"Hinata.. ?"

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First time actually publishing a story
English is not my first language so there may be some grammatical and spelling mistakes (I don't mind if you point them out so be free to tell me any mistakes or confusing parts because I'm technically still learning english-)
Kageyama's pov
It was a normal day, as usual, I woke up, brushed my teeth and got changed, putting on my shoes, not minding to eat breakfast as I grabbed my bag, going outside before locking the door.

Everything went the same, I thought it was just gonna be another day where I had to listen through the boring classes and practice with the team, it was like an everyday routine to me, unaware of the suprises life has brought ahead.

I was walking to Hinata's and my meeting spot, though to my suprise, he wasn't there. It was weird because he's always early and since we have morning practice today, I thought of the consequences of Hinata already at school because he's especially excited when we have practice. But I wasn't sure, hesitantly I stood there waiting a bit to see if Hinata would show up.

"Ugh where is that dumbass!" I groaned stretching as I have been standing here for a good 30 minutes, yes, I was 1 hour early and I thought Hinata would be too. Though we seemed like enemies, we are actually bestfriends, our competitive personality just got the best of us so we never really act like it, so like bestfriendnemies? I was worried about Hinata since for him, this wasn't normal nor frequent so I decided to jog to his house to find out what's wrong with him.

When I got there, hearing the loud crying noises of a child coming from his house, I thought his sister- Natsu was clinging onto him again wanting to play dress up, but soon enough I freeze opening the door, witnessing two orange hair kids which were both around kindergarten.. wait.. two!? Almost choking on the box of milk I had bought along the way here, before snapping back into reality, I look at the boy one, 'Hinata.. ?' If you look closely enough, except for his orange hair and hazel brown eyes, he looks a lot like Hinata.. Soon enough, I realized it was the same ball of sunshine which I have seen everyday, well different now since he's a kid. Still very confused, I saw the boy tearing up, moving to hide behind his mother, hand tightening on the teddy bear he was holding while the other grabbed onto his mom's shirt.

"Mommy.. scarwy.." he said as he hid half of his body behind the tall woman as tears flow down his check, looking scared as he furrowed his brows at me, trying to looking intimidating. "I- " in disbelief I chuckled a bit while smiling softly trying to act not serious, a sight only acceptional for the tangerine himself, though I'm still not the best at smiling and it seemed to have not worked as Hinata started cry more, well at least I think that's him.

"Shouyou! Stop acting like this! He's your friend Kageyama!" Hinata's mom said while pushing the little tangerine out not making much progess since he was refusing to. I'm not gonna admit it out loud but Hinata is very adorable, he's even smaller than Natsu now. I thought Natsu was cute and clingy until I saw this little guy right here.

"Dwis wis Shouwou' fwiend?" He asked, already stopped crying, only sobbings can be heard slightly. He tried to raise one of his eyebrow, trying to looking like he's examining me but failed as he just looked at me with a normal one. "Yea nii-san! You talk about him all the time, remember?" Natsu said in the background reassuring Hinata's mom words to him. "Bwut mwe don't rewembwer anything" Hinata said with a confused, sad face.

'Aaaaah he's too cute! I can't!' I screamed to myself trying to not hug him right now because he's still not comfortable with me, instead I patted his head making him flinched and look at me. "Sowwy for not rewemberwing you.." he said facing his head down sad as he relaxed into my touch. Aahh how could I ever be mad at this cute tangerine! I smiled softly, drifting my hand down, caressing his soft cheeks, raising his face as I smile, wiping away the small tear drop.

"It's okay Hinata" I said as he look at me, making eye contact. "I'wm not Hwinata! I'm Shouwou!" He said almost forming a pout, I chuckled at his childishness and said "Okay Shouyou" Hinata giggled, I was too dazed about what has happened, not realising we were already late for practice.

"Uhm so sorry to bother you Kageyama-kun but could you take care of Shouyou for the week? I have business trips sometime and since he's like this he can't stay home alone" Hinata's mom asked, rubbing her nape waiting for my answer. "Sure, I wouldn't mind taking care of an adorable tangerine anyways" I soon answered unintentionally saying the 'adorable tangerine' part. "You too should probably head to school now" his mom said once again reminding us as I snapped into reality checking the time.

"Wait we're late!!" I panicked, picking up Shouyou. "Gah! Momma where are we going?" He said looking back at his mom with innocent hazel eyes not wanting to be apart from her. The woman infront flashed a small but warm smile before saying "Momma and sissy's gonna go to grandma's okay? You will stay with Kageyama" she explained as Shouyou started to tear up. "But Shouwou *sniffs* dwoesn't want *sniffs* to be apwart fwom momma" though he didn't cried loudly, sniffles can still be heard throughout the small house. "Now don't be like that Shouyou, Kageyama will be sad, he's willing to take care of you" he whipped his head around to look at me wiping his teary eyes. "Weally?"

Witnessing this side of Hinata, the always happy, adorable ball of sunshine now sniffling his word out in my arms. I smiled at him and it looked like this time I finally managed to form a smile, knowing that since he didn't flinched and just grins back. "Yes Shou"
"Yeyyy, thwen where are we going now?"
He cheered putting his hand up in the air before going back down hugging onto my chest asking. "We have school today" I said scrolling through his orange locks, Shouyou after hearing that immediately frowned and pouts "Showo don't like scwhool" "But you have to go to school nii-san!" Natsu said as her and Ms. Hinata hold her hand both walking out getting ready to leave "No! Showo no schwool!" I chuckled and tried to think of something to make him and then I remembered Shouyou likes making friends! That's it!

"But you'll get to meet your friends Shou" he immediately showed interest, his eyes sparkling as if he has saw or heard something amazing. "Shouwou likes to make fwiends!" He grins wide blinding people just by looking at his bright smile. "Yep! Shall we go to school now then?" I asked picking up my bag and carefully placing it around my shoulders trying not to drop Shouyou. "Yeyy! Mr. bwear wants new fwiends twoo!" He said excitedly showing me the bear he has been holding since I came. "Then we'll all make friends!" I booped his nose while playfully bouncing him up and down in my arms, by the time, his mom and sister were already off and I'm pretty sure practice's about to end by now.

"Let's go!" I said one more time before running out the door making him giggled in excitement as I make sure to lock their house, I come over pretty often so it's normal for me to have their house key though I don't really have to use it much. I bounce Shouyou up one last time making him sit stable on my arms as I began walking to school, talking to him and making him laugh, trying to keep Shouyou entertained.

"Okay.. we're here" I tried putting him down while he just clinged tighter to me refusing too go down. "Shouyou?" I looked down at him, clearly confuse. "Shouwou scwared..." his voice shaking a bit as I chuckled, patting his head softly. "C'mon, everyone here is nice" I reassured him slowly walking into school towards the gym
"But- but p-pweople are.. bwig and scawy"
"But these people are nice, trust me?"
"O-okway" he hesitated still agreeing but hold onto my chest for reassurance, his face forming a worried and scared face though not finding hesitation in it, I felt glad that he had trust in my words, just like the normal Hinata had trust in the ball I set to him.

Walking for a while, I look up to find ourselves infront of the gym. Hesitately, I walked in "ah! Kageyama, you're her-" the grey setter said before being cut off looking of to our direction as his eyes widen followed by the rest of the team's
1552 words
I tried...it's not the best buuuuut I'm still trying to be better :D
I did not carefully readproof this (i forgot what it's called- basically re-reading)

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