The Gang

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Not that I'm not okay with the cover I'm using. But it would have been nice to have a cover that has the fic's title as well...with both Ragini and Laksh. Could anyone suggest anyone who makes awesome covers? Or if someone  can make me one...please?

Character sketch :

Laksh Maheshwari

Age : 34

Known criminal and said to have killed his own best friend in order to rise in position. Would do anything for his own survival. Ready to change sides for the highest bidder. Deadly and efficient, but least trusted by everyone because his own life comes first for him before anyone. Only loves money and power.

Ragini Gadodia

Age : 30

Female cop. One of the most hard working and meritorious police officers. Has received various prizes and certificates to prove her efficiency. Has a very small circle of friends as she is known for her cold-hearted decisions. However, only few know how fiercely protective she is of her loved ones. She can die for them, and also kill for them. Duty and family are the most important things in her life.

Sanskar Sharma

Age : 31

A hardworking policeman and Ragini's partner in missions. Mostly known as the most unpunctual and outright childish officer. People often wonder how he, who is extroverted, kind hearted, and an overall sweet guy deals with the ice-cube called Ragini on daily basis. Blessed with good looks and quick wit, he is a shameless flirt who loves to play pranks...other than on Ragini that is.

Swara Winget

Age : 29

Laksh's superior in work since she's the one who passes the orders of Laksh's current boss to him. She's also the one from whom Laksh has to collect the money he is promised for his missions. Although mistaken as a sweet and lovely girl, she's highly diabolic and manipulative. After multiple attempts of seducing Laksh and failing, she's begun to try to bribe or blackmail him to surrender to her. However, her success rate is yet nil.

Nikhil D'seuza

Age : 32

One of the high-ranked police officers in Kolkata. He is known for his quick wit, high precision and agility. However, his short-temper often gets him into trouble. His aiming is what every enemy fears as he rarely misses. Stubborn and strongly built, he prefers to take up solo missions.

Karan Delgado

Age : 35

One of the most respected police officers in Kolkata. He is known for his kindness, generosity and compassion. However, he shouldn't be mistaken for an emotional fool. For he won't hesitate to attack if anyone tries to disobey the law or harms his family.


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