Chapter Eight

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Watching Yoongi flit around the kitchen– knowing he's doing it more so to keep busy and avoid the people than anything– Taehyung finds himself effortlessly endeared.

From the time he'd spotted Yoongi on that side of the room, he's found it hard to hold the conversation he's in the middle of.

Whether he's in his favorite flannel thrown over an old band tee paired with his beloved ripped jeans or wearing a baby blue chiffon shirt with a silver chain necklace, tucked into black jeans with a simple black belt as he is tonight, he looks beautiful.

The man has no idea how eye catching he is.

Taehyung's heard from the time he was seventeen, finally having grown into his ears and nose, that he was handsome.

"A modern Adonis" some would comment, but Yoongi is the true Adonis.

A living, breathing sculpture. Taehyung's always thought that.

Despite his adorably round cheeks, small yet glimmering eyes and naturally pouty– slightly frowning– lips, all throughout their childhood Taehyung found himself just sitting and admiring his hyung. Much like he is now.

After a few more seconds admiring the smiling man in the kitchen, Taehyung politely draws his current conversation to a close, saying he needs to continue to make his rounds to thank each guest for coming.

As he walks away, he glasses his eyes around the room to see if anyone's arrived that he has yet to speak to.

That's when he sees a man he thinks is Jungkook, but has to stare a little longer at to confirm.

Yes, that is Jungkook. A blonde Jungkook, leaning his hip against the small bar adjacent from where Taehyung is now stopped.

Even as Taehyung begins to make his way over to him Jungkook doesn't seem to notice him.

He actually seems not to be paying much attention to anything going on around him.

As Taehyung stands by his side, pausing before he interrupts his obviously deep train of thought, he follows his gaze.

And he could be mistaken, but the younger man seems to be looking towards the kitchen, just as Taehyung had been moments ago.

There's a small smile pulling at the corner of Jungkook's lips, soft and lazy, but his stare is far more emotional as he watches the activity going on across the room.

Taehyung quirks his brow– making a mental note to ponder this little scene later– before relaxing his features and tapping on the younger's shoulder.

Jungkook flinches slightly at the touch, turning with the same intense expression before it softens in recognition.

"Hello, hyung," he smiles.

"Hey blondie." Taehyung smirks. "Glad you could make it."

"Me too. It's a nice place you've got here,'" Jungkook smiles, consciously tucking some hair behind his ear.

And, it's probably a bit too brash, but Taehyung can't resist, responding with, "The kitchen is especially nice."

He holds back an amused laugh when he observes Jungkook's eyes slightly widen.

"It is," he goes along with the unexpected retort. "I was thinking of heading over to see what kind of food there is. I'm starving."

"I'll walk with you. There are a ton of options available and I can make a few recommendations. Plus, my fiancé's snuck away to the kitchen so we can see him as well." Taehyung beams placing his hand lightly against Jungkook's back, leading him through the crowd to the kitchen.

Jungkook hesitates at first, but falls in step with him.

"This way we can break the good news about the house renovations together!"

"He doesn't know?" Jungkook's brows shoot up, to which Taehyung simply shakes his head.

"Not yet. It was going to be a surprise, and since you're here, we can both see his reaction!"

"Okay..." Jungkook says quietly.

He doesn't know? This is not the most ideal thing to be happening. Jungkook was hoping to pull Yoongi aside, specifically out of Taehyung's sight, under the guise of talking about his ideas on the house when he really wants to get him alone to talk about the two of them.

He guesses he could still do that, but it's going to be quite a bit harder now that he knows Yoongi has had no time to sit and stew over the fact that Taehyung has hired Jungkook to do this now.

Hell, he probably has no idea Jungkook is even at this party!

Crashing Yoongi's engagement party would have been something Jungkook tried to do but he can't even take credit for this because Taehyung himself is the one who invited him and the one bringing him straight to Yoongi.

God, it seems like every time he has some sort of plan Taehyung is somehow one step ahead of him. It's equal parts puzzling and annoying.

"I like the hair by the way. I don't think I said it before. It works well with your complexion," Taehyung compliments him with a smile.

"Thanks..." Jungkook mumbles and he wants to smack himself because he can feel his cheeks heating up. "I'm still getting used to it."

"Looks good. Really good. Makes you look like you could be a famous runway model," Taehyung smiles coyly over at him and Jungkook is startled by the sight.

Is he- is Taehyung teasing him? Flirting? What's going on? Jungkook blinks.

Before Jungkook can even begin to unpack that brief exchange– or any of the conversation prior to it for that matter– Taehyung has diverted his attention from Jungkook and is raising his voice just loud enough for Yoongi to hear.

He had been talking to a man Jungkook recognizes as Kim Soekjin with a wide smile on his face that dims when he sees Jungkook.

Jungkook can see the confusion flooding his vision, his eyes flashing between the two men coming towards him, as he tries to force his smile to stay in place.

"Hi, baby," he greets Taehyung, and the pet name not being directed at Jungkook feels like a punch to the younger's gut. "I was just helping Jinnie refill the fruit tray."

"That was very kind of you," Taehyung coos. "I just came over to tell you some exciting news!"

"O-oh," Yoongi nods slowly. "What news would that be?"

And what news could potentially involve pulling Jungkook of all people over to talk to him? In fact, why the hell is Jungkook even here because I didn't invite him! Yoongi's mind races, but he keeps all thoughts from his expression.

Jungkook and Yoongi both fix their gazes on Taehyung, awaiting his next words.

"The owner's of that house you loved accepted our offer and Jungkook has agreed to help with the renovations and reconstruction! Isn't that exciting?"

Jungkook moves his eyes back to Yoongi, smiling involuntarily when he sees the pure surprise and excitement on Yoongi's face.

"The house is ours?!" He nearly bounces with excitement, having trouble containing his happiness, before he stills.

"Wait.. when did- How did you and Koo-," he immediately cuts himself off before changing his wording. "How did you two end up connecting to do this? I didn't think the company did residential work..."

"Not usually. Hobi had heard a rumor that they might venture into home builds and when I asked if it was true Jungkook confirmed it! He has agreed to do this just for us!"

Yoongi's brows crease, his smile turning a bit confused. "Just for us?"

"Yes! Well, I mean it probably has more to do with you than anything, doll. You two are friends after all."

He says it so casually, so smoothly, that Jungkook is half convinced he'd heard him wrong.

How- Taehyung knows he and Yoongi are friends? He didn't say anything about it at the meeting. Or any other time they've spoken for that matter.

It seems like an easy enough thing to be able to bring up casually, so why didn't he?

Jungkook moves his widened eyes from Taehyung's profile to Yoongi, who seems to be keeping any sign of complete shock to a minimum look of puzzlement.

"I was so glad when I heard that he was interested in presenting a proposal to build our new office building. Because of that meeting, when we sat down together I had the chance to make a proposal of my own; for him to work on our personal home. And he agreed."

After speaking, he turns to Jungkook looking a bit more somber. "I apologize that I wasn't more forthcoming with my relationship with Yoongi. I didn't want that to affect your willingness to do this work for us. I wanted you to take on the job because you wanted to, not because you may have felt like you had to agree to help an old friend."

Jungkook blinks at him. He guesses he understands that logic..?

He nods his head slowly, obviously still trying to process what's going on. He knows– no, he has known– that Jungkook has a connection with Yoongi this entire time.

Jungkook isn't quite sure what to make of this information.

Unexpectedly, they hear a small yelp from behind Taehyung and Jungkook before Jungkook is pushed forward forcefully.

As Taehyung steadies the girl who had stumbled into them Jungkook tenses as he feels liquid running down his back.

Upon further inspection they realize that during her fall the girl had spilled her freshly filled glass of wine down Jungkook's back.

"I am so sorry!" The woman apologizes quickly, reaching blindly around Jungkook towards the kitchen counter for some napkins.

"It's fine," Jungkook mumbles, arching his body to keep his back away from the cold, wet fabric of his shirt.

"Doll," Taehyung voices, turning to Yoongi. "Why don't you show Jungkook to our room. I might have something that'll fit." He then turns to Jungkook, "I will be happy to have the shirt dry cleaned tomorrow but for tonight, please, take one of mine," he offers, sounding unreasonably apologetic since he himself had nothing to do with the mishap.

It wasn't his glass that got dumped on Jungkook.

Slowly, Jungkook begins finding it difficult to focus on whatever else Taehyung is saying as it starts to sink in that Taehyung is sending he and Yoongi away, just the two of them.

Jungkook slowly looks from Taehyung to Yoongi.

He looks to be feeling more reluctant than Jungkook is, but this is exactly what Jungkook was hoping for.

Taehyung keeps doing all the leg work for me, he bites back a smile.

"Of course," Yoongi stammers, flashing his eyes from Taehyung to Jungkook, gesturing off to the left. "Follow me."

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