What?! ✩ Levyaku

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"What?!" The disbelief was evident in Nekoma's previous libero's voice.
"Hehe yeah. I just freaked out and threw the brush-"
"Straight at your T.V?"
"Straight at my T.V." Confirmed the half-Japanese sheepishly. A beat of silence passed between the boys talking on the phone.
"That was one long sigh Yaku-san."
"How else do you expect me to react to you getting scared of your own reflection and trashing your T.V?"
"By inviting me over?"
"Why in the world would I do that?" He barked out incredulously. He couldn't give in that easily, he had to preserve his reputation as the demon senpai.
"I'll be bored here, I have nothing to do."
"No. I'm busy." If by busy he meant lying on the couch and staring at the ceiling, then sure.
"Please Yaku-san~. Only till my new TV arrives."
"Fine fine, stop whining like a kid."
"Does that mean that I can come over?" He sounded way too excited for someone who was just coming over to a previous teammate's house.
"Yes, whatever."

I hope I don't regret this, he thought as he set his phone down and began tidying up the place. Tidying up the place? It was just Lev who was going to be here. He wasn't like Kuroo, who would be sure point out everything that was out of place in his home.

Who was he kidding? It was Lev who was going to come over. He picked up his pace.


Just as he was finishing up, he heard energetic knocking on his door. How he managed to knock energetically was beyond Yaku's understanding. Striding towards the door, he opened it and took in the boy standing in front of him. He had to crane his neck to look at him properly. Seeing him after quite some time, he had forgotten just how tall the other boy was. Messy hair, disheveled clothes and eyes sparkling with excitement. That's how he looked.

"Hello Yaku-san, it's been a while."
"Yes yes, come in."
Lev followed him inside the apartment. "Sit down. Do you want anything to drink?"
"Just some water and also is just me or does this place smell weird?"

Kuroo, bananas and hair pins. That's all he'd say to anyone asking about the funny smell in his house. Anyone who wasn't Lev at least. He didn't want to give the idiot any ideas.

"It's just you." He walked away, not caring about how rude he sounded. When he returned with a glass of water for Lev, said person was looking through his phone and trying to blow away the hair that way obstructing his vision.

"What are you doing?"
"I'm just looking for things to do!" He replied enthusiastically.
"Not that. That thing with your hair." Cue lots of hand waving
"Tsk yeah, it has been bothering me all morning."
"Don't just try to blow it away, do something about it then." He set the glass down on the coffee table and grabbed a few hair pins lying around.
"Look here. Your eyes will go all squinty if you don't do anything about it."
"Why do you have so many hair pins lying around Yaku-san?"
"Not saying."
"You're mean~"
"I have this very pointy stick very close to your stupid green eyes, watch what you say."
"O-okay Yaku-san."
"And bend down a little you giraffe."
"Is this better?"
"Infinitely, there, all done."
"How do I look?" He asked excitedly.
"Stupid." Cute.

At the end of every day they spend together, Yaku practically pushed him out the door. He still waited for Lev to show up at his door every morning. It had been a week since that call from Lev, a week since they had started spending every day together. He had grown used to the taller's presence by his side. Even though Yaku complained about how annoying he was, his company was welcome. Living all alone, it got quite lonely in his apartment. 

Preparing tea for not one person but two, setting the table for someone other than himself, arguing over which channel to watch on TV instead of instead of picking what he wanted and getting bored. Fighting over the last slice of cake. The fact that he got to do all of this with Lev made ten times better.

 That evening they had settled on the couch in front of the TV with a bowl of popcorn between them. Previously spending a good fifteen minutes civilly discussing whether the popcorn should be salted or caramel flavoured, they had ended up with cheese. Neither knew how.

 After continuing to civilly discuss which movie to watch for quite a while, they finally settled on one. They halfway through it when a new scene started playing. They were also halfway through their bowl of popcorn, which both of them were too lazy to go and refill. 

One of the characters was confessing to their love interest.
"It must take a lot of courage to do something like that, to lay themselves bare in front if someone, when you don't know how they'll respond. If they'll walk all over you, or pick you up."  Yaku said.
"It's not all that hard you know." Lev replied
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I like you, Yaku-san"
"What?! How can you just go and say something like that?" The sounds of the movie playing in the background weren't loud enough to drown out the wild beating of Yaku's heart.

The thoughts and emotions bubbling up inside him on hearing Lev's words were just the thing that confirmed it. Between all the shopping, cooking together, movie watching, punching, ice cream eating, lizard hunting, tie tying, the same unwanted feelings he had suppressed a few years ago had come right back up. He had been increasingly aware of that for the past few days. Spending the days with his that stupid beanpole had made him change his mind. Whatever he felt towards his kouhai didn't feel so unwanted anymore. He welcomed it even. It made him feel warm, and could use a little warmth in life.

"When you accept that you like someone, you also have to be prepared for the feelings of hurt caused by that person. Even if it might be unintentional, it still hurts."
"If that's what you think then, wh-"
"What made me say that I like you?" The shorter boy nodded.

"Because I was tried of waiting."
"Oh. Okay."
"Plus, I've always wanted to say "I like you" to someone!" He finished with a bright grin directed at Yaku.
The nerve!
"Did you actually mean what you said, or did you just say it for the sake of it?!" He questioned indignantly.
"I wouldn't said it if I hadn't meant it." He muttered, previous grin wiped off of his face.
"It doesn't matter anyways, it's not you like me back."
"Of course I do!" He turned his head away, embarrassed at his overly eager reply.
"You do?" Lev asked, eyes hopeful.
"What did I say just 5 seconds ago?"
"Haha yeah, you said you did." He said, looking away nervously.
Glancing back again, he started, "Yaku-san you-"He had been staring at a wall all that time and had just realised how interesting it actually was. He only looked back when Lev stopped mid way through whatever he was saying.
"Hmm?" Crap. 

He could be really intense when he wanted to be. He was really staring at Yaku. And he was moving in closer. Why was moving in closer?!Was he going to do what he thought he was going to do? Was he going to kiss him? Just as his eyes fluttered shut, he felt a hand in his hair. They immediately shot open.

"What are you doing?" He demanded.
"Just trying to get out this popcorn stuck in your hair." He pulled his hand back and presented the offending popcorn to Yaku."All done!" He declared triumphantly.
"Don't do something like that!" He grit out, sending a swift punch to the taller's shoulder.
"Ow! That hurt Yaku-san!" He complained.
"Was supposed to. And how did it even get up there?"
"How do you even like me back?" His expression was dreamy.
"Wipe that look off your face. I know your new T.V came two days ago." He also knew that he needed to stop blushing so much.
Lev straightened up at that. "H-how do you know about that?"
"That's not the point."
"Oh, ehhhh~"
"Yes, please explain."
"Haha I uh just wanted to spend more time with you Yaku-san."
"You should've said so, it's not like I would stop letting you inside."
"You totally would."
"Hmm you're right, for a change. I totally would."
"Yaku-san, you like girls with short hair right? So why me?"
"Shaddup you idiot! Don't give me another reason to dislike you!"
"Geh!  Another?!"


I have nothing to say for myself.

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