My Fourth Character: Kim Kusami(GBF)

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Hey everyone. Sorry I'm late. *sighs* sorry I keep being late. Anyways, it's me Weeksjmj29. We are finally getting to the Gundam Build Fighter Characters for the GBF Storyline rp. I'll start it off by saying that Kimmy is a character I know everyone will love. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to the shy and yet beautiful, Kim Kusami. :)

Character Form:

Name: Kim Kusami

Age: 13

Gender: female

Looks: long flowing green hair and red eyes. She has freckles on her slightly tanned skin.

Clothing: she usually wears a grey hoodie over a blue shirt. She wears a red skirt and blue shoes.

Personality: shy, kind, gentle, friendly once she gets to know you, fierce when determined.

Likes: reading, nature, playing with kids, studying, learning about Gunpla, playing Gunpla. 

Dislikes: bullies, hate, cruelty, spiders, snakes, ruined Gunpla.

Fighting style preference: varietal. Short to medium range and medium
To long range. Melee and the shooting.

Background story: she lived with her mom in a little shop that her mother own. She tends to help her when she needs it. Her mother was once a Gunpla enthusiast. Her mother taught her how to build Gunpla.

One day, a friend of hers tells her that she should go and try out for the Regional Qualifier for the World Tournament. She was reluctant, saying that she wouldn't be any good. Her mother disagreed, saying that she would do great.

After a long argument, she finally relented, saying she would give it a try. And so, she join the qualifiers.

Other: she's also on a Gundam
Build Team called Orion Sky.

Gunpla Form(Starter):

Name:  Justice Wing Zero Gundam

Base form: Infinite Justice Gundam

Colors: Purple blue red and black

Description: it's the average size of the average Gunpla. The head of the Gunpla looks like the infinite justice except the horn and on the sides of the head is the side panels of the Gundam Wing Zero. On the back is the detachable flight pack that looks a little different than the one the Justice Gundam has, as the shoulder blades had the wings of the Gundam Wing Zero. On it's chest is the green orb that is on the Gundam Wing. On the left arm is a panel that opens up as a shield. On the jet pack is the detachable double barrel cannon rifle from the Wing Zero.

Abilities: it could fly. It also has a morphing mode into that of a jet fighter.  The jet pack could also detach and be used as a flight board.

Weapons: it has machine guns in it's head. It also has a plasma beam rifle. Also it uses the double barrel cannon on it's back. It has a laser blade that could be turned into a dual wield laser blade that can be thrown.

Special Abilities: the Zero System and AI Flyer. The Zero system sharpens the gunpla's senses, as well as making it more keen on the target and is able to sense the targets capabilities. It also increases the gunpla's maneuverability as well as it's fighting abilities.

The AI flyer is the artificial intelligence that controls the jet pack when it's detached. It could act as another fighter against the enemy.

Special Weapons: Double Blaster, Mega Spear, Spiral Rose.

Double Blaster- when the double barrel cannon  fires at full power. Enough to wipe out a small town if not half a city.

Mega Spear- when the jet pack detaches. Then it begins glowing. Then the jet pack is sent flying towards the enemy, impaling them and causing them to explode.

Spiral Rose- the double barrel separates into 2 cannons. The Gunpla then holds both arms up in a wipe stance. Then the jet pack moves up. Then it begins spinning. As it spins faster, wind begins to be created from it. The wind then spins with it. As it continues to spin, the wind builds up until it creates a tornado that sucks in the enemy. Then it fires all cannons. When it hits the first target, it explodes. Then it continues until the very tornado catches on fire. Then it flies away, forming a flaming rose.

Background info: it's the starter form of  Kim's final Gunpla. She takes pride in building it. Her mother helped her build it.

Other:it's a starter form.

Gunpla Form(Final Form):

Name: Gundam XX Wing Zero Shining Justice

Base form: Justice Wing Zero Gundam

Colors: purple blue red black and white

Description: it looks slightly the same as before, for the exception of the new paint job and the additional features. It has 4 additional wings attached the back above the the jet pack. On it's back is 2 satellite cannons from the XX Gundam. The addition wings are from the XX as well. On it's fists are unique gauntlets that hold a surprise to be revealed later.

Abilities: it could still transform and fly. It's radar is top notch and the jet pack is still detachable. It has a more melee capabilities than before, in case it's weapons get destroyed.

Weapons: it still has the machine guns in it's head. It also still has the double barrel cannon that could separate. It also uses a beam blade that is dual bladed and could be thrown. It also has a beam rifle. It also has the newly attached Battle Knuckles that could be used when the weapons are destroyed.

Special Abilities: AI Flyer, Zero System, Satellite Absorption System, Shining Star.

AI Flyer Droid it's the same as before. However, the only difference is that it could morph into a small drone that either can fire lasers at the target, or attack the target with melee attacks.

Zero System- same as before just upgraded

Satellite Absorption System- it's a new special ability that allows the Gunpla to absorb energy from the sun or moon and turn that energy into either an enhancement to the melee capabilities, make lasers stronger, or can be feed towards the enemy via cannons.

Shining Star- the ultimate enhancement ability of the Gunpla. Using a new secret attachment on the gunpla, the Gunpla can absorb energy, whether from the sun, moon, or from laser beams(similar to the system Sei Lori uses but not like it) and converts it into energy. When activated, the whole Gunpla begins glowing a bright white color. Everything is enhanced. The full potential is unknown.

Special Weapons: Shining Rose, Satellite Destroyer, Shining Spear, Shining Blaster, Sacred Knuckle

Shining Rose- a far more powerful version of the Spiral Rose. It's the Spiral Rose that is enhanced by Shining Star.

Satellite Destroyer- the Gunpla uses absorption panels on the Gunpla and absorbs energy from the moon or sun. When it has enough energy, the satellite cannons on it back come forward. Then the Gunpla fire the cannons at the same time as firing the Double barrel Cannon. Wipes out anything hit by the beam. At full power, it could crack the moon.

Shining Spear- when Shining Star is activated, the jet pack detaches. The jet pack begins glowing with energy from the Shining star. Then the Gunpla sends the jet pack as a spear to the target. Wipes out anything it hits.

Shining Blaster- when in Shining Star Mode, the  Gunpla fire the Double barrel cannon at full power. When the enhanced laser hits an enemy, the explosion creates a large ball of light. Anything the ball hits is consumed by the light.

Sacred Knuckle- this is the ultimate weapon of the Gundam XX Wing Zero Shining Justice. During Shining Star mode, the energy converges towards the gauntlets. At full power, the gunpla flies towards the enemy and punches them, releasing that energy in a massive explosion. It could also be fired in a pulse towards the enemy, similar to way the burning Gundam fires it's burning fist.

Background info: it's the ultimate form of Kim's original Gunpla. Her friends and her mom help her upgrade it.

Other: it has given her the nickname, the Shining Shy Beauty.

And that's it folks. This character is done. I hope you guys love her. The others will be up soon. For now, ciao my friends.:)-Weeksjmj29

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