"You're back!"

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Hinata's pov
Aghh my head hurt sooo bad, I sat up, roughly rubbing my eyes, I have a strong headache, it hurts as if I just came back from hell- ...wait...someone's moving? Ack! Is there a ghost on mu bed?? This doesn't rven look like my room!! (He haven't been to Kags' house) I tried to jump away but a strike of pain hit me, making me drop down, holding my head trying to calm down, thinking it may help with my headache.

"Hey! You're back! You okay?" A calming voice called out, carefully pealing off my hands that have been squeezing my head, digging my nails onto the skin, almost creating a scar without my knowledge. "Oi! Boke! Calm down!"

Kageyama's pov
Shouyou's panicking, well I think I should call him Hinata now that he's back to normal. It makes sense, suddenly waking up, sleeping beside his rival. "Hey!! Oi! Stop!!! You're going to bleed if you keep doing that!" Giving up on gentleness, I started ripping off Hinata's hands forcefully. "Wahhh stopp" thanks to the different in strength, they were easily flung off after 1 minute of constantly resisting.


"So basically.. I turned into a 5 years old kid??" Hinata asked, tilting his head obviously not believing in my words. "It's true" I said with no emotions in my words, standing up and started doing my morning routine. "Okay it may be true but how am I suppose to believe that?!" Hinata snapped back, also getting out of bed, legs dangling from the bed, slightly touching the ground. "Oi hurry up, practice's starting soon" changing the subject as I take off my shirt out of habit, forgetting Hinata was still there. "Gah! Don't change infront of me!!" the red head screamed, hands covering his face, running out slamming the door after.


Third person's pov
"Hey! If I turned into a child then what about school?" Hinata asked, getting ahead of the latter. "Sugawara- oh wait, you could ask the seniors" Kageyama suddenly remembred, wondering why he didn't realize this sooner. "Baka kageyama baka! Why didn't you thought of this sooner!" "Well you didn't thought of it too!" "Well ye- but I didn't know we went to school!!" The two fighted, just like before everything happened, but after pushed themselves to get walking while still snapping words at each other.

"Kageyama! Did Hinata caused any troub- oh welcome back Hinata" Sugawara was about to ask but his voice dropped, seeming somewhat disappointed.. making the tangerine wonder. Upon hearing that, the team stopped what they were doing and looked towards the door, there standing their normal 16 years old sunshine. Mouths ready to say their welcomes when the door slid open, there standing members of a variety of teams. The first ones to speak was Oikawa, Atsumu and Bokuto "Chibi-channnn" "Tobio-kun! Do you have our adorable Shoyo-kun!?" "Akaashiii I want to meet Hinataaaaa" soon enough the room was filled with silence, the 3 realizing. "Ehhhh Chibi-chan's already backkkk" "Already told you so Shittykawa!" Quarrels between the setter-ace duo was now too familiar even for Karasuno. Bokuto and Atsumu lower their heads, showing sadness and disappointment, adding to Hinata's question.

Seem to be noticing, Akaashi asked, obviously concerned "Are you okay?" Spacing out, the tangerine couldn't get anything into mind, unconsciously staring at the plain wall. But being pulled back into reality wasn't that hard, all it took was a clear, loud sentence from a certain brunette "Chibi-chan! Tobio-chan didn't do anything right!?" "Eh??" Not used to the atmosphere and situation at first, the poor boy mind just cluttered with more questions that needed answers. "Hey Hinata!" Akaashi raised his voice, suprising Shoyo since the setter was usually calming. "Ah- yes I a-" "Don't lie" acting as though he already knew what was on the middle blocker's mind, but Akaashi is just reaaaally good at guessing the situation, seeing as Fukurodani has a strong but easy swayed* ace.

(His mood changes easily*)

"Um.. since Akaashi-san also came here.. D-do you perhaps like me as a child more.?" Fiddling with his fingers, afraid to get the answer. "Hm? Of course not. Why would you think like that?" Straightforward but still caring for the little middle-blocker, the setter faced him, crossing out any possibility of lies. "S..Since everyone looked disappointed when they saw me turned back" shocked, though Akaashi knows that the redhead can sometime be insecure about his height or skills, but who would've thought the joyful Hinata, who's love by almost everyone would be bothered about this. "Don't worry, I'm sure they're just disappointed about themselves not being able to see another version of you*" "really?!" Shouyou's eyes brighten, like rays of sunshine, becoming more energetic than ever before.

(I'm not really good at comforting people as you can tell :")*)

Oikawa: "Chibi-chan! Come practice volleyball with me!!"
Kageyama: "Oi boke! Don't listen to them, only my sets can satisfy you!!!"
Atsumu: "how about practicing with Japan's greatest highschool setter Shouyou-kun!"
Bokuto: "hey hey hey! I can teach you a top-secret skill against blockers!!"

"I guess you're right Akaashi-san!" Hinata said, beaming one last smile before running of to the others.

"Hey! Stop bringing that up!!!!" The used to be so inexperienced middle-blocker was now a pro volleyball player stomping his way out of the gym while yelling at his "enemy" to stop bringing up the embarrassing memory. Time sure does fly.

The end.

Ran out of ideas at the end there :_)
Sorry if you're not satisfy with the ending! And for the time waiting
Bye :D

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