"Group chat"

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Kageyama's pov:
'Ah when will they stop chatting?!' I thought, my phone has been vibrating nonstop full of annoying messages from the volleyball groupchat Kuroo-san and Bokuto-san created a while ago containing as what it is, players from different volleyball clubs.


An owl: Akaaashiiii I wanna see Hinataaaaaa

Fokurodani's setter: I know Bokuto-san

Kageyama: What's going on?

Atsumu-san: Tobio-kun! Are you with Hinata-kun?

Kageyama: Yes?

Oikawa-san: See? I told you they would leave him to Tobio-chan!

Giant from Nekoma: Eh? I totally thought you were playing us Oikawa-san

Oikawa-san: Mean! Iwa-chan am I that untrustworthy?

Iwaizumi-san: Yes shittykawa

Oikawa-san: Mean Iwa-chan!

Iwaizumi-san: yeahyeah whatever

Four eyes: More like the Shrimp wouldn't let it's predator go

Kageyama: I'm not gonna eat him!!!

Sugawara-san: Don't you even dare 🔪

Nekoma's setter: You better not.

Kageyama: ..he's sleeping

Real life
Just as I press send, sending the message, I felt a small pair of hands tugging on the brim of my shirt, 'mom's out for today so the only option was Shouyou...but why is he here in the middle of the night?' I thought, clearly remembering I had tucked this little guy in bed, how did he even find my room? Ignoring the puzzle, I placed down my phone, the other hand patting the fluffly orange head, leaning down to match with his two round hazelnuts, looking straight at them before asking "Need something?" Shouyou rubbed his eyes softly, each briefly filled with tears, yawning while speaking "wah- I- can't sweep- oap" (he's yawning lol) Chuckling, I picked up the small tangerine, placing him nicely on his lap, leaning him in, supporting for a hug before checking his vibrating phone again.


An owl: Akaaashiiii

Fokurodani's setter: I can't do anything Bokuto-san

Sugawara-san: Everything okay Kageyama?

Kageyama: Yes Sugawara-san

I'm going to go now

Atsumu-san: Wait Tobio-kun-!

Oikawa-san: Tobio-chan!!

Tired himself, I picked the sleeping tangerine up ever so lightly, lifiting the thin yet soft blanket with one hand while balancing a farely small child, carefully getting in, spooning Shouyou, hands wrap around the fragile body while supporting the orange head, acting like a pillow. Looking at the peaceful sleeping Hinata, my eyelids started to get heavy, slowly minute after minute, drifting off to dreamland.

At 2am
'Ugh why does my phone keeps ringing' I thought, glancing over at the now ringing phone. I grabbed it, placing my thumb lazily on the home button, mom bought me a new phone last week, I'm still trying to get used to modern technology. I declined the call, but it came back up, ringing louder than ever since I apparently turned up the volume, accidently answering from panic, afraid of waking Shouyou up.

In call
|Oikawa (O): Tobio-chan!|

Oikawa-san screamed from the other line, taking me by suprise.

Kageyama (K): shh Oikawa-san!

I carefully got up, trying to find the headphones mom gave me, remembering she said it allows you to hear from the phone while others can't, perfect use for this scenario, I just need to find it...
(Idk why I made Kageyama so clueless about phones and stuff-)

Finally! Here it is! Now I just need to.. plug it in.. this.. hole...there!

In call
K: hello?
|O: Tobio-chan! There you are!|
|Iwaizumi (I): Lower you voice Shittykawa|
|O: Mean Iwa-chan!|
K: uhhh so why did you call me.. at 2am?
|O: we-|
|I: you.|
|O: okay fine! I wanna see Chibi-chan sleeping!|
K: Isn't that a bit creepy ?
|O: Not you too!|
|I: I told you it's weird|
|O: ehh but he's just so adorableee|
K: how do you even have my phone number-?
|I: he took my phone|
K: oh..
|O: Tobio-chan! Stop being selfish and show us Chibi chan!!

I scrunched up my nose, sighing afterward, I wanted to get this over with so I can hopefully peacefully sleep until when I actually have to wake up. Oikawa-san really is hopeless, he won't stop until he gets what he wants. Turning on my camera, I stood up, walking over to the rarely peaceful sight of Hinata before saying

K: there Oikawa-san

(Imagine he's a child, is wearing pajamas, sleeping and a bed with a blanket-)

O: :0000 (he's turning on his camera)
I lower you volume

Although confused, I still did as told, just in time to dodge the overwhelming loud scream

O: eeeeekkk he looks sooooo peacful and cuteeeee
K: are you satisfied now?
O: so cold Tobio-chan!
K: I wanna get some sleep

I said, slowly raising my hand, covering my mouth, preparing for a yawn that came not so long after.

I: you can go to sleep. I'll take care of this dumbass
O: meanies!

Oikawa-san screamed one last time before the phone got snatched away, ending the conversation. So tired, I just placed my phone on the bedside table, lifting the blanket and getting in, hoping for a peaceful sleeping period.

Out of ideas so sorry if the chapters are getting shorter and shorter (╥﹏╥)

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