Fear of shame

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Made you look!¡

Delirious P.O.V

The gang is sitting on the couch away from me and Vanoss, they weren't going to talk to me anytime soon. I did make the decision on my own to be allied with a criminal; it's reasonable.

The door was still open, the rest of the gang said they were going to be here 10 minutes tops. Should' known Wildcat is bad at calculating time.

"I'm pretty sure he had a good reason, Cartoonz," Mini try to defend me. Cartoonz and Terroriser were explaining the situation to the gang, I considered turning off my earbud but I didn't want to risk that chance.

"Mini! He practically became friends with the guy" Terroriser complain.

"Y'er do realize y'er are in the same building with citizens and two other gangs!" Nogla examine.

"Thank you!" I lift my hands up, "For the first time, I agree with Nogla!" Vanoss gave me a weird confused look and I wave him off.

"Let's deal this at the base, we are already here," Mini suggested. Before anyone could say anything, it was either cut off by a nervous chuckle. "So what's the plan"

"Uhh" I rub the back of my neck. I had a plan to get the badges but the time limit is running a bit low, it'll take at least 20 minutes to transfer our photos onto the ID's.

"Y'all don't have a plan yet!?" Lui snap.

"We were caught up," Cartoonz said.

"By what? Gang drama?" Wildcat hiss.

"Kind of" Terroriser squeak.

"Just get up here, make sure you aren't follow. Make a couple turns to check, we'll figure it out. It's almost dark anyway" I explain.

"What about the citizens?" Mini asked.

"I think I may have our escape plan" I look at Vanoss, debating my plan.

It was risky, I could send Terroriser and Wildcat but they aren't sneaky for this job.

"Vanoss" I warn him for the next thing I was about to say. If he tries anything, I'll kill him. "I need you to count the fire alarms in the building, tell exactly where they are."

Vanoss eyes widen in surprise and I move my head away from Vanoss getting an unfamiliar feeling in my chest.

"I know, I don't know what I'm thinking of trusting you but you know we are the best thing you got right now and you are the best we got out" I motion Terroriser over here who is speechless and had a disappointing look.

"Give him your earbud" I demand.

"What's the plan?" Terroriser raises an eyebrow. I was taken back at his question, thinking he was going argue back.

"A list of the fire alarms, I'll explain once everyone gets here. Right now I want you to explain to him how the earbud works" I motion over to Vanoss.

"Delirious, why not pick one of us?" Cartoonz steps in the room.

"He is fit for the job, he's sneaky," I confessed. "He needs to make a move now so Terroriser just give me your earbud and I'll explain on the way out" Terroriser rips the earbud and hands me it before huffing and walking out.

"If I get caught?" Vanoss asks me when I turn to him.

"Then too bad" I shrug.

"What do you mean? I'll get kill."

"Then don't, that simple. You're smart if you survive all this time on your own" I motion him to move his head to the side so I can enter the earbud.

"Aren't you a good ally?" Vanoss scoffs. I hum in approval, focus on the earbud. My hand connects to his skin, I was breathing heavily like I had ran a marathon under 2 minutes.

A bead of sweat falls from Vanoss forehead who is also nervous from the mission.

"You'll be fine" I whisper since I'm close to his ear.

"That's not what I'm worried about" Vanoss clear his throat, holding his chest.

"Alright" I move away from him when the bud was in the correct spot "It's on so just speak regularly and we will be able to hear you, press it once to turn the mic off but you will still be able to hear us. Stay away from water, it is not waterproof"

"Alright, anything else?"

"Just call out for me, Mini might have blocked you from the other buds so you only have access to me."

"They don't like me very much huh?"

"They just don't play well with others" I confess, looking down at him.

I didn't know how long I stood there. It was like I was in a daze, a daydream - one where I didn't want to leave.

"Try starting at the first floor, use the stairs if you can" I felt like I change the subject from something I didn't want to talk about yet we weren't saying a thing.

"Can you memorize it or do you need something like a pad?" I ask.

"I'm good, thanks" Vanoss gives me an encouraging smile making me feel better to this whole "alliance" before leaving the room.

"'We don't play well with others' or 'do you need something like a pad?'. What the hell Delirious?" Cartoonz enters the room, clearly disappointed in my help to help Vanoss.

"I just don't want this plan is mess up," I said; I didn't have to explain myself to him. "Status report"

"I have entered the control room, it's heaven" Mini sigh.

"Get into the camera feed" I order.

"Already on it" Mini chirp.

"Nogla?" I addressed him.

"We just got on the floor, I counted 29 Night Crew soldiers and I couldn't tell the other gang, I would have mistaken them for regular citizens" Nogla spoke.

"Tell us when you get-"

"There are at least 4 Night Crew, they scavenging the floors" Wildcat cut me off.

"Alright, bring them in. We got at two in here" I order.

"The shots are ready" Lui informed me. "I see my target"


"Vanoss is moving fast yet cautiously, he is on the 2nd floor"

"Alright leave him alone, I need you to do a headcount" By the time I finished my sentence, Wildcat and Nogla are dragging bodies into the room with two black duffle bags over their shoulder.

"Where's Moo?" Terroriser jump up.

"He volunteer to wait until the needles are ready, Lui had just put them in the freezer; 10 minutes tops," Nogla said, tossing Terroriser one of the bags.

"Why isn't his earbud on?" I ask. Terroriser reaches into the bag, taking out his mask and throws the bag to Cartoonz who takes out his red dark hoodie.

"The fucktard drops it in the fucking water while trying to tame the fire I created" Wildcat groan and the bag had got toss over to me.

The bag contain mine and Vanoss's masks. I placed the mask onto my face, leaving the owl mask inside and drop it in the ground.

"And he's the Fucktard" Cartoonz snickers pulling the hood over his head.

"Shut the fuck up before I do it for you" Wildcat hiss.

"Does he have another one? Waterproof this time?" I cut Cartoonz and Wildcat argument short.

"Mini made him a new one, still hasn't waterproof anything yet." Nogla answers. "If he did, he could have fireproof the whole base" He snap at Wildcat who gave him a death glare.

"Don't worry" Terroriser must have seen my concern expression "I help him out a bit, he volunteer. You know how much he hates it"

I gave him a small nod, Moo has a fear of shame- disappointing others- which causes him to worry and mess up a couple of times.

When he did, he wouldn't come out of his room or let anyone talk to him except Terroriser.

"Where did y'all park?" I question.

"The garage that's connected to the kitchen" Nogla hum.

"Shit" I heard a voice come through the earbud.

"Vanoss," I said, the worry was laced in my voice.

"Delirious? Sorry, I turn it off once I heard voices in my head and must have turned it back on. I'm fine" Vanoss reassured me.

I look at the guys who were giving me weird looks. I toughen my act...

"Report" I immediately felt guilty and the weight was heavy on my shoulders. It's like ordering a child as if you are their mother but you aren't.

He is not even in the group, I couldn't help feel uncomfortable ordering him around.

"Uh well, I'm on the 5th floor right now. I see a lot of Night Crew but I can't pinpoint the other gang" Vanoss trailed off.

"The fire alarms," I said, that wasn't his job to pinpoint or give me the information about the crew.

"Oh right, there is 4 on each floor. There is one each on the east and west elevators and one at the staircase that is south. One up north, in a dead end hallway. It kept repeating" Vanoss inform me. "The lobby; a fire alarm with the elevators, staircase, main entrance and in the front desk as well, do you want me to come back?"

"No, go to the first floor and distance the nearest exit and the staircase" I order.

"Fine" Vanoss huff and soon a click was heard; he turns off his mic.

Before anyone could say anything about my act, a shaking voice sounded in all of our buds.

"Shit, Moo. Stay where you are" Terroriser jumped from his seat.

1583 words

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