"The crows"

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Karasuno's reaction to child Hinata and Hinata's reaction to Karasuno!
Third-person's pov
"Hinata?!?" Sugawara acreamed in shock, looking at the baby tangerine along with the team's concerned faces, making Hinata jolt and burried his face backin Kageyama's chest. The poor guy started to tear up, small sniffles soon turned into flows of tears streaming down his soft cheeks.

"Wahhhh" loud cries echoed throughout the gym, the team started to panicking as Kageyama tried to calm the tangerine down. It was a rare sight indeed, but not one bit close to a pleasant one, nobody wanted to see our sunshine looking like this, crying his eyes out, and especially because of the team, they all stood in panic and their hearts cracked at the fragile and vulnerable angel infront of their eyes

"U-Uh.. don't cry our kouhai!"
"Y-Yeah!! You gotta stay cool! And crying is not cool!"
The chaotic second years said, nodding their heads and agreeing with each other. Tears started slow down, drying on Hinata's face, though sniffles can still be heard with the patting of Kageyama's hand.

"Hic... hic..."

"Don't cry! We're not gonna hurt you" Sugawara reassured, constantly waving his hands, fixing the misunderstanding comment or more like atmosphere.

"Bwig a-a-and.. and scawy" Hinata point his little shaky hand towards the team. Kageyama and Sugawara's eyes both following the path carefully to find the shaking finger between Tsukishima and Asahi, they stared at the two and with the team feeling confused and kinda curious onto what the boy was doing, followed the eyes of the two also resulting at Tsukishima and Asahi. Feeling all eyes on him, the beared man flinched before tensing up as beads of sweat roll down his face while Tsukishima just kept his casual emotionless face. "You two are scaring the kid!" Sugawara said in a cold tone, sending shivers down the two's spines.

"It's okay Shouyou! They're really nice and sweet!" Kageyama said with a soft voice, looking at Hinata then switching his gaze to the team, glaring a little at Tsukishima. "Weally? You always sway thwat!" Hinata said, forming a pout, furrowing his brows at Kageyama waiting for an explanation.

"But I'm telling the truth. I would never try to hurt you!" Kageyama said, reassuring the little guy. The team just stood there looking shocked and some were in awe as the scene infront of them kept playing. The loudest and most competitive duo in their team was now encouraging, reassuring and technically hugging each other right infront of their wide open eyes.

"Hmph! Fine I belive you!" the boy finally gave in still crossing his arms and looking away from Kageyama, a little pout still visible on his face. The raven just chuckled before placing Hinata down as the team's just getting more shock as time pass.

"Now go say 'hi' to your friends" the taller said slightly pushing on the shorter's back making him move little by little inclined a bit Sugawara's way. "Noooo... scarwyyy..!!" Hinata said while squirming, trying to turn around and grabbed onto Kageyama's hand to get him from stop pushing. "Ugh c'monnn, we already agreed on this!" groaning, the ravenette push faster, increasing the speed of the tangerine's sliding along the ground.

"Gahhhhh stoooppp" still proceeding to stop the strong hand pushing him non-stop, failing instantly everytime causing him to fall back down. "Owiee.." he groaned rubbing his butt to decrease the pain. "Don't worry, here!" Looking up, Hinata saw the silver hair setter offering a hand to him, taken by suprise, the little guy backed up, hugging onto Kageyama's leg. Crouching down, Sugawara shot him a warm smile, earning the boy's trust slowly.

"Hi! I'm Sugawara Koushi!" The grey haired boy said, putting out a hand as if making a deal, or a promise to not hurt Hinata. Hesitated, the tangerine kept thinking whether he should trust this person or not, concluding, he thought, 'Kageyama won't hurt him! He trust Tobio!' Finally, the boy grabbed the other's hand "hello.. I'm Hwinata Shouwou.."

Sugawara's pov
'Gahhh Hinata's so cuteee! I definitely won't let him down'  I thought, promising to myself that I would protect this precious boy no matter what. "Hello Hinata! Nice to meet you!" I could see the hesitation in our little middle blocker until Kageyama patted his back which I thought was cute since they normally would just argue with each other. Smiling softly as I reassured him, I'm determined to earn his trust one way or another! Finally he said back "N-nice to m-mweet you twoo" I chuckled at the stuttering and nervousness of our once so confident tangerine.

"It's okay! Promise won't hurt you!" I looked at him in the eyes, holding out my pinkie finger. "Hmm..." Hinata looked at my hand for a moment before putting his hands on both sides of his hip, standing confidently as he grinned from ear to ear. "I believe you!" Shocked, I smiled softly at him before chuckling.

"Wahh Kags where is mr bwear!?" Hinata screamed, seeming to be in panic, turning around and constantly shaking Kageyama's shoulders.

"Hah!? How am I suppose to know!?" Our raven setter snapped, grabbing the smaller's hand, Hinata started loudly crying, tears flowing down knowing. "Hey hey calm down" I said rubbing the poor boy's back trying my best to stop the flow "I'm pretty sure it's just somewhere here" then suddenly a boy appeared behind me taking me by suprise– Yamaguchi– our green haired pinch server walked over in the middle and hugged the little red head, asking "But what about school? Hinata can't go like this" "Ah right, uhm Kageyama? Since Hinata aren't really comfortable with us yet, I was thinking you could take care of him". Daichi suggested, walking up to us.

"I could take care of him but this idiot keeps shaking me-! Ugh stop!" Annoyed, Kageyama grabbed firmly at Hinata's arms.

"B-but-" sobbing, our tangerine hugged the the raven. 'This sure is a rare sight to see'  I thought, thinking back to the days when they would fight all the time.

Third person's pov
"Calm down, I'll help you find it" Kageyama sighed, thinking as if they don't find this 'mr. bear' Hinata won't stop bugging him and crying. Flows turned into sniffles, dry tears staining on his small, soft face. "Ah seems like you got it under control, we'll get going now bye!" Sugawara said, walking out of the gym following my the rest of karasuno, leaving Kageyama alone with a sad child Hinata.

"Where did you last see it?" The raven said, trapping his hand in the curly orange locks of the child. "Hwuh?" Shoyo looked up, confused by what this guy meant. "Mr. bear, where did you last see him?" "Hmm at thwe scwool gate!" Putting his head back down, melting to the touch of the soft stroke on his hair. "Then let's start from there" said Kageyama, easily picking up the child tangerine, walking out of the gym before being stop by a familiar voice. "Hinata-kun? Kageyama-kun?"

"Oh! Yachi!" Kageyama said running towards the blonde girl flinching cause of shock. "Y-yes?" Still shaking because of the sudden raise of voice. "Have you seen a bear plush toy anywhere?" Fully reached his destination, revealing an orange head kid making Yachi even more puzzled before answering in complete confusion "huh? N-no?" tilting her head, signalling the other two that she doesn't understand.

"Oh! Hinata turned into a child when I went to his house this morning" answering straigh away and right into the point. "Eh?? How?? now getting the situation, Yachi got another question 'How did Hinata turned into a child?' "We don't know yet but I'm taking care of him" Kageyama said, looking down at the still sobbing little tangerine. "He lost his 'Mr. bear' and now won't stop crying until we find it" explaining more into what they're doing, the blonde nodded before speaking "I'm sorry I wasn't much help- and what about class?"

"Sugawara-san said he'll tell the teacher that we'll be absent"

"Oh! Then I'll try and help at break! Sorry I couldn't be much helpful" Saying before turning around and waving her hand back at the two, bidding their goodbyes before the silhouette of the blonde couldn't be seen anymore.

Time passed, bells have rang, morning soon turned into evening, after half the day of trying to find Hinata's teddy bear with Yachi helping at lunch break, they finally managed to find it and calmed the red head down so he'll stop crying. Right now, Kageyama was walking to the vending machine to buy some milk, accidentally bumping into someone on the way.


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