My Fifth Character: Nathan Thane(GBF)

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Hey everyone. It's me, weeksjmj29. Sorry I'm late. Anyways, here's my next character for the GBF story rp. He's.....the worst enemy one would want to face. Because once he has you in his sights, you're done before it has even begun. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me introduce you to Nathan Thane, aka Ice.

Character Form:

Name: Nathan Thane aka Ice

Age: 16

Gender: male

Looks: sapphire blue eyes and black shortly cut hair. Slightly pale skin and well toned body.

Clothing: when he's not fighting in a Gunpla battle, he usually wears a blue shirt and black pants and blue shoes. But when he's in a Gunpla battle, he wears a black shirt under a long sleeve jacket, black pants and black shoes. He also wears a set of black lenses glasses.

Personality: calm, collected, and silent. He usually is emotionless, as if he doesn't care. He doesn't talk much, but when he talks, his voice could either instill fear, or completely surprise someone by how fluid his voice is. The perfect example of the phrase' "it's the quiet ones that are the most dangerous".

Likes: not much is known (he likes working on his Gunpla and quiets. He likes training in secret.)

Dislikes: not much is known (rudeness, disruptions, bullies.)

Fighting style preference: close-range melee to median range shooting. Nothing for long range.

Background story: not much is known about Nathan. At the young age of 9, he built his very first Gunpla. At the age of 11, he won the regional championship in Gunpla. Many believe that he could take on the World Tournament.

Then, he was gone. He disappeared from the world of Gunpla. Many people wondered where he had gone, but couldn't find out the reason for his disappearance or him for that matter. He was not to be seen for 4 more years.

Unbeknownst to everyone, he left to train and experience everything new when it came to Gunpla and learn new ways to fight or new ways to create a tougher Gunpla. Then he came across a mysterious man by the name Tensei Kutsugani, Leader of the Kutsugani School of Bushido and the creator of the Shadow Stance, a secret style.

He learned under Tensei, and Tensei too to his training with vigor. He sensed something special with Nathan, and so he taught him what he know. Once he was ready, he left the school and returned to world of Gunpla.

Other: he meditates whenever he gets a chance.

Gunpla Form:

Name: Gundam Master Bael

Base form: Gundam Bael

Colors: black and purple and red.

Description: it's a little slimmer for mobility and it had 4 wings instead of 2

Abilities: it fly and can protect itself with ray shields.

Weapons: it's mainly melee(meaning it uses it's fists), however, it has 2 hand blasters that can switch from machine gun to laser mode. It also uses rocket launchers from packs that open behind the knees. It also used 2 laser blades.

Special Abilities: Solar mode, Sacred Artes. Solar mode is where it begins glowing until it turns into a gold color. It can generate heat and flames that could melt away armor. Enemies in close proximity will burn away instantly unless they are well shielded.

Sacred Artes are special fluid movements the Gunpla performs to do
Aspecial attacks. There are 6 sacre
artes it could use. The sacred artes are as this:

Sacred Arte Luna: Moon Dance

Sacred Arte Apollo: Solar Hymn

Sacred Arte Zeus: Thunder Dance

Sacred Arte Garganta: Rumble Drum

Sacred Arte Gemini: Fuijinsido

Sacred Arte Shade: Shadow Stance Necros

Special Weapons: Golden Flare, Sacred Arcana.

Golden Flare is used only when Solar Mode is active. The Gunpla absorbs particles and energy and begins glow. As it fully glows it holds out hands in a wide stance. When it opens it hands, it send a massive flare in all directions that will either incinerate or disable whatever it hits.

Sacred Arcana is the special attacks that Sacred Artes are performed to use. There are 6 Sacred Arcanas for each Sacred Artes.

Sacred Arcana Luna: Moon Crusher- it causes meteors to fall from the sky. If in space, sends space rock towards the target. The target is then either shredded or crushed depending on the size of the meteors.

Sacred Arcana Apollo: Solar Rain- it shoots an arrow made of flames towards the sky. Then it splinters, sending thousands of flaming arrows towards the ground. In space, it fires a larger arrow into space, then splinters, sending thousands of arrows towards target.

Sacred Arcana Zeus: Thunder Spear- it creates a spear made of electrical energy. When held, the user can send bolts of lightning towards the target. If it is thrown and it hits the target, it releases a shockwave, electrocuting whatever is caught in the blast.

Sacred Arcana Garganta: Rising Titan- it causes the Gunpla to expand until it's twice the size of a mobile armor. It can also expand other mobile suits.

Sacred Arcana Gemini: Twin Despair- it can clone itself and fight as multiple opponents for the enemy.

Sacred Arcana Shade: Reaper's Love- it coats itself in a black aura. Then black aura envelopes the wings and expand. Then purple energy coats it's right hand, creating a sharp clawed hand made of energy. Then it flies towards the target. Then it impaled the target with it's hand. Then it spreads it's fingers, releasing the energy. As it jumps away, the target is enveloped in the purple energy. Then it explodes.

Background info: this is the personal Gunpla of Nathan Thane. He took his time in building this, making sure everything fire how he wants it.

Other: the Gunpla is the complete opposite of the creator. A perfect match.

Finally, this one is done. Sooooo sorry I'm late. But this is a sign. That the rp will soon be at hand. For now, adios amigos.:)-Weeksjmj29

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