BG EE part 6

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Rasaad's Journey, Part I |

| (Secure Rasaad) |


Sequence of Events: {WLK048}

1) Chasing the Cult

2) Bear Loot

3) Geld's Scam

4) Dangerous Moose

5) Locating the Heretic Temple

6) Conflict Resolution

7) Sun Soul Ambush

8) Herath and the Bridge Guard

9) Rescuing Wilson

10) Recruiting Wilson

11) Fun in the Sun

12) Dark Moon Espionage

13) Collus Appears

14) Looting the Temple

15) Test of the Bright Moon

16) Test of Penance

17) Test of Pain

18) Test of the Blinding Sun

19) Master of Combat

20) Dark Moon Assault

City Gates (AR0020)


1) To get Rasaad's questline started, take Rasaad to the City Gates

District of Athkatla (AR0020), where you'll be bothered by a 'Cloaked

Figure' near the gate. This figure will invite Rasaad to a 'meeting of

like minds' in the amphitheater of an abandoned city named Borrokin.

Huh. This infiltration thing isn't that hard, is it? Despite that,

Rasaad will have his religious doubts. Tell him to quit being a wuss

and head on over to the 'Abandoned Amphitheater' area that's doing its

part to clutter the previously barren Baldur's Gate 2 world map.

Abandoned Amphitheater (OH4000)


2) From where you appear, continue along a path to the north-east until

you find a fork to the east. If you follow the eastern fork you'll find

a ruined structure occupied by several bears-a Brown, Grizzly, and

Mountain Bear, in fact. They guard some meager loot.


(x=2000, y=3440) Bloodstone Amulet


3) Back on the main path, continue north from the fork to find a Ranger

named 'Geld Quickblade' (x=1260, y=2330). He describes himself as a

merchant of sorts, and for today his sale includes safety. No, he's no

simple bandit-he's cleared a safe way through the woods, and it's yours

for 5000 gold. For this price you pretty much get the advice to 'turn

right past him'. If it seems like a rip-off, it'll seem even more of

a scam when you realize only a few traps await you to the left, while

the only danger to the right is Geld himself, if you don't pay him.

He'll be waiting for you at (x=2240, y=1970) along with a pack of a

dozen Dire Wolves (six near him, and six further north along the path,

likely behind your party). At the very least, through, he'll drop his

price to 4500 gold if you balk. What? Still not biting? Good. Geld is

a wuss, and should be killed. His little dogs, too. When he's dead,

loot his body for a pair of Short Swords +1, Studded Leather Armor +1,

a Worn Pamphlet and whatever potions he didn't drink yet (Potions of

Extra Healing and Potions of Invisibility).


(x=800, y=1100)

(x=900, y=1050)

(x=1000, y=1000)

(x=1000, y=900)


4) From where Geld fell, continue south-east until you find another fork

in the path. From here if you continue south-east you'll find a

Dangerous Moose along a dead-end path. Once you kill it, another,

equally Dangerous Moose will arrive from the north. Kill the Moose and

return to the fork, following it to the east, then north-east.


5) At (x=3470, y=1430) you'll find an Amphitheater Guard, who'll put

you to the question as soon as you come in sight. If you pick a fight

you'll have to dust off a few relatively weak Monks. If, on the other

hand, you're more peacefully inclined, you can find Fenuku

(x=3780, y=1080), who is kind of a dick, Kelner (x=3880, y=1100) who

is much more polite, and Hammerhelm (x=4070, y=750), the leader of the

bunch. I would write this encounter off as pointless, and bound to end

in violence... but it's actually not. If you stick to dialogue

option #1, as silly as the responses are, you'll get through without

a fight and learn the location of the Heretic Temple. Violent folks

merely need to pick up a 'Note' from Hammerhelm's corpse to gain the

same information.


(For discovering the location of the Heretic Temple)

EXP 3000 (each character)


6) Now that we know the location of the Heretic Temple, we're all ready

to go, right? Well... not quite. From the amphitheater, head south along

the eastern edge of the map, killing a pair of Wolves along the way.

Eventually you'll reach a small camp where a group of adventurers stand

bickering over the loot from a recent tomb heist. The group is led by

one 'Cless Ironeye'... any relation to Fadell Ironeye, from Neera's

questline? Who knows. They call themselve the 'Vagrant Blades'. Oooh.

You know they're dangerous, with a name like that! Anyways, when you get

a chance to interrupt, you'll get three options-arbitrate their dispute,

try to claim the disputed article for yourself, or let them go on their

merry way. In the former case, if you give the belt to one character,

another will turn hostile and the rest of the group will flee-allowing

you to put down the belligerent. Giving the belt to Jaden will provoke

Aldun (and vice-versa), while Dalton and Hojar Bootcut oppose the choice

of each other. Of course, they've got a bit of interesting loot, so

simply trying to claim the cloak for yourself-and putting the whole

lot of them down when they resist-is easily the most rewarding course

to take. Aldun Forgecaster is a relatively weak Mage, while Cless is a

Shadowdancer, but none of them are particularly dangerous. Their loot

is as follows:

Aldun Forgecaster: Knave's Robe, Ox-Tail Belt, Potion of Extra Healing,

Throwing Dagger x20, Dagger +1, 91 gold.

Cless Ironeye: Brooch of the Vagrant Blades, Studded Leather Armor +1,

Scimitar, Potion of Extra Healing x2, Oil of Speed,

Belt of Minor Invulnerability, Scimitar +1, 76 gold.

Dalton: Splint Mail +1, Helmet, Ring of Duplication, Arrow of

Biting x10, Acid Arrow x10, Potion of Extra Healing, Potion of

Invulnerability, Composite Longbow +1, Bastard Sword, 52 gold.

Hojar Bootcut: Chain Mail Armor +1, Helmet, Medium Shield, Potion of

Invulnerability, Potions of Extra Healing, Hojar's

Fame +1, 34 gold.

Jaden: Bullet +1 x20, Lupine Sling +2, 142 gold.

Now for the loot discussion: The Belt of Minor Invulnerability is a

pretty meager prize for the group to be fighting over. It has a small

chance of auto-casting Minor Globe of Invulnerability each time the

wearer takes a hit, and it can also cast the spell manually once per

day. By now 1st-3rd level spells aren't scaring anybody, so we can

safely disregard this item. Hojar's Fame +1 is a +1 Battle Axe with a

25% chance to deal an extra 1d8 damage. +1 damage is not a high enough

enchantment to bother with, even if the bonus damage is decent. The

Lupine Sling +2 is a +2 Sling with a 15% to disease foes each hit-not

bad, not great. Aldun's Ox-Tail belt gives a respectable +4 bonus to

Armor Class against missile attacks at the expense of a -2 Charisma

Penalty-so long as you don't stick it on the party leader, who cares?

If you're having trouble keeping your pants up, it's better than

nothing. The Ring of Duplication is actually a pretty good defensive

item. Ignoring the +1 Armor Class bonus vs. missile weapons and the

+10% Hide in Shadows, this ring allows you to cast Mirror Image three

times per day, lasting a whopping 18 rounds each casting, making it a

great defensive item for a character who doesn't have Mage spells. Last

and possibly least is the Brooch of the Vagrant Blades, which reflects

Magic Missiles back at the attacker... as in the Magic Missile spell.

You'll see this spell from time to time, but usually only after the

enemy Mage has gone through the rest of its arsenal. I'd keep it around,

but you'll only wear it once in a great while-it's certainly not an

item you'll keep equipped.


(For deciding ownership of the cloak)

EXP 16000

Wilderness (OH4010)


7) Once you're done looting the Vagrant Blades (or your chosen victim

of the bunch) leave the Abandoned Amphitheater area and head north to

the 'Heretic Temple'. Along the way you'll be stopped by several Sun

Soul Monks, who've come to put Rasaad down in retaliation for some

murder he supposedly committed. Stick to dialogue option #1 and you'll

talk your way out of a fight, and Rasaad'll be given the gift of the

Cowl of the Stars (discussed below), but we want better treasure, right?

Murder them and put up with more of Rasaad's doubts, then loot them for

some interesting gear. Aside from Potions of Extra Healing, Ghell Rando

will drop the Cowl of the Stars-a cloak that allows the user to cast

Melf's Minute Meteors once per day. Certainly you can find something

better to do with your time than replicate a mediocre 3rd-level spell,

right? Treya forfeits the Cloak of Unerring Strikes, which gives a

+2 THAC0 bonus with off-hand attacks. This item is pretty appealing for

any two-weapon fighter, but my protagonists will be better served by the

Cloak of Mirroring, and Korgan... well, does he really need the THAC0?

Really? It's a decent item, I just don't have enough two-fisted fighters

to make use of it... or enough cloak slots, however you want to view it.

Finally, there's Sixscar's own weapon, Hawksight +2. It's a +2 Scimitar

that gives its wielder a +1 bonus to Dexterity. Decent for Jaheira, but

there are several superior Daggers, not to mention Belm +2.


(For surviving the Sun Soul ambush)

EXP 2000 (each character)

Heretic Temple, Exterior (OH4100)


8) Attempt to make your way to the Heretic Temple again, and this time

you'll prove successful. Watch another spooky movie-you know the drill,

rotating camera, doors opening of their own volition, the usual. Once

you're in control, Rasaad will ask for a game plan. Give him one. How

you play things, however, is another story. Continue south and you'll

find a Monk named Herath, who failed her initiation into the cult, and

now flees to avoid the ultimate expression of this cult's displeasure.

Let her leave or pick a fight-it doesn't really matter. Continue down

some stairs and smite some Wolves and a Spotted Lion. Over at

(x=1920, y=3100) you'll find the bridge that leads to the Heretic

Temple... or rather, the guard posted there. Pick dialogue option #1

repeatedly to bribe your way across for 200 gold, or just pick a fight

and dispatch him. He's not much trouble, either way.


9) Cross the bridge to the north-east, but avoid the Heretic Guard

(x=2900, y=1980) who keeps the gate to the temple. There are still

things to do outside, and while talking to the guard doesn't complicate

matters much... well, I'd rather just avoid him for now. At the far

side of the bridge turn south-east and go down some rough-cut stone

steps. Here you'll find some converts being goaded into killing some

animals. Eventually peer pressure, and the well-timed release of a

Leopard, decide the matter. A Wolf and a Wild Dog are next to be put

down by the Monks, before they grow bored and wander off. Before messing

with the beastmaster, go talk to the one surviving animal-the Grizzly

Bear (x=3480, y=2920). The bear, being a rather talkative sort, just so

happens to be named Wilson, one of the things you're apparently able to

translate out of the bear's roars, growls, and grunts. Your conversation

will be interrupted by Jolstead (x=3580, y=3050), who'll offer to free

the animal... for 1000 gold. It's much cheaper just to kill him,

however-he'll drop a suit of Leather Armor, twenty Arrows, a Potion of

Extra Healing, a Long Sword, and a Longbow.


10) After killing the beastmaster, the bear took its chance to waddle

off to freedom. Head back to the beginning of the level to find Wilson

(x=430, y=400). Make your way through his dialogue (sticking to dialogue

option #1) and Wilson will eventually offer to join you. Yeah, that's

right, as a normal party member. He can't wear items, obviously, but

he's still pretty capable in melee. He also gets plenty of Hit Points,

regeneration, and his melee prowess continues to increase as he levels

up. Overall, Wilson's a pretty cool bear, but I wouldn't consider him

much of a replacement for any regular party member. If you started

Neera's questline, you can take Wilson back to the Hidden Refuge.

Certainly Zaviak will be thrilled to see his friend again.


11) Continue down some more stairs to the east to find a trio of bound

Monks, undergoing the cult's particular brand of 'training'. Apparently

by lying exposed to the sun for lengthy periods will teach them what

too much time in the light will bring. These punishments seems

awfully anti-Sun Soul, don't they? Anyways, everybody already knows

what too much sun will bring you-sunburn... which is more or less the

point, I guess. You can free the monks (stick to dialogue option #1),

something they're not terribly grateful for, you can choose to put them

out of their misery for some easy experience, or you can just leave

them be. There's not really much point to this, any way you go about it.

You'll gain some Rope for your trouble, if nothing else.


12) Keep going east, then go up some stairs to the north to find a Monk

named Lemzenn (x=4730, y=1780). You can get him to trip over his own

story and reveal himself to be a Dark Moon Monk, but this, and most

every other dialogue option will result in violence. You can also just

get him to run off after slipping up... it doesn't really matter either

way, he's not worth much dead, and nothing alive.

Heretic Temple, Interior (OH4101)


13) We're finally ready to head inside. Approach the door guard over at

(x=2900, y=1980) and pick dialogue options #2 and #1 to get Rasaad to

babble theology, which is apparently good enough to gain entrance. Head

inside (x=2900, y=1900) and continue north to trigger the arrival of

Collus Darathon. If you want to remain low-key, you'll have to restrain

Rasaad and resolve to play the role of the eager initiate. If not, a

fight will break out. The direct, violent route is quicker, but it's

much more profitable to play along and take the initiation tests for

this cult. If you must fight, however, your struggles will be

interrupted the Master of Combat, and the quest will continue as normal

(skip ahead to Step #19).


14) Four tests-pain, penance, the blinding sun, and the bright moon.

Okay, let's get them over with. On the elevated ring around the centeral

depression you'll find a variety of doors. Four lead to testing

chambers, two lead to barracks, and another, to the north, presumably

hides Collus Darathon's quarters. Loot the two barracks, one to the

west (x=700, y=1000) and another to the east (x=1870, y=1000) for some

Monk goodies, then deal with the locked and trapped door to the north

(x=1280, y=560). Beyond you'll find a room with a locked and trapped

chest that hides some more goodies for you. Once you're done looting,

move onto the trials.


(x=550, y=800) Diamond, Andar Gem, 157 gold

(x=1980, y=810) Potion of Magic Shielding, Potion of Insight

(x=1450, y=380) Star Sapphire, Scroll of Protection From Electricity,

Scroll of Protection From Poison,

Scroll of Protection From Normal Weapons, 143 gold

(x=1050, y=400) Sisters of Light and Darkness, History of Amn,

History of Tethyr


(x=1280, y=560)

(x=1450, y=380)


15) Go through the door at (x=820, y=1250) to find a 'Bright Moon Monk'

(x=730, y=1330) and talk to her. Note that you'll pretty much always be

given the option to start a fight with these trial-givers. If you start

a fight, the quest will continue along the violent route as discussed

in Step #19. Since you avoided attacking Collus Darathon directly,

however, I'll assume you're here to do the trials. Tell her you're

ready (dialogue option #2) and you-as in, your protagonist-will be sent

inside the testing chamber alone. Fortunately this one is pretty simple.

Just rush to the light in the center of the room (x=330, y=1570) and

a disembodied voice called 'The Truth' will bother you. Pick dialogue

option #1 four times to get to the secret-telling part it wants, then

either tell it about your heritage, or a much less important secret

(dialogue options #1 or #3, respectively) to satisfy it. Be cheeky,

and it'll summon some Shadows (which continuously spawn in this chamber

anyways) to harass you. In the latter case, victory in the fight will

still fail the quest. Tell your dirty little secret and you'll get to

leave, being furnished with an experience reward, and some swanky Monk

gauntlets. The Gauntlets of Aln Zekk aren't as potent as the Gauntlets

of Crushing, but they're still pretty decent Monk weapons, nonetheless.


(For passing the test of the Bright Moon)

EXP 10000

Item Gauntlets of Aln Zekk


16) One down, three to go. Now go through the door at (x=880, y=680)

and talk to the 'Pennance Host Monk' beyond at (x=660, y=620). She'll

tell you the nature of the test ahead, and Rasaad will interject from

time to time, pointing out the well-rehearsed pit-falls in cult

indoctrination. Once inside the room, a Heretic Monk will confess a

triviality to a Confessor. Seems like we've been telling these guys

'secrets' since we got here, are they a cult, or an intelligence agency?

Whatever, talk to the confessor and give him somebody else's secret

by picking dialogue options #2, #1, then either #1, #2, #4, or #5. Once

done you'll get another reward, some more chatter from the Penance Host

Monk, and the freedom to move onto the next trial.


(For passing the test of penance)

EXP 10000

Item Cloak of Atonement


17) Next up is the door at (x=1700, y=700) beyond which waits the Room

of Pain Monk (x=1900, y=620) who'll set you upon the path of pain. All

you need to do is talk to him and agree to drop your gear and submit to

trials in the Room of Pain. Inside the Room of Pain, a 'Room of Pain

Monk' will test your loyalty-with beatings. He'll ask you to confirm

your loyalty to the Twofold Goddess repeatedly, and after each bit of

dialogue his four Monk thugs will beat on you a bit. Just keep selecting

dialogue option #1 to remain defiant and you'll eventually pass the

test. This set me back a total of 38 Hit Points, which should be

survivable for any character. Once you're done you'll get a quest

reward, including the Eyes of the Beholder helmet. A reference to the

old Eye of the Beholder video game series? Whatever, it's a pretty

decent helmet that gives an Armor Class bonus, protects against critical

hits, and it allows the wearer to cast dominate a foe, hold them, or

cause fear three times per day. None of the effects have a save penalty,

but that's still nine debilitations per day granted by this helmet.


(x=1730, y=480) Dart of Stunning x20, Dart of Wounding x20,

Asp's Nest x10

(x=1880, y=540) Arrows of Ice x40

(x=1920, y=550) Bastard Sword

(x=2020, y=660) Ninja-To, Ninja-To +1, Wakizashi, Katana


(For passing the test of pain)

EXP 10000

Item Eyes of the Beholder


18) Only one more trial left. Go through the door at (x=1750, y=1250)

and talk to the 'Blinding Sun Monk' beyond (x=1880, y=1350). In the next

test-a crucial one for those coming from the worship of Selune-you'll

learn the 'dark truth' of the Twofold Goddess. Be brave and take the

challenge. Inside the overly-bright room you'll encounter a trio of odd

Invisible Stalkers. They do relatively little damage, but will inflict

Blindness upon you. Cut them down and collect your quest reward when

you leave, perhaps the best reward from this entire questline-a Gem of

Seeing. This is... actually a pretty funny reward. In the first game a

Halfling by the name of Furret tried to sell you such a gem outside of

Ulcaster. His was, of course, bogus. Now you can finally get your hands

on one. It allows you to cast True Sight once per day, so be sure to

keep it handy-surely you can find a free quick item slot for such an



(For passing the test of the Blinding Sun)

EXP 10000

Item Gem of Seeing


19) Over at (x=1280, y=920) you'll find the Master of Combat. He'll

appear under two conditions-you pass all the trials, or you start a

fight with the Monks here. Starting a fight bypasses whatever trials

you haven't done, making it the 'quick and messy' approach. It's also

faster, but considering the loot and experience you give up... it was

a good idea to do Steps #14-18. Anywho, however you got to this point,

your banter with the Master of Combat will be interrupted when a Twofold

Sentry shows up and brings dire news-a host of Dark Moon Monks is

approaching, and you need to make a decision-stand and fight against

the Dark Moon Monks, or... well, that's really your only choice.


20) Make your 'choice' and head outside, watch a slaughter, then you and

a few Twofold Monks will move to confront the Sharrans at the bridge.

Seems like there are a whole lot more of your party members on your side

than heretic Monks... Anyways, Collus Darathon will be leading the

Sharrans, and after a bit of chatter, his scheme will become clear.

He created the false heresy to lure in both wavering Sun Soul Monks

(what with all their secrets and all, which he was certainly mining,

if our own initiation gives any indication) as well as disloyal, soft,

Dark Moon Monks. Simple, yet effective plan... I mean, except for the

fact that he had to sell a heresy and create a temple complex to do it.

That couldn't have been cheap... Oh, also Rasaad was right-Collus

Darathon is just Alorgoth in disguise. Perceptive. If Viconia is with

you, she might defect... you know, because of Shar and all? Picking

dialogue option #3 to compliment Alorgoth's scheme seems to prevent

this defection, as Alorgoth simply leaves before such an opportunity

arises for Viconia. Fair enough, now to deal with Alorogoth's minions.

his Monks are more or less melee brutes with few tricks up their

sleeves-they're not high enough level to use Quivering Palm, which is

a good thing. Their non-Monk backup is more diverse, however, including

Assassins (who can poison foes and will gladly chug Potions of

Invisibility to score backstabs), Warriors (archers), Crusaders

(plate-armored melee brutes), Priests and Sorcerers (spell-casters can

always be a pain). I'm not above tossing out debilitative spells to

start-and mostly finish-this fight handily. A pair of Chaos spells, and

an Insect Plague is enough to win this fight outright. Once they're

dead, Rasaad will complain some more, but you'll get enough experience

to make it worth your while. Then there's the looting:

Dark Moon Monk: Potion of Extra Healing

Sharran Assassin: Studded Leather Armor, Potion of Extra Healing x2

Potion of Invisibility x2, Short Sword +1

Sharran Crusader: Full Plate Mail, Helmet, Large Shield +1, Potion of

Extra Healing x3, Red Potion, Bastard Sword +1

Sharran Priest: Splint Mail, Helmet, Medium Shield, Potion of Extra

Healing, Mace

Sharran Sorcerer: Adventurer's Robe, Potion of Extra Healing,


Sharran Warrior: Chain Mail Armor, Helmet, Arrow +1 x20, Potion of

Extra Healing, Composite Longbow, Long Sword

Yeah... it's a bunch of junk, but what are you going to do? Anyways,

that's all for Rasaad's quest for now. You can return to the temple and

talk to the surviving Monks. Despite the fact that their prophet turned

out to be a Dark Moon Monk trying to lure them all to their doom, they

don't seem to be willing to drop the cult thing. And that's how

religions are born.


(For defeating the Sharran assault)

EXP 10000 (each character)


| Showdown with Bodhi |


Sequence of Events: {WLK049}

1) Calling All Allies

2) Abducted by Bodhi

3) Stealin' Stein

4) Aided by the Order

5) Purifying the Pool

6) Supported by the Shadow Thieves

7) Another Half-Dozen Vampires

8) Spikes and Mist

9) Re-exploring the Lower Tombs

10) Clearing the Way

11) Battle With Bodhi

12) 'Tis Better to Have Loved and Regained...

13) The Road to Irenicus

1) Well, we've done everything there is to do in and around Athkatla.

It's time to go find Bodhi, who needs to be taught a lesson in why it's

foolish to put herself up as a barrier between an angry god-child and

Irenicus. First, however, let's appeal for help around Athkatla. After

all, why do all the work if we have chumps who will share the load with

us? First visit whatever temple you helped, if possible. In my game

High Watcher Oisig was fairly unhelpful, and only referred us to the

Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart. On that note, Prelate Wessalen is

much more helpful, and promises us the aid of a group led by Sir

William Reirric... err... Reirrac, rather. If you sided with the Shadow

Thieves earlier, they'll be more than happy to help you exterminate

Bodhi for good, so you might as well go pay Aran Linvail a visit, if

he's still alive. He'll commit Arkanis and Yachikio, and other of the

guilds' best assassins to the cause.

Graveyard District (AR0800)


2) Now save your game, rest up, and head over to the Graveyard District.

You may want to cast Haste and use Limited Wish to protect yourself

from undead before you go. For story purposes, the game dictates that

it'll be night when you arrive. Bodhi will talk at you, and eventually

decide to teach you a lesson by taking something dear to you. She'll

summon several Vampires and abduct your romantic partner (or at least

she'll try-some allies, like Dorn, are just too much for Bodhi) before

running off. Yeah, that'll stop us, Bodhi-give us more reason to go

after you. We all can see why Irenicus calls the shots, right? After the

Vampires are dead, make sure to pick up the gear your abducted ally

dropped-it won't do us any good to lose all that gear. In the next

steps, be mindful that you won't have your romantic partner, whomever

that was. If I mention a step involving said character... well, you'll

just have to improvise. It does seem, however, that you've most likely

lost one of your front-line, heavily armored healers (since Anomen,

Jaheira, and Viconia all fit that description and are romantic

possibilities). possibly limiting our access to Heal and Sunray

spells... not an ideal situation for the steps up ahead, but we'll make

do (and rest often, if need be.)


3) You know by now, however, that nothing is too pressing, no straits

too dire, that we can't waste a little time on a distraction. Over at

(x=1700, y=1050) you'll find Stein, who is quite obviously up to no

good. Talk to him, and it'll become apparent that he and his crew are

doing a little grave-digging. If you decide to be all moral-like, a

fight will ensue, and Stein will be joined by two of his Mugger buddies.

They're weak, and don't drop anything worth mentioning.

Lower Tombs (AR0808)


4) It's pretty obvious where we'll find Bohdi hiding. She's clearly the

predictable, uninventive sort. Enter the building at (x=600, y=950) to

return to her lair again. When you arrive, if you obtained the aid of

the Order of the Most Radiant Heart, William Reirrac will show up along

with Branet Al-Thon, Nerit, and Eric Vanstaaten. Having this many extra

bodies should really help in our fight with the Vampires. Note that

this area was (AR0801) earlier in the game; it has now been replaced by

(AR0808). It should go without saying, but I lean heavily on my

protagonist here. As either my Fighter/Mage/Thief, or Fighter/Mage, I'm

immune to level drain, and fully capable of buffing with Blur, Mirror

Image, Improved Invisibility, Haste, and Stoneskin. Thus prepared, I can

chop down anything that gets in my way-while the rest of my party

hangs back and supports my protagonist with ranged fire. If you have

Keldorn and Minsc in your party, they'll have a little banter here

where Keldorn notes Minsc's hatred of Vampires... and Minsc responds

with his typical 'stomping undead' racket. Fun stuff.


5) Around the first corner I run into Valen, who I promptly smite. From

the secret door to the west a Fledgling vampire attacks, and Del joins

the fray shortly. Even sans Anomen/Jaheira/Viconia, I'm still more than

a match for these critters... My friendly Paladins didn't even have to

get their hands dirty yet! Go through the secret door Valen and Del

came out of to reach the sarcophagus room again. Go north to reach the

room with the blood fountain (where we originally obtained the

un-upgraded Mace of Disruption +1) where I'll find Drizzt and his

friends. Together we smite Salia, Meredath, and another Fledgling

Vampire. I now pour one of Elhan's vials of Elven Holy Water into the

pool at (x=400, y=600) to purify this pool... supposedly to weaken the

remaining Vampires.


6) I now continue to the north-east to reach the central room dominated

by the large table. Inside you'll find a host of Vampires (at least six

full Vampires, two Fledgling Vampires, Hareishan, and Tanova). I lead

with my protagonist, who isn't shy about using Daystar to cast Sunray to

dispose of some of the Vampires. In this room you'll be joined by

Arkanis, Kachiko, Gofus, and Yeanasha, the assassins the Shadow Thieves

promised us.


7) Continue north-east to the spike chamber where we fought Lassal a

lifetime ago. The hallway will be blocked by another half-dozen

Vampires, and a Guard will promise you some pain. My protagonist leads

the way again, this time popping on a Stoneskin to buy him some time

while Anomen/Viconia follows behind and lets loose with his own Sunray.

The Guard will cast some spells, but after the Sunray his Vampire meat-

shield will crumble, allowing us to concentrate fully on him (leading

with my protagonist made it more likely that the Guard would target him

with its spells.)


8) In the spike pit room you'll find several Vampiric Mists... meaning

once again I'll lead with my protagonist (well protected with Stoneskin,

as the spikes in this room can do hellish amounts of damage.) Kill them

and loot the central blood pool (x=2800, y=500) for the Legacy of the

Masters (aka: Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise) and a Wooden Stake... in

case you don't have any of your own. Look at your list of characters and

check their THAC0s, and give these gloves to the front-line Fighter with

multiple attacks who has the lowest. For both my good and evil party,

this was Jaheira. She'll trade off her Xarrnous' Second Sword Arm to my

protagonist... who won't be able to use them until we get rid of the

Bracers of Defense A.C. 3.

Note from Lee:

If you stay close to the outer wall you can navigate this room without

encountering the spikes (and thereby suffer no damage from them). The

mists will come to you, and you can simply move around the outer

perimeter to clear the room.


(x=2800, y=500) Legacy of the Masters


9) Before we continue our assault on Bodhi and her henchmen, loot those

chests near the beginning of the level... and everywhere else. This is,

after all, being considered a new area. Head south from the central room

with the large table, past the dead Vampires and Shadow Thieves, over

the web bridges in the huge cavern dominating the level, and to the

east. You'll find some weak Skeleton Warriors to smite, more traps to

disarm, and chests to loot. Now return to the Vampire's den and stake

any Vampires that may have fled into their sarcophagi (x=600, y=1300),

(x=600, y=1500), and (x=300, y=1300). Now it's time to go down to the

Vampire Sanctuary (x=1600, y=550), where Bodhi is doubtlessly skulking

in abject terror... if she's got any sense in that festering head of



(x=700, y=1700) Scroll of Symbol, Death

(x=840, y=1840) Scroll of Finger of Death, Wooden Stake x2, 15 gold

(x=1100, y=3000) Scroll of Enfeeblement, Wooden Stake,

Scroll of Minor Spell Deflection

(x=900, y=3550) Scroll of Ruby Ray of Reversal, Bloodstone Gem,

Wooden Stake x2, Scroll of Protection from Fire, 47 gold

(x=630, y=5230) Scroll of Symbol, Stun


(x=1120, y=3100)

(x=900, y=3550)

(x=750, y=3700)

(x=3550, y=1900)


(For staking some Vampires)

EXP 9000 (for each Vampire staked)

Vampire's Sanctuary (AR8009)


10) Again note that this used to be (AR0803), but it's now (AR0809).

Whatever. Only the best of the best of your companions have bothered to

continue with you to this point, including Drizzt, Arkanis, and... Eric

Vanstaaten? Whatever again. That butthole Arkanis will show off his

Thief skills by disarming some traps ahead of us unless we beat him to

the punch. When the gang's all gathered before the doors to the inner

chamber, spell buff like you mean it and head through the doors

(x=1100, y=600).


(x=550, y=700)

(x=900, y=800)


11) At the far end of the room you'll find Bodhi. She has used the time

you spent carving your way through her minions to turn your romantic

partner into a Vampire. She will also get indignant when you mention

Elhan, or the elven city in general. It seems we'll need to have a few

words with Elhan when we get back, but despite Bodhi's vague, useless,

and bitter cursing of the elves, it doesn't change the fact that we've

got to kill her to obtain both the Rhynn Lanthorn and Imoen's Soul.

Another instance of Limited Wish to grant us resistance to level drain

might be necessary, but I send Anomen toward the 'bat' that will appear

to the east of the door, while my protagonist charges Bodhi. Protected

as he is, and with a Greater Whirlwind at his disposal, Bodhi can only

do moderate damage to him before she falls. Still, using more of the

Elven Holy Water on any of the five pools in the room should help things

out a bit. Once everything is dead be sure to loot your dead companion

for their body. I give Imoen a Wooden Stake and have her do the honors

of staking Bodhi (x=1700, y=100). It is, after all, her soul that Bodhi

stole. We'll get not one, but two large experience rewards, it's just a

shame that our romantic interest isn't around to gain these rewards.

Make to to keep both Bodhi's Heart and the Rhynn Lanthorn. Imoen will

express relief at her restoration. Well, good for her. Loot the place,

Cutthroat is a Short Sword +4, which is the best we can expect from

Shadows of Amn. If you went to Watcher's Keep you can get the Short

Sword of Mask +4, which is all Mazzy has to look forward to, as far as

Short Swords are concerned. Anyways, who cares about Mazzy, we have a

lover to revive! The books in the trapped chest hint at how this is

done, but you don't need hints, you have a FAQ! (Because you're awesome

like that.)


(x=1700, y=150) Cutthroat +4, Scroll of Symbol, Fear,

Scroll of Horrid Wilting

(x=1050, y=200) Dea Vampir Becomos, Conjur Ota Servanta,

The Vampiricus Omnibus: Unabridged


(x=1050, y=200)


(For killing Bodhi)

EXP 55000 (each character)

Item Bodhi's Black Heart


(For recovering the Rhynn Lanthorn)

EXP 48500 (each character)

Item Rhynn Lanthorn

Restored Temple of Amaunator (AR1401)


12) With the corpse of your lover, some awful mock-latin titled books,

and Bodhi's Black Heart, head over to the Temple Ruins. You know, the

Shade Lord, Shadow Dragon, Temple of Amaunator? Yeah, that place. Head

into the dungeon and travel the 'Statue of Amaunator' marked on your map

(x=2620, y=1620). Place your lover's corpse on the statue, along with

Bodhi's Black Heart, and the altar will light up, and your companion

will be revived. That's it for most of Shadows of Amn. Finish up what-

ever quests you've left undone, as you won't get another chance to do

anything once you go after Irenicus. That's right, it's endgame time,

folks. Sell everything off you don't need, buy whatever else is left

that you want. You won't be coming back to Athkatla or its environs

after you speak to Elhan. We could tackle Watcher's Keep now, in part

or in full, but I'd rather wait until Throne of Bhaal starts... We'll

pull a good bit of loot out of there, but we won't be able to upgrade

most of it into a useful form until we get access to Cespenar. Sorry

Cromwell, you're just not up to snuff. I must, however, advocate that

if you didn't visit and purchase Firetooth +4 for Keldorn yet, that you

do so before finishing up Shadows of Amn. Ideally you purchased this

awesome crossbow before tackling the de'Arnise Keep. Also, if you want

to upgrade some gear when you hit Throne of Bhaal, purchase a Scroll of

Invisibility, a Scroll of Improved Haste, and a Scroll of Protection

from Normal Weapons. Anyways, when you're ready to move on...

Underdark Exit (AR2500)


13) Return to the Underdark Exit and go find Elhan (x=840, y=1100). If

you press Elhan for information (every response seems to do this, ah...

the illusion of freedom...) he'll refer to Irenicus and Bodhi as 'The

Exiles'. Elhan refuses to tell you more-apparently we're good enough to

save his city, but not good enough to know why Irenicus has gone through

these great lengths to get his revenge, at great personal cost to

ourselves. He tells us to talk to some priestess, who remains in

Suldanessellar. Of course, he can't take too many of his troops away

from the fight with the Drow, so, as usual, this is up to us. You'll get

a huge experience reward when you give the Rhynn Lanthorn to Elhan

before being whisked away to the Forest of Tethir, atop the great tree

that hangs over the eastern edge of the level. Elhan will use the Rhynn

Lanthorn and open up a doorway in the tree, which will lead us to

Suldanessellar-and Chapter 7. We'll get another tremendous experience

reward and Elhan will implore us not to waste time. That's a total of

149,000 experience per character in this Step alone. Since my characters

have about 3,000,000 experience at this point, that's roughly equal to

5% of the total experience we've earned in the entire game until this

point. Crazy. When you're ready, take the plunge and enter the doorway

at (x=4300, y=500).


(For giving the Rhynn Lanthorn to Elhan)

EXP 74500 (each character)


(For using the Rhynn Lanthorn and opening the way to Suldanessellar)

EXP 74500 (each character)


| Chapter 7 |


| Suldanessellar |


Sequence of Events: {WLK050}

1) Suldanessellar Under Siege

2) A Good Golem is a Dead Golem

3) House of the Horn

4) More Golem Fun

5) The Priest's House

6) The House of the Talisman

7) Reaving Raamilat

8) Demin's House

9) The Harpist's House

10) Showdown with Nizidramanii'yt

11) House of the Moon

12) Reirra the Healer

13) Beating the Balor

14) Routing Rakshasa

15) Temple of Rillifane

16) Lazy Avatars!

17) The Palace

18) Ellesime's Plea

19) Parasites Lost

20) The Reckoning with Irenicus

Suldanessellar (AR2800)


1) You'll be treated to a movie, a narrated Chapter break, and then be

forced to endure some of Elhan's whining. Apparently Irenicus is working

with Rakshasa. Why he's surprised after Bodhi turned into a Vampire and

the two of them sided with Drow is beyond me. He'll tell us to seek out

somebody named Ellesime-another god-child, but related to a benevolent

deity. Rub it in why dontcha? Failing that, we need to look for the

high priestess Demin, who is supposed to tell us about Irenicus and

Bodhi-you know, give us the answers that Elhan could give us, but won't.

Hmm... which should we view as less honest, a religious person, or a

military person? Now that's a tough one. Oh well, at this point I'll

settle for anything.


2) To the north-east is the 'House of the Horn' (x=4650, y=2500). North

of this is an Iron Golem (as is typical, if you're a high level, this

Iron Golem could be an Adamantine Golem) who is just too bulky to make

its way around the building... aww... too bad. Shoot it down to secure

your northern flank. Now get a character with The Paws of the Cheetah

and send them to the small platform north-west of Elhan, then to a

larger dead-end platform to the north. Lure the Adamantite Golem and the

two Stone Golems back to the House of the Horn. Hide your party away

north of the 'House of the Horn', and dispatch the Stone Golems. Sadly,

the Adamantite Golem can't make it past the supports for the stairs, or

the base of the staircase itself. Aww... Still too bad. Shoot it down

too. Sure, my party is well beyond strong enough to smite these Golems

in a fair fight, but why take the damage if you don't have to? Anyways,

now enter the 'House of the Horn'.

House of the Horn (AR2802)


3) Inside we'll find more... Golems! Have Anomen/Korgan bravely step

forward and smite the Clay Golem with one righteous smack of Crom Faeyr,

then just cut down the two Stone Golems. My over-eager protagonist

does get a little mauled here, but it's nothing the Ring of Gaxx won't

fix. After the constructs are dead, some elves will talk to you and

tell you that they last saw Demin in the south-western part of the city.


(x=240, y=250) Arrows of Ice x40, 1 gold

(x=630, y=250) Cloak of Elvenkind

(x=700, y=300) Stone Horn, Dart of Wounding x20, Dart +1 x20

(x=700, y=350) Bolt of Lightning x40, Throwing Dagger x60,

Throwing Axe x30, 23 gold


4) We might as well go there now, as we don't have any other leads.

First, head to the large platform north-west of where Elhan is, where

you'll find another group of Golems that need to be dispatched... a task

which I'll leave to your imagination. The platform containing 'The

Priest's House' and 'The House of the Talisman' is south-west of here,

but before you go that way, some extraneous exploration. On a smaller

platform south-east you'll find a group of Elves fighting some Trolls.

On top of the construct in the center of this platform you'll find two

Elven children. Direct them to head back to Elhan before continuing to

the south-west.

The Priest's House (AR2810)


5) The platform containing 'The Priest's House' and 'The House of the

Talisman' is unoccupied, for a change. Head into 'The Priest's House'

(x=2200, y=2900) and loot it. The Scroll of Time Stop is always nice,

as having extra will allow you to use them up in the big fights waiting

for us in Throne of Bhaal. The Elven Priest Stone gives us a clue to the

puzzle waiting for us in the next house.


(x=200, y=250) Elven Priest Stone, Scroll of Time Stop

(x=630, y=250) Sunstone Gem

(x=700, y=300) 2 gold

The House of the Talisman (AR2809)


6) Now head over to 'The House of the Talisman' (x=2100, y=3250). Note

the swirly spell effects over to the east, and the numerous dead Elves

around an altar. Activate the container (x=700, y=300) to learn that

it holds five pressure plates, each one adorned with some symbol or

another. That's right, you got to press the plates in the right order.

For this order, consult the Elven Priest Stone we found earlier:

"From Corellan, all began. Rillifane grew

From the branches of Rillifane the Water


Granting life to the Tree

Suldanessellar owes all to the Tree."

So, press the pressure plates in this order:

#1) Rune of Corellon Larethian

#2) Symbol of Rillifane

#3) Elven Symbol of Water

#4) Rune that Denotes the Tree of Life

After pressing the first four, the game doesn't jerk you around, and

you automatically press the fifth rune, representing Suldanessellar.

For raiding this container you'll obtain the Talisman of Rillifane.



(x=300, y=250) 8 gold

(x=400, y=200) Scroll of Meteor Swarm


7) Now head across the bridge to the west, where you'll find some more

Elves fighting a losing battle against some Skeleton Warriors. Continue

north-west to the platform housing Demin's House and you'll find a

Nabassu waiting for you, along with a Drow named Raamilat, who tries

to be official about killing you. Ramilaat will begin the fight by spell

buffing, putting up a Fire Shield (Red), a Globe of Invulnerability,

Improved Mantle, Stoneskin, and Mirror Image. Imoen and Keldorn

conspire to rip his defenses down with Dispel Magic and Breach, while

my protagonist goes to work. Note that you can lure away his Nabassu

and take them out piecemeal, but that's sissy fighting. (As sissy as

my Golem strategy? Shut up.) Loot his corpse for a Quarter Staff +1 and

9 gold.

Demin's House (AR2801)


8) Once the guardians are dead, head up into Demin's House

(x=770, y=2100). Within are a Rakshasa, a Rajah, and a unique Rakshasa

named Adsaan. This time, I appoint two characters to occupy each of

them. Keldorn/Viconia and my protagonist fight Adsaan, Anomen/Korgan and

Minsc/Dorn attack the Rajah, and Jaheira and Imoen/Edwin focus on

the Rakshasa, to prevent them from casting spells. Once they're dead

talk to Demin (x=400, y=300), who will finally provide us some answers.

Irenicus, the Exile, was cast out from Suldanessellar (indeed, had his

very Elven nature stripped from him) for daring to try and merge with

the Tree of Life. What's surprising about this is, if anything, that

Bodhi was the whispering voice in the background that apparently drove

Irenicus to do this. She'll tell you that, in addition to constructs and

demons, Irenicus also has a Black Dragon at his disposal. Ellisme and

Irenicus are in the palace, and Demin suggests that one task will allow

us to enter the palace and clear out Irenicus' minions. We'll need to

summon some 'spirit defenders' by awakening some Leaflord, but in order

to do this we'll need to retrieve a Talisman of Rillifane (check), a

Golden Cup, and a Moonblade. Once we have those, we'll need to put them

on the altar in the Temple of Rillifane. Before we leave in pursuit of

our next goal, loot the house, but especially be sure to pick up the

Girdle of Stone Giant Strength from Adsaan's corpse. Who do we give it

to? It's a simple process of elimination. In the good party, Jaheira

already has the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, Anomen has Crom Faeyr, my

protagonist has a natural 19 Strength, Minsc uses a bow most of the time

and has exceptional Strength, in any case... this just leaves Keldorn.

Of course, considering that Keldorn has a better weapon, you can give

him Jaheira's Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, and have her use the Girdle

of Stone Giant Strength. whichever you prefer. For my evil party,

matters are even more simple. Korgan has Crom Faeyr, my protagonist has

19 Strength, which leaves two girdles to split between Jaheira and

Viconia... seeing as how Viconia only gets one attack per round,

however, I'm fine with leaving the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength on her

and giving the Girdle of Stone Giant Strength to Jaheira.

Note: If you're trying to be evil, you CAN pick a fight with Demin and

take a note off her body detailing how to summon the Avatar, although

Jaheira will turn on you if you attack Demin. Therefore, I honestly

haven't taken this path to its conclusion.


(x=300, y=250) Arrows +1 x80, Arrows of Biting x40, Bullets +2 x40,

Darts of Stunning x40

(x=400, y=200) Scroll of Absolute Immunity, Bolt +1 x40, Bolt +2 x40,

3 gold

The Harpist's House (AR2811)


9) Now head up along the western side of the map to reach the platform

holding 'The Harpist's House'. Nearby you'll find two Iron Golems, a

Sand Golem, and a Stone Golem massacring some Elves. I would be

cautious, but the Elves should provide enough of a distraction for me

to walk up and smite the Iron Golems. One of the Elven Warriors-should

any survive the Golem onslaught-will question your origin, and hopes

that you give Irenicus what he deserves: death and an eternity in the

abyss. Now that's a wish worth granting. The Golem threat being

eliminated, head up into 'The Harpist's House' (x=1050, y=600). Grab the

Stone Harp and leave.


(x=200, y=250) Stone Harp

(x=500, y=180) 1 gold

(x=630, y=250) 1 gold

(x=700, y=350) Greenstone Ring

Nizidramanii'yt's Clearing (AR2807)


10) Now, who's ready for a good old Dragon fight? We are! Head over to

the bridge north-west of 'The Harpist's House' and spell-buff like you

mean it. If you have Protection from Acid (5th level Mage spell) you may

consider using it, but I'd rather keep Lower Resistance, Breach, and

other spells, instead. We'll just have to weather the Dragon's breath

weapon with grit and determination. Besides, we're not a bunch of

armless droopy-eyed school-children anymore, we've got epic feats and

plenty of Hit Points.

Spell-buff as usual, but save your summoning spells for when you arrive

at the next area (x=50, y=500). When I arrive, I'll summon my critters

and continue south with my summons and my protagonist, who is protected

with the additional benefit of Spell Immunity: Abjuration. When

Nizidramanii'yt comes into sight, it'll complain about having to guard

a cup, when it should be doing something grander than simple guard duty.

Discontent though it may be, it's not angry enough to turn on Irenicus.

Once hostilties start I send my summons forward, while my protagonist

waits further back.

Nizidramanii'yt starts out with Stoneskin, and will probably use Haste

soon thereafter, which will prevent my summons from doing any real

damage... but that's not their job, anyways. I keep up the assault until

it casts Plant Growth (an Entangle-like effect) and Summon Insects, at

which point my protagonist withdraws. The Dragon should be along

shortly, but the point was to avoid fighting it on the ground it

Entangles, and to mitigate the potency of Summon Insects. Also, in the

Enhanced Edition Nizidramanii'yt is much more fond of using Remove Magic

and Dispel Magic-hence my protagonist's Spell Immunity: Abjuration.

Although it has used up alot of its tricks, Nizidramanii'yt is still

quite dangerous-Haste tends to do that. Hitting it with a Remove Magic

of your own might strip the creature's speed, or failing that, a Slow

spell. Both can be somewhat iffy propositions, as Remove Magic uses the

caster's level to challenge the Dragon's, and unless you've got a

23rd-level caster somewhere, you're probably out-gunned. Its saves are

more vulnerable, especially once Slow applies that -4 penalty... but

you've got to get through 45% Magic Resistance, first. My party attacks

when it comes in sight, and Edwin/Imoen constantly pelt it with Breach

spells to remove any defenses it puts up. If it tears down the defenses

of our party members, you'll just have to be ready with secondary

copies of Haste and Remove Fear, as necessary.

When it dies it'll leave behind a Star Sapphire, the Golden Goblet of

Life we need, a Diamond, a Pearl Necklace, a Laeral's Tear Necklace, a

Bloodstone Amulet, Bladesinger Chain +4, and 345 gold. With this armor,

my Fighter/Mage no longer has to rely on Bracers of Defense. Of course,

Bards, Thief/Mages, and other characters also benefit from this, too,

but it's hard to get excited about that...


Like Firkraag, Nizidramanii'yt is now more aggressive in the Enhanced

Edition, reserving its Druidic magic for the beginning of the fight,

rather than towards the end, like usual. Using summons as disposable

spell-absorbers is now a good idea, and as is the norm for the Enhanced

Edition, keep your Mages casting Breach repeatedly and exclusively to

keep it open to melee attacks. Timing a round of Greater Whirlwind

Attacks immediately after a Breach is also a good idea. Of all the

Dragons in the game, Nizidramanii'yt has probably benefited the most

from the Enhanced Edition, in terms of the threat it now presents.


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Nizidramanii'yt {VID008}

House of the Moon (AR2808)


11) Return to Suldanessellar and head over to the platform holding 'The

Harpist's House'. From there continue south-east to the platform with

'The House of the Moon' on it. Outside you'll find a group of Elven

Battle Mages in a shouting match with some Rakshasa. Eventually

violence begins, and you can step in and help the Elves. When they

die, these particular Rakshasa will drop Scrolls of Mislead, Scrolls of

True Sight, and Scrolls of Death Spell. Once they're dead, head into

'The House of the Moon' (x=1850, y=1450) and witness the last stand of

an Elven Warrior against a Balor. At least one of these Elves did

something useful. Loot his body for a suit of Elven Chain Mail and the

Moonblade we need. You might as well also loot the house while you're

in here. Those Boots of Elvenkind will do more good in our inventory

then they'll do here in Suldanessellar. You might as well grab the

Scroll of Gate, too. Although I think Time Stop is-in almost every

situation a better cast, it's still worth 9000 experience to scribe...

and it'll make your spellbook look all complete-like.


(x=400, y=200) Boots of Elvenkind

(x=480, y=200) Scroll of Gate, 1 gold


12) If you head to the north-east from the 'House of the Moon' you'll

encounter an Elven Warrior guarding a gate. Talk to him and gain access

and continue to find another platform (I've typed platform more in the

last hour...) upon which is a statue and a loitering band of Elves,

including Captain Aduo'on, two 'Wounded Elves' (one conscious, one not),

and Reirra. The Captain and the standing Wounded Elf will chat with you,

and Reirra will offer to heal you, as well as tell you about summoning

the Avatar and gaining access to the palace.


13) If you continue north-east and explore outside of the palace, you

may encounter a group of Elves desperately trying to fend off a Balor.

They'll implore you for aid, and really, without you they have no chance

of beating this demon... and it's distracted and worth a fair amount of

experience, so it's worth killing.


14) Now travel south along a bridge running down the eastern end of the

level to reach the platform upon which lies 'The House of the Horn'.

From here, head north-west to reach a platform housing the 'Temple of

Rillifane', outside of which you'll find five Rakshasa, (three Maharajah

and two Rajah). I send my protagonist forward, who will ignore their

spells thanks to the Cloak of Mirroring, and will be able to survive

them in combat. Keldorn, Jaheira, and Imoen move up and attack at a

range to help him out. They're fond of Chain Lightning, but as I said

earlier, I'm immune, and they just don't do enough damage in melee

combat to cause me concern. When they let loose with Cloudkill, I simply

retreat back to the bridge.

Temple of Rillifane (AR2803)


15) Now that the door guards are down, head into the Temple of Rillifane

(x=4000, y=1800). Inside you'll find a Rakshasa, a Mage named Suneer, an

Iron Golem, and a Glabrezu. Suneer will talk briefly before attacking,

and really, what is there to be said? One of us will soon be dead,

anyways. My protagonist charges at Suneer, while any character with a

reliable ranged weapon targets him, as well. Keldorn/Viconia rushes the

Rakshasa, while Anomen/Korgan moves against the Glabrezu. With any luck

the Iron Golem will get caught on Suneer. When he puts up his spell

buffs (Stoneskin, Improved Mantle, Mirror Image) which I promplty tear

down with Breach. My goal is, of course, to smite the Mage as fast as

possible, and against such an assault he has little choice but to die.

Now I just have to avoid the Glabrezu's paralysis (and use a Remove

Paralysis spell if it affects anybody), so the demon becomes my next

target. Keldorn's melee prowess and magic resistance keep the Rakshasa

at bay, and when the Glabrezu is dead I focus on the Iron Golem. Who

needs spell buffs? Loot Suneer for a Quarter Staff +1, then place the

Talisman of Rillifane, the Golden Goblet of Life, and the Moonblade on

the altar (x=500, y=500)-the word 'altar' here is used loosely. You'll

get a hefty experience reward and an 'Avatar of Rillifane' appears.


(For summoning the Avatar of Rillifane)

EXP 65000 (each character)


16) Well, now that we have an avatar of a god here, we can just sit

back and... nah, you guessed it, the stupid thing can't touch Irenicus

due to his stupid magic. Apparently it's using Ellesime as a conduit

through which to draw from the Tree of Life. Once drained completely,

Irenicus hopes to join the elven pantheon as a deity. Not with our

soul, he won't! The Avatar will open up the gates to the palace, and

you'll get to watch a cutscene of the Elven Spirits we helped summon

going to work. Pat yourself on the back once-but only once-for a job

well done. We've still got to kill Irenicus, and musn't waste too much

time with idle patting. Outside of the temple Reirra will show up and

sell you junk we don't need anymore. Distractions, all! To the Palace.

You might be harassed by the odd minion or two along the way, but Elven

Spirits meander about, disintegrating every baddy they touch. If you

talk to Demin again, she'll tell you that you need a Stone Horn and a

Stone Harp to pass through the palace, which we have already collected.

Along the way you'll be thanked by weakling Elves, who are glad you were

able to do what they, themselves, could not. Whatever. Enter the Palace

at (x=3400, y=600).

Palace (AR2804)/(AR2805)


17) An Elven palace, and what's the in the first room? A tree, of

course. Investigate the tree (x=1350, y=850) several times to

obtain some Tree of Life Nuts and the Staff of the Woodlands +4. The

edible nuts heal a fair amount of Hit Points, but are otherwise

unexceptional. Go through the door at (x=1220, y=700) and continue until

you reach a room with a fountain. Activate the statue at (x=300, y=550)

to replace the Stone Harp, and the statue at (x=170, y=570) to replace

the Stone Horn. With their powers combined... the waters will stop and

you can now proceed down the stairs to reach whatever is beneath the

palace (x=500, y=500). Before you do, however, you'll get to have a

final chat with your party members. Note, again, that the palace is now



(For returning the Stone Harp to its statue)

EXP 3000


(For returning the Stone Horn to its statue)

EXP 3000

Tree of Life (AR2806)


18) When you arrive at the area beneath the palace, you'll be greeted

by Ellesime, queen of Suldanessellar. Or an image of her, rather. The

real Ellesime is trapped by Irenicus at the heart of the tree by

corruptive magics. That's the problem with Irenicus, always corruptive

this, evil that. He should use eco-friendly, clean-burning magic. She'll

tell you that Jon is using some sort of magical-corruption parasites

to steal energy from the Tree of Life, and these must be destroyed so

Ellesime can be freed, and Jon cut off from the tree. While siphoning

energy from the Tree of Life, Jon is all but invincible.


19) Now, to hunt down some parasites. You'll find the first parasite to

the west at (x=1400, y=150). Click on it to provoke it and it'll

summon a pair of Earth Elementals. Kill the guardian elementals, then

click on the parasite to kill it. This is the way we'll deal with all of

the parasites-find one, provoke it, kill two elementals, kill the

parasite. You don't even have to use the acorns, they'll use themselves

when you reach an appropriate spot! Another parasite awaits its demise

at (x=3900, y=2000), and it'll summon a pair of Fire Elementals if

provoked. The final parasite lies at (x=1200, y=1500) and will summon

some Air Elementals. Once you kill the elementals, and the parasite,

you'll be whisked away to greet Irenicus.


20) He's naturally angry that you disrupted his plans, although for

most of the conversation you're forgotten while Irenicus and Ellesime

speak to each other. The only upshot of witnessing this lover's spat is

the last bits of illumination into Irenicus' past. We don't really need

to question what Irenicus was searching for with Imoen, or that clone

we dispatched at the beginning of the game, nor how he tried to

rekindle his dead affections with captives, clones, Dryads, and who

knows what else. The 'shattered one' he may be, but he's using our soul

as glue, and we're both implacable in our need for revenge. A fight

naturally ensues, and despite some tough talking on the part of our

party, my first move is to run back up the north-western branch where

we smote the last parasite. To take on Irenicus without spell-buffs

is not a good idea. Once we're out of sight, we can prepare our anti-

Mage strategy. So long as you have a Mage of some sort, the Cloak of

Mirroring, and plenty of instances of Spell Immunity, this works fine.

Protect your Mage with Spell Immunity: Abjuration, Alteration, and

Conjuration, as well as Death Ward, Chaotic Commands, and Remove Fear.

Put on the Cloak of Mirroring and send them to face Jon-alone. He'll

show off why he's the baddest Mage in the game by unleashing a torrent

of spells at you. Horrid Wilting, followed by numerous Power Word: Kill

spells, Power Word: Stuns, Mazes, all the while being protected by a

variety of defensive spells that make him nearly impossible to harm...

and all for naught, since he can't touch our spell-immune Mage. You'll

know he's running out of answers when he strings together six Cones

of Cold, followed by seven Flame Arrows, terminated by seven Melf's

Acid Arrows. Finally, when he's out of spells he'll start firing off

Magic Missile spells rapid-fire. For all that, Jon doesn't have a

great number of Hit Points.

If you want to be brave and take him on conventionally... well, you

should still run away and spell-buff, but after that, try and return

with one character, who will soak up Jon's Spellstrike and other

dispelling efforts. This should ideally be Keldorn or Viconia, both of

which have enough Magic Resistance on their own to potentially weather

Jon's spells. If they're wearing the Cloak of Mirroring for this

purpose, they can also soak up the Ice Storm/Horrid wilting combo which

paves the way for his Power Word: Kill assault. After this, a general

melee is engaged. Imoen/Edwin devote themselves to tearing down spell

defenses with Breach, while Keldorn or some other caster makes sure to

keep True Sight up, each and every time Irenicus tries to slip away with

Mislead. The battle is fought in stages, thanks to Irenicus'

contingencies, so every time he's left vulnerable you'll be free to do

some damage before he rebuffs. If you survived his Power Word: Kill

onslaught (and by assumption, avoided taking the damage that made it

possible) you'll survive his Power Word: Stun assault... so long as you

have over 90 Hit Points, anyways. With any luck, you'll take him down

before he starts Mazing characters, or failing that, before he starts

throwing out Cones of Cold. Either way, once he dies you'll find

yourself following suit-the battle for your soul isn't over, it has just



Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Irenicus in Suldanessellar {VID009}


| Hell |


Sequence of Events: {WLK051}

1) Into the Abyss

2) Challenge #1: Test of Pride

3) Humility (Good)

4) Pride (Evil)

5) Challenge #2: Test of Fear

6) Courage (Good)

7) Bolstered Bravery (Evil)

8) Challenge #3: Test of Selfishness

9) Selfless (Good)

10) Selfish (Evil)

11) Challenge #4: Test of Greed

12) Charity (Good)

13) Greed (Evil)

14) Challenge #5: Test of Wrath

15) Mercy (Good)

16) Murder (Evil)

17) The Final Battle with Irenicus

18) Safety in Suldanessellar

Hell (AR2900)


1) Connected to your soul as you were, you couldn't help but follow it

when Jon died. Unfortunately for your traveling companions, they were

forced to come along for the ride. Behold another party speech, Imoen

asks some fairly useful questions, and her musings are the only answers

you'll get for why you're here. There are five paths that await us,

five tests, five challenges... and they probably have something to do

with that five-eyed gate behind us. Every time we complete a challenge,

we'll get a tear of Bhaal. There are two ways to complete each

challenge: the good way, or the evil way (although you'll be usually

tempted to do evil). Each time you complete a challenge you'll get a

Tear of Bhaal, which will open the way for you to continue. The

challenges typically require you to make some sort of sacrifice or

another if you wish to be good, while the evil characters can indulge

their greed and bloodlust as they will. When you obtain a tear, you can

turn it in at the gate, where you'll get some reward or another

depending on what path you took. For the evil character, this is just

more gain, as you can freely choose to do good when it benefits you. If

you want to be a good character (or if you want to remain neutral), you

must perform the good action (or rather, in the case of neutrality, it

should be better said that you must avoid the evil...) at every test, or

have your alignment changed to Evil. Note that this alignment change

only affects the good/evil range, not the lawful/chaotic. Yes, your

alignment WILL change depending on what you do here-this place is

Bhaal's realm, the seat of power for the insidious, corruptive influence

that is part of you-this realm is your inheritence, as it were, and the

struggle with Irenicus is over your very soul. The trials you'll face

here for the Tears of Bhaal will help define your very soul. How could

this not affect such a change?

Test of Pride (AR2902)


2) I see no reason why we shouldn't just go clockwise. Head to the

east and go down the stairs at (x=3400, y=1000). When you arrive, a

demon named 'Pride' with a rich chocolatey voice will address you. It

will elaborate a bit on your predicament, which is a welcome change from

those asshole Elves in Suldanessellar, what with their secrets and

everything. This is Bhaal's realm, and your blood-or Bhaal's-holds sway

here. Since Irenicus stole part of your soul, the two of you are

tethered together here, at the brink of oblivion. One of us will leave,

with the full share of the divine soul that was stolen from us, while

the other... well, you remember what happened to Sarevok at the end of

Baldur's Gate 1? Such is the fate of Bhaalspawn who fail.


(x=400, y=350) Potion of Invulnerability x2, Potion of Extra Healing x2


3) For this challenge, you are told by Pride that you must vanquish a

powerful foe to obtain your tear, although it's rather elusive when you

ask what kind of creature it is, and why it deserves death. If you

continue to be a pacifist, Pride will note that there's no pride in you,

and depart. Talk to the Dragon at (x=1000, y=600) to obtain your Tear of

Bhaal. When you activate the five-eyed gate you'll receive a +20%

resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. For a character wearing the

Cloak of Mirroring, this is kind of a waste. Ah well. Note that you

can talk your way out of a fight, and then kill the Dragon anyways.

You won't get the Scrolls, the Ring, the Robe, or any of that, but

you'll get the good reward, and the 22,000 experience the Dragon itself is

worth. It's better than nothing, right?


(For sparing the beast and proving you live without pride)

Upgrade-+20% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity.


4) If you want to be evil, readily agree to smite the creature, and

Pride will gleefully leave you to your bloody business. Ahead is a Green

Dragon, easily the weakest Dragon in the game. Still, be safe, spell-

buff, and rush it. No flashy tactics are required, it'll die easily

enough under a direct melee onslaught. Once it's dead, loot it for a

Tear of Bhaal, a Scroll of Time Stop, a Scroll of Wail of the Banshee,

a Scroll of Sphere of Chaos, Bolts of Lightning x20, Arrows of

Dispelling x20, The Guard's Ring +2, a Robe of the Evil Archmagi,

and 100 gold. The scrolls are nice, but honestly, I could care less

about the experience here. We can always level up other ways... although

the 200,000 experience for the protagonist is equal to roughly

1,200,000 party experience.


(For indulging your pride and slaying the beast)

EXP 200000 (protagonist)

Test of Fear (AR2901)


5) From the main level of hell, head to the south-east and go down some

stairs at (x=3000, y=1900). When you arrive at the next area you'll be

greeted by a demon named Fear, who will offer you two paths-to the south

is an apparently unguarded room which contains the tear you seek, but

you'll be struck by fear when you go into the room. The room to the east

is guarded by two Gauths and three Elder Orbs. Your goal is to make it

past the obstacles and claim the Tear of Bhaal (x=1000, y=800). To this

end, Fear offers you the Cloak of Bravery-an item made from the skin of

innocent Nymphs-which will make you immune to the fear in the room to

the south.


(x=560, y=660) Potion of Invulnerability x5, Potion of Extra Healing x4,

Potion of Fire Giant Strength x5


(x=560, y=660)


6) The good path is really quite easy. Refuse the Cloak of Bravery and

cast Remove Fear on a character, then send them past the fear field and

claim your tear. Or better yet, take up the Shield of Balduran and

smite the Beholders in the room to the east for the juicy experience

they'll give. The reward, however, is painful this time around. That

Bladesinger Chain +4 will upgrade to make you immune to non-magical

weapons in Throne of Bhaal, and in any case, it's not like being

immune to +1 weapons or weaker is any big deal anymore. Most enemies

from here on will have weapons with which to hurt you... and it's not

like we couldn't just summon a Fire Elemental to gain the same power.

On the other hand, evil characters gain +2 Constitution. This would have

moved my Constitution from 18 to 20, and increased my Hit Points by

nine. It's not a huge boost, but it's still better than the good reward.


(For relying on your courage, and not giving in to fear)

Upgrade-You have become immune to +1 weapons and less.


7) The evil path is easier still, and more rewarding to boot. Take the

cloak, put it on, walk over and grab your tear. You might as well

kill the Beholders for the experience, too. Then cash your Tear of

Bhaal in for a hefty two-point bonus to your Constitution.


(For allowing your courage to be bolstered through evil means)

Upgrade-+2 Constitution

Test of Selfishness (AR2904)


8) Onward, to the next test (x=2100, y=2200). You'll be greeted by a

demon called Selfish, and as soon as it starts talking about choices,

selfishness, self sacrifice, and so forth, you know as a good character,

you're about to get screwed. You again have two paths to take-the path

to the demon's left (east) is selfish, and the path to the demon's right

(west) is selfless. One of your party members in then whisked away, and

you are left to choose.


(x=600, y=1200) Potion of Extra Healing x3, 914 gold


9) The good path here can be painful. You'll need to go through three

doors to the west, and like the demon promised, you'll lose something

at each door. The first door takes away two Hit Points from your

maximum-permanently. The second reduces your Dexterity by one, and the

third lowers your experience points by 75,000. But your companion

remains unharmed, and you will gain your Tear of Bhaal. There used to

be an exploit for this test by which you could avoid suffering any loss

while following the good course, but alas, they've prevented that in the

Enhanced Edition. Goodly folks, you'll just have to suffer. Your reward

for being good is +10% Magic Resistance, which, all things considered,

isn't a bad trade for Dexterity, Hit Points, and Experience...

especially considering the evil reward is pretty much useless.


(For being selfless and sacrificing yourself for your companion)

Upgrade-+10% magic resistance.


In the vanilla version of the game, all you had to do was equip some

Paws of the Cheetah on the target of Selfish's 'test' and run them

towards the door. They'd be able to open it before being paralyzed by

Selfish and incur only the last of the three penalties-the experience

loss. This exploit was fixed in the Enhanced Edition-now you lose

control of Selfish's target as soon as they are whisked away.


10) If you go down the evil path, you will be unharmed, but your

companion who was taken away will reappear at the end of the path-Held

and helpless. When you reach the demon, it'll destroy your companion and

give you the Tear of Bhaal. You can then simply raise your companion

and continue on your way. Your reward for misbehaving? A +2 bonus to

Armor Class. This reward might seem decent, but it sucks for one big

reason-this Armor Class bonus doesn't stack with armor. I suppose it

counts as some sort of natural bonus? Whatever the case, if you wear

any sort of armor (even Bracers of Defense) you won't really ever

enjoy this bonus.


(For being selfish and sacrificing your companion to spare yourself)

Upgrade--2 Armor Class

Test of Greed (AR2903)


11) Now head south-west to the next test (x=800, y=1800). Down in this

pit of hell you'll meet the demon named Greed, who warns you of a

powerful foe nearby which is in possession of the Tear of Bhaal. It'll

offer you a weapon, which it claims you need to defeat this foe. The

weapon, 'Blackrazor' is certainly an interesting sword, but since the

demon riddles that you need to determine how to use this weapon, and

since it is, after all, the test of Greed, I wouldn't get too attached

to it. Unless you're evil, of course, then get attached as much as you

please. It's a +3 Longsword that protects the wearer from Charm and

Fear, regenerates one Hit Point every five seconds, and it has a 15%

chance to drain four levels each hit, thus healing you by 20 Hit Points,

Hasting you for 20 seconds, and increasing your Strength by three points

for 20 seconds. As nice as it sounds, we'll find much better shortly, in

Throne of Bhaal.


12) With the particulars of the riddle in mind, head over to the south

west to find an Enslaved Genie (x=370, y=920). Be nice and ask if it

has the Tear of Bhaal, then question the conditions of its enslavement

and it'll give you a riddle:

"Ye who hold the razor's blade

forged of darkest iron

quenched by blood and fear,

know that ye hold the key

to the one who guards

Bhaal's sacred murdered tear."

Keep questioning it and it'll tell you that if you give it the sword,

it'll be free. Also, merely by obtaining the sword you can kill the

Genie and release it, with or without the sword. You'll get some extra

experience for giving the Genie Blackrazor, which is a good action. The

reward for the good action this time outweighs the evil-a +2 bonus to

all saving throws is roughly a +10% chance to make any save. In Throne

of Bhaal, spell assaults don't relent, so having good saving throws is

paramount to survival.


(For showing charity and giving the Genie the sword Blackrazor)

EXP 20000

Upgrade-+2 to all of your saving throws.


13) The evil path is simple, just kill the Enslaved Genie

(x=370, y=920). Just be wary, the critter is stronger than it looks,

as it'll start out by using a Spell Trigger to pop on some defenses-

most of which can be knocked out by Breach. It also has access to spells

like Meteor Swarm, Gate, Horrid Wilting, and all that fun stuff, so you

may want to treat it more as an enemy Mage, rather than a simple Genie.

Since you only get to keep a sword which will soon be obsolete, and a

measly 11,000 experience for killing the Enslaved Genie, the real

deciding factor here for the evil character should be the reward. In

this case, 15 Hit Points is a little more than 10% of my protagonist's

total. On the other hand, my saves could use a bit of work. I'll gain

more Hit Points, but my saves probably aren't getting any lower...

besides, having 15 extra Hit Points isn't as good as having an extra 10%

chance to save against... everything. Hit Points won't do you much good

if you're confused, afraid, held, or stunned. I can't really see a

situation in which I'd be tempted to take the Hit Points over the



(For using the sword Blackrazor to kill the Enslaved Genie)

Upgrade-+15 Hit Points.

Test of Wrath (AR2905)


14) Now it's time for the fifth and final test. Head over to the western

edge of the main level of hell (x=600, y=900) to reach the location of

this final challenge. When you arrive, no demon awaits you. Instead,

it's everybody's favorite half-brother, Sarevok. There are only two

options here-mercy, or murder, and it should be fairly obvious which is

good and which is evil.


15) To go the good route, you'll end up fighting Sarevok-but intention

is everything. Turn down a fight with him, and at the end of his

conversation string, say that you pity him. He's very strong, indeed,

but if you're taking the good path then you've presumably taken the good

route every other time. As such, you should be immune to weapons of +1

quality or less. Sarevok simply can't touch you. My protagonist thrashes

Sarevok soundly and turns in the tear for a +1 bonus to Wisdom and

Charisma. I really, really, envy the evil characters out there right



(For feeling pity for Sarevok)

Upgrade-+1 Wisdom and +1 Charisma


16) The evil path is very lucrative, but Sarevok is no push-over. He's

been beefed up for this fight, but nothing that some spell-buffs

can't handle. If you treat him like a Dragon (sans the fear and

breath weapon) you'll be fine. Just buff up, summon some beasties, and

withdraw injured characters. Of course... if you got the immunity to

weapons of +1 quality or less for your protagonist, Sarevok can't touch

you. That'll teach you to bring a poorly enchanted weapon to a late-game

fight in Shadows of Amn! Turn in the tear you get off of Sarevok for a

+2 bonus to Strength. It's an awesome bonus, indeed.


(For taking your wrath and anger out on Sarevok)

Upgrade-+2 Strength


In the original game, this bonus to Strength was calculated AFTER

whatever gear you had on-in effect counting as an item enhancement

bonus rather than as a natural +2 bonus to Strength. This meant that

with Strength boosting items like Girdles of Giant Strength or

Angurvadal +5, the +2 bonus would be added after the Strength increase.

Hence, a character weilding Angurvadal +5 with this bonus would end up

with 24 Strength, instead of 22. In the Enhanced Edition, this bonus

works properly, as a brute +2 bonus to your base Strength score. For a

high-Strength protagonist like my evil Fighter/Mage/Thief, this

essentially renders the Strength bonus of Angurvadal +5 useless, since

she'll reach a natural 22 Strength before Angurvadal +5 can be obtained.


17) Return to the door and save your game, rest, and spell-buff before

activating it again and blinding the fifth and final eye. General spell-

buffs will suffice, but include Chaotic Commands and Remove Fear

wherever possible. The door opens and you're all knocked back to

witness Irenicus' grand entrance. He's unrepentant, and says what really

doesn't need to be said. This fight is for more than just life and

death, its for our very soul. The winner lives and is freed, while the

loser faces an eternity of torment in the abyss.

Irenicus will turn into the Slayer and summon two Balors and two

Glabrezu-and don't be fooled by our past encounters with these

critters, their experience rewards should let us know that they are

much stronger than we're used to them being. I immediately have

Keldorn/Dorn summon a Deva to the left where Jaheira is. She can

withstand the Balor for a bit, thanks to her Iron Skins, but I don't

want to leave her exposed. On the other side, my protagonist summons

his simulacrum, then it, my protagonist, Imoen/Edwin, Minsc/Dorn, and

Anomen/Korgan attack the Glabrezu, while Dorn, Jaheira and the Deva

likewise attack their Glabrezu. With the use of a Greater Whirlwind or

two, and perhaps a Time Stop/Horrid Wilting combo, the demons should

fall fairly quickly. There's always a chance that a Glabrezu will

stun somebody and ruin my plans, but that's just the way things are,

Remove Paralysis can save you if you're lucky (and quick).

After Irenicus' pet demons are destroyed, Keldorn uses True Sight and

dispels Irenicus' Mislead. The next step is simple-my party rushes

Irenicus, and Imoen/Edwin hits him with Breach every time he tries to

throw up a Stoneskin or Protection from Magical Weapons, or other such

mischief. Eventually he'll turn back into Irenicus so he can die in his

true form. One Elven Warrior back in Suldanessellar is going to be

awfully happy about Jon's fate, indeed.


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Irenicus in Hell {VID010}


18) After defeating Irenicus, you'll wake up in Suldanessellar, in the

care of Ellesime, who reports you've been 'dead' for several days. Some

time passes and your character will partake in a ceremony celebrating

your triumph, although Ellesime can't help but apologize for Jon, and

make a separation between Jonaleth and Irenicus when there probably

really wasn't so much of one. Ah, coping mechanisms. Despite her

promises, the Amulet of Seldarine isn't so great of a reward as to count

as reparations for what Irenicus put you through. Ah well. Next you'll

get to watch a satisfying movie showing Jon fitting in to his new home,

and playing with his neighbors, followed by an overly spooky and

uninformative movie introducing the next chapter in the saga. The Five

are approaching, and the time of the prophecy is at hand. See you in

Throne of Bhaal.




Blackguard 21

Experience: 3934648

Hit Points: 116

Armor Class: -6

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 1

Rod/Staff/Wand: 3

Petrify/Polymorph: 2

Breath Weapon: 2

Spells: 4

Weapon Proficiencies

Bastard Sword ++

Two Handed Sword ++

Spear +

Halberd ++

Cross Bow ++

Two-Handed Weapon Style ++

Armor: Armor of the Hart +3

Gloves: ...

Helmet: Helm of the Noble +1

Amulet: Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance

Weapon: Silver Sword +3 (THAC0: -7)

Soul Reaver +4 (THAC0: -8)

The Guide +2 (THAC0: -7)

Shield: ...

Ring 1: Ring of Duplication

Ring 2: Ring of Earth Control

Cloak: Nymph Cloak

Boots: Sense of the Cat

Belt: Girdle of Fortitude

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: Horn of Blasting



Berserker 23

Experience: 3818754

Hit Points: 157

Armor Class: -7

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 0

Rod/Staff/Wand: 0

Petrify/Polymorph: 4

Breath Weapon: 4

Spells: 1

Weapon Proficiencies

Axe +++++

War Hammer ++

Two-Weapon Style +++

Armor: Red Dragon Scale

Gloves: The Brawling Hands

Helmet: Eyes of the Beholder

Amulet: Periapt of Proof Against Poison

Weapon: Ilbratha +1 (THAC0: -6)

Frostreaver +3 (THAC0: -12)

Shield: Crom Faeyr +5 (THAC0: -12)

Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration

Ring 2: Ring of Air Control

Cloak: Cloak of the Sewers

Boots: The Paws of the Cheetah

Belt: Destroyer of the Hills

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: Horn of Silence

Misc 3: Iron Horn of Valhalla



Fighter 15/Druid 14

Experience: 1978899/1978899

Hit Points: 98

Armor Class: -10

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 3 (-1)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 5 (-1)

Petrify/Polymorph: 4 (-1)

Breath Weapon: 3 (-1)

Spells: 1 (-6)

Weapon Proficiencies

Scimitar ++

Dagger ++

Club ++

Quarter Staff +

Sling +

Sword and Shield Style +

Armor: Gorgon Plate +4

Gloves: Legacy of the Masters

Helmet: Helm of Balduran

Amulet: Harper Pin

Weapon: Firetooth +3 (THAC0: -3)

Blackblood +3 (THAC0: -3)

Shield: Sentinel +4

Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration

Ring 2: Ring of Fire Control

Cloak: ...

Boots: The Frost's Embrace

Belt: Girdle of Stone Giant Strength

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: ...



Cleric 25

Experience: 3936592

Hit Points: 87

Armor Class: -8

Paralyze/Poison/Death: -1 (-3)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 3 (-3)

Petrify/Polymorph: 2 (-3)

Breath Weapon: 5 (-3)

Spells: 4 (-3)

Weapon Proficiencies

War Hammer +

Club +

Flail +

Mace +

Quarterstaff +

Sling +

Sword and Shield Style +

Single Weapon Style +

Armor: Ankheg Plate Mail

Gloves: ...

Helmet: The Visage

Amulet: Sensate Amulet

Weapon: Flail of Ages +3 (THAC0: -1)

Sling of Arvoreen +4 (THAC0: -5)

Shield: Shield of the Lost +2

Ring 1: Edventar's Gift

Ring 2: Holy Symbol of Talos

Cloak: The Spirit's Shield +2

Boots: ...

Belt: Girdle of Hill Giant Strength

Misc 1: Collar Bell

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: Black Spider Figurine



Fighter 13/Mage 13/Thief 16

Experience: 1327893/1327893/1327893

Hit Points: 117

Armor Class: -6

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 1 (-4)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 3 (-4)

Petrify/Polymorph: 2 (-4)

Breath Weapon: 1 (-4)

Spells: 4 (-4)

Weapon Proficiencies

Long Sword ++

Katana ++

Dagger +

Two Weapon Style +++

Armor: Bladesinger Chain +4

Gloves: Xarrnous' Second Sword Arm

Helmet: Vhailor's Helm

Amulet: Amulet of Power

Weapon: Celestial Fury +3 (THAC0: -1)

Daystar +2 (THAC0: -1)

Shield: The Equalizer (THAC0: 3)

Ring 1: Ring of Gaxx

Ring 2: Ring of Acuity

Cloak: Cloak of Mirroring

Boots: The Paws of the Cheetah

Belt: Elves' Bane

Misc 1: Protagonist's Tankard

Misc 2: Gem of Seeing

Misc 3: ...



Conjurer 20

Experience: 3884624

Hit Points: 68

Armor Class: -1

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 3 (-7)

Rod/Staff/Wand: -2 (-7)

Petrify/Polymorph: 2 (-5)

Breath Weapon: -3 (-12)

Spells: 1 (-5)

Weapon Proficiencies

Dagger +

Quarter Staff +

Dart +

Sling +

Armor: Robe of Vecna

Gloves: Bracers of Defense A.C. 3

Helmet: Pale Green Ioun Stone

Amulet: Edwin's Amulet

Weapon: Staff of the Magi (THAC0: 12)

Boomerang Dagger +2 (THAC0: 12)

Shield: ...

Ring 1: Reaching Ring

Ring 2: The Guard's Ring +2

Cloak: Cloak of Displacement

Boots: ...

Belt: Belt of Inertial Barrier

Misc 1: Book of Infinite Spells

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: Efreeti Bottle


The changes made between the end of Chapter 5 and the end of Chapter 7

should have been explained well enough in the 'End of Chapter 5'

section-so I won't bother pointing out most of the new gear we've

obtained. Some notes, however, are still pertinent. The Amulet of

Seldarine we obtained at the end of the game goes on Viconia, furthering

my attempt to pad the Saving Throws of my Cleric. Also... the Sensate

Amulet just isn't very impressive anymore. Later on Viconia will

inherit my Protagonist's Amulet of Power, and will pass on the Amulet of

the Seldarine to Dorn. Dorn hands of Ilbratha +1 to Korgan, who has

more quick weapon slots anyways. In its place, Dorn wears the Ring of

Duplication, a superior defensive item. Thanks, Rasaad's quest!

Speaking of that, Korgan sports a new Helmet-the Eyes of the Beholder.

Is it better than the Helm of the Noble +1? No, but Korgan likes it

better. He told me so. My protagonist, in her shiny new Bladesinger

Chain +4, gives her Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 to Edwin, and puts on

Jaheira's old Xarranous' Second Sword Arm. She also hands off The

Guard's Ring +2 to Edwin. Taa-daa. Finally, note that Viconia has hit

25th level as a Cleric, which gives her the Holy Symbol of Talos-a nice

little ring that is certainly worth wearing. Any odditities in my

protagonist's stats can be ascribed to the effects of the Tears of

Bhaal, as follows:

Test of Pride: +20% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity.

Test of Fear: +2 Constitution

Test of Selfishness: -2 Hit Points

-1 Dexterity

-75,000 EXP

+10% Magic Resistance.

Test of Greed: +2 Saving Throws.

Test of Wrath: +2 Strength.




Inquisitor 20

Experience: 3889718

Armor Class: -8

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 0 (-2)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 2 (-2)

Petrify/Polymorph: 1 (-2)

Breath Weapon: 1 (-2)

Spells: 3 (-2)

Weapon Proficiencies

Long Sword ++

Two Handed Sword ++

War Hammer ++

Cross Bow ++

Two Handed Weapon Style ++

Armor: Armor of the Hart +3

Gloves: The Brawling Hands

Helmet: Helm of Glory

Amulet: Amulet of Seldarine

Weapon: Carsomyr +5 (THAC0: -8)

Ras +2 (THAC0: -5)

Firetooth +4 (THAC0: -8)

Shield: ...

Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration

Ring 2: Ring of Earth Control

Cloak: Nymph Cloak

Boots: Boots of Speed

Belt: Girdle of Stone Strength

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: ...



Fighter 16/Druid 14

Experience: 2198317/2198317

Armor Class: -9

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 1 (-3)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 3 (-3)

Petrify/Polymorph: 4 (-1)

Breath Weapon: 1 (-3)

Spells: 1 (-6)

Weapon Proficiencies

Scimitar ++

Dagger ++

Club ++

Quarter Staff +

Sling +

Sword and Shield Style +

Armor: Gorgon Plate +4

Gloves: Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise

Helmet: Helmet of Defense

Amulet: Harper Pin

Weapon: Boneblade +4 (THAC0: -4)

Fire Tooth +3 (THAC0: -3)

Shield: Sentinel +4

Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration

Ring 2: Ring of the Ram

Cloak: Cloak of Displacement

Boots: Boots of the North

Belt: Girdle of Hill Giant Strength

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: Black Spider Figurine



Cleric 25/Fighter 7 (Inactive)

Experience: 3847759/64000

Armor Class: -7

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 1 (-1)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 5 (-1)

Petrify/Polymorph: 4 (-1)

Breath Weapon: 7 (-1)

Spells: 6 (-1)

Weapon Proficiencies

War Hammer ++

Mace ++

Sling ++

Sword and Shield Style ++

Armor: Red Dragon Scale

Gloves: Gauntlets of Weapon Skill

Helmet: Helm of Balduran

Amulet: Sensate Amulet

Weapon: Crom Faeyr (THAC0: -9)

Sling of Arvoreen +4 (THAC0: -3)

Shield: Fortress Shield +3

Ring 1: Ring of Free Action

Ring 2: Ring of Holiness

Cloak: Cloak of Sewers

Boots: Boots of Avoidance

Belt: Girdle of Bluntness

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: Silver Horn of Valhalla



Fighter 17/Mage 16

Experience: 2229453/229453

Armor Class: -6

Weapon Proficiencies

Axe ++

Katana ++

Flail ++

Two Weapon Style +++

Paralyze/Poison/Death: -1 (-4)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 1 (-4)

Petrify/Polymorph: 0 (-4)

Breath Weapon: 0 (-4)

Spells: 2 (-4)

Armor: Bladesinger Chain +4

Gloves: Bracers of Defense A.C. 3

Helmet: Vhailor's Helm

Amulet: Amulet of Power

Weapon: Celestial Fury (THAC0: -4)

Daystar +4 (THAC0: 0)

Shield: Flail of Ages +3 (THAC0: -1)

Ring 1: Ring of Gaxx

Ring 2: Ring of Acuity

Cloak: Cloak of Mirroring

Boots: Boots of Speed

Belt: Golden Girdle

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: Golem Manual



Ranger 21

Experience: 3905505

Armor Class: -1

Weapon Proficiencies

Two Handed Sword ++

Halberd ++

Mace ++

Quarter Staff +

Long Bow ++

Two Handed Weapon Style ++

Two Weapon Style ++

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 2 (-1)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 4 (-1)

Petrify/Polymorph: 3 (-1)

Breath Weapon: 3 (-1)

Spells: 5 (-1)

Armor: Shadow Dragon Scale

Gloves: Bracers of Archery

Helmet: Helmet of Defense

Amulet: Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance

Weapon: Silver Sword (THAC0: -6)

Halberd +4: Wave (THAC0: -7)

Mana Bow +4 (THAC0: -9)

Shield: ...

Ring 1: Ring of Fire Resistance

Ring 2: ...

Cloak: Cloak of Elvenkind

Boots: Boots of Stealth

Belt: Girdle of Bluntness

Misc 1: Boo

Misc 2: Horn of Silence

Misc 3: Book of Infinite Spells



Mage 19/Thief 7 (Inactive)

Experience: 3498200/40000

Armor Class: -3

Paralyze/Poison/Death: 8 (-2)

Rod/Staff/Wand: 3 (-2)

Petrify/Polymorph: 5 (-2)

Breath Weapon: 2 (-7)

Spells: 4 (-2)

Weapon Proficiencies

Dagger +

Quarter Staff +

Short Bow +

Dart +

Sling +

Two Handed Weapon Style +

Armor: Robe of Vecna

Gloves: Bracers of Defense A.C. 3

Helmet: Pale Green Ioun Stone

Amulet: Amulet of Metaspell Influence

Weapon: Staff of the Magi (THAC0: 12)

Short Bow of Gesen (THAC0: 10)

Shield: ...

Ring 1: Ring of Fire Control

Ring 2: Ring of Wizardry

Cloak: Cloak of Protection +2

Boots: Boots of Grounding

Belt: Belt of Inertial Barrier

Misc 1: ...

Misc 2: ...

Misc 3: Efreeti Bottle



| Chapter 8 |


| Throne of Bhaal |


It's not an easy life, being a child of Bhaal. First, we had our

simple notions of security shattered when Sarevok, our half-brother,

began a crusade of murder along the Sword Coast and drove us from

the security of Candlekeep. After our foster father, Gorion, was

murdered by Sarevok, we became embroiled in the politics of Baldur's

Gate, where the Iron Throne was manipulating the iron trade in order

to set themselves up as a regional power. Sarevok was, in turn,

manipulating the Iron Throne, pursuing a scheme that wouldn't put him

in a good financial position-but instead made himself an Arch Duke of

Baldur's Gate. He used this position to blame Amn for all of Baldur's

Gate's woes, and was on the brink of initiating a full scale war-a

war of sacrifice and murder that would have made him the new God of

Murder... or so Sarevok thought. However, in provoking us Sarevok bit

off more than he could chew.

We ruined his operation in the Nashkel Mine and killed the mine's

overseer, Mulahey. Then we tracked down the bandits that were stalking

the sword coast, led by Tazok, and smote the crude collection of

mercenaries and ne'er-do-wells. Following the paper trails, we uncovered

the Iron Throne's mines in the Cloakwood Forest, which they mined using

slave labor in order to provide a cheap alternative to the iron they

were sabotaging and stealing in the area. We stormed the mines, slew the

overseer, Davaeorn, flooded the mines, and put an end to the Iron

Throne's operations. We then made our way to mighty Baldur's Gate and

began a bout of mercenary work for Scar, where we discovered that the

Iron Throne was sabotaging their merchant competition by killing off

their leadership and replacing them with Dopplegangers. Finally, we

stormed the Iron Throne compound and smote Sarevok's acolytes. With the

information gleaned from the Iron Throne headquarters, we were referred

to Duke Eltan, who sent us to intercept the Iron Throne leaders in-of

all places-Candlekeep.

Back home, we discovered all was not right. We met Sarevok, posing as

'Koveras' and were framed for murdering the leaders of the Iron Throne.

Whatever our actual guilt, we were condemned, and only some charity on

the part of Tethtoril saved us from a messy execution. Only after

fighting our way our of the catacombs underneath Candlekeep and

returning to Baldur's Gate did we discover that Sarevok had screwed us

and the Iron Throne over together. He had Eltan poisoned and had his

puppet, Angelo, named the interim leader of the Flaming Fist mercenaries

who all but controlled Baldur's Gate. He also used the Iron Throne's

stores of iron stockpiled from the Cloakwood Mines to fund his candidacy

for Grand Duke, rescue Baldur's Gate from the iron shortage, and spread

his message of war. We decided to lay low in Ulgoth's Beard, and while

there we discovered the truth of Balduran's demise, escaped an island

of Werewolves, an island of wild magic that acted as a natural trap for

Mages, and plundered Durlag's Tower. Finally we returned to Baldur's

Gate, saved Duke Eltan, foiled an assassination attempt on the other

Grand Dukes at Sarevok's coronation ceremony, and chased Sarevok into

a buried city under Baldur's Gate. Sarevok made his stand in a Shrine

to Bhaal, joined by his cohorts Tazok, Angelo, and Semaj. In the end,

we overcame Sarevok and prevented a war between Amn and Baldur's Gate.

For all of our fame and prestige, we were driven from Baldur's Gate

as suspicions arose about our paternity and our relation to Sarevok

came to light. Retreating to Amn, we were ambushed by the outcast

Elven Mage, Jon Irenicus, who sought a way to restore himself by

stealing our divine soul. Fortunately, one of the components-lots of

living test subjects-and Bodhi's own belligerence drew the attention and

ire of the Shadow Thieves (the source of many of the unfortunate

victims to be used by Irenicus later). They attacked his underground

dungeon and in the confusion, we made good our escape. Shortly after

fighting our way to the surface we witnessed a fight between Irenicus

and the Cowled Wizards, a coven of Mages whose primary public service

for Amn was to police other, unaffiliated Mages. The fight showed us

that we were severely outclassed, despite all our heroics in the north.

For using magic during the fight, Imoen was whisked away to the same

asylum as Irenicus, who was content to let the Cowled Wizards take him

away and used vague promises and Imoen as bait.

Lost in Athkatla, capital city of Amn, we searched for a way to find

Irenicus and Imoen, and ended up working for Gaelan Bayle, who promised

that a scant 20,000 gold would buy us the aid and answers we needed. In

our attempts to earn this money, we smote an ancient Beholder and his

cultists who were searching for artifacts of ultimate destruction that

were best left untouched. We involved ourselves in the politics of the

Shadow Thief guild and slew Mae'Var, a traitor. We saved Trademeet by

killing our old companion Faldorn, who had corrupted a local Druid

Grove, and convinced some Djinni to leave who were strangling the

economy of Trademeet. We traveled to Umar Hills and discovered the

source of a rash of recent murders, smiting a Shadow Dragon in the

process. We also drove out the corrupt ownership of the Copper Coronet

and eliminated a group of slavers in the Slums. We tracked down the

Ranger Valygar for the Cowled Wizards and accompanied him (or at least

his body) into the Planar Sphere, slew the Mage operating the sphere,

and made our way back to Athkatla. We saved Aerie from the demented

machinations of an over-teased Gnome who weaved illusions to make

himself the god of his own little circus tent realm. We entered an

Astral Prison and saved a Tiefling Bard and his troop of misfits from

Sigil, and rescued a fortress under siege by Trolls.

With all that done, we had increased our power and wealth exponentially,

and became embroiled in another political struggle, this time between

the Shadow Thieves and a mysterious new guild of Vampire upstarts. One

way or the other, we secured the aid of a group of murderers and boarded

Saemon Havarian's ship bound for Brynnlaw. Once there, we immediately

began causing a stir in our quest to gain access to Spellhold, and gain

access we did, only to discover that Irenicus had taken over the asylum.

He took us prisoner, performed a nefarious ritual upon us that stripped

us of our divine soul, and left us in the dungeons beneath the asylum

for Bodhi to hunt and kill at her leisure. Down but not out, we made our

way through the dungeon, chased Bodhi away by transforming into the

Slayer-an avatar of Bhaal-and united the insane Mages of the asylum in

an attack on Irenicus, who was driven off in disarray. We then made our

way back to Brynnlaw and obtained the aid of Saemon Havarian, who proved

to be of dubious trustworthiness again when his ship was attacked and

sunk by Githyanki, searching for a Silver Blade he conveniently gave to

us prior to the attack.

We went down with the ship, something the good captain failed to do, and

found ourselves in a Sahuagin city. Again, we got involved in the

politics into which we've been thrust and aided either the insane king,

or the rebel prince who wished to overthrow the corrupt regime. By

supporting one side or the other, we got a magical rope that allowed us

to descend into the underdark, where we freed a trapped Mage and killed

a Balor plaguing some Swirfneblin. We then sacked an Illithid City and a

Beholder Den before we encountered Adalon, a Silver Dragon who disguised

us as Dark Elves so we could infiltrate the Drow city of Ust Natha and

rescue her eggs, which were being held hostage in exchange for Adalon's

good behavior. While the Drow held Adalon at bay and pillaged the

surface, we worked for Solaufein and Phaere in an attempt to earn the

trust of the Drow and gain access to Adalon's eggs. Eventually we

discovered that the Drow planned to sacrifice the eggs to obtain the

favor of a Demon Lord. With the help of Solaufein we used the common

treachery of the Drow against them and disrupted their plans to summon

the Demon Lord, and made off with Adalon's Eggs. In exchange, Adalon

helped us escape, and we fought our way to the surface.

Back under open skies, we discovered that Irenicus has made his way to

Suldanessellar to take his revenge on his people, and that the only way

to follow him and regain our soul was to take the Rhynn Lanthorn from

Bodhi's undead clutches. In the meantime, we smote Firkraag, a Red

Dragon masquerading as a human in the Copper Coronet who decided to take

his revenge on Gorion the only way he still could-by causing trouble for

his child. We entered the Twisted Rune and killed the members therein,

obtaining the Staff of the Magi, crushed an Illithid enclave under

Athkatla, and destroyed Kangaxx the Demi-Lich. After all that, we

gathered what allies we could and destroyed Bodhi, but not until she

abducted our lover and turned them into a Vampire. After reviving them

at the Temple of Amaunator, we returned to Elhan, the elven commander of

Suldanessellar and with the Rhynn Lanthorn we finally were able to

resume our chase of Irenicus.

When we arrived, Suldanessellar was already well under siege. We found

the Priestess Demin, who told us to retrieve a Talisman of Rillifane, a

Golden Goblet of Life, and a Moonblade to open the way to Irenicus. We

killed Irenicus' pet Black Dragon and retrieved what Demin sent us to

find, which allowed us to summon an Avatar of Rillifane and drive off

Irenicus' minions. The way now clear, we made our way to the palace and

exterminated some parasites Irenicus had absorbing the energy from the

Tree of Life, thus freeing Queen Ellesime. She promptly severed

Irenicus' link from the Tree of Life, leaving him vulnerable to attack.

We killed him, and then were dragged down to the Hells to do battle for

our soul. First, however, we were forced to take some tests conjured by

our own perceptions of ourselves to better understand ourselves, and

bring us closer to our soul. Afterwards, we confronted Irenicus in hell

and defeated him again, reclaimed our soul, and banished him to an

eternity of torment in the abyss.

Our troubles seemed to be over with the death of Irenicus, and we

settled into the life of a hero in Suldanessellar. That is, until a

group of mighty Bhaalspawn called 'the Five' began murdering and

pillaging their way down the Sword Coast, apparently searching for

other Bhaalspawn to slay. Everywhere a Bhaalspawn lurked, the army came,

leaving devastation in its wake, and predictably anybody suspected of

being a Bhaalspawn was cast out. Unfortunately, Suldanessellar isn't any

different, and amidst an uproar we've been sent to a sacred grove to

consult the oracles there about our fate-and the upcoming prophecy.

The life of a Bhaalspawn is never easy, and there's always some other

foe that needs to be killed...

Forest of Tethir (AR4000)


Sequence of Events: {WLK052}

1) The Time of Prophecy

2) Illasera the Quick (and the Dead)

3) Sermonizing Solar

4) Sarevok Lives

5) Long Lost Companions

6) Cespenar!

7) Asyferlund Elven Chain +5

8) The Trial of Retribution

1) Get ready for a fight and click on any one of the numerous stone

faces lying about to receive a prophecy. If anything the prophecy seems

more ominous to 'The Five' than it does to you. Ah well, I guess we

should be wary of traitors and all that. The game is overly helpful

with floating text and clues, and this is for a reason. Back in the days

before the Enhanced Edition, Shadows and Amn and Throne of Bhaal were

two seperate games. See, back then we had things called 'expansions'

for games-they're kind of like DLC, but actually good. Throne of Bhaal

could be played without Shadows of Amn, being seperate games an all,

and because of this the beginning of Throne of Bhaal had to cater to

new players, with new, relatively under-equipped characters. Yeah,

that's right, the developers made the initial parts of this game

very easy... as sort of a... *sigh* ...a tutorial. Even Irenicus'

Dungeon wasn't this mothering.


2) After more than enough time to spell-buff has passed a lady named

Illasera will show up, and it doesn't take more than one response to

discover that she's hostile. She's come hunting her fellow Bhaalspawn,

in this case, you. It doesn't matter what you say, a fight ensues, and

it seems in this case Illasera has been woefully uninformed about what

she was dealing with. I prefer to think of her as the weakest of the

five, sent as chattel-an obligatory sacrifice-by her much stronger

fellows to test my Strength. It sure beats the truth, that this is the

first fight of Throne of Bhaal and she's a weak encounter sent to carry

on the story. After all, this fight has to be winnable for fresh, new

characters with an under-leveled, under-equipped party. Even though her

Strength was negligible, her loot sure isn't. The Black Reavers will all

drop magical weapons of low quality, while Illasera will leave behind a

suit of Sylvan Chain +2 (like Bladesinger Chain +4, but not as good),

Paws of the Cheetah (I put these on Dorn in the evil party, or Jaheira

in the good party), a Ring of the Princes +1, a Dagger +2, and two

Potions of Extra Healing. A short while after she dies, your main

character will have another fit, and you'll awaken in...

Pocket Plane (AR4500)


3) ...the Pocket Plane. I hope you like it, you'll be spending a lot of

time here. When you arrive a Solar will bother you. What's a Solar? An

angel of the highest order. It seems we've finally gained some real

attention. It doesn't really matter what you say, this critter is here

to advance the story, not to allow you to do anything trivial like make

choices. It's here to oversee the unfolding of Alaundo's prophecy, and

it will name this place, this Pocket Plane, as the very same lair of

hell where you fought Irenicus. Although it was altered by your

consciousness at the time, it's still pretty nifty to have your own hunk

of the Abyss as a home base. The Solar is mostly here to be vague and

cryptic, and to comment pointlessly after significant story events in

Throne of Bhaal.


4) After the Solar departs, everybody's favorite half-brother will show

up. That's right, Sarevok is back, and he wants to make a deal with you.

In return for knowledge Sarevok wants the spark of life returned to him;

the merest fraction of your soul to revive himself. You can have Imoen

make the sacrifice instead, but I feel that's just cheap. First, you

don't lose anything, and second... our bond with Sarevok runs deeper

than that. In some respects, I don't think anybody with a voice that

awesome deserves to suffer having part of Imoen's soul. Sarevok tells

me two things that make me lean towards reviving him (we don't really

have a choice, but still, it's easier to do if it doesn't seem forced):

first, he won't be a legitimate Bhaalspawn, since his taint long ago

went back to the source. He won't be a political problem later down the

road, and he'll be stripped of much of the ambition that led him to

become our enemy in the first place. Second, he openly admits that he

wishes to avoid crossing you again, and that he's uncertain of what to

do with life, once granted. Perhaps he can be turned away from evil?

Failing that, he's got phenomenal stats and is a great replacement for

Minsc. He even gives Dorn a run for his money! But, considering that

Dorn is a romantic interest and he's quite possibly been around since

the beginning of Baldur's Gate 1, I'm not terribly fond of replacing him


If you didn't guess, he's the ??????? character listed above in the

FAQ, and I refused to spill the beans earlier on in the guide and hence

reveal a major spoiler. Of course, nothing stops you from reading ahead

and finding out who the mystery character is, but I refuse to be held

accountable for that. Don't dig if you don't want to find dirt. Anyways,

give Sarevok the spark he needs and he'll revive in a very epic

exclamation of resurrection. After that, he keeps his promise and tells

you how to leave the Pocket Plane, and why the Pocket Plane exists at

all. He'll continue to be helpful by opening one of the sealed barriers,

which contains another challenge we'll need to overcome before we can

continue. Also, he points out a 'spirit' that can summon companions we

left behind in Shadows of Amn, and may want again. As if that wasn't

enough, he'll tell us about the struggle between the Bhaalspawn that is

set to culminate in the Tethyrian city of Saradush. Finally, Sarevok

will ask to travel with you-he knows more about the prophecies of

Alaundo than anybody else we have access to, that's for sure.

Personally, I almost always take him with me, as I prefer his combat

abilities to Minsc, Valygar, Haer'Dalis, or anybody else that may be

taking up space in the party. Also, the fact that he's a Baldur's Gate 1

character gives him clout-granted, he was our enemy in that game, but

what's cooler than traveling around with the prequel's end boss?

Nothing, that's what. If you're evil, let his continuous prodding and

glory-seeking inspire you to greater ambitions and Sarevok will be only

too happy to follow in your wake. Be suspicious, greedy, and mean and

keep Sarevok the heartless bastard we know and love. On the other hand,

show him kindness, trust, and set a good example for him and over the

course of the game, his alignment will change to reflect your influence.

There will be some friction at first, but ultimately Sarevok can be

enticed to fit into any party, good, evil, or otherwise.

Note: The gear possessed by Illasera and her Black Reavers can be found

on the ground in the Pocket Plane at (x=1850, y=1240).

Note from Lee:

This is/was a HUGE dilemma for me... I have four high-level melee

characters, each with a strength of at least 19, and two spellcasters

with enough spell power to take on just about anything. If I look at the

overall class combinations that make up my party, I have four fighters,

a cleric, a druid, three mages, and a thief. Quite frankly, giving up

any of them for Sarevok just seems like a waste, so I have him wait in

the Pocket Plane "until I need him"...


5) Interact with the... rocks... at either (x=2300, y=1000) or

(x=1800, y=1000). Long story short, interacting with these is how you

summon long-lost companions from Shadows of Amn. These characters come

rudely equipped, and boosted to about 2,500,000 experience. This allows

you to level them more or less as you please. It also allows you to

accept them back into the party, grab whatever loot they have that you

want, and sell it. Also note that you gain 2000 experience for each

character you summon. It's not much, but it's something. Some quasi-

rare gear also accompanies them. First, each one of them seems to carry

with them five Potions of Extra Healing. Aerie, Cernd, and Edwin all

possess a Cleric's Staff +3, Haer'Dalis and Imoen are sporting suits of

Elven Chain Mail, and several characters have +3 weapons. And, of

course, all of that character specific gear they started the game with-

regardless of what you did with it-is back on them. The real wins are

the Enhanced Edition characters-Rasaad will appear with all the goodies

he originally started with (Glimmering Bands and Moonlight Walkers) as

well as a Gem of Seeing, a Cloak of Atonement, and Gauntlets of Aln

Zekk. It's a very smart move to summon Rasaad and at least grab that

Gem from him. Hexxat is also interesting. Once she joins your party

she'll give you another 'Dragomir's Respite' Bag of Holding, which

seems pretty cool by itself... save for the fact that it's just a

duplicate of the one you already have. It'll appear to have all the same

loot inside it, but if you take an item out of one of the bags, it'll

vanish from the other, as well. So... it really doesn't function as

another Bag of Holding, much less as a duplication exploit, if that's

what you were hoping for. Still interesting, though.

Note: You can get Hexxat to wait for you in the Pocket Plane, but if

you let her into your party and dismiss her later, she'll wander off,

never to be seen again. If you don't recruit her here, she'll show up

later in Throne of Bhaal.


6) Finally, go find the imp flying around to the south-west of where

you talked to Sarevok. Meet Cespenar, Bhaal's former butler, now lured

by the formation of this new Pocket Plane into your service. He'll be

for you what Cromwell was in Shadows of Amn, and the lack of his

services was the main reason we postponed the majority of Watcher's

Keep. After all, what's the point if we gather all those wonderful new

items if we couldn't upgrade them to surpass the gear we already have?

We'll be making more use of Cespenar's services than we did of

Cromwell's, since most of the best loot in Throne of Bhaal is made by

combining items. Fortunately to aid us in storing the many components

we'll need to hold onto, there are several containers around the Pocket

Plane where you can store your loot... because everybody likes storing



7) Now that we're in Throne of Bhaal and have access to Cespenar, there

are a few things we can make. Namely, with a whopping 40,000 gold and a

Scroll of Protection from Normal Weapons we can upgrade the Bladesinger

Chain +4 into Aslyferund Elven Chain +5. This is as good as it gets for

my Fighter/Mage... or my Fighter/Mage/Thief.. or Haer'Dalis. You can

also make the Improved Cloak of Protection +2 for 20,000 gold, a Scroll

of Improved Haste, and a Scroll of Invisibility, but I don't really have

anyone besides Imoen who could wear it, and she doesn't need the

upgrades... not for that price, anyways. Also, if you went through the

first level of Watcher's Keep back in Shadows of Amn, you may also be

able to upgrade the Quiver of Plenty +1 and the Case of Plenty +1 into

their +2 versions-a costly, but much-needed improvement for any

characters still using ranged weapons (something Minsc will do less and

less as he becomes more well-armed and armored). Last and least, you can

upgrade the Paladin's Bracers and make Blessed Bracers... if you just

have money to throw away at useless loot. A full list of upgradable

items can be found at [ITM007].


8) Once you're sufficiently comfortable with your new Pocket Plane, head

over to the challenge Sarevok helped you unlock. Once you head up the

stairs, you'll be bothered by Gavid, a typical example of what the

Bhaalspawn taint manifests as. Bhaalspawn vary greatly in power, like

any other mortal, and Gavid was a petty commoner who murdered for

sport. After he's done exposing his crimes, he'll die and leave you to

fight off hordes of enemies, apparently your 'retribution'. If you're

good (you chose the good path all five times when acting against

Irenicus in Hell) you'll fight Kobold Commandos and Dopplegangers first.

The second wave will consist of Sahuagin, Gnoll Captains, and Ogre

Mages. So long as you focus on the Ogre Mages here, you'll be fine. The

third wave will pit you against Drow, and here you need to watch out for

the occasional Drow Priestess who will show up and cast spells. The

last figure who will show up is an incredibly weak Jon Irenicus. For

the evil party (or anybody who chose any evil actions in hell), the

first round of foes will be weakling Commoners of every race. The second

round will be goodly surface elves in Elven Chain, including melee and

ranged varieties (but unlike the Drow, no spell-casters). For the third

wave you'll have to fight Knights of the Order which are strictly sword-

and-shield weaklings. The final fight will be against Ellesime, who is

every bit as pathetic as Irenicus for the good party-she might get off

a silence spell before she dies. Overall, the evil party has a better

time with this trial, as they face easier foes, and their enemies drop

Long Swords +1 (I collected twenty of them). Smite your foes and Gavid

will show up again and be cryptic. For completing the first challenge

you'll get a nice bit of experience, but more importantly your

protagonist will gain the ability to enter and leave the Pocket Plane at

their whim. Rest up and head through the doorway at (x=2000, y=1000) to

get on with the game.


(For overcoming the trial of retribution)

EXP 25000 (each character)

Special Ability: Pocket Plane (protagonist)


| Saradush |


Sequence of Events: {WLK053}

1) 'Spies' in Saradush

2) Meeting Melissan

3) Dead Dad

4) The Harlot's Plea

5) Bhaalspawn Clout

6) Searching for Sanctuary

7) Temple of Waukeen

8) Arcana Archives

9) The Tankard Tree Tavern

10) Womanizers

11) Petje's Paranoia

12) Miscellaneous Minutiae

13) Crime Doesn't Pay

14) Crime Pays!

15) Mateo's Trial

16) Framed for Treason

17) Countess Santele's Cause

18) Kiser's Tall Tale

19) Killing the Countess

20) Errard: Extermination or Exposure

21) Defending the Walls: Endless Experience

22) Killing Kiser

23) Tunnel Mage

24) Rescuing Ardic

25) Storming Gromnir's Barracks

Saradush (AR5000)


1) After leaving the Pocket Plane you'll be treated to a movie showing

us an army besieging the town of Saradush. Fire Giants? That's just not

fair. Anyways, some peasants led by a woman named Mellisan will create

drama outside of the gates leading to the stronghold of one Gromnir

Il-Khan. The dispute is about to turn bloody just as we arrive, and

the soldiers, already riled up, decide that we're spies and attack.

Despite the fact that this is a straight melee, keep in mind that this

IS Throne of Bhaal. The fights where you won't have to use some spells

to escape relatively unscathed are few and far between. Even with a

nice new -7 Armor Class, my protagonist will get chewed up if he gets

involved in a melee-but that's what Stoneskin is for, right?


2) After the fight, you'll get to talk to Melissan, who seems to know a

bit too much about you. As everybody does, these days... Anyways, she

describes herself as a 'guardian' of the Bhaalspawn who seeks to prevent

Bhaal's resurrection. Translation: she's a self-righteous moralist who

thinks she knows what you-and others like you-should be doing with your

lives. She will, however, tell you something useful: the city of

Saradush, ourselves included, are being besieged by the army of one

Yaga Shura, who seeks to exterminate all the Bhaalspawn in the city.

Gromnir was brought here by Melissan to guard over the other Bhaalspawn

(a title Gromnir himself shares), but Melissan has lost control over

the general, to say the least. Long story short, if Saradush is to have

any chance of fending off Yaga Shura, we need to deal with Gromnir. Be

sure to loot the bodies of the dead Il-Khan Soldiers before you go,

many of them have Plate Mail Armor, Potions of Extra Healing, and two

of them carried a Halberd +2. If our first upgrades from Cespenar let

us know anything, it's that upgrading items in Throne of Bhaal is going

to be expensive... Anyways, like most cities, Saradush has people to

talk to, conflicts to resolve, and all that other typical kind of

nonsense. So let's get those encounters out of the way, and perhaps

earn a wee bit of experience and maybe even gain some useful

information. As you explore, beware of the random catapult shots that

will plague you. They can do some pretty bothersome damage (up to

40 points!) and can knock a character unconscious for a short while,

which is more annoying than anything else. If you're taking too much

of a beating, flee to the Pocket Plane and rest up.


(x=1970, y=1850) Scroll of Magic Missile, Scroll of Armor

(x=1800, y=1950) 1 gold

(x=1750, y=1950) 16 gold

(x=1220, y=1050) Lynx Eye Gem, 13 gold

(x=720, y=1650) Scroll of Protection from Petrification, 4 gold

(x=700, y=1700) 16 gold


3) Over at (x=2430, y=1430) you'll find a boy whining about his dead

dad. By now you've surely noticed that there's a siege taking place,

and you may have been the victim of a random shot of a catapult's

payload, yourself. Anyways, if you have a Rod of Resurrection you can

attempt to raise the boy's dad... or if you have a Cleric with the

resurrection spell prepared, talk to the boy with said Cleric and they

will cast the spell. For bringing the guy back to life you'll get a

laughable experience reward, and a reputation increase. If you pick

dialogue option #3 when talking to the boy ("Your daddy was right -

I'm here to eat you! RARRR!") the kid will run off and you'll lose a

point of reputation.


(For resurrecting Tazit's dad)

EXP 1000 (each character)

Reputation +1


4) At (x=1400, y=1480) you'll find a Harlot who doesn't really seem so

comfortable in her role. If you point out her apparent nervousness or

inexperience, she'll admit she was just trying to get your attention so

she could implore you to kill Gromnir, who apparently had her family

murdered. Of course, if you shoot right for a price, she'll actually

go through with the act before she tries to get you to kill Gromnir. Now

that's some commitment! This is, of course, a great way to screw up your

romances (except for Viconia, she seems to think that you scoring with

other girls will only make you realize how much better she is), but

beyond that it mostly just serves to point out the prison as a possible

means of reaching Gromnir.

Note: The global variable that is set if you sleep with the Harlot is

called 'ProScore'. Heh. Oh old Bioware, you always knew how to make

me chuckle...


5) Near the Temple of Waukeen you'll find Oris Nimblefinger whining

about his plight as a Bhaalspawn. More interestingly you'll find a group

of Dwarves and Humans standing between the temple and the docks

exchanging words. You can side with one group or another, and kill the

opposing race for paltry experience, or if you threaten them they'll

recognize you as a Bhaalspawn, and decide that this isn't worth dying

over. Finally, we get the respect we deserve!


(For breaking up the Human-Dwarven racists)

EXP 1000 (each character)


6) West of the tavern at (x=620, y=1420) you'll find Alexander Ralisar,

a fellow Bhaalspawn of the more timid variety who will tell you about

several topics, including Gromnir and Melissan. North of the tavern

you'll find some more Il-Khan Soldiers harassing some Elves, apparently

trying to secure for themselves some Elven women. If you decide to sit

back and watch the fun, you'll lose a point of reputation, and all the

hard-line do-gooders in your party (Keldorn, Anomen, Jaheira) will

leave and turn hostile. That seems... a little severe.. anyways, if you

throw around the word 'Bhaalspawn' they'll run off and you can talk to

the Elves to discover that they need somewhere to stay. Or of course,

you can just kill the guards by picking a fight. They're nowhere near

as strong as the ones outside of Castle Saradush.

Temple of Waukeen (AR5004)


7) Well, let's go check out the Temple of Waukeen (x=1250, y=1900) and

help the Elves at the same time. Two birds, and all that. You'll find

Sister Farielle (x=480, y=520) inside. Merely ask her if the Elves can

seek sanctuary within the temple and she'll welcome them. If you ask

about gaining access to Gromnir, she'll tell you (if the character

speaking to her isn't of evil-alignment) that she sealed up the entrance

to the city jail some years back in order to keep some powerful undead

at bay. Of course, she can't tell you exactly what kind of undead, for

some stupid reason. She suggests taking some Holy Water with you, and

when an NPC makes a blunt suggestion like that, you know you had better

do it. Loot, leave, and tell the Elves they have a place to stay for

another experience reward, and another point of reputation.


(For convincing Sister Farielle to give you the key to the prison)

EXP 1000 (each character)

Item Key


(For finding sanctuary for the Elves)

EXP 3000 (each character)

Reputation +1


(x=950, y=550) Ziose Gem x2, Scroll of Protection from The Elements

(x=700, y=350) Laeral's Tear Necklace

(x=350, y=350) Water Opal

Arcana Archives (AR5011)


8) Head over to Arcana Archives (x=700, y=1300) and talk to the

proprietor, Lazarus Librarus (x=330, y=330) a man of obvious scholastic

quality. Despite his stately name, however, his spellbook has recently

been stolen. Offer to recover it, and in exchange he promises that with

it he can craft the greatest of scrolls, of any spell, as many as you

desire-for a reasonable price, at that. He accuses Hectan, a ne'er-do-

well that frequents the local tavern. Besides the Mage's suspicions,

however, the only clue are some muddy footprints, far too small to be

those of Hectan.

Tankard Tree Tavern (AR5003)


9) Now it's time to head into the tavern (x=1050, y=1550), which was, in

my mind, our goal all along. Damn sidetracking! Before we get caught up

in any more trouble, talk to the Bartender and peruse his wares. He'll

sell a collection of +3 arms and ammo, and a variety of magical armor,

as well. Frankly, however, everything we have weapon-wise is superior to

what he's selling, and failing that, we're certain to find better gear

soon enough anyways. Note that this is one of the last places where you

can put a good Pick Pockets score to use. Of course, if you haven't

played Shadows of Amn you won't have the Potions of Master Thievery to

do this, and if you did play Shadows of Amn, you won't have the need to

do this. Also, it's best if we wait until we get Lazarus' spellbook

back to chug any Potions of Master Thievery, so we can use our nefarious

talents to rob him-a far more lucrative mark. The best item he has to

buy/steal are the Paws of the Cheetah. Our fourth pair, they might seem

to be of dubious value, but with them I can speed up every potential

front-line character in the party, allowing every melee Fighter I have

to go from spot to spot (or withdraw from severe adversity) with great

speed. Also of note, the Yamato +4 is a +4 Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To

that gives a boost to Armor Class.


10) Now it's time to get involved in everybody's business! Near the

door you'll find two Il-Khan Soldiers doing what soldiers do-pestering

the serving wenches. They're at worst annoying, unlike some of the

soldiers we've killed outside. Anyways, you can pay them money to make

them leave (they want 1,000, but will accept 500). It's somewhat more

cash-flow positive to provoke them, however. They're nowhere near as

strong as the first batch of Il-Khan Soldiers you faced, and one drops

a suit of Splint Mail +1, a Large Shield +2, and a Long Sword +3, while

the other drops a suit of Full Plate Mail +1, a Mace +2, and a War

Hammer +3. Afterwards, talk to one of the waitresses, who mentions that

Gromnir's Soldiers are known to run around in the sewers from time to

time-she suspects because there's an entrance to the castle from there.

Why open the main gates when you can force your troops to run through

sewage during a siege situation, right?


11) For an alternative route into the Prison (and hence into Castle

Saradush) talk to Peltje (x=930, y=850), who will tell you that some

Courtesans started to disappear during the siege, only to reappear

later-as Vampires. Apparently Sister Farielle's solution to the undead

problem in the Prison wasn't a very good one, and Peltje will tell you

that you just need to wait until night and hire one of the Courtesans

to gain access to the prison. If you want to take this route, you will

indeed find two courtesans (one of each gender!) on the raised deck in

the north-western part of the tavern. For a mere 20 gold they'll take

you to the Prison, where you'll have to do battle with four Vampires.

For my protagonist, this isn't too much trouble, as he's wearing the

Amulet of Power and is more than a match for a handful of Vampires.

Note that you must approach them with your protagonist, they'll reject

everybody else. It's that tasty, tasty Bhaal-blood, you see. So make

sure you're up to snuff (and protected from level drain!) Of course,

now that I have the key from Sister Farielle (and the pathetic

experience reward that obtaining it granted) I might as well entice some

Vampires to attack me. Hey, more experience. Before I bother with that,

however, I have more stuff to do 'round Saradush... don't worry, I'll

tempt creepy Vampire sex later, as it's my prefered way to access Castle

Saradush... just keep it in mind until Step #1 of the next Sequence of



12) Over at (x=1080, y=820) you'll find your old pal Viekang. Remember

him? We briefly met him in Trademeet before he vanished in a spectacular

manner. We can continue more useless dialogue with Pyrgam Aleson

(x=800, y=650), the proprietor of this establishment. Just west of

Pyrgam, some Elves and Dwarves will be at odds with one another, but

it's nothing you can bother with. Along the northern end of the tavern

a cat named Tepid will occasionally harass some rats. Wee.


13) We'll find our man Hectan at (x=1070, y=530). His alibi is solid...

too solid, and when somebody knows enough to make sure to have an alibi

that excludes them from a specific crime, we know that they are, in

fact, complicit. Like my reasoning? It's impossible to be innocent!

Besides, he's got a Thief character model, and we all know by now that

means he is up to no good. Head outside and talk to a kid named Squip

(x=950, y=1120), who will do a poor job of hiding his guilt. He wants

you to pay him 1000 gold for the information, but he's more than happy

with five... and if you threaten him, you won't have to pay him a dime.

Return to Hectan, who admits to getting Squip to steal the book after

confronted with the latter's confession. He'll say that he stole the

book only to get the teleportation scroll he believes is within. Despite

what he says about you never getting the book back if you kill him,

that's not the case at all. I find it more fitting to do as he wishes,

however. Return to Lazarus, who will gladly trade the scroll for his

spellbook, but he warns you of Yaga Shura's imprisoning wards and of

the grisly fate that awaits anybody trying to teleport out of the city.

He leaves it up to you whether or not you wish to tell Hectan about it,

however. If you give the scroll to him and warn him, you'll get Lazarus'

book, and Hectan will reason that if teleportation would work, Lazarus

would have saved himself already. If you don't tell him, Hectan tries

to use the scroll to leave the city, and promptly explodes into bits

and pieces. If you don't tell him, you'll lose a point of reputation.

My evil party is perfectly happy watching Hectan splatter... besides,

my reputation is a bit too high anyways.


14) Return the Spellbook to Lazarus, who'll thank you with a quest

reward, and allow you to peruse his wares. Now it's time for our last,

great, stealing spree. Lazarus has every spell in the game in his

inventory, and a few interesting items to boot. Rather than wishing I

had some spell or item later, I decide to steal everything I can to

ensure that Imoen/Edwin, Haer'Dalis, and my protagonistS have all the

spells that can be scribed. I am not going to bother to tell you what

spells are good, which ones to look out for, or any of that spell

information I usually share. I'll reiterate: You should have EVERY

spell Lazarus sells before you leave. If I tell you to string together

a Pierce Magic, a Lower Resistance, and a Greater Malison into a Spell

Trigger, I'm going to just assume you have it, and every other spell

that might need to be cast. Since purchasing all these scrolls is

prohibitively expensive, the only good way to get all the spells you'll

want is to steal them. He's another difficult merchant and requires well

over 160% pick pockets to regularly steal from, but around 200% you can

steal at will. Gamers jumping into Throne of Bhaal without finishing

Shadows of Amn will just have to buy the Potions of Master Thievery from

Lazarus, and use them to relieve him of his stock. Besides the scrolls,

he has a few other items which are worth noting:


|Mage Spells| Lazarus Librarus



1st-Burning Hands


1st-Charm Person

1st-Chill Touch

1st-Chromatic Orb

1st-Color Spray

1st-Detect Evil

1st-Find Familiar





1st-Larloch's Minor Drain

1st-Magic Missile

1st-Protection From Evil

1st-Reflected Image


1st-Shocking Grasp



2nd-Agannazar's Scorcher



2nd-Detect Invisibility

2nd-Ghoul Touch





2nd-Know Alignment


2nd-Melf's Acid Arrow

2nd-Mirror Image

2nd-Power Word: Sleep

2nd-Ray of Enfeeblement

2nd-Resist Fear

2nd-Stinking Cloud






3rd-Detect Illusion

3rd-Dire Charm

3rd-Dispel Magic


3rd-Flame Arrow

3rd-Ghost Armor


3rd-Hold Person

3rd-Hold Undead

3rd-Invisibility 10' Radius

3rd-Lightning Bolt

3rd-Melf's Minute Meteors

3rd-Minor Spell Deflection

3rd-Monster Summoning I


3rd-Protection From Cold

3rd-Protection From Fire

3rd-Protection From Normal Missiles

3rd-Remove Curse

3rd-Remove Magic

3rd-Skull Trap


3rd-Spell Thrust

3rd-Vampiric Touch




4th-Emotion: Hopelessness

4th-Enchanted Weapon


4th-Fireshield (Blue)

4th-Fireshield (Red)

4th-Greater Malison

4th-Ice Storm

4th-Improved Invisibility

4th-Minor Globe of Invulnerability

4th-Minor Sequencer

4th-Monster Summoning II

4th-Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

4th-Polymorph Other

4th-Polymorph Self

4th-Secret Word

4th-Spider Spawn

4th-Spirit Armor


4th-Teleport Field

4th-Wizard Eye


5th-Animate Dead




5th-Cone of Cold

5th-Conjure Lesser Air Elemental

5th-Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental

5th-Conjure Lesser Earth Elemental



5th-Hold Monster

5th-Lower Resistance

5th-Minor Spell Turning

5th-Monster Summoning III


5th-Phantom Blade

5th-Protection From Acid

5th-Protection From Electricity

5th-Protection From Normal Weapons

5th-Shadow Door

5th-Spell Immunity

5th-Spell Shield



6th-Carrion Summons

6th-Chain Lightning

6th-Conjure Air Elemental

6th-Conjure Earth Elemental

6th-Conjure Fire Elemental


6th-Death Fog

6th-Death Spell


6th-Flesh to Stone

6th-Globe of Invulnerability

6th-Improved Haste

6th-Invisible Stalker


6th-Pierce Magic

6th-Power Word: Silence

6th-Protection From Magic Energy

6th-Protection From Magical Weapons

6th-Spell Deflection

6th-Stone to Flesh

6th-Summon Nishruu

6th-Tenser's Transformation

6th-True Sight

6th-Wyvern Call



7th-Control Undead

7th-Delayed Blast Fireball

7th-Finger of Death

7th-Khelben's Warding Whip

7th-Limited Wish


7th-Mass Invisibility

7th-Mordenkainen's Sword

7th-Power Word: Stun

7th-Prismatic Spray

7th-Project Image

7th-Protection From The Elements

7th-Ruby Ray of Reversal

7th-Spell Sequencer

7th-Spell Turning

7th-Sphere of Chaos

7th-Summon Djinni

7th-Summon Efreeti

7th-Summon Hakeashar


8th-Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting

8th-Bibgy's Clenched Fist

8th-Improved Mantle

8th-Incendiary Cloud


8th-Pierce Shield

8th-Power Word: Blind

8th-Protection From Energy


8th-Spell Trigger

8th-Summon Fiend

8th-Symbol: Death

8th-Symbol: Fear

8th-Symbol: Stun


9th-Absolute Immunity

9th-Bigby's Crushing Hand

9th-Black Blade of Disaster

9th-Chain Contingency

9th-Energy Drain




9th-Meteor Swarm

9th-Power Word: Kill


9th-Spell Trap


9th-Time Stop

9th-Wail of the Banshee


Bag of Holding


Another Bag of Holding? Yes please. The ultimate item in inventory

management... twice over! Just more pampering for that lazy ToB-only

crowd, but while it's an essential item for them, us SoA players can

still benefit.

Potion Case


In the original game we could have walked over to Watcher's Keep at

any time and picked one of these up, and enjoyed easier potion storage

throughout all of Shadows of Amn. In the Enhanced Edition, this is the

first Potion Case we've seen. Since it does for Potions what Scroll

Cases and Gem Bags do for scrolls and jewelry, you should certainly pick

one up.

The Paws of the Cheetah


The fifth, and final pair of boots in the game. They must have thrown

three of these things into the beginning of Throne of Bhaal just to

make up for players who didn't complete Shadows of Amn. There's really

no need for five pairs, however. One of my characters (Viconia or

Anomen, depending on who I'm playing with) already has a Ring of Free

Action, which negates these boots. And Imoen/Edwin doesn't really need

to move faster. I still steal them, but that's because I'm an item


Golden Ioun Stone


While it's not worth wearing on a long-term basis, it does help Imoen

with scroll-scribing, and increases the maximum number of spells/level

she can scribe.

Robe of the Evil/Good/Neutral Archmagi


If you've been through Shadows of Amn, you either already have some of

these, or better yet, you have the Robe of Vecna. Either way, you don't

need them. If, however, you've just started Throne of Bhaal, you might

as well steal some of these, as they're the best Mage Robes you're

going to find. Also, if you have an evil party set-up like mine (you

have an evil Fighter/Mage/Thief and are traveling with Haer'Dalis, with

the implication that your protagonist is wearing the Aslyferund Elven

Chain +5 and Haer'Dalis is still wearing Melodic Chain +3) you might

want to consider getting any one of these robes for Haer'Dalis. As long

as he has the 'Use Any Item' ability, he can wear it, and honestly... if

you elect to get The Warder's Signet +3 later, it'll be better for him

to retire the Melodic Chain and wear a Robe of the Archmagi with the

The Warder's Signet +3 (same Armor Class, better saves, magic


Batalista's Passport


Another item I grab, even though I don't intend to keep it equipped on

anybody. There will be a few cases where having more Fire Resistance

might be useful. In those cases, this ring is equipped. It spends most

of its time taking up space in my inventory, however.

I also make sure to steal the Yamato +4 and The Paws of the Cheetah from

the Bartender at the Tankard Tree Tavern... just so I have them.

Note: It costs about 540,000 gold to buy every scroll from Lazarus,

plus the Bag of Holding, Golden Ioun Stone, The Paws of the Cheetah and

Batalista's Passport-you know, the good stuff. This amount should, if

anything, help justify my stealing suggestion, as it's just not

practical to raise that much money. Of course, if you played through

Shadows of Amn, you won't really need every scroll to bring all your

Mages up to snuff. Still, to complete the spellbooks of any two Mages

expect to spend at least 100,000 gold... unless you steal. Note also

that the figure given at the begining was for a party with 20

reputation being led by a 21 Charisma Keldorn. Evil parties will pay



(For returning Lazurus' Spellbook to its rightful owner)

EXP 5000 (each character)

Militia Headquarters (AR5015)


15) Now it's time to wrap up one more little quest after our last big

stealing spree. Head over to the Militia Headquarters (x=1750, y=800),

where you'll witness a man named Mateo being tried for treason. Even

though we all know people named 'Mateo' are too shifty to be trusted,

Mateo does profess his innocence. The accusations of Mirnielle Santele

are too much, however, and to the delight of Kiser Jhaeri, Mateo is

taken away. Well, we know there's more to this than meets the eye, I

mean, Kiser had the 'Thief' character model. He's obviously up to no

good. Or maybe he started out as a Thief, but later dual-classed into a

less shifty profession, but was scarred forever due to his initial,

uninformed career-choice, perhaps brought on by economic hardships?

We'll find out. Talk to Captain Samand, and he'll admit that he doesn't

believe that Mateo is the traitor, and despite Mirnielle Santele's

confession there were three suspects: Mateo, Ardic Santele, and Kiser

Jhaeri. Of course, one of those three-Ardic, disappeared, and Mateo was

accused by Ardic's mother. Since there's obviously something going on,

offer to help investigate the case. There's got to be some good loot and

experience involved in a Throne of Bhaal quest, right? Head through the

door that Captain Samand opens at (x=500, y=200).


(x=700, y=150) Potion of Superior Healing x2

Militia Headquarters, Dungeon (AR5016)


16) Once downstairs talk to the Saradush Jailer (x=450, y=390) and get

him to open the door for you so you can speak to Mateo. Mateo is behind

the door at (x=600, y=300), and pretty much just tells you that you need

to go speak to Countess Santele, herself.


(x=350, y=400) Scroll of Identify, Bluestone Necklace

(x=570, y=100) Potion of Superior Healing x5, 47 gold

Countess Santele's House (AR5010)


17) So, let's head over to Countess Santele's House (x=1370, y=1370) and

talk to Mirnielle Santele (x=670, y=550). She'll readily admit that

Kiser kidnapped her son, Adric, to force her to testify. Now that she's

testified, however, Kiser has reneged on his deal. Mirnielle now fears

that Kiser has no intention of ever returning Ardic to her. And

honestly, if he's willing to betray the town and let in Yaga Shura's

soldiers, what possible motivation could he have for returning Ardic?

She'll tell you to go talk to Kiser and perhaps see if he won't free

her son. Ah, the hopeful optimism of a desperate mother... Anyways,

we have our avatar-answer, anybody and everybody with the Thief model

is a bad person.


(x=400, y=370) 1 gold

(x=170, y=370) Laeral's Tear Necklace

Kiser's Home (AR5008)


18) Well, we have no other leads, so head over to Kiser's Home

(x=2100, y=1800). Kiser is standing at (x=700, y=470), and he'll tell

you that a Mage by the name of Errard is the real traitor. Since

Errard can cover his tracks, however, it was naturally the inclination

of Captain Samand to incriminate Kiser. To cover himself until he could

unearth the real evidence against the real traitor, he took Ardic

hostage and forced Countess Sentele to finger Mateo. All to buy time,

you understand. After Kiser's story of fairies, aliens, and wonder

ends he'll suggest that you kill Errard. If you do this, you'll remove

Kiser's need to keep Ardic a hostage, remove a traitor, and punish the

guilty party. And you'll probably cure cancer, too. If you're evil,

Kiser is more forthcoming with his guilt and downright suggests that

you kill Errard to further his schemes of betraying the town-or

alternatively, he'll suggest you kill Countess Sentele to shut her up

for good. I'll cover killing Countess Sentele below (Step #19), and

dealing with Errard and Kiser in the following steps (Steps #20-23).


(x=700, y=200) Bullet +1 x5, 10 gold

(x=620, y=120) Scroll of Mislead, Bloodstone Ring, Arrows +1 x5

(x=1100, y=650) 8 gold

(x=1150, y=550) Angel Skin Ring, Skydrop Gem, 35 gold


(x=620, y=120)

(x=1150, y=550)


19) If you want to kill Countess Sentele, just be warned that numerous

guards will show up to defend her, and some of your party members

(Jaheira and Keldorn, at least) will turn hostile. Return to Kiser for

an experience reward, a good bit of gold, and the key with which you can

rescue Ardic for a reduced experience reward. On the plus side, the

guards summoned by the Countess all drop suit of Splint Mail +1 and

Two Handed Swords +1 for your selling pleasure. If you're not evil or

you just don't want to kill the Countess, see the following steps,



(For disposing of Countess Sentele)

EXP 5000 (each character)

Gold 10000

Item Secret Jail Door Key


20) If you talk to Countess Sentele, she'll tell you that killing

Errard is a distinctly bad idea-far from being a traitor, it seems that

Errard is a good man, and perhaps the only thing keeping Yaga Shura out

of Saradush. Kiser apparently expects us to do his dirty work for him.

Head to the walls over Castle Saradush to find Errard (x=2370, y=700).

If you want to kill him for Kiser, note that he's a fairly strong Mage,

but nothing a Breach and a True Sight can't fix. If you provoke Errard,

all the militia will turn hostile, which can in turn provoke townsfolk,

which... simply put, results in a huge mess. On the other hand if you

talk to Errard about Kiser, the betrayal of Saradush, and all that other

fun stuff, he'll ultimately decide to use his divination magic to find

where Ardic is hidden. We're all surprised when his magic reveals that

Ardic is somewhere in Kiser's house, and that we will have to go rescue

him ourselves.


(For disposing of Errard)

EXP 5000 (each character)

Gold 2000

Item Secret Jail Door Key


21) This is an aside, but since I noticed this during this point in the

quest with my evil party, I figured I'd point it out here. Along the

battlements north of Errard you'll see the common sight of Militia

Guards merrily firing away at Fire Giants (presumably too far away or

below the walls to be seen). What might not be immediately apparent is

the fact that your characters can-if AI controlled-fire at the Fire

Giants, too. These giants aren't quite as strong as later varieties

you'll be facing, but they don't seem capable of fighting back, and

they give you 8000 experience points per kill. The Fire Giants

infinitely respawn (even though they are never visible), hence providing

your characters with an endless shooting gallery-and source of

experience. Set all your characters with a ranged weapon to have the

'Standard Attack' script, turn AI on, and let your characters grind

while you... do whatever you wish. Take your vulnerable characters

(like Mages) and characters without good ranged options and put them

indoors somewhere, as this will protect them from the odd catapult

shots that might still bother you from time to time. As for the other

characters... give them Rings of Regeneration (you should have two of

them), the Ring of Gaxx, and perhaps the White Ioun Stone, if you need

more than three regeneration items. This should make good any damage

that your ranged attackers might suffer from the odd hostile catapult,

even though they shouldn't pester you too much on top of the wall. This

will go considerably faster if you've set the frame rate to 60 in the

configuration settings (hence, the game runs at double speed. Handy

stuff if you're playing through the game for the millionth time and

you're trying to speed things up.) Doing this I had gained about

1,200,000 experience in a mere fifteen minutes (200,000 per character),

and this would probably go even faster with more/better archers. I can

only imagine the gains that could be made if you let your characters

grind over night or while at work or school. Just be warned that your

characters will occassionally have banters that pause the action.

Kiser's Home, Basement (AR5014)


22) Return to Kiser's Home and you'll find that Kiser has wisely

retreated. Head down the stairs at (x=800, y=300) to find Kiser and

two cronies. The former will promise a gruesome demise for both you and

Ardic, but fortunately they don't have the means to back up their

intentions. Just watch our for backstabbing Thieves with too many

Potions of Invisibility and too much inclination to use them. The

majority of your foes will drop suits of Leather Armor +1, Daggers +2,

Short Swords +2, Potions of Extra Healing, and Potions of Invisibility.

Kiser drops a +3 Short Sword, rather than a +2 Short Sword, as well as

the Secret Jail Door Key, and the Shakti Figurine. This item turns a

non-Fighter into a Hasted warrior for four rounds, once per day. It

drops their Armor Class (or rather, sets it) to -5, and allows them to

attack twice per round with a +4 Short Sword as if they were specialized

with the weapon. By now, I'm hard-pressed to think of a character who is

weaker in combat than that already. Certainly Imoen contributes well

enough with the Gesen Bow +4, and Edwin does well enough with the

Crimson Dart +3. Before you go, disarm the trap at (x=1120, y=500).

I honestly don't know what that stupid trap did, much less the gears

behind it, but the game seems to think that it was important.


(x=1100, y=420) 2 gold

(x=790, y=260) Potion of Master Thievery, Potion of Perception

(x=650, y=350) King's Tears, Starfall Ore

(x=550, y=600) 17 gold


(x=1120, y=500)


23) Continue north-west through the doorway that Kiser was guarding

to encounter a rather high-level Mage. This is just a case of bad

scripting here, as the Mage is loathe to leave the hallways that she's

in. We know from experience that it's a bad idea to bottleneck ourselves

in front of a Mage, so don't. Just run around the corner until she

starts casting something, then run back around the corner. You can

waste a lot of her spells like this, and if you use a character like

Keldorn or Viconia, chances are they won't be affected by the few area

effect spells she'll throw at you. You can-at the very least-waste

her Time Stop sequence this way. When she is obliged to chase you,

lead her into the larger room where you entered and attack her with

your entire party.


24) From where the Mage was, continue to the north-east to find Ardic

Sentele (x=880, y=250), who thanks you briefly and departs... but not

before you get an experience reward for your trouble. Return to

Countess Sentele, and she'll provide another reward. If you killed

Countess Sentele earlier, you can still rescue Ardic without having

to fight anybody in Kiser's basement (or gaining any of the loot or

experience associated with fighting them.) If you tell him you killed

his mom, he'll attack you. If you just tell him she's dead, he'll

rush off to see and you'll get an experience reward. If you just

killed Errard to effect Ardic's release, you'll get an experience

reward, although Ardic isn't too happy about it.


(For rescuing Ardic Sentele)

EXP 7000 (each character)


(For reporting to Countess Sentele after rescuing Ardic)

EXP 5000 (each character)

Gold 2000


(For rescuing Ardic Sentele-after killing his mother or Errard)

EXP 5000 (each character)

Gromnir's Barracks (AR5005)


25) Now it's time for one last fight before we go after Gromnir. And

fittingly, we're going to harass some of Gromnir's men. Head over to

Gromnir's Barracks (x=650, y=1800) and head inside. You'll be chastised

by an Orog, and you can either leave, or pick a fight. Well, we didn't

come here for tea. The Orog is joined by other guards, including four

Orcs, four Humans, and an Orog. It's a straight melee fight, which

means, of course, they don't stand a chance. More waves of enemies will

continuously pour in, but they're weak enough that they shouldn't

cause you any real concern. Edwin uses a Horrid Wilting to pretty much

kill off a screen-full of enemies... he's got six of them, he can afford

to have some fun every once in a while. The key, if you're wondering,

opens the grates to the sewers outside, if you wanted to bypass the



(x=400, y=550) 2 gold

(x=150, y=450) 8 gold

(x=200, y=400) Potion of Extra Healing, 1 gold

(x=300, y=350) 12 gold

(x=220, y=300) 20 gold

(x=370, y=300) 1 gold, Key

(x=450, y=250) Sunstone Gem

(x=520, y=200) Potion of Superior Healing, 100 gold

(x=550, y=100) 15 gold

(x=500, y=100) 6 gold

(x=750, y=250) 8 gold


| Gromnir Il-Khan |


Sequence of Events: {WLK054}

1) Into the Prison

2) Vampires and Ghosts

3) Putting the Prison Spirit to Rest

4) Phlydian's Last Stand

5) Sneaking Through Castle Saradush

6) Freeing Vinke

7) Freeing More Prisoners

8) Strike First or be First Struck

9) Not so Elite...

10) Shadow Smite

11) Exterminating Yaga Shura Soldiers

12) Fear the Shadows, Face the Reaper

13) Full Circuit

14) Storming Castle Saradush

15) Showdown With Gromnir Il-Khan

16) Another Day, Another Bhaalspawn

17) Finishing Up Saradush

18) Merchant Murder

19) First Fire Giant Fight

20) Accessing the East

Prison (AR5006)


1) We're done messing around in Saradush, now and forever, and we have

several ways to proceed. Of them, I prefer to go through the Prison via

the Vampires. My protagonist can easily smite them for their juicy,

juicy experience, and it's really the only way into the Prison/Sewers

that entails anything more interesting than simply walking in. After

the four Vampires that attack are dead I bring the rest of my party

into the Prison.


(x=800, y=520) Arrow +3 x5, Bolt +3 x5, 3 gold

(x=750, y=400) Bullets +3 x10


2) Go north-east through a door (x=950, y=450) to find... more doors to

the north-east. Through the southernmost door (x=1170, y=470) you'll

find another Fledgling Vampire, which my protagonist promptly destroys

in a straight fight. Through the middle door (x=1050, y=400) you'll find

a locked secret door (x=1050, y=300). Beyond you'll be bothered by a

'Prison Spirit', who pantomimes his request to you. Acquiesce and loot

the barrel at (x=1330, y=330) and grab the skull.


(x=1330, y=330) Angel Skin Ring, Skull


3) My protagonist continues alone through the door at (x=850, y=250)

and smites some more Vampires. I go through another door (x=450, y=450)

and kill some more Vampires and am greeted by the Prison Spirit again,

this time his gestures indicates that some necklace is nearby. Appease

it by looting the bed at (x=500, y=720) and grabbing the Rusted Amulet.

Now go through the door at (x=470, y=600) and you'll get a message

informing you that a defiled grave in the corner contains a skeleton

bereft of its skull. Search the bed at (x=330, y=680) and place the

Skull and the Rusted Necklace on it and the Prison Spirit will show up

again, obviously requesting that you sanctify the grave with Elven Holy

Water, which we purchased earlier at the Temple of Waukeen. If you have

it in your inventory, it will automatically be used and the spirit

will lead you to a locked door (x=920, y=300) which we couldn't open

earlier. It'll open the door for us. Inside we'll find a Vampire and

a cot which contains a Bronze Ioun Stone. I don't have a use for it

just yet, but it'll come in handy, soon enough.


(x=500, y=720) Rusted Necklace, 3 gold

(x=950, y=250) Bronze Ioun Stone


4) There's a secret door at (x=550, y=900) in the cell south of the cell

where we found the Rusted Amulet. Go through it (or through the somewhat

less secretive northern route to reach another hallway, where I run into

another Vampire who needs to be smote.) Either pick or knock the door at

(x=330, y=830), or go through the secret door at (x=250, y=800). You

will eventually find a Vampire named Phlydian, who's somewhat stronger

than normal Vampires, who will decide to make a desperate last stand.

She, unlike the rest of the Vampires, knows better than to mess with a

Bhaalspawn, but realizes she has no real choice in the matter. I cut

her down along with whatever Vampires she has nearby. Once done, I head

through the door at (x=100, y=1000). Of course, if you want to keep

Castle Saradush sacred you can always leave the Prison, head back to

Saradush, and make your way through the Sewers now. It doesn't really

matter, since I plan to tackle the Sewers regardless of whether I hit

Castle Saradush first or not. You know, loot, experience, and most

importantly for this FAQ writer-completionism.


(For penetrating Gromnir's castle)

EXP 3000 (each character)

Castle Saradush, Dungeon (AR5007)


5) At (x=1970, y=1000) you'll find a Bhaalspawn named Asmay Jahag, who

will tell you that she's fleeing from Gromnir, who has gone mad with

paranoia. She'll warn you about traps, patrols, and other hazards, but

we're of a different mettle than she is. Yes, it is possible to sneak

through this place without starting a fight. There are, however, small

traps which simply cannot be disarmed, which you'll just have to avoid.

As for the other traps which can be disarmed, you'll have to be quick

with your Staff of the Magi to disarm them, then quickly become

invisible again, and without a Thief/Mage like Imoen, I wouldn't bother.

Still, if you disarm the trap outside the first door, cast Invisibility

10' Radius on your party, and sneak through the level marking the traps,

you can indeed get to the upper levels of the castle without a fight.

But who wants that, really? These guards are some of the stronger ones,

which means magical weapons to sell and good experience rewards to glut

ourselves with.


6) Go through the door at (x=1600, y=1300) and disarm the trap beyond

it at (x=1600, y=1330). At this task, Imoen excels, since she can just

reequip the Staff of the Magi to hide behind her invisibility after

opening doors, disarming traps, and whatnot. My Fighter/Mage/Thief

protagonist also has a bit of fun with this area. It might seem like a

great place to let her go crazy with her hit-and-run backstabs, but

keep in mind that some of these critters have quite a bit of Hit Points.

A mediocre backstab might not be enough to put down the typical Il-Khan

soldier wandering around. Anyways, disarm another trap (x=1250, y=1050)

and go through another door to find a prisoner named Vinke

(x=1300, y=950). If you talk to him (and you might need to be very quick

with your Staff of the Magi to stay hidden if the Orc Fighters are

standing near the door) you'll get a reputation boost. Why is this guy

named, but none of the other prisoners? I don't know. Don't bother going

through the door at (x=1000, y=950), as the guards will always go

hostile if you do. No taking shortcuts if you want to remain hidden.


(For freeing Vinke)

Reputation +1


(x=1600, y=1330)

(x=1250, y=1050)


7) Now head south-east and turn the corner to the south-west and disarm

or avoid the traps at (x=1520, y=1390) and (x=1460, y=1480). Why avoid

them? My Imoen was apparently not up to the challenge of disarming these

traps. Go through the door at (x=1170, y=1570) and talk to a Prisoner

(x=1050, y=1630) to get another point of reputation. Continue to the

north-west and disarm/avoid more traps (x=1140, y=1420), (x=970, y=1400)

and enter the door at (x=1830, y=1330). Avoid the trap inside the cell

at (x=770, y=1460) and talk to the final prisoner (x=750, y=1400) to

gain your final point of reputation.


(For freeing a Prisoner)

Reputation +1


(For freeing another Prisoner)

Reputation +1


(x=1520, y=1390)

(x=1460, y=1480)

(x=1140, y=1420)

(x=970, y=1400)

(x=770, y=1460)


8) Now that all the prisoners have been freed, this is when I'd head

back, cast my Invisibility 10' Radius, and sneak through the traps to

freedom... if that's what I wanted to do. Which it isn't. Instead I

sneak my invisible party over to the door at (x=700, y=1150) and

surround the Mage. I begin with a prompt, and thoroughly fatal attack

on the Mage, after which it's just a straight melee with the surviving

guards. Most of the Fighters will use Oils of Speed to Haste themselves,

and Thieves will use Potions of Invisibility to score backstabs, but

I've more muscle than they can imagine. As long as I keep True Sight

up and make sure nobody is getting ganged up on, I'm fine, even if

these are some of Gromnir's stronger lackeys. My Fighter/Mage/Thief

protagonist starts things out with a resounding backstab on the Mage,

dealing 80 points of damage and killing her outright. I now loot the

dead guards for their potions, magical arms, and Plate Mail Armor.


(x=970, y=1250) Bullets +3 x20, Potion of Extra Healing x3


9) Go into the room to the north-west and dispatch a pair of Elite Orcs

and an Elite Orog. After the enemies we just killed, they don't seem

very elite to me. At least they all carry Battle Axes +1. Continue to

the north-east and kill another pair of Elite Orcs and a pair of Elite

Orogs. Finally, in the last room to the north-east you'll find a trio

of Elite Orcs, and a pair of Elite Orogs. It's sure a lot easier going

through the Sewers, it seems. We can now reach the upper levels of

Castle Saradush by going up the stairs at (x=1600, y=400), but I prefer

to explore the Sewers (x=300, y=550), first. Yeah, I'm listing them in

reverse order, and well later than some people may explore them, but I

already admitted to preferring the Prison route due to the Vampire

ambush we can orchestrate at the beginning. It's my FAQ, we'll do this

my way.


(x=520, y=1000) Bolts x160

(x=350, y=900) Fflar's Scabbard, 1 gold

(x=550, y=720) Wand of Lightning

(x=600, y=700) Arrows x160

(x=700, y=700) Acid Arrows x20, Arrows of Ice x20

(x=280, y=610) Bullets +1 x40, Bullets +2 x20

(x=470, y=600) Bullets x160, Darts x120

(x=1250, y=350) 14 gold

(x=1560, y=260) Bolt +2 x20, Bolt of Lightning x40


(x=550, y=720)

(x=1560, y=260)

Sewers (AR5013)


10) From the stairs leading to Castle Saradush, go through a secret door

at (x=2100, y=500). Immediately beyond the door awaits some Devil

Shades, pesky undead that can level drain, and when they die they turn

into two Shadow Fiends. My protagonist and Anomen (with his Mace of

Disruption +2) step forward to deal with the problem directly while

everybody else switches to a ranged weapon. If the situation is getting

out of hand, I just use Daystar to hit the enemies with a Sunray.


11) To the north-west you'll find a group of Yaga Shura soldiers,

including a Duergar Sapper, an Orc Archer, and an Umber Hulk. The

Orc Archer can use the 'Called Shot' ability from the Archer Kit of

the Ranger Class. The Duergar will drop a War Hammer +2, and the Orc

Archer will drop a Composite Long Bow +1, a multitude of Arrows +1, and

Studded Leather Armor +2. Continue to the south-west and you'll find a

similar group, this time joined by two Elite Orogs. They actually bear

the description 'elite' at least a little better, as they'll drop Plate

Mail Armor, a Battle Axe +2 and some gems and/or jewelry, as well as

some Potions of Extra Healing. To the south is a Yaga-Shura Mage, who

despite his spell-buffs isn't really capable of surviving a Breach

followed by a direct melee assault (or an 84-damage backstab from my

evil protagonist, for that matter). Continue south and exterminate

another Elite Orog, two more Orc Archers, and a Duergar Sapper. If you

hadn't guessed already, this area is another great backstab playground

for my evil Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist... lots of corners to run

around to facilitate her hit-and-run tactics. In fact, it's so

successful here, that aside from the undead in Step #10, my evil

protagonist clears this entire level by herself... you know, for fun.


12) If you keep going south you'll find another exit back to Saradush,

so go east along the southern edge of the map. When you reach a tunnel

running north-south, kill the Elite Orog, Duergar Sapper, and their

pet Umber Hulk and head south, then east, kill another Umber Hulk, and

then travel north-west to reach the middle of the map. An Orog will

worry about the return of some shadows, and his subservient Duergar will

remind him of the delicate nature of sapping. When they notice you,

they'll attack, but some Shadow Fiends will show up to distract them.

More Shadows and Shadow Fiends will show up the longer the fight runs,

but you shouldn't let that get in the way of the experience you'll get

for killing the Yaga-Shura troops, yourself. If things get too out of

hand, there's always Sunray.


13) We're now exactly north of where we killed our last group of Yaga

Shura troops. To the north-west we'll find an exit from the sewers,

beyond familiar territory. Head to the north-east and dispatch another

group of Yaga-Shura troops, including a Duergar Sapper, an Elite Orog,

and a Yaga-Shura Mage, who again succumbs readily to Breach. If you

continue to the north-east, you'll find another exit to Saradush. We're

done with the Sewers, and while we may not have found anything unique,

we did get some good experience, and loot to sell.

Castle Saradush (AR5001)


14) Head back up into the dungeons of Castle Saradush and make your way

to the staircase leading up to the next level. Before I go I cast

another Invisibility 10' Radius. Once upstairs we'll run into a group of

Gromnir's soldiers, including an Il-Khan Battle Mage, an archer, and

three Fighters. The point of the Invisibility was to oblige the

Battle Mage to cast True Sight. While he's casting I immediately attack

him, and since he's in the middle of casting he probably won't live to

get off any defensive spells. That's one down without any trouble, and

since the remaining four have no magic support, there's really not

much to worry about. Sure, they're strong melee Fighters, but we can

always withdraw injured characters. Amusingly enough, only the spear-

wielding warrior has a weapon which can hurt my protagonist. If you

picked the good path in Shadows of Amn, pay the spear-user special

attention after the Mage bites the dust and you can cheaply kill the

remaining three. Spellbuff and heal before you head upstairs

(x=900, y=400).

Castle Saradush, Throne Room (AR5002)


15) Once upstairs you'll be treated to a lengthy conversation between

Gromnir and Melissan, who Gromnir now suspects of treachery. After his

rantings are over and Melissan is taken away by his guards he'll turn

his attentions onto you, and he doesn't even bother giving you a chance

to speak. Just as well, branching dialogue just means more work for me.

Gromnir is flanked by two high-powered Mages, Karun the Black and an

Il-Khan Battlemage, both of which are 18th-level Mages. More

reinforcements will appear by the stairs to the north-east, including

Berena Elkan (15th-level Fighter), Eler Had (15th-level Thief) and an

Il-Khan Soldier. Gromnir himself is a 20th-level Fighter. As usual, the

Mages are by far the most dangerous foes here, capable of casting

spells such as Horrid Wilting, Symbol, Stun, Time Stop, and Wail of

the Banshee. Otherwise, Gromnir, Berena Elkan, and Eler Had have a

respectable number of Hit Points, but are otherwise unimpressive foes.

You can take down the opposition with good old-fashioned Shadows of

Amn tactics-charge Gromnir with your warriors and have Jaheira target

him with an Insect Plague, which should spread to the Mages. This is

Throne of Bhaal, however, and I'm more inclined to flex my magical

muscle. I send my protagonist to engage Gromnir Il-Khan, while the

rest of my party (sans Edwin/Imoen) head to the stairs to hold off

Berena Elkan and Eler Had. Edwin/Imoen, for their part, start casting

a Time Stop, and With the Robe of Vecna, I should get off Time Stop

before the enemy Mages get off any offensive spells of their own. Even

though they'll certainly get off some contingencies, they've got one

fatal hole in their defenses-they will not put up any high-end spell

protections which block Horrid Wilting. Imoen casts a Greater Malison

and two Horrid Wiltings, while Edwin just casts three Horrid Wiltings.

This should outright kill the two Mages, and hurt Gromnir a good bit.

If you can catch more enemies in the area, by all means, but remember

the goal is to kill the Mages. After that, it becomes a straight melee.

Keldorn activates True Sight to neutralize Eler Had, who is overly fond

of backstabbing, but really, the fight is over for a well-prepared party

once the two Mages bite the dust.

Note: The characters in this fight have all kinds odd stat anomalies.

Gromnir himself boasts a 19 Strength, Constitution and Dexterity.

I suppose he scored some Tomes during the first game, as well? The

Mages, on the other hand, have surprisingly low stats-they both have an

Intelligence score of 15, I'm not quite sure how they can cast some of

the spells they know... but whatever. Finally, Eler Had and Berena Elkan

both have identical stats-Hit Points, base THAC0, Saving Throws, and

attributes (including an 18/50 Strength and a 19 Constitution). How

this is possible is beyond me.

Note From Lee:

I have Jaheira cast Creeping Doom on one mage while Edwin casts Horrid

Wilting on the other; the rest of the party goes after the fighters by

the stairs. The two spells are all that's needed to clear the platform,

and the fighters die without getting in more than a couple hits.


(For ending Gromnir Il-Khan's reign of terror in Saradush)

EXP 30000 (each character)


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Gromnir Il-Khan {VID011}


16) Once Gromnir and his Bhaalspawn servants are dead, Melissan shows

up, predictably too late to stop the slaughter, but well enough in

time to send you on a mission to kill more Bhaalspawn. It seems

perfectly reasonable that we could evacuate all the Bhaalspawn and

Melissan via our Pocket Plane, but Melissan insists that we save the

city of Saradush. To do that, we're going to need to take out Yaga

Shura, a powerful Fire Giant Bhaalspawn who is apparently immune to

all the harm we could bring to him. Perhaps if we visited his

birthplace, the Forest of Mir, we could discover where he developed

this power-and disrupt it. And if that fails, we'll need to go to the

Marching Mountains to find some of his fanatics, who may know the

secret behind Yaga Shura's invulnerability. Melissan leaves you to

your business now, which means, of course, looting. Here's what we'll


Berena Elkan: Plate Mail Armor, Spear +3, Potions of Extra Healing x2

and 10 gold.

Eler Had: Grandmaster's Armor +6, Potions of Invisibility (varies),

Dagger +1, Potions of Extra Healing x2 and 10 gold.

Gromnir Il-Khan: Full Plate Mail +2, Morning Star +3, Roranach's Horn,

Lavender Ioun Stone, Ice Star +4, Rogue Stone, Potion of Extra

Healing x2, Potion of Superior Healing x5 and 1200 gold.

Il-Khan Battle Mage: Adventurer's Robe and a Quarterstaff +2.

Il-Khan Soldier: Studded Leather Armor +2, Composite Long Bow +1 and

Arrows +1 (varies).

Karun the Black: Adventurer's Robe and a Quarterstaff +2.

Alright, the Grandmaster's Armor +6 is pretty nice armor for a Thief,

Ranger, or Druid. It easily beats out the Shadow Dragon Scale, in any

case, and while wearing it you can The Paws of the Cheetah with

something else. The Ice Star +4 is a powerful weapon, but it's weaker

than both Crom Faeyr and the Flail of the Ages, so I never bother using

it. Roranach's Helm could come in handy if we fight lots of enemies that

use blunt weapons, but we have better helmets, and better ways of

resisting damage. The Lavender Ioun Stone easily out-competes the

Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, but for melee characters, I prefer something

that protects against critical hits, especially with the outrageous

damage they can do in Throne of Bhaal. If Anomen can land a critical

for 50 points of damage, there's no reason a Fire Giant can't. A

Helmet of Defense provides this, some elemental resistances, and a

bonus to all saves. All in all, the best of the gear we got here is

only useful in the short-term. Ah well.


17) Before I leave I go sell all the loot I've found during my stay in

Saradush. Merchants aren't exactly easy to find in Throne of Bhaal, if

you haven't noticed, and I'd rather lighten my load than store stuff in

the Pocket Plane. All in all, everything I accumulated sells for about

90,000 gold. Hey, it pays to sell in bulk. While I'm in the tavern I

talk to Viekang again, and tell him I've discovered a way to spark his

power. He teleports off when he gets scared, so the natural solution

would be to cast a Horror spell on him! Prepare one up and give it a

go, and wouldn't you know, Viekang vanishes as explosively as he did in

Trademeet. And best of all, I get some experience for doing it. If you

talk to the Harlot near Countess Sentele's House you'll get another

small experience reward for avenging her parents.


(For avenging the Harlot's parents)

EXP 1000 (each character)


(For helping Viekang overcome his bravery)

EXP 2000 (each character)

North Forest (AR6400)


18) Return to your Pocket Plane when you're done in Saradush and leave

again. You'll get three options-return from whence you came (which

right now would be Saradush), return to Saradush (duh...), or head to

the Marching Mountains. I know, how about that place we've never been

before? When you arrive at the Marching Mountains you'll find a group

of Merchants being slaughtered by some weak Yaga-Shura Soldiers. Kill

them and the surviving Merchant, Karthis al-Hezzar, will talk to you

after the killing is done and offer to show you his wares. If you're

nice to him when you greet him, you'll improve your reputation, and

he'll give you a small reward. If you demand a reward, you'll get

significantly more money, but no reputation. If you threaten him...

well... he'll turn hostile and run away. Amusingly, he'll have a burst

of speed right after he turns hostile, and he has decent Hit Points,

making him somewhat harder to kill than a normal NPC. He'll leave

behind a suit of Leather Armor, Potions of Superior Healing x2,

an Oil of Speed, a King's Tears Gem, a Moonstone Gem, a Two Handed

Sword, and 6095 gold. If you shop, he's got the typical Throne of Bhaal

collection of magical weapons that puts the entire arsenal of Baldur's

Gate 1 to shame, but aside from the Obsidian Ioun Stone, he really

doesn't have anything unique (although grabbing another Potion Case

comes highly recommended!) As for the Yaga-Shura troops, most drop

mundane arms and armor and some gold. One drops a Two Handed Sword +1

and some Potions of Superior Healing, but that's the best of the bunch.

Still, all that Plate Mail Armor sells.


(For saving Karthis al-Hezzar and demanding payment)

Gold 4240


(For saving Karthis al-Hezzar... just because you're nice like that)

Gold 1000

Reputation +1


19) Once you're done playing with merchants, head south and cross the

lake to the east. On the eastern shore we'll find our first Fire

Giants of the game... provided you didn't venture too far into Watcher's

Keep. Anyhow, just because this is our first fight doesn't mean it has

to be a fair one. Instead, keep your group on the rocks leading

across the water, where the Fire Giants are too big to cross. It's the

same strategy as with the Adamantite Golems, go somewhere too small for

them to follow and shoot them to death. After you're done, pick up their

juicy Fire Giant loot.

Note from Lee:

After killing one Fire Giant, the second one said, "No more" and walked

away when he hit Badly Injured status. I tried to chase him, but he just

disappeared. Pussy...


20) Continue to the east and exterminate whatever Yaga-Shura troops you

find. No special tactics are required until you cross the bridges to

the east because no special enemies show their faces until then. At

the end of the bridges is a Yaga-Shura Mage, who is really just a

pushover. North of the Mage are numerous fodder foot-soldiers, and north

still is a house, near which you'll find more footman-fodder, two

Clerics of Talos, and two more Fire Giants. The Clerics aren't really

strong enough to cause much of a problem, and they should be

sufficiently spread out so that you won't have to fight all the enemies

nearby at once. After any spellcasters I see are dead, I focus on the

Fire Giants, who can hit pretty hard, but they don't really have the

Armor Class to be overwhelmingly threatening. The Clerics of Talos will

drop some Potions of Superior Healing, and the Yaga-Shura Officers near

the house will drop Two Handed Swords +1 and some Potions of Superior

Healing. The real loot, however, is dropped by the Fire Giants, who are

fond of dropping Star Sapphires (among other loot). This works out

great, since I'm fond of possessing Star Sapphires. Save all of the

Star Sapphires you find, however, we'll need some later. When you're

done with this area, exit along the eastern edge of the map to access

the Forest of Mir - The Temple area and the Marching Mountains area.

Of course, I have no intention of pursuing Yaga Shura now. It was my

goal to tackle Watcher's Keep as soon as we got access to Cespenar,

and as soon as the story allowed us to return to Watcher's Keep. That

would be now. Don't worry about the story for now, sieges take a long

time, I'm sure Saradush will still be standing when we're done, and

we'll be all the stronger for sacking Watcher's Keep. After all, what

better way is there to prepare for large showdowns with half-siblings

than to pillage some terrible dungeon somewhere? If it was good enough

in Baldur's Gate 1, it's good enough in Baldur's Gate 2, I say. Oh,

and don't try to be cute and attack the Siege Camp of Yaga Shura. The

game isn't messing around with its primary points here. Yaga Shura's

army is immaterial, and will crumble once its leader is gone, but

Yaga Shura himself is impervious to our attacks right now. The only

thing you'll achieve by fighting Yaga Shura now is to get overwhelmed

by hordes of Fire Giants and Yaga Shura Soldiers. It is, however, a

decent way to grind for experience if you have the stomach or the need

for it. Just don't go too far west off the bridge and you won't draw

Yaga Shura into the fight. At this point in the game I had just over

4,000,000 experience, and I saw no real need to bother leveling up.

If I lose a fight, it'll be because I under-prepared, or because of

poor execution, not because I was under-leveled.


| Watcher's Keep, Level 1 |


Sequence of Events: {WLK055}

1) The Knights of the Vigil

2) Sister Garlena Shopping

3) Into the Keep

4) The Western Library

5) A Sign of Things to Come

6) Main Chamber

7) The Eastern Library

8) The Priest's Room

9) Lighting the Fires

10) The Archivist's Gratitude

11) Grumpy Old Priest

12) Golem Bashing

13) Performing the Ritual

14) Subduing the Statues

15) Crafting with Cespenar I

Watcher's Keep (AR3000)


1) Watch the little cutscene describing Watcher's Keep. Whether you're

here during Throne of Bhaal or sometime during Shadows of Amn, a few

things remain the same: Do not explore past the first level until you

have a very strong, well-equipped party. I wouldn't suggest attempting

it with a party who isn't at least near the end of Shadows of Amn. A

new party in Throne of Bhaal should put this quest off until they've

managed to grab some gear from the expansion. Still, if you're just

here to shop and loot the first level a bit... well, anybody can do that


You'll find the Knights of the Vigil, and more particularly their leader

Odren at (x=1800, y=2200). He'll kindly tell you that they're servants

of Helm sent here to guard against some great evil imprisoned within.

The great evil, he'll say, cannot forever be held by this prison, and

has corrupted the keep to the point that they can no longer make their

way to the ritual chamber to renew the seals on the evil within. Enter a

brave group of heroes willing to clear the way for them-hey, that's us!

Agree to help them and you'll be whisked away to the top of Watcher's

Keep, to work your way down. Before you get busy, talk to Brother Pol

(x=1150, y=500) and he'll give you the Vigil Stone and the Ritual

Scroll, as well as talk your ear off. There are five levels, and each is

sealed, requiring you to perform a specific task before you're able to

open the seal to the next level and continue on. As you breach the lower

levels of the keep, you'll get access to some of the side-doors, which

prevent you from having to wander down through earlier levels to reach

your desired, lower level.


2) Also talk to Sister Garlena (x=980, y=700) to get access to the gear

the Knights of the Vigil have. As for scrolls they have a fair

selection of the low-and-mid level essentials, but after our stay in

Saradush, we're not wanting for spells. Unfortunately you can't rob

them, so you'll have to buy your spells. You should already have most of

these, and if not there's still plenty of chances to get them without

paying. She also sells a Potion Case, which is a wonderful item for

inventory management, as well as a Gem Bag, should you need another.

Aside from scrolls and containers, she also sells a few unique items,

listed below:


|Mage Spells| Sister Garlena




1st-Burning Hands

1st-Charm Person

1st-Chill Touch

1st-Chromatic Orb

1st-Color Spray

1st-Detect Evil





1st-Larloch's Minor Drain

1st-Magic Missile

1st-Protection From Evil

1st-Protection From Petrification

1st-Reflected Image


1st-Shocking Grasp



2nd-Agannazar's Scorcher


2nd-Detect Invisibility

2nd-Ghoul Touch




2nd-Know Alignment

2nd-Melf's Acid Arrow

2nd-Mirror Image

2nd-Resist Fear

2nd-Stinking Cloud






3rd-Dire Charm

3rd-Dispel Magic


3rd-Flame Arrow

3rd-Ghost Armor


3rd-Hold Person

3rd-Invisibility 10' Radius

3rd-Lightning Bolt

3rd-Monster Summoning I


3rd-Protection From Normal Missiles

3rd-Skull Trap


3rd-Vampiric Touch



4th-Fireshield (Blue)

4th-Greater Malison

4th-Ice Storm

4th-Improved Invulnerability

4th-Minor Globe of Invulnerability

4th-Monster Summoning II

4th-Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

4th-Polymorph Other

4th-Polymorph Self

4th-Spirit Armor



5th-Animate Dead




5th-Cone of Cold


5th-Emotion: Hopelessness


5th-Hold Monster

5th-Monster Summoning III

5th-Protection From Electricity

5th-Shadow Door


6th-Pierce Magic

Firetooth +4


Easily the best Crossbow in the game, and quite possibly the best

ranged weapon, overall. This Crossbow is a +4 specimen that creates

its own +2 Fire Bolts. Used in conjunction with a Case of Plenty it'll

lower the user's THAC0 even further, and ut can also be upgraded to +5

later. There's not a better ranged weapon in the game for Dorn, Keldorn,

or Sarevok.

Short Sword of Mask +4


Well, it's the best Short Sword we've found thus far, but that's not

really saying much, is it? As a +4 weapon, it's got the same enchantment

bonus as Cutthroat +4, but it also has a 15% chance to entangle targets

for four rounds. It can also be upgraded later, and all in all, it's

not a bad weapon... for a Short Sword.

Watcher's Keep, First Level (AR3001)


3) When you're ready, enter the keep at (x=1000, y=500) and go through

the door at (x=2000, y=1800) to find a room full of loot and occupied

by a wandering Archivist who complains about the cold. Grab the loot,

including the Paladins Bracers, which can be upgraded into Blessed

Bracers for a significant amount of money. They're still not worth

wearing, however.


(x=2050, y=1900) Paladin's Bracers, Bullet +1 x40, Bolt +1 x40,

Bolt x80, Arrow x80, Bullet x80, Dart x80, Antidote x6

(x=1900, y=1800) Potion of Extra Healing x4, Wand of Sleep,

Bloodstone Amulet, 250 gold

(x=1880, y=1800) Books, Throwing Dagger x60, Throwing Axe x60

(x=1850, y=1850) Books, 371 gold


(x=2050, y=1900)

(x=1900, y=1800)


4) Continue through another door to the south-west (x=1770, y=2000) and

kill a Stone Golem before continuing through yet another door to the

north-west (x=1550, y=2000) and smiting a group of Orogs. After the

fight you'll find yourself in a library. Search the shelves for a

variety of books, the four interesting ones are as follows: Tattered

Parchments, more ritual notes which will describe a procedure we'll

perform shortly; Elminster's Ecologies, a book which details rare

enemies we'll find later in the keep; and a Handwritten Note,

essentially a series of codes we'll use later on in the keep. The Golem

manual is a nifty book which summons a Flesh Golem for 10 rounds. Flesh

Golems are pretty weak by now, but we can upgrade the book into

strategic relevance, later.


(x=1600, y=1800) Tattered Parchment,

Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa

(x=1500, y=1700) Handwritten Note

(x=1300, y=1600) Golem Manual, 8 gold

(x=1200, y=1550) Tattered Parchment, Darts of Wounding x20, 2000 gold


5) Continue through another door at (x=900, y=1550) to enter a room

with a rather ominous statue. Any Dungeons and Dragons veteran worth

their salt knows just by looking what particular critter that is, but

I won't ruin the surprise for you if you don't. Anyways, this room

contains some decent loot, the Crimson Dart +3 is a nice ranged weapon

for Edwin. It sure beats giving him Fire Tooth +3, which should always

stay on Jaheira as her ranged option. Also you'll find your first

infinite ammo case, just too late to be of any use. After all,

Firetooth +4 shoots off its own unlimited supply of '+2 Fire Arrows'.

Make sure to grab the Bell, which just screams 'quest related', and note

that there's another copy of Elminster's Ecologies-they really expect

you to know how to kill those critters listed therein.


(x=770, y=1200) Bullet +3 x10, Crimson Dart +3, Iol Gem,

Potion of Superior Healing, Chain Mail Armor +2,

History of the Imprisoned one

(x=600, y=1150) Case of Plenty +1, Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa

(x=500, y=1220) Bell


(x=770, y=1200)

(x=600, y=1150)


6) Go through the door at (x=850, y=1200) and explore the main chamber

of this level, which is lined by statues. Who's guessing they won't

remain inactive forever? You may run into a few Mephits here, smite

them and note the two prominent features in this room. In the middle of

the level at (x=1450, y=1150) you'll find the inactive gate to the

next level. Its inactivity probably has something to do with the statue

at (x=700, y=700) depicting a figure with a book, a bell, and a candle.

One down, two to go, eh? Don't grab the Holy Book just yet, as the two

statues nearby will animate and attack. We'll deal with them shortly,

and there's no harm in leaving the Holy Book alone until we have the

bell and the candle.


(x=800, y=800) Holy Book


7) Return to the main chamber and head across to the the first door

after the entrance (x=2000, y=1100). It's time to hit the eastern side

of the map. Through the door you'll face a collection of Shadow Fiends

and Shadows, and if they didn't trouble you in the Sewers under

Saradush, they won't trouble you now. Grab the Wardstone and head

through the door to the south-east (x=2770, y=1200) and loot the room

in the south-eastern corner to score a second Wardstone and another

Tattered Parchment. Go through yet another door to the south-west

(x=2600, y=1400) and destroy a Spellhaunt. More looting awaits you,

including another Handwritten Note and a Key.


(x=2250, y=900) Wardstone

(x=2450, y=1050) Potion of Superior Healing

(x=2550, y=1300) Tattered Parchment

(x=2800, y=1220) Wardstone, Potion of Superior Healing,

Scroll of Sphere of Chaos, Small Shield +2

(x=2400, y=1520) Handwritten Note

(x=2600, y=1500) Key, Potion of Extra Healing x4, King's Tears


8) Now return to the room where you killed the Shadows, disarm the trap

(x=2000, y=900) and go through the door to the north-west at

(x=2000, y=750). Note the plaque at (x=1950, y=800) which mentions

'Giltham', who enjoyed curling up near the kitchen fire with a good

book. Disarm the multiple traps in this room and loot it. The Ammo Belt

is just another of various storage devices, the Tinderbox will help us

out later on, and the Scribbled Note mentions using the Tinderbox to

light the kitchen fires.


(x=2000, y=600) Tinderbox, Ammo Belt

(x=1900, y=600) Scribbled Note, Potion of Superior Healing x2

(x=1850, y=600) Quiver of Plenty +1, Handwritten Note

(x=1650, y=750) Gold Ring, Old Slippers


(x=2000, y=900)

(x=1800, y=750)

(x=2000, y=600)

(x=1850, y=600)


9) If you haven't gathered from the multitude of hints the game has

given, it's time to go to the kitchen. Go back into the main chamber and

go through the door at (x=660, y=900) to reach the room in the

north-western corner of the level. In this room you'll find an Ooze

Mephit, three Green Slimes, and an Ochre Jelly. All you really have to

watch out for is the Ooze Mephit's Stinking Cloud, but this shouldn't be

of too much concern. Reduce them and go into the room, where you can

claim the Candle. Two down. Light the fireplace at (x=300, y=1100) for

some yummy quest experience.


(x=700, y=950) Bullets +2 x20, 1 gold

(x=600, y=900) Wand of the Heavens

(x=350, y=1050) Candle, Arrows +3 x20, Bolts +3 x20, Bullets +2 x20,

9 gold


(For lighting the fires in the kitchen)

EXP 4000 (each character)


10) After lighting the fires, the Archivist will appear and thank you.

He'll tell you about another ghost here, that of an old Priest who has

become forgetful in his old age. He warns you that the Priest has

developed quite a temper, and can be placated with his Old Slippers

(which we already have). He will also tell you that to gain access to

the lower level, we have to complete a ritual, first. Return to the

main chamber and head over to the large double doors at

(x=1400, y=700). These doors can be opened with the key we found in

Step #7.


11) Head inside and ignore the imposing pair of Guardian Golems on

either side of the room. Activate the tomb at (x=1400, y=400) to summon

the Priest. He'll be very cranky, and will attack when you summon

him... unless, of course, you brought his slippers. He's an undead

Cleric, but far from being a bother like a Lich, he doesn't have the

spell defenses to make him truly threatening. He'll summon some

Skeleton Warriors to help him, but the Golems apparently decided they

had better things to do than bother me. Still, it's more rewarding

to give him his slippers. He'll even let you look through his

sarcophagus! Nobody likes having cold feet. Don't dwell on the fact

that, in terms of overall experience, you just gained about twice as

much experience for handing over a pair of Old Slippers as you did for

killing any Dragon thus far encountered.


(For placating the Priest by giving him his Old Slippers)

EXP 20000 (each character)


12) Once the Priest is dealt with, one way or another, search his

sarcophagus again to take a peek at his ceremonial robe, which will

allow you to see the Holy Ritual - Chapter XII, Verse XIV, as well as

earn you some experience. Well, there is only one thing left to do.

There's a statue that can be looted... some Golems that still haven't

gone hostile yet... we all know what's going to happen. Loot the statue

at (x=1050, y=400) and the Golems... do nothing. Huh. Umm... Oh right,

the Wardstones. Put them on the ground and the Golems will finally turn

hostile. Run to any smaller doorway and shoot them to death. Or if

they're extra dumb, they'll get caught on one another. Either way,

dispose of them for some experience. They're not nearly as strong as

Adamantite Golems, since they lack the damage resistance, but they're

still worth the kill. Stupid, obedient, wardstone-controlled Golems...


(For searching the sarcophagus and learning the last part of the ritual)

EXP 8000 (each character)


13) Now it's time to perform that ritual. Head up to the large statue

at the end of the main chamber (x=700, y=700) and search the altar

(x=900, y=800). It already contains the Holy Book we need, so place

the other two components (the Bell and the Candle) on the altar. The

two Statues nearby will animate and attack, but they're just melee

enemies... Smite them and loot one for the sword Foebane +3. The

'Guardian' will ask you to complete the ritual. The answers you need to

give are listed below, in order:

Answer #1: Ring the bell

Answer #2: Ring the bell

Answer #3: Light the Candle

Answer #4: Open the Book

Answer #5: Ring the bell


(For completing the ritual)

EXP 25000 (each character)

Note From Lee:

Watch out for the Insect Plagues from the statues at (x=920, y=1050) and

(x=1200, y=850); having it used against you will demonstrate just how

potent this spell really is. I split the party into three groups, the

strongest of which goes after those statues immediately to prevent them

from casting their spells.

Note: During my first playthrough with the good party (the one around

which I based the original version of this guide) Foebane +3 did not

drop. I had remembered this weapon (useless, though it may be) from

previous playthroughs. Of course, since I didn't receive it, I couldn't

comment on it, and as a rule I refuse to look things up in wikis and

other resources for omissions my guides might have. Fortunately, it

dropped with my evil party. Long story short, sorry for the omission

of this weapon previously, for those of you who followed v1.00 of this

FAQ. I was aware of it, and I did get around to correcting



14) Once the ritual is complete, the remaining four statues will react

and attack. This includes the Gnoll Statue, the Golem Statue, and

the two Thief Statues, one of which is an archer, and the other of which

attacks in melee. I saw no real need for a special strategy, I let them

come to me and when they did, I had my protagonist cast Stoneskin. He

went to engage the archer, while the rest of my party ganged up on the

others and cut them all down one at at time. The melee Thief Statue will

drop Usuno's Blade +4, which really wants to be Celestial Fury, but

alas, it is not. The Archer Thief will drop an assortment of Arrows +3,

Arrows of Fire, Arrows, a Long Bow +3, and another Suryris' Blade +2.

You can now go through the portal to the next level at (x=1450, y=1150).


15) Before you go, however, there are a few new items Cespenar can

create for us:

Blessed Bracers


(10000 gold)

(Paladin's Bracers)

First, if we're willing to spend 10000 gold we can upgrade the Paladin's

Bracers into Blessed Bracers. For that price, the bracers gain the

ability to cast Cure Critical Wounds once/day, and cast Resurrection

once/day. First, Cure Critical Wounds a day is nice, but not nearly as

nice as the Armor Class The Brawling Hands give Keldorn, and second...

we all know how I feel about Resurrection. If you don't die, you won't

need it.

Case of Plenty +2


(5000 gold)

(Case of Plenty +1)

If you have Firetooth +4, you don't need this... except, however, that

the THAC0 bonuses from the bow stack with the ammunition. That's right,

at the point at which my Keldorn had this upgrade available, his

THAC0 was -9 for Firetooth, and -11 if he was using these arrows.

What's 5000 gold in exchange for a reduced THAC0? Note that this also

applies to the Quiver of Plenty +2. Imoen's THAC0 with the Gesen Bow

was a base of 6, but with the Quiver of Plenty +2, it went down to 4.


Foebane +5


(5000 gold)

(Foebane +3)

(Fflar's Scabbard)

Finally, I'm able to record this weapon for version 1.01, after it

didn't drop the first time around in my version 1.00 playthrough. This

Bastard Sword is actually pretty damn good... its ability to cast

Larloch's Minor Drain each hit is tantamount to regeneration, stealing

four Hit Points per hit from the target and giving it to the attacker.

Good stuff. Also, this weapon deals extra damage against undead,

shapeshifters, and extra-planar beings... a huge host of creatures that

we'll be fighting a lot of... at least the undead and extra-planar

critters. The +1 bonus to saving throws is just icing on the cake.

Note that while the Larloch's Minor Drain isn't subject to a saving

throw, it is subject to magic resistance. I wouldn't consider this

weapon competition for other great one-handed weapons we'll get later

like the upgraded Flail of the Ages, Crom Faeyr, or the Axe of the

Unyielding... I wouldn't even say it's as good as Angurvadal, Spectral

Brand, or Hindo's Doom, but it's a decent brute-damage weapon, in any


Quiver of Plenty +2


(10000 gold)

(Quiver of Plenty +1)

(Rogue Stone)

Although it's expensive, this is pretty much obligatory for Minsc, or

any other dedicated archers who aren't fortunate enough to possess a

bow that creates highly enchanted arrows for them. Even though missile

fire is going extinct in the face of returning weapons and increasingly

devastating melee weapons, the THAC0 boost is nice, overall.


| Watcher's Keep, Level 2 |


Sequence of Events: {WLK056}

1) The Elemental Level

2) Information Imp

3) Activating the Air Lab

4) Air Library

5) Smashing Spiders

6) Slime Library

7) Sacking the Slime Lab

8) Infecting the Ice Lab

9) Mist Murder

10) Ice Library

11) Freezing Fire Elementals

12) Chromatic Demon

13) Crafting with Cespenar II

Watcher's Keep, Second Level (AR3016)


1) As soon as you arrive on this level a 'Chromatic Demon' will

initiate dialogue. It has been trapped in its cage for the last 1000

years, and is understandably upset by this. If you promise to free it,

it'll tell you more about the level, and since it insists it has to

activate the gate for you to continue, we might as well agree. It'll

tell you that four Mages used the powers of the elements to bind it

here, and you need to recover the Mage's four scepters to unlock its

cage. Yep, that's right kids, it's an elemental level. Doesn't it

seem like we did something like this before? Rituals, guardians,

elemental levels... Durlag's Tower? Ah well, go through the teleporter

at (x=1700, y=1450) if you want to open the side route to this level.

The Chromatic Demon may be stuck here, but we're not.


2) Go through the door to the north-west (x=1700, y=1300) and

exterminate a pair of Fire Giants. After they're dead, disarm the traps

lying around the room, then head to the north-east to find an Imp, who

has been waiting around for a very, very, long time. Since you told it

that the masters are dead, it'll tell you a bit about the level-first,

the Chromatic Demon apparently caused the conflict that killed the Mages

who imprisoned it. Second, the four elements used by the oft-competing

Mages are Air, Slime, Cold, and Fire. Slime? Whatever. Each Mage's

creations, pets, and guardians were segregated to their own labs, and

thanks to the Chromatic Demon's insinuations and lies, the Mages

conspired against each other. You'll need to use one Mage's elemental

powers against the creatures of another to kill them. First, however,

we need to get the fans started to power up the level. The Fire

Library Note will let you know that the Chromatic Demon is weak

against fire when it's in its ice incarnation. The Wand of Cursing

might seem like a nifty item, but since all of its effects can be

negated by one save (with no penalty) it's rather obsolete by now. I've

said it before, but why not just use Chaos, instead? Multiple targets,

and they must save at -4.


(x=1400, y=1050) Potions of Superior Healing x6, Throwing Axes x50,

8 gold

(x=1200, y=1200) Silver Necklace, 1 gold

(x=1000, y=1050) Silver Necklace, Dart of Wounding x20,

Arrows of Fire x40, Arrows of Ice x40, Acid Arrows x40,

Bolt of Lightning x40

(x=1000, y=950) Throwing Dagger x40

(x=1100, y=880) Antidote x4, Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa,

Handwritten Note

(x=1260, y=760) Potion of Cloud Giant Strength, Arrows +3 x40,

Potions of Superior Healing x5, Bolts +3 x40,

Bullets +4 x20, Wand of Cursing

(x=1360, y=860) Fire Library Note, Dart of Stunning x20, Dart +1 x20,

Dart of Wounding x20


(x=1350, y=1000)

(x=1150, y=950)

(x=1260, y=760)

(x=1360, y=860)

(x=800, y=1400)


3) Go through the door to the north-east at (x=1800, y=650) to reach the

air lab and activate the wheel in the center of the room

(x=2050, y=500). Once the fan starts up, Greater and Lesser Air

Elementals and the Guardian of Air will show up and lightning will shoot

all over the place. If you send Jaheira in to do this alone, she'll be

protected from damage due to her Harper Pin... at least from the

electricity. Run back to the fire library and gang up on the Elementals

and the Guardian with your full party. Kill them and grab the Air

Scepter from the remains of the Guardian of Air. Return to the air lab

with Jaheira and have her activate the wheel again to turn the fan

setting up to high-which should also get rid of the annoying lightning.


4) Now close the door separating the fire library and the air lab,

leave the fire library and head back to the central room. Go through

the door to the north-east (x=2400, y=1300) to enter the air library.

Kill the Golems guarding the Air Library (for me it was two Clay Golems,

a Stone Golem, and an Iron Golem-most of which Anomen/Korgan merrily

smote with a single swipe of Crom Faeyr), then open the dorr to the

north-west. The whole point of this is to get the air flowing from the

air lab, through the air library, and down into the slime lab. Grab the

Air Library Note and it'll mention two things worth noting-first, that

the Chromatic Demon's slime incarnation is vulnerable to lightning.

Second, that we need to open the south-western door to the slime lab to

blow the poison mist out of the room and leave the creatures in the

slime lab vulnerable. So open the door connecting the air library and

the slime lab (x=3400, y=1400) and retreat-feel free to kill whatever

Poison Mists and Green Slimes venture out of the lab after you, but do

not head into the lab yourself. If you insist on heading into the slime

lab, you'll find that the enemies have very high damage resistance, and

Green Slimes constantly respawn. Head back to the central room.

Note: You may also encounter two Ice Golems, two Iron Golems, and a

Sand Golem-a pretty rough fight.


(x=2600, y=1000) Silver Ring, Bullets +3 x20, Bullets +2 x40,

Bolts of Lightning x40

(x=3000, y=900) Air Library Note

(x=3100, y=950) Dart +1 x40, Bullets +1 x40, Sunstone Bullets x20,

Antidote x3, Bolts of Lightning x40, 1 gold

(x=3100, y=1000) Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa, Handwritten Note


(x=2650, y=1150)

(x=2800, y=1050)


5) From the central room, head through the door to the south-east

(x=2400, y=1800) to reach the slime library. Don't go in too far, as

traps abound, instead creep forward to see what greets you. In this case

it's a handful of Mutated Spiders, a pair of Vortex Spiders, and a pair

of Sword Spiders. Don't let their size fool you, the Mutated Spider's

poison is lethal, and they hold up fairly well in melee combat, too. My

protagonist, however, is immune to poison thanks to the Ring of Gaxx,

and is once again my response. Any damage he might sustain can be

negated by Stoneskin, or more lazily, regenerated after the fight due

to the Ring of Gaxx. Vortex Spiders can create a 'Vortex Web' that

inflicts Slow upon a character, but overall, they're not that

threatening. Is there anything that can kill my protagonist? Yes. But

I've made it very hard for most things to kill him. Since we know where

the enemies are ahead of time, Edwin simply tosses out a Horrid Wilting

to speed things up.

Note: The creatures in this lab do not appear until you approach one of

the doors leading to the slime lab. Since we did this in Step #5, you

should have friends waiting for you in the slime library. In fact, most

of the library encounters seem to work like this-so if the library is

apparently empty when you first visit, check back after visiting

adjacent labs. Also note that instead of the encounter listed above, you

could instead have to face six Mutated Spiders.


6) Once the spiders are dead, I begin slowly searching the room for

traps, as is mandatory in dungeons like this. After we've disarmed the

traps, loot and read your pilfered Slime Library Note. It'll tell us

that the Chromatic Demon is weak against acid and poison in its air

incarnation, and that we can kill whatever lurks in the ice lab by

blowing the poison mist from the slime lab through the slime library

and into the ice lab.


(x=2550, y=2100) Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa,

Arrows of Piercing x40

(x=2900, y=1900) Key, Antidote, 73 gold

(x=3000, y=2200) Bolt of Biting x40, Acid Arrows x80, Antidote x2,

38 gold

(x=3200, y=2100) Slime Library Note, Potion of Extra Healing x5


(x=2650, y=2100)

(x=2800, y=2100)

(x=2900, y=2100)

(x=2700, y=2300)


7) I keep everybody but my protagonist in the central room and open

the door to the slime lab at (x=3400, y=1700), which can be opened with

the key we found in the slime library. The poisonous gases in the slime

lab should blow harmlessly past my protagonist and begin to foul up the

slime library, leaving the slime lab free of toxins and safe for my

party to plunder. They head up to attack the slime lab through the air

library, and once they begin fighting in the slime lab, my protagonist

joins them from the south. The Giant Snake is the 'boss' of the lab, and

will drop the Slime Scepter when it dies. It can also stun if it hits,

so make it your priority in combat. Be sure to loot the central slime

pit (x=3600, y=1600) for the Flail Head (Poison) yet another part of

the wondrous Flail of the Ages, which has long needed-and now received-

an upgrade. Note that this pit in the middle of the room can deal damage

to you if you stand too close (you'll know this is happening if the

Melf's Acid Arrow symbol is on a character and they are... you know,

dying.) My protagonist, wearing the Cloak of Mirroring, is immune to

this effect and can safely approach-and loot-the acid pool.


(x=3600, y=1600) Flail Head (Poison), Antidote x5


8) My protagonist heads back into the slime library, which is now

filled with the poison mist from the slime lab. I head through quickly

so I don't suffer much damage and open the door to the ice lab at

(x=2350, y=2500). Once the door is open and the mist is in the lab,

I bring forth any character with a highly-enchanted ranged weapon.

Since the Ice Mists and the Ice Golem won't leave their lab, I just

shoot them to death. If you don't send in the poison mist, the Ice

Golem and Ice Mists are just outright immune to damage. Note that even

with the poison mist, the Ice Golem is still immune to anything less

than a +3 weapon. Also note that despite the benefits granted by the

various unlimited ammo items, they do make otherwise powerful weapons,

like the Gesen Bow, count as +2 when they normally count as +4. Adjust

as necessary. Grab the Ice Scepter from the remains of the Ice Golem,

as well as a Horn. If you choose to do battle inside the ice lab

(not recommended) you'll take damage from the poison mist, and you'll be

slowed-apparently from the cold.


9) To reach the ice library, I close the door separating the slime

lab from the slime library so I can safely walk through the ice lab.

I send my protagonist through the door (x=1800, y=2500) alone, as he'll

encounter some mists in the ice library. A pair of Vampiric Wraiths,

a Wandering Horror, and a Poison Mist are my greeting party, and since

the Vampiric Wraiths like to go invisible when they're hurt and chase

after Imoen/Edwin, I close the door behind me and cast True Sight. THEY

can't open doors, those lazy incorporeal bastards.


10) Once they're dead, I disarm the traps in the room and loot as

normal. The Wand of Spell Striking is a handy Mage-killer, since it

blasts the enemy with Breach and Pierce Magic at the same time. Sure,

we can Spell Trigger better defense-breaching spell assaults, but it's

handy in a pinch. Also grab the second horn. I wonder if it goes on

something, something unadorned, that could use two horns on it. A

helmet, perhaps? Finally, the Ice Library Note gives us the obvious

advice that the Chromatic Demon in its natural, or 'fire incarnation'

can be harmed by cold. It'll also tell you that to kill the Fire Giant

in the fire lab, you need to lure the Fire Elementals in the lab into

the ice lab, and kill them there.


(x=1300, y=2350) Arrows of Ice x40, Arrows of Fire x40, 6 gold

(x=1600, y=2150) Handwritten Note

(x=1350, y=1950) Wand of Spell Striking, Star Sapphire

(x=1300, y=2050) Zircon Gem, Bolt of Lightning x40, Bolt +2 x40,

Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa

(x=1000, y=2100) Horn, Lynx Eye Gem, Arrows of Dispelling x5,

Arrows +2 x40, 1 gold


(x=1400, y=2250)

(x=1350, y=1950)

(x=1100, y=2100)


11) Well, let's put that plan into motion. Open the door at

(x=700, y=1800) and wait for a Greater Fire Elemental to spawn. Avoid

the Fire Giant and lure the Elemental into the ice lab. This isn't

difficult, because the Fire Giant won't wander too far form the lab.

Once they enter the ice lab they'll freeze, you'll gain 22,000

experience, and you can then shatter them with a single blow. Once

four Elementals have bit the dust you'll be able to tackle the Fire

Giant. Since he won't leave the fire lab for long, you can kill it with

ranged weapons (or do hit-and-run backstabs). When it dies, loot its

body for the Fire Scepter, the Helm of the Rock-hey, that's where the

Horns go!-and 100 gold.


(x=500, y=1600) Potion of Fire Resistance x3


12) Now it's time to free the Chromatic Demon. But first, let's prepare,

just in case it decides to-against all odds-turn hostile on us. I know,

why would a trapped demon ever turn on its rescuers? But still, better

safe than sorry. The Chromatic Demon randomly shifts its form, which

opens it up to various types of damage, and makes it immune to

everything else. Instead of preparing spells for every form, I instead

focus on one form. I prepare as many fire spells as I can and wait for

it to turn into its ice incarnation. Why fire? Fire has some of the

best, direct damage, single target spells, like Flame Arrow and Flame

Strike. Also, Keldorn and Jaheira readily do damage with Fire Tooth +3

and Firetooth +4, and Aura of Flaming Death and Fire Shield (Red) allow

us to deal damage defensively! Naturally, I'll have to focus all the

magic I can on the Chromatic Demon in order to take it down quickly, as

if it shifts form... well, trouble may ensue. Before I free the critter,

I prepare multiple cases of fire-damage spells, then chain up the

spells via Spell Trigger and Spell Sequencer (which can each instantly

shoot off three Flame Arrows). I wait until the Chromatic Demon turns

into the ice incarnation and quickly activate the cage (x=2100, y=1400).

When he comes out, he'll decide to take his anger out on us. Truly, I

am astonished. Anyways, as soon as the fight starts Imoen/Edwin begins

casting Time Stop, while my protagonist lets loose his Spell Trigger.

During the Time Stop sequence, Imoen/Edwin fires off a Spell Trigger,

Spell Sequencer, and Minor Spell Sequencer all in one go (alternatively,

Edwin has the luxury of simply casting three Incendiary Clouds in one

Time Stop sequence-a very effective technique, especially if he's got

somebody to serve as bait. Korgan in Red Dragon Scale armor with a

Ring of Fire Resistance, for example, or Viconia with such a ring and

Aura of Flaming Death active). This should be more than enough to kill

the Chromatic Demon. Loot the dead demon for the Circlet of Netheril,

the Portal Key, and Ixil's Spike, a rather weak 'Dagger' that is part

of a very powerful weapon. We can now access the portal at

(x=2400, y=1400).


(For unleashing the Chromatic Demon from its prison)

EXP 20000 (each character)


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Chromatic Demon {VID012}


13) First, however, I need to pay Cespenar a visit. He can create a

few new toys for us, including:

Circlet of Netheril


(5000 gold)

(Circlet of Netheril)

(Bronze Ioun Stone)

What Mage wouldn't be better off with ten more Hit Points and a bonus

7th and 8th level spell? Well, I'll keep Vhailor's Helm, but

Imoen/Edwin, or any other helmet-shy Mage will surely benefit from

the Circlet of Netheril.

Flail of the Ages +4


(5000 gold)

(Flail Head (Poison))

(Flail of the Ages +3)

Not the greatest upgrade in the world-the Flail of the Ages was already

an awesome weapon with a +3 modifier, though, and having an extra bonus

to hit, two extra points of damage, and a lower speed factor is

certainly worth the 5000 gold. Besides, you need to upgrade this step

to make the next-and final-upgrade to the weapon.

Helm of the Rock


(5000 gold)

(Helm of the Rock)



Eh... so it gets the ability to cast Aura of Command three times per

day. It still doesn't say that it protects my skull from critical

hits. Frankly, I want to kill enemies, not scare them, and a -2 save

still doesn't beat Chaos.


| Watcher's Keep, Level 3 |


Sequence of Events: {WLK057}

1) Yakman

2) Yakman's Abode

3) Unraveling the Maze

4) Making the Best of a Baatezu Situation

5) Tiefling Attack

6) Goodnight Ladies, Ladies Goodnight

7) More Demonknights

8) The Purifier

9) Quasits Gone Wild

10) Glabrezu, Red and Blue

11) Terrorizing Tahazzar

12) Ka'rushing Ka'rushur

13) Destroying the Demon Wraith

14) Aesgareth's Game

15) The Half-Demon in the Details

16) Sigil Smackdown!

17) Crafting with Cespenar, III

18) The Deck of Many Things

Watcher Keep, Third Level (AR3003)


1) As soon as you enter the level head south... or rather, south

according to the compass on the floor in front of you, which we'll use

to orient ourselves for this level (even though it's actually

south-east). At (x=920, y=700) you'll find Yakman, who will deduce that

you are demons wearing illusions, and run to the south. Head after him

to find a portal (x=1350, y=1100).

Yakman's Abode (AR3011)


2) The portal will take you to another part of the level (or rather, to

a different map altogether). Grab the Bard's Gloves off the ground

(x=620, y=630) and loot the looney Elf's makeshift shelter to obtain

his Journal and the Scepter of Radiance. One makes navigating the maze

easier, and the other makes escaping this level possible. Talk to

crazy Yakman, and if you are talking to him with an Elf (Viconia or

Aerie, for example) or a character with a Charisma greater than 15

(Keldorn for example) he'll tell you that the level is populated with

Demons, Demons that often are more interested in killing each other than

in killing interlopers. He'll also tell you that he broke the way out,

and you need to fix the portal he broke with a rod (the Scepter of

Radiance) but unfortunately the rod is broken, too. It's missing three

gems, which we'll undoubtedly have to wrest from the hands of the

denizens of this dungeon. If you have not spoken to him with an Elf or

a high-Charisma character, you will have to cast Heal on him (thus

restoring his sanity) before you can talk to him. Since you gain a bit

of experience for it, every party should cast heal on Yakman. Once

you're done dealing with Yakman/Tamolin, you're ready to mess with the

portals nearby. If you head through the portal to the north, you'll be

returned back to the beginning of the area. On the other hand, if you go

through the portal to the south (x=900, y=700) you'll be transported

outside of Watcher's Keep. That's right, Yakman was camping right near

the exit portal the whole time... if only he had the Vigil Stone with

which he could have effected his egress...


(x=850, y=350) Madman's Journal, Diamond, Dart of Stunning x5,

Studded Leather Armor +1, Long sword,

Scepter of Radiance, 42 gold


(x=850, y=350)


(For restoring Tamorlin's sanity)

EXP 5000 (each character)


3) Now, one of the great things about writing a FAQ (from the FAQ

writer's perspective) is how much more you learn about the game.

Something about writing things down, trying to make it legible and

easy to understand, and to test every possibility just seems to add to

one's knowledge. Funny thing, that. Difficult battles, complex-seeming

character relationships, and in-game mazes and puzzles are of particular

interest to me. The more detail a writer can provide, the more confident

you can be that said writer actually understands the game (and this

makes following the writer's advice easier to stomach). So, instead of

just providing you with a step-by-step walkthrough of this dungeon, I

feel compelled to provide a map, to show you how it works. And yeah,

you guessed it, creating this unwieldy beast did much to improve my

understanding of this part of the game.


| Key |


(AR3000) Outside Watcher's Keep

(AR3003) Compass Room

(AR3004) Baatezu Room

(AR3005) Tieflings

(AR3006) Succubus and Alu-Fiends

(AR3007) Cambion and Demonknights

(AR3008) Cornuguns vs. Balor

(AR3009) Quasits Playing with Wild Magic

(AR3010) Glabrezu Summoners

(AR3011) Yakman's Abode

(AR3012) Tahazzar and Company

(AR3013) Ka'rashur and Company

(AR3014) Demon Wraith and Slave Wraiths

(AR3015) Aesgareth's Enclave

[DEAD] Dead Magic Zone-All Spell Fail

[NORM] Magic Functions Normally

[WILD] Wild Magic Zone

o========o o========o o========o

|(AR3003)| |(AR3012)|<---|(AR3004)|

| [NORM] | | [NORM] | | [DEAD] |

o========o o========o o========o

^ ^

o========o | o========o | o========o

|(AR3008)| | |(AR3016)| | |(AR3008)|

| [DEAD] | | | | | | [DEAD] |

o========o | o========o | o========o

^ | ^| | ^

| | |v | |

o========o o========o o========o o========o o========o

|(AR3004)|<---|(AR3009)|<---|(AR3003)|<---|(AR3008)| |(AR3012)|

| [DEAD] |--->| [WILD] | | [NORM] |--->| [DEAD] |--->| [NORM] |

o========o o========o o========o o========o o========o

^| ^| | |

|v |v v v

o========o o========o o========o o========o

|(AR3006)| |(AR3011)| |(AR3006)| |(AR3004)|

| [NORM] | | [NORM] | | [NORM] |--->| [DEAD] |

o========o o========o o========o o========o

^| ^| |

|| |v V

|| o========o o========o o========o

|| |(AR3000)| |(AR3008)|<---|(AR3006)|

|| | | | [DEAD] | | [NORM] |

|| o========o o========o o========o

|| o========o

|| |(AR3015)|

|| o========o

|| ^

|| o========o

|| |(AR3014)|

|| o========o

|| ^|

|v |V

o========o o========o o========o o========o

|(AR3013)| |(AR3007)|<---|AR(3007)| |(AR3003)|

| [NORM] | | [NORM] |--->| [NORM] | | [NORM] |

o========o o========o o========o o========o

| ^| ^

v || |

o========o o========o || o========o

|(AR3010)| |(AR3013)| || |(AR3010)|

| [NORM] |--->| [NORM] | || | [NORM] |

o========o o========o || o========o

|v V

o========o o========o o========o o========o o========o

|(AR3009)| |(AR3005)| |(AR3003)|<---|(AR3005)|<---|(AR3010)|

| [WILD] |--->| [WILD] | | [NORM] | | [WILD] |--->| [NORM] |

o========o o========o o========o o========o o========o

Helping Ka'rashur Route:

(AR3003) --> (AR3011) --> (AR3003) --> (AR3008) --> (AR3006) -->

(AR3013) --> (AR3008) --> (AR3012) --> (AR3004) --> (AR3009) -->

(AR3006) --> (AR3013) --> (AR3010) --> (AR3005) --> (AR3007) -->

(AR3014) --> (AR3015)

Helping Tahazzar Route:

(AR3003) --> (AR3011) --> (AR3003) --> (AR3008) --> (AR3012) -->

(AR3004) --> (AR3009) --> (AR3006) --> (AR3013) --> (AR3006) -->

(AR3004) --> (AR3012) --> (AR3004) --> (AR3006) --> (AR3013) -->

(AR3010) --> (AR3005) --> (AR3007) --> (AR3014) --> (AR3015)

Good Party Round-the-Maze Route:

(AR3003) --> (AR3011) --> (AR3003) --> (AR3008) --> (AR3012) -->

(AR3004) --> (AR3009) --> (AR3006) --> (AR3013) --> (AR3010) -->

(AR3005) --> (AR3007) --> (AR3014) --> (AR3015)

Of course, I'm not just writing this to provide confusing, probably

useless maps, I'm supposed to tell you-in a specified sequence of

events-how to go about exploring each level. I know, I know. Before we

go wandering off, however, some notes about this level. Each portal

takes you to a new area, but each area has its own rules governing

magic. Some areas are magic dead zones (the blue rooms), where you'll

suffer a 100% spell casting failure rate. Others are wild magic zones

(red rooms), where magic becomes... unpredictable. For either one, you

should consider the area a no-magic zone, since wild magic is at least

as harmful as just not casting anything at all, and potentially much

worse. What route you want to take will depend on your alignment. This

maze houses two powerful groups of hellions, a group of Tanar'ri led by

Tahazzar (AR3012), and a group of Baatezu led by Ka'rashur (AR3013).

If you are evil or neutral, and you pick dialogue option #3 when dealing

with either one of them, they'll go ask you to kill the other one. Once

you've spoken to one, the other will 'smell' the other on you and

attack. There's a decent reward for neutral or evil parties if you bring

the heart of one back to the other, and note, it's your protagonist's

alignment which matters, not anyone else's. The reward is the same

either way, so what's your motivation for picking one over the other?

Baatezu are lawful, and Tanar'ri are chaotic. That's about it. The best

thing to do is to side with one or the other, get the reward, and then

exterminate the group you sided with, too. They are, after all, evil

creatures, regardless of whether they're chaotic or lawful. If you have

a good protagonist, you'll just have to fight them when you meet them.

It doesn't always pay to be good, it seems. Which you want to side

with, if either, will affect your route through this place, as listed

above. Since, however, this is your game and I don't feel like writing

three different routes, I will detail each area in order by its

(AR####), and let you pick your own route through the maze. With my

suggestions and map, above, this shouldn't be too much trouble for you.

Baatezu Room (AR3004) [WILD MAGIC]


4) This room kinda just sucks. It's got wild magic, meaning any

spellbuffs you have on will disappear as soon as you enter, and

recasting them is perilous, at best. Inside are two Cornugons who are

going to cause trouble with their fear, a Pit Fiend, and two Velithuu,

who have ranged attacks and like to prey on characters running around

in fear. This is one of the few fights where I just rely on luck and

some Greater Whirlwinds to simply out-muscle the opposition. There are

traps in front of the portals in this room, but the trap near the

portal you'll appear at (x=500, y=450) just slows you for a few

seconds, so it's not really worth worrying about.


(x=500, y=450)

(x=1100, y=470)

(x=1100, y=850)

(x=500, y=850)

Tieflings (AR3005) [WILD MAGIC]


5) Another supposedly wild magic room, although the Tiefling spellcaster

inside will seem to have little trouble getting off her spells. The

other Tieflings have the right idea, two of them are Fighters who will

use Whirlwind Attack, and another is a Thief who will use Assassinate.

I send in my protagonist to distract the three melee Tieflings, while

every character with a ranged option attacks the Mage. Hopefully I can

stay away from the enemies with my protagonist and provoke them into

using-and wasting-their abilities. If push comes to shove, however, I

respond with overwhelming Greater Whirlwind attacks of my own, and by

now my protagonist, Keldorn, Korgan, Minsc/Sarevok, and Jaheira can

all contribute. They'll also have a dog, Aranthis, with them, but I'll

be damned if I could see what it did other than bark and get in the way.

It sure didn't put up much of a fight. Both of the Tiefling Fighters

dropped a pair of Battle Axes +2, a Potion of Fire Giant Strength, some

Potions of Superior Healing, a suit of Plate Mail Armor, and 48 gold.

The Tiefling Thief dropped a suit of Leather Armor +3, a Dagger +2, a

Short Sword +2, two Potions of Superior Healing, and 242 gold. Aranthis

dropped a Dagger +1... makes me wonder where he kept it... and the Mage

left behind a Bloodstone Amulet, a Wand of Spell Striking, a Cleric's

Staff +3, and 110 gold.

Succubus and Alu-Fiend Room (AR3006) [NORMAL MAGIC]


6) You can reach this room from (AR3004), (AR3008), (AR3009), or

(AR3013). Either way is fine, although I usually come through (AR3008).

Inside this room is a Succubus, who will offer to take you through the

maze safely in exchange for a kiss. Succubus kisses inflict level drain,

but if she sets her eyes on my protagonist, I can safely reach (AR3015)

this way. But that's for sissies, and bypasses a lot of good loot, as

well. Instead, I refuse and start a fight. The biggest threat here is

that the Succubus and her Alu-Fiends will try to charm party members.

Think Sirines, from Baldur's Gate 1. My party is led by my protagonist,

who is immune to charm effects thanks to the Equalizer, and Keldorn,

who has a 60% resistance to magic, so I feel fairly safe. If you kept

any of the abundant Helms of Charm Protection, you can strap those on,

as well. My protagonist heads in and attacks the Succubus, while the

rest of the party helps out with ranged weapons. Keldorn uses True Sight

to keep them honest, and, with their primary means of attack removed

they go down fairly easily, although if they're dealing too much damage

to my protagonist, I may have to use Stoneskin. The Alu-Fiends will drop

Potions of Extra Healing and Oils of Speed when they die, and they will

all drop some minor loot, besides.

Cambion and Demon Knights (AR3007) [NORMAL MAGIC]


7) As soon as I enter this room, I move Anomen/Viconia to the front line

(if I have the Mace of Disruption +2) or just my protagonist. A Cambion

occupies this level, but he's the least of our concerns, as four Demon

Knights will gate in to help him. My front line presents a level-drain

proof shield for the rest of my party, who equips whatever ranged

weapons they have and fires at the Demon Knights. To start the fight, my

protagonist heads forward to present himself as the sole target of the

inevitable round of Remove Magic, Symbol: Fear, and Power Word spells,

which can be countered with Spell Immunity: Abjuration and Spell

Immunity: Conjuration, respectively. If they fail to remove my defenses

and inflict fear upon my protagonist, I'm gold. From then on I just use

Anomen/Viconia and my protagonist to chop them down as quickly as

possible, with the rest of my party providing ranged support. The

Cambion, for his part, is of no real concern. He always seemed more

interested in hiding than fighting, and only crawled out to face me once

Keldorn had thrown up a True Sight. Of course, with a well-built

protagonist I was able to just spam Greater Whirlwind attacks and kill

two Demon Knights a round. The best defense, and all that rot... Each

Demon Knight will drop a Two Handed Sword +1, while the Cambion will

leave behind a suit of Chain Mail Armor, a Bastard Sword +1, and some


Balor/Cornugon Room (AR3008) [DEAD MAGIC]


8) This room can be reached by going east from the Compass Room

(AR3003). It can also be reached by (AR3004), (AR3006), and (AR3012).

This room contains a Balor and three Cornugons. The three Cornugons will

team up on the Balor, but that experience would better aid us, don't you

think? Attack the Balor quickly and cut it down, then turn on the

Cornugons. They can cause you to bleed, produce a fear effect, and will

certainly try to lower your magic resistance. Don't bother casting any

spells, however, as this is a dead magic room-all spell casting has a

100% chance of failure. Now, notice the huge rock in the middle of

the room (x=600, y=500)? If you activate it, you'll get the following




This barrier is as good as solid to a neutral or evil character, but

activate it with a good character-say, Keldorn-and you'll obtain a

very nice Bastard Sword, the Purifier +4. It gives 20% magic resistance,

and deals four additional damage to chaotic evil creatures. It's

definitely trying to be a one-handed Carsomyr, but it just doesn't

quite stack up. Both Carsomyr and the Purifier can be upgraded with an

item we'll get later... and something tells me that Carsomyr is going to

win when I have to decide which weapon to upgrade.

Quasits in Wild Magic Room (AR3009) [WILD MAGIC]


9) In this room you'll find a number of Quasits that seem to think

throwing around spells in a wild magic room is a good idea. Honestly,

I just turn the AI on and let my party mop them up. They'll get off

some spells, and some really weird crap can happen. They've summoned a

pack of hostile squirrels before, and turned my protagonist into a

wolf for a few rounds, one even summoned up a cache of gems, which I

obtained when it died. Most of the things they'll do are low-level

effects, and chances are they'll hurt themselves as much as they'll

harass you, but you might see spells such as Flesh to Stone, so... well,

just hope you don't get hit by anything too rough.

Glabrezu Summoners (AR3010) [NORMAL MAGIC]


10) Only two enemies initially present themselves: a pair of Glabrezu.

The red one summons Greater Fire Elementals, and the blue one summons

Ice Salamanders. Both will also use an area-of-effect elemental spell,

the red one uses Incendiary Cloud, while the blue one uses a... cold

version? If you hide out near the northern or western portals, you will

only have to fight the Salamanders, giving you time to spell-buff before

attacking the Glabrezu. Elemental protection and basic combat buffs

come recommended. Once ready, jump on the red Glabrezu and chop it down,

then focus on the blue one, and finally mop up whatever opposition is

left. They will both only summon several minions before they cast

Stoneskin, a Fireshield (red for the red one, blue for the blue one)

and attack. You can get a little bit of grinding done here, if you want

to let them summon their minions.


I really don't remember the Glabrezu using their area-of-effect spells

in the vanilla edition, but maybe my memory is going?

Tahazzar's Chamber (AR3012) [NORMAL MAGIC]


11) In this chamber you'll find Tahazzar (x=700, y=650), a powerful

Baatezu who will ask for Ka'rashur's Heart if you're evil or neutral

and you pick dialogue option #3. If you're good, or if you've spoken to

Ka'rushur previously you'll be attacked at the end of your conversation.

Tahazzar is joined by three Glabrezu, three Quasits, a Succubus, a

Yochlol, which looks like a Dark Elf, for some reason (I smell lazy

developers...) and a pair of invisible Maurezhi. I prefer to side with

Tahazzar if at all possible, as he is only approachable through two

wild magic zones, meaning you won't get a chance to spell-buff before

you come here.

If I'm forced to fight, however, I cast Stoneskin on my protagonist,

Remove Fear on the party via Anomen/Viconia, and Haste via Edwin/Imoen.

Keldorn uses True Sight to keep the Yochlol and various other demons

from disrupting my attack strategy with invisibility. My protagonist

immediately runs forward after hostilities start, straight at the

Yochlol, which can level drain. With any luck, I'll draw the attention

of two of the Glabrezu and perhaps Tahazzar himself. Keldorn, Imoen,

Jaheira, and Minsc all concentrate fire on the Succubus to prevent her

from charming anybody, and Anomen confronts the Glabrezu opposite the

Yochlol. When the Succubus dies, I have Minsc focus on one of the

Maurhezi, while Imoen and Jaheira tackle another. Keldorn equips

Carsomyr and heads straight at Tahazzar, and as more characters finish

off their targets, they focus on Tahazzar. The real annoying part is

after all the heavy hitters are dead, when you have to clear out the

Quasits, who for some reason are on hyper invisibility. They'll blink

in and out, staying around just for a second before disappearing. I let

the AI handle them at this point, since they're more annoying than

threatening. If you side with Tahazzar, you can simply head to your

Pocket Plane after giving him Ka'rushur's Heart, spell buff, return,

and attack on your own terms. Much easier. This is, of course, the

tactic my evil party adopts, since they have the luxury of siding with

one of them... otherwise the strategy remains mostly the same, just

substitute Keldorn for Korgan, Imoen for Edwin, Minsc for Haer'Dalis or

Sarevok, and Anomen for Viconia... standard operating procedure. Also,

starting out with a backstab certainly can't hurt things. If you kill

Tahazzar he'll drop his heart and a Scepter Gem, and if you give him

Ka'rahur's Heart, he'll just hand over the Scepter Gem... and the

Thieves' Hood.


(x=650, y=300) Arrows +3 x10, Potion of Superior Healing x2,

Throwing Dagger x2, 1920 gold


(x=650, y=300)


(For bringing Ka'rushur's Heart to Tahazzar)

EXP 20000 (each character)

Item Specter Gem

Item Thieves' Hood


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Tahazzar {VID013}

Ka'rushur's Chamber (AR3013) [NORMAL MAGIC]


12) Ah, now this is the hellion I prefer to fight. If you've spoken to

Tahazzar already, or if you're good, you'll be attacked at the end of

the conversation. If you're neutral or evil and haven't spoken to

Tahazzar, however, Ka'rushur will talk with you. Pick dialogue option

#3 to offer to get him Tahazzar's Heart. Since you can approach him

through (AR3006), however, you can spell-buff before fighting him and

his minions, whereas with Tahazzar you cannot. I cast the typical

spell-buffs before entering, especially Remove Fear, as the Cornuguns

will cause me grief if I don't. After that, this fight is largely

melee in nature. There's no Yochlol, no invisible Maurezhi, and the

Erinyes doesn't worry me as much as the Succubus did. If you attack,

the Baatezu will be joined by a trio of Bone Fiends and a Velithuu.

This gives them a lot of melee power, but my protagonist presents a

convenient target, and if he's been well spell-buffed, they won't rip

down his defenses until their numbers have been significantly reduced,

if at all. Ka'rushur will leave behind his heart, and a Scepter Gem,

while the Erinyes will drop a Long Sword +1.


(x=970, y=370) Potion of Superior Healing, Laeral's Tear Necklace,

Star Sapphire, Arrows +3 x10, Throwing Axes x5,

Studded Leather Armor +2, 450 gold


(x=970, y=370)


(For bringing Tahazzar's Heart to Ka'rashur)

EXP 20000 (each character)

Item Specter Gem

Item Thieves' Hood


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Ka'rushur {VID014}

Demon Wraith and Slave Wraith Room (AR3014) [NORMAL MAGIC]


13) Before this pain in the ass fight, I cast a Remove Fear and use

Limited Wish to bestow protection from undead while in the relative

safety of the Cambion and Demonknight Room (AR3007). Once I enter this

room I'll be confronted by a Demon Wraith, who will summon up five Slave

Wraiths, which can drain levels. The Demon Wraith will make things

difficult by unleashing a Time Stop sequence, followed by Symbol: Stun

and Symbol: Fear. On top of that, the room is trapped, and crossing it

before disarming the traps is likely to end in trouble. Lastly, the

Demon Wraith itself is 90% resistant to physical damage, has 75% magic

resistance, is immune to all normal elements (although it's merely 90%

immune to magical elemental damage, however), and isn't hurt by anything

less than a +4 weapon. Even at this point in the game, that excludes

many of my characters from even bothering to attack it... What, then, to


Imoen/Edwin immediately begins casting Time Stop, and my protagonist

begins casting Pierce Magic. With the Robe of Vecna, Imoen/Edwin will

finish first. I immediately have my Mage cast Pierce Magic to remove its

Spell Turning and lower its magic resistance, then I hit it with Lower

Resistance to all but eradicate its magic resistance. This double-shot

of Pierce Magic ensures that when the Time Stop sequence ends, the Demon

Wraith is defenseless for my next spell assault. If I have any time left

before the Time Stop ends, I'll have Imoen scan for traps and attempt to

disarm the one surrounding the portal (x=500, y=530). When the Time

Stop ends, I immediately have my Mages start up their second assault-

preprepared Spell Triggers and Spell Sequencers linking three Magic

Missiles apiece. That's right, the Demon Wraith has the Sarevok

weakness. The missiles do full damage, and after a Spell Trigger and

Spell Sequencer from each of my Mages (or about a dozen Magic Missile

spells) the Demon Wraith falls. Often the Magic Missiles will knock

the Demon Wraith out of its casting, and once you've removed its

defenses and blasted it with some Magic Missiles, the only thing that

can go wrong is if it finishes its Time Stop and manages to incapacitate

your Mages. Even then, as long as you can free them quickly with a

Dispel Magic or Remove Paralysis, you're still in the game. If it gets

off a Mislead, just take it down with True Sight and continue the Magic

Missile assault. I've tried this strategy several times, and although

the timing can be tricky, it does work, and it works well. No level

drains, no damage, nothing. It's as painless of a method as I've devised

for killing this creature. Once it dies, all its Slave Wraiths go with

it, earning you 5000 experience for each one. We're now free to disarm

the traps at our leisure and grab all the loot off the ground.


(x=500, y=400) Plate Mail +1, Scroll of Mantle

(x=570, y=480) Bolt +2 x20, Potion of Superior Healing x2,

Wand of Spell Striking, Bloodstone Ring

(x=730, y=430) Journal, Rogue Stone, 1 gold

(x=760, y=530) Spear +1, Potion of Agility

(x=1000, y=460) Plate Mail Armor, Agni Mani Necklace, 47 gold

(x=340, y=640) Bastard Sword +1, White Dragon Scales


(x=500, y=530)

(x=600, y=500)

(x=600, y=630)

(x=620, y=800)

(x=900, y=630)


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Demon Wraith {VID015}

Aesgareth's Enclave (AR3015)


14) You've all but made it through the maze by now, but when you

arrive, a Cambion from Curst named Aesgareth is waiting for you. All in

all, he's a nice enough guy who enjoys gambling. He just won a Deck

of Many Things from his uncle, and wants to play a few hands against

us for the device that exits this place... or other things. He, on the

other hand, has various items we can try and win. Some very, very nice

items, at that. Save your game and speak to him again. The rules are

simple, we each draw a card, and whomever survives the effects of the

card and ends up with the highest card, wins the round. The following

tables list what we can wager, and what we can win.


| Our Wager | Effect |


| |If you lose, Aesgareth will ask for the|

| |Scepter of Radiance. You can refuse to |

| |pay up and provoke a fight, or give it |

| The Way Out |to him. He and his companions will |

| |leave, and he will (true to his word) |

| |leave the Scepter of Radiance with you |

| |when you're done, as well as the |

| |Scepter Gem you need. What a nice guy! |


| |If you lose, Aesgareth will cast |

| |'Energy Drain', which will take away |

| Experience |10000 experience from the character who|

| |played him. This effect will be blocked|

| |by the Cloak of Mirroring. |


| |If you lose, Aesgareth will cast |

| |'Vitality Drain', which will |

| Vitality |permanently drop the player's Hit |

| |Points by 10% (rounded up). This effect|

| |will also be blocked by the Cloak of |

| |Mirroring, however. |


| His Wager | Effect |


| |An absolutely fantastic Scimitar-at |

| least once it's upgraded. It's the best |

|Spectral Brand |weapon in the game for Jaheira, and if |

| |you love her half as much as I do, |

| |you'll get it for her. |


| |Pretty self-explanatory, there are only|

|Scroll of Wish |two such scrolls you can get in the |

| |game-either buy one from Lazarus, or |

| | win this one. |


| |You'll need this to continue through |

| |Watcher's Keep. If you win this from |

| Scepter Gem |Aesgareth, he decides to be a poor |

| |sport and attack you... but he'll give |

| |you the Scepter Gem anyways. He will |

| |only wager this against the way out. |


Now, to make things simpler for us. Aesgareth will only play three

games against us (win or lose), and on the third play he will insist we

play for the way out. There are two items we want, and we have two games

in which to win them. The Scroll of Wish is nice, but not necessary, but

you should absolutely try to win the Spectral Brand. Of course, there's

no reason we can't win both. If you lose, reload. Because of an inquiry

by the magnificent Lee Kadel, I looked into how this little game works

using the wonderful Infinity Explorer program. Since I bothered to

discover how it works, I feel compelled to explain it, for you curious

people out there-and to show off that I do, indeed, strive to understand

this game. For you impatient folks... here's the quick version:

1st Draw: Bet your vitality or experience against the Scroll of Wish.

You have a 25% chance to win this round-you must draw the 'STRIFE' card,

and he must draw 'TRIUMPH'.

2nd Draw: Bet your vitality or experience against the Spectral

Brand. You have a 50% chance to win this round-if you draw the

'STRENGTH' card, you will win.

3rd Draw: You must bet the way out against Aesgareth's Scepter Gem.

You have no chance of winning this round. Seriously, he will always

draw the 'WHEEL' card and beat you. Either gracefully conceed defeat,

or fight him over it. The latter is the better option, because you

then gain the Deck of Many things for yourself.

Impatient people, you are done. If you were cursed or otherwise

adversely affected by something you drew, Remove Curse or Heal should

fix you right up. Go to Step #16 for details about the fight. Curious

folks, go to Step #15.


15) This game is actually pretty simple when you get a good peek at it.

There are only eleven different cards that can be drawn during the

game-you can draw six, Aesgareth can draw five. You will always get one

of two cards (randomly determined) each draw, save the third draw,

where Aesgareth only has one possible draw. Therefore, the number of

games you've played is the greatest (read: only) factor in determining

what cards you and Aesgareth can draw, and hence, your odds of success.

All cards are rated by a simple global variable on a scale of one to

six, to determine whether your card wins, or Aesgareth's card wins, as

follows: 'SetGlobal("CambionDraw","GLOBAL",1)'. This variable means,

simply, that Aesgareth's card has a value of one. On the other hand,

the player uses: 'SetGlobal("PlayerDraw","GLOBAL",1)'. Again, this just

means the player has a card with a value of one. In the case of a tie,

the game always rewards the draw to Aesgareth. On the tables below are

all the possible outcomes per round.


| 1st Round |


| Your Draw | Value | His Draw | Value |Result|


| Plague | 1 | Triumph | 1 | LOSS |


| Plague | 1 | Construct | 4 | LOSS |


| Strife | 3 | Triumph | 1 | WIN |


| Strife | 3 | Construct | 4 | LOSS |


As you can see, on the first round we only have a 25% chance to win

against Aesgareth. Only the 'STRIFE' > 'TRIUMPH' combo will win.


| 2nd Round |


| Your Draw | Value | His Draw | Value |Result|


| Guile | 2 | Defiance | 2 | LOSS |


| Guile | 2 | Empress | 3 | LOSS |


| Strength | 6 | Defiance | 2 | WIN |


| Strength | 6 | Empress | 3 | WIN |


Here we have an honest 50% chance to win, as you'd expect from a

game of chance. If you draw the 'STRENGTH' card, you win.


| 3rd Round |


| Your Draw | Value | His Draw | Value |Result|


|High Priestess | 4 | Wheel | 5 | LOSS |


| Emperor | 5 | Wheel | 5 | LOSS |


On the third and final draw, Aesgareth will always draw 'WHEEL'. In the

global variables, you tend to see lines like the following...:



...Which determines who wins and who loses. In other words, the example

given above triggers a line of dialogue when your draw (value > 2) is

compared to Aesgareth's draw (value = 1). This is the

'PLAGUE' < 'TRIUMPH' hand, and it results in a loss (and the

consequences thereof.) However, on the third draw, when Aesgareth

invariably draws 'WHEEL', the global variable is as follows:


Doesn't even need to check what you have. If he gets a card with a

value of 5, the 'WHEEL' card, he wins. Period.

So, the roundup is simple. You have two items you want, and two

chances to play for them. Aesgareth always insists on playing for the

way out on the third hand, and he always draws 'WHEEL' on the third

hand, and wins. You can bet the way out for his gem on draw one or

two, and win, but he will be a poor sport and attack. So, the solution

is simple; bet for the Scroll of Wish and the Spectral Brand on the

first two draws. You have a 25% chance to win the first draw, and a

50% chance to win the second. Save/load until you've emptied his

pockets, then play him, lose, and refuse to pay up. This starts a

fight, of course, but getting his two goodies and killing him is the

most rewarding way to go through this encounter, since it not only

nets you the Scroll of Wish and the Spectral Brand, but you can also

claim the Deck of Many Things for yourself, which will yield further

rewards. If, during the game you suffer a negative effect from a card

you drew, use Remove Curse to get rid of it.


16) After playing him twice (and winning!), prepare for a fight after

the third game, which again, you will always lose. Surround the Tiefling

at (x=770, y=620) with Fighters (Korgan, Keldorn, Anomen, Viconia,

Jaheira, Sarevok, Minsc, etc), as Mages always tend to be the greatest

threats. I spell-buff my protagonist with Stoneskin, Mirror Image,

Blur, and of course, hit the whole party with Haste and Protection from

Evil 10' Radius. I then confidently play Aesgareth again, lose, and

refuse to pay up. When the fighting starts, the surrounded Tiefling Mage

dies almost immeidately, after which I focused on the Cleric Tiefling,

(the one in armor with a shield), then I indiscriminantly all of

Aesgareth's minions. Save Aesgereth for last, as his minions will flee

if Aesgareth dies. The Tiefling Mage will drop a Cleric's Staff +3, a

Jade Ring, a Potion of Healing, and a Robe of the Good Archmagi. The

Fighter Tieflings will drop Long Swords +1, the Thief Tiefling coughs

up a Dagger +2, Studded Leather Armor +2, a Long Sword +3, some Potions

of Extra Healing, some Potions of Invisibility, and 47 gold. The archer

Tiefling will leave behind a suit of Chain Mail +3, Arrows +3 x20~,

Arrows +2 x20~, a Helmet, two Potions of Superior Healing, two Potions

of Extra Healing, a Potion of Fire Giant Strength, an Oil of Speed, a

Composite Long Bow +2, a Scroll of Mordenkainen's Sword, and 80 gold.

The Cleric Tiefling bequeaths a suit of Full Plate Mail +1, a Helmet,

Pellan's Shield +2 (a Large Shield +2 with lower weight and Strength

requirements), a Flail +2, Bullets +3 x20~, a Sling +1, some Potions of

Superior Healing, and 94 gold. Finally, Aesgareth himself will drop us a

suit of Chain Mail +3, a Two Handed Sword +2, a Scepter Gem, a Scroll of

Pierce Shield, 9 gold, and the Deck of Many Things, which is what we

were after all along. Feel bad about killing him? Well, if it makes you

feel better, he would have attacked you if you had won his Scepter Gem

from him, so don't feel too bad about it. Now all that's left to do is

head through the portal at (x=1950, y=600).


(For escaping the maze)

EXP 10000 (each character)


(For winning the Scroll of Wish from Aesgareth)

EXP 25000 (each character)


(For winning the Spectral Brand from Aesgareth)

EXP 25000 (each character)


(For playing for the way out)

EXP 20000 (each character)


(For reassembling the Scepter of Radiance)

EXP 25000 (each character)


17) But first, let's see what Cespenar can make for us after this

last level:

Thieves' Hood


(10000 gold)

(Thieves' Hood)

(Ring of Invisibility)


An interesting helmet, it makes the wearer immune to backstabs and

poison, and allows them to cast True Sight three times a day. It's

an anti-Thief Thief helm! I would consider having Imoen use it, but

she's better off wearing the Circlet of Netheril, and my

Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist is still better off with Vhailor's

Helm. I'd rather have a constant bonus to critical hits than protection

from backstabs-which are prevented quite handily by Stoneskin, in any

event. I mean, so are critical hits, but everything can land a critical

hit-only a few foes will attempt to backstab you.

White Dragon Scale


(5000 gold)

(White Dragon Scales)

Easily the best armor in the game that allows its wearer to sneak, with

that Armor Class, it's practically Fighter armor! Thieves and Rangers

can't ask for better, and they can safely retire that Shadow Dragon

Scale. Why did the Scales from the weakest Dragon type make the

strongest armor? Your guess is as good as mine. Whenever I take Sarevok

with me, I put him in this armor so as not to shake up any established

equipment load-outs... and since him and Minsc compete for the same

spot in my party, it also makes sense that they both end up with this

armor. Simplicity itself.

Wondrous Gloves


(5000 gold)

(Bard's Gloves)



(Rogue Stone)

(Star Sapphire)

If you're a Bard... shame on you! No really, if you're a Bard, you're

going to love these gloves. They give +1 THAC0, +1 Armor Class, and

a bonus 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level spell. This just about makes them the

best things you can wear on your hands in the entire game... if you're

Bard, at least. Of course, with the 'Use Any Item' ability, my

Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist can use these, too-and anybody can see

how she would stand to benefit from the bonuses these gloves provide...


18) Of course, we found something else in that level, didn't we? That's

right, the Deck of Many Things. No sense in letting it rot in our

packs, we might as well use it to squeeze the best possible rewards from

it that we can. I have my mind set on two things: magical items that I

can't get anywhere else, and permanent character upgrades. The other two

useful things I could gain from the Deck of Many Things are money and

experience. I don't need the latter (since I have over 100,000 gold

still) and I can grind for the latter. In fact, at almost 5,000,000

experience per character, I'm not worried about hitting my eventual

goal of 6,000,000 experience (for the whopping upgrades Jaheira will

receive). There's still plenty of game left. I'm not going to get too

deep into the details of how the Deck of Many Things works here, if you

want to see my best attempt at dissecting the inner workings of this

item, see [ITM005]. We'll get three draws from the deck, and each time

we draw we can get one of six cards. Obviously we want the best draws

overall, so save before you draw and reload until you get what you

want. Here's what I do:

First Draw:

First I have a Mage cast Spell Immunity: Abjuration and draw from the

deck until they get the 'DONJON' card. This wastes the first draw, but

we need to sacrifice the crappy cards of the first draw to get better

cards in the second and third draw.

Second Draw:

Now we have two options, we can upgrade one attribute of a character by

having them draw from the Deck until they get the 'STAR' card.

Unfortunately, you can't choose what attribute gets upgraded, and it's

not random, so you can't fish for it, either. It's based upon your

class, Fighters will get Strength, Mages will get Intelligence, and

so forth. The only useful thing I can imagine doing with this is to

get a character with 18 Strength and use the deck to raise them up to

19, and hence negate any need they might have for Giant Strength. If

you're not sold on that, you can try and get the 'KEY' card, instead,

which will give you the Warder's Signet +3 (aka Ring of Protection +3).

This is useful for any Mage, who won't be wearing armor and hence will

be the only characters that really need to wear this. The bonus to Armor

Class and saving throws sure beats The Spirit's Shield +2, in any case.

An interesting move to make is to have Haer'Dalis wear Robes of the

Archmagi (I say Robes of the Neutral Archmagi, but any will do. You can

steal them from Lazarus in Saradush, and they are wearable by Haer'Dalis

thanks to the 'Use Any Item' high level ability) along with The Warder's

Signet +3. The ultimate Armor Class bonus will be the same as if he were

wearing his Melodic Chain, but his saves will be much better (four

points better per save, in fact), not to mention the 5% magic

resistance. If you have a Fighter/Mage/Thief and therefore are wearing

the Aslyferund Elven Chain +5, it's the best Haer'Dalis can hope for.

Third Draw:

There are two real choices here, too. We can try to get the 'THRONE'

card, which will score us 1,000,000 experience points. It's a pretty

hefty slice of experience, but we can get experience anywhere. On

the other hand, if we get the 'MOON' card, the character who drew will

get +10 Hit Points. Can you think of any downside? I can't either.

There's no character who has enough Hit Points that they can't

benefit from more.

I'll be honest here, I'm very prone to babying my protagonist here.

I know, there's no sequel to this game where they can take their

stats to, but when push come to shove, I prefer to give the permanent

upgrades to my protagonist. Anyways, make your three draws and put

the Deck of Many Things away... or use it a fourth time to have it

vanish, either way.


| Watcher's Keep, Level 4 |


Sequence of Events: {WLK058}

1) Carston, Lord of the Level!

2) First Illithid Rod

3) Moribund Apprentice

4) Second Illithid Rod

5) Red Oil and Vampiric Illithids

6) Flint and Tinder

7) Killing Githyanki

8) Purple Oil and Angurvadal

9) The Demi-Lich

10) Saladrex

11) Blue Oil and Magic Golems

12) More Mimics

13) Lighting the Braziers

14) Rock and Garock

15) "Freeing" Carston

16) The Machine of Lum the Mad

17) Crafting With Cespenar, IV

Watcher's Keep, Fourth Level (AR3017)


1) When you arrive on this level you'll witness a group of Githyanki

fighting a group of Mind Flayers, all the while a Mage in some device

cackles. Eventually, however, the Mage grows bored and disrupts the

fight by sending out a demon to chase off the belligerents. When they're

gone, you'll be introduced to Carston-Lord of the Level! He proclaims

that he's immortal so long as he stays in the Machine of Lum the Mad.

After he declares his immortality and scoffs at your juvenile

insinuations that he's trapped, you'll get to make three innocuous-

seeming responses. If you pick options #1 or #2 he'll summon up four

Mind Flayers to attack you, but if you mention his apprentices, he'll

hit you with a Chain Lightning. You can pester him further, but he finds

pretty much every question boring and will simply hit you with a 'Minor

Lightning Bolt' for your impertinence. Make sure to grab some of the

mundane weapons from the container at (x=3350, y=1550). You'll need them

before we're done with this level. Note that you can exit Watcher's Keep

and open the side passage to this level by heading through the portal at

(x=2400, y=1700). Note that you may encounter some Devil Shades and

Shadow Fiends near this portal, or if you're more fortunate, it'll just

be Yuan-Ti.


(x=3400, y=1600) Potion of Fire Giant Strength, Potion of Insight,

Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa,

Arrows of Piercing x40

(x=3350, y=1550) Bolt +1 x40, Arrows +1 x80, Full Plate Mail +1,

Bastard Sword, Long Sword, Short Sword, Scimitar,

Katana, Ninja-To, Wakizashi, Two Handed Sword, Dagger,

Battle Axe, Spear, Halberd, Quarter Staff, Club,

Flail, Mace, Morning Star, War Hammer, Arrows x80,

Bolts x80, Sling, Darts x40

(x=3250, y=1500) Zircon Gem, Bolt +1 x40, Bolt +2 x40, Antidote x10

(x=3200, y=1500) Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa,

Rainbow Obsidian Necklace, Bolts of Lightning x40


(x=3400, y=1600)

Illithid Stronghold (AR3021)


2) We still have places to explore in this area, but it makes more

sense sequentially to explore the areas to the north and south, first.

You'll see. I exit the level via the northern passage (x=2400, y=1400)

first. Before you go, you might want to prepare some Death Spells and

make sure you have Chaotic Commands ready. If you thought we were

done fighting large enclaves of Illithids just because Shadows of Amn

ended, you were wrong. I send my protagonist down to the south-east,

with the rest of my party following at a safe distance with missile

weapons equipped. The game might have changed, but our tactics have

not. My protagonist, with a better Armor Class and deadlier offensive

capabilities is more capable of slaughtering Mind Flayers. As in the

Underdark, he leads protected by Chaotic Commands, as his high

Intelligence and Mirror Image spells enable him to withstand otherwise

crippling Mind Flayer assaults. In this first room we'll find a Mind

Flayer and four Umber Hulks, which should be a warmup, more than

anything else. Edwin softens the enemies up with a Death Spell, and my

evil protagonist mops up-this is going to be yet another level where

she abuses her ability to perform hit-and-run backstabs, protected only

by Chaotic Commands and perhaps a Death Spell courtesy of Edwin whenever

several Umber Hulks await. Go through the door to the west

(x=1450, y=500), trounce a trio of Umber Hulks, then loot the room to

claim your first Illithid Rod.


(x=800, y=660) Iol Gem, Illithid Rod, Wand of Cursing


3) Go through the door to the south at (x=1700, y=700) and you'll

encounter another group similar to the one we just dispatched. My

protagonist blocks the door, the rest of the party shoots everything

down. Loot around and head through two doors (x=2020, y=1050),

(x=2150, y=900) to reach a room wherein you'll find an Apprentice

(x=2020, y=730) who has seen better days. He was, of course, an

apprentice of Carston, before Carston decided to fiddle with that

Machine of Lum the Mad. Subsequently Carston was trapped, and his

panic meddling led him to blindly mess with the machine, the effects of

which killed most of his apprentices and populated the dungeon with the

Illithids we now face, and their Githyanki foes to the south. The

apprentice will also give two relevant bits of information-that machine

opens the way to the next level, and he knows how to breach it. He won't

talk, however, due to his hatred for Carston, and dies before telling us

anything overly useful. We'll gain some experience for being witnesses.


(x=1950, y=1000) Potions of Extra Healing x5, Gold Ring, 23 gold

(x=1600, y=900) Potions of Extra Healing x5, Andar Gem, Gold Necklace,

Handwritten Note

(x=1400, y=800) Potions of Superior Healing x5, Bloodstone Amulet,

Arrows +3 x40

(x=2050, y=700) Wand of Magic Missiles, Potions of Superior Healing x2,

73 gold


(x=1400, y=800)


(For talking to the apprentice)

EXP 1000 (each character)


4) From the operating room there are two paths to take, down a tunnel to

the south, or to the west. I go south first, disarming a trap just past

the doorway leading from the operating room (x=1700, y=1450). Go through

a door at the end of the tunnel (x=1550, y=1700) to provoke three Mind

Flayers, an Ulitharid, and two Umber Hulks. I provoke them with my

protagonist and run back up to the doorway leading to the operating

room, where my protagonist blocks the enemies off, and the rest of my

party shoots them down. Pick up the Illithid Rod that the Ulitharid

will drop, and the two pieces of the rod will fuse together. We can

now explore the western side of the area.


(x=1400, y=1880) Potion of Insight, Bullet +4 x10, Bullet +3 x40,

Arrows +3 x40


(x=1400, y=1880)


5) Now repeat the process down the western tunnel. You'll find the

trap in this tunnel just beyond the halfway point (x=1000, y=1000). Now

that we have the complete Illithid Rod we can open the door at

(x=850, y=1050). Loot the blood pool at (x=500, y=1000) to obtain the

Red Oil. Once you grab it, the two sarcophagi in the room will open and

a pair of Vampiric Illithids will appear and attack. My protagonist,

moderately spell-buffed, smites them with a Greater Whirlwind.


(x=500, y=1000)


(x=1000, y=1000)

Githyanki Encampment (AR3022)


6) Return to the level where Carston and the device are and exit the

level to the south at (x=3900, y=2700). When you arrive you'll be

harassed by a group of Gith including an Anti-Paladin, a Knight, and a

Warrior. Maybe it was just bad rolls, but man, did these guys get

tougher? Their experience rewards say no. Remember, however, that

Githyanki use a more extensive arsenal of spells than Illithids.

Chaotic Commands on the protagonist is not enough to weather every

fight. When all your foes are dead, be sure to loot the Anti-Paladin

for a new treat-The Unholy Reaver: Ir'revrykal +5. This weapon tries to

be the Blackguard version of Carsomyr, and it actually comes pretty

close. It's a +5 Two-handed Sword that deals an extra five damage to

good foes (there will be few enough of them ahead of us in Throne of

Bhaal). It also has a 50% chance to Dispel the target each hit, and it

grants its user immunity to charm. As good as Carsomyr? Not unless you

throw 50% Magic Resistance on it. Better than what Dorn is currently

using? If you're following the guide-certainly. Grab the Flint and

Tinder, which is what we need to continue quest-wise. We had the special

colored oil, but we still needed flint and tinder to light a bunch of

braziers. Sure, we can cast Incendiary Cloud, Fire Storm, Meteor Warm,

and all other sorts of fiery death, we can even summon the Elemental

Prince of fire, but we still need flint and tinder to light some damned


Note: If you killed both Ur-Gothoz and Azothet back in Shadows of Amn,

Dorn will not be able to use Ir'revrykal +5. It's kind of a shame to

waste a weapon that was clearly placed in the game for Dorn, but on the

other hand, it's not like it bestows massive Magic Resistance like

Carsomyr, nor is it anywhere near as potent as the Ravager +6. That

being the case, it's a temporary weapon at best.

Note: Also worth noting, in the vanilla version of Baldur's Gate 2

there already was an 'Unholy Reaver' weapon in the game's files. Going

by the simple item name 'REAVER'. THe Anti-Paladin always had-and always

used this weapon, although it wasn't quite what Ir'revrykal +5 became.

All Overhaul Games did is add a few properties to the weapon, and made

it droppable-they even used the same inventory icon and item description

art. Why would Bioware create weapon art for an item nobody would see

unless they messed around with Infinity Explorer or console commands?

Maybe they KNEW there would be an Enhanced Edition, and that one of

the new characters would be a Blackguard? They could see the future!

Too bad they didn't use that foresight to see how poorly people would

react to the ending of Mass Effect 3. In all seriousness, though, it

was probably just one of the the dozens of cut items in the game. Or

perhaps they did it just for fun-lots of monster attacks have icons

that most players will never see.


(x=1150, y=330) Wand of the Heavens, Adventurer's Robe, 47 gold

(x=900, y=530) Potion of Invisibility, Dart +1 x20,

Dart of Stunning x20, Potions of Superior Healing x2

(x=900, y=550) Flint and Tinder


(x=900, y=530)


7) Head through the door to the-south-east (x=1500, y=800) and smite an

outmatched group of Githyanki comprised of three Warriors, two Knights,

and an Anti-Paladin. Loot, leave, and continue through the door to the

south-west (x=900, y=800) and exterminate another group of Githyanki,

this time consisting of two Warriors, a Gish (spellcaster), and an



(x=1500, y=990) Potions of Extra Healing x5, Arrows +3 x40

(x=1850, y=800) Sunstone Gem, Fire Agate Gem, 57 gold

(x=400, y=850) Bullet +3 x40, Tchazar Gem, 6 gold

(x=400, y=950) Bolt +3 x40, Wand of Spell Striking, Bloodstone Gem,

Handwritten Note


8) Go through the door to the south-east (x=900, y=1200) where another

group of Githyanki await. Four Warriors, a Knight, two Gish, and two

Anti-Paladins await their demise. Some spell-buffs might be called for

here, and pay special attention to the Gish, lest they get off some

debuffs and make this troublesome. Once they're dead, go kill their

Captain to the south. He'll make as if he wants to talk, but dismisses

your answer, whatever it is. Looks like they were making some kind of

ship, out of some... very large Dragon bones. The Githyanki have all

been dropping us rather ordinary Githyanki loot-Plate Mail Armor,

Two Handed Swords, Potions of Extra Healing and Potions of Invisibility

(when they haven't drank them all fighting us), but the Captain has

something special for us. Loot him for a suit of Plate Mail Armor,

some Potions of Extra Healing, the Diary of Carton's Apprentice (which

tells us how to break the glass around Carston, even if it doesn't tell

us where to procure the Crystal Mallet we'll need to do it), and the

Long Sword Angurvadal +4. It's a +4 weapon that deals some fire damage

and increases the users Strength to 22 for 60 seconds. It's not ready

to be used yet, but it's nice just having it. Be sure to grab the

Purple Oil (x=1550, y=1700), as we'll need it for questy-times. It's

not like we could have mixed the Red Oil and the Blue Oil to make

Purple Oil, is it? Make sure to grab Montolio's Clasp, as it's another

component we'll use later... and yet another Drizzt reference.


(x=1550, y=1700) Purple Oil

(x=1400, y=1550) Bullet x5, Montolio's Clasp

Demi-Liches' Chamber (AR3027)


9) Did I just say that Angurvadal wasn't ready for use? I did, I meant

it wasn't ready for FULL TIME use. I strap that sword on my protagonist,

cast Spell Immunity: Abjuration, and Death Ward on him, and send him

into the area exit at (x=700, y=2000). In this area awaits a Demi-Lich,

and we know what mischief they like to cause. Death Ward protects us

from its Demi-Lich Howl, and Spell Immunity: Abjuration prevents

Imprisonment. Angurvadal in my off-hand allows me the hurt the damn

thing a little more quickly. Daystar does most of the work, of course.

My protagonist, thus protected, merely walks in and cuts the Demi-Lich

down. Loot it for some rewards far exceeding the difficulty of the

fight we just won, including the Dagger of the Star +4, a Silver

Necklace, and 20023 gold. The Dagger of the Star is the best Thief

weapon in the entire game, and it's relatively easy to upgrade, too.

If you have five Star Sapphires, 10000 gold, and you really, really

like to backstab things, go head back to the Pocket Plane and upgrade

it. We'll just... pretend you waited until the end of this level to do



(x=440, y=400) Ziose Gem x2, Skydrop Gem, Laeral's Tear Necklace,

Scroll of Stone to Flesh, Potion of Fortitude

Saladrex's Lair (AR3018)


10) Head back into the Githyanki Encampment and go through the door at

(x=1850, y=1950). Exit the area at (x=1900, y=2000) to reach an area

that looks exactly like Adalon's Lair. Instead of Adalon, however, it's

the home of a Red Dragon named Saladrex. Unlike Firkraag, this Dragon

isn't so bad. He's arrogant, sure, but if you were a giant, fire-

breathing, flying agent of destruction, you'd be arrogant, too. He'll

tell you his story, why he doesn't care to leave, and even bothers

answering some questions, provided you play the suck-up. Of course,

we didn't come here to suck up to a Dragon, did we? No, if it's a

Dragon, and it's got a horde, no matter how talkative, we kill it.

Saladrex is rougher than Firkraag, however. For one, he's more

aggressive with his breath weapon, he'll always start out with a

Remove Magic (after all, removing our party's buffs hurts us a lot more

than putting up a Stoneskin). Also, unlike Adalon we can't just run

up the stairs and hide if we're getting trounced, his breath weapon

takes the form of a Fireball-type effect, and he can hit you with it

pretty much anywhere on the level. Lastly, if you cast too many spells

near him (for example, you try to spell-buff) he'll turn hostile and

attack. So let's buff up by the stairs and rush Saladrex with everything

our Throne of Bhaal party has. The typical spell-buffs prevail, and

in addition I pop on Aura of Flaming Death for extra fire resistance,

and my Mages all use Spell Immunity: Abjuration to block Remove Magic.

As soon as the fight starts, Imoen/Edwin immediately casts Time Stop

and hit Saladrex with a prepared Spell Trigger of Pierce Magic,

Lower Resistances, and Greater Malison, in that order. Typically I'd

throw in a Breach instead of Greater Malison, but Saladrex doesn't

like to buff himself much. Afterward, Imoen/Edwin can try to go for the

kill with Finger of Death, and Minsc's/Dorn/Sarevok's Silver Sword still

is a threat. Edwin, for his part, immediately launches a second Time

Stop Sequence and tries to hit Saladrex with as many Fingers of Death as

he can... and he's got a lot of them. Still, if Saladrex survives, my

warriors (including my Simulacrum) unleash Greater Whirlwinds and

promptly chop Saladrex down. Alas, is nothing a match for our fully

prepared party? Let's hope not. When Saladrex dies he'll drop a Rogue

Stone, a Tchazar Gem, a Gold Ring, and Angel Skin Ring, 1573 gold,

and the Staff of the Ram +4. So far that's the best Long Sword, the

best Dagger, an Unholy Avenger and the best Quarter Staff we've found

down in this Githyanki Encampment. I'm willing to say that this was far

more rewarding than the Illithid place.


Saladrex might be more potent due to the Enhanced Edition, but simply

having Edwin/Imoen sit back and pelt him with Breach spells constantly

is enough to secure victory. The new potency of Dragons has finally

been countered by the greatly superior Throne of Bhaal gear we have...

not to mention the fact that all my fighters can now pop out several

Greater Whirlwind Attacks at will.


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Saladrex {VID016}


11) Return to the level with the Machine of Lum the Mad. Go through the

large doors over at (x=3600, y=1600). To the north you'll find Mutated

Spiders (or alternatively, some Yuan-Ti and a Troll), and to the south

you'll find some Shadows and Shadow Fiends. Dispatch them, loot, and

continue through the door at (x=4100, y=1300). Beyond these doors await

a pair of Magic Golems, who can only be harmed by mundane weapons, as we

read in Elminster's Ecologies, Appendix IIIa. They attack at a range,

and deal a pretty hefty amount of damage when they hit. My protagonist

equips a Katana and a Long Sword to deal with this problem... he hasn't

been so equipped since we started poking around Irenicus' Dungeon. Grab

the Blue Oil from the pool in the middle of the room (x=4500, y=1100).


(x=4200, y=1570) Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa, Bullets +1 x80,

Bullets +2 x40

(x=3500, y=1200) Sunstone Bullets +1 x20, Bullets +4 x20, Zircon Gem

(x=3550, y=1150) Arrows of Biting x30, Skydrop Gem, 1 gold

(x=4500, y=1100) Blue Oil

(x=3850, y=950) Arrows of Ice x40, Gold Ring

(x=4000, y=800) Wand of Magic Missiles, Bullets +4 x10, 17 gold

(x=4050, y=800) Silver Ring, Flamedance Ring, Bolts of Biting x40


(x=3500, y=1200)

(x=4000, y=800)


12) Return to where the Machine of Lum the Mad is and go west through

the doors at (x=2600, y=2300). To the south will be a half dozen Mustard

Jellies, and to the north will be some Killer Mimics. As long as you

take the latter foes seriously enough to attack with your entire party,

you'll be fine. If you want to be absolutely safe, attack them at range

so you can avoid getting close enough to be paralyzed. Through the door

at (x=2100, y=2700) are some Shadows and some braziers. We've got three

types of oil and some Flint and Tinder, how about we give this a go?


(x=2850, y=2600) Potion of Healing x10, Potion of Extra Healing x5,

Potion of Superior Healing x5

(x=2400, y=2250) 987 gold

(x=2250, y=2150) Arrows +3 x30, Bullets +3 x30

(x=2150, y=2100) Wand of Spell Striking, Globe of Invulnerability,

Potions of Superior Healing x4

(x=1950, y=2300) Chain Mail +1, Bolts +3 x30, 1 gold


13) Now, how to go about solving this massively complicated puzzle?

In the first rooms on either side of the level (the room north-east of

the brazier room and south-west of the room where we fought the Magic

Golems) you'll find three triangular objects. In the north-east,

they're blue, purple, and red, and in the south-west they're red, red,

and purple. Light the braziers to match this arrangement Once the

braziers are all lit you'll get an experience reward and the door to

the north-east will open, allowing you to continue through another door

(x=1200, y=2400).

(x=1400, y=2700): RED (x=1650, y=2500): BLUE

(x=1500, y=2770): RED (x=1750, y=2600): PURPLE

(x=1600, y=2850): PURPLE (x=1900, y=2650): RED


(For lighting all the braziers correctly)

EXP 10000 (each character)


14) In this large room you'll find two Minotaurs named Rock and Garock.

Their speaking roles in Throne of Bhaal are short and to the point, and

a fight ensues. They're both fairly strong melee combatants. Garock will

use Power Attack and Dimension Door if he gets into too much trouble,

while Rock will use Greater Whirlwind Attack. I respond in kind, and

present an Iron Skinned Jaheira as a target. Imoen casts Greater

Malison and my protagonist casts Slow to greatly diminish their combat

effectiveness. They'll be joined by some Ice Salamanders, but these

are just sideshows. Ignore them and focus on taking out the brothers,

one at a time. Despite their abilities, melee competence, allies, and

reliance on potions, these two Minotaurs are heavily out-matched. When

they die, loot Garock for a Potion of Superior Healing and a Battle

Axe +3. Rock leaves behind another Potion of Superior Healing, a

Battle Axe +3, and the Axe of the Unyielding +3. While it's still a

decent axe even in this form, it hasn't really come into its own yet.

Korgan replaces his old friend, the Frostreaver +3, with the Axe of the

Unyielding +3. My good party puts the Axe of the Unyielding in storage

until it can be upgraded.


(x=800, y=2000) Crystal Mallet, Bullets +3 x20, Bolts +3 x20,

Arrows +3 x20

(x=900, y=1900) Tchazar Gem, Gold Necklace, Silver Ring,

Scroll of Summon Efreet, Clay Golem Page, 1000 gold


(x=800, y=2000)


15) With the Crystal Mallet in hand, head over to Carston and activate

the glass (x=3300, y=2000). Strike the glass with the Crystal Mallet

six times and it'll dissolve, leaving a whining, sniveling Carston

groveling at your feet. You can kill him and take his journal, or let

him go and he'll give it to you. Since you get slightly more experience

for letting him go, I decide to to that. Carston's Journal merely tells

us how to use the machine to open the portal, but there's so much more

we can do with this machine...

Triangular Button, Red Wheel, Medium Lever


(For sparing Carston)

EXP 10000

Item Carston's Journal


16) Now it's time to play with the Machine of Lum the Mad. As this level

has made abundantly clear, randomly messing around with the machine can

be rather dangerous. However, those tattered notes we've been finding

all over the place are, in fact, recipes for this machine. The character

inputting a particular recipe will be the one who benefits from the

upgrades (or suffers the consequences of an incorrect input.) There are

various upgrades you can get here, so check your party stats and

compare the bonuses your party members will gain. Having a character go

from 18 Strength to 19 is obviously the best way to upgrade that

particular stat, while going from 17 to 18 Dexterity is more useful

than going from 18 to 19. Non-warriors don't need a Constitution higher

than 16, non-Mages don't need Intelligence, party leaders should get

Charisma (although it's rather moot at this point in the game) and

Clerics, Druids, and Wish-using Mages are good choices for Wisdom. Or

just be lazy and give everything to your protagonist. It's not the

most efficient way of doing things, but we all know they're the most

important. Given my standard protagonists (Fighter/Mage for the good

party and Fighter/Mage/Thief for the evil party) and my standard party

composition, here's what I suggest for each party:

Good Party: I gave all the upgrades save Dexterity and Wisdom to my

protagonist. Charisma doesn't really matter anymore, and neither does

Intelligence. When Imoen needed more Intelligence, I just used Potions

of Genius and the Golden Ioun Stone. Those days, however, are past. On

the other hand, raising my Strength to 20 makes me feel better about

using the Axe of the Unyielding and the Flail of Ages instead of

Angurvadal. His Dexterity-raised to 19 in the first game, and dropped

back down to 18 in Hell, isn't going to give any more Armor Class by

raising it back to 19, so I give the point to either Sarevok or Minsc,

whomever is still around. My protagonist's Constitution, sitting at 19,

takes a boost here to 20. This does nothing on its own, but paired with

the extra boost from the Axe of the Unyielding scores him another ten

Hit Points.

Evil Party: Korgan has 25 Strength from Crom Faeyr, and when we obtain

the Girdle of Fire Giant Strength we'll be able to set up our other

characters to have 23 Strength, 21 Strength, and 19 Strength... Strength

scores that will make whatever upgrade you take here inconsequential.

So, even though my protagonist has 21 Strength already I give her this

upgrade, too. It won't do me any good if I'm using Angurvadal, but if

I go with Hindo's Doom instead, it'll be worthwhile. Also, since the

Charisma and Intelligence upgrades don't matter anymore, they go to my

protagonist as well, in a bout of selfish favoritism. As for Dexterity,

we have options. We'll obtain very good armor that will increase

Dexterity by one-if you put it on Jaheira as-is, she'll get an Armor

Class bonus of two (and hence won't need this upgrade). If you raise

Viconia's Dexterity here, she'll also gain a two-point bonus to Armor

Class from the Dexterity-boosting armor... but I prefer to consolidate

her magic resistance by giving her another suit of armor. This leaves

Sarevok or Dorn as the next best options. Jaheira gets the Constitution

upgrade, since it'll actually improve her Hit Points (and she needs the

Hit Points more than Dorn/Sarevok, in any event). Viconia gets the

Wisdom upgrade, as it'll give her a bonus 1st-and-4th level spell, which

is better than giving Jaheira another 2nd level spell.


| Code | Effect |


|Blue, Green, Long | +5% Magic Resistance. |


|Circle, Blue, Long | Intelligence increased by one. |


|Circle, Red, Long | Constitution increased by one. |


|Circle, Square, Triangle | Wisdom increased by one. |


|Red, Green, Short | Charisma increased by one. |


|Square, Blue, Short | Dexterity increased by one. |


|Square, Short, Medium | Strength increased by one. |


|Triangle, Green, Medium |Party obtains the Mace, Storm Star +3.|


|Triangle, Red, Medium | Opens portal to next level. |


Note: You can only activate these sequences once, afterwards the input

will count as an incorrect sequence.

Of course, what happens if you put in something wrong, or you mess

around trying to find random inputs? Typically something bad, but once

in a while, you'll get rewarded. Below are a list of 'incorrect' input

results. It doesn't matter what you actually do, as long as it's an

incorrect sequence (not one of the ones listed above) you'll get one of

the follow results:

The Party gains a Potion of Superior Healing.

User gains 100,000 experience.

User is Imprisoned.

User is Level Drained 15 levels.

User is Petrified.

User is Poisoned.

User is engulfed in flames (50 damage).

User is struck by a Lightning Bolt (75 damage).

User's Dexterity is permanently lowered by one.

User's Intelligence is permanently lowered by one.

Note: You can get these penalties/rewards multiple times. If you want

to be incredibly cheap, this is a way to grind for experience. Just

continuously activate the machine, input random codes, and if you get

the experience, save. If not, reload.


(For activating the portal leading deeper into Watcher's Keep)

EXP 25000 (each character)


17) When you're done toying around with the machine, input 'Triangle,

Red, Medium' to activate the portal to the next level (x=2900, y=1400),

and earn yourself some experience. Now we can continue on, but first,

let's see what Cespenar has for us:

Clay Golem Manual


(5000 gold)

(Clay Golem Page)

(Golem Manual)

The Clay Golem is in every way preferable to the Flesh Golem, being

immune to everything but bludgeoning weapons. It's a little late in the

game now to be taking advantage of enemies this way, and a Clay Golem

isn't a fearsome enough combatant that'll last long enough to do any

serious damage, but it's a fairly hardy summon nonetheless. At least

there's a chance in some fights, against enemies who are ill-equipped to

harm a Clay Golem, that the Golem won't be destroyed in short order.

You've probably noticed that your Flesh Golem just wasn't up to snuff.

Dagger of the Star +5


(5000 gold)

(Dagger of the Star +4)

(Star Sapphire x5)

This dagger is absolutely devastating for any character with a

backstab multiplier. Its damage (1d4+5) tends towards the insignificant,

it doesn't cause any status effects, and only has the somewhat paltry

ability to cause 1d8 fire and 1d8 electrical damage 5% of the time, but

all this is out-shadowed by the 15% chance to cause the wielder to go

invisible. Position your Thief behind an enemy and have them use this

weapon as their main-hand weapon and you've got a decent chance each

round that they'll score a backstab. That damage sure takes on a

different aspect when it's subjected to a x5 multiplier, and a

Fighter/Thief or Fighter/Mage/Thief imported from the previous title

with a modest, say, 19 Strength who is specialized in Daggers will

easily be doing 1d4+14 damage, or about 75-90 damage on a backstab.

This allows you to topple most normal enemies with glorious ease, and

although some enemies are immune to backstabs, it's still a good

equipment load-out for most fights. Just equip a good off-hand weapon to

go with it, particularly one that gives you more defense (like Hindo's

Doom) or more stopping power (an upgraded Angurvadal, for example, will

raise your Strength to 22 and make the Dagger of the Star +5 that much

more destructive.) Keep in mind that this weapon requires a bit of

micro-management. The game will not tell you when you've gone invisible,

and you'll have to manually position yourself behind an enemy to perform

a backstab (if you're not already behind them, that is). Just keep an

eye on your protagonist, and if they turn transparent, pause the game

and move them to take advantage of their newfound invisibility.

Staff of the Ram +6


(5000 gold)

(Roranach's Horn)

(Staff of the Ram +4)

Ah, the first +6 weapon that comes available to us in this game... at

least the way I play it. If you're into staves, this is by far the best

melee staff in the game, to the delight of Druids everywhere. I

personally prefer the Spectral Brand for Jaheira, and the Ravager for

two-handed weapons in general, but if you're a Druid who has been

missing a shield, this is just for you. It has a 15% chance to stun,

knock enemies back, and it always deals a whopping base of 1d6 +12

crushing, +1d4 piercing damage. It's a good weapon by any definition.

Storm Star +5


(5000 gold)

(Starfall Ore)

(Storm Star +3)

Storm Star +3 was kind of meh, but Storm Star +5 is a genuinely decent

weapon in Throne of Bhaal. Still, I find it far out-classed by the Flail

of the Ages, as the Storm Star is pretty much just a brute damage

weapon. On that note, I still find Crom Faeyr's Strength-boost more

appealing as far as brute damage goes. I really don't have a use for

this weapon. If, however, for some reason you find both the Flail of the

Ages and Crom Faeyr tied up and you have a sad Cleric, Storm Star might

be the answer.


| Watcher's Keep, Level 5 |


Sequence of Events: {WLK059}

1) Seals, Keys, and Wheels

2) Messing With More Machines

3) Guardians of the Mind

4) Test of the Heart

5) Test of Perseverance

6) Test of Courage

7) Test of Wisdom

8) A Game of Coins

9) Guardians of the Heart

10) Spirit Warrior's Maze

11) Through the Maze

12) Guardians of the Spirit

13) Crafting With Cespenar, V

14) The Imprisoned One

15) Defeating Demogorgon

Watcher's Keep, Fifth Level (AR3019)


1) Once you've used the Machine of Lum the Mad, feel free to go on to

the next level via the portal at (x=2900, y=1400). You'll find yourself

in a large, triangular chamber with three doors. In the middle of the

room is the symbol of Helm which can be activated, surrounded by

three pedestals which contain the seals we need to break. We need to

find a key for each pedestal, however, and once all three are unlocked

we can turn a wheel to open the final seal. Three doors, three keys, we

can all see how this level is going to play out. If you want to leave

and open the last side-door to Watcher's Keep, you'll find your portal

at (x=1850, y=1500).


2) I feel compelled to start by going through the door at

(x=1250, y=1600). Immediately upon opening the door you'll be attacked

by a swarm of Mutated Spiders, which my protagonist (and the party

with ranged weapons) can handle with ease. Beyond we'll find a machine

of sorts, surrounded by four pedestals, in turn surrounded by four

colored tubes. Activate the machine (x=650, y=1500) to get the details.

You need to activate the machine, obtain some colored globes which need

to be placed in one of the color containers. The globes contain liquid,

which can be consumed as a potion, and have varying effects. If you use

a globe as a potion, however, you'll have to reactivate the machine to

get another, and face a stronger enemy for it. Eventually you'll get an

orb that cannot be consumed, which should be the one we place into the

tube. Of course, the correct and proper thing to do is get as many orbs

as possible, smite the increasingly powerful monsters, and make off with

as much loot and experience as we can. Each time you obtain an orb

you'll gain 1000 experience for each character, and since you can get

four of each color, that's 16,000 experience for everybody in the party,

on top of whatever the monsters give you. Put the four dud globes into

their tubes and you'll get a quest reward and the 'Mind Key'. All in

all, everybody walks away with 26,000 experience, and the party gains an

additional 455,496 experience to split amongst themselves from the

monsters we killed. That's a little over 100,000 experience per

character. Not bad, I say.

Most of the monsters aren't too troubling. To claim the blue globe

you'll need to smite a Mage. Keldorn hits her with Dispel Magic and

Imoen uses Breach and she dies without much further effort. If you set

your party around where she appears, the chances are good you can just

cut her down before she gets off any bothersome spells. For the Mutated

Spiders, I just send my party north of the machine (between the red and

purple tubes) and have my protagonist stand to the side (between the red

and green tubes) and summon the critters. My protagonist checks them in

melee and my party fires away. This tactic also works to safely dispose

of the Umber Hulks, Devil Shades, and the Vampires. For the Beholders,

another strategy is called for. I move all my party into the large

triangular room where we entered save Keldorn/Viconia, Jaheira, and my

protagonist. With their magic resistance, the Shield of Balduran, and

the Cloak of Mirroring they stand a chance of doing what needs to be

done. As soon as the Beholders are summoned, I send all three to attack

the Elder Orb, as it will cast Imprisonment after a while. Once it goes

down, everybody save Jaheira flees the room, and Jaheira methodically

cuts down the Hive Mother and Death Tyrant. She can still take some

damage from the spells of the Hive Mother, but it should be nothing

more than a Ring of Regeneration and/or some healing spells can't fix.

For the Liches, I again send everybody out into the triangular room

save my protagonist. He applies the typical anti-Lich strategy,

Spell Immunity: Abjuration, Conjuration, Alteration and Death Ward.

Once the Liches appear, he hacks away until they die, using Daystar on

them as necessary. The Elemental Lich will doubtlessly summon a Pit

Fiend, but by now my protagonist is more than strong enough to dispose

of such a creature effortlessly.


| Globe | Enemies Summoned | Potion Effect |


|Red Globe #1 |Hobgoblin Elite, | Fireball, centered on |

| |Hobgoblin Shaman, | target. |

| |Hobgoblin Warrior, | |

| |Hobgoblin Wizard | |

| |(196 EXP) | |


|Red Globe #2 |Kuo-Toa Captain x2 | Heals user. |

| |Kuo-Toa Priest | |

| |Kuo-Toa Wizard | |

| |(12000 EXP) | |


|Red Globe #3 |Giant Troll x2 | Temporarily increases |

| |Spectral Troll | party's saving throws |

| |Spirit Troll | by one. |

| |(18300 EXP) | |


|Red Globe #4 |Greater Wolfwere x4 | N/A |

| |(60000 EXP) | |


|Blue Globe #1 |Mage |Cone of Cold, centered |

| |(11000 EXP) | on target. |


|Blue Globe #2 |Mage | Fatigues user. |

| |(14000 EXP) | |


|Blue Globe #3 |Mage | N/A |

| |(20000 EXP) | |


|Blue Globe #4 |Mage |Protection from Normal |

| |(6000 EXP) | Missiles on user. |


|Green Globe #1 |Mutated Spiders x4 | N/A |

| |(36000 EXP) | |


|Green Globe #2 |Umber Hulks x3 | Melf's Acid Arrows on |

| |(12000 EXP) | target. |


|Green Globe #3 |Greater Earth | ????? |

| |Elementals x3 | |

| |(30000 EXP) | |


|Green Globe #4 |Death Tyrant, | Summons a Shambling |

| |Hive Mother, | Mound to serve the |

| |Elder Orb | party. |

| |(78000 EXP) | |


|Purple Globe #1|Skeleton Warriors x4 | Strength increased |

| |(16000 EXP) | temporarily. |


|Purple Globe #2|Devil Shade x4 |Invisibility on target.|

| |(48000 EXP) | |


|Purple Globe #3|Vampire x4 | N/A |

| |(50000 EXP) | |


|Purple Globe #4|Lich, Elemental Lich | Mass Cure on target. |

| |(44000 EXP) | |



(For obtaining a globe)

EXP 1000 (each character)


(For obtaining the Mind Key)

EXP 10000 (each character)


3) Now go use the Mind Key on the pedestal at (x=2400, y=1750) to gain

some experience. The game ominously warns you about some guardians, so

be sure to spell-buff before you activate the pedestal a second time.

Five 'Ferrumach Rilmani' will appear, along with one 'Aurumach Rilmani'.

I situate my party north-west of the seals (near the portal), and summon

a Deva, an Elemental Prince, a Simulacrum (via the Helm of Vhailor) and

two Golems (via the Golem Manual-which both my protagonist and their

Simulacrum can use). Then I hit us all with Protection from Evil 10'

Radius and Haste (having cast other, not quite so time-sensitive

personal spell-buffs like Stoneskin, Iron Skins, Blur, Armor of Faith,

etc., before summoning anything). When we hit the seal, our foes will

appear, and our first order of business is to quickly and decisively

kill the Aurumach Rilmani, as he's a powerful Mage. If he gets off his

Time Stop sequence, he can easily cause trouble with repeated bouts of

Cone of Cold, Prismatic Spray, and Symbol spells... Or he might just

beat you to death with his staff (which, after peeking with Infinity

Explorer turns out is a Staff of the Ram +4, which he doesn't drop. With

this, and his base Strength score of 20, he can be quite a bruiser in

melee). After he falls-and with my party and their summons in an

advantageous position to pounce on him, he'll fall quite quickly-the

Ferrumach Rilmani can cast some annoying spells, like Dispel Magic,

Remove Magic, Silence 15' Radius, Ice Storm, and Blur, but they are

otherwise not nearly as worrisome as the Aurumach Rilmani. Loot the dead

Aurumach Rilmani for the Club of Detonation +3. For the same reason I

didn't use Harbinger earlier, I won't use this. Who needs Fireballs

going off in the middle of melee combat? I don't.


(For using the Mind Key on the pedestal)

EXP 20000


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Mind Key {VID017}


4) One seal down, two to go. Now you must head south through the door

at (x=2500, y=2500). Beyond you'll find a Helmite Ghost, which will

tell you that you need to be worthy in heart, spirit, and mind before

you can obtain the key. Apparently this ghost is tasked to test your

perseverance, courage, and Wisdom. And our patience, doubtlessly.

Since we've been doing this level from west to east, let's give this

particular trial the same order. Go through the door at (x=2300, y=3000)

and exit the area at (x=2300, y=3100).

Test of Perseverance (AR3025)


5) In this area you'll find a host of Orcs, including wussy Orc Archers,

beefed up Orcs, and Orc Mages, who can cause you trouble through sheer

numbers. Start out with True Sight, as their plans are to cast Shadow

Door, put up some defensive buffs like Mirror Image, then reappear to

launch Fireballs and Lightning Bolts. I Haste the party and have

Keldorn use True Sight, giving the Mages priority death when they show

up. After killing enough of the critters, the Helmite Ghost will show up

and reward you. Loot the pool at the far end of the room to obtain

Ixil's Nail +4, with which we can create the strongest Spear in the

game. The Orcs themselves will drops various amounts of gold, gems,

jewelry, as well as the odd potion and scroll. Return to the previous

level when you're done looting.


(x=900, y=400) Potions of Extra Healing x5, Arrows +3 x40, Bolts +3 x40,

Bullets +3 x40, Bluestone Necklace, Ixil's Nail +4,

1 gold.


(For passing the test of perseverance)

EXP 21000 (each character)

Test of Courage (AR3024)


6) Now go through the door at (x=2600, y=3000) and exit to the next

area at (x=2700, y=3100). Just by looking at this place, you should be

able to tell what's coming next. It's another Adalonish chamber, and

what better to test your courage against than a Dragon? Spell-buff up,

summon some allies, and cast Remove Fear before confronting the Dragon.

This particular specimen will taunt you before attacking, mentioning

the 'Warrior's Skull', which we'll need to proceed later. This Dragon

doesn't focus on buffs, save True Sight. Other than that, it uses its

Wing Buffet an awful lot, and will cast Summon Insects, like

Nizidramanii'yt did. All in all, it's not too much trouble for a

powerful, well-prepared party to cut down. My protagonist even managed

to kill this Dragon "by himself". He spell-buffed, used the Vhailor's

Helm to create a Simulacrum, and then both him and the Simulacrum

used the Clay Golem manual to create a Clay Golem. They then attacked

the Dragon. The Golems provided enough of a distraction for the

protagonist and his Simulacrum to get off multiple Greater Whirlwind

Attacks (even though some where wasted because of its Wing Buffet.) When

it dies, loot it for the Warrior's Skull, Hindo's Doom +3, a decent

off-hand weapon once it's upgraded, a Gold Ring, a Bloodstone Ring, and

1500 gold. The Helmite Ghost will show up again and give you another



(For passing the test of courage)

EXP 21000 (each character)


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Test of Courage {VID018}

Test of Wisdom (AR3026)


7) One more test to go. Head back to the previous area and go through

the door at (x=2900, y=2900) and exit the level at (x=3000, y=3000). I

like it when the numbers match, don't you? Inside this area you'll be

pestered by an Imp, who wants to challenge you to a game of riddles.

And no, you don't have any choice in the matter. The riddle and its

answer are as follows:

"I have as many brothers as sisters, but my brothers have twice the

number of sisters as brothers. How many children do my parents have?"

Answer: Seven


(For answering the Imp's riddle)

EXP 10000 (each character)


8) The Imp now wants to play a game of coins. There are 11 coins, and

you and the Imp will alternate taking one, two, or three coins at a

time. Whoever takes the last coin loses. The way to win this is to

avoid leaving the Imp with four coins or less to pick from, as it can

then pick three or lower, and leave you with one. Therefore endeavor to

get the Imp down to five coins, without getting down to five yourself.

If you pick three at the beginning, it will pick three, and you'll

be screwed. If you pick one, however, the Imp will pick one, leaving

nine coins. Whatever you pick next, the Imp will pick the correct

amount to leave you with five. You must pick two coins on the first

round, then whatever the Imp picks will put it in the situation of

leaving you within striking distance of five. Left with five coins left,

the Imp will have to pick one, two, or three, which leaves you to take

the remaining coins save one, and thus win the game. After being

defeated the Imp will leave to avoid your gloating, and you'll get an

experience reward from both the Imp and the Helmite Ghost. Loot the

place and leave.


(x=500, y=250) Sunstone Bullet +1 x20, Acid Arrows x20,

Bolt of Lightning x20, Potion of Superior Healing x4

(x=440, y=150) 81 gold

(x=600, y=200) Scroll of Identify, Ziose Gem, Bullets +4 x10


(x=600, y=200)


(For beating the Imp at a game of coins)

EXP 10000 (each character)


(For passing the test of Wisdom)

EXP 21000 (each character)


9) Return to the previous area the Helmite Ghost will reward you yet

again and pass off the Heart Key. Insert the key into the pedestal

(x=2150, y=1800) in the main room for even more experience. The

guardians for this seal are no joke, they include a Succubus named

Nalmissra, a Marilith named Y'tossi, a Hive Mother, Xei Win Toh, a

Drow Cleric named Ameralis Zauviir, and an archer named The Huntress.

The key to this fight, as every large fight, is preparation. Spell-buffs

are mandatory, but good positioning will go a long way, as well. Jaheira

stands just to the west of the lowest pedestal and equips the Shield of

Balduran-she'll go toe-to-toe with the Hive Mother. Keldorn, my

protagonist, and Imoen all go north of the symbol of Helm in the middle

of the room so they can pounce upon Nalmissra, then tackle Y'tossi.

Anomen/Viconia and Minsc wait a little ways east of Jaheira, along with

whatever summons (Deva, Clay Golems, and an Elemental Prince) we can

bring up to hold off the other three. When the seal is activated, the

Hive Mother, Nalmissra, and Y'Tossi will all throw up defenses,

including Stoneskin, Protection from Magical Weapons, and Improved

Mantle. Y'tossi uses True Sight, which makes illusions useless as

spell defense. Imoen responds by hitting Nalmissra with Breach, and

Keldorn and my protagonist hack away. Imoen could use a Time Stop, but

most of these monsters have very high spell resistance, and it's just

not practical for her to bother trying to rip the defenses of one of

them down to open them up to spell assault, nor is it particularly

fruitful to hit them with multiple Horrid Wiltings and Comet and hope

for the best. My Mages will serve best by tearing down enemy defenses.

By the time Nalmissra falls, Y'tossi's protections should have worn off,

or or at least be nearing the end of their duration. If not, Imoen

always has another Breach. My summons, Anomen, and Minsc all focus on

Xei Win Toh, and when she falls they move on to Ameralis Zauviir.

Y'tossi and the Drow die at nearly the same time, and my party moves

on to the survivors-the Hive Mother in the west, and The Huntress in the


After they fall, it's time to loot. Nalrissa will drop a Scroll of Wish

and a Diamond, Y'tossi coughs up Gauntlets of Extraordinary

Specialization, a Rogue Stone, and 73 gold, Xei Win Toh gives us a

Star Sapphire and a King's Tear, Ameralis Zauviir relinquishes a

Ziose Gem, a Scroll of Stone to Flesh, and 1230 gold, while the Huntress

leaves behind Taralash +4, a Skydrop Gem, a Diamond, and a Black Opal.

The Gloves of Extraordinary Specialization are wonderful for any

warrior, but a few things affect its destination. First, Keldorn/Korgan

are out because they need The Brawling Hands. I also rule out my evil

protagonist because she can wear the Wondrous Gloves, which aren't as

good, but my party is better overall by putting the Wondrous Gloves on

her, and letting these go somewhere else. For my evil party, I tend to

put them on Dorn, for the simple reason that with the Ravager +6 an

extra attack per round means an extra shot at scoring a vorpal hit. For

the same reason these go on my good protagonist, who wields the Axe

of the Unyielding and hence, can score vorpal hits. Taralash is a bit

easier to dismiss-it's increased movement speed isn't better than the

Mana Bow's magic resistance, so it is of no immediate use to me.


(For obtaining the Heart Key)

EXP 10000 (each character)


(For using the Heart Key on the pedestal)

EXP 20000


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Heart Key {VID019}

Spirit Warrior's Maze (AR3023)


10) Two seals down, the door at (x=2900, y=1300) beckons. As soon as you

open the door a nest of Shadow Fiends and Devil Shades will attack.

With the Warrior's Skull in hand, activate the altar (x=3300, y=1050).

Part of you will be whisked away and a portion of your consciousness

will be spent to control the body of the 'Spirit Warrior'. It's our

job to navigate this maze using the Spirit Warrior. If the Spirit

Warrior dies, you die, so let's try to keep him alive, eh? He's got

about 50 Hit Points, so keep an eye on how he's doing. You know the

drill, another maze, another map, oriented by the compass rose on the


o===============o o===============o o===============o

| | | | | Gibberling |

| Mummy |-------| Blue Potion |-------| |

o=======10======o o=======11======o o=======12======o

o===============o o===============o o===============o

| Ghost | | | | Poisoned Desk |

| Magical Helm |-------| Empty |-------| Bracers |

o=======7=======o o=======8=======o o=======9=======o

o===============o o===============o o===============o

| Poisoned | | | | war Dog |

| Fountain |-------| Gibberling |-------| Blue Potion |

| | | Scroll | | Iron Key |

o=======4=======o o=======5=======o o=======6=======o

o===============o o===============o o===============o

| | | | | Skeleton |

| Maze Start |-------| Goblin |-------| Wand of Magic |

| | | | | Missiles |

o=======1=======o o=======2=======o o=======3=======o

This maze is nothing like the one we encountered earlier in Watcher's

Keep. Our only goal is to guide our little Spirit Warrior through the

maze and complete an infantile dungeon. Along the way we'll earn some

experience, kill some monsters, and gather some loot-all the things

that adventurers should do. It's like an old text-based adventure game,

you tell your Spirit Warrior what to do and he does it until the task

is complete. You'll reach a room and you'll get the option to search it,

continue going another direction to reach another room, loot an obvious

object within, or attack a monster. As you acquire loot, you may also

be given the chance to use it before fighting. For the most part, your

Spirit Warrior will be more than a match for most enemies in the maze,

and you'll be healed at several points. Unless you're incredibly

unlucky, you should be fine.

Note: The only way to find the area number (AR####) for this place is

via Infinity Explorer... or similar programs. Anyways, as a fun side

note, the Mini-map for this location is a staff photograph of the Throne

of Bhaal team. Ah, those silly kids...


11) From room #1 go east and kill a Goblin in room #2. Then continue

east to find room #3, which contains a chest. When you mess with the

chest a Skeleton will animate. Kill it and loot the chest for a Wand

of Magic Missiles. Head north to room #6 and kill a War Dog, then

search the room to obtain a Blue Potion (Cure Medium Wounds, 14 Hit

Points), which you'll use immediately, and an Iron Key. Go west to

reach room #5 and search it to obtain the Gibberling Scroll before

continuing to the west and into room #6. This room contains a fountain,

but if you use it you'll take 5 damage. Go north into room #7 to

encounter a Ghost, which is by far the strongest monster you've fought

with the Spirit Warrior. Kill it, and loot the room for a Magical

Helmet. Continue east into room #8, which is empty, and into room #9.

Search the room and loot the desk for a pair of Bracers that improve

your combat skills. You'll take a bit of damage from some poison on the

desk, but never fear, we'll make good on it before we get to the end.

Now go north to room #12, where you'll find a Gibberling, which is

stronger than you might think. Use the Gibberling Scroll on it to scare

it off without a fight. Now continue west to reach room #11, which

contains a chest which can be opened with the Iron Key we found earlier.

Inside is another Blue Potion (Cure Serious Wounds, 17 Hit Points) which

will be used automatically-a good thing, since the final room is up

next, through the 'ominous archway' to the west. Finally you've reached

room #10, the last room, which contains the exit to the maze and a

Mummy. Use up that Wand of Magic Missile and kill the Mummy to complete

the maze. After completing this microcosm of an adventure you'll be

return to your body, gain the Spirit Key, and another quest reward. That

was an easy 47,000 experience points per character.


(For obtaining the Wand of Magic Missiles)

EXP 4000 (each character)


(For obtaining the Blue Potion and the Iron Key)

EXP 4000 (each character)


(For obtaining the Gibberling Scroll)

EXP 4000 (each character)


(For obtaining the Magical Helmet)

EXP 4000 (each character)


(For obtaining the Bracers)

EXP 4000 (each character)


(For using the Gibberling Scroll to scare off the Gibberling)

EXP 3000 (each character)


(For obtaining the second Blue Potion)

EXP 3000 (each character)


(For obtaining the Spirit Key)

EXP 21000 (each character)


12) Use the final key in the final pedestal (x=2300, y=1950) for the

predictable experience reward. This time your guardian will be a Lich

named Azamantes and some Flaming Skulls. The Flaming Skulls, as their

name implies, like using fire attacks, including Fireball, Burning

Hands, Aganazzar's Scorcher, and Incendiary Cloud. They're also

protected by Fire Shield (Red) and explode into a Skull Trap when they

die. The Lich is typical save for the fact that he has a fear effect

that necessitates the use of Remove Fear. He's otherwise fond of Maze,

Finger of Death and fire-spells like Meteor Swarm and Summon Efreeti. I

meet them only with my protagonist, who beefs himself up with Spell

Immunities and has Remove Fear and Death Ward cast upon him. He's now

safely protected from Azamantes, and the Flaming Skulls can do nothing

to penetrate his Cloak of Mirroring. I cut down the Flaming Skulls,

since they're more mobile and would just love to hit my party with

Incendiary Cloud and other fire-based attacks. After that, I pummel

Azamantes until he drops. When he dies he'll leave behind the Erinne

Sling +4, and the Serpent Staff. The Erinne Sling isn't really any

better than the Sling of Arvoreen... at least not until Cespenar

upgrades it, but it does produce 5 Bullets +4 a day, which allows Slings

to effectively be used in Throne of Bhaal. As long as you're willing to

rest a lot, use the Sling, and build up your stash of Bullets +4. The

Serpent Staff, on the other hand is useless as a weapon. A +2 weapon

with only a 5% chance to poison an enemy with no save penalty? Wasn't

the Dagger of Venom in Baldur's Gate 1 about as powerful? Still, hang

on to it, it's part of another, much more powerful weapon. Now we're

ready to confront the 'Imprisoned One'. Activate the wheel at

(x=2300, y=1700) and a portal will open (x=2300, y=1800).


(For using the Spirit Key on the pedestal)

EXP 20000 (each character)


13) Cespenar should again be consulted to upgrade the gear we've found

in the last level. Every little bit will help in the upcoming fight:

Club of Detonation +5


(5000 gold)

(Club of Detonation +3)

(Ring of Fire Resistance)

Well, if you really like Clubs... then you're just out of luck. The 30%

chance to deal 15 extra fire damage is nice, but it's not enough to

cancel out the 5% chance to unleash a dangerous Fireball. Not by a long

shot. The good news is, if you're a Druid, you already have the Staff of

the Ram +6 or Ixil's Spike +6, and if you're a Fighter/Druid, you can

just use Spectral Brand and a shield, which is much better.

Erinne Sling +5


(5000 gold)

(Erinne Sling +4)

For 5000 gold you'll upgrade a +4 weapon into a +5. It's now the best

Sling in the game by a point. If only all upgrades were this easy...

Viconia/Anomen gladly accept an... upgraded sling they'll probably never


Ixil's Spike +6


(5000 gold)

(Ixil's Nail +4)

(Ixil's Spike +2)

Ixil's Spike is the best spear in the game, which makes it one of the

best weapons a single-classed Druid can get their hands on. It gives you

Free Action while equipped, and has a chance to pin an enemy for three

rounds (and inflict an additional 1d6 +5 damage each round they are

pinned). Of course, the Staff of the Ram can stun enemies with no save,

and it deals its damage whether the enemy saves or not. It's close, but

I'd go with Staff of the Ram +6.

The Imprisoned One's Chamber (AR3020)


14) Go through the portal to reach the lair of the Imprisoned One. It

will tell you that your are being deceived by the Knights of the Vigil,

and that you will be sealed within this prison if you use the Ritual

Scroll. If you believe it, the Imprisoned One will ask you to help it

out and tell the Knights of the Vigil that you killed it. Naturally

they'll go investigate, and the being can take its revenge on them. If

you use the Ritual Scroll you'll find out that the Imprisoned One was

not bluffing - the portals aren't active anymore. It'll try and deal

with you once more, offering you the same deal it offered before. It

has gained power enough over the eons to effect your escape, but not

its own. If you lure the Knights of the Vigil to go investigate, a

Ghostly Apparition will appear atop Watcher's Keep and give you Helm's

Scroll, which will seal Demogorgon-the Imprisoned One-in Watcher's

Keep, along with Odren and the Knights of the Vigil. Of course, nothing

prevents you from screwing over the Imprisoned One and leaving it

trapped in Watcher's Keep, at which point you can spare the Knights of

the Vigil for some experience and a point of reputation or demand a

reward from them for some gold and a lesser experience reward. After

demanding compensation from the Knights of the Vigil, you can then

either spare them for a point of reputation, or kill them. If you

return to claim your promised reward from Demogorgon, you'll naturally

be attacked by the Prince of Demons. It was Odren's ritual, and once he

dies, the wards locking Demogorgon away have failed, and the only thing

preventing him from rampaging across the world is your party.

Killing Demogorgon is far more rewarding than skipping out on him, as

it provides us with a 100,000 point experience reward for each

character, the largest single reward in the game. And I know I didn't

travel through five levels of Watcher's Keep to avoid a fight at the

end. The best path, as far as I'm concerned, is to use the Ritual

Scroll for the 80,000 experience, then challenge Demogorgon to a fight

and kill him. Now you can leave the portals (since the Imprisoned One is

gone, there's no reason to keep the prison active, eh?) and confront the

Knights of the Vigil, who are beyond surprised that you killed

Demogorgon and escaped their trap. You'll either get the 10,000 for

sparing them, or the 7,000 for demanding a reward as well as 10,000

gold and a reputation boost for letting them leave. If you were

screwing Demogorgon over, that would be all you got, but since we

killed him, we get an extra 50,000 experience. That's a quest reward of

237,000-240,000 for each character, with additional experience varying

depending on what demons you killed while fighting Demogorgon.

Note: If Demogorgon is proving to be too much of a hassle, feel free

to skip engaging him for now and continue on to [WLK064], [WLK065], and

perhaps [WLK066]. Doing these three Sequences is arguably easier than

killing Demogorgon, and you'll get the Axe of the Unyielding +5,

Carsomyr +6, the Spectral Blade +5, and the Ravager +6 (among other

things), which will make killing Demogorgon easier... although I've

never had any serious trouble killing Demogorgon now.


(For using the Ritual Scroll)

EXP 80000


(For accepting Helm's Scroll from the Ghostly Apparition)

EXP 25000 (each character)


(For using Helm's Scroll and sealing Demogorgon in Watcher' Keep)

EXP 80000 (each character)


(For escaping Demogorgon and sparing the Knights of the Vigil)

EXP 10000 (each character)

Reputation +1


(For demanding a reward from the Knights of the Vigil)

EXP 7000 (each character)

Gold 10000

Reputation +1 (If you spare the Knights of the Vigil after the reward)


(For defeating Demogorgon)

EXP 100000 (each character)


(For killing Demogorgon and sparing the Knights of the Vigil)

EXP 50000 (each character)

Reputation +1


15) Now for the actual fight with Demogorgon. One of the perks of doing

things my way is after you use the Ritual Scroll, Demogorgon will wait

for you to talk to him again. This allows you to spell buff to the

max before talking to him. Do so, and include as many instances of

Chaotic Commands to protect as many of your characters as possible from

Demogorgon's Insanity Gaze, which can inflict a character with

Confusion and Feeblemind. Demogorgon is also fond of using Implosion,

which can do some serious damage to a single character. Another thing

you're almost certain to encounter is the rotting effect you'll suffer

(in the form of a disease) that Demogorgon inflicts by striking you.

This can be cured with a Heal spell, and it can be most fatal in the

heat of battle with Demogorgon and his demons continuing to deal extra

damage as the disease also adds up. Demogorgon's also immune to Time

Stop, so don't bother casting it. He'll summon a pair of Mariliths to

start the fight, and if they go down, he'll gate in several Glabrezu

at a time, which use Remove Magic, Dispel Magic, Confusion, and can

cast Power Word: Stun on you-which is in every way worse than the

Mariliths, who are content to use Stoneskin and Protection from Magical

Weapons before attacking. Focus on Demogorgon, you'll have the freedom

to summon all the allies possible-namely a Deva, Elemental Prince, a

Simulacrum, and two Clay Golems and place them near Demogorgon.

Hopefully they'll draw some of Demogorgon's attacks and the attention of

his demons. Once the fight starts, Imoen/Edwin immediately uses Breach

on Demogorgon, and my Fighters start up with Greater Whirlwinds. If he

gets up any more buffs, tear them down with Breach or Wands of Spell

Striking and continue to keep up the pressure. Demogorgon is tough, so

keep an eye on everybody's Hit Points. If he and some of his demons

decide to focus on a character, you can see 80-100 Hit Points vanish in

a single round. Watch out for the disease symbol, and if somebody is

afflicted, take them to the side and heal them with another character.

Two or three rounds of constant Greater Whirlwind pressure should

defeat Demogorgon, after which the mop-up of his minions begins.


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Demogorgon {VID020}

Once every demon is dead, I head through the portal at (x=500, y=300)

and confront the Knights of the Vigil. I then demand a reward, claim

the experience and gold from them, then I let them go for additional

experience and a reputation increase. If you just can't spare the

Knights of the Vigil, they'll drop three suits of Plate Mail +1, a

Quarter Staff +2, three Maces +2, a Bastard Sword +2, a Flail +2, and

two Potions of Extra Healing. They might seem somewhat tough, but like

Gromnir's minions, they have a severe weakness. Imoen/Edwin can dispatch

most-if not all of them-with a Time Stop sequence consisting of a pair

of Horrid Wiltings and a Comet. Still, the loot and experience they give

isn't worth the 7,000 experience for each character, the 10,000 gold,

and the boost to reputation-not to mention the 50,000 experience for

each character that follows.

We're now done with Watcher's Keep and are now ready to return to deal

with Yaga Shura. We've gained well over a million experience as well as

some great items, particularly Angurvadal, the Axe of the Unyielding,

the Dagger of the Star, the Flail of Ages +4, Hindo's Doom, the

Spectral Brand, and the White Dragon Scale Armor. Most of these weapons

will reach their ultimate forms while we're dealing with Yaga Shura and

beyond. If you've been playing with Dorn, his Throne of Bhaal questline

might begin now, since we've spent so much time in Watcher's Keep and

are about to begin wandering across the World Map, and all. After the

initial encounter of his questline you can delay it indefinitely, and

in all honesty, it will be easier to deal with after Yaga Shura. For

that reason, and because all the other Enhanced Edition character quests

start post-Yaga Shura, they'll be located there. Still, if you get

attacked by a squad of Crusaders and an angry Planetar, skip ahead to

[WLK062] to see what's going on.


| Yaga Shura |


Sequence of Events: {WLK060}

1) The Master Wraith

2) Skeleton Defenders

3) Heartless Nyalee

4) Fire Giant Grinding

5) Chinchilla and Company

6) Door Guards

7) Hammer Wardstone

8) Skull Wardstone

9) Activating the Spheres

10) Blood Wardstone

11) Flame Wardstone

12) Yaga-Shura's Heart

13) Yaga-Shura's Concubine

14) Imix, Prince of Fire

15) Nyalee's Change of Heart

16) Crafting With Cespenar, VI

17) Showdown With Yaga-Shura

18) Meeting Mother

19) Melissan's Next Mission

20) Putting Down a Possible Past

21) The Tethyrian Affair

Forest of Mir (AR5202)


1) Now it's time to head to the Forest of Mir, which is about as

pleasant of a place as it sounds. Before you advance cast Mass

Invisibility so it affects your whole party-save your protagonist. When

done, head north-west to encounter... Gorion? 'Gorion' will accuse you

of leaving death and destruction in your wake, and generally say mean

things (doing a bit of damage to you at certain points to punctuate his

assertions). It'll also pick on your romantic interest, whomever that

may be and summon either Aerie's mom (for Aerie), Khalid (for Jaheira),

Valas (for Viconia) or Moira (for Anomen). Eventually the creature

masquerading as Gorion will lose the battle of wills with you and will

summon a host of level draining assholes and attack. His minions include

a trio of Devil Shades, two Swamp Horrors, a pair of Vampiric Wraiths,

and the Master Wraith, itself... of which everything save the Swamp

Horrors can level drain. My party save my protagonist immediately

withdraws to a safe distance where Imoen/Edwin cast Limited Wish and

give the party protection from negative energy. If anything looks like

it's trying to slip past my protagonist to engage my unprotected party,

my protagonist will engage them-but hopefully our invisibility will keep

them safe. My protagonist uses Daystar to cast Sunray, while Imoen/Edwin

can help out (after protecting the party) with a Time Stop/Comet

sequence. Still, my protagonist has always been more than a match for

all these monsters, and by using Mass Invisibility before the fight,

I've been able to prevent level drain every time (even though I'm

certain the Master Wraith can see through it, and probably some of the

mists, as well, the Devil Shades apparently can't, and they're in the

best position to harass the party, whereas everything else typically

views the protagonist as the primary target). Once everything is settled

down, continue to the north-west.


(For resisting the Master Wraith)

EXP 5000 (each character)


2) In the chamber beyond the Master Wraith you'll find a collection of

over-powered Skeletons, including some stronger-than-normal Skeleton

Warriors, a Skeleton Priest, a Skeleton Mage, and a Skeleton Assassin.

I don't bother charging in at them, instead I turn around and let them

come to me, just outside the building. The biggest problems in this

fight are the Skeleton Warriors, which can do significant damage even

to a character with a -8 Armor Class. The faster I take them down, the

freer I'll be to take on the Cleric and Mage. The Assassin will be a

pain in the ass in the typical ways-using potions, going invisible,

backstabbing for x4 damage, and using poison. Once they're dead, loot

the Skeleton Warriors for Two Handed Swords +2, and the Skeleton

Assassin for a Dagger +2, a Short Sword +2, and Leather Armor +1. Grab

the Nymph's Tear before you head up the stairs.


(x=750, y=1250) Bullets +3 x40

(x=1450, y=500) Nymph's Tear, Scroll of Protection from Poison,

Scroll of Flesh to Stone


3) Upstairs you'll find Nyalee (x=550, y=620), the Witch of the Glade.

She identifies you-as did others before her-as the spawn of the dead

master. Too bad Bhaal's cult didn't die with him. Nyalee will reveal

that she stole Yaga Shura as a babe, realizing what he was. After

raising him and teaching him, however, he left her here 'to rot'. She

taught him how to remove his heart, and so long as he keeps it afire he

is immortal. We need to quench Yaga Shura's heart to remove his

invulnerability-an act Nyalee knows how to perform, if we bring her Yaga

Shura's Heart. To use the powers that will allow her to do this,

however, we need to also get Nyalee's heart back, which Yaga Shura

apparently stole to prevent her from removing his invulnerability. So,

off to the Marching Mountains we go, to search for a pair of hearts.

Marching Mountains (AR5200)


4) This area is mainly populated by two types of enemies-Fire Giants,

which we're fairly familiar with by now, and Burning Men, which are

new. Because of the fear effect of the latter, you must keep Remove

Fear on your party at all times, lest characters become afraid, run

amok, and get cut down by Fire Giants. Burning Men also like to use a

'Cinder Shower' attack which deals a fair amount of damage, and can

blind party members. Over to the east you'll find a Fire Giant carrying

a Long Sword, a Katana, a Scimitar, a Club, a Two Handed Sword, a Spear,

and a Halberd. To the north are two Burning Men. North of where you

entered are two groups of two Fire Giants, which carry more appropriate

gear, including Full Plate Mail, a variety of Gems, and some Potions of

Extra Healing and a Potion of Superior Healing, which they won't

hesitate to chug if they're hurt. Note that this is an exceptional place

to grind, and whenever I felt the need to boost my experience, I

typically did so here. Fire Giants will spawn in pairs frequently, and

they'll each give a respectable 16,000 experience when they die... over

2,500 experience per character per kill. Sure, that means most

characters will have to kill over 100 giants per level, but a major

draw of grinding here is that Fire Giants also typically drop potions,

Full Plate Mail, as well as a King's Tears and an Emerald. It's a great

way to fatten your purse as you boost your experience. At this point,

however, I was nearing 6,000,000 experience and had over 100,000 gold

still, so I felt no real compulsion to grind. If you want to farm

Bullets +4 via the Erinne Sling, this is another good place to do that,

considering the wealth and experience involved with resting here. If

you get other, less desirable encounters while resting, just reload.


5) If you head north, then east, you'll find a group of Bhaalspawn... a

most unusual group of Bhaalspawn. They're led by a Bhaalspawn Chicken

named Chinchilla (x=950, y=600), and consist of a Kobold named

Merlinious, a Goblin named Tibbit, and a Xvart named Toop the Brave.

We've seen Elven, Dwarven, Gnome, Human, Half-Orc, and Fire Giant

Bhaalspawn (and even stranger things lie ahead), so why not Goblins,

xvarts, Kobolds, and... uh... Chickens? Bhaal really would screw

anything! I head forward with my protagonist first, as Chinchilla starts

out the fight with Confusion. Try to kill as many as you can, as they'll

flee when too many of them fall... and Chinchilla and Toop the Brave are


Yaga Shura's Stronghold, Level 1 (AR5201)


6) Head into the cavern at (x=2200, y=300), wherein you'll immediately

be greeted by a door-guard of six Fire Giants, some of which are Elite

Fire Giants. I quickly have my protagonist throw on a Stoneskin, and

Imoen/Edwin casts Haste, followed by a Time Stop sequence where they

string together as many Horrid Wilting spells as possible. I'm also

not afraid to let loose with some Whirlwind Attacks, considering how

many Fire Giants are assaulting me, and how quickly one or two of them

can chop down one of my warriors-much less six. Once they're dead do a

scan for traps in the area, and avoid standing on vats of fire, it's not

healthy. Now that we're in the thick of fire monsters, it might be a

good idea for Minsc/Sarevok/Dorn to equip the Wave.


(x=1270, y=2800)

(x=1260, y=2200)

(x=1600, y=1520)


7) Continue up the stairs to the north-east, searching for traps as you

go, until you find a 'strange device' at (x=1950, y=1150). Ignore it for

now, and instead go up the stairs to the north-west. Disarm the traps

and loot a container at (x=1200, y=700) to obtain the Hammer Wardstone,

Bolts +2 x40, the Girdle of Fire Giant Strength, and another Elminster's

Ecologies: Appendix IIIa, in case you didn't get enough in Watcher's

Keep or otherwise forgot how to kill Fire Trolls. The Girdle of Fire

Giant Strength is the greatest Strength-boosting girdle in the game.

Who gets it? The Fighter who has the lowest THAC0, all things

considered. For my good party, this was Keldorn, who had a -10 THAC0

with Carsomyr after the Girdle boosted his Strength to 22. Jaheira also

had a -10 THAC0 with Spectral Brand with the Girdle of Stone Giant

Strength. Fair's fair. On my evil party this had to go somewhere, so

Jaheira gets it pretty much by default. It could benefit Dorn, as their

THAC0s are getting awfully close, but with his Constitution (and natural

19 Strength) I think Dorn's more potent with the Girdle of Fortitude

equipped-which has been giving him an extra 40 Hit Points when used

before big fights, which will certainly benefit him more than one point

of THAC0 and three points of damage. The Girdle of Stone Giant Strength

goes to Sarevok (if you have him) or Viconia (if you don't). Finally, if

you have Haer'Dalis, he now obtains Viconia's Girdle of Hill Giant

Strength. Otherwise, it finally gets retired.


(x=1200, y=700) Hammer Wardstone, Girdle of Fire Giant Strength,

Bolt +2 x40, Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa


(x=1200, y=850)

(x=1350, y=750)


8) Now go across the room and up the stairs to the south-east. Another

large group of Fire Giants guard this container, so prepare accordingly.

Once they're dead you'll get to loot the next container, which contains

the necessary Skull Wardstone. Make sure you have a character wielding

mundane weapons before you loot, however, as the guardians that show up

this time are an Adamatine Golem, a Magic Golem, and a Clay Golem.

My protagonist goes after the Magic Golem with mundane weapons, while

the Clay Golem is quickly smote by Anomen/Korgan, courtesy of Crom

Faeyr. The rest of the party tackles the Adamantine Golem.

(x=2700, y=1450) Skull Wardstone, Darts of Wounding x30,

Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa


9) Return to the beginning of the area and explore the two side rooms

we ignored earlier. There are two spheres which we can now activate

with the Skull Wardstone (x=1700, y=2620) and the Hammer Wardstone

(x=450, y=2000), which open up the rooms on the flight of stairs just



(For activating the sphere by using the Hammer Wardstone)

EXP 5000 (each character)


(For activating the sphere by using the Skull Wardstone)

EXP 5000 (each character)


10) Head upstairs and explore the room to the south-east, which is now

devoid of its barrier. Inside you'll find a Flaming Skull, a Burning

Man, two Fell Cats, and three Fire Salamanders. The only new foes here

are the Fell Cats, which are nothing more than melee fodder. They do

have one interesting property, however-they can see invisible creatures,

so don't bother trying to backstab when they're around. Make sure your

Remove Fear is up and smite them. Loot the container in the middle of

the room (x=2150, y=2300) to gain the Blood Wardstone and summon up a

pair of Bone Fiend and an Erinyes, which can be easily dispatched.

Psion's Blade +5 is a nice Two Handed Sword that makes the wielder

immune to confusion and psionic attacks... it would have made dealing

with Mind Flayers much easier. Alas, most of those fights are behind us

now, and I'd prefer Carsomyr... even the Silver Sword, over this weapon,

+5 or not.


(x=2150, y=2300) Blood Wardstone, Potion of Insight, Psion's Blade +5


11) Now head across the hallway to confront a similar collection of

fire-based guardians in the other room. Once they're dead loot the

container (x=600, y=1550) for the Flame Wardstone. The Guardians you'll

have to face this time are two Burning Men and a Greater Fire Elemental.

Go upstairs again the fiddle around with the 'strange device' at

(x=1950, y=1150). Now that we have the wardstones we can activate it

and gain access to the next level (x=2400, y=600).


(x=600, y=1550) Flame Wardstone, Potions of Superior Healing x2,

Arrows of Fire x20

Yaga Shura's Stronghold, Level 2 (AR5204)


12) Head up the stairs when you arrive and you'll meet a pair of Fire

Giants. I prefer to meet them on the stairs, as they can only reach me

one at a time. Granted, I can't do much better, but I'm comfortable

enough putting two of my front-liners against a Fire Giant, especially

if the rest of my party provides some ranged support. To the south-east

or north-west you'll find a fire-lined channel leading into the large

room to the north-east, within which you'll find Fell Cats, a small army

of Fire Giants, and Berenn, a Fire Giant Priest who can cast some fairly

high-level spells, like Finger of Death, although he also will cast

Flame Strike, Conjure Fire Elemental, and Hold Person. They suffer from

a traditional Fire Giant weakness, however. They can't fit through the

doors! I run in with my protagonist-lure out the Fell Cats, which are

much faster than the Fire Giants, slay them-then return to lure the Fire

Giants to the door, where my party shoots them down at a range.

Alternatively, my Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist can easily just perform

hit-and-run backstabs and kill everything within by simple virtue of

their inability to pursue her... although it'll take a while, and

they'll use up all their healing potions if you don't fortify your

backstabs, say, with a bout of Greater Whirlwind. I cast Death Ward on

my protagonist, and he lures out Berenn the same way. Finger of Death is

ineffective, and offensive spells don't work. If he manages to hold

anybody, he can't make it through the door to capitalize. I just have

to watch out for the critters he'll summon. When he dies, he'll drop a

Laeral's Tear Necklace, three Potions of Superior Healing, a Potion of

Insight, a Rogue Stone, an Emerald, a Pearl, and best of all, Baalor's

Claw. Once that's done, I go loot. There are a pair of Potions of Fire

Giant Strength lying around and three containers to loot. Most

importantly, grab Yaga-Shura's Heart (x=2100, y=1100).


(x=2500, y=1800) Diamond, Star Sapphire, Horn Coral Gem,

Greenstone Ring, Bloodstone Ring

(x=1750, y=1450) Scroll of Summon Fiend, Potion of Insight,

Silver Necklace

(x=1000, y=1050) Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace, King's Tears,

Scroll of Mantle, 1 gold


(x=1300, y=1900)

(x=1700, y=1570)

(x=1550, y=1200)

(x=2900, y=1500)

(x=2200, y=1220)

(x=1900, y=1100)


(For obtaining Yaga-Shura's Heart)

EXP 20000 (each character)


13) Go through the huge doors to the north-east at (x=2900, y=1300) to

find a 'Slave Woman' (x=3170, y=2000), who demands that you free her.

Do so and she'll decide to even the score by telling you what she knows.

She's Yaga Shura's concubine and she came here to join Yaga Shura's

looting and pillaging (despite her less-than-ideal reasons for coming

to work for Yaga-Shura, she's apparently doesn't have an evil

alignment). Unfortunately for her, Yaga Shura had something else in

mind. I don't even want to think about the logistics of that... maybe

she's really tall? She'll also mention Nyalee, as well as talk about a

golden box Yaga Shura keeps under his bed. Yaga-Shura's heart apparently

has something in common with my old sneakers!


(For freeing Ehlastra, Yaga Shura's concubine)

EXP 15000 (each character)


14) Continue to the north-west and loot the wall for the Stone Golem

Page, which will... well, downgrade our Golem Manual. Loot Yaga-Shura's

Bed for a Beating Heart (Nyalee's wayward organ), his journal, and a Bag

of Plenty, which is by now thoroughly obsolete considering we can make

our own supply of Bullets +4. I continue past Yaga-Shura's bed

tentatively to the north-west, where some Burning Men and Imix, the

Prince of Fire awaits. I prefer to lure them to me using my protagonist,

as the ground they occupy is trapped. With Remove Fear and the Cloak of

Mirroring, my protagonist is immune to their first strikes. Once they

engage, I lead them back to my party, where they can safely be smote.

Imix will be kind enough to drop us the Amulet of the Master Harper

which finally replaces Imoen's laughably outdated Amulet of Metaspell

Influence. Her deficient Find/Remove Traps score is now a slightly less

pathetic 135, and her Armor Class drops down to a -4 (-5 if you obtained

The Warder's Signet +3 earlier, which can replace the Ring of Danger

Sense for most situations.) It's also worth considering as a replacement

for the Amulet of Power for a Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist, what with

Angurvadal's protection from level drain. This would then allow you to

replace Viconia's Sensate Amulet with the Amulet of Power, and Kaligun's

Amulet of Magic Resistance with the Amulet of the Seldarine. Let's face

it, the Charisma, Hit Points, and Protection from Evil on the Sensate

Amulet isn't really all that impressive anymore. Thus, Viconia gets

faster casting speed and immunity to level drain, while my evil

protagonist's Armor Class drops to an enviable -11. Imix will also drop

the Ravager +4, which we'll be able to upgrade shortly into the best

two-handed weapon in the game.

Note: Once you take the hearts back to Nyalee, you will not be able to

travel to Saradush again. Make sure you've concluded all your business

there before continuing with the next Step.


(x=3050, y=850) Scroll of Protection from Fire, Ruby Ring,

Two Handed Sword +2, Stone Golem Page, 3047 gold

(x=2500, y=700) Beating Heart, Yaga-Shura's Journal, Bag of Plenty +1


(x=3050, y=850)

(x=2500, y=700)

(x=2000, y=520)

(x=1750, y=350)

(x=1650, y=550)

(x=1550, y=400)


15) Now it's time to return to the Forest of Mir, where we can get

Nyalee to remove Yaga-Shura's invulnerability. Talk to her with both

hearts in your possession and she'll extinguish Yaga-Shura's heart.

Afterwards, however, she'll find herself stricken by pangs of

sentimentality by the reunion of her heart. Realizing the obvious, that

you intend to hurt her son, she'll change her tune and attack,

summoning up a pair of Shambling Mounds, a pair of Nymphs, and a Vortex

Spider to help her out. Shambling Mounds can be rough, as they're

immune to non-slashing weapons, can Entangle foes, and do pretty mean

damage in combat. Nymphs will, of course, harass you with Charm spells.

Imoen/Edwin make this fight a laugh by launch a Time Stop sequence

loaded with Horrid Wilting spells. After the spell assault I mop up and

loot Nyalee for a Druid's Ring, a Cleric's Staff +3, a Ziose Gem, and a

Tchazar Gem.


16) We can finally go after Yaga-Shura himself, and few beings have

deserved a good smite more than him. First, however, it would be in our

best interests to return to the Pocket Plane and have Cespenar craft a

few things for us:

Axe of the Unyielding +5


(5000 gold)

(Axe of the Unyielding +3)

(Baalor's Claw)

The best axe in the game, and candidate for the best one-handed weapon

in the game. It gives a one-point bonus to Armor Class, regenerates

one Hit Point per round (down from three HP/round in the vanilla game),

and increases the wielder's Constitution by one. Best of all, it's a +5

vorpal weapon, which forces an enemy to Save vs. Death at a -4 or die

(by decapitation) 10% of the time. If this sounds pretty great... well,

it is, but in the vanilla game it was even better, as there was no save

against this effect. For some reason the Ravager +6 was spared the

addition of a Saving Throw against its vorpal property, making it the

king of vorpal weapons in Baldur's Gate 2. Still, a -4 save penalty

ensures that this weapon's vorpal property will kill often enough to

make it a great main weapon, and my protagonist will get three attacks

a round with it... three chances to force such a save each round. This

is of course, all the more lethal with Greater Whirlwind Attack. On the

other hand, it's hard to argue with Flail of Ages' slow power and sheer

damage. In my mind, however, going for the kill is better than going for

slow. Of course, my Fighter/Mage protagonist sees no reason not to just

use both. In the evil party, Korgan pairs the Axe of the Unyielding with

Crom Faeyr and becomes the baddest Dwarf that ever existed on any video

game ever... except for a Korgan wielding the Axe of the Unyielding in

the vanilla version of Baldur's Gate 2, that is...

Bag of Plenty +2


(10000 gold)

(Bag of Plenty +1)

(King's Tears)

It's a little late in the game for this, and really, we've had access

to Everard's Sling for so long that this was never really necessary,

especially not now that we have access to unlimited Bullets +4 via the

Erinne Sling.

Ravager +6


(5000 gold)

(Ravager +4)

(Serpent Staff)

What better to accompany one of the best one-handed weapons in the game

than one of the best two-handed weapons in the game? And the only other

new vorpal weapon, to boot. It's a vorpal holiday! Ignore the poison

damage, the Cloak of Fear, and all that other crap, this is a +6 weapon

that kills the target instantly 10% of the time. For Dorn, Minsc,

Sarevok, or any other character using a two-handed weapon save Carsomyr,

it doesn't get better than this. Dorn, Minsc and Sarevok are now set for

the rest of the game.

Stone Golem Manual


(10000 gold)

(Clay Golem Manual)

(Stone Golem Page)

Honestly, I liked my Clay Golem Manual, and I consider Clay Golems with

their Haste ability and their immunity to non-blunt non-magical weapons

superior to the Stone Golem. I don't bother upgrading this yet, instead

I wait until another page comes along so that I'm actually getting an



As noted in the description of the Axe of the Unyielding, the Enhanced

Edition has not been kind to it. In the vanilla game, it allowed no

Saving Throw to avoid its vorpal effect, and regenerated three Hit

Points per round once fully upgraded. Perhaps considering its great

defensive properties, Overhaul Games considered the Axe of the

Unyielding didn't deserve such great offensive power? Personally, I

think Bioware had a better grasp of game balance than Overhaul Games

does, and they should have left well enough alone.

Siege Camp (AR5203)


17) When you arrive at the siege camp you'll be treated to some

narration predictably letting you know that Saradush has been sacked.

Maybe we shouldn't have harvested so many Bullets +4? Nah, don't worry,

it wasn't timed. Head south-west across a bridge where some Yaga-Shura

Soldiers will be shooting down some fleeing Peasants. It seems to be a

popular past-time for them. As you cross the bridge you'll be informed

that you've got the attention of Yaga-Shura's army, and that you need

to cut off the head of the army if you want to stand any chance of

survival. Translation-kill Yaga-Shura, as his soldiers are endless.

Defensive spells like Stoneskin and Ironskin are invaluable here, as

are buffs like Haste and Protection from Evil 10' Radius. Endurance

fights call for long-lasting buffs that can be thrown up quickly and

negate damage or increase your prowess. Cut your way through your foes

to the south-west to find Yaga-Shura, who still seems to think he's

untouchable. Don't expend too much energy on him now, cut him up a bit

and he'll run off. Survive until he returns shortly with a Lieutenant

Cleric, a Lieutenant Fighter, a Lieutenant Mage, and a Lieutenant Thief

in tow. Naturally soldiers will also keep spawning all the while.

Imoen/Edwin begin with a Time Stop sequence, during which they'll use

two Horrid Wiltings and a Comet to devastate the opposition. My

protagonist also uses his recently-earned Time Stop (which will follow

shortly after the Mage's) to unleash several Greater Whirlwind Attacks

and go after Yaga-Shura, himself. Keldorn uses True Sight to prevent

any mischief, and the rest of my party attacks. Yaga-Shura will not

survive this onslaught, and when he dies we're whisked away to the

Pocket Plane, to be bothered by our Solar.

Pocket Plane (AR4500)


18) This time you'll be educated about your past. The Solar will reveal

your origins by showing you the apparition of your mother, who was a

disciple of Bhaal. Gorion shows up and elaborates on what fate was

supposed to befall you, if your mother had her way-you were to be

sacrificed so that your essence would go towards bringing Bhaal back.

Fortunately for us, Gorion's Harper meddling inspired him to attack the

temple and intervene. He killed our mother and saved us, but others

were not so lucky. Sarevok was there too, and used the chaos to flee.

Had fortune smiled on him and Gorion grabbed Sarevok instead of us,

our fates could well have been reversed. Food for thought, to be sure.

Another chamber will be unlocked in our Pocket Plane, which we'll

explore later.


(For enduring the Solar's revelations)

EXP 10000 (each character)


19) Once the Solar is done telling you useless information you'll

reappear back on the field, where Melissan just so happens to show up.

She's got just the best timing, doesn't she? She'll talk about how

Yaga-Shura slew all the Bhaalspawn in Saradush, 'right where we want

them' according to Yaga-Shura's journal. Anyways, with her uncanny

prescience she just so happens to know that a Tethyran army is on its

way to deal with the Bhaalspawn menace, making you a wanted person.

Your only hope, she says, is to deal with Yaga-Shura's surviving allies,

Sendai and Abazigal, who together might be a match for you, but singly

are defeatable. wait... Illasera, Yaga-Shura, Sendai, and Abazigal...

that's only four out of five. Oh well, I'm sure we'll find the missing

fifth member sooner or later. She'll suggest that you head to

Amkethran, a city in Tethyr that is within striking distance of both

Sendai and Abazigal, and where one of her allies, a monk named

Balthazar can be found.

If you've been romancing Viconia, she'll remark on the carnage strewn

all around you with lusty glee, quite pleased that you're powerful

enough to cause such destruction-as well as inspire others to cause it

in search of you. If you agree, you'll be treated to what is arguably

one of the most gratifying evil companion dialogues in the game, but if

you rebuke her gently you can start the conversion process to turn

Viconia's alignment.

Either way, loot around. Yaga-Shura's lieutenants dropped a variety of

sellable-if not useful-loot. The big man himself leaves behind

Shuruppak's Plate, three Potions of Extra Healing, the Shield of the

Order +4, and the Runehammer +4. Shuruppak's Plate is one of the best

suits of armor in the game, with a base Armor Class of -2. It also

bestows +20% fire resistance and increases the wearer's Dexterity by

one. So who gets it? Easy, a character who will gain extra Armor Class

from the Dexterity boost. This means either Jaheira, Dorn, Korgan, or

Sarevok. In the good party, Jaheira gets the armor pretty much by

default, while in the evil party I give the armor to Dorn, instead. This

will lower his Armor Class by another point (to -8), which is pretty

much the best you can expect for a front-liner who doesn't use a shield.

Speaking of shields, the Shield of the Order should go on either Anomen

or Jaheira, sentimentally Anomen, since it is a Shield of the Order,

after all. Also, his saves suck more. Also again, the Shield of the

Order is red, which matches Anomen's Red Dragon Scale, and

Sentinel +4 is green, which matches with Jaheira's... Druid-ness.

Aesthetics are important too, people. In the evil party, it's a

no-brainer. Viconia has worse saves than Jaheira, so Viconia gets the

Shield of the Order. Finally, we have the Runehammer +4. Although it's

not fully upgraded yet, it's still worth using, as it adequately

replaces the Mace of Disruption +2. I put it on Korgan in the evil

party, so he can finally contribute to fights involving level draining

enemies. In the good party, Anomen keeps it on hand when the need



(x=2350, y=1550) Arrows of Fire x40, Sunstone Bullets +1 x40,

Bolts of Lightning x40, Arrows x80, Bolts x80,

Darts +1 x40, Bullets x40

(x=640, y=1640) Scroll of Burning Hands, Scroll of Agannazar's Scorcher,

Scroll of Flame Arrow, Scroll of Fireball


(For crushing Yaga-Shura)

EXP 40000 (each character)


20) Now seems like a good time to head back to the Pocket Plane and

finish off that new area we just unlocked. In a desert oasis you'll

encounter yourself as you might have been had you and Sarevok shared

different fates. It's a repeat of the final battle of Baldur's Gate 1,

except your evil clone takes the place of Sarevok. Joining him are

Tamoko, Angelo, and Semaj, all of which have been beefed up for this

encounter. Especially Tamoko, despite what her experience says. Anybody

who can hit an Armor Class of -10 with a roll of seven and deal 20+

damage per hit is not a push-over. She single-handedly out-fought

Jaheira, but my protagonist scored vorpal hits on his alter-ego, Angelo,

and Tamoko to seal the easy victory. When they're defeated the oasis

will turn into a more fitting abyssal landscape and the entire party

will gain some experience.

Note: If you're evil (you picked any of the evil paths in hell at the

end of Shadows of Amn) the natural state of this room will be... well,

hellish. Dark stone, lava pits, that old thing (and remember, fire is

hot, so don't stand in it). If you're good (you picked all of the good

paths in hell at the end of Shadows of Amn) the natural state of this

room will be of an oasis. Whatever the case, it'll appear as its

opposite during your fight with your Sarevok-self.


(For defeating what might have been)

EXP 30000 (protagonist)

EXP 25000 (each character, save the protagonist)

Oasis (AR6300)


21) Once that's done, rest up, level up, prepare spells, and whatever

else you need to do before heading off to the Oasis. Once there you'll

be confronted by Jamis Tombelthen. Tombelthen... Tombelthen...? The

surname of the noble that bothered us during the Ranger quests? If

you're a Ranger, anyways. This one is apparently more successful, as he

is the general of the Tethyrian army in front of you. Whatever you say

leads to a fight, and he's joined by a host of Tethyrian soldiers of

various classes and equipment load-outs. The first fight here is the

most bothersome, since afterwards you have more room to maneuver. That

being the case, I don't hold back. Imoen/Edwin unleashes a Time Stop

sequence consisting of three Horrid Wilting spells, which eliminates

all the enemies save a pair of archers to the south.

Jamis Tombelthen drops us a suit of Full Plate Mail +2, The

Answerer +4, a Note, a Gold Amulet, a Potion of Fire Giant Strength,

and a Long Sword +3. The Tethyrian army sure comes well-equipped, eh?

Captains will drop Potions of Extra Healing x2, suits of Full Plate

Mail, and a Bastard Sword +3. Pikemen will drop Potions of Extra

Healing x2, Full Plate Mail, and a Spear +2. The Battlemage will drop a

Bounty Notice-we're worth 100,000 gold in Tethyr, it seems. Finally, a

bounty worthy of our power! Archers will drop Studded Leather Armor +2,

a Composite Long Bow +3, and up to 40 Arrows +1. Once you've killed the

initial group of soldiers you can travel north-east, killing the

remainders of the 'army' at your leisure. Of all the loot we've gained

here, most of it is only worth selling. The sole exception is The

Answerer +4, which is a fairly potent Long Sword. For an end-game

weapon, its enchantement bonus isn't quite as good as we'd like,

but +4 is acceptable, if not ideal. The special effects of this weapon

more than make up for it, however-every hit with this blade will drop a

foe's Armor Class by 2, and Magic Resistance by 15%. For my good

protagonist, it's not quite enough to replace either the Axe of the

Unyielding or the Flail of Ages-the former has great defensive

properties even against foes immune to its vorpal property, and the

Flail of Ages is a good debilitator in its own right-not counting the

defensive bonuses it'll gain when fully upgraded. For the evil

protagonist, however, it's worth considering. Some foes are immune to

backstabs, and with the incredibly common usage of True Sight... well,

you get the idea-sometimes the Dagger of the Star just won't be very

useful. The Answerer, however, will work where the Dagger of the Star

won't, and even scoring a paltry, say, three hits on a target with The

Answerer (one good round of combat will do) will impose a crippling -6

Armor Class penalty and reduce their Magic Resistance by 45%, which

will make strong foes considerably more vulnerable. I decide to keep

Daystar in my inventory for when undead show up, but The Answerer takes

its place in my quick weapon slot next to the Dagger of the Star, for

use in select situations.

Anyways, When you're done killing and looting, exit the map at

(x=3000, y=400). Bid farewell to Chapter 8 and make your way to



(x=750, y=820) Horn Coral Gem, 75 gold

(x=1200, y=700) Bounty Notice, Scroll of Summon Djinni, 44 gold

(x=1600, y=350) Bounty Notice, Kings Tears, Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace,

2032 gold


Either the Answerer +4 was nerfed for the Enhanced Edition or, more

likely, we're just privy to more information now. The reduced Armor

Class and Magic Resistance this weapon imposes on enemies only lasts

four rounds. That might seem like too little time to bother with, but

in Throne of Bhaal, four rounds can be a long time, indeed. Plus, it's

really only to be used as a boss-buster weapon, as anything that can

be backstabbed should draw the Dagger of the Star +5. Four rounds is

enough time to get off twelve attacks (if used as a main-hand weapon,

ignoring possible Greater Whirlwind Attacks), and if even three of those

strike, that's a worthy bit of debilitation.


| Chapter 9 |


| Amkethran |


Sequence of Events: {WLK061}

1) Meeting With Balthazar

2) Mercenary Firing Range

3) Saemon Strikes Again!

4) When Tempers Flare...

5) Steal From the Rich, Payback's a...

6) Zekee's Tavern

7) Mechanical Bird Pay-Off

8) Hexxat's Final Request

9) Carras' Stock

10) Kerrick's Smithy

11) Marlowe's Plea

12) Vongoethe's Revelation

13) Sealing the Deal

14) Turning the Tables

15) Crafting With Cespenar, VII

Amkethran (AR5500)


1) Head north and and eventually you'll come across a Monk, who will

take you to meet Balthazar, Melissan's contact here and the leader of

the monastic order-and the city of Amkethran itself. He'll give you the

locations of the enclaves and tell you not to step on his toes. Melissan

has already come and gone, it seems. It's not the friendliest welcome

we've had, but it's sure not the most hostile, either.


2) south-east of the gates to the monastery you'll find a Mercenary

Captain overseeing a duel between two Mercenaries. Further south-east

still you'll find one Captain Erelon (x=1880, y=2230) summoning an

infinite supply of monsters (randomly, a Minotaur or an Umber Hulk, both

worth a paltry 1000 EXP) for a group of Mercenaries to shoot down. If

you wish, you could grind these things as long as you wish, just let the

AI do all the work and go find something else to do. If you pester

Captain Erelon too much, he'll declare you the new targets for the

session. Kill him and his buddies-the other mercenaries don't seem to

mind. All of these mercenaries we just killed will drop Chain Mail +3,

Arrows +2, a Long Sword +1, and a Long Bow +1. Captain Erelon himself

will drop a suit of Elven Chain +1, a Two Handed Sword +2, and the

Darkfire Bow +4.


3) Continue to the east to find Saemon Havarian (x=2600, y=1900), of all

people. He's in trouble again, apparently running a smuggling operation

here in Amkethran that has earned the ire of some of the mercenaries in

town. When you come near, Saemon will shift the blame unto you and leave

you to clean up his mess. These mercenaries drop Chain Mail +3, a Long

Sword +1, a Medium Shield +2, and a pair of Potions of Extra Healing.

Temple of Waukeen (AR5503)


4) South of where you cleaned up Saemon's mess you'll find a Priest of

Waukeen (x=2960, y=2420) arguing with one of Balthazar's Monks.

Apparently the Priest thinks keeping this village alive is more

important than Balthazar's blatant army-building. Words turn to

violence, and you can either step in and attack the Monk, or leave the

Priest to his fate. I find it more profitable to attack the Monk and

save the Priest. A Mage will show up and stop the fight, plucking the

Monk from certain demise and warning us not to interfere with

Balthazar's business. Yeah, like he's gonna stop us. Him and what army?

Oh... right. Anyways, the Priest will thank you, and give you a quest

reward, including the Oaken Ring. If you give him 1000 gold to feed the

needy of Amkethran you'll get a better reward. If you sit back and let

the Monk kill the Priest, you can just grab the Oaken Ring from the

Priest's body. You can now go explore the Temple of Waukeen

(x=2600, y=2450), such as it is, where you'll find a priest named Chyil

(x=300, y=220). He'll tell you that Sendai is a Drow, and that he

believe Balthazar is raising his army to deal with Sendai and Abazigal.

He also believe Melissan is responsible for the Monk decision to build

this army. He'll also provide typical temple services-identifying,

healing, donations, as well as buying/selling crap. The best of what

he sells includes another Potion Case and Scroll Case.


(x=220, y=150) Waterstar Gem x5

(x=360, y=150) Water Opal x2

(x=520, y=260) Pearl


(For saving the Priest)

EXP 2000 (each character)

Item Oaken Ring


(For saving the Priest and giving 1000 gold to help the starving people)

EXP 3000 (each character)

Item Oaken Ring

Reputation +1


5) Now head north past where you met Saemon to find a girl named Asana

Hasaad (x=2330, y=1250), daughter of Omar Haraad, the mayor. She was

caught stealing money from the mercenaries to buy food for the poor

folk of Amkethran. Yeah, yeah, we get it, lots of people starving.

Here's an idea-don't live in the damned desert! Anyways, if you turn

down the pleas of her father and let Asana get executed you'll lose a

point of reputation, and unless you're an evil party at the brink, this

is never a good idea. If you want to avoid a fight, you can pay off the

girl's debt-originally 2000 gold, but the blood price to buy them off

is increased to 4000 by the greedy mercenaries, plus 1000 gold for the

'inconvenience', however you can talk them down to 3000. Or you can

just kill them, which is cash-flow positive. Saving the girl is

definitely more rewarding than letting her die, in any case.


(For saving Asana)

EXP 5000 (each character)

Gold 100

Item Montolio's Cloak

Reputation +1

Zekee's Tavern, The Zephir (AR5501)


6) north-west from here you'll find a 'Boy' (x=1900, y=1000) who will

tell you about a 'stranger man' with a sick daughter and some restless

undead in the cavern beyond. A cavern which Balthazar has sealed and

only magic can induce entry. He'll tell you that the man can be found in

Zekee's tavern (x=2750, y=1370). Sure enough, once inside the tavern a

man named Marlowe will show up, spew some intrigue, and tell you to

meet him at his house for more information. While we're here, we might

as well talk to the various workers, wenches, and warriors who frequent

this joint. Zakee Rafeha himself has some interesting things to say.

Balthazar is another Bhaalspawn, it seems, who was brought here by

Melissan, who is apparently the same kind of protector for Bhaalspawn

that Elminster is for Harpers... except that Melissan has a decidedly

worse record at keeping her charges safe. Sendai is confirmed as a Dark

Elven assassin, and he links the words 'Abazigal' and 'Dragon', although

he doesn't know much else about him. Marlowe is apparently a stranger

whose daughter fell ill, an illness being blamed on some undead in the

caverns where the folk of Amkethran inter their deceased. You can also

shop here, although the only somewhat interesting item he sells is the

Silver Ioun Stone. Most importantly, make sure you sell off everything

you've been gathering since Watcher's Keep. You're going to need money

shortly, and being underfunded could cost you to miss out on some

good gear.


(x=500, y=220) Scroll of True Sight


7) Speaking of making money... if you have the Mechanical Bird

Neera gave you at the end of her Shadows of Amn questline (and Neera

is in your party) you'll see a 'Strange Collector' standing at

(x=550, y=330). If you approach, he'll initiate dialogue, marvelling

at your wonderful bird. He's a collector, see, and you know how

collectors are about stuff... anyways, he's willing to pay you a

whopping 100,000 gold for your bird. If you sell it, Neera will

express regret-that you sold the gift she gave you, for one, and that

she didn't make more of those birds. No kidding. If you refuse to

sell, you'll make Neera happy and your protagonist will gain 100,000

experience points. Either way, if you held onto that Mechanical Bird,

you stand to gain big-time.


(For selling Neera's Mechanical Bird)

Gold 100,000



(For refusing to sell Neera's Mechanical Bird)

EXP 100,000 (protagonist only)


8) By far the most interesting character in this tavern is Hexxat

(x=270, y=270), who will be here provided you didn't summon her earlier

in the Pocket Plane. If you talk to her, the end result of the

conversation will be either her joining your party, or leaving the game

forever... and if she joins your party, it's likely her quest will start

up again, so be ready to get busy if you talk to Hexxat. Her Throne of

Bhaal questline is covered in [WLK063].

Smuggler's Den (AR5504)


9) We'll deal with Marlowe's problem in a moment, but first, let's go

explore that cavern on the lower level. Zekee mentioned that the

smugglers claimed to have stolen into Balthazar's Monastery, and such

information might come in handy later. Inside the cavern we'll find a

group of Monks bullying an honest smuggler named Carras, one of

Esamon's-Saemon Havarian's-associates. You can pick a fight with the

Monks or let them go about their business of shutting the smugglers

down. It's much more rewarding to kill the Monks, however, for their

juicy experience, what little loot they drop, and the pleasure of

buying items from Carras. Although he promised me a discount, I saw no

such drop in prices. Oh well. Make sure you have plenty of money, and

make sure you buy everything you want, as Carras and his smugglers will

be gone shortly. This is the last big shopping spree of the game (unless

you do Neera's Throne of Bhaal quest), and here's what's interesting:


|Mage Spells| Carras




4th-Improved Invisibility

Enkindu's Full Plate +3


Another suit of armor with a base Armor Class of -2. It also makes the

wearer immune to backstab and offers a 5% boost to Magic Resistance.

Perfect for our spell-tanks, Keldorn or Viconia.

Gargoyle Boots


Useless except for their protection from backstabs. We'll be dealing

with plenty of Thieves shortly (or rather, Fighter/Thieves), so

protecting a character from backstabs is more important than, say

avoiding missiles. Sure, we'll be dealing with archers too, but

archers don't score quadruple damage. I put these on Viconia/Anomen,

characters likely to see combat and also characters who-by using

the Ring of Free Action-weren't using Boots of Speed anyways.

Glasses of Identification


It never hurts to have another pair, right?

K'lorgarath +4


A returning +4 axe that has a chance to knock an enemy down and deal

2d6 extra damage each hit? Yes please. It's the best ranged weapon for

Korgan or any other axe-wielding characters in the game. Of course,

he can't use it while dual-wielding, but he can keep it in his inventory

for when the need arises. Which will probably be never, but still...

What else are you going to spend your money on?

Note that you cannot steal from this merchant, so don't get hopeful.

If you've got a great reputation and a character with a high Charisma,

you might only need about 25,000 gold to get what you want. Carras also

sells gems of various quality, which are required to upgrade some items.

If you needed five Star Sapphires for the Dagger of the Star +5, Carras

sells them.


(x=770, y=370) Rainbow Obsidian Necklace

(x=880, y=350) Rainbow Obsidian Necklace, Greenstone Ring, 1 gold

(x=970, y=350) Scroll of Mantle, Potions of Extra Healing x3

(x=1100, y=400) Potions of Superior Healing x3


(x=770, y=370)

(x=1100, y=400)

Kerrick's Smithy (AR5502)


10) Now go into the house at (x=3200, y=1420). There's some loot to be

had here, but if you steal from the townsfolk you'll lose a point of

reputation and they'll turn hostile (unless you come by at night, when

they are sleeping). It's just a few gold anyways, nothing we really need

anymore. Head up the ladder (x=350, y=100) to reach the roof and

continue across ladders to reach a ladder down into the building at

(x=3050, y=850). Inside you'll find Lazarus Librarus, who will still

sell you scrolls and Mage-crap (although his stock will not have

recovered from earlier) and Kerrick the Smith, who seeks to unlock the

power of undergarments. There's not much we can do here now, so return

to the surface.

Marlowe's Home (AR5507)


11) Enter Marlowe's Home at (=x3650, y=450) and Marlowe will talk to you.

If for some reason you decide to pick a fight with Marlowe, his daughter

will die for no reason and he'll turn hostile. I can't imagine why you

would do this, however. I guess Bioware was just appealing to the

mindlessly violent crowd? Anyways, hear out his tale and he'll tell you

that a Lich named Vongoethe took his daughter's soul, being a pure,

young, virgin and all that. Is it just me, or in fantasy settings is a

lady's soul interchangeable with the status of her hymen? Oh wait, it's

like that in the real world, too. Anyways, he bribed the guard down by

the cavern to let Marlowe-or anybody Marlowe wishes-in, so off we go.


(x=200, y=200) Silver Necklace, Bluestone Necklace

(x=450, y=200) Potion of Superior Healing

Graveyard (AR5509)


12) Go talk to the Monk over at (x=1700, y=950) and head inside the

cavern (x=1900, y=700). Head north a bit and you'll find Vongoethe, who

will appear in typical creepy Lich fashion. If you're obstinate in

pursuing a fight you'll succeed, although Vongoethe will consume

Malla's soul and no reward will be forthcoming. Play a more neutral

tone, however, and he'll tell you that Marlowe promised to give the Lich

his soul in return for twenty years of good fortune, and now that the

time to pay up has come, Marlowe refuses to pay. The Lich isn't a saint

by a long-shot either, dealing in souls and willing to kill first

Marlowe's wife and now his daughter to force Marlowe to live up to his

end of the bargain. Since the Lich promises to give up Malla's soul if

we bring Marlowe to him, and since Marlowe did lie to us, we should go

pay him another visit before we make any decisions.


13) Return to Marlowe and he'll readily admit to all of Vongoethe's

accusations, and agree to go with you to pay his end of the bargain.

You'll be given Malla's Soul Stone, to do with as you please, since

you are after all, the neutral party. Malla's Soul Stone is in effect

an Ioun Stone that gives a one point bonus to Dexterity, Constitution,

and can cast Neutralize Poison once per day. Still, I have trouble

finding any use for it since there's almost nobody would would benefit

from both the boost to Dexterity and Constitution, much less the fact

that it doesn't protect against critical hits... hence, I don't bother

keeping it. If you restore Malla's soul you'll get 10,000 experience per

character, and a point of reputation if you give her 5,000 gold to help

her get started with her new life. Since all I gain is some experience

by letting Vongoethe take Marlowe's soul, I choose to interfere after

obtaining Malla's Soul.

Understandably angry, Vongoethe summons a pair of Skeleton Warriors, a

pair of Banshees, and some Skeleton Archers to help him out. The

Banshees can be a pain since... well, you know that 9th level spell?

Yeah, that's something they do. This can kill off characters with poor

saves, and for that reason, I suggest that you cast Death Ward on your

entire party before talking to Marlowe in his house for the second time

(or at least on compromised characters-typically meaning your Clerics,

Mages, and Haer'Dalis). To help keep Marlowe alive, you might want to

cast Death Ward on him, too. In fact, if you spell buff entirely before

talking to Marlowe, this fight will likely be cake. My entire party

walks up to Vongoethe and attacks-using True Sight and Breach as

necessary. Also, using Daystar to cast Sunray (with a companion Sunray

from Anomen/Viconia is also a good way to thin the herd). Vongoethe

almost always falls under the onslaught of my Sunrays, and the one time

he didn't my protagonist nailed him with a vorpal hit from the Axe of

the Unyielding. I love that axe, I really do. Everybody then runs back

to the entrance and smites whatever Banshees may still be around.

Afterwards, my good protagonist heads north and destroys the archers on

the platforms by himself as he's immune to their attacks thanks to the

upgrades he got in hell... my evil protagonist will just have to rely on

Stoneskin to keep her safe.

After the fight Marlowe will thank you for saving him (if he's still

alive). If you decide to keep his daughter's soul stone, however, you'll

get a small experience reward and lose two points of reputation. If you

fork it over, you'll get the biggest reward possible (15,000 experience

points per character) and a reputation increase. Sure, you can get a

total of 16,000 for letting Vongoethe kill Marlowe and then restoring

Malla yourself, but then the reputation boost will cost you 5,000 gold.

The best part about the last route is you get to kill Vongoethe and

claim the Ring of Anti-Venom. Yeah, it's nothing to go crazy over, but

I still prefer it to Malla's Soul Stone. You can go up the ladders to

reach the platforms most of the Skeleton Archers were on, but most of

the doors up there just wrap around to more doors along the platforms.

Most of them are trapped, however, and can be disarmed for some

experience. I put this ring on Keldorn/Korgan, Korgan wears it

full-time, whereas Keldorn (who doesn't have the Axe of the Unyielding

and hence, needs his Ring of Regeneration) only uses it when necessary.

Note From Lee:

This fight was tricky, but not really all that difficult. Spell-buff as

suggested BEFORE TALKING TO MARLOWE, and then initiate the sequence.

Since the dialog will interrupt the ability to position the party,

I move everyone back by the entrance and cast Breach, Pierce Shield,

Pierce Magic, and other buff removal spells on Vongoethe immediately.

By the time the spells get off the Banshees are moving in, so kill them

first, then rush Vongoethe before he has a chance to re-buff. The

archers above can be a pain in the ass, but there's really no way to

avoid them so I simply ignored them until Vongoethe was dead, then

switched two characters to ranged weapons and took them out while the

rest of the party mopped up the remaining combatants on the platform.

DO NOT give Vongoethe an opportunity to re-buff, or to start casting

attack spells, as this will make the fight WAY more difficult. Timing

is everything.


(x=330, y=300)

(x=450, y=250)

(x=550, y=200)

(x=700, y=200)

(x=970, y=200)

(x=1100, y=250)


(For forcing Marlowe to live up to his end of the bargain)

EXP 6000 (each character)

Item Malla's Soul Stone


(For saving Marlowe from Vangoethe and giving him Malla's Soul Stone)

EXP 15000 (each character)

Reputation +1


(For keeping Malla's Soul Stone after saving Marlowe)

EXP 6000 (each character)

Reputation -2


(For restoring Malla)

EXP 10000 (each character)


(For giving Malla 5000 gold to help her start a new life)

EXP 10000 (each character)

Reputation +1


14) Before we leave we can be a little experience hungry by messing with

the 'tables' in the area. The practical application of these is to

disarm the traps on the upper levels, but since everybody should have a

Thief, this isn't a problem. Still, experience is experience. The table

at (x=720, y=720) will summon a pair of Ice Golems, the table at

(x=950, y=550) summons three Fission Slimes, which can be destroyed

with fire (Comet works just fine.) The table at (x=750, y=400) summons

four Greater Air Elementals, and the fourth and final table at

(x=500, y=550) summons four Greater Fire Elementals. Ignoring the

Fission Slimes, which give negligible experience, we stand to gain

110,000~ experience.


15) Now we're done with Amkethran for now, it's time to head to either

Abazigal's Lair or to Sendai's Enclave... but which one? Fortunately,

there's an easy enough way to resolve this. Sendai's Enclave drops

components that will upgrade weapons that three of my character use,

or would use if the weapon were upgraded. Since we'll become

significantly stronger by going after Sendai first, we'll be that much

better off when we go after Abazigal. First, however, another session

with Cespenar:

Heartwood Ring


(5000 gold)

(Nymph's Tear)

(Oaken Ring)

It's a ring that can only be used by Druids, and it gives them a bonus

6th and 7th-level spell. This is just a no-brainer-Jaheira's got

herself a new ring.

Montolio's Cloak


(5000 gold)

(Montolio's Clasp)

(Montolio's Cloak)

Clearly designed for a two-weapon Ranger, Montolio's Cloak is only

usable by Rangers and gives a +1 bonus to Armor Class, a +1 bonus to

all saving throws, and +2 THAC0 with the off-hand. It's a great item

for Minsc or Valygar, and if they're wearing the White Dragon Scale

as well, their Armor Class should be in very good shape.


| Dorn's Bloody Path, Part II |


Sequence of Events: {WLK062}

1) The Naughty List

2) Slaughter for a Sigil

3) The Holy Tree

4) Bollard Firejaw, Dead Again

5) Non-compliant Naiman

6) The Scroll of Retribution

7) Double Dragon!

8) Leaving Lunia

9) The Silver Pair

Ambush Site (OH5400)


1) As I suggested earlier, now that you have spent some time in Throne

of Bhaal (giving timed global variables the opportunity to trigger) as

well as access to the world map, companion quests will now begin,

whether you like it or not. Case in point-Dorn. While wandering from

area to area, you might just find yourself ambushed by a Planetar and

a handful of well-equipped Crusaders. This typically occurs for me...

right where it's located in the guide-immediately after clearing out

Watcher's Keep, while enroute to the Forest of Mir. Dorn will stop the

party and alert you to some presence. Sure enough, the aforementioned

Planetar and Crusaders show up-and they're not here for tea-time.

Apparently Dorn's rampant misbehavior has earned him a spot on the

naughty list, and instead of coal in his stocking, he's going to get

some death, instead. Dorn's former demonic benefactor will taunt him all

disemobodied-like before the fight starts. Based on the Planetars you

can summon, they're rough foes... but we've killed far worse by now.

The Crusaders are also pretty well-armed, and I would comment on what

sorts of mischief they could cause... but honestly, I don't know. I just

start out the fight with a Time Stop/Horrid Wilting combo that pretty

much ends all opposition in one assault. Any fight so easily won doesn't

deserve special investigation by me. After taking a beating, the

Planetar will whine and threaten to add your name to the naughty list,

too, before vanishing. Dorn suggests that our troubles are just

beginning, however-angels are an implacable bunch, and will likely just

continue to harass us as time goes on. Dorn's demonic master will

provide more background information, making clear that the only way to

resolve this issue is to repent, lay down our wealth and arms, and enter

into a life of quiet contemplation as a monk... nah, just kidding-we're

on the naughty list, so clearly the only way to proceed is to attack

heaven itself and remove our names from said list... because apparently

heaven is so bureaucratically mismanaged that a little white-out will

be enough to avoid divine retribution? Whatever-the portal to Lunia is

at (x=930, y=330). Despite what Dorn said, however, we will encounter

no future hit-squads, no matter how we procrastinate-you can delay this

quest indefinitely. The portal here remains static, but there's one

rub-you can't return to this area at will. Instead, when traveling

between map areas, you'll randomly appear here. So, if you chose to

postpone this quest for now, just remember you'll have to wander

stupidly between map areas to return here. Whatever you do, however,

first help yourself to the Crusader's loot-they sure won't be needing

it anymore. Nothing they have is worth equipping at this stage in the

game, but it sells for quite a bit. The loot includes the following:

Full Plate Mail +2 x2, War Hammer +3, Sling +1, Sling +2, Helm of

Infravision, Holy Long Sword of Tyr +3 (x4), Plate Mail +1, Large

Shield +1, Chain Mail +3, Cleric's Staff +3, Bullets +1 x80.

Lunia (OH5500)


2) When you're ready to challenge heaven, enter the portal at the ambush

site. Once inside, bypass some chatter, then continue up some stairs to

the north-east. Here you'll find a Planetar (x=2100, y=2180) handing out

sigils that grant entrance into the White Pavilion. Pick dialogue option

#1 to hear the creature out and wait as some followers of Tyr obtain

their sigils. Once they're done, walk up and talk to the creature... and

kill it, as it'll inevitably see through whatever lie you concoct. It

might be joined by some nearby followers of Tyr or Crusaders, but they,

and the Planetar, are just meat for the grinder. As with the Crusaders

we fought at the ambush site, the follower of Tyr and Crusaders in Lunia

will drop valuable gear-nothing worth wearing, but certainly worth

chucking into a Bag of Holding until we can sell it. I won't waste your

time pointing it out from here on out, however. Loot the Planetar's

corpse for the 'Sigil of Tyr'. It's also worth noting that if you find

any stragglers around Lunia, you might want to force-attack them and

kill them, as it'll remove them as possible complications, later. Don't

go around killing everybody, of course, but after you're done talking

to them... well, you're not here to make friends, and you're not coming

back once you leave.

Note: If you cause too much ruckus up here, you might encounter a hit

squad consisting of a Planetar, a Fighter, Priest, and Paladin of Tyr,

who will appear near said ruckus and attempt to smite you.


3) Head west, then go up some stairs to the north to find the Holy Tree

(x=2150, y=800). Nearby stand Rikkon (x=1950, y=1220) and Zara

(x=1950, y=1180). The former will invite you to partake in 'the flesh of

the divine' which turn out to be some Silver Apples provided by the Holy

Tree. If you loot said tree, you'll obtain three such apples, which heal

those who ingest it for 25% of their Hit Points, and increases all their

attributes by two points for six rounds... if your alignment is good. If

you're evil, it'll harm you for a number of Hit Points equal to 25% of

your maximum, and impose a two-point penalty on your attributes for one

day. Ouch. Since you're here with Dorn, chances are you're not a goodly

party... but Jaheira can safely gobble them down, so you might as well

grab them.


4) Return south to the pavilion where we killed the Planetar, and from

there head east until you find some stairs leading south-east. Head down

and spot some 'Petitioners' to the east, who might cause some of your

party members to complain. Ignore them and continue to the south-west

to find Bollard Firejaw (x=3650, y=2900)-the priest Dorn was sent out

to kill a lifetime ago back in Athkatla. You remember, we crashed a

wedding and all that? The priest remembers Dorn as well, and if you

approach he'll become wroth and indignant that Dorn is here. Kill him,

and whatever nearby Crusaders might be about. Kind of a pointless

encounter, really.


5) Head back up the stairs to the north, then up another flight of

stairs. From there, continue north-east until you find Naiman Alore

(x=4060, y=1040) and his minions. When you approach you'll be asked to

identify yourself before gaining access to Naiman. It doesn't matter

what you say here-whether you got the Sigil or not-Naiman refuses to

erase your name from the Scroll of Retribution. What was the point of

it, then? Who knows. Given Dorn's disposition, a fight ensues once it

becomes clear that Naiman won't comply with your wishes. He's joined by

some Paladins and Priests of Tyr, and during the fight a Planetar will

bring in some reinforcements. Naiman himself is a pretty potent Mage,

but all in all, this fight is as difficult as you allow it to be. If

you use another Time Stop/Horrid Wilting combo, the fight will probably

end without much extra work (and unnecessary damage) on your part. Once

all your foes are smote, pick up whatever loot you want to sell, but

more importantly grab Naiman's 'Ink and Sand'. Time to edit the Scroll

of Retribution a bit.


6) Activate the Scroll of Retribution (x=4070, y=1000) to start defying

the will of the gods. The first thing that comes up, of course, is

what names to erase-you have three options; erase your name, erase

Dorn's name, or erase both of your names. If you fail to remove Dorn's

name from the Book of Retribution, another Planetar will show up after

enough over-world travel and accost Dorn. Dorn will fault you either for

conspiring against him, or for incompetence, depending on how you

respond to his question. Either way, he'll leave the party and turn

hostile. Might as well erase both of your names-that's what we're here

for, after all. Next, well... there are two blank spaces on the Scroll,

and they need filled, right? You have a choice of names you can add to

the Scroll-Yaga Shura, Sendai and Abazigal, being the most sensible

choices. If you add their names, when you encounter these rival

Bhaalspawn, a Planetar will show up to help you in combat. It's meager

aid, but still fun. You can also write in Noober or Saemon Havarian, if

you want some revenge on people who annoyed you in the past, but I

really don't see the point. You can also elect to leave the scroll

alone, but what fun is that?


7) Edit what you will, then you'll be warned that bad things are

coming-it would be wise to leave. Contrary to the pop-up text, wait

around a bit and a hit-squad identical to the one that joined Naiman

and company will arrive-a Planetar, and a priest, paladin, and fighter

of Tyr. Smite them, then heal up, using the least of your healing spells

to do so. It's time for the great escape. Return south-east to the

pavilion where we fought the first Planetar for the useless Sigil to

see a cutscene. Two Silver Dragons-Dolrassa and Ixthezzys will talk to

a dingus named Baldwin, conspiring to thwart your escape and bring down

some holy retribution upon your heads. Escape is simple enough-just

remove Edventar's Gift from your Cleric, cast Haste and Mass

Invisibility and make a run to the exit (x=1100, y=3330). Unless you

did something bonerific like keep your party AI on, you should make it

without a hitch. But again, what fun is that? Two Dragons block our

path, and Dragons have a tendency to drop great loot, not to mention

the experience they're bound to be worth.

If you're thinking that fighting two Dragons at once is a far different

matter than fighting just one... well, you're right. Add to the fact

that the last time we encountered a Silver Dragon-Adalon-my suggestion

was to avoid a confrontation, and anybody would have good reason to be

concerned. We're far stronger now than we were in the Underdark however,

and these Dragons aren't quite as potent as they seem. Spell buff to

the max, including Resist Fire and Cold on every character, save

disposable summons. The breath weapons of these Dragons can deal well

over 100 damage to our characters, and any protection might be the

difference between victory and a reload. Once ready, head west to the

pavilion and force-attack Ixthezzy (x=2050, y=2450). If you're lucky

you should be able to get quite a few hits in before Dolrassa speaks

to us (I was able to bring her down to 'Badly Wounded' before they

even started to fight back before). Once they do, the fight goes fairly

standard for Dragon fights. Use your Mage to continuously cast Breach

on Ixthezzys and spam Greater Whirlwind Attacks. Aside from melee,

defensive buffs, wing buffet, and their breath weapons, I've seen these

Dragons use Maze before. They are not, however, fond of Remove Magic

and Dispel Magic, which is a huge weakness on their part. They are also

fond of retreating a bit if they take too much damage, so you really

need to keep party AI off and micro-manage the fight. Focus exclusively

on Ixthezzys, and when she falls, turn on Dolrassa. Once there's only

one Dragon left, it's more of a straight-forward fight. If you culled

the idle Crusaders beforehand, you shouldn't have too much inteference,

but even without that, Dragon fights can be unpredictable-a bad breath

weapon attack can end the fight. Luck will count for a bit, but a

powerful, fully-buffed party that's not shy about spamming Breach and

Greater Whirlwind should win more often than not. Once the Dragons are

dead, loot them-Ixthezzys will drop Silver Dragon Scales, a Zios Gem

Studded Necklace, a Gold Necklace, a Moonbar Gem, an Emerald and

2843 gold. Dolrassa leaves behind Silver Dragon Scales, a Star Sapphire,

King's Tears, a Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace, a Pearl Necklace, two

Diamonds and 3416 gold. They're also worth a combined 119,000 EXP.


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Escape from Lunia {VID021}


8) We're not out yet. Turn south-west and head down the stairs to reach

the shore upon which our exit portal lies, only to be stopped by Baldwin

and a trio of Crusaders. They're a bunch of wussies-especially after

dealing with a pair of Dragons. Smite them, and loot Baldwin if you care

to grab a Martial Staff +3. Nearby three Petitioners make pretty

particle effects, presumably trying to seal our portal. They can't do

much to stop us from simply walking past and entering the portal, and

they take forever to actually accomplish their task, however...

especially if you inflict a little murder on them. They're worth 22000

experience each, and don't seem to fight back, save by throwing up a

Stoneskin to delay your murdering. If that's not quite enough for you,

return to the Holy Tree and kill another group of Tyr-worshippers led

by a Planetar. Once done, leave Lunia for good.


9) That's all for Dorn's questline in Throne of Bhaal, it's time to

talk about the spoils. Named gear includes junk such as the Holy Long

Swords of Tyr +3, a few Cleric's Staves +3, a Martial Staff +3, and a

pair of Helmets of Infravision... not to mention an armory of other

magical arms and armor. For their part, the Holy Long Swords of Tyr +3

sold for nearly 100,000 gold, altogether. The real prizes, however, are

the Silver Dragon Scales, which Cespenar can turn into Silver Dragon

Scale armor. This armor wrecks havoc on my old builds, as it's easily

superior to anything in the vanilla game. It reaches the unofficial

Armor Class cap of -2, but it also increases the wearer's movement

speed and give +15% Magic Resistance (out-competing Enkindu's Full

Plate +3 by a full +10%). Lastly, it heals the wearer by two points

every time they take a hit, which... well, it's paltry enough to be

ignorable. The best thing about this armor is that it can be worn with

other protection items-probably an oversight, I would expect it to be

patched sooner or later-but for now, it can out-compete other armor

by two or three points of Armor Class (and saves) if you also wear The

Guard's Ring +2, the Spirit's Shield +2, or The Warder's Signet +3. On

the good party, I put it on Keldorn (to futher boost his Magic

Resistance) and Anomen, as it is patently superior to Red Dragon Scale.

For the evil party, I likewise boost Viconia (whose Magic Resistance

will now end up at a whopping 90%) and Korgan, who discards the Red

Dragon Scale and also takes The Guard's Ring +2 out of storage to drop

his Armor Class down to an amazing -12. I could have put this armor on

Dorn and Jaheira just as easily, but one of them would make good use of

the Dexterity bonus provided by Shurrupak's Plate. I reserved this armor

for Dorn, since Jaheira already has an Armor Class of -11. Jaheira's

saves are also superior to Viconia's, and her caster level and spell

selection make her much less adept as a healer/debuffer than Viconia,

hence, I keep true to the rule of protecting my Cleric. Jaheira will

just have to make do with Enkindu's Full Plate +3.

Note: Because Dorn's questline is done, you'd think we'd be done

stumbling upon the Ambush Site (OH5400), right? Wrong. If anything,

I seemed to find it more often now than when I needed it. Pretty much

every time you move between areas on the world map you'll hit the

Ambush Site mid-way. This gets annoying real quick-like. Overhaul Games,

if it's not too much to ask, can you... I don't know, make this area

static, or at least lower (or eliminate) the encounter rate after

Dorn's quest is done? Thanks.


| Hexxat's Request, Part II |


Sequence of Events: {WLK063}

1) The Final Request

2) First Encounter with Phreya

3) Sarcophagi and Secrets

4) Mummy Massacre

5) Second Encounter with Phreya

6) Murdering More Mummies

7) Umolex

8) Third Encounter with Phreya

9) Sand Golem Smiting

10) Fourth Encounter with Phreya

11) Arachnophile Culak

12) Doors and Necrotic Barriers

13) Bringing Down the Barrier

14) Phreya and the Fake Lich

15) Tomes and Scrolls

16) Korkorran

17) Hexxat's Reward

Note: If you plan to do all the Enhanced Edition character quests in

Throne of Bhaal, do Neera's before Hexxat's, as doing Hexxat's first can

cause Neera's quest to fail to trigger. It doesn't matter if you have

Neera in your party or not when you do Hexxat's quest, if you do

Hexxat's quest before Neera's, it can glitch.

Zekee's Tavern (AR5501)


1) When you're ready to start Hexxat's quests, either bring Hexxat to

Zekee's Tavern (AR5501) in Amkethran, or recruit her from within. Once

Hexxat is both in your party, and in Zekee's Tavern, Cabrina will show

up again. Apparently 'L' has another task for Hexxat, in return for

which Hexxat will be rewarded-the nature of the reward is sketchy,

since Hexxat asked 'L' for this boon directly, something Cabrina is

mildly annoyed by. In any event, Hexxat isn't forthcoming. We'll be

given the 'Casque of Imprisonment', which is an improved version of the

'Casque of Dragomir'. Apparently it's the fruit of our efforts for 'L'

in Shadows of Amn, and as such, is supposedly improved-we need not find

a graveyard to make it function, but once we use it to teleport, we

still can't come back until we're finished. As usual for these quests,

information is sparse-all we can make out is that one of 'L' servants,

a Lich, has become rebellious, and it's our task to subdue it.

Korkorran's Lair (OH7300)


2) To get going, force-talk to Hexxat and she'll ask if you're ready.

Answer in the affirmative to be teleported down to your target tomb.

You should know what to expect in this place by now-undead and traps

are the hallmark of Hexxat-based quests, and this one is no different.

Daystar and Runehammer will serve you well in this place. As for traps,

this area gets started quickly-there's one immediately to the east of

where you start at (x=3220, y=500). Continue east until the passage

turn south, then turn south to find a rogue named Phreya

(x=3420, y=820), another one of 'L's' discarded tools. She's

understandably bitter about it, but makes the mistake of taking it out

on us. Smack her around-she's a Thief who'll use potions to go

invisible so she can attempt a few backstabs, as well as the Poison

Weapon Assassin ability-but she's otherwise not too dangerous. When

she's hurt enough, she'll vanish, and Hexxat will implore us to finish

Phreya off, before she makes too much of a nuisance of herself. If only

we could...


(x=3220, y=500)


3) Head east, then north to find a chamber full of sarcophagi and

occupied by a lone Greater Mummy, who is no threat to anybody anymore.

Cut it down, disarm a trap to the south-east, and loot the sarcophagi

in this room (one of which is trapped) for some meager loot. The way

forward, however, is west of where we fought Phreya. Loot two more

sarcophagi and search for a secret door to the south at (x=2750, y=750).


(x=4100, y=650) 38 gold

(x=4400, y=1000) Emerald, Jade Ring, Skull

(x=3200, y=650) Silver Necklace, Incomplete Skeleton

(x=2900, y=600) Scroll of Mass Invisibility, Skull


(x=4200, y=900)

(x=4400, y=1000)


4) Continue south through the secret door and smite another Greater

Mummy. Follow the passage to the south-east until it ends, where you'll

find two doors, one to the east (x=4000, y=1350) and one to the west

(x=3570, y=1400). The eastern door leads to a dead-end, so go through

the western door, instead. In the room beyond you'll encounter three

Greater Mummies, one of which is a more powerful version that can cast

Clerical spells. They're all still push-overs, however, just give the

Cleric special attention, then mop-up the rest.


(x=3200, y=1300) Potion of Superior Healing, Potion of Invulnerability


5) Traverse to the southern side of the room, walk under some tapestries

hung on a rope, and follow a lengthy hallway to the east, at the end of

which we'll encounter Phreya again, who taunt Hexxat some more, whine

about her fate, and attack. Put her down again and Hexxat will reveal

that Phreya made off with the Cloak of Dragomir sometime during the

encounter. Wonderful. Loot a table to the north, then turn south.


(x=4850, y=1450) Protection From Cold, Potion of Master Thievery


6) A long, curving tunnel awaits you, running clock-wise, lined with

lootable (and sometimes trapped) sarcophagi. The only guardians of this

hallway are a pair of Bone Fiends, which should be easily smote by any

party of substance. Kill, loot, then note two pairs of doors, one at

(x=4200, y=2900) and another at (x=3900, y=3150). The former leads to a

long corridor of nothing that leads nowhere, so hit the latter, instead.

Beyond these doors lurk a pair of Greater Mummies. Loot two sarcophagi

and note two doors-one to the north-west (x=3600, y=2900) and one to

the south-west (x=3300, y=3200). Go through the door to the south-west

if you want to bully another pair of Greater Mummies, then through the

door to the north-west to continue deeper into the crypt.


(x=4700, y=2250) Rainbow Obsidian Necklace, Scroll of Carrion Summons,


(x=4500, y=2700) Incomplete Skeleton

(x=3700, y=3300) Skull

(x=3200, y=3450) Scroll of Blindness, Skull

(x=2900, y=3500) Potion of Superior Healing, Incomplete Skeleton

(x=3900, y=3000) Skull

(x=3400, y=3100) Scroll of Power Word: Stun, Waterstar Gem,

Incomplete Skeleton


(x=4700, y=2250)


7) Once through the door you'll find yourself in another curving tunnel.

If you head to the south-west you'll find a room occupied by a Mage

named Umolex (x=3120, y=2650), who confuses you for corpses. When she

notes you're alive, she'll seek to remedy that. I deal with her the way

I deal with most Mages-buffing my protagonist and cutting her down,

but a Time Stop/Horrid Wilting combo would work too... although it seems

a little wasteful for just one Mage. Either way, once she's dead loot

her and the room she's in. She'll drop a Robe of the Evil Archmagi,

an Oil of Speed, two Potions of Regeneration, two Potions of Superior

Healing, and the 'Journal of Umolex the Far-Eyed'. The journal just

points out that Umolex was working with the renegade Lich Korkorran,

providing information about simulacrum creation. The fruits of their

collaboration apparently 'resulted in a masterful duplicate'. The

journal also reveals that Umolex was somewhat silly.


(x=3050, y=2600) Gold Ring, Silver Necklace, Scroll of Stone to Flesh

(x=3300, y=2600) 8 gold


(x=3050, y=2600)


8) Return to the previous, curling corridor and follow it counter-

clockwise to find a door to the north-west at (x=3750, y=2350). Beyond

you'll find a laboratory occupied by some containment tubes, two Bone

Fiends, and another Greater Mummy who can cast Clerical spells. Beyond

them stands Phreya (x=3190, y=2130), who forces us to smack her around

again. Once she's done wasting your time and vanishes again, continue

to the south-west. Ignore the bookshelves, by the way-they're filled

with junk books.


9) Venture through an ominous-but harmless-bone-strewn narrow hallway to

the west, beyond which lurks a new foe... a pair of Sand Golems. They're

new to the dungeon, anyways, not the game, and they're a bit more potent

that the wussies we've been dealing with thus far, but they still

require no special tactics to defeat, I just walk up and crush them with

my warriors. When you're done killing golems and looting, go through a

door to the south at (x=2350, y=2550).


(x=2200, y=2200) Scroll of Improved Mantle, History of the North VI,

History of the Zhentarim


10) Head south and kill another Sand Golem. When you run out of south,

turn west and kill another pair of Sand Golems near a door

(x=1730, y=3530). After they're dismantled, go through said door and

follow a curling passage clock-wise until you find another door guarded

by another pair of Sand Golems. Crush them and continue through the

door the guarded (x=700, y=2900) to find a library. Doesn't all this

look familiar? Looks like Overhaul Games caught onto the trick of

recycling areas quickly enough. Anywho, in this library room you'll find

a pair of Death Tyrants. You could waste time buffing, but I had no

trouble killing them by simply walking up and attacking them. One they

are dead, you'll find Phreya (x=370, y=2450), who just can't get enough

beatings, it seems. Give her one more, after she tries to turn you

against Hexxat, then loot the room. The book 'Of Simulacrum and Sanity'

is another *hint-hint* for you.


(x=200, y=2300) Scroll of Summon Hakeashar, Horn Coral Gem

(x=550, y=2500) Scroll of Improved Mantle, Scroll of Spell Sequencer

(x=500, y=2650) Of Simulacrum and Sanity

(x=970, y=2470) Rainbow Obsidian Necklace


11) There are two ways to proceed from here-continue deeper into the

dungeon by going through the secret door at (x=700, y=2300), or hit a

few bonus rooms by going through the more conventional door over at

(x=1000, y=2750). Let's do the latter, first. Go through the door and

cross over a wood-and-rope bridge to the east. At the far side of the

bridge you'll find another door (x=2150, y=3150) beyond which you'll

find a small room occupied by another pair of Sand Golems. Go through

the door to the west at (x=1850, y=2750) to find a chamber occupied by

Culak (x=1440, y=2420) and his Spider pets. When you approach, he'll

talk to you, but the conversation is pointless-you're not going to be

friends. My solution for dealing with this fight? The good old Horrid

Wilting/Time Stop combo. A triple-shot of Horrid Wilting will kill

Culak and all his Spiders outright. Loot Culak for a Mage Robe of Fire

Resistance, a Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, Edventar's Gift, a Wand of

Cursing (with one measly charge), a pair of Potions of Superior Healing,

and a Potion of Power. It's some decent loot, save for the fact that I

have no need of any more Strength-boosting items in either the good or

evil party. Also, Edventar's Gift is a nice defensive item, but for

most characters, I'm leaning more towards offense right now. I already

have one on Anomen/Viconia, my primary debuffers, and Edwin/Imoen

already have superior rings. All in all, it might be worth keeping in

your inventory in case paralyzing foes show up, but with my Saving

Throws and Magic Resistance, I'm not too worried about such effects



12) Return to the library and head through the secret door we neglected

earlier, then follow a tunnel west, then north, then go through an

already-open door to the east. Dispatch a trio of Bone Fiends and

continue north, where Hexxat will stop you and point out that the doors

here are connected-opening one closes another... kind like Durlag's

Tower. So works the puzzle we're about to face. Close the already-opened

door to the south at (x=520, y=1600) (henceforth known as door #1) to

open the closed door to the north at (x=750, y=1250) (door #2),

whereupon Hexxat will speak again and point out the rub in this puzzle-

the areas beyond are blocked by a 'necrotic barrier'. Only dead things

can tread beyond the northern door safely... even with negative plane

protection, living critters will be destroyed if they venture out.

Simply put, you'll need to keep your party down here so they can

manipulate doors to open the way for Hexxat, who has to continue on

alone. The first thing you should do is head into the room to the north

with Hexxat and lure a trio of Bone Fiends back to the party-my Hexxat

was certainly in no shape to kill them alone.


13) In the (now-cleared) room to the north you'll find two closed doors,

one to the north-west (x=1000, y=800) (door #3), and one to the

south-east (x=1250, y=1000) (door #4). To open them, close door #2.

Beyond doors #3 and #4 are some lootables, and... more doors. The doors

at (x=1480, y=500) (door #5) and (x=1650, y=770) (door #6) are our

ultimate goal, but before that, we need to get the door at

(x=1550, y=1000) (door #7) open. The trick to this is... just walk over

to it an open it. Huh. Beyond is a room with two more doors

(x=1450, y=1300) (door #8) and (x=1750, y=1250) (door #9). Ignore

door #9 for now-to get door #8 open, you'll need to close door #1 again.

Hide with Hexxat and continue south into the room you just opened. Here

you'll find a tough Bone Fiend named 'T'lassus of the Bones', who is

almost certainly too much for a lone Hexxat to handle. Beyond him is an

odd pillar (x=1100, y=1700) which can be activated. Mess with it twice

to shut down the necrotic barriers (and kudos to Overhaul Games for

putting allowing-or rather forcing-Hexxat to use her Thief skills in

her quest). Once they're down, have Hexxat attack T'lassus and draw him

back to the party, where he can be smote with ease.


(x=1200, y=650) Scroll of Minor Spell Turning

(x=1400, y=830) 23 gold


14) I now move my party up to door #6, where I rest to replenish my

spells. I used up my anti-Mage buffs on Umolex, and I'll have need of

them, shortly. After I'm all freshy and rested, I recast my anti-Mage

buffs, then I close door #4 to open doors #5 and #6, then I head through

with only my protagonist and Hexxat. In the room beyond we'll find

Phreya (x=2000, y=530) for a fifth and final time. She's joined by a

Lich named... Lich (x=2000, y=500). Approach and Phreya will start up

dialogue, which of course, ends in violence. Once the fight starts,

Hexxat runs back to the rest of the party, while my protagonist attacks

the Lich, who is surprisingly reluctant to put up defensive buffs. Once

the Lich falls, I turn on Phreya, who isn't any more dangerous this time

around than she was before. After the fight, Hexxat will inform us that

the Casque of Imprisonment isn't working-it seems that although we

killed *A* Lich, we didn't kill the Lich we're after. Remember all those

hints about Simulacrums and duplications? Yeah, seems crafty Korkorran

is still at large. After the chatter is done, Hexxat will run up and

grab the Cloak of Dragomir, which Phreya dropped, along with Worn

Whispers, Topsider's Crutch, three Potion of Superior Healing, two

Potions of Master Theivery and a Potion of Freedom. The Topsider's

Crutch (aka: Ring of Infravision) is beyond useless by now, and the

Worn Whispers (aka: Boots of Stealth) are hardly any better. Oh well...


(x=1600, y=400) Scroll of Sphere of Chaos

(x=1800, y=300) Bloodstone Ring

(x=2200, y=550) Scroll of Mass Invisibility


15) Well, the last Lich was a bust, but on the plus side, there's not

much level left for the real Korkorran to hide in. Go south through an

already-opened door and into a small chamber with a pair of cabinets you

can loot. Loot, then go through another, not-so-open door at

(x=2150, y=1100). Beyond is a larger room with more lootables to

distract you. The books 'Conjur Ota Servanta' and 'Dea Vampir Becomos'

just talk about Vampires, perhaps to legitimize Phreya's condition,

while the second copy of 'Of Simulacrum and Sanity' is just here to

remind you about, you know, the possibility of Simulacrums. We're also

at the end of the dungeon now, so I rest one more time, reapply my

anti-Mage buffs, and continue on with my protagonist.


(x=2200, y=850) Scroll of Mass Invisibility, Potion of Superior Healing

(x=2300, y=800) Angel Skin Ring, Potion of Superior Healing

(x=2050, y=1150) Conjur Ota Servanta, Scroll of Tenser's Transformation,

Scroll of Summon Djinni, Scroll of Cacofiend,

Laeral's Tear Necklace

(x=1900, y=1200) Dea Vampir Becomos, Scroll of Spell Trigger,

Scroll of Protection From Magic Energy,

Scroll of Symbol: Fear

(x=2350, y=1450) Of Simulacrum and Sanity, Rogue Stone x2,

Scroll of Spell Trap


16) Continue south to find the real Korkorran at (x=2570, y=2000). He'll

initiate dialogue when you approach. There are many pit-falls to this

conversation that lead to combat, but you can talk it into restoring

Hexxat's mortality (dialogue options #1, #2, #1, #1, #1, #3) will set

you on the right path. This is apparently the reward Hexxat worked out

with 'L', but there's a catch-it will restore her mortality, but she

will keep her age. As an over 200-year old Human, this will reduce her

life expectancy to... zero. Afterwards you can keep your word and leave

the Lich in peace, or you can pick a fight. Given those options, you

might as well just pick a fight with it from the outset. My protagonist,

weilding Daystar and protected by Death Ward, Chaotic Commands, the

Cloak of Mirroring and three instances of Spell Immunity (Conjuration,

Alteration, and Abjuration) is immune to anything the Lich can throw

at me. He's fond of using Protection From Magical Weapons, Stoneskin,

and various illusions to go invisible, and offensively he's noteworthy

for casting Dragon's Breath, but it doesn't matter-I just use a Gem

of Seeing and chop him down. Once he falls, he'll rise again-possessed

by 'L', who promises to contact Hexxat shortly. We'll be whisked out of

Korkorran's lair and back whence we came.


17) Only one thing left to do for Hexxat in Throne of Bhaal-await 'L's'

reward. To do this, just rest... anywhere. You'll be whisked elsewhere

and bothered by Cabrina, who flirts with Hexxat before 'L' finally

shows up-in Korkorran's shell. 'L' turns out to be none other than

Larloch-presumably the guy behind Larloch's Minor Drain, and he's ready

to grant Hexxat's request. She wants to be turned mortal, and the cost

is the same as with Korkorran-Hexxat will lose the Vampirism and keep

the age, resulting in death. Apparently Hexxat despises her Vampirism

and is quite willing to die to be rid of it, but you can talk her out

of such a hasty decision with the following dialogue options: #1, #1,

#2, #2, #2, #1, and #1. Either way, once your business with 'L' is done,

so is Hexxat's questline.


| Destroying the Order of Eight Staves |


Sequence of Events: {WLK064}

1) Dark Wings, Dark Words

2) Thayan Ambush

3) Dennaton's Coliseum

4) Szass Tam's Task

5) The Shorties

6) Thayan Shopping

7) Thallis' Advice

8) The Front Rooms

9) The Side Rooms

10) The Rear Rooms

11) Vicross in the Courtyard

12) Ringing Szass Tam's Bell

1) After travelling around with Neera for a while she'll be visited by

a bird named 'Jerome'. This doesn't occur as part of a random ambush,

as Dorn and Rasaad's quests start, but rather it'll occur when you

travel to an area on the World Map. For me, the North Forest and

Watcher's Keep both hosted this event, but the Oasis, Amkethran, and

a few other places did not, so... if you're having trouble starting

this quest, head back to one of those two areas. Anywho, Jerome will

bring Neera news from Telana; Vicross, the leader of the Order of the

Eight Staves is in the area, and apparently the Red Wizards are not only

still hunting Wild Mages, but they've improved their ability to detect-

and hence ambush-Wild Mages. Neera, still not a fan of the Red Wizards,

comes up with the idea to purposefully lure them to us so we can

dispatch them. Well... at least we'll get to ambush somebody, for a

change. The 'Clearing' where Neera will perform her Wild Surge to lure

the Red Wizards is now marked on your map, so... head over there when

you're ready to wrassle some Red Wizards. Oh, and make sure you have

Nahal's Reckless Dweomer memorized.

Clearing (OH6400)


2) When you arrive, head to the east a bit and Neera will announce her

plans-she needs to cast Nahal's Reckless Dweomer to lure the Red

Wizards. Good thing we prepared it, right? Give it a go and Neera will

suggest resting up. Before you do so, make sure you have plenty of

debilitatives spells prepared-especially old Clerical ones such as

Greater Command, Insect Plague and Silence 15' Radius. My protagonist

also prepares a Spell Sequencer linking three Slow spells and a Spell

Trigger with three Chaos spells. After that, I cast Stoneskin on

everybody who has it-this is the only buff worth casting, since it's

the only one that'll survive the rest. Speaking of which, rest up when

you're prepared and a cutscene will play-a large group of Red Wizards

led by Vicross will teleport to your location and confront your party,

who wakes hastily to confront the threat. Neera, your protagonist, and

Vicross exchange words before hostilities inevitably begin. Neera's

magic fizzles, much to her chagrin (you'd think she'd be used to it by

now?) and Vicross chugs a Potion of Invisibility, leaving you to fight

four Red Wizards and eight Thayan Knights. The Thayan Knights are pretty

rough, capable of chopping down even well-protected high-level melee

fighters if they attack in groups, and since they out-number you, things

can get rough. Also, four Mages casting mid-level spells can be a pain

in the ass... and of course, Neera is useless, as usual, so the go-to-

tactic of Time Stop/Horrid Wilting is out, unless your protagonist can

do it. Mine can't but dropping three Chaos spells, three Slows, two

Insect Plagues and a Greater Command in a two-round window really starts

things out right. I have Neera use a Gem of Seeing (just to keep them

honest) while Dorn/Keldorn summons a Dark Planetar/Planetar to draw

some fire... I really don't mess around with this fight, and there are

good reasons-not only is it rough enough on its own, but it's not the

only fight we'll have to win before we can rest again.


(For thwarting Vicross' ambush)

EXP 15000 (each character)

Dennaton's Coliseum, Exterior (OH6450)


3) Vicross will appear again, flee, and attempt to teleport away.

Unfortunately you'll appear with her, in an arena occupied by some

groups of Yuan-ti (normal, Elite, and Mages) warring with some humanoids

named Lea Gosh'Aar, Feldrak Feldrak'i, and Voghiln the Vast. Vicross

talks when she notices our arrival-apparently we ended up in Priador,

more specifically, in Dennaton's Coliseum. Neera will identify Vicross

as a Wild Mage and throw a tantrum before we're interrupted by an

overly-enthusiastic Dennaton, who realizes implicitly the value of

having a high-ranking Thayan make an appearace. We're then left to win

the arena fight by diposing of the Yuan-Ti and whatever bipeds survive

them to challenge us. Now Neera can cast spells, and she uses the

Time Stop/Horrid Wilting Combo we needed so much in the last fight. As

for the foes here... Yuan-Ti Mages can cast Chaos, which can still be

troublesome (especially if you have a 25 Strength, -12 THAC0 Korgan

going on a rampage!) and Feldrak Feldrak'i is another potion-chugging

backstabbing Thief bastard. Also beware the Yuan-Ti Elite-they're much

stronger than the wussy Yuan-Ti we tossed around back in Shadows of

Amn. Once you're the only living things left in the arena, Dennaton

will tell you to report to the staging area. Before you do, however,

you might as well rest to recover the spells you cast and heal up.

When you're ready to move on, exit this area at (x=700, y=1150).

Dennaton's Coliseum, Interior (OH6460)


4) Head down a corridor to the south-west to reach a circular area

lined with tables covered with red cloth. Continue to the north-west to

find Szass Tam (x=3950, y=3150), one of the most powerful and iconic

Mages in the Forgotten Realms... and one of the leaders of Thay. He's

no trifle. Fortunately, he just so happens to want the same thing we

do-Vicross dead. The motivations might be different, but... well, you

don't really have a choice. Anyways, Vicross' appearance in the middle

of Thay was, frankly, disasterous for her. If you haven't guessed, Wild

Mages aren't really esteemed in a Mageocracy like Thay, where leaders

are expected to be able to, you know, control their power. Having one

climb so high in rank is an embarrassment to Thay-but especially to the

Mage who supported her. This just so happens to be Aznar Thrul, one of

Szass Tam's rivals. So... kill Vicross before Aznar can distance himself

from her and he'll have egg on his face, which will make Szass happy.

Before we get to work, though, he'll warn us that we won't be able to

rest once we assault Vicross' estate... except that we can teleport to

our Pocket Plane at will and rest, so... kind of takes the bite out of

that little detail. Anyways, before we go after Vicross we should check

out the merchants here.


5) Okay, merchants. Here we go. Bellowgulp (x=3770, y=3400) sells

potions. Nothing to see here. The Weapon Merchant (x=4120, y=2950) sells

a variety of arms and ammuntion from +1 to +3 quality. Still, nothing

we need. Molzahn of Tymora (x=3930, y=2930) provides Clerical services

(including selling protection and Clerical spell scrolls) and will

allow you to rest for free. So much for the shorties.


6) Hue Greenleaf (x=3750, y=2950) sells armor, including a few unique

pieces. A Helm of Charm Protection, a Gift of Peace, and Kazrah's

Shield +4 make up his unique stock, the latter of which is worth


Kazrah's Shield +4


It gives a top-of-the-line +5 Armor Class bonus, but otherwise only

allows you to cast Chain Lightning once per day. Still, that's more than

Sentinel +4 does, so if you've got the cash, you might as well buy it.

At (x=3380, y=3150) you'll find a Mind Flayer 'Magical Item Merchant',

who has by far the most interesting stock. He sells-just listing the

unique items-a Wand of Wonder, a Ring of Regeneration, a Druid's Ring,

the Sandthief's Ring, a Topsider's Crutch, an Amulet of 5% Magic

Resistance, Xarrnous' Second Sword Arm, a Golden Girdle of Urnst, an

Elve's Bane, a Destroyer of the Hills and the Cloak of the Lich. Most

of the gear is stuff we already have, and probably don't need copies

of, but the Cloak of the Lich can probably find a home in any party.

Cloak of the Lich:


This cloak gives 50% resistance to cold and electricity, as well as

immunity to death effects. What's not to like? Jaheira's already immune

to electricity, due to the Harper Pin, plus she'll find another cloak

to wear during Rasaad's quest... Dorn/Keldorn on the other hand can

probably discard that Nymph Cloak now. Shopping and impressing NPCs

isn't much of a concern anymore... certainly not as much as being immune

to death effects.

Finally, talk to the beggar Book Merchant (x=4150, y=3400) to browse

a mighty selection of spell scrolls, comparable only to Lazarus.


|Mage Spells| Book Merchant




1st-Burning Hands

1st-Charm Person

1st-Chill Touch

1st-Chromatic Orb

1st-Color Spray

1st-Detect Evil

1st-Find Familiar





1st-Larloch's Minor Drain

1st-Magic Missile

1st-Protection From Evil

1st-Protection From Petrification

1st-Reflected Image


1st-Shocking Grasp




2nd-Aganazzar's Scorcher



2nd-Detect Invisibility

2nd-Ghoul Touch





2nd-Knock Alignment


2nd-Melf's Acid Arrow

2nd-Mirror Image

2nd-Power Word: Sleep

2nd-Ray of Enfeeblement

2nd-Resist Fear

2nd-Stinking Cloud






3rd-Detect Illusion

3rd-Dire Charm

3rd-Dispel Magic


3rd-Flame Arrow



3rd-Hold Person

3rd-Hold Undead

3rd-Invisibility, 10' Radius

3rd-Lightning Bolt

3rd-Melf's Minute Meteors

3rd-Minor Spell Deflection

3rd-Monster Summoning I


3rd-Protection From Cold

3rd-Protection From Fire

3rd-Protection From Normal Missiles

3rd-Remove Curse

3rd-Remove Magic

3rd-Skull Trap


3rd-Spell Thrust

3rd-Vampiric Touch




4th-Emotion: Hopelessness

4th-Enchanted Weapon


4th-Fireshield (Blue)

4th-Fireshield (Red)

4th-Greater Malison

4th-Ice Storm

4th-Improved Invisibility

4th-Minor Globe of Invulnerability

4th-Minor Sequencer

4th-Monster Summoning II

4th-Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

4th-Polymorph Other

4th-Polymorph Self

4th-Secret Word

4th-Spider Spawn

4th-Spirit Armor


4th-Teleport Field

4th-Wizard Eye


5th-Animate Dead




5th-Cone of cold

5th-Conjure Lesser Air Elemental

5th-Conjure Lesser Earth Elemental

5th-Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental



5th-Hold Monster

5th-Lower Resistance

5th-Minor Spell Turning

5th-Monster Summoning III


5th-Phantom Blade

5th-Protection From Acid

5th-Protection From Electricity

5th-Protection From Normal Weapons

5th-Shadow Door

5th-Spell Immunity

5th-Spell Shield



6th-Carrion Summons

6th-Chain Lightning

6th-Conjure Air Elemental

6th-Conjure Earth Elemental

6th-Conjure Fire Elemental


6th-Death Fog

6th-Death Spell


6th-Flesh to Stone

6th-Globe of Invulnerability

6th-Improved Haste

6th-Invisibility Stalker


6th-Pierce Magic

6th-Power Word: Silence

6th-Protection From Magic Energy

6th-Protection From Magical Weapons

6th-Spell Deflection

6th-Stone to Flesh

6th-Summon Nishruu

6th-Tenser's Transformation

6th-True Sight

6th-Wyvern Call



7th-Control Undead

7th-Delayed Blast Fireball

7th-Finger of Death

7th-Limited Wish


7th-Mass Invisibility

7th-Mordenkainen's Sword

7th-Power Word: Stun

7th-Prismatic Spray

7th-Project Image

7th-Protection From The Elements

7th-Ruby Ray of Reversal

7th-Spell Sequencer

7th-Spell Turning

7th-Sphere of Chaos

7th-Summon Djinni

7th-Summon Efreeti

7th-Summon Hakeashar

7th-Khelben's Warding Whip


8th-Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting

8th-Bigby's Clenched Fist

8th-Improved Mantle

8th-Incendiary Cloud


8th-Pierce Shield

8th-Power Word: Blind

8th-Protection From Energy


8th-Spell Trigger

8th-Summon Fiend

8th-Symbol: Death

8th-Symbol: Fear

8th-Symbol: Stun


9th-Absolute Immunity

9th-Bigby's Crushing Hand

9th-Black Blade of Disaster

9th-Chain Contingency

9th-Energy Draing



9th-Meteor Swarm

9th-Power Word: Kill


9th-Spell Trap


9th-Time Stop

9th-Wail of the Banshee


Vicross' Estate (OH6500)


7) Talk to Szass Tam and he'll offer to teleport you to Vicross' Estate.

Accept and off you go. Once you arrive you'll be pestered by a maid

named Thallis, who is naturally quite shocked to see you. You can kill

her if you wish, but she's harmless, bears a grudge against Vicross,

and killing her will drop your reputation. Innocents and all. Stick to

trusty ol' dialogue option #1 and she'll tell you that Vicross is

meeting with her lieutenants in the courtyard, but her other guards are

in adjacent rooms. It would be wise of us to dispatch them, first, so

they can't aid Vicross later. Sounds good, especially since the door to

the courtyard (x=900, y=1250) is locked and leaves us no choice but to

hit the side rooms, first. Ah, choices.


8) Turn your attention to the doors at (x=950, y=1550) and

(x=520, y=1150). Beyond each door is a small room and a pair of Guards.

Open a door, lure the Guards out and kill them in the room you appeared

in, as traps lie just beyond the doorways. All four Guards drop Splint

Mail +1, Helmets, Large Shields +1, Scimitars +1, and either three

Potions of Extra Healing, or a Potion of Invulnerablity and two Potions

of Extra Healing... but they'll certainly chug a few before you can

kill them. Disarm traps, loot the rooms, then get ready to move on.


(x=950, y=1700) Acid Arrows x20, Arrows of Ice x20, Bolt of Biting x20,

Bolt of Lightning x20

(x=1250, y=1700) Potion of Frost Giant Strength, Potion of Defense,

Potion of Fire Resistance, Bloodstone Ring,

Greenstone Ring


(x=950, y=1600)

(x=1250, y=1700)

(x=520, y=1200)


9) That was all pretty simple, right? Now, there are two more doors

that beg for our attention, the one in the south-eastern room

(x=1300, y=1580) and the one in the north-western room (x=520, y=920).

It really doesn't matter which one you go through-the former leads to

a library and the latter to a dining area. Both have long traps just

outside the doors that trigger alarms. If you trigger these alarms,

every Guard and Red Wizard not attending Vicross will come at you. It's

a winnable fight, especially if you spell-buff up, summon allies, and

wait in one of the rooms, but why not keep playing stealthy? In both

rooms you'll find a Red Wizard and a few Guards-my good party runs on in

and smites them, raising a True Sight before hand so I can pepper the

Red Wizard with Breach and melee attacks. For my evil party, I send in

my protagonist, who gets behind the Red Wizard, activates Greater

Whirlwind, and goes for the backstab. The Guards are then easy prey. The

Red Wizards will drop an Adventurer's Robe, a Quarter Staff +1, three

Potions of Invisibility (hence the True Sight) and a pair of Potions of

Extra Healing. The Guards drop the same junk. Once the Thayans are dead,

get to looting.


(x=1300, y=1400) Scroll of Knock, Scroll of Spell Trigger,

Scroll of Protection From Magic Energy

(x=1850, y=1150) Scroll of Minor Spell Turning, Scroll of Identify

(x=1970, y=1270) Scroll of True Sight, Cursed Scroll of Clumsiness,

Scroll of Protection From Electricity


(x=1400, y=1550)

(x=650, y=880)


10) More doors await us. You can now reach the courtyard by going

through the side doors at (x=1050, y=850) or (x=1480, y=1200)... but

since we haven't killed all the guards yet, I wait. Instead, turn your

attention to the doors at (x=1220, y=500) and (x=2000, y=1150). Beyond

the former door lurk two Guards, while the latter hides five Guards and

a Red Wizard. The obvious move is to go after the two guards in the

northern-most room, but this will attract the attention of the foes in

the larger room to the south-east. On the other hand, a pair of alarm

traps lurk in the south-eastern room at (x=2100, y=1020) and

(x=1750, y=620). By now, however, we've noticed that these Red Wizards

aren't too great at sniffing out invisible characters. My evil

protagonist uses the Ring of Gaxx to make herself Invisible, then

sneaks in and disarms the traps. Imoen can do the same with the Staff

of the Magi, a Potion of Invisibility, an Invisibility spell, and so

on. Once done, I Whirlwind/backstab the Mage and massacre the Guards.

Easy as making ice cream soup. You know what your foes drop by now, so

all that remains is the looting.


(x=2280, y=1080) Potion of Fire Resistance, Potion of Invisibility x2,

Potion of Superior Healing, Gold Necklace,

Arrow of Detonation x1, 231 gold

(x=1850, y=500) Scroll of Stone to Flesh

(x=1700, y=520) Scroll of Mordenkainen's Sword, Scroll of Breach,

Scroll of Pierce Shield

(x=1350, y=250) Scroll of Fireshield (Red), 1 gold

(x=1320, y=370) Potion of Fire Giant Strength, Arrow of Detonation x1,

Potion of Invulnerability, 473 gold


(x=2100, y=1020)

(x=2280, y=1080)

(x=1750, y=620)

(x=1600, y=600)

(x=1850, y=500)

(x=1350, y=250)

(x=1320, y=370)


11) Now it's time to confront Vicross and her cohorts. You can use any

of three doors-(x=1050, y=850), (x=1480, y=1200), or (x=1600, y=800).

I prefer the southern-most (middle option). If you need to rest up or

prepare spells, hit the Pocket Plane. My buffs are simple-personal

illusions like Mirror Image and Blur, Stoneskin, True Sight and Haste

should do the trick. If you want to be extra certain of victory,

prepare Spell Triggers chaining a pair of Pierce Magic spells with

Breach, and make sure you have plenty of both handy. You also might

want to protect yourself from fire and cold however you can... like

with the Cleric spell Resist Fire and Cold. Once that's all done, I

finish up with a Mass Invisibility. I then go through the door and...

well, walk straight up to Vicross (x=1150, y=1130). She's guarded by a

pair of Elite Guards and her Guard Captain, who is capable of using

Greater Whirlwind Attack. If fought conventionally... well, you know

how Mages fight by now-you'd need ample True Sight coverage to keep her

honest, as she's got several Potions of Invisibility. She's also got

Scroll of Death Spell to keep your summons at bay. She'll use Time Stop

combos and summon endless streams of guards-resorting to summoning

Elite Orcs if things carry on long enough. They're not devastatingly

strong minions, but hits add up as buffs wear off. If you can keep her

visible and catch her in a Time Stop of your own, you should be able to

knock her off with Horrid Wilting spells (perhaps preceeded by a Pierce

Magic to take down some buffs). All this is unneccessary, however, as

she's got one major weakness-she won't use True Sight to spot you, even

though she possesses several Scrolls of True Sight. At the very least

using Mass Invisibility would have allowed us to close ground while

she casted the spell-which she doesn't-but since she neglects to do so,

you can just walk up to her and force-attack her. She'll die before she

can so much as blink. If you want to hear her speak to Neera, just

leave a character (preferably Neera, who can wait for the warriors to

get into position) out of the Mass Invisibility and approach when you're

ready to make Vicross dead. Vicross is unrepetant, and now that she's

been uncovered, she's going to throw caution to the wind and let her

wild magic loose. Hurray. Kill her.

When her and her guards are dead-the looting begins. Vicross will drop

a Robe of the Evil Archmagi, the Thayan Circlet, a Ring of the

Princes +1, a Wand of Spell Striking, five Potions of Superior Healing,

five Potions of Invisibility, four Potions of Extra Healing, three

Elixirs of Health, two Scrolls of Death Spell, three Scrolls of True

Sight, a Scroll of Spell Strike and Quarter Staff +2. Her Guard Captain

drops a suit of Full Plate Mail, a Helmet, a pair of Scimitars +3,

three Potions of Superior Healing, five Potions of Extra Healing, two

Antidotes and 271 gold. The lightly-armed Elite Guard leaves behind

a Katana +2, a Wakizashi +1, two Potions of Superior Healing, three

Potions of Extra Healing, a Potion of Invulnerability, and Oil of Speed

and a Potion of Clarity. The heavily-armed Elite Guard wraps up the

lootage with a suit of Full Plate Mail, a Helmet, a Rod of Reversal, a

Two-Handed Sword +2, three Potions of Extra Healing, a Potion of

Superior Healing, an Oil of Speed and a Potion of Magic Protection.

It's all kind of garbage, even the Thayan Circlet isn't very good. It

certainly can't compare to the Circlet of Netheril.


12) All that's left to do is ring the Bell of Summoning (x=1300, y=1070)

and get Szass Tam to take us home, all flowers and roses and sunshine.

Of course, just in case the necromantic Thayan overlord isn't

trustworthy, I gather my warriors just north-east of the bell before I

ring it. Ding. Szass Tam appears. He'll thank us for killing Vicross,

only to tell us that we're next. He's aware of what we are, and our

exploits concern him, so, now that we're (presumably) weakened from

fighting Vicross, he's going to snuff us. He's one hell of a Mage-he'll

cast spells in such a way that'd make Irenicus blush. He immediately

starts out the fight with Protection From Energy, Protection From Magic

Weapons, Spell Turning, Stoneskin, True Sight, Fireshield (Red), and

Fireshield (Blue), and will seek to do a lengthy and brutal Time Stop

sequence immediately afterwards. Using that Spell Trigger loaded with

Pierce Magics and Breach will help take down some of his defenses,

afterwards you just need to keep hitting with him Breach, having your

warriors attack, and hope you create a hole and harm him enough before

his spells or his Fireshield kill you (hence the Resist Fire and Cold

spells earlier). Time Stops sessions where you tear down defenses and

debuff should be the focus of your Mages. Of course, if you moved your

warriors into position before he appeared (he shows up at around

(x=1440, y=1050)) and immediately use Greater Whirlwinds on each

warrior as soon as his conversation ends and he turns hostile, you

should be able to batter him into submission before he can even get

off his contingencies and triggers. This is the ideal way to end this

fight, and it's short and painless. However you manage it, once he's

taken enough damage he'll call a halt to the violence and offer to send

you back to Tethyr, with the implicit understanding that you won't

return to Thay or tell everybody about his Vicross scheme. Accept-if you

don't the fight will just go on until you deal more damage to him, and

he ejects you from Thay forcefully. After accepting, talk to Szass Tam

again and tell him to send you back to Tethyr. Back in the Clearing

where we first met Vicross, Neera will contemplate how she might have

ended up like Vicross, had circumstance been different. Nurture over

nature, like the scenario the Solar presented to us about how we could

have turned out like Sarevok, had Gorion grabbed him instead of us.

Neera's quest is now over-the Red Wizards who hunted Wild Mages are no

more, and everything is safe and sound for Wild Mages everywhere.


(For defeating Szass Tam)

EXP 20000 (each character)


Haeravon Plays: Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition -

Vicross and Szass Tam {VID022}

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