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"Where's my money, Luca?" I asked for the third time. He didn't answer me, again. I was growing angrier with each passing second. Luca was beaten, badly. You don't steal money from an Armani and get away with it. "My money!" I yelled at him, he flinched at my raised voice. A knock on the door was heard before one of my brothers walked in. "This better be good, Alessio." I warned him as he stood next to me.

"Catarina misses you." He said and my face softened. "Tell her I'll be out in 10 minutes." I told Alessio and he bowed before exiting. I turned back to Luca. "My fucking money!" I yelled again and he started to shake. "I don't have it." He whimpered out. I was not pleased with his answer. I pulled my gun out and hit him over the head with the bunt of it.

"Where. Is. It." I bit out, waving the gun around. "It's in Tokyo." I groaned and started to walk towards the door. I heard Luca sigh in relief. I pivot on my heel and shoot him in between his eyes. I opened the door to find Dante, "get rid of him."

"Yes, little sister." He said with respect and headed into the room. I did a pit stop at my secret room that my little siblings didn't know about. Catarina and Damiano didn't know about our family business. They were forbidden to enter the basement. Hence the extra room. I changed out of the bloody clothes and put on sweatpants and a crop top before going upstairs to the main floor.

I unlocked the door and almost hit Catarina with it. "Catarina!" I scold and she looked down. "What have I told you?" I asked her and she looked me back in the eye, "don't go in the basement." She said meekly. Catarina smiled softly before engulfing me in a hug. She looked up to me, I provide for her and keep her safe. Our mother died when the twins were born. And ever since I was in charge of taking care of her. Even if she was three years younger than me, she looked up to me.

"What's wrong, sorellina?" I asked her while stroking her hair. Catarina sniffled before pulling away, "I missed you. You were gone for like ever!" I chuckled at her before giving her a kiss on the forehead.

(little sister)

"I need everyone in the kitchen in 10 minutes!" I commanded and started up the stairs. Catarina was close behind me. She often followed me everywhere, I was definitely her favorite. My room was always clean, it was pristine. Catarina loved my room, she thought it was super cozy. I opened my laptop that was sat at my desk and started googling Tokyo. "Tokyo?" Catarina asked as she read my screen over my shoulder. "Cat." I started but she bolted out and downstairs, no doubt to Damiano's room. "Shit." I groaned.

I walked into the kitchen to find everyone besides Catarina. "Damiano, go get your sister." I told him and he opened his mouth, "no excuses." He nodded and walked into his room and brought a teary eyed Catarina. She glared at me as she sat next to Giovanni. "We have to go to Tokyo." I said blandly. Damiano and Catarina gave me confused looks. "We have some... business that needs to be dealt with." I said hesitantly. "Go pack." I demanded to the twins and they went to their rooms.

"Tokyo?" Marcello questioned. I simply nodded and pulled my phone out. "I'm calling dad." Our dad was still alive. But I was the boss of our family. He's too weak to carry on with the empire we've built. He picked up after a few rings. "My daughter!" He cheered.

"Dad. Business, me and the boys are going to Tokyo." I said sternly and he took in my words. "Are you bringing the twins?"

"Yes. I don't know how long it'll take to find my money. And she can't be away from me for long." I explained with a sigh. I heard my father murmur, "okay, be careful." He said as I hung up the phone. "I got the private jet ready." Giovanni said as he put his phone in his pocket.

"I haven't been to Tokyo in years. I've missed the street racing." Marcello confessed. Our whole family loved racing. We didn't get to do much racing in Italy. Too many people in the way. Tokyo, however, was known for street racing. "We leave in the morning!"


The ride to Tokyo was dreadful. It was around 12 hours. Catarina and Damiano were passed out in the bedroom that was on the plane. I sighed and opened my laptop. I dug through articles about Tokyo and the current Mafia families there. And there was absolutely nothing useful. I groaned before throwing my laptop to the ground.

"Seriously?" Stefano asked as he closed his book. "There's nothing about the families in Tokyo." I explained and they all tensed up. "I'm gonna need extra protection on the twins." I told the two soldiers. They pulled out their phones and started making calls. Alessio came and sat down next to me. "Just wait till we get to racing again." He said and I smiled thinking about all the extra money I'll make. "There she is." He teased and I dropped my smile and glared at him.

Hours later we were landing. "Cat, wake up." I said gently and she groaned. I threw the covers back and she shivered. "Get up." I whispered and she opened her eyes. "Hi." Catarina said groggily.

She woke up and one minute we were in the car and the next we were at the house. The house we had in Tokyo was nowhere near as elegant as our home in Italy but it would work. Everyone disappeared into their rooms and I sat down at the counter and opened my phone. I was still hoping that there were street races in the same place as last time they were here.

I looked at the time, 11:27 pm, I smiled and it was almost peak time for racing. "Marcello!" I yelled and he came running down. He looked at me as he realized I wasn't in danger. "Street racing?" I asked and he nodded with a smirk. "I wanna come!" Catarina groaned and looked at me with puppy dog eyes. "Fine. But you stay close to me at all times." She nodded quickly. "If she's going than so am I." Damiano said.

I nodded and headed to the garage. It was full of different cars. My eyes caught my baby Hellcat. I ran up to it and it was in pristine condition. I had it cleaned every week. Even if I wasn't in Tokyo. "Get in." I told Catarina as Marcello chose a Bugatti. Damiano settled on a sporty looking motorcycle.

"Follow me." I snarled and took off in my car. Catarina screamed at the speed and I smirked as the guys were far behind. I shifted the gears and went speeding through the city. I started to slow down upon seeing a crowd. People made way for the car and started to look in. Good thing I have heavily tinted windows. I parked the car and opened my door and got out. And surely enough everyone's eyes were on me. And Catarina. They didn't even notice the racers that came back from the previous race. Catarina made her way to me just as Marcello and Damiano were pulling in. Catarina ran towards Damiano. I rolled my eyes and walked into the crowd.

I watched as four cars came through, a black one in first with all others behind it. I grinned watching the cars. The guy that came in second place got out and I took in his appearance. He had crazy hair and eye makeup. His torso was also really long making him lean. He walked over to the other car. I watched with interest as a man with black cornrows and a bandanna came out. I was too focused on them to notice Catarina going up to the cars and started to ooo and ahh. It wasn't until she screamed that it caught my attention. "Scarlett!" I blinked and roughly pushed my way through the crowd. The one with the crazy hair had his hands on her. "Is this your girlfriend or something?" He asked in a heavy German accent. "I'm her sister." I responded in an equally heavy Italian accent. "You guys must be new around here, I'm Bill Kaulitz." He said, well Bill said.

"Take your hands off my sister." I demanded him and he chuckled. "She wants to go for a ride." He said with cockiness in his voice. "Don't be jealous." Another man with the same accent said. It was the guy with the cornrows. "I can take you for a ride." He said as he looked me up and down. "I'll pass." I said in disgust causing him to look at me with a glare. "Tom!" I cringed at the very high pitched voice that was making it's way over here.

"Take me for a ride again!" She begged and I had to stop myself from puking. "Looks like you already got a bimbo for a ride." I joked and the girl screeched. "Someone needs to control their dog." Tom laughed and the girl looked at him. "Get out of here. I'll call you if I need you." He said in a harsh voice. The girl didn't budge. "Tommy!!!!" She whined and Tom backhanded her. "What the fuck!" I yelled watching the girl get slapped for no reason. Tom looked at me and I stared back at him, I slowly raised my hand and flipped him off.

Tom walked to me and pinned me against Bill's car. "Can I help you?" I asked him with a mocking voice and he clenched his jaw. "No one speaks to me like that." He said and I snorted in his face. He dropped his arms and I looked down and saw his hands balled up into fists. "What, you gonna hit me too?" Before he could do anything else we were interrupted.

"The Japanese gang flipped over Georg's car." Tom looked at Bill before looking back at me. Tom grabbed my arm roughly before opening his door and practically throwing me into the car. "Che cazzo!" I scream as the door was locked from the outside.

(what the fuck!)

Tom gets in on the driver side and I have to resist the urge to take out the gun that was in my holster. "Where the fuck are you taking me?" I demand of him and he doesn't answer me. "Lo odio."

(i hate this)

Tom pulled up to a flipped over car. "Stay here." Tom snaps before rudely getting out. I'm only staying in the car because the doors are locked. I watch through the windshield as Tom and Bill approach the gang. I couldn't make out what was happening but I saw guns being pulled out. "Oh shit!" I scream and pull out my own gun. Before I had the chance to do anything, shots were heard.

One second later and Tom was back in the car. He was speeding even more than he was on the way there. I looked down at Tom's side and saw blood seeping through his shirt. "Fuck, you've been hit." I say and he looks down at his side. "So?" I roll my eyes and start looking through the car for some type of cloth.

After not having any luck, I grip the end of my shirt and rip it hard. A decent piece came off and I lifted Tom's shirt and put it there. He tenses under my touch and opens his mouth before seeing what I was doing. "You'll need stitches." I inform him as he comes to a stop. He nods and let's me out of the car.

Catarina hugs me as soon as I get out of the car. "Are you okay?" I ask her and she scoffs at me. "Me? What about you!" She says and I laugh at her.

"I can take care of myself, but you on the other hand." I tease and she gasps at me before flicking my head. "Let's go, Cat." I say and grab her hand to bring her to the car. "But-" she starts and I cut a glare at her.


I wipe the sweat off my forehead as Stefano drinks water, "come on, I want to spar some more." I say while putting my weight on one leg and then switching to the other. Stefano groans.

The door opens rather quickly, "Catarina went to the street races."


wc: 2144


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