Forgive and Forget

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Hey guys, hope everything is good. Here is a new one-shot. This focuses on Zephyr and her friends in a Modern AU. 

Hope you like it! 


They were at a party at some person's big house. Zephyr guessed one of the more popular people in school who's parents had money. Her parents did, her father was the Mayor and her mother worked a decent job as a nutritionist and physical health. But they didn't live in a mansion, since there was only four of them in her family and a couple of pets. 

Zephyr was in blue jeans and a red t-shirt with a jacket. She had come with her best friends Maya Ingerman and Aren Eretson, as well as they're other friends Noah and Nesryn Thorston - twins, and Tamsyn Jorgenson. Zephyr was looking for Maya, but there was so many people, and multiple rooms, including outside, a basement and upstairs. She went out to the backyard to where people were swimming in the pool and in the hot tub. She glanced the yard looking for her friend or one of them and sighed and went back inside pushing her way through a bunch of annoying drunk teenagers and finally ran into Nesryn. 

"Nes!" Zephyr called. Nesryn looked over at her friend and smiled. 

"Zeph! Come and dance!" Nesryn told her. Zephyr shook her head but came over to her friend as Nesryn flipped her long dark hair over her shoulder. The dark hair came from Nesryn's mother Myra, but she had her father's eyes. 

"Do you know where Maya is?!" Zephyr asked half shouting because of the loud music. 

"I think I saw her go upstairs earlier." Nesryn told her. Zephyr sighed knowing that meant Maya was probably hooking up with someone. 

"Thanks!" Zephyr said and continued to make her way through the crowd to the stairs, which was also littered with people along them. She got upstairs and turned down one of the halls to see multiple couples making out along the walls. She walked through trying not to look at any of them and started knocking on a door. 

"Maya! Maya Ingerman!?" She called and tried the handle, knowing most of the rooms would be locked. She heard a moan from a female voice that definitely wasn't Maya's, rolled her eyes and continued on to the next door. 


Maya was in a bedroom at the end of another hall and making out with a guy who was all to familiar to her and their friends. Aren Eretson, they had all grown up together and Aren and Zephyr always liked each other. Zephyr was the quiet one and Aren was on the football team, Maya was fairly popular just because of how outgoing she was, but possibly because she was very attractive and almost every guy in school usually wanted something to do with her. She had a bit of a reputation and she was fully aware. 

Aren had recently got out of a relationship with the head cheerleader Megan, at their school. He came to the party to get his mind off of it, had definitely drank too much and now he was in a bedroom with Maya, Zephyr's best friend, and making out with her. 

Maya held her alcohol well, but also had a lot to drink that night and had gone up to Aren and told him she could help him forget about his breakup and Aren, also being intoxicated as he was, agreed and followed her upstairs to the bedroom they were now in. But as they had been making out with Maya sitting on a desk, Aren had one of his hands on her hips and the other venturing to her chest when Maya grabbed his wrist and stopped him, getting an extreme feeling of guilt wash over her.  

"Aren..." she said catching her breath. Aren looked at her with his eyes dilated and Maya could tell this was just a matter of wanting to get over some feelings, she knew that, she was the one who initiated it in the first place. 

"What? Something wrong?" He asked her. Maya sighed and looked down. 

"We can't do this..." Maya told him. 

"Why, it was your idea?" Aren told her. 

"Yeah...but," she sighed. "I can't, because of Zephyr. She's my best friend and one of your best friends. She's liked you forever and I know you like her too, even if you won't admit it." Maya said to him. Aren blushed a little and ran his hands through his hair. 

"I know you're right, I'm just trying to get over Megan." Aren told her. 

They heard the knob of the door move and looked towards the door. Zephyr opened it and saw them and stood there, like she was frozen for a moment. Still seeing their position of Maya on the desk, Aren standing between her legs, very close to her. His one hand was still on her hip and Zephyr could tell they had been making out by their faces and messed up hair. Zephyr felt something, anger maybe, rise inside of her, or maybe it was hurt? But she just stared at them, her eyes going back and forth between the two. Maya got down off the desk. 

"Zeph." She said and went to walk towards her and Zephyr turned and walked away before Maya could say anything else. "Zeph!" Maya called again. 

Zephyr had to leave, she felt like she couldn't breathe. She pushed her way through the crowd and found the front door and went outside. She started her way down the sidewalk and took her phone out to text her mom. It was just after midnight and she was supposed to spend the night at Maya's but after walking in on her two best friends, clearly with the intention of hooking up, Zephyr wanted to be as far away from Maya as possible. Especially considering Maya knew how she felt about Aren. To say Zephyr felt betrayed would be an understatement. 

Maya followed her friend outside. "Zephyr! Wait!" Maya yelled and caught up to her and grabbed her arm. Zephyr pulled away and looked at her with some tears down her cheeks. 

"What?!" Zephyr yelled at her. Maya stood back a little at the tone and looked shocked at the fact Zephyr yelled at her. "Leave me alone, Maya." Zephyr kept walking until she got to the corner of the street and waited for her mom to pick her up. 

Maya watched her walk away and sighed and went back to the house where the party was at. Aren was standing in the driveway and Maya looked at him, both had sobered up real fast after the encounter. She looked at him and Aren handed her, her phone. 

"You left it in the room." He told her. Maya nodded and took it and tried texting Zephyr. Aren had texted her as well. Maya went back inside. 

Zephyr looked at her phone blinging from texts from them and she went to her contacts and muted both of them. Astrid pulled up in her car and Zephyr got up and got inside and put her seatbelt on. They drove away and Astrid glanced over at her daughter and then back at the road coming to a stop at a light. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Astrid asked her daughter. She knew something obviously happened because Zephyr always spent the night at Maya's when they went to parties, or vice versa. So for Zephyr to text or call her parents to pick her up, Astrid knew something had to be wrong. 

"No." Zephyr said a little snappy and stared out her window. Astrid sighed. 

"Do you want anything before we go home?" She asked her, figuring if she'd been drinking, she might want something to eat.

"New friends." Zephyr mumbled and sniffed a little. "I just wanna go to bed, mom." 

"Alright." Astrid continued home and they pulled into the driveway. Zephyr got out of the car and walked inside, and upstairs, not even greeting her father. Astrid got in a few steps after her and shut the door, locking it. She took her jacket off and went to hang it in the front closet. Hiccup came into the hallway from their living room. 

"Is she okay?" He asked. 

"I don't know. She didn't want to talk about it. Said she wanted new friends, so I'm assuming something happened with Maya, especially since she was supposed to stay there overnight." Astrid explained to her husband as she walked to the kitchen and put the kettle on for a cup of tea. 

Hiccup sighed and looked over at their dogs who were standing by the patio door. He walked over and let them out. 

"I'm gonna see if she'll talk to me." Hiccup told his wife and Astrid sighed. 

"Good luck." She told him pouring the hot water into her mug. Hiccup smiled at her and walked down the hall and went upstairs. He saw his daughter's room door was open just a little and he heard sniffing and heard the sound he knew all to well of a pencil along sketch paper. He knocked and opened the door a little. 

"Bug?" He said opening the door a little more and peeking in and using the nickname he gave her as a baby.

"Go away." She said and Hiccup saw her sitting on her bed in her pajama's with her sketch pad against her legs as she was drawing. He came in anyway and sat on her bed and looked at her. She looked up at him pausing her drawing. 

"Talk to me, Bug." He told her. 

"I don't want to talk. Not right now." She said and tapped her phone screen that was sitting beside her. Hiccup glanced at it and saw the double digit number of texts and calls from both names of Maya and Aren. She shut the screen off and flipped her phone over before returning to her drawing. "I just want to draw and then go to sleep." Hiccup sighed. 

"Alright, but we're going out for breakfast in the morning. No excuses." He told her with a smile. Zephyr smirked a little. 

"Fine." She told him. Hiccup got up and leaned over to kiss her head. "Goodnight, dad." 

"Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you." He told his daughter. 

"I love you too." Zephyr continued with her drawing as Hiccup left her room and closed her door. He headed back downstairs to the living room, Astrid had let the dogs back in who were now occupied on the couch curled up with each other. 

Hiccup sat down beside his wife. 

"She didn't talk, did she?" Astrid said to him. Hiccup sighed and shook his head. 

"No, but I told her we're going out for breakfast in the morning. Hopefully that'll help." He said to her. Astrid cuddled close to him and Hiccup put his arm around her. "Shall we finish are movie, M'lady?" He asked her. Astrid smirked. 

"Sure, babe." She told him and Hiccup put their movie back on. 


The next morning Hiccup was having his morning coffee and reading his book at the island in the kitchen. Zephyr came in, still a little drowsy from her night of sleep, or lack there of. She spent half the night tossing and turning and thinking about Maya and Aren and what happened. She yawned as she grabbed a mug out of the cupboard to pour herself some coffee. 

"We're still going out for breakfast, bug." Hiccup told her not glancing up from his book. Zephyr opened the fridge for the milk and took it out and poured some in her coffee and added sugar. She took a sip of it and sighed. 

"Fine." She told him. She put the milk back and took her coffee upstairs to her room to get dressed. 

Zephyr came back down after about a half hour and put her mug in the sink. She was wearing a pair of black leggings and a blue t-shirt with a grey cardigan and a pair of black boots, with her hair braided halfway. 

"I'm ready." She told her dad. Hiccup looked up at her. He closed his book and got off the chair and walked to the front closet to get his jacket. 

"Let's go." He told her and they went out to the car. Hiccup drove to the diner that had been in Berk City for years. He and Astrid hung out there as teenagers and Zephyr hung out there with her friends sometimes as well. Zephyr sighed. 

"Do we have to eat here?" She asked. Hiccup looked at her. 

"This is your favorite restaurant." He told her. "Besides, I doubt any of your friends are here this early, especially after a party." Zephyr looked at him and then reluctantly got out of the car. 

They went inside and sat in a booth. One of the waitresses came over and brought them menus and Hiccup ordered a coffee and Zephyr got an orange juice. The waitress nodded and walked away. Zephyr looked at the menu. 

"So do you wanna talk about it?" Hiccup asked her. She looked up at him with her blue eyes she got from her mother.  

"That I probably lost my two best friends because they'd rather hookup with each other and hurt me." Zephyr said annoyed while scanning the menu. 

"Explain what happened." He told her. She sighed and put the menu down. 

"I don't even know. All I know is I was looking for Maya and I walked in on them. She was sitting on a desk and Aren was standing between her legs with his hand on her hip. They both looked a little messed up - as you do after making out with someone sometimes - and not to mention the look of shock on both of their faces said they weren't planning on me catching them." 

The waitress came back with their drinks and they thanked her and she took their food orders and walked away again. Zephyr sipped her orange juice. 

"I'm assuming this hurts because you like him?" Hiccup asked her. Zephyr didn't look at him and felt herself blush a little. 

"Is it that obvious?" she asked drinking more of her juice. Hiccup smirked a little. 

"The two of you remind your mom and I of us as teenagers. Neither wanting to admit their feelings to the other one." 

Zephyr was quiet for a moment. 

"Why don't you talk to them?" He asked. 

"I can't. I just wanna yell at both of them right now. I even muted them on my phone because they won't stop texting or calling me." She told him. "Not to mention the fact that Maya knows that I like him. She knows I always have, so for her to go and try to hook up with him, let alone kiss him..." Zephyr trailed off and sighed. "I don't even know how I feel, I mean, I'm angry and hurt and upset and other things I can't think of." 

"You're feeling betrayed, sweetheart. I get that." Hiccup watched her sit up a little more in the seat and she sighed. 

"Yeah, and I think it's because I also thought he felt the same way about me. But I obviously was wrong. I thought when he broke up with Megan, that maybe, he'd ask me out. But he went to Maya instead." Zephyr was playing with her napkin now, folding it and unfolding it. 

Hiccup drank his coffee and watched her fiddle with the napkin. After a moment, he spoke again. 

"Zephyr, look at me." He told her. Zephyr looked up at him and he could see the hurt in her eyes. "He likes you. I see it all the time. When you guys hang out, the way he talks to you and the way he always chooses to stand or sit beside you. The way he looks at you. It's the same way you look at him. We might be your parents, but we still see a lot more than you kids give us credit for." Hiccup smiled at her a little. 

"Really? You think he likes me? I feel like you're just telling me that to feel better." She told him. 

"Boys do stupid things sometimes. Trust me, I almost messed up with your mom more times than I could probably count. But she probably remembers every one. But look, we still made it work and we've been married for almost twenty years and have two pretty great kids." He smiled. Zephyr smirked. 

"I think I just need space from them for now." 

"That's okay. But you do need to talk to them eventually." He said to her as the waitress came back with their food. 

"I've got eggs, bacon and toast with hashbrowns for you." the waitress said while putting the plate in front of Hiccup. "and the three stack pancakes with icing sugar and berries for you." She put the other plate in front of Zephyr. 

They thanked her and began to eat. 

"Can we please change the conversation now?" Zephyr asked as she cut into her pancakes. 

"About what? How I'd still rather eat here then endure your moms cooking?" He smirked at her and Zephyr smiled taking a bite of her pancakes, shaking her head at her father. 

"I'm gonna tell her you said that." She laughed a little and Hiccup smiled at his daughter seeing her eyes light up. 


It was the next day, Sunday, and Zephyr was walking to Maya's house because she realized she had forgotten her things there on Friday after school before the party. She was hoping Maya wasn't home so she could just go in and grab what she needed and leave. She had to get her overnight bag she had packed, and her charging cord for her phone. She had been using her brothers extra one since he was gone all weekend anyway. 

She got up to the house and sighed seeing all three cars in the driveway, meaning Maya would be home as well. But at least Aunt Heather and Uncle Finn were home too. Maybe that would stop them from fighting. Zephyr walked up the front steps and rang the doorbell. After a moment Heather opened the door. 

"Hi Zephyr, you know you can just walk in." Heather told her. Zephyr smiled at her. 

"Hi Aunt Heather, I know, I just forgot. Um, I left a few things here the other day, do you mind if I go grab them?" Zephyr asked. 

"Sure, sweetheart. Maya's downstairs in the basement if you want to see her. But I think something's bothering her." Heather explained to her. Zephyr nodded. 

"That's okay, I'm just gonna grab my stuff." Zephyr smiled a little and went up the stairs to Maya's room. Heather watched her and furrowed her eyebrows a little. It wasn't like Zephyr to come by without seeing Maya. 

Maya came up to the kitchen and saw her mom. "I heard the doorbell, is someone here?" She asked her mom. 

"Zephyr said she forgot a few things here the other day and went up to grab them." Heather told her daughter. Maya looked at her. 

"Zeph's here? Did she leave yet?" Maya asked. Heather looked at her daughter confused. 

"I don't.. think so." Heather told her. Maya went upstairs to her room and saw Zephyr collecting her things. 

"Zeph?" Maya stood in her doorway and watched Zephyr stop and sigh. "Can we talk?" 

"I don't want too. Not yet." Zephyr told her shoving the clothes she had pulled out back into her duffle bag. Maya sighed. 

"I'm sorry, it went too far." Maya tried telling her. Zephyr stopped and looked at Maya glaring at her. 

"When did it go to far? When you decided you wanted to hook-up with him? or when I walked in on the two of you?" Zephyr asked her annoyed and zipped up her bag. She looked around the room and saw her pink phone charger and went to grab it, pulling it out of the wall and wrapping it up to put in the front pocket of her bag. 

"All of it." Maya said looking down. "I've been trying to call and text you. So has Aren." 

"Yeah I know." Zephyr said annoyed. "Sorry if I don't really feel like talking to my two best friends who wanted to hurt me." She grabbed her bag putting it over her shoulder. "I said I didn't want to talk about it." 

"Well I do." Maya said a little aggressively. Zephyr walked by her friend and started to go back down the stairs. Heather heard the girls arguing from the kitchen and started to walk over to them. 

"Well I don't! Because best friends don't make-out and try to hook-up with the guy their best friend likes!" Zephyr half yelled at her. Zephyr stood at the bottom of the stairs and Maya was a few steps up from her. "You know how I feel about him! So I don't know why you would think for a second that I'd be okay with you kissing him or sleeping with him. I don't care if it was so he could get over his ex." Maya just stood there and felt tears brimming her eyes listening to her best friend yell at her. "There was plenty of other guys at that party you could've picked. But you had to pick him!" 

Maya walked down the last few steps slowly. "Zephyr..." Zephyr looked at Maya, who now had a couple tears down her cheeks. 

"Leave me alone, Maya." Zephyr told her and opened the door and left. Maya watched her leave and then looked over to see her mom standing in the living room. Maya wiped her cheeks. 

"What was that about?" Heather asked her. 

"Nothing. I just messed up." Maya told her and went back upstairs and slammed her bedroom door shut. 


Zephyr was walking back to her house and wiped some tears off her cheeks.  She got inside and Astrid was in the kitchen and heard her. 

"Zephyr?" Astrid called. Zephyr dropped her bag on the floor and walked into the kitchen. 

"Yeah?" She responded. 

"Heather just called me, said you and Maya had a fight over there?" Astrid asked her daughter. Zephyr sighed. 

"I just went over there to get my stuff I left there on Friday. I told Maya I didn't want to talk. Then she bombarded me anyway, so I got mad and kind of yelled at her." Zephyr sighed. 

"About Aren?" Astrid asked. "Heather said it was about Maya making out with a guy you like." 

"Mom, I don't want to talk about it. I already talked to dad. I'll talk to Maya and Aren when I'm ready. I'm just angry right now. Am I not allowed to be angry?" Zephyr said and walked away grabbing her bag again and going upstairs. 

"Zeph." Astrid followed her daughter upstairs and to her room. Zephyr put her bag on the floor and looked at her mom.


"Have you talked to Aren?" Astrid asked her. 

"What do you think? Why should I? He clearly wants to be with other girls, he's probably back with Megan already for all I know." Zephyr walked up to the door where her mom was standing. "Why can't you guys just leave me alone, please." 

"Alright, I just don't want you thinking you can't come to us." Astrid told her daughter. 

"Okay." Zephyr said and shut her door. Astrid sighed and went back downstairs and saw Hiccup coming in the door with the dogs. Hiccup saw her and kissed her cheek. 

"You okay?" He asked his wife, noticing she seemed concerned. 

"Yeah, just Zeph." She told him and went back to the kitchen to resume her baking.


It was Monday morning and Zephyr woke up to her third alarm that morning and leaned over to turn it off. She picked up her phone, unplugging it from the cord and rubbing her eyes with one hand she looked at the time saying 7:10am and sighed. School started at eight and she really wasn't looking forward to it. 

Zephyr sat up and stretched and finally moved the blankets off of her. She opened the weather app on her phone and checked it, it was the fall and slowly getting cooler, knowing it would most likely warm up by afternoon, she grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans with some rips up and down the legs and a red t-shirt with a black dragon symbol on it. She pulled on a pair of mismatched socks and then her favorite brown boots that went to her mid-calf with laces and a zipper on the side for convenience of putting on and taking off. She sat at her vanity and brushed her long brown hair out before tying a couple of small braids from the front and top and down into a bigger braid. She looked down at the few make-up products she owned and decided on some light concealer for under her eyes for the day and that was all. 

She opened her drawer to look through her jewelry and grabbed a silver dragon ring and put it on her middle finger on her right hand. She grabbed one of her choker necklaces that had a black crystal dangling from it and put that on as well. Grabbing her black leather jacket, she also grabbed her blue backpack and headed downstairs. She walked to the kitchen and put her backpack on one of the bar stools. She saw her mom's baking on the counter and lifted the lid to grab a muffin, inspecting it. 

"Don't worry, I followed your recipe." Astrid told her daughter while walking into the kitchen. Zephyr looked at her mom and smirked a little. 

"Alright." She said and took a bite of the muffin. Her phone dinged and she looked at it on the counter and saw a message from Aren on one of their chatting apps that she didn't mute him on. She picked it up and opened her phone to read it. 

'Hey, I know you're mad at me, but if you still need a ride to school, I'll come get you.' The text read. Zephyr stared at it and sighed. 

"You okay?" Astrid asked pulling yogurt out of the fridge. Zephyr nodded. 

"Yeah, Aren's just asking if I still need a ride today. Just don't really know what to say." Zephyr grabbed a couple of granola bars and an apple and put them in her backpack for during the day. 

"Say yes. It's been almost three days. He gives you a ride everyday, why stop that now?" Astrid asked her daughter. Zephyr sighed and nodded. 

'Sure. I'm ready anytime.' She texted back. Aren texted back a smiley face emoji and Zephyr smirked a little. She grabbed her backpack and went outside and sat on the front steps and waited for Aren to arrive. He pulled up in his silver car and Zephyr got up and walked to it. She opened the door and got in and closed it. Aren and her glanced at each other slightly and then Zephyr put her seatbelt on and stared out the window. Aren started to drive again. 


The entire car ride was awkward silence with Aren's music playing in the background. He pulled into a parking spot and they got out and Zephyr walked away as he grabbed his backpack from the backseat and he sighed watching her. He saw Maya walking across the parking lot. He heard her call for Zephyr and watched Zephyr ignore her. Maya looked over and saw Aren walking towards the doors. They looked at each other and Maya sighed as they walked into school.   

 Zephyr went to her locker to get her textbooks she needed for her first class. English. She was hoping to grab a seat in a different part of the classrooms today. Aren, Maya and her had a few classes together and they always sat together. She didn't want to deal with them trying to talk to her during class. So she got to class early and picked a seat on the opposite side of the classroom of where she usually sat. As others started coming in slowly and taking seats, the bell rang and the rest of the students came in as well. 

Zephyr was drawing in her sketchpad when a shadow fell on her and she stopped and looked up to see Derek. One of the jocks on the football team. 

"Can I help you?" She asked him. He stared at her and Aren walked into the classroom and walked to his usual desk. He glanced over when he heard Zephyr's voice. Seeing her on the other side of the room. 

"You're in my seat, Haddock." He told her glaring. Zephyr glared back. "Move." 

"No." Zephyr said firmly. Derek leaned down and got in her face. Zephyr leaned as far back as she could in her seat. 

"Get out, or I'll move you myself." Derek threatened her. Zephyr just glared back at him. "Fine, you bitch. You're asking for it." Derek went to grab her and was grabbed himself and pushed back. 

"Don't touch her." Aren told him. "Leave her alone. It's not going to kill you to seat somewhere else." Aren glared at him. Derek smirked. 

"Fine. But I'll deal with you later." He told Aren and walked over to an empty desk. Aren rolled his eyes and then turned to Zephyr. 

"You okay?" He asked her. She nodded not looking at him. "Look, Zeph..." 

"Alright class, please take out your textbooks." Ms. Wingmaid said walking into the classroom. She saw Aren standing next to Zephyr. "Mr. Eretson, please take your seat." 

Aren walked back to his desk and sat down. Ms. Wingmaid noticed the distance between him and Zephyr and didn't let it show on her face but knew it was odd. She continued asking the class to turn to a specific page and went to the board to start writing. 

They went through the day and Zephyr had avoided talking to them. She sat with their friend group at lunch but only spoke to the others and Maya and Aren were both fairly quiet anyway. Maya noticed Aren staring at Zephyr during lunch as she smiled and laughed with Nesryn about something. Maya could see how hurt he was that Zephyr would barely even look at him. They both knew they screwed up and Maya sighed and got up with her partial eaten lunch and threw the rest away and left the cafeteria. Noah saw her leave and looked at Aren. Aren was picking at his lunch as well. 

Zephyr was in her last class of the day, another class she shared with Aren, and they had assigned seating in. So they were sitting next to each other. Zephyr was staring at the front of the classroom or her books and had her right arm up to try and block Aren from her view. When they're teacher asked for their attention. 

"Alright class, the last few minutes of class and I'm assigning projects to you. You need to work in partners." Mr. Mildew told them. He was one of the tougher teachers in the school and most of the kids didn't like him at all. 

Some of the students starting talking about who they would partner with when Mr. Mildew cleared his throat. 

"I've already assigned your partners." He told the class, and the room filled  with a bunch of groans. He started listing off names. "Zephyr Haddock, I have you paired with Aren Eretson. You'll be researching the truth about the existence of dragons with Vikings." 

Zephyr opened her mouth to protest. "Can I-" But he cut her off.

"No switching partners." He told her, and everyone firmly. "You will be graded on your work together and will have to present your findings to the class. The due date is a month from now and tomorrow I'll hand out the papers and we'll go over everything that is expected to be in your presentation. This is worth half of your grade for the semester." Mr. Mildew told the class as the bell rang.  

Zephyr sighed and closed her books and picked them up. She left the room before Aren could say anything to her. He sighed and followed her to her locker. 

"Well now you have to talk to me." He told her. She didn't respond. "I'll bring you home. Meet me at the car when you're ready." He walked down the hall, not far, to his own locker. Zephyr sighed. 

She either took the ride from him or had to take the bus, which would take forever and it was chilly out and she really didn't want to walk. She collected her things and then went out to wait at his car. Aren came out and unlocked it and they got in. Another silent car ride was underway and when Aren turned at a light, Zephyr leaned over to turn up the volume on the music. It was one of her favorite songs. She always admired the fact that Aren had some of her favorite songs on his playlist. He pulled into the local coffee shop drive thru and ordered both of them a drink. Zephyr looked at him. 

"You might be mad at me. But I can still buy you coffee." He told her. Zephyr smirked a little. "I know you'll talk to me when you're ready. I just hope you know how sorry I am and wish it never happened." 

"I'll email you tonight about the project." She told him. He moved up in the line and smiled slightly. 

"Alright." They got up to the window and Aren paid the girl in the window and told her to keep the change and took their coffees, putting them in the cup holders. He brought her home and Zephyr thanked him for the coffee and got out to go into the house. 


The rest of the week went by and someone invited Zephyr to another party, which she declined. It was now Saturday afternoon, and she was home alone and in the kitchen putting ingredients together to make her chocolate chip cookies. Her family and friends loved them, so she always made an extra big batch. She was also waiting for Aren to come over so they could work on their project. They still hadn't talked about what happened with him and Maya, and Zephyr had a feeling it would come up. But she felt like she was ready to talk about it. At least to him. Maya was a different story. They hadn't spoken to each other all week and although Zephyr missed her, she wanted to make sure when they did talk, she wouldn't yell at her again. 

So Aren would have to be the first one for now. Zephyr put the ingredients into the mixer and started it on the low setting and put away all the things she didn't need. She preheated the oven and found the baking trays and parchment paper to use. The doorbell rang and she walked over to open the door and let Aren in. He put his backpack down and followed her to the kitchen. 

"I'm just making cookies." She told him. "We can start after." Aren nodded and Toothless and Stormfly came over to the greet the boy who hadn't been around for a while. Aren kneeled down and pet the two dogs. 

"Are we alone?" He asked her. Zephyr checked her mix and nodded. 

"Yeah. Nathan is out with his friends, and mom and dad had to go to Outcast City for some event to do with councils. They'll be late and I wouldn't be surprised if Nathan had a party to go too or something." She told him. She unloaded the bowl and moved it to beside her trays and opened a drawer and found the small ice cream scoop she used for her cookie size. 

"Can we talk about it now? Please?" He asked her. Zephyr stopped for a moment and looked at him. She sighed and nodded. 

"Yeah, I kind of wanted too anyway. I just don't even know what to ask." She said scooping into the dough and ate a small bit of it. 

"I don't even know where to start." He told her. Zephyr scooped more dough and put it on the tray. 

"Well, all I know is that I walked in on my two best friends who had clearly been making out and it made me feel betrayed." Zephyr told him without looking at him. Aren sighed. 

"Do you know why?" He asked her. 

"No, but I'm assuming it had to do with your breakup with Meg. She was awful anyway. No offence." Zephyr scooped more dough unto the tray. Aren smirked. 

"None taken. Part of why we broke up in the first place, and you're right. It didn't help that we both had way too much to drink. More than usual. Especially me, because of the breakup." Aren started to explain. 

Zephyr shrugged her cardigan back onto her shoulder and turned around to put the tray in the oven and set the timer. She grabbed the second tray and continued scooping cookie dough. 

"We were in the kitchen getting another drink and Maya came up to me and said she could make me forget about the break-up. She took my arm and we went upstairs to a random bedroom. She closed the door and started kissing me. It's kind of instinct to kiss back..." Aren continued. 

Zephyr felt the anger she originally felt building up in her again, especially more so for Maya, knowing now that she initiated it. Drunk or not. She stopped for a minute and looked at him. 

"Do you like her?" Zephyr asked him, regretting the question the moment after saying it. Aren looked at her shaking his head. 

"No. There's only one girl I like. I've always liked her." He smiled a little. "Maya stopped it. I asked her why and she said it was because of you. I think she felt guilty." 

"She still did it." Zephyr said and continued scooping. All they could hear was the clicking of the scoop of Zephyr releasing the dough onto the tray. "I'm sorry I was mad at you. You clearly didn't really do anything." 

Aren was surprised at the words. "But... I did. I mean I went with her to the room, fully aware of what was probably going to happen. But honestly, I probably would've stopped it if she didn't. I mean, Noah hasn't said he's mad but I'm pretty sure he isn't impressed with the fact I made out with the girl he likes, and has slept with." 

"Maya has made out and slept with lots of guys. Not just Noah." Zephyr told him as she opened the oven door as the oven beeped and pulled the tray out with an oven mitt and put it on top of the stove. She put the second tray of cookies in and restarted the timer. She grabbed her third tray. 

"I know. Noah doesn't like it though. Zeph, look. I'm sorry about it. You and Maya have to fix it between you two but I know that I regret it and I'm glad it didn't go as far as it was probably supposed to. She's not the one I would want to with anyway." 

"Why? You've slept with Megan haven't you?" 

"No, actually. We never have." Zephyr stopped and looked at him. 

"What? But I thought-" 

"Yeah, Meg kind of told people we did. I think she just wanted people thinking it because head cheerleader and football player..." He rolled his eyes. "It's a status thing for her. I want my first time to be with the girl I love." Aren didn't look at her and felt himself blush a little. 

"How do you know you love her?" Zephyr asked him. 

"Because she's the best person I've ever known. She's smart and funny and beautiful. She's got these big beautiful blue eyes I can't help but stare at. She's stubborn as hell but I don't let her get away with it." Zephyr smirked a little. "She's my best friend. I've known her forever and no one knows me as well as she does. Her not talking to me or barely speaking to me was the worst thing I've ever experienced and I never want it to happen again." Aren had slowly walked over to the other side of the counter where Zephyr was while talking and was now standing next to her. Zephyr turned to look at him. 

"I think I blew it though. But I'm hoping, maybe, she'll give me a chance, because I don't know what I would do if I couldn't at least experience being with her." Aren and Zephyr were staring at each other, and it was silent. 

The oven beeped, disrupting the silence and Zephyr jumped slightly and opened it to take the cookies out. She put the last tray in and reset the timer again. She stood there with her back to Aren for a moment. She turned around and looked at him. 

"Zeph-" Aren started but was cut off by Zephyr kissing him. Aren was surprised but kissed her back, putting his hand on her cheek. Zephyr pulled away catching her breath. 

"Do you mean it?" She asked not looking up at him. "because if you're messing with me..." 

Aren tilted her chin up so she would look at him. He kissed her gently. "I love you." Zephyr smiled against his lips and kissed him back. Aren turned them around and lifted her onto the counter, making her more at his height. He kept kissing her and Zephyr put her arms around his neck and Aren put his hands on her waist. They stayed like that and it felt like forever when the buzzer of the oven went off again. Aren pulled away and took the cookies out and turned off the timer and oven. He turned back to Zephyr and she smiled at him a little. Aren kissed her forehead. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" Zephyr asked him. Aren looked at her. 

"I came over to work on our project remember?" He told her smirking. Zephyr shrugged. 

"It's not due for like a month and we're both good students. I think blowing it off for one day isn't going to kill us." She told him. "Besides, I missed hanging out with you." Aren smiled and kissed her again. 

"Alright." He told her. Zephyr got down from the counter and took his hand and brought him down the couple of steps to their living room and grabbed the remote as they sat on the couch together. 

After the movie Zephyr was putting the cookies away in the dragon shaped cookie jar they had and Aren was on the other side of the counter eating his fourth one. Zephyr smiled at him. 

"You know my family is going to want some too?" She told him jokingly. He smirked. 

"Your cookies are the best." He told her drinking the milk he had grabbed as well. 

"Well, I don't know if you wanna stay, but I have to take Toothless and Stormfly for a walk. You can come if you want too." She told him putting the lid on the jar and the trays in the sink. 

"Sure, I'll come." He grabbed his jacket he had left on the one stool and Zephyr walked over to the front closet to get the red and blue leash for each dog. They heard the slight cling sound of the metal and came running over to her. Zephyr clipped the red one onto Toothless and the blue one onto Stormfly. She got her boots on and grabbed a jacket as well as Aren put his shoes on and they went out with the dogs. 


Maya had gone for a walk with her dogs as well. Windshear and Meatlug, a grey furred Norwegian Elkhound and a brown bulldog. She had her headphones on and was turning down Night Fury Lane when she glanced up and saw Zephyr and Aren coming towards her. She stopped but the dogs saw Stormfly and Toothless and got excited, pulling Maya along. 

Toothless and Stormfly also saw their dog friends, and bolted towards them. Zephyr got yanked forward. 

"Woah!" Zephyr exclaimed falling into a fast step and stopping pulling the dogs back. "Sit!" She told the two canines. Toothless and Stormfly both stopped and sat. Aren walked up to them. Zephyr saw Maya with her two dogs and sighed. 

"You can say hi." He told her. Zephyr looked at him. 

"I'm not ready to talk to her yet." She said kneeling to the dogs and petting them. Maya got closer and the dogs all greeted each other happily. Maya took her headphones off and looked at her friends. 

"Hey..." She said hesitantly. Zephyr felt her anger build-up and bit down on it. 

"Hi." She said a little aggressively. 

"What's up, Maya?" Aren asked the dark-haired girl. Maya looked at him. 

"Nothing. Just going for a walk. You?" She asked. 

"Zeph and I got paired on a project together for History class so we're just hanging out to work on it. She's home alone so had to take the dogs out." He told her. Zephyr sat on the ground playing with the dogs. Maya looked over at her and nodded at Aren. 

"Fun." She said. Aren frowned a little, looking from one girl to the other. He knew Zephyr wasn't going to be happy with the next words that came out of his mouth. 

"Do you wanna come over? Hang out with us? We can order pizza, I can see if the others want to join us." Aren suggested. Zephyr looked at him surprised. Maya sighed. 

"I'd love too, but I don't want to step on any toes..." She explained. There was silence and Zephyr sighed. 

"It's fine." She told her. She smiled at her a little. Maya's eyes widen. 

"Okay, um, I'll have to walk the dogs back though." She told them. 

"We'll come with you, then we can walk back together." Aren suggested. Zephyr got up grabbing the leashes again and handing Maya the ones to her dogs. Maya took them. They started in the direction of Maya's house. Maya went inside and Zephyr turned to Aren.

"Why did you do that?" Zephyr glared at him. Aren looked at her. 

"Because you two need to talk too. Zeph, she's your best friend. I know she messed up but she misses you, I can tell. She's barely spoken to anyone all week, even Noah." Aren told her. Zephyr sighed. 

"I don't know what to say to her. Besides, she's the one who needs to apologize to me for making out with you in the first place." Zephyr looked down. "I'm not the one who kissed the guy she likes."  

Aren walked closer to her and put a hand on her cheek. "I know, but is her kissing me really worth losing her over?" Zephyr looked up at him and smirked a little. 

"No. I think you made it pretty clear earlier that you like me." She told him. Aren smiled and kissed her. She smiled. 

Maya told her mom where she was going and she looked out the window before opening the door and saw Aren kiss Zephyr. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and then grabbed her bag off the hook and opened the door to go outside. She walked over to them and they started walking back to Zephyr's house. The walk was awkwardly quiet and Zephyr unlocked her front door letting them in. Aren had texted Noah to see if he could join them and told him Nesryn was welcome too. Zephyr had text Tamsyn and she had told Zephyr she was out of town for the weekend and would see her at school on Monday. 

"Looks like Noah will come but Nesryn has plans with some other friends." Aren told the girls. Zephyr nodded. Maya walked into the kitchen and saw the cookie jar on the counter. "Zephyr made her cookies." Aren told Maya. He opened the jar and took some out and gave one to her. 

"Thanks." Maya went and sat on the couch in the living room. Zephyr smacked Aren's hand away from the jar. 

"Do I need to hide that from you? That's like your sixth one." She told him shaking her head. Aren just smiled at her while eating the cookie. Maya smiled a little hearing the interaction before they joined her on the couch. Aren sitting between them, awkwardly. Zephyr put the TV on and found a show she knew they all liked. It had been about twenty minutes of silence, except for the TV and the doorbell rang. 

"I'll get it, pretty sure it's Noah." Aren told the girls. Zephyr nodded and watched him get up and walk down the hall to answer the door. She sighed and glanced at Maya and looked back at the TV. 

Aren opened the door and let Noah in. 

"Dude, we need to fix them..." Aren told him quietly. Noah raised an eyebrow at his best friend. 

"Zeph and Maya, they're not talking and they'll barely look at each other."  Aren told Noah. Noah nodded. 

"Yeah I know, Maya's barely spoken to me too." Noah explained. Aren nodded and looked a little sheepish. "I'm not mad at you." Noah told him. 

"You're not?" Aren asked a little surprised. Noah shook his head. 

"No, why would I be? Maya has slept with lots of other guys. Yeah, I want her to be my girlfriend, but she's constantly going back and forth and she needs to figure out what she wants." Noah told his friend. 

"We didn't sleep together. Just made-out. Zeph walked in on it." Aren told him. 

"I know. Maya told me. It's fine. Really." Noah told him. 

"Alright, what do we do about them though?" Aren asked. 

"Maybe if we leave them alone for a while they'll eventually talk? We can order pizza and go pick it up and leave them alone here." Noah suggested. Aren sighed. 

"I guess we can try it." Aren and Noah walked back to the living room. 

"Hey, what's up." Noah asked the girls. They both looked at him and Zephyr looked back at the TV again as Aren sat back down beside her. 

"Fine." Zephyr said. Noah sat down beside Maya and Aren and looked at Maya. Maya looked at him and smirked. 

"Okay, I guess." Maya said quietly to him. Noah grabbed her hand and smiled at her. 

Aren went on his phone to order pizza online. "Noah and I were going to pick it up." He told Zephyr. 

"You don't want it delivered?" She asked. 

"No, it's fine. We'll go get it." He smiled at her. Zephyr looked at him suspiciously. 

"Okay." She told him. Aren kissed her head. 


Maya followed Noah to the door. "Don't leave me alone with her." Maya requested. 

"Talk to her." Noah told her. 

"She doesn't want to talk to me. She's made that more than clear by not speaking to me all week." Maya crossed her arms. 

"Maya, you're best friends." Noah sighed and Aren came around the corner. Noah kissed Maya's cheek. "I'll see you in a bit." The boys left. Maya sighed and walked back down the hall. She went into the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab something to drink. 

It was normal for them to go into the fridges and cupboards at each other's houses, since they both lived half their time at both. Zephyr looked over and got up, turning the volume down on the TV. She walked up the step and stood across from Maya, the island in the kitchen in-between them. 

"You want one?" Maya asked grabbing a can of pop. 

"Sure. Thanks." Zephyr said as Maya grabbed two cans and put one on the counter near Zephyr. The girls awkwardly looked at each other and opened the cans of pop. "So..." Zephyr started.  

"Look, we both know why they left us alone here. So we can either do what they asked, and make-up and put it behind us. Or we can pretend so they think we did." Maya explained. 

"Alright." Zephyr said staring at the pop can. "Can I ask why?" She said after a moment of silence. Maya looked at her best friend. 

"Honestly? I don't know. It was stupid. We were drunk and he was upset about his break-up and you know I always look for some guy at a party, so I guess I just choose him. One thing led to another." Maya stated. Zephyr didn't say anything. "When it started getting heated, I stopped him." 

Zephyr was sitting on the chair at the island and leaned back and crossed her arms. "Why?" Zephyr asked her, seeing if she would tell her the same thing Aren did. Maya saw Zephyr's position and sighed. 

"Because I felt guilty, because I know you like him and he likes you too. I realized that he was probably the last person I should've been making out with at that party and I felt awful. I told him we couldn't continue because of you and I told him I know he likes you back. He got all nervous and flustered when I said it too. Zeph, I feel awful. I don't know how to make it up to you, or what to do or say to make it better. But I am sorry Zeph, I've never regretted something so much. I miss you. I miss talking to you and hanging out. This week has been hell without having you around." Maya confessed to her friend. 

It was silent for a moment and Zephyr heard Maya sniff. She looked up at her and saw her trying to not cry. She knew Maya wasn't very emotional and rarely ever cried. Even when they were kids, she broke her wrist and didn't have a tear. So Zephyr knew this had been hard on her. She got up and walked over to Maya. 

"I don't know what I'd do without you." Maya told her. "I'm sorry I kissed him. It was stupid and wrong and I don't even like him like that." She wiped her nose. "You're more important to me then a guy anyway. Aren or anyone else." 

"I know. You're more important than a guy too." Zephyr told her. "I'm sorry I was so mad. I shouldn't have lashed out at you or ignored you. That wasn't fair to you either. I've missed you too. It wasn't easy for me either you know." Maya looked at her. 

"So?" She asked. Zephyr hugged her and Maya hugged her back. 

"Can we just pretend it didn't happen and never speak of it again?" Zephyr mentioned. Maya smiled a little. 

"Deal." She said. "I love you." 

"I love you too." Zephyr told her. The girls pulled away from each other and grabbed their drinks and went back to the couch as they heard the guys come back in the front door. Noah was carrying two pizzas and Aren had a smaller box in his hand. They placed them on the island counter. 

"Alright, one Hawaiian and one Meat pizza and cheesy bread for Zeph. Otherwise she'll murder us." Aren said taking his jacket off. Zephyr glared at him shaking her head. 

"I wouldn't murder you, but I call first dibs on that bread." She said walking back into the kitchen to get plates for all of them. 

"Of course you do." Aren smirked at her. He glanced over to Maya who was petting Toothless and Stormfly and looked back at Zephyr. She just nodded at him and smiled. Aren opened the pizza boxes and handed Zephyr the small one with the cheesy bread. He watched her eyes light up as she opened the box and ripped a few pieces off. She grabbed two slices of Hawaiian and went back to her seat on the couch as the others grabbed their food as well. They all sat down and then decided on a movie to watch. 


It was getting late and Aren had helped Zephyr clean up the pizza and load the dishwasher. Noah was sitting beside Maya on the couch and Maya was texting some guy who they went to school with. Noah glanced at her phone and saw the guy was asking her to come over and hangout since he was alone. Noah got up and walked over to Aren and Zephyr trying to make a random conversation. Maya watched him get up and furrowed her eyebrows a little. She felt like something was wrong. She texted the guy back telling him no, that she was already busy. 

"Noah?" she said. Noah looked over at her. "Can you bring me home?" She asked. He nodded. 

"Yeah, sure." He smiled at her a little. Maya got up and went to put her jacket and shoes on. They said bye to their friends and headed out. Noah unlocked the doors and Maya got in on the passenger side. She didn't live far, so it would be a quick car ride. Noah got in and turned on the car. They both buckled up and Noah backed out of the driveway. It was silent for a moment. 

"So am I dropping you off at home or at some random guy's house?"  Noah said a little annoyed. Maya looked at him. 

"Home. But even if it was some guy's house, it wouldn't be your business." She said a little snappy. Noah sighed. "I was going to see if you wanted to stay..." Maya told him quietly and looked out the window as he turned the corner.  

"Parents aren't home?" He asked her. She shook her head. 

"No, they were leaving late this afternoon. It's their anniversary in a few days, and they wanted to do something." She sighed. "I don't like being..."

"Alone." Noah finished for her. He pulled into her driveway and parked the car. Maya unbuckled. She nodded. 

"I turned him down by the way. The guy, and if you do want to stay, normally I'd ask Zeph, but we just made up and she seemed to be busy with Aren today." Maya told him. 

"Yeah, I noticed that too. Like closer to each other then they usually are, especially considering she wasn't talking to him either." Noah looked at her. 

"Do you think they finally got together? I mean, I saw them kiss today, so they must have." Maya looked back at Noah. "But anyway..." She reached down for her purse and picked it up off the floor of the car and opened the car door to get out. 

"I'll stay." Noah said all of a sudden. She looked at him and smiled. He turned the car off and got out himself and Maya pulled out her house key. Noah locked the car and they went inside. 


Zephyr had put some random baking show on that they didn't need to pay attention too and was laying against Aren on the couch. He had his arm around her and had been caressing her back. He had put a blanket over the two of them as well. Zephyr was starting to nod off and Aren smiled a little, kissing her head. 

Toothless and Stormfly were laying in their dog bed against the wall, next to the TV stand. It was big enough for the two of them. Aren looked at the time, seeing it was passed midnight, he figured he should probably leave soon. He didn't want to disturb her though and figured he'd wait a bit. Zephyr had fallen asleep completely and Aren was starting to yawn himself. 


 Hiccup unlocked the door to the house and quietly opened it and allowed Astrid to go in first. She took her heels off and threw them next to the closest. Stormfly and Toothless came over to greet them.

"My feet are killing me." She told her husband. Hiccup took her coat and his and hung them up in the closet. 

"I told you not to wear heels, but you insisted because they went with your dress." He told her smirking. She glared at him and walked to towards the kitchen. She noticed the TV was flashing and heard it on. She walked into the kitchen and looked over seeing  Zephyr and Aren asleep on the couch. She smirked and looked back at Hiccup. 

"Babe." She whispered. "Come here." Hiccup walked over and saw them too. 

"Why is he here?" He asked. Astrid raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Babe, it's Aren. They're friends." She told him. Astrid looked back at them realizing why Hiccup was questioning it. "Hiccup, it's Zephyr. I'd be worried if Nathan was alone here with a girl." 

Hiccup nodded. "Yeah, but she's my bug." Hiccup told her. Astrid smiled at him and then walked over and turned the TV off. Astrid quietly grabbed some water from the kitchen and then turned the lights off in the space leaving Zephyr and Aren in the dark and went upstairs to her bedroom and found Hiccup and the dogs. Hiccup was changing into pajamas. The dogs went to lay on their bed that was in the bedroom. Astrid took her jewelry off and went to their bathroom and started taking her hair out and washed her makeup off. She walked over to the dresser and grabbed her pajamas. She tried reaching for the zipper on her dress and was struggling a bit, considering it was almost two in the morning and she was exhausted. 

Hiccup came out of the bathroom and noticed her struggling and walked over to help her. He grabbed her zipper and undid for her. She thanked him slipping out of the dress and putting her pajamas on. 

"By the looks of them downstairs, I'd say they made up." Hiccup told her as they got into their bed. Astrid nodded. 

"At least with Aren. Looks like they're more than that now." Astrid said. "I hope she made up with Maya too." 

"We can ask her in the morning." Hiccup told his wife and kissed her. They both laid down to get some sleep. 


The next morning, Hiccup woke up around eight in the morning. He looked over at his wife, who was still sound asleep. He kissed her head and got up and went to use the washroom before going downstairs with the dogs and letting them out into the backyard, quietly. 

Zephyr and Aren were still asleep on the couch in the living room and Hiccup went into the kitchen and quietly pulled pans and ingredients out to make breakfast. He mixed the recipe by hand so he wouldn't wake the two teenagers. 

He was cooking the pancakes and some bacon. Zephyr opened her eyes blinking and she sighed and looked beside her, realizing she was laying against Aren, she sat up and yawned and looked around the room and sniffed and saw her dad cooking. 

"Dad! hi." Zephyr said surprised and her eyes widened. Aren stirred beside her, opening his eyes. Zephyr looked at him and looked towards the kitchen with her eyes and Aren looked at her and then glanced over, seeing Hiccup as well. Aren sat up. 

"Morning Aren." Hiccup said putting pancakes on a plate. Aren gave a nervous grin. 

"Good morning, Hiccup." Aren said nervously and swallowed. Zephyr stood up. 

"I'll be right back." She said awkwardly and half-ran upstairs and into the bathroom. 

Aren got up off the couch and went to the bathroom down the hall and when he came back out, he cautiously took a seat at the island. Hiccup had his back turned to him while making some more pancakes. Aren cleared his throat.

"D-do you need a hand?" He asked. 

"No, it's alright." Hiccup told him putting bacon in a different pan. "Do you want coffee?" 

"Sure." Aren said. Hiccup put a coffee pod in the machine and grabbed a mug and filled it for him. He handed it to Aren and he put some sugar and milk in it. They were silent for awhile. Zephyr came back down and sat in the seat beside Aren. 

"Morning Bug." Hiccup greeted his daughter. 

"Morning Dad, how was the event?" She asked. 

"Good, long. We didn't get home until early morning." He told her handing her a couple of plates. Zephyr grabbed some pancakes and handing one of the plates to Aren. She grabbed the bowl of berries and some syrup and whipped cream, topping her pancakes. 

"Can you put a tea in for me, dad?" Zephyr asked. Hiccup nodded, doing so. 

"Where's your brother?" Hiccup asked her. Aren was putting some toppings on his pancakes. Zephyr shrugged eating some pancakes.

"He went out with friends in the morning yesterday, and I haven't seen him since." She told her dad. "Probably had a party and spent the night at a friends house."

Zephyr got up and let the dogs back in the house when she saw them sitting by the door. She sat back down and Hiccup had handed her, her mug of tea. Zephyr put some milk and sugar in it and drank some. 

"Mom still sleeping?" Zephyr asked. Hiccup nodded.

"She was pretty tired." He told her. "I see you two made-up." Hiccup was putting bacon on each of their plates and his own with some pancakes. 

"Yeah. Maya and I made-up too." She told him. 

"Good." Hiccup started eating as well and the room fell silent as they were all eating. Astrid walked in a few minutes later. 

"It's quiet in here." She said walking over to the coffee machine and making a mug of it. Hiccup kissed her cheek and put a plate together for her.

"Um, I should probably get going. My dad will be worried." Aren said. "Thanks for the breakfast." He said getting up. He kissed Zephyr on the head and she blushed. "I'll text you, okay?" She nodded. 

"Bye." She said and Aren went down the hall and got his shoes and jacket on, grabbed his school-bag he had brought over the day before and headed out of the house. Zephyr sighed and looked back at her dad who was staring at her now with a raised eyebrow. 

"Do you have something to tell us?" He asked her. Zephyr blushed taking a sip of her tea. 

"Nothing happened. If that's what you're wondering. I didn't plan on him staying over." Zephyr told her parents. 

"Okay. But he also just kissed you good-bye." Astrid stated to her daughter. 

"Okay, he came over yesterday to work on our project, and I was making my cookies and we decided to talk about what happened with him and Maya. So we did, then he basically confessed his feelings for me and we kissed. We haven't made it official or anything. Then I took the dogs out for a walk with him and we ran into Maya, then Aren invited her and Noah over and we had dinner and watched a movie and Maya and I made up, then they left late. Aren and I fell asleep on the couch." Zephyr explained to her parents. 

"That's great sweetie." Astrid told her. "We trust you, you know that right?" 

"You're not mad?" Zephyr asked her. 

"Why would we be mad?" Hiccup asked her. 

"Because I had a guy sleepover..." She sighed. 

"Look, Zeph, it's not ideal, but when we got home last night, we saw you two on the couch and the TV was still on. So it was clear that it wasn't intentional. If you did it because you know we don't like it and out of spite. Well that's different. But you're not your brother. I know you wouldn't do it for that reason." Astrid told her. "We all know the two of you have liked each other for a long time. So it's not really surprising." Zephyr blushed a little. 

"Seems like everyone knew that but us." She said taking a bite of her pancakes. Astrid and Hiccup looked at each other and smiled. 

"It was the same for us. It was like everyone knew it, but the two of us were too stubborn to admit it." Astrid told her. "What about Maya?" 

"Like I said, we made-up. I mean, it might still be a little awkward for a few days, but we'll move on. Both of us didn't want to lose each other. I mean her making out with a guy I like isn't that bad in the long run. Why give up our entire friendship for that? Friends fight. It's normal." Zephyr told them. 

"Sometimes it's better to just forgive and forget. I've done it more times then I can count. Especially for people you want to keep in your life." Astrid told her. 

"Agreed." Hiccup said. Zephyr smirked. 

"Like when you forgive and forget about Mom's cooking, or she forgets about your comments on her cooking." Zephyr told them. They both laughed a little. 

"Exactly." Astrid said. 

Zephyr smiled at them. "I'll be okay." She told them. "I'm gonna go shower." She got up and went upstairs.

Astrid smiled and looked at Hiccup. "She's a good kid." 

"Yeah, she is." Hiccup kissed Astrid's head and started to clean up. 


That's it for this one-shot that ended up a lot longer than I thought it would. 

I hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm working on other ones as well and have like ten drafts going at the moment. 

Have a good day/night. 

~ httydobsessed13


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