Three Blind Mice

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🎶Three blind mice, three blind mice
See how they run, see how they run
They all ran after the farmer's wife
They all cut her up with carving knife
They sliced the farmer into dice
They brought the dog to its demise
They took the hand off the stable man
Did you ever see such a sight in your life as three blind mice?🎶

Once upon a time, in a dark and creepy forest, there lived three human-mice hybrids named Itch, Scratch, and Sniff. These three mice were known to be terrifying creatures with sharp teeth and claws, and they had a reputation for causing mischief and mayhem wherever they went.

One night, as they were scurrying through the woods, they came across a man named Mr. Vern. Mr. Vern was a lonely traveler who had lost his way and was desperately trying to find his way back home.

Mr. Vern had been working at the local high school when he decided to take a shortcut through the forest to get back home. Little did he know that he was about to come face to face with the three blind mice.

As he made his way through the dense underbrush, Mr. Vern began to feel uneasy. The forest seemed to grow darker and more menacing with every step he took. He looked behind him as the forest seemed to close up behind him. He heard rustling in the bushes and the sound of twigs snapping underfoot, but he didn't see anything.

Suddenly, he heard a faint cackling sound in the distance. It grew louder and louder until he realized that it was coming from behind him. He turned around and saw three tall, slender, figures, each no taller than six feet, but with the unmistakable features of human-mice hybrids. Their skin looked as though it was healing. Their nose's were short and stout. Their fingers long and boney. They were dressed in raggedy clothing. But it was their eyes that really scared him. They had none. It was as if skin had formed over their eyes.

Mr. Vern tried to run, but he stumbled and fell. The three blind mice quickly caught up to him and began to circle him, their sharp teeth and claws glistening in the moonlight.

Mr. Vern felt a wave of terror wash over him. He knew that he was no match for these vicious creatures. He tried to reason with them, begging for mercy, but they only cackled in response.

The three blind mice continued to chase Mr. Vern through the forest, clawing at his heels and snapping at his ankles. He stumbled and fell several times, each time feeling the hot breath of the mice on his neck.

The three blind mice, sensing the man's fear, decided to have some fun with him. They began to chase him through the forest, cackling and giggling as they went. Mr. Vern, terrified by the sound of their laughter, began to run as fast as he could, but the mice were too quick for him.

As he stumbled through the forest, Mr. Vern tripped over a tree root and fell to the ground. The three mice quickly closed in on him, their sharp claws and teeth glinting in the moonlight.

As Mr. Vern lay on the ground, paralyzed with fear, the three mice began to circle him, sniffing and snarling. Suddenly, with a loud squeal, they pounced on him, tearing into his flesh with their razor-sharp teeth and claws.

Mr. Vern screamed in agony as the mice continued to attack him, tearing him apart piece by piece. In the end, all that was left of Mr. Vern was a bloody, mangled mess on the forest floor.

And so, the three blind mice continued on their way, their bellies full and their thirst for blood sated. Mr. Vern wasn't their first victim...and he wasn't going to be their last.

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