"Practice match"

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Kageyama's pov
"Tobio-chan?" Upon hearing the voice and that familiar nickname, I looked up to see Oikawa-san looking down at me, smiling or should I say smirking. "Oikawa-san, what are you doing here?" I asked, picking up the milk carton, piercing the straw through and started drinking "eh? They didn't tell you? We're having a practice match!" He replied full with disappointment and enthusiasm, suprised hearing the news, I had remembered clearly that the seniors said Shoyo won't practice and attend school today. "Huh? I thought-" not being able to finish, Oikawa-san jumped in asking concerned "I heard something happened with Chibi-chan, is he okay?" Confused by how the captain of Aoba Johsai would know, I answered hesitately.

"Shouyou? He's- uh- fine-" squeezing the milk box, finishing up the last few droplets, I threw it away in the nearby trash can having Oikawa-san followed before stopping, putting one hand on his hips whild the other go up to his chin, making a thinking pose. "How are you suppose to win us now? You could barely win with Chibi-chan running around all good" he smirked, saying in a sarcastic tone. I furrowed my brows before rushing off to the gym to look for little Shoyo while asking what was this practice match about.

"Shouyou?" I burst into the gym to see an energetic Shoyo running around with Yamaguchi following, Noya and Tanaka-san cheering the tangerine, Daichi and Sugawara-san talking with Iwaizumi-san, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi just talking to each other while the four eyes sended some glares at the running child, everybody else was just doing what they normally do. Also seeing Takeda-sensei and coach, I was puzzled at how calm they were due to the fact that's Shouyou's a child right now, right infront of their eyes.

"Oh Kageyama!" Sugawara-san called out, waving his hand, signalling for me to come over. "Yes Sugawara-san?" Walking over, I was about to ask a question when Sugawara-san talked "I told you just call me Suga or Sugawara is fine! And you're probably wondering why we're having a practice match right?" He was so good with people's emotions and reading their expressions, it was nearly magical how good he is, always right about how one feels, I'm truly amazed since communicating wasn't really my specialty. "Uh- yes Sugawa- Suga-san.." stuttering, I looked down in embarrassment. "Haha no need to be nervous!-" he slapped my back while continuing "and Takeda-sensei already arranged this practice match, he couldn't cancel it so Hinata will stand back and watch" frowning hearing the fact Shoyo won't be able to play, thinking 'if I don't toss to him soon I'm gonna lose patience' 'Shouyouuu hurry up and get back to normal already'

Thinking of a way to calm down, I stood infront of Shoyo's pathway picking him up and throwing him in the air before catching the orange fluff ball, asking afterwards "Do you wanna practice with me?" I asked as his sparkled with enormous amount of joy you couldn't imagine someone can handle. "Yes yes yesss!!" He kept trying to jump up and down from overflowing excitement, soon calmed down and pouted. I tilted my head, confused on why he's pouting just after an fun period "Suga-san and Daichi-san won't let me practice" He explained making me chuckle with Shouyou pouting more "hey! Don't laugh! They say I'm too small!!" Extending his short, slightly chubby arms, flapping them up and down in a fast motion like a flying bird "Pfft- you -haha- are sm-small pfft-"

Third person's pov
"Hey! No laughing!!" Hinata was now pouting and constantly shaking Kageyama's shoulders, trying to shut him up. Sugawara watched from afar in awe, the two would normally just argue or practice, they do infact spend a lot of time together but they're not really the typical 'bestfriend' relationship you would think of. It's like one out of a million to see them hugging, more special now since Kageyama hardly ever show his emotion.

Suddenly the door opened, revealing a tall,, brown-haired senior, saying, words fill with ethusiasm mixing with clear shockness "Eh?? Tobio-chan's smiling?! And chibi-chan looks so cuteee" Oikawa screamed, almost screeching, his hands making their way up, covering his mouth in disbelief. "Oi! Keep your voice dow- Hey!" Before Iwaizumi could finish his sentence, the setter has dashed over and started squeezing Hinata's cheeks. "Gah! Stawp- squeezing-!" The tangerine said, grabbing the hands, pulling them off, only for them to snake back up. Ignoring the scolds and stop's, until Oikawaa felt a strong grip on his hand, successfully pulling it off. Oppositting to it's power, the arm was pale and slender, having a simple orange bracelet with a small tangerine charm dangling.

The owner was no other than Kageyama himself, the bracelet was a present from Hinata, friendship bracelets, Shouyou's was a blue one, with a small milk carton, you can still see it, just a bit loose for the little tiny hand he's having, it's funny how his rist had barely grew at all. It made Tobio happy, that he had a friend, it made him happy, that he was also seen as a friend.

"Shittykawa don't go squeezing other's cheeks like that!" Iwaizumi grabbed Oikawa's collar, pulling him away from Hinata. "But Iwa-chan!! Sho-chan looks adorableee" he whined, making grabby hands toward the red-head chibi sitting comfortably in Kageyama's arms. "OI! Let's start this practice match already!" The coaches snapped, sitting on the bench glaring, waiting for them to get in line.

—after practice—
"Yahoo tobio-chan!" Hearing the so familiar voice calling his name, Kageyama turned back to see no other than Oikawa and Iwaizumi.
K: Bye..
O: eh?? Rude Tobio-chan!! Come back here!!!!
Kageyama ran away, leaving an angry Oikawa and an Iwaizumi trying to pull the angry Oikawa.

Finally home, the raven sighed, lying on his bed, it was pretty close to midnight since he had to tuck Shouyou in bed. But his night was going no where peaceful, his phone kept buzzing from all the notifications from the group chat. This is gonna be a long night.

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