|Kozume Kenma|[Bloodshot Red]

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Yo! Im alive. My wifi just disappeared so I actually wrote something 😁
I am warning you now. I have been told it holds all da cringe. So prepare yourself. Thanks for sticking by this book cause we hit 2k!!! (Kinda a while ago so I'm late ;-;)
Your POV:
Over the last 6 decades, there have been supernatural beings living in the same world as us. To be more specific, vampires. They are known for sucking the blood out of us human beings. There was a time where they had their way with us however we eventually got tired of being the prey so those of us who wanted to fight back for the right to live were known as the Red Hunters. Through the years, they have protected us from vampires however some weren't so lucky.

Lately the number of vampires that were seen decreased. People stopped hiding and life started over again.

And here I am in school trying to focus on the lesson. But I keep thinking about where the vampires ran off to. Are they dead? Or are they living amongst us? I have never actually seen a vampire for myself so I don't know whether I should be scared or not. My mother says that in 10 years, they almost killed 2/3 of the population. But what if not all vampires are blood thirsty. They might be the vampires that are surviving

"/n)! (Y/n)!!!" I stood up quickly. "Yes Miss!" The rest of my class began to laugh at me.
"I only called your name because I forgot to do the register earlier. Pay more attention (Y/n)"

I slowly sat back on my seat still hearing the chuckling of the kids who didn't like me which was like almost everyone in the class. The remaining people didn't care about anything that just happened.

"Ok class. Now I want you all to work in pairs and complete this project which is due in two weeks from now. You need to include everything we have learnt from the beginning of this term."

The class went off and rushed into pairs. The girls were arguing about who would be with who and who promised they'd work with who. Meanwhile the guys just paired up with a friend of theirs. Some couples went off together. And I'm just sitting here with no one to work with.

I scanned the room to see if there was also some one with no one to be partners with. In the corner, I spotted a boy with a red hoodie on. I walked over to him. What was his name again? Koumo? Kozeno?

"Um hey. Do you wanna pair up cause um we both don't have anyone to um pair up with." I was being really awkward. We hardly talked to each other anyways.
"Sure I guess." He said quietly. "You probably forgot my name already but I'm Kozume" he looked down at his desk.
"No! I didn't forget, Kozume-kun. Heh" he looked at me like he didn't believe me.
"Ok. But I didn't forget the whole thing. I knew it started with Ko" A guilty smile was plastered on my face.
He let out a short chuckle and looked up at me.
"That's alright. I'm used to it. It's not like I want people to see me."
We had a moment of silence and just for I little bit, I saw him smile. What is this feeling in my heart?
"Right." He said. "Don't we have a project we need to work on?"

After 6 days of work in the school library, we started to get closer. I found out he has a great liking to games. I found out that his eyes are really similar to those of a cat. I found out that he used to play volleyball with his dad when he was younger. He said that his father left the house one night and never returned. He only found out 2 weeks later that he was killed by a group of people.

And I found out that I had developed some feeling for him. Ever since the day we paired up together, I couldn't get the picture of his smile out of my mind. He always seemed so lonely when I see him. That expression of happiness. I want to see it more often.

When he talked about his father, I saw some of the pain he was carrying in his eyes. But despite all the troubles he's going through, he's never been rough. He's been gentle with me.

How is he even able to keep calm? If that happened to my father, I would be the angriest person in the world seeking for revenge. It's incredible how he isn't broken.

I didn't know yet but he was.

13 days after receiving the assignment

It was getting late and we were just finishing up on the project. The library was empty which meant the two of us were the only ones in here.

"Alright. I'm going to start packing up the materials. I'm glad we finished it on time ^_^
Right Kenma-Kun?" I looked over to Kenma.

He was by the wall with his back facing me. His hands were tangled in his hair and he was letting out painful noises. I began to worry.
"K-kenma. Are you ok?" I walked towards him but before I was half way there, he held his hand out signalling for me to stop.

"D-don't come any closer if you don't want to get hurt." His voice was croaky.
"Kenma stop. Your really scaring me now." I tried to walk closer to him. He turned towards me with his other hand covering his eyes. "(Y/n) I'm warning you. I don't want to hurt you."
"Why would you hurt me? Is there a problem with your eyes? Let me see." I inched closer towards him but as soon a so moved, he let out a yelp and fell to the ground. I ran for him. His hands were tangled in his hair and his eyes were closed tight.

I heard him murmur something. Tears began to fall down my face. I held his face gently in an attempt to calm him down.
"Kenma please stop pushing me away. Tell me so I can do something!"
"You're already scared aren't you? I don't want to drive you away so just leave me be"
"YOU'LL STILL BE DRIVING ME AWAY THAT WAY THOUGH!!" I embraced him. His eyes remained closed but at least he seemed calmer now.
"I promise I won't be scared. So trust me because I like you. I like you very much Kenma-kun" I held him tighter. I felt his arms wrap around me too. I smiled at the response I received.

"You promise you won't run away?"
"I promise" I didn't  want to leave his side.
"Even if I bit you?" He whispered
I was shocked. B-bit me?
He continued "Are you scared? You said that you don't know how you'd feel when you meet a vampire. So how do you feel now that you know your hugging a vampire? Do you still like me?"
A tear fell from my eyes once again. I released my grip from him and looked at him. He opened his eyes that were blood shot red.

I smiled at him. He seemed confused at my reaction.
"When I met you, I felt really really happy. You're not a bad guy. I know that. And I still like you. So if you were to bit me right now, I would let you."

He looked at me in shock as I took of my blouse and pushed my hair away so that my nape was visible to him. I was blushing furiously.
"Th-this is w-where you bite me right? So go ahead. I trust you not to suck me dry though"
Kenma moved till his mouth was positioned over my neck. He hesitated. "You do know that you'll turn into a vampire if I bite you. (Y/n), I don't want to ruin your life!" I rubbed his head to let him know that it was alright
"But I can't be with you unless you bite me right? Vampires live a really long life. I want to be by your side until the end of it. Why? You don't want me to be by your side?"

I felt my heart break at the thought itself. I heard no response from him. Instead I felt a pain on my neck. I screamed from the pain. I clutched onto him tight. I held back my tears and soon my voice wasn't as loud.

He stopped sucking my blood and licked the small mess he made. I was laid down on the wooden floor with him on top of me. His eyes were looking at me with happiness and his smile made my heart race. Kenma placed his lips on mine and we shared a passionate but gentle kiss. When we parted, he said "I like you too (y/n). I've always noticed you. I've always liked you. I was so happy when you came and spoke to me asking to pair up. I'm so happy that I told you my true identity because it lifted a huge weight off my shoulder. You were the only one to make me smile and laugh. I'm so happy that you didn't run away from me. I love you so much."
We both held each other till the sun rose. And during that period of time, my eyes turned bloodshot red like his.

Who knows what will happen in the future. As long as I'm with him I'm ok.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I don't write much fluff. Cringe here. Cringe there. Cringe errywhere!!
... what is going on idk anymore.

Okie. I have another one prepared so have fun waiting another eternity 😂😂 kidding.
Bai bai mina~

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