Will You Grow Old With Me

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Hey guys, I've been wanting to write this one-shot for a while. It's short and sweet and its based off the song Will You Grow Old With Me by Built By Titan - it's one of my favorite songs and I encourage you all to listen to it. 

It also gave me HTTYD vibes to it, which is why I came up with this one-shot. 

"Are you ready?!" Astrid called up the stairs to her boyfriend. 

"I'm coming! I'll meet you in the car!" Hiccup yelled back down. 

Astrid sighed and was thankful they had loaded their sound equipment earlier already. She grabbed her purse and her violin case and went out to the car. Putting her items in the backseat and stood outside waiting for Hiccup. 

Hiccup was finishing getting dressed and then went to his bedside table and reached to the back of the drawer and pulled out a small blue velvet box. He opened it, revealing a circle shaped light blue diamond with some smaller silver diamonds on the band. He smiled at it and closed it, shoving it into the inside pocket of his jacket so it wouldn't be noticeable. He shut the lights off upstairs and headed down making sure he had everything and that he had put Toothless' food out for him. He came out the door and locked it and walked over to the black car that his girlfriend was standing next too with her arms crossed. 

"You're gonna make us late." She told him and then got into the passenger side. He got into the drivers side and shut the door and they were putting their buckles on. 

"Sorry, I almost forgot something." He told her casually as he put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway. They arrived just after seven to the venue they were playing at that night with their band. The others met them out back and helped them unload the sound equipment. Finn and Heather had arrived in the band's van that they used for majority of the equipment and had gotten most of it out already. 

"What's it like inside?" Astrid asked Heather, her best friend, as they carried in an amp. 

"There's a good crowd, I mean it's our hometown so I think having us perform is a benefit. The manager said he hasn't had this big of a turn out since the last show we played here." Heather told her friend and they put the amp down where they wanted it. "Thank god they have curtains so it won't be awkward setting up." 

"I agree with that. When do we go on again?" Astrid asked. 

"Nine. We're the last group." Heather said while plugging some wires into the amp. Heather looked at her friend. "You okay?" 

"Yeah. I don't know why, but Hiccup has just been acting weird and it's throwing me off." Astrid handed her another cord. Heather nodded in understanding. 

"He's probably just nervous. I think his family is here tonight." Heather explained, but knowing full well, exactly why Hiccup was nervous. Heather was the one who went with him to the jewelry store to pick out a ring in the first place. 

"Yeah, he mentioned our families are coming." Astrid set up one of the guitar stands. 

Hiccup pulled his black guitar with a red dragon symbol on it out of it's matching case and played a little to make sure it was tuned properly. Finn and Derek we're setting up Derek's drum set on the stage as well, and Rachel and Tyler were setting up their microphones. Sean was making sure everything was hooked up to the sound board, either by wires or wireless with some of the group having battery packs on to connect the microphones. 

Astrid and Heather pulled out their violins to also tune them and ran through some of the harder parts of the song as well as doing their warmups for singing. Hiccup joined them and he also played violin but for this song he was on the guitar. Astrid and him were the lead singers and Heather and Finn were the backup vocals and instruments, with Derek, Heather's brother on drums. The twins, Rachel and Tyler would play the small random instruments that they would need for whatever song, from triangle to tambourines to trumpets, or anything else. 

The manager came back to speak to the group, letting them know everything was ready to go and he was looking forward to their performance. The gang sat in the crowd with a drink that the manager offered to pay for and Astrid had opted for a virgin drink, which both Hiccup and Heather noticed and didn't say anything. Astrid usually would have one drink before a performance. They sat there enjoying their drinks for the first couple of groups. The one was just started and wasn't awful but they could tell they needed some work. The next group was better, fairly decent and apparently a guest group from another city. The gang was tapping their feet and or hands along with the music and enjoying themselves. 

Then they had to go backstage to get ready and Heather was distracting Astrid while Hiccup got the ring box and put it in his pocket to have it ready. He was putting his guitar on with the red strap he used and Astrid came over to him. 

"Babe?" She said. Hiccup jumped a little and looked at her. Astrid raised an eyebrow. "You okay?" Hiccup nodded and kissed her cheek. 

"Yeah, perfect, just a little nervous." He told her. She kissed him gently. 

"You'll be fine. We've done this a thousand times now." She said running her hand through his hair and finding the two braids she put there and smiled. Hiccup nodded and kissed her forehead. 

"Astrid! Come here, let me touch you up." Heather called. Astrid walked over to the vanity that Heather was sitting at in her silver sparkly short dress with black combat boots. Astrid was in a brown leather skirt with a light blue tank-top and red cropped leather jacket, with knee-high black boots. Heather got up and made her sit and started doing her makeup. 

"I thought you were touching me up." Astrid told her. 

"I am, you never put enough on, and the lights will wash you out. Stop talking." Heather told her while applying a light pink gloss to her friend's lips. They finished and Astrid made sure her hair was behind her in her half-up braid. She usually played the violin with her hair up, but for performance she usually had part of it or all of it down. Heather smiled at her. 

"You look great." She told her. She hooked her arm and they walked to the stage to get in their places. Hiccup walked out to the microphone in the middle and Astrid was on his left side and Heather on his right. The girls picked up their violins and Finn got his guitar on behind Heather with his microphone as well. Derek got up onto his drums and Rachel and Tyler were behind Astrid on tambourine and shakers. Sean was backstage making sure their sound and instruments would be good with the venue's soundboard worker.  

The curtain went up and the crowd cheered at the familiar faces on the stage. The group smiled at them and Hiccup spoke into the microphone. 

"Good evening! We're super glad to be performing for you guys tonight, in our hometown. To anyone who doesn't know who we are - we're the Dragon Rhythms. We hope you enjoy our set tonight." 

Hiccup started playing the guitar before the rest of them joined in. They sang a few songs and then Hiccup introduced the last one. 

"This last song is a favorite, it goes back years here in our hometown. It's called Will You Grow Old With Me." Hiccup spoke into the microphone. The crowd cheered. 

Hiccup looked back at the group and nodded for them to start. They played the song and while they sang the bridge, Hiccup put his guitar behind him and Astrid gave him a look. He spoke into the mic for a moment. 

"Just gonna take a pause for a moment, we'll finish the song in a moment. But I have something to ask my love." Hiccup said pulling out a box. Astrid looked at him and Hiccup got on his knee and opened it. Astrid gasped and looked up at Heather and Heather smiled at her. Astrid looked back at Hiccup. "Astrid, will you grow old with me?" Hiccup asked her. She smiled and laughed a little at the pun he made and nodded. 

"Yes, of course." She said and Hiccup stood up to kiss her and put the ring on her finger. The crowd cheered and Heather looked at the others to get ready and she played the violin solo that Astrid usually did and they finished off the song.  

Afterwards, they were backstage and Astrid hugged Hiccup. "Is this why you've been acting weird?" She asked him. 

"A little, I was nervous." He told her. She smiled and kissed him again. 

"Scared I was gonna say no?" She asked. 

Hiccup chuckled nervously. "Maybe." 

"I would never say no to you Hiccup." She kissed him again. He smiled at her. 

"Come on love birds. Your families want to see you." Heather said to them. Astrid took Hiccup's hand and they went down into the crowd to see their families. 


A cute short, sweet one-shot. 

Hope you liked it! 

~ httydobsessed13 

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