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"Cat!" I yell at her unconscious body. She mumbles incoherently, "somebody call her sister!" I say while picking Catarina up and out of the car that was inevitably totaled. "She's going to kill Cat if we do!" Georg says pulling his phone out and calling a trusted doctor.

"She'll kill everyone just because of her fucking car." Tom said as he came from the totaled car. I grabbed Catarina's phone, it was pretty smashed but still usable. I opened it up, "no password?" I questioned but brushed it off and clicked on Scarlett's name.

bold - scarlett
unbolded - bill


not quite...

where the fuck is my sister?!

she sorta got into an accident

fuck. im omw.

The line went dead and I curse before focusing on Catarina again. "Cat, baby. Wake up." I say pleadingly and her eyes flutter open, "my sisters car, she's gonna kill me." She spoke before tears started to roll down her blood-stained cheeks. "No she won't, I'll make sure of it." I told her and she gave a solemn smile before her eyes closed. "Come on, you can't go to sleep." I say while lightly shaking her awake. She mumbles but keeps her eyes open.


"Let's go." I say to all of my brothers. "Not you." I point to Damiano and he looks at me with disgust, "I'm coming." He argues and I roll my eyes. "No, you aren't." I demand and he pushes past me, hitting my shoulder.

"Detain him, gently." I say to Dante and he nods walking after Damiano. Dante walks back in with Damiano over his shoulder, he sets him down on the couch before I motion to the garage.

We all choose a car or motorcycle, I groan as I had to go on a motorcycle again instead of my Hellcat. This time I remembered to grab a helmet. This is the first time all of us would be going to pick up Catarina. I take the lead with my brothers on my tail. I make motions with my hands signaling where to go.

They all go in opposite directions but will end up in the same place at the same time. I rack my brain for all the possibilities of how hurt Catarina might be. My brain goes blank at seeing the debris of my car scrambled on the road. I park my motorcycle and start running towards the crowd. "Get the fuck back." I yell and they make way for me to come through.

There Catarina was on a table, bloody and beaten. "Cat." I say with sadness coating my voice. "Scarlett." I whip around and come face to face with Bill. "Fucking stay away from my sister." I snarl at him and he snorts a bit. "You motherfucker." I curse before punching him in the jaw.

Just as he recovered my brothers had pushed their way through the crowd and grabbed Bill to hold him back. I focus on Catarina and rip open her shirt, she had scratches all over her stomach and no doubt on her back as well. "She has shrapnel in her leg." I say while examining her body.

"We have a doctor on the way." Tom said with venom in his voice. I suck in a breath and turn to look at him. He was wearing a bandanna, a black tight fitting sweater and black pants. "Emo much?" I joke and take off my shirt to put it on Catarina. "Save it for the bedroom, love." Bill said with a smirk while licking the blood off of his lip. I glare at him and with Alessio's help I got the shirt onto Catarina.

Alessio gives me his leather jacket and I take it, wrapping it around my shoulders. "Scar, we have to bring her inside." Bill informs me and I nod to let him go.

"You have a serious right hook." He said as he carried Catarina into a building that was surprisingly not abandoned. It looked like it was on the outside but maybe it was for undercover work. Bill set Catarina down on a raised table. "Step aside." The doctor said as he barged in.

"If my sister dies, you die."


"Catarina!" I yell as she limps towards me, "I'm sorry." She sobs wrapping her arms around me. "Shhh, it's okay." I tell her while brushing her hair with my fingers getting some of the loose knots out. "But your car." Catarina said looking up at me.

"You're more important than some car." She sobs even harder hearing my words. "Come on, let's go home." Giovanni said and Catarina jumped onto his back. I opened the car door and Giovanni sat Catarina down in the seat. I move her over and sit next to her with her head in her lap.


I brush the hair out of Catarina's face while she lay sleeping on my bed. I exit my room and went to the kitchen, "sister." Damiano said while drinking my vodka. "And you're drinking my vodka, why?" I ask him as it was almost gone already.

He downed the rest of the alcohol. And locked eyes with me, "you're hiding something from me." I scoff and grab the bottle that still had a little vodka in it and put it away. "What makes you say that?" I ask him and he gets up from the chair.

"Where do we get the money from?" I raise my eyebrows at him, "work." I respond plainly and start walking away. He stops me by grabbing my arm and turning me around. "Damiano," I say and he gives me a harsh glare. "You'll find out when you're older." I finish and yank my arm out of his grip.


I had ordered a new car to be delivered to the house and it finally came to the house. I immediately get it into the garage and pop the hood. The engine was horrible. I grab my phone and call my guy.

Five minutes later and I had a new engine on the way. I drive the car onto a lift and immediately get to work. "Scar, someone's here to see you." I continue working and just make a motion with my hand to bring them in. "You already have another car?" I stop working as I hear the voice of Tom Kaulitz, "how do you know where I live?" I ask wiping the grease off my hands before coming out from under the car.

"Cat told Bill." I curse as I wipe my forehead, no doubt replacing the sweat with grease. "What do you want?" I ask him and he looks me up and down. He lets out a low chuckle. He doesn't answer me and walks to my new car. I watch him with curiosity, "where'd you learn to build cars?" He asked me while opening the door to the car.

"Italy. My dad was a car freak." I say and he hums before shutting the door. "And how do you know how to race them?" He asked and I laughed softly thinking about how I just love going fast. "I like going fast."


Tom left shortly after that. Mainly because I told him I'd kill him if he didn't leave. Now I was on the way to kill Catarina, gently. "Cat!" I yell and it echos through the house. I hear the patter of footsteps as everyone walks in. "I don't remember calling all of you. Fuck off." I snap and they quickly scatter, "Catarina." I say softly with my Italian accent really coming out.

"Yes?" She asks scratching the side of her nose. I laugh and she looks at me confused, "give me your phone." I demand, my mood changing almost instantly. She snarls before grabbing her phone from her back pocket and handing it to me. I open her phone, as it doesn't have a password.

I go to her messages and open her conversation with Bill. I turn the phone around and Catarina looks away. "Would you like to explain?" I ask her and she shakes her head. I close the phone and put it in my pocket. "Scar!" Catarina whines as she tries to grab her phone back, "I need to text Bill." She finishes and I suck my teeth.

"That's the whole problem." I tell her and Catarina groans while tugging on my arm, "please, please, pleaseeeeeeee." She begs and I couldn't resist her begging and hand her the phone back.

She opens it and then as if on cue, her phone rings. "Ahh! Shh, it's Bill." Catarina answers the phone and I snatch it away from her and hang up.

"You're the worst!" I smirk at her as Catarina grabs her phone again and runs off. "You really showed her." Stefano snorts and hands me a glass with no doubt vodka in it. I take a swig and sure enough, it was vodka. I moan feeling the pain of the alcohol flowing down my throat.

"You are way too hard on them." I nod at Stefano's words, sure he was right but I do it for a reason. "I'm just saying you could give her some leeway." He finishes before leaving the room.

I sigh and walk into the shooting range. I pick up a Glock and a clip and have some others on standby. My phone starts ringing right before I started shooting, "Armani." I say into the phone and close one eye and pull the trigger. "Jesus Christ, are you fucking shooting right now?" I set the gun down and focus on my phone. "Tom, what do you want?"

"I wanna see you."


wc: 1618


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