Eternal ✩ Daisuga

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"See, you're clearly in no condition to come to school, forget about practice."
"But Daichi, it's just a cold!"
"I know you don't want to miss practice, but you can rest for a day. You'll just end up missing more days of practice if you push yourself too hard.
"Fine." He grumbled. The captain could just hear the pout in his voice.
"It's only a day Suga!" He couldn't help but laugh. "Take care of yourself okay? And don't do anything that will make it worse."
"Okay okay."
"I'll drop by after school, if it's okay?"
"Yeah its fine it's just me here anyways."
"Oh you're all alone?"
"Yes fortunately, unfortunately..." Fortunately
"Oh then how about I come over and make you some lunch?"
"That would be just great! I'm tried of eating convenience store meals. And besides I love your miso soup."
"Okay then, one bowl of miso soup coming right up!" Fortunately
"Just one?! I want seconds!" Cough cough
"As you wish Suga, just don't get too excited."
"You're voice sounds terrible."
"Thanbk ybou fbor pointing that oubt."
"As much I'd like to continue talking, you should take some medicine and go to sleep and I need to reach school in time." He chuckled.
"Is this a subtle way of telling me to shut up and cut the call?" Sniff
"No, it's just my way telling you to take care and that I'll see you soon."
"..." Blush
"Suga?" Blush
"Huh? Yes, okay then bye! You have places to be and I have things to do."
"Yes, see you soon. Bye."

I'll get to spend time with Suga, cook him some lunch and take care of him. I'll take my books along, he can use them when he's feeling better. I finally have the chance to do it! The afternoon can't come fast enough.

I'll get to spend time with Daichi and he said he'd cook me some lunch too. I should clean up a little. Let's also not forget to take some medicine. The afternoon can't come fast enough.

The light from the bright late afternoon sun filtering through the curtains woke him up. The tablets he had taken had a strong effect on him and had knocked him out cold. Shaking the image of a warm smile from his head, he staggered out of bed. Just a dream, it was a good one too. He made his way to the bathroom, rubbing at his temples, trying to dull the painful throbbing. The cool tiles of the bathroom floor felt relieving against his bare feet.

"Wow, I look horrible too." He muttered, looking at his reflection in the mirror.
Drool on his chin, bloodshot eyes and disheveled hair. His stomach rumbled. He had eaten anything since morning. He didn't have to worry about food, Daichi was going to make him miso soup after all. He would get seconds too!
"It won't be long before he comes, I should hurry up."

Tick tock tick tock
Where is he?

Tick tock tick tock
Is he even coming?

Tick tock tick tock
How long will I have to wait?

Tick tock tick tock
A simple call would've been okay.

8 o'clock
I should just go to sleep. My headache is back.

The next day was worse. A high fever kept him in bed the whole day. Daichi never called, he never came. He had the same dream that day. A warm smile and kind eyes.

The day after that wasn't any different. Even if he just picked up one of Suga's calls, he would've been happy. He was all alone in that big and cold house, some company would've been nice. Especially Daichi. That one dream still wouldn't leave him alone. A warm smile and kind eyes.

The third day and he finally felt like himself. His fever was gone and his head didn't hurt anymore. He could go to school and see Daichi. But before that, some nice and hot breakfast was due. He was shoveling the last bites food into his mouth. He just couldn't wait to leave the house he had been stuck in for the past few days.

"Just in time, I wonder who it might be this early in the morning..."

                                                                Incoming Call

"Oh finally! Someone sure is getting an earful today."
"Hello! Someone finally had the time to call me huh? Hope you haven't forgotten about that bowl of miso soup you promised me captain-kun."
"Sugawara-san, this is Daichi's mother."
"Uh, good morning Sawamura-san. Sorry for earlier." The confusion was evident in his voice.
"It's okay."
"I don't mean to be rude but where's Daichi? Did something happen?"
"My son isn't here anymore Sugawara-san."
"Huh? What do you mean he isn't there anymore?"
"Three days ago, when he was walking over to your house, there was a road accident."
"Road accident? But he's alright isn't he?" All the breakfast he'd had moments before didn't feel so good in his stomach any more.
"No he isn't. Like I said before, he isn't here anymore." Her voice sounded stiff.
"I'm only doing this for his sake. It would be just cruel of me if I didn't get his last message across."
"W-what was it?"
"He was carrying a card and a bouquet of flowers, and if I remember correctly, they were your favourite kind "
"Flowers and a card?" Keep it together.
"Yes, that's what he had with him wh-when it happened."
His fingers hurt from gripping the phone so hard.
"The card read, 'We've been best friends for the past 4 years. Now let's be lovers for the next 40.'" Just a little longer.
"Oh. Oh"
"I don't have enough energy to feel sorry for you too."
"I-i understand. I'm sorry fo-."
"Don't apologise. Goodbye."

He set the phone down with shaky hands.

What had she just said? Daichi wasn't there anymore? Lovers for the next 40?

Daichi loved him back?
"I love you too!" He wanted to say
But who would he say those words to now? That person was dead.

His feet were moving with a mind of their own. Opening the door to the bathroom, he stepped inside. He felt his knees hit the floor. He felt it's bitter taste as he vomited into the toilet. He felt the coolness of the tiles against the hot tears running down his face when he curled up on the floor.

An image flashed before his closed eyes. A warm smile and kind eyes.

Another image, those same kind eyes now cold and lifeless and that warm smile distorted.

He felt cold,

his wait would be eternal.
Lesson learnt : don't do stuff that'll make you hate yourself and question your existence 5 seconds after doing it
15th January 2021


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