[3]. The Little Things (Daichi x Reader)

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~The Little Things - Daichi Sawamura~

You stood in front of the freezer as you tapped your chin with your finger. You wondered what a good meal for tonight would be. Since Daichi was staying over, you wanted to make something he liked.

Hmm, maybe you should make his favorite - Shoyu Ramen. You closed the freezer and walked up to the pantry, getting the ingredients for the meal. You hoped it'd turn out decent; you've never made it before.

After a little while later, you finally finished making the food and set up the table. When you went to get the glasses, you felt a prickling feeling in your throat. You began to cough wildly and felt like you were going to pass out.

Letting out one last cough, you cleared your throat and passed over the feeling, continuing to prepare dinner. When you were done setting the table, you felt a pair of hands rest on your waist, startling you as you jumped up a bit.

"Daichi," you sighed, putting a hand to your chest. "Don't do that," you frowned. You coughed softly after and Daichi lifted a brow, but thought of it as nothing.

"Sorry, sorry," a deep chuckle escaped his mouth, taking his hands off you and gave you a kiss on the head.

You shook your head with a small smile. "Anyway, you're just in time. I was about to call you for dinner," you told him, pulling out the chair you were in front of and sat down.

"You didn't have to. I could smell it all the way from the living room. It smells great," Daichi stated, moving closer to the pot of ramen as he sniffed it.

"Hopefully it tastes as good as it smells," you mumbled as you started to pour yourself a glass of water.


"Thanks for making this, (First Name). It tasted great," your boyfriend complimented as he gave you a genuine smile.

A small giggle left your lips, taking his flattering remark to heart. You didn't mind the little admiration comments he gave, but warmth spread through your chest when he did. You picked up the used plates and cutlery, sauntering over to the kitchen sink and placed them in.

Like the gentleman he is, Daichi decided to help you. He picked up the remaining dishes on the table and followed you to the kitchen. From the corner of your eyes, you saw him place the dishes in the sink.

"I'll wash the dishes tonight. You can dry this time," Daichi told you as he started to take out the washing equipment.

You coughed a few times before speaking, "Oh, no, it's fine. I can do it. You can dry them," you said, putting a hand to his arm and shoulder and shoved him to the side a little.

"(First Name), it's fine. You don't seem to be feeling well. Go rest up. I can do both."

"I feel fine. It's okay, I'll do it. I'd feel bad if I left you to do both."

The two of you continued to argue over who does what or who does nothing. But, with your persuasion skills, you won the argument, ending up with Daichi drying the dishes and you washing them.

As you were washing the dishes, you felt a tingling sensation in your nose and an itchy feeling in your throat again. Lifting up your arm to cover your mouth and nose, you felt yourself cough and sneeze at the same time.

You groaned from the feeling and sniffed sickly. You felt worse than before, but thought of it as nothing, in hopes it'll pass. Whereas Daichi, he thought you were going to die with all that coughing and sneezing. You assured him you were fine, but the guy didn't let it pass.

He ended up washing the dishes and you stayed in the living room, feeling worse as each minute passed. After doing the chore, Daichi noticed you sneezing a lot more, your coughing became harsher and your complexion started to get a littler paler.

With all that, though, you still continued to assure that you were fine. Of course, Daichi payed no attention to what you said and ended up tending to you for the whole night.

"Are you feeling any better?" He asked you as he made his way to the edge of your bed, where you had stayed for the past three hours, occasionally going to the bathroom.

"A little," you smiled weakly.

"You're smiling," your boyfriend noted with a charming grin on his face as his thumb caressed your cheek.

"Well, you're great at taking care of me," you smiled as your hand found his bigger one and intertwined your fingers together.

"They don't call me Doctor Sawamura for nothing."

"I don't recall anyone calling you that," you snickered.

"Just a joke," Daichi scratched the back of his head with a goofy grin on his face.

The brown haired male scooted closer to you, making you move back a bit. You didn't want him to catch your cold. But, that didn't stop him from wrapping an arm around you anyway. You sighed, showing that you gave in.

You ended up resting your head against Daichi's chest as he held you tighter. You felt comfortable being in his embrace, it made you feel safe and secure. A small smile formed on your face as you closed your eyes. It didn't take you long until you fell into a peaceful sleep.


You woke up the next morning, feeling much better and well-rested than last night. With groggy eyes, you looked at your bed and noticed that you were cozily tucked in under your blankets.

There seemed to be no sign of Daichi in your room. It looks like he left last night or early morning. You wanted to thank him for taking care of you in person, but, maybe, a text or call would suffice.

You reached for your phone on the bedside table and the brightness of the phone murdered your eyes. Squinting, you quickly lowered the brightness.

You went on to your messages with Daichi and saw that he had already sent you something a couple of hours ago. Weird that you didn't hear it. You swore your phone wasn't on silent.


Sawamura Daichi

Good morning, beautiful

I hope you had a good sleep :)


(Last Name) (First Name)

Good morning!

And I did

Thanks so much for taking care of me last night

Sorry for all the trouble though...


Sawamura Daichi

It's okay, as long as I was able to spend time with you, hahaha

Are you feeling any better?

(Last Name) (First Name)

Yep, much better

Thank you so much for last night, Daichi!

The moment you sent the last reply, your phone's ringtone went off and Daichi's contact name appeared. You wondered if you should answer it. Your voice never sounded the best after waking up.

Plus, you weren't really feeling better, you just didn't want Daichi to worry so much about you. It was only a cold. Your thumb hovered over the decline button, but you ended up hesitatingly answering the phone.

You cleared your throat before speaking, but it was still a little blocked, so you coughed softly. Of course, that wasn't a good idea. Maybe you should've done it before answering your boyfriend.

"You're still sick, aren't you?" You heard Daichi ask over the phone. His voice sounded softer than usual, it was as if he was whispering.

"I told you, I'm fine," you continued to say. "I just had something in my throat, that's all."

"Are you sure?" Daichi asked once more. He really didn't believe you after last night. But before you could reply, you heard something clatter softly over the other line and Daichi told you he needed to hang up. "I'm sorry, I'll talk to you later. This is important."

"Oh... Okay, then." With that being said, your boyfriend immediately ended the call, leaving you a little curious about the sudden hang-up after the clattering.


After doing your morning routines, you started towards the kitchen after getting a whiff of the delicious-smelling air. You wondered what your mother made for breakfast. It smelt amazing.

Making it to the kitchen, the first thing you saw was the food. There were two sets of steamed rice, soft boiled egg, baked fish, okra and seaweed, Japanese pickles and toasted nori; each were placed on a tray beside each other.

They looked and smelled so delicious. You couldn't wait to start eating. You looked up to thank your mother for the meal, but instead, you see...

"Daichi?" You called, lifting a brow as you walked towards the stove, where he was.

He jumped a little from the surprise before turning around and greeting you with a shy smile, "(First Name). Y-You're up."

"I thought my mom was home."

"She left to go shopping a little while ago," the male told you as he placed the two bowls of miso soup on each of the tray.

"Oh. Is that why you hung up? You were making breakfast!"

"... Yeah..." You wondered what was with the hesitation. He might've thought you wouldn't believe him, but you did.

"It looks delicious." Happiness was seen on your face as you made your way towards the dining table. You were in complete awe. You never knew he could cook. "How long did it take you to make this?"

"Thanks," Daichi said with a grin. "Well, waking up early has its perks when you can't really cook," he sounded a little embarrassed about it.

You were taken back by his reply. He can't have spent nearly three hours attempting to make both yours and his breakfast. But it actually meant a lot to you that Daichi cooked breakfast this time.

When your previous partners stayed over, they never made you breakfast, or even cooked for you, in fact. It was always you doing it. But now, you were finally able to wake up and see breakfast sitting on the table without you having to make it.

"Well, you still seemed sick when I saw you after I woke up, and I wanted to spare you the time of having to make our breakfast," Daichi told you, pulling out a chair and gestured for you to sit down.

A pleased smile was seen on your face as you walked towards the chair, "I am still feeling a bit unwell...," you admitted. "And thank you, this breakfast was more than I could ask for, really. Waffles or pancakes would've been fine for me."

Daichi flashed you a smile before you seated yourself, "I wanted to make my first attempt of cooking for you special."


Many more months of dating had past, and Daichi started surprising you. Every now and then, you'd receive small gifts from him. Some of the gifts he gave you made you feel less insecure about yourself and brought up your self-esteem.

One morning, you noticed a wrapped gift on your desk. Walking closer to it, you wondered what was in it. You observed the solid rectangle and found a small writing that read FROM: DAICHI on the top, left corner.

Ripping the wrapping, you started from the top corner and saw your hand's reflection. Was this a...? You continued to rip it all off until you were finally able to see what it was - a mirror with writing on it.

On the top of the mirror, it read:

Hey, you
You're beautiful
Yes, you
And this mirror is always here to remind you that

On the bottom, it read:

Smile. Beautiful looks good on you :)

The mirror was just one of many gifts he gave you. You received flowers, gift vouchers, a necklace he made, a stuffed bear that would say "I love you" in Daichi's voice when you would press it, and much more.

You loved gifts; they were exciting. You didn't mind what it was, even if it was something cheap or simple. You just loved the fact that Daichi cared enough to get something for you, especially when he wasn't required to give you one.


It was soon the day of your birthday. This was your first time celebrating it with your boyfriend, and you wondered if he had anything planned. You woke up this morning and saw his 'happy birthday' text, but after you replied, he never did.

Hours went by and you hadn't heard from Daichi. When you went to his house to check up on him, his mother told you that he was busy. You wished he told you, otherwise he wouldn't be stuck on your mind for hours.

It was mid-afternoon and you were relaxing on the bench at the park. You kept thinking about Daichi and your birthday. Maybe you should just text him. What if he suddenly forg–

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard someone come up to you. Looking up, you saw your friend. He/she seemed to be panting heavily, the guy/girl must've ran all over to find you.


"(Friend's Name), where're we going?" You asked as the male/female pulled you along after getting out of the taxi.

It was a little while ago when your friend found you at the park and hurried you to who knows where. You asked him/her what was going on, but all he/she would reply was "You'll see".

"Where're we going?" You repeated, now sounding more like a complaint than a question.

"We're almost there. Just a little longer," he/she replied, tightening his/her grip on your hand as he/she walked faster. "You'll really like it. I think."

A short while later, the both of you finally arrived to your destination. You and your friend stood outside your home - the one you were kicked out of this morning. You looked at your friend before opening the door and walking in.

Scraping your hand against the wall, you switched the lights on. The room lit up and a crowd of people jumped out and screamed, "Happy birthday!" Your head jerked up, startled.

As soon as you realized what was going on, you screamed - not with fright, but with the scene in front of you. You spotted your brown haired boyfriend flashing you his sweetest smile. He started to sing happy birthday and everyone sang along.

Daichi drifted beside you and suddenly popped the party popper in his hand above you. Everyone did the same and streamers sprang through the air, leaping towards the ceiling and landing on the floor and some on you.

Right when you thought Daichi forgot your birthday, he seemed to have gathered all your friends and family together at your house. You looked up at the guy with a huge smile before punching him playfully on the arm.

"You've got a funny way of saying thank you, (First Name)," he chuckled, rubbing where you just punched him.

"Is this why I got kicked out of my own home this morning?"

"Kind of," Daichi scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed look on his face.

"You should've at least replied to my texts. I wanted to hang out with you today," you pouted.

"Aha, sorry," your boyfriend rubbed his nape.

You smiled and was about to say something, but a young child ran up to you and hugged your leg. He/she greeted you a happy birthday, face beaming brightly.

"Hey, (Kid's Name). It's been so long. How've you been?" You bent down to the child's level after he/she let go of you.

"I'm doing great!" The child grinned.

"Look, look, big brother Daichi got you something!" You hear another child's voice approaching as he/she ran up to you, holding a pretty large wrapped box.

"Could this box get any bigger?" You said in a joking manner, looking up at the brown haired male as he smiled sheepishly.

You opened the package and you couldn't believe what was inside. There was a song album of each of your two favorite music artists/bands, a signed poster of (Favorite Celebrity/ies) and the one of a kind clothing you've been ogling for months.

"Even though you've been giving me gifts, you still manage to get me something today, huh?" You chuckled, eyeing the presents. "Thank you so much, Daichi..."

It was the little things he did that made you fall for him over and over again. He treated so much better than anyone ever could, and that was what you loved about him.

"Of course. You're special to me."

I'm sorry for the late post. It's been five months, too. I've just been so busy lately :/ The length compensates for it, I guess...?

But I wonder who's still reading this book OTL

Up Next:

Sugawara x Reader

April 8th, 2017 - Saturday

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