A birthday gift

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A birthday gift for indiaherring
Let me make one thing perfectly clear, I do NOT own the character of Janet. She rightfully belongs to indiaherring
This was mainly done as a surprise birthday gift for a friend.

Here's a collection of three story's.


Janet Briar was a blind journalist with a passion for telling stories that mattered. She had a kind heart and always went out of her way to help others. Janet's boyfriend Vlad was a muscular and protective man who loved her deeply. Vlad knew that Janet's birthday was coming up and he wanted to do something special for her.

Vlad began planning a surprise birthday party for Janet. He invited all of her closest friends and family members to their home. Vlad spent days preparing for the party, making sure everything was perfect for his beloved Janet.

On the day of Janet's birthday, Vlad took her out for a romantic dinner, and they enjoyed an evening of delicious food and great conversation. When they returned home, Janet was surprised to see all of her loved ones gathered in their living room, shouting "Happy Birthday!" as soon as she walked in.

Janet was touched by the effort that Vlad had put into planning her surprise party. She hugged him tightly, thanking him for making her day so special. They spent the rest of the night dancing, enjoying good food and drinks, and laughing with their friends and family.

As the party began to wind down, Janet thanked Vlad again. Vlad simply smiled and said, "I would do anything to see you happy, my love." Janet knew that she was lucky to have such a caring and thoughtful partner in her life. Together, they walked hand in hand into their future, grateful for each other's love and support.


Vlad and Janet had been together for years, and their love for each other had only grown stronger over time. They had been through thick and thin, supporting each other through every challenge that came their way.

One day, Janet received some devastating news. A very close friend had been diagnosed with a serious illness, and she would need to take time off work to care for him. Janet was heartbroken, and she didn't know how she would manage everything on her own.

Vlad, being the supportive partner that he was, jumped into action. He took some time off slasher hunting himself, and together he and Janet took care of her friend. Vlad cooked meals, cleaned the house, and made sure that Janet and her friend had everything they needed. He was a pillar of strength for both of them during this difficult time.

As the weeks turned into months, Janet's friends condition began to improve. Janet was grateful for Vlad's unwavering support and his willingness to put his own life on hold to help her through this tough time. She realized how lucky she was to have him by her side, and she knew that their love would only continue to grow stronger in the face of any challenge.

When Janet's friend finally recovered, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Janet hugged Vlad tightly, thanking him for his unconditional love and support. Vlad simply smiled and said, "I'll always be here for you, my love. That's what partners do." Janet knew that Vlad was right, and she was grateful to have such a loving and caring partner in her life.

Stormy night

It was a stormy night, the wind howling outside and rain beating against the windows. Vlad and Janet were cozied up on the couch, sipping hot tea and listening to the sound of the storm.

Janet was blind, but she didn't let that stop her from enjoying the world around her. She loved the sound of the rain and the feel of the wind on her face. As the storm raged on, she snuggled up closer to Vlad, feeling safe and protected in his arms. The couple were enjoying a low budget horror movie called Peter Pans Neverland Nightmare. The plot was simple, the famous story of Peter Pan has been reimagined with a horrific twist.

"We actually fought against Peter Pan once." Vlad told Janet.

"Wait? Really? You did? What's he like?" Janet asked Vlad in surprise.

"Turns out Peter Pan is kinda like a vampire. I say kinda because although he has the powers of a vampire, he doesn't have the weaknesses. Neverland is...well, hard to describe. It's like a circus, but it's also kind of a freak show. It was a nightmare." Vlad said as he shivered.

"But there were pirates there... they were surprisingly really nice and friendly people." Vlad said to her.

"What were the fairy's like?" Janet asked Vlad. Vlads face fell as he remembered.

"We didn't know. We didn't know that fairies could've put up such a nasty fight. We didn't even know that they were going to attack us until we felt biting and scratching." Vlad said.

Suddenly, the power went out, plunging the room into darkness. Janet could hear the sudden click that came with power outages, and how suddenly everything went cold. Janet felt a surge of fear, not knowing what was going on around her. But Vlad was quick to reassure her, holding her hand tightly and telling her that everything was going to be okay.

He lit some candles and guided Janet to the window, where they could watch the lightning illuminate the sky. As they sat there, Janet leaned her head against Vlad's chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. She felt safe and loved, knowing that he would always be there to protect her.

As the storm began to die down, Vlad led Janet to the bedroom, making sure she was comfortable and safe. He lay down beside her, holding her close and whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Janet felt grateful for the love that they shared, knowing that no matter what life threw their way, they would always be there for each other.

In the quiet of the night, with only the sound of the rain outside, Vlad and Janet drifted off to sleep, feeling grateful for the love that they shared, and the strength that it gave them to face any storm that came their way.

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