Letting Go ✩ Kuroken

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This is one of the oneshots that I had posted individually a month back. So if you've already read it, skip ahead!
⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

His coffee was salty.

It had been over a month and those days hadn't been easy for Kenma Kozume. And today wasn't any different. Today, all the painful memories and words were being replayed in his head.

Stop! He wanted to scream out.


Just stop.

The tears that he had refused let fall since then were threatening to spill over.

"Did you really thi-"

That had been it for him. Those were the words which had thrown him over the edge. And he didn't have the strength nor the will to climb back up.

The tears he'd held back all this while had come pouring out. He didn't try to stop them, he knew the effort would be futile.

He just stared at mug of coffee sitting in front of him on the table. He didn't feel like drinking it anymore. He didn't feel like doing anything anymore.

He heaved himself up and out of the chair in which he had been sitting for a good hour. He walked towards the bathroom, grabbing a pair of scissors in his hand on the way.

As he stood in front of the mirror, the dark bags could be seen under his cat-like eyes. His cheekbones stood out sharply against the sickly pale skin. Everything was weighing down on him heavily. His shoulders slumped downwards and his head hung low. Barely eating enough, he didn't have the energy to stand up straight for long.

Glancing at the pair of scissors in his hand, he decided to do it. He would do it.

He moved towards the bathtub and sat down, ignoring the chill seeping in through his thin clothing. It kept him grounded.

"You have such beautiful hair Kenma. So soft. So pretty." He remembered Kuroo Tetsurou whispering those words in his ear one afternoon while wrapping and unwrapping a few strands of his hair around his finger.

Grabbing the same few strands of hair the boy he loved had touched, he raised the pair of scissors.

He wanted to let go of the moments he thought they had shared. Snip

The familiar smirk which he loved so much was painted on his face. But this time it was mocking him, taunting him.

He wanted to let go of the memories he thought they had been making. Snip

"Did you really think that I loved you? Cared for you? You must be delusional. I thought you were supposed to be smart."

He wanted to let go smiles and and kisses he remembered sharing with him. Snip

"Wh-what do you even mean Kuroo?"

He wanted to let go of the feeling of hopelessness, the feeling of emptiness. Snip

"I don't love you, Kenma. I never did. To think I would have these feelings for someone like you when I can have anyone I want. Do take me as a joke?"

He wanted to let go of the heaviness in his heart. Snip

"It was all fun and games while it lasted, but you were starting to bore me."

He wanted to let go of everything he thought they'd be one day. Snip

"With those eyes full of love and hope, you were so easy to manipulate. Even easier to break."

Kenma Kozume wanted to let go of his love for Kuroo Tetsurou. Snip


Kenma Kozume wanted to let go of his life.

I recently got a hairtcut
Sooooo...that should explain this sorry excuse of a oneshot.

Picture credit to Nenineyi on ig.
Originally posted on 15th November 2020

15th January 2021

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