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"Fuck!" I yell out going to the garage with all my brothers behind me. "She took my Hellcat." I groan and grab keys to a motorcycle. "Damiano, you're riding with Giovanni." I demand as the garage door opens and I immediately speed out.

I didn't even have time to grab a helmet so if I crash, I'm dead. God what was Catarina thinking. I speed up even more, determined to get to the place quicker. The place was crowded with people, they jump back at the motorcycle coming straight at them. I come to a stop in front of four cars that were getting ready to race. I kick the leg out and get off the motorcycle just as all four of the guys get out of the cars. With Catarina. Catarina doesn't make eye contact with me.

"Cat." I say lowly and she starts to scamper over. "Hold it." I lock eyes with Tom. "No."

I motion to Cat and she finishes the walk over. "You came all the way out here just to fetch your little sister?" One of the guys from before asked, "yes." I ask simply. "Since you're here, why don't you stay?" Bill suggests and I have to resist the urge to gag. "She don't know how to race." Tom spat out.

I lick my teeth and fish around in my back pocket. "10 G's. Right here, right now." I say holding a stack of bills. The boys look at each other before nodding and grabbing a stack of their own. "Catarina, you're going to stay with Giovanni the rest of the night. Got it?" I start and she nods, "now you took my Hellcat, where is it?" I finish and she points it out and a bunch of girls were sitting on the hood. "Fuck me."

I walk over to my car and the girls turn towards me. "Get off." I say and they start laughing. I take the keys and start the alarm making them jump off. I admire the purple tint on my car and open the hood to make sure everything is as I left it. It was, that was a fucking relief.

My car had all types of power to it, well over $100,000 was spent on the engine alone. I shut the hood and climbed into the car. I start the car and the engine roars loudly catching stares. I roll the car towards the start line where four other cars were. Next to me was Tom, on the other side was Bill. My engine roared loudly as a girl in skimpy clothing comes in front and waves a flag. I grip the gear shifter, focusing solely on the girl with the flag.

She throws the flag down and my feet go on autopilot as my car sped off taking the lead. I scream loudly at the adrenaline rush and kept on switching gears and checking on my NOS. Tom was coming close and we were neck and neck. I look over at him and he winks before gaining the lead on me. I curse before fiddling with the seat of my car and pulling out even more NOS. Stupid, yes. But losing? That's shameful. I release some NOS and push the button and I speed up and caught up with Tom again. "Let's win this thing." I say to absolutely no one before switching a switch, messing around with some buttons. I smirk at Tom before hitting a single button and it flings me across the finish line.

I came to a stop back at the crowd and get out of my car with people cheering. Tom pulls up and gets out angrily. I stand next to my car as the rest of the cars pull in. "The only one that doesn't know how to race is you, pretty boy." I say before opening my car door.

"The winnings?" Bill questioned and I smirked, "I don't need your money."


Tom's POV

"Who the fuck does this girl think she is?" I ask while smashing a vase with roses in it. Bill kept quiet as he stepped over the broken glass. "It was one race, she got lucky." Gustav said from the couch with a girl under his arm. I throw him a harsh glare and grab a bottle of whiskey. "Tommy!!!" I groan hearing the high pitched voice. Bianca walked in and wrapped her arms around me, smothering me. "Get off of me, the fuck."

She puts on a sad face but obeys. I look at her in disgust, "I need to find out who she is." I say taking a shot of the whiskey, the alcohol burning in a calming way. "Already on it." Georg said, no doubt coming from the office. He had a small computer in his hands as it beeped.

"Scarlett Armani, the boss of the Italian Mafia." I drop the glass and it shattered, more glass to clean up. "No way." I say in disbelief taking the computer and looking at the screen.

Scarlett Armani, 19
Italian Mafia, the boss
5 brothers, no sisters
Specializes in hand-to-hand combat and guns
73+ kill count (that is known.)
ruthless, stay away at all costs.

"Well, shit. Looks likes she's hiding a secret from her younger sister and brother." I say with a smirk.



"What the fuck were you thinking?" I yell scaring Catarina. "I'm sorry!" She sobs and wipes her cheeks. "Scar-" Damiano starts, "don't." Alessio said knowing how this could play out.

"You are to never leave this house without one of us." I say and her head snaps up at me. "What!" She yells as her sadness was replaced by anger. "You can't do that to me!" Her face was red, not from the crying anymore but from the anger.

"Go to your room." I demand and she clenches her jaw, "you're not my mother!" One thing happened after another as I saw Catarina's face snap to the side. "Shit, Cat." I say, already feeling guilty about me slapping her. "Stay away from me, Scarlett!" She screams and practically runs away from me and to her room.

"What the fuck, Scarlett?" Damiano snaps at me, I grab ahold of his wrist, "go check on your sister." He snatches his wrist back before snarling out, "what the fuck do you think I'm doing?"

I groan and rub my temple. "Scar, you should just tell them." Stefano suggests, and I hate that he was right. But Catarina is too soft and innocent for this lifestyle. "Stef, you gotta teach her more self defense." I say and he nods. "And what about Damiano? He's staring to work out more."

I groan again, he was starting to get taller and buffer each day. Hell, he might even be stronger than Marcello at this point. I walk over to the cabinet and pull out a glass along with a bottle of vodka. "You really think it's a good idea to be drinking right now?" Dante asks with some edge to his voice. "Shut the fuck up before I kill your ass."

I pour a generous amount before downing it. I slam the glass down and pick the bottle of vodka and throw it across the room. "Get me some good fucking vodka, the fuck."


I knock on the door before opening it slowly, "Cat." I say with caution. "Go away, Scarlett." I ignore her and close the door behind me. "Catarina, come here." I say and she slowly walks over. I grab her chin lightly and tilt her head to the side to see the red mark on her face. I reach my hand up slowly with an ice pack and she leans into it. "I'm sorry, Cat." I say and she nods knowingly. I hand her the ice pack before leaving her room.



I chuck the ice pack to the ground and pull my phone out.

bold - cat
unbolded - bill

my sister is being a bitch. i wanna go racing.

sounds like a plan baby, want me to come pick you up?

im taking my sisters hellcat, she'll be pissed.

oooh, baby sister gone cold

shut up! send me the location

I say and hang up before he has a chance to back sass me. Seconds later I get a text from him

billy bob 🧍
here's the addy babe

kitty kat 😻

I open the door slowly, making sure it didn't creak and alert my sister. After successfully getting out to the garage I spot my sisters purple Hellcat. Shit, maybe this was a bad idea.

Too bad I don't care.

My sisters Hellcat drove like a dream. No wonder she loves it so much. I was definitely not as experienced as she was, and did not know what NOS was. I'll have to ask Bill about it. I arrive soon after and park the car carefully. The door was opened for me and I stepped out. "Hey, gorgeous." I smile at Bill and he gives me a cheek kiss.

Bill walks to the front of the car and pops the hood. "Damn, yo Tom!" I walk over to him and look at the car engine, it didn't even look nice. "What's so special about it?" I ask him as Tom walks over and keeps his composure. But I'm good at reading people and his face was in awe. "You wouldn't understand."

I roll my eyes at him as Georg and Gustav come to look over at the engine. "Bill, I wanna race!" I groan and he laughs, "let's go baby." I clap happily and get back into the car. I follow Bill in the car to the start line.

"No pressure, love." Bill says with a wink. I stick my tongue out at him and focus on the road ahead. A girl walks out and waves a flag around before dropping it and the engine revs as I switch gears and go speeding forward. I scream with adrenaline as I was in last place already. Here goes nothing, I hold my breath and hit one of the buttons and I shoot to third place. I laugh as I kept on switch gears.

I hit another button that was labeled with NOS. "Shit!" I yell as the tire goes over a rock and the car starts flipping. I was done for.


wc: 1736

tehe 🤭

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