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Vanoss P.O.V

I walk out the room. I bang on my chest a couple of times, trying to calm my beating heart or trying to make it beat again. My face was burning but the sick feeling wasn't there, it was replaced with a warm one.

I have never been nervous about a job, I told Delirious I wasn't but I wanted to get away from them especially Delirious. The way he was close and how he left a burning mark when he touched me.

I shook my head, banging it against the wall. I should take my time with this even though I like to speed things up. I pull the hood over my head, keeping my head down to cover my face.

"We don't play well with others' or 'do you need something like a pad?'. What the hell Delirious?" I jump when a voice appears in my head. 'Fucking hell'

Remembering I had the ear bud, I calm down from the slight start. I didn't know what do it but if this keeps going, I might consider ripping it off.

"I just don't want this plan is mess up." I heard Delirious voice.

I was somehow angry, probably from him ordering me around and doubting me. But why would I worry about that? I know my skills and he had the nerve to send me out here looking for fucking fire alarms.

Not knowing what to do with my earbud, I press on it; waiting for a moment to see if I did fully turn it off.

Nothing was heard, I don't personally know Cartoonz and Terroriser all that well but they could never keep quiet.

I sigh happily before focusing on my mission, the one that I hated but yet still doing; I wanted to prove something... I just don't know what.

I spot Night Crews coming out of the staircase, two to be exact. I hid trying to blend myself with the wall.

"Have you seen our group?"

"The rest of the group is raiding the room. Hey, did we bring more than 5 soldiers?"

"No, we didn't but it seems we did. All this similar uniform, can't tell people apart. I really don't care but I need the money" With that, they walk right past me.

They only brought 5? I swear there were a whole lot more.

I speed walk to the staircase before a soldier spotted me. Closing the door behind me and skipping steps to go down faster which result in me skipping a few too many steps at once. Letting a couple of profanities escape my mouth before making to the 2nd floor, the floor right below us.

I continue to the first floor, blending in with the" innocent" civilians. The first fire alarm I spotted was right beside the staircase door, one was at the elevators, another one was at the main entrance and one was right beside the lady in the office. I took a mental note...

I was cautiously creeping around her, looking for fire alarms.

It was all I could find, I went back to the staircase when a Night Crew came out. Everyone mind their business not wondering why there was a full armor soldier running around. These clueless idiots.

I turn around going to the elevators instead, I wanted to avoid them. I enter, rapidly pressing the image showing the doors closing before everyone could get on.

"Hold it" A voice call out to me when the door starting closing.

"IT'S FULL" I yelled as the door shut. I sigh in relief, I was glad of not getting in an awkward situation.

The doors open once it hit the second floor, my exit but in this case someone else's entrance. Two soldiers came in, holding their conversation. Not even looking behind to see their biggest target.

I stood there quietly, not knowing what to do. I couldn't decide if I was stupid for not knocking them out or if they were.

The door open to the 3rd floor and they were still talking. I stood there dumbfounded; not knowing what just happen.

I shook my head when the door was about to shut, I placed my hand between the doors, reopening it again. I poke my head out, looking both ways before walking out and the two soldier were turning a corner. 

I guess I could start here...

The fire alarm was beside the east elevator, I walk around the hallways; getting the urge to run through them. They alway seem to make me run faster.

I turn to the window right beside me, a tall glass building was shown. It didn't seem finish, it was half complete/half incomplete.

I made way to the staircase; a fire alarm right beside it and a fire blanket as well.

Why fire alarms? I didn't ask, he was scary as it is.

"The party is going to be so lit" Two boys came to my direction, holding two cases of beer.

"I'm gonna get so high tonight, bro" One if the guys laughed.

"Fuck school tomorrow" The guy yelled.

They walk passed me, a frown was placed on my face. I have never been to any parties when I was younger, makes me wonder what I'll be doing right if I didn't follow or became allies with Delirious...

I wonder how they got to this position as well.

I came upon another elevator, making sure I didn't make a circle; I check out the window. A park was shown instead of a tall unfinished building.

A fire alarm just as the east elevator was on the west elevator.

'Ding' I turn to the elevator, it was opening. Three girls wearing bikinis came out.

"Quit looking perv!" One snap at me

"Ridiculous" One shook her head in shame.

"Did you see that guy?" The other asked.

"Kinda cute"

"Are you kidding me?" One scoff.

The rest of the conversation became inaudible as they continued walking further from me. I scoffed, I had no intention of looking at them. I shrug it off, going into the elevator and continuing my mission. 

I walk around the 4th floor, making a couple of circles before finding myself in a dead end with a fire alarm on the wall. 

I figured, it was enough; it should have been. More than 4 fire alarm on a floor, makes me uneasy if 5, it's an odd number but 6, too much.

I went ahead and checked on the floor above me, 5th floor- just in case. Making my job easy, I went ahead and checked all the spots where I found the fire alarms.

The rest of the floors should be like this but I decide to go and check the 6th floor just to walk around for a while; making my own observations...

Dodging soldiers and hiding in the most uncomfortable spots. For example, the janitor I punched not too while ago, I had to walk with the cart; passing the five soldiers huddling together.

They were whispering, one clears their throat and wave at the janitor, trying not to be suspicious. The janitor looks at them weirdly before shaking his head.

"This costume party is going to be the death of me" The old man sigh. Costume party? Is that their cover now... it's a good one.

The cart was about to pass the staircase door, my exit, and hopefully no one's entrance this time. I successfully made it through the door but not without the janitor cursing me out on what I was doing or "planning" to do.

I was about to continue my journey going to open the door when it opens by itself and I quickly hid behind it reenacting the scene in the bar's security room.

Humming and whistling were heard, a weight was press against the door, crushing me. A guy was standing there wearing metal armor, shuffling his feet and leaning against the door; having no intention of leaving. The knob was digging into my rib and I gritted my teeth in pain, making sure I didn't make a sound.

He didn't seem like a Night Crew due to the absence of black on his clothes. But the mask he was wearing makes me debate my decision.

"What took you so long?" The weight was lifted a bit but the knob was still pressing down onto my skin.

"I was trying to get away from the gang. Basically kept ordering me around like a fucking toy." I try poking my head out but I couldn't see anything except for a black with a white skull shirt.

"Did y'all get the folder?"

"Yes," A chuckle was heard.

"Great process, Jake. Did you read it?"

"That's why they are still here"

"What do you mean? I thought you were the one who considered to stay"

"They consider kidnapping Vanoss"

"What? Why?"

"To see if he could read the fucking folder"

"Did you decided against it?"

"I'm the newbie like they are going to listen to me"

"Fuck" The weight was pressed down again "Alright, just get the fucker and get out of here"

"Okay, see you tonight" The sound of footsteps was hitting against the metal staircase, echoing; the sound became soft until there was nothing left except the sound of a door slam.

The weight disappears soon did the door, shutting. A Night Crew soldier standing perfectly right in front of me with their back facing me.

The soldier turns around reaching for the doorknob but stops once they made eye contact with me. With their hand already ready for me, I quickly grab hold of it and twist it.

"FUCKER!" They drop to the floor, using one of their legs to trip me. I fell to the floor, my head collided with the wall. They hover over me, ready to punch.

I grab their wrist when it was about to smash my face and uppercut him, fling him off me. It was my turn to grab hold of him, I pinned both hands with one of my hand when his leg pushed me off him and my face slammed into the wall; popping my ear.

I quickly stood up just to get knock back down again with his knee against my stomach. Groaning in pain, I push his leg back with all my strength that I might have been his knee backward; losing his balance and falling down the set of stairs.

"Shit," I said, lifting myself off the ground.

"Vanoss," A loud voice boom in my head, a wince got stuck in my throat not wanting to show no pain but it seems the pain flow away from the adrenaline.

"Delirious? Sorry, I turn it off once I heard voices in my head and must have turned it back on. I'm fine" I was trustful, I just didn't share extra information which I should share. "But-"

"Report" Delirious order.


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