Chapter Nine

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"What are you doing here?!" Yoongi whisper yells as soon as the door to he the bedroom is closed. "Is this part of your 'plan', huh? Manipulating Tae into allowing you into our home?!"

"This is way beyond any plan I had," Jungkook scoffs. "All of this– me being here and being part of your 'dream home' construction– this is all your fiancé's doing!"

Yoongi's mouth purses in a tight line as he bares into the red stain on the back of Jungkook's shirt.

"How did you know about the party?" He manages to ask.

"He invited me." Jungkook answers curtly.

After a silence settles, Jungkook raises his shoulders uncomfortably, feeling sticky from the wine, before turning around to face Yoongi.

"How does he know that we know each other?"

Yoongi huffs out a sigh. "When he and I got back into contact with each other I hadn't seen him since I graduated high school. One of the first conversations we had was about my time at university. You, uh..." he clears his throat, avoiding the younger's stare. "You were a big part of my life... I couldn't really talk about it without talking about you."

Jungkook takes a beat to let the words sink in before he speaks again.

"But you didn't tell him everything."

Yoongi doesn't say anything, only shakes his head in confirmation.

"Why?" The question is spoken quickly, then a realization hits Jungkook. "Or, I guess the better question is why would you, isn't it. If we were just friends after all. That's what you said the other night, right? You wanted to get back to how we were, which was friends. I assume that's what you told him. There's no way he'd have willingly brought me closer to you if he knew we were anything more. If he knew how we actually felt about each other."

Jungkook tries to keep his expression stern, but when Yoongi looks up at him with hurt clouding his irises, he finds it extremely difficult to do so.

"Please. Please don't- I can't talk about this right now," he says and his voice sounds so small.

Jungkook glides his eyes across Yoongi's face before relenting with a sigh.

"I'll go get you something to change into... And a washcloth. I'm sure the wine's made you feel sticky," Yoongi nearly whispers before rushing around Jungkook, presumably towards the closet.

When Jungkook reaches up to push his hair off of his forehead– a mindless habit he does when he's frustrated that he'd picked up from Jimin– the wet fabric grazes his back and makes him flinch, prompting him to begin unbuttoning the shirt, trying to keep his back arched away to avoid the wet fabric touching him again.

He's glad he didn't wear an undershirt under the button down, meaning he only has one shirt to worry about awkwardly removing to avoid the cold liquid, but annoyed that he hadn't kept his blazer on after entering the party so his shirt could have avoided likely being ruined.

Well, hindsight is twenty-twenty he guesses. Nothing he can do about it now.

He hears the sink turn on as he slides the shirt down his arms and by the time he has it held loosely away from his body by the collar Yoongi is stepping back into the room.

Jungkook turns around when he hears the man let out a tiny squeak– likely due to surprise at seeing Jungkook's naked torso– but is too late to meet his eye line as Yoongi is looking down at the carpet.

He has a washcloth in one hand and a dark colored dress shirt in the other, which he drops onto the bed on his way to Jungkook.

"You can do this yourself if that would be more comfortable for you," Yoongi comments in a lowered voice, holding the washcloth out just enough for Jungkook to take if he chooses, "but I assume where the drink spilt is not an easy spot to reach without help."

"Some help would be nice," Jungkook answers politely before turning his back to Yoongi.

When the cloth hits his skin it takes him by surprise, and the water is just on the edge of being too warm, but it feels nice.

For the next thirty or so seconds no words are passed between them as Yoongi efficiently yet gently cleans the drying wine from Jungkook's skin.

Yoongi's hand then stills near the small of Jungkook's back before he pulls away. "I think your shirt absorbed most of it so you shouldn't need to borrow any pants. Unless you feel differently?"

"No, I think you're right," Jungkook keeps his head forward. "Just a shirt is fine."

Jungkook hears Yoongi step away for a few beats before coming back, stopping at Jungkook's side with the shirt.

Again, he isn't looking up at Jungkook, but this time, Jungkook isn't looking at Yoongi either.

His eyes are fixated on the shirt instead.

He recognizes it.

It was the one Yoongi had on when...

"This is what you wore that day. The last time we were together," Jungkook can't help but point out as he snaps his eyes up to study Yoongi's expression.

At first Yoongi's brows are furrowed but widen seconds later and he lets out a small gasp.

"I-I didn't realize. I just saw it and noticed it was similar to the one you were already wearing! I swear I-" Yoongi's sentence ends when Jungkook interrupts.

"Is this his or yours?"

Again, Yoongi's lack of answer speaks volumes to Jungkook.

"So, you two were together when we-"

"Don't say it!" Yoongi snaps. "I feel guilty enough about that day. For more reasons than one."

Jungkook tries to hold back a smirk, but he's finding it rather difficult.

If his assumption is correct, and it sure as hell sounds like it is, Yoongi has already cheated on Taehyung before– and with him, no less.

He quirks a brow. "You didn't say anything about having a boyfriend at any point when we-"

"You were grieving! When would have been an opportune time that day to tell you I'd started seeing someone, huh?"

"I can understand your reasoning, okay? There wasn't an obvious time to share that, no," Jungkook tries not to grit his teeth, "But, if you hadn't left so abruptly maybe then we could have talked about it. Then maybe you could have had your fucking moment."

"You make it sound so easy! You were so upset, Jungkook. Heartbroken... How could I have dropped that on you on top of everything else?"

"At least then I would have known!" Jungkook bites back. "You telling me you had a boyfriend would have at the very least allowed me to understand why you ghosted me for the next year afterwards. Instead, you just... left. Ignored my calls, texts, I even emailed you for God's sake but I didn't hear anything!"

Yoongi's eyes begin to tear but he tries his best to keep them from falling.

"You were all I had left, hyung. You are all I have left. And you left when I needed you the most, without a single word."

"I felt like an asshole. A selfish asshole." Yoongi breaths shakily. "I didn't want to add to the sadness you were feeling. That aside, I also was really unsure of how to tell you about Tae or how to apologize for taking advantage of you. So I decided to just hide away... like a coward." Yoongi tone drops along with the slump of his shoulders.

"Taking advantage of me?" Jungkook asks in confusion. "When did you take advantage of me?"

"I went there to comfort you and instead I slept with you! I knew you were emotional and vulnerable and that sex was no way to deal with the horrific, life altering thing that you hadn't even had a chance to process yet, but you asked.

"You asked and I was selfish because despite knowing it wasn't the best thing to help you, I agreed anyway. I didn't stop it when I could have. When I should have. Then, after it all happened, I came to my senses and it made me sick.

"I felt like I used you and at the same time ruined my relationship with Tae before we even really started one," Yoongi levels his eyes with Jungkook's with a surprising flame of anger in them. "I didn't answer your calls because I didn't want to talk about it. Didn't want to talk to you! Is that what you want to hear?!"

"I wanted to hear the truth, hyung," Jungkook says bluntly. "I still do."

"And what would the truth you want to hear be?" Yoongi says, voice sounding fragile now. Less of an edge but broken all the same. "What do you want from me?"

"I want you to be honest with how you feel. Even if it hurts me," Jungkook speaks, voice thick with emotion. "I want you to tell me you don't care anymore. Tell me asking to meet me the other day was a mistake and you don't know why you did it. That you regret seeing me again.

"Tell me you don't feel anything for me. Just say whatever the fuck it is you've been carrying around all this time even if it'll break my heart. Just tell the fucking truth, hyung." Jungkook takes a sharp breath. "Please."

For a rare few moments, Yoongi looks Jungkook in the eye.

Jungkook is begging and pleading that Yoongi will just talk to him.

That he'll say what's actually on his mind for once instead of staying locked in his own head.

Jungkook searches and searches those beautiful eyes that house the heavens themselves and he swears he sees it, the familiar fondness and love.

The want to share with Jungkook like he used to, but Yoongi doesn't say a thing.

He just breaks their gaze, outstretches the shirt for Jungkook to take with a shaky hand, and walks out of the room, closing the door softly behind him, leaving Jungkook alone.

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