: {WLK047}

1) Through the Wild Forest

2) Neera's Initial Equips

3) Illusionary Quaid

4) Uninteresting East

5) Speaking Snake

6) Unreliable Ettin

7) Crossing the Broken Bridge

8) The Hidden Refuge

9) The Useless People

10) Mironda's Beverage

11) Barad Ding's Missing Pests

12) Anger Management

13) Where's Wilson?

14) Mereth's Misplaced Hairband

15) Kirik's Missing!

16) Talisman of Hearthfire

17) Delivering Daxus

18) Red Wizards > Wild Mages

19) Blasting the Bouncer

20) Enclave Shopping!

21) Merchant Mage Murder

22) Unrest in the Enclave

23) Alcohol or Assault

24) Liberating Ghallus

25) Confronting Lanneth

26) Killing Lanneth

27) Looting Lanneth's Lair

28) Freeing the Wild Mages

29) Wild Mage Rewards

30) Hunting Hayes

Wild Forest (OH6000)


1) First thing you should notice when you get to the Wild Forest is

Neera, who stands at (x=1000, y=3530). Unfortunately for us, she's not

just waiting for us out here for the sake of civility. Apparently her

Wild Mage friends warded their camp, and she, due to her own unending

incompetence, needs your help to get to the camp safely. You don't need

to bring her along necessarily, but since you're doing her questline,

I'll just assume that you do. Two things to note, however-Edwin will

not, under any circumstances, remain in the same party as Neera. Also,

due to the presence of the stupid Wild Mages, this entire area is now a

Wild Magic zone, meaning every spell cast in this area will trigger a

Wild Surge, with the attendant random effects. Simply put, magic is

extremely unreliable here, so using it sparingly, if at all. At least

the Wild Magic here makes the loss of Edwin inconsequential, since he'd

be dead weight here, anyways.


2) Our goal is to make it to the north-eastern corner of the map, but

there's no reason we shouldn't explore this place while we're at it.

I mean, we paid good money for this game, why skip one of the few new

areas in the 'Enhanced' Edition of Baldur's Gate 2? Besides, there's

all kinds of crazy stuff that's bound to happen here, what with wild

magic and all. First things first, Neera is equipped with a few items

from the first game. Neera's Staff +1 is just a +1 Quarter Staff that

has a 10% chance of harming either the weilder or the target for an

additional point of fire damage. We were selling better stuff right out

of Irenicus' Dungeon. Adoy's Belt is a little better-a nifty little

accessory that gives a +5 bonus to Saves vs. Petrification/Polymorph.

It's not something you'll wear forever, but it's better than having an

empty belt slot.


3) Start out by following the road to the north-east until you find a

Gnome named Quaid (x=1620, y=2840). If you talk to him, you'll realize

something's not right when he babbles 'a fortnight' repeatedly. If you

press him too much, he'll explode into a Fireball... being part of this

area's defenses and all. You can dispel him by using True Sight, if you

can get it to work, or you can simply attack him. The cart behind the

illusion is more interesting however, containing some goodies for us to



(x=1650, y=2750)


(x=1650, y=2750) Diamond, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Mislead,

Potion of Mind Focusing, 233 gold


4) Now continue east. This area-the entire eastern half of the level

south of the river, is actually pretty uninteresting. There are a few

traps to disarm (these tend to rearm, so will provide a constant menace

until they're removed), creepy swirling magical corruption, and a few

obsolete foes-I encountered a Wolf, a Giant Spider, and a Sword Spider.

Explore as you will, then turn your attentions to the west, starting at

the south and working up to the north.


(x=2060, y=2600)

(x=2100, y=3000)

(x=3400, y=3070)

(x=4700, y=2090)

(x=3270, y=1400)


5) Explore north along the western end of the map, keeping an eye out

for traps as you go. North of where Quaid's cart is you'll find a

Speaking Snake (x=2150, y=1780), who is in many ways much like Quaid.

Both are verbal deterrants; the snake will babble about death and doom,

trying to scare off overly curious trespassers, whereas Quaid tried to

convice folks that there wasn't anything ahead worth seeing. Unlike

Quaid, however, the Speaking Snake isn't and illusion, and won't explode

if you talk to it too much-you can provoke it into fighting, for what

it's worth. It's certainly what Neera seems to desire.


(x=620, y=2600)

(x=1800, y=2100)


6) Continue north to find an Ettin chasing a group of Gnolls. Neera will

point out that the Ettin is an illusion doing its job-scaring off the

wussy Gnolls. Unfortunately, Wild Mage incompetence shows itself again,

and the Ettin vanishes. The Gnolls, annoyed by the trick, turn on you

and get themselves massacred. The Gnoll Captain will drop some random

goodies and a Morning Star +1, which, apart from Neera's gear is the

best loot we'll find in this area.


(x=360, y=1360)


7) Now head over to the bridge (x=4370, y=720), where you'll get the

following floating text:

"This bridge appears rotted and uncrossable. The water flowing beneath

is polluted with magic. It has an unwholesome, eerie look that is

distinctly unwelcoming.

In a ditch (x=4600, y=1100) you'll find 'A Pile of Gravel'. Pick it up

and head over to the bridge, where you can use the gravel to reveal that

the bridge's state of disrepair is only an illusion. Alternatively, if

you brought Neera along, just walk her over to the bridge and she'll

expose the illusion herself. Either way, you'll get an experience

reward and your world map will update. Cross the bridge and exit the

map and travel to the 'Hidden Refuge' area.


(For discovering the Hidden Refuge)

EXP 2000 (each character)

Hidden Refuge (OH6100)


8) Explore to the north-east to discover the pallisade which surrounds

the Wild Mage haven. At the gate you'll meet Telana and Hayes, whom

Neera greets before getting down to business. The Thayans are still

after Wild Mages, save Neera's role has changed a bit. Instead of just

fending them off, she's be defending other, less capable Wild Mages

against the Thayan task force which has been abducting Wild Mages-the

Order of Eight Staves. Get some background information about Neera's

resistance movement, if you wish, before getting down to business.

Lanneth seems to be the leader of the Thayan Neera's opposed to, some

Elven Wild Mage named Daxus refused to join the other Wild Mages, and

their artificer, Knocktor, needs more materials to make their 'Talismans

of Hearthfire'-teleportation amulets.


9) Before we follow up on any of these tasks, let's explore the Wild

Mage camp. This exploration might seem extraneous, but getting to know

these Mages actually is worth doing... even if it doesn't seem like it

at the time. There are quite a few stupid little quests for us to do

here, but first, the useless people. First up is Hayes (x=950, y=1300),

who is kind of a dick with very little to say. At (x=1290, y=600) is

"King" Gramm, who is just a bit crazier than the rest of the Wild Mages,

who aren't a terribly well-adjusted bunch as it is. He'll babble

nonesense before Neera interrupts and explains his condition. At

(x=1630, y=1030) you'll find Kirik, the son of nearby Amanis Khal

(x=1700, y=1000). He's more of a quest objective than a quest-giver, and

if you talk to him he'll quibble about your name being stupid. Now it's

time to deal with the quest-givers, and their quests.


10) A female Dwarven Wild Mage named Mironda waits over at

(x=1200, y=930). She's a dedicated alcoholic who wants you to get some

special exotic booze from Vyatri in Trademeet. I'll assume you're doing

this after formally exploring Trademeet [WLK022] so as to avoid

complicating matters with over-lapping quests. Once in Trademeet

(AR2000) head over to Vitari's Pub (x=2200, y=2350) and talk to Vytari

(x=770, y=400). Pick dialogue option #3 and pay 50 gold for the cask of

'Halfling's Help'-the beer we're after. Bring it back to Mironda and

you'll get a surprisingly decent reward-some meager experience and a

magical tankard named after your protagonist which heals the user for

2d8 Hit Points up to three times per day. 6-24 free Hit Points of

healing isn't game-breaking, but it's still a decent enough item to toss

in a quick item slot.


EXP 3500

Item [Protagonist]'s Tankard


11) Over at (x=890, y=660) you'll find Barad Ding. Barad Ding's problem

seems more like a solution to me-his cats are missing, scattered in fear

after a wild surge. Offer to help and he'll give you ten servings of

'Cat Food' with which to lure the beasts back. This quest, as all things

involving cats, is pretty annoying. To complete it you'll need to go

back to the Wild Forest and equip the Cat Food, then wander around like

an idiot looking for Ding's eight cats wandering around. When you see

one, use the Cat Food as a quick item on the cat and it'll approach you

and enter your inventory. Good news-unlike real cats, these ones are

stackable. Bad news-like real cats, these ones are assholes and will

randomly escape your inventory (5% chance each two rounds). You'll have

to catch a few and return to the Hidden Refuge to make good on your

gains. If you run out of Cat Food, just talk to Ding for more. Since

they roam about, I can't give exact coordinates for them, so sadly,

you'll have to do a bit of walking around, returning as you must to

secure your felines and gather more food. Once you've captured eight of

the wretched animals return to Ding, who'll reward you with a 'Collar

Belt' that can wake up sleeping characters... an item that might have

been decent in the first game, where Sleep was an actually threatening

spell. He'll also offer to give you one of his cats, named 'Dings', a

gift you can try to opt out of, but hey... you might get hungry later.

Might as well keep the cat.


(x=1400, y=1070) Arrows +1 x5

(x=1220, y=880) Scroll of Identify, 1 gold

(x=1200, y=720) 19 gold


(For returning Barad Ding's cats)

Item Collar Belt

Item Dings


12) Now to deal with an interesting character with a bit of height-

Reginald (x=1900, y=1000), is a banished Half-Orc who is none too

friendly. If you pester him too much, he'll fisticuffs with you. Being

a Mage, he's not too good at it, and therein lies the problem-you want

him to hit you. So remove your armor and make sure your AI is off.

Provoke him, let him attack (and hopefully hit) you without responding.

Once he's let out three attacks he'll stop fighting. Turn the proverbial

cheek and rest a distance away from him (just outside the palisade,

perhaps?) Return and talk to him, and he'll comment on your show of

restraint, and promise to learn from your example. We're good role



13) Next up is Zaviak, who waits at (x=1550, y=480). He's an annoying

hippy burn-out veteran of the Black Pits and resident alchemist. He's

also missing his bear-buddy, Wilson. At least it's not cats. This quest

overlaps with Rasaad's questline [WLK048], and cannot be completed until

you've made progress in said questline. See Steps #10 and #11 in

[WLK048] for the encounter with Wilson... otherwise, put this quest on

the ol' back-burner for now.

How to get Wilson, in brief? Grab Rasaad from Trademeet, take him to the

City Gates District in Athkatla to meet a character who'll point us

towards the Abandoned Amphitheater (OH4000). Make your way through to

the north-eastern corner of the level to find Hammerhelm-stick to

dialogue option #1 to get the location of the Heretic Temple. On the

way there, you'll be ambushed by some Sun Soul Monks. Again stick to

dialogue option #1 to get past without violence (or fight, as you will).

In the Heretic Temple area (OH4100) make your way to to temple, where

you'll find a caged Grizzly Bear (x=3480, y=2920). Talk to the bear

and when you're interrupted by the beastmaster Jolstead (x=3580, y=3050)

deal with him by buying Wilson's freedom (1000 gold) or by just killing

the guy. After the fight, find Wilson at (x=440, y=400), who will now

join your party. Walk him back to the Hidden Refuge and talk to Zaviak

to get your... reward.


(For reuniting Zaviak and Wilson)

Item Green Dragon Potion x5


(x=1350, y=480) Scroll of Spell Shield, 8 gold


13) Now make your way to the afore-mentioned Amanis Khal

(x=1700, y=1000) and ask about her past (dialogue options #1 and #2),

before finally asking about Kirik's dad. Seems like a dead-end, so move

on to the little girl nearby. Mereth (x=1700, y=1050) is the girl we

saw Neera rescue back in the Bridge District. Unfortunately, she seems

to have misplaced her hairband-a gift from her late mother. You know

how orphans get about sentimental crap like that, so offer to help her

find it. She seems to have misplaced it around when the Thayan 'witch'

chased her around the Bridge District. So... return to the Bridge

District and explore near the northern end. Here you'll find a crate at

(x=3830, y=270) that contains the 'Hairband' we're after. Return it to

Mereth back at the Hidden Refuge for your reward-the Wooden Horse

Necklace. It functions like an Amulet of Protection +2 in that it gives

a +2 bonus to Armor Class or a +2 bonus to Saving Throws, which is cool

and all... if you can find somebody who can wear it, what with magical

armor and other protections.


In the original release of the game, this item only had a +1 bonus to

Armor Class and Saves, but stacked with other magical protections,

making it vastly more useful than it is now. There are plenty of +2

protection items in the game that don't stack with other protections

that we'll discard as we get superior suits of armor... and now this is

one of them.


(For recovering Mereth's Hairband)

Item Wooden Horse Necklace


14) If you talked to Amanis Khal and her son previously, the boy Kirik

should be missing now. Talk to Amanis Khal, who is understandably

upset, as well a bad mother should be. She'll fear the worst and tell

you that Hayes saw him near the edge of the camp. Interestingly enough,

nobody other than Amanis herself has any comment on this... buncha

irresponsible adults. Head back to the Wild Forest to find Kirik over

at (x=1580, y=330). Talk to him and he'll immediately beg to go home.

Agree to take him and you'll be whisked back to camp and into dialogue

with Amanis, who roundly scolds the boy and thanks you. You'll get an

experience reward for your trouble. When you get a chance to respond,

pick dialogue option #1 to convince her to allow Kirik to keep

practicing magic, then talk to Kirik, who'll give you the Wild Sling +1

as a reward for standing up for him. It's not really a game-changing

weapon, with its sorry enchantment bonus and its forgetable ability,

but it's better to have than not, I suppose.


(For finding Kirik)

EXP 35000


(For convincing Amanis into allowing Kirik to continue using Wild Magic)

Item Wild Sling +1


15) Okay, now we've obtained a healing cup, a collar and perhaps a cat

to accessorize it with, mention of some bear, a cruddy sling, and a

definitely not-cruddy amulet. we've also talked to a "King" and taught

a Half Orc that hitting is bad. How tedious. We are, however, now ready

to talk to some of the more important quest-givers here, ones who will

actually advance the story and all. Knocktor the Fizzled is over at

(x=1470, y=740), and he'll babble about his backstory if you let him.

What's important is that he needs some key components to make more of

those teleportation amulets-two Diamonds, a Silver Necklace, and 3000

gold. Ouch. Diamonds are fairly uncommon-after going through all of

Shadows of Amn up to this point, I only had eighteen. The gold and the

Silver Necklace are comparatively simple to get your hands on... but

it's not imperative that you create one of these amulets. If you do,

you'll get a small experience reward, and of course, the amulet.


(For creating a Talisman of the Hearthfire)

EXP 3500


16) Finally, talk to Telana (x=1380, y=1080), who wants you to go to

the Bridge District in Athkatla and visit Delosar's Inn, wherein the

Wild Mage Daxus lurks. Telana is sure Daxus will attract the attention

of the Thayans soon, if he hasn't already, and we are to convince him

that he'd be better off at the Hidden Refuge. Apparently this Daxus

shouldn't be very hard to recognize, due to his healthy 'independent

streak'. Also, Hayes is heading to town for supplies at the same time,

and will take Daxus back with him if you don't have a Talisman of the

Hearthstone to provide. Almost seems like we should have went after

Mereth's Hairband at the same time to simplify things... never fear,

though, I have my reasons.

Desolar's Inn (AR0513)/(AR0514)/(AR0515)


17) Return to the Bridge District (AR0500) and head over to Desolar's

Inn (x=2050, y=3000). Along the way Hayes (x=1120, y=3460) will bother

you and work out the details of the plan-either tell him you're sending

Daxus back with him, or inform him you have a Talisman of the

Hearthfire, as your resources demand. You'll find Daxus on the bottom

floor of the Inn (AR0513) at (x=600, y=570), and being 'the famous

Blue Elf of Athkatla' he sure does stand out. As you approach he'll

begin talking, amusing the idiotic patrons nearby. Neera, too, with the

underdeveloped brain of a turnip, seems amused until he mentions the

Hidden Refuge, at which point she decides enough is enough.

Talk to him a bit and, despite his assumption that fame will protect

him, a group of bad ol' Red Wizards show up to apprehend him. The chief

threat here is the Red Wizard, who, as a spell-caster, should be your

primary target. I find a single Insect Plague wins this fight outright,

but it can't hurt to throw out a Chaos or two, if you feel it's

necessary. Once the Red Wizard dies, you just need to mop up his melee

cronies. Daxus will offer to help out before hostilities start, but for

my money, the fewer Wild Mages casting spells around, the better. If

you give him the Talisman of Hearthfire, he'll be able to just teleport

directly to camp, with no risk to himself at all... which is actually a

good thing, since bringing him back in one piece is more or less the

point of this whole quest. Once all the Thayans are dead, head outside

to confront a second, identical group. This bunch is far more likely to

actively target Daxus, but the same tactic prevails-Chaos and Insect

Plague are just more than they can handle. In both groups the melee

warriors will drop a suit of Plate Mail, a Helmet, a Two-Handed Sword,

and a Potion of Extra Healing. The archers will leave behind a suit of

Splint Mail, 20 Arrows +1, 80 Arrows, a Potion of Extra Healing, a

Composite Longbow, and a Spear. The Red Wizards will drop a Dagger +1

and 20 Darts +1. Not really an epic haul, but they weren't exactly that

strong, either. After the second group is dead Hayes will take Daxus

back (if he's still around) and Neera will suggest that we return to

the Hidden Refuge and inform Telana.

Note: If you gave Daxos a Talisman of the Hearthfire, you'll only have

to fight one group of Red Wizards.

Hidden Refuge (OH6200)


18) When you get back to the Hidden Refuge, you'll find it in a sorry

state, indeed. Telana will be here, as will Mereth and Kirik if you

completed their quests. Anywho, talk to Telana (x=1380, y=1080) and

she'll tell you a predictable story. It turns out that, despite Neera's

optimism, Red Wizards > Wild Mages. No surprise there. The Wild Mages

who aren't here were captured, and were taken to the Red Wizard's

enclave in Athkatla, which can be found in Waukeen's Promenade. Rest up,

prepare anti-mage spells, and head back to Athkatla.

Waukeen's Promenade (AR0700)


19) Return to Waukeen's Promenade and head over to the Red Wizard

Enclave (x=3200, y=900), helpfully marked on your map. Talk to the

Bouncer (x=3330, y=950) in front and Neera will end up blasting him

into pieces. Cool. He'll drop a Potion of Extra Healing, amongst some

other junk. Once done exchanging pleasantries with the hired help,

head inside.

Red Wizard Enclave (OH6300)


20) Now, I know we're here to smash things, and Telana said that the Red

Wizards ran this shop as a front to gain enough money to buy off the

Cowled Wizards so they could hunt the Wild Mages with impunity... but

dammit, there's shopping to be done here! If Gul Dukeem (x=970, y=1700)

starts talking to you, pick dialogue options #2, #2, #3, #2, #2 to

avoid a fight, something Neera tries to provoke. Gul Dukeem sells items

that are more interesting than useful, like a Robe of the Neutral

Archmagi, the Tunic of Blindeye, a Staff of Striking +3, the Heart of

the Golem +2, The Grave Binder +2, and the Dagger of Venom +2... alot of

old Baldur's Gate daggers that are obsolete now. The merchant at

(x=820, y=1580) sells a variety of wands, including the useful and

uncommon Wand of Spell Striking, which simultaneously casts Breach and

Pierce Magic on a target. Very nice. Also considering that his other

wands have an absurd 50 charges, they're worth grabbing. Another

merchant at (x=660, y=1620) sells potions, including Giant Strength and

Master Thievery ones. Finally, the merchant at (x=750, y=1670) sells a

small library's worth of spell scrolls. The best part is, the last three

merchants (the ones simply named 'merchant') can all be robbed, although

a Pick Pockets score of around 180% is suggested.


|Mage Spells| Merchant


1st-Reflected Image





3rd-Detect Illusion

3rd-Hold Undead

3rd-Invisibility, 10' Radius


3rd-Protection From Cold

3rd-Protection From Fire

3rd-Remove Magic



4th-Minor Sequencer

4th-Teleport Field


5th-Protection From Acid

5th-Protection From Electricity

5th-Spell Immunity



6th-Globe of Invulnerability


6th-Pierce Magic

6th-Protection From Magic Energy

6th-Spell Deflection

6th-Summon Nishruu

6th-True Sight



7th-Mordenkainen's Sword

7th-Ruby Ray of Reversal

7th-Summon Hakeashar


21) Now for the inevitable fight. If you talked Gul Dukeem into showing

you his wares, you can talk him into letting you into the back rooms if

you gave him an excuse-namely of wanting to purchase a Wild Mage slave.

Do this with dialogue options #2, #2, #1, #1, #1, and #1. He'll go to

let you through the door, and your plans will be thwarted by a Red

Wizard, whom you'll then have to fight, along with the Merchants and

the Guards, but not, importantly, Gul Dukeem, who'll surrender after

the fight is over and offer to stick around as a merchant. Then again,

you can just start a fight by talking to Gul Dukeem again and picking

dialogue options #2 and #4. Either way, it's a good idea to spell-buff

before talking to Gul Dukeem, and in the latter route, trying to score

a backstab against him will go far towards simplifying the fight.

Otherwise my tactics for this battle are... pretty much the same as

every other Mage fights-start out with Insect Plague and Chaos, then mop

up. Just be sure you wait long enough for the other Red Wizard to enter

the room via the northern door before casting Insect Plague. One of the

Merchants will leave behind a Quarter Staff, ten Darts of Stunning and

two gold, while another will drop a Wand of Monster Summoning (provided

he didn't use it) a Scroll of Infravision, a Scroll of Protection From

Cold, a Dagger +1, and ten Darts +1. The last merchant forfeits a Potion

of Insight, a Potion of Strength, a Potion of Invisibility, a Quarter

Staff, and twenty Darts of Wounding. The Red Wizard who joins the fight

via the door at (x=750, y=1450) will drop a Quarter Staff and twenty

Darts of Wounding. Both the Guards drop Plate Mail, a Helmet and a

Halberd, while Gul Dukeem will bestow upon us an Adventurer's Robe, a

Quarter Staff +2, twenty Darts of Stunning, and the Slave Pen Key. Once

the murder frenzy is done, turn your attention to the door at

(x=750, y=1450).


(x=650, y=1550) Potion of Insulation, Potion of Extra Healing,

Potion of Fire Breath, Potion of Hill Giant Strength


22) Beyond the door you'll find a tavern, which is obviously going to

be the most populated area in here. At the present there are no fewer

than seven Thayan Mercenaries, not including their leader Fadell

Ironeye, and three Red Wizards. There are more lurking in the

surrounding rooms, however, who'll join in if there's a ruckus. To the

north-west are three more Thayan Mercenaries and another Red Wizard,

while to the south-east are two more Red Wizards and a Thayan Knight.

That's a half-dozen Mages and a dozen warriors of vastly varying

quality to back them up-not exactly something you want to rush into.

Once you enter you'll be pestered by Fadell Ironeye. Play nice and

pick dialogue options #1, #1, and #2 to go about your business. In the

room to the north-west you'll see a Red Wizard hitting on a Mercenary,

offering to garnish her wages for a bit of extra service. To the

south-east are some slave pens, where two Red Wizards gloat over a

dumb Mercenary who agreed to fight a trained Minotaur gladiator named

Ghallus for some coin. Talk to Fadell and she'll complete the picture-

the mercenaries here are underpaid and poorly handled by the Red

Wizards, and it probably wouldn't take much to cause trouble between the

two. Ah, the classic battle of labor versus capital... The spark we can

use to ignite this powderkeg is equally reknown for its antiquity; good

old fashioned inebriation. First, however, I suggest you loot around

while it's still quiet.


(x=570, y=950) Composite Longbow, Arrows +1 x20

(x=500, y=1000) Splint Mail

(x=420, y=1050) Potion of Healing, 2 gold

(x=250, y=1270) Bastard Sword, Potion of Extra Healing,

The Journal of Fadell Ironeye, 65 gold


23) Once the looting is done, it's time for the bloody business at hand.

Here is where you'll start to see some benefit for completing the

various quests of the Wild Mages in the Hidden Refuge, earlier. If you

helped out Mironda she'll be behind the bar, working as a bartender. If

not, it'll just be a vanilla bartender. Both can suit our needs just as

well as the other. If you want to get out of this with a much less

difficult fight, talk to Mironda/the Bartender and buy three rounds of

hooch for everybody. Each round'll cost 50 gold, for a total cost of

150. After the third round has been consumed, Fadell will pick a fight

with her employers, and the mercenaries will turn on the Red Wizards.

The mercenaries are more than a match for the Red Wizards, and 150 gold

is a paltry price to bypass such a fight. If you had Mironda at hand,

she'll even give you your gold back after the battle is over, plus an

experience reward for saving her.

If, on the other hand, you want to fight it out, we still have options.

First is the run in and fight everybody all at once 'tactic', easier

done if you played nice at first so you could spell-buff and position

your party as you saw fit-perhaps all within the tavern room, so you

don't get bottle-necked at the door? Also, paying special attention to

Fedell early on is a very good idea, since she's probably the most

dangerous character there. Insect Plague, True Sight and Chaos are

mandatory for this fight, and slow won't hurt, either. There's also a

sneaky way we can handle things. For all their power here, there's not

a single Mage capable of casting True Sight in this fight. This allows

you to provoke the enemy, then either use an item or cast invisibility

on a character and use them to block the door, the idea being to catch

all the baddies in one room, while the party hides in another. This will

allow you to-with careful aim-cast some area-of-effect debilitative

spells into the room before commiting to melee, or perhaps to forgo

melee altogether in favor of ranged attacks, which you're certain to

out-class the enemy in. The Mages still can, and will, cast spells at

any characters they can see, so it's not a completely safe tactic. You

can, however, try to use summons to waste the spells of the Mages. Just

try to avoid casting any damaging spells if you don't want to hurt

Mironda. When everything hostile is dead, get to looting. Three of the

Red Wizards carry Potions of Extra Healing, a Quarter Staff, a random

scroll, and ten Darts of Stunning. Two others (the one in the room to

the north-west and one of the two Mages in the room to the south-east)

carries a Potion of Extra Healing and a Quarter Staff. The other Mage

from the room to the south-east will leave behind a Mage Robe of Fire

Resistance, a Potion of Extra Healing, a Quarter Staff, and a Slave Pen

Key. The Thayan Knight drops a suit of Full Plate Mail, a Helmet, a

Large Shield +1, a Potion of Extra Healing, and a Long Sword +1. Fadell

Ironeye gives up Plate of the Dark +1 (just Full Plate +1 with a name),

a Bastard Sword +2, a Large Shield +2, two Potions of Extra Healing, a

Potion of Fire Giant Strength, an Oil of Speed, a Helmet, and 478 gold.

The mercenaries vary quite a bit in quality and equipment, but aside

from a few suits of Plate Mail, it's nothing worth mentioning.


(For freeing Mironda)

EXP 10000


24) One more thing to do before we continue deeper into this area. Head

to the dungeon where we witnessed Ghallus at play. You have had two

chances to obtain a a Slave Pen Key-Gul Dukeem had one, as did one of

the Red Wizards in this prison. With the key, open the cage containing

Ghallus at (x=1300, y=1650) and the Minotaur will take his slave

buddies and leave. It's worth some experience, at least, and it might

just pay off shortly... before you continue on, make sure you're

rested and prepared. If at all possible, have a Death Spell ready, as

it'll be invaluable in the upcoming fight.


(For freeing the slaves)

EXP 1500 (x5)


25) Go through the door at (x=1220, y=1330), up a tunnel to the north-

west, then through another door at (x=1100, y=1000). In the room beyond

you'll find Lanneth (x=1480, y=800), along with a pair of Thayan

Fighters. More Fighters and Red Wizards lurk in the side rooms, where

it can be awfully cramped fighting. If you got Fadell drunk, she'll show

up and rant a bit before wandering out again. If you freed Ghallus,

he'll return along with several Amnian Legionaries to provide a bit of

muscle. In the latter case, you might be better off just walking out of

the room and letting them all sort it out. This will be condeming your

allies to death, sure, but it'll waste some of the enemy's spells and

potions. Lanneth, for her part, isn't really seeking a direct engagement

in this round of the fight-her tactics are to go invisible (using one of

her multiple Potions of Invisibility), walk into one of the side rooms,

and summon a pair of Mordekainen's Swords. A Death Spell will remove

them from the fight handily. Lanneth can be killed here, but you will

need to keep on top of her with Breach and True Sight. After she's

pressed a bit, she'll dimension door away, leaving you to clean up and

loot before chasing her.


(x=1450, y=1100) Scroll of Power Word, Sleep, Scroll of Deafness

(x=1550, y=1000) Cloak of Protection +1

(x=930, y=770) Moonbar Gem, Black Opal, Potion of Healing,

Greenstone Ring

(x=1080, y=680) Scroll of Ice Storm, Scroll of Color Spray, 3 gold


(x=1550, y=1000)

(x=930, y=770)


26) Once you're ready to move on, go through the door at (x=1500, y=750)

to find Lanneth again. She'll try to buy herself some life by

threatening the life of "King" Gramm-it doesn't matter what you say,

however, a fight breaks out, either with you trying to save Gramm from

himself, or from Lanneth. She'll be joined by two more Thayan Fighters

and another Red Wizard. This fight shouldn't be too much trouble-just

use Breach on Lanneth when she uses Protection from Magical Weapons or

Stoneskin and pay her and her fellow Red Wizard special attention,

since the Fighters are far less dangerous. When she's dead, loot her

for The Protector +1, a Robe of Invocation, Bracers of Defense A.C. 6,

a Wand of Paralyzation, a Quarter Staff +2, Darts of Wounding x40,

three Potions of Extra Healing, three Potions of Invisibility, a Slave

Pen Key, a Laboratory Key, and 243 gold. Finally, talk to "King" Gramm

for an experience reward.


(For freeing "King' Gramm)

EXP 5000


27) You now have two doors beckoning you-go through the one to the

north-west at (x=1600, y=450). It's trapped, but you that shouldn't

bother you, right? Beyond is Lanneth's room, so you and rightfully

expect a good bit of loot in here. So it is. Not really enough of a

reward to make all this Wild Mage nonsense worthwhile, but at least

a bit of coin is involved. Be sure to grab Lanneth's Journal, as it

provides some information we'll need shortly.


(x=1620, y=250) Potion of Invisibility, Elixir of Health,

Pearl Necklace, Garnet Gem

(x=1380, y=300) Rogue Stone, Traveler's Robe, Wand of Frost, 750 gold

(x=1380, y=200) Scroll of Mordenkainen's Sword,

Scroll of Chain Lightning, 57 gold

(x=1500, y=150) Contract, Letter, Lanneth's Journal


(x=1600, y=450)

(x=1380, y=300)


28) And by shortly I mean now. Go through the door at (x=1980, y=700) to

find all of Neera's misfit Mage friends... or at least the ones who are

still alive. Simply put, if you did their quests, they'll be alive, if

not, they'll be dead, with the exceptions of Knocktor, Zaviak, Barad

Ding, and a random Wild Mage, although Barad Ding will kill himself if

you didn't rescue his cats. If you let Daxus walk away with Hayes, he'll

be dead, too. If you gave him a Talisman of the Hearthfire, he'll be

alive. Talk to Knocktor (x=2300, y=750) and he'll tell you that Lanneth

always opened the cages in a specific sequence. You'll have to do the

same, or else the Wild Mages will be electrocuted. Get them zapped too

much and they'll die. Kinda defeats the purpose of rescuing them.

Fortunately, Lanneth's Journal provides the information we need to free

these Mages-subjects 55, 13, 11, and 42, in order. You'll only see these

number mentioned when you activate a cage, but they correspond to Amanis

Khal's cage (x=2500, y=800), a random female Wild Mage's cage

(x=2200, y=900), Barad Ding's cage (x=2350, y=950) and finally Zaviak's

cage (x=2250, y=900). Once you've opened the last cage, you'll be able

to open the rest at will. Talk to the Wild Mage in an opened cage and

they'll depart, giving you an experience reward. Knocktor will inform

you that Hayes sold his fellows out, and that he's leading to Vyatri's

pub in Trademeet. See? He was mean to us, and he turned out to be a

traitor. Those two things are always correlated.


(For rescuing Amanis Khal)

EXP 5000


(For rescuing Barad Ding)

EXP 5000


(For rescuing Daxus)

EXP 5000


(For rescuing Knocktor)

EXP 5000


(For rescuing the female Wild Mage)

EXP 5000


(For rescuing Reginald)

EXP 5000


(For resucing Zaviak)

EXP 5000


29) Return to the Hidden Refuge, as per Neera's whining, and when you

near the gates to the camp a conversation will strike up, and you'll

get another quest reward, as well as a... Mechanical Bird. It might look

like garbage, but hold onto it-you'll get pretty hefty reward if you

keep it with you into (and through much of) Throne of Bhaal. Telana will

also promise you a gift, and if you talk to her (x=1230, y=900) she'll

deliver, handing over the Robe of Goodman Hayes, which puts its wearer

under the permanent effects of the Chaos Shield spell, making Wild

Surges more likely to be less harmful. Since it can only be worn by Wild

Mages (who else would need it) it's probably something only Neera would

wear, and if she's your primary Mage, the Robe of Vecna is going to be

much more useful. Reginal (x=1900, y=800) also has a gift for you-the

Brick +2, a returning throwing War Hammer that has a chance to inflict

1d12 extra magical damage and cause 100% spell failure for a round. The

latter effect doesn't last long enough, and both are subject to a Save

vs. Spells, so, neither are great. It also has a 10% to cause anybody

within ten feet of the wielder to suffer a Wild Surge. Again, not too

desirable, but if you're chucking hammers at people, you probably aren't

slinging spells. It makes a decent ranged weapon for Anomen or Korgan.

Now, there's just one more thing to do before we wrap this quest up-

let's go find a certain traitor in Trademeet.


(For defeating the Enclave)

EXP 10000 (each character)

Item Mechanical Bird


30) Head back to Trademeet and enter Vyatri's Pub, where you'll find

Hayes drinking himself to death at (x=750, y=520). Talk to him and he

will, in his drunkedness, pretend not to care about his fate. Apparently

giving up the good life in the city was too much for him, and he was

only too happy to sell out his fellow Wild Mages (wife included) to get

away from the Hidden Refuge. You can kill him if you wish-he'll leave

behind a Quarter Staff +1, twenty Darts Stunning, and the Bloodied Tunic

of Hayes. If you take this soiled garment back to Telana... well, she'll

have mixed feelings about it. Pretty anti-climatic ending, all in all.

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