|Tsutomu Goshiki|[Twisted confession]

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Um hi? Heh I'm sorry for being so absent but I know u guys aren't really bothered to deal with my crap so on with the story!
3rd person:
He turned (y/n) round and her back hit the locker door. His arms closed both of her exits. She looked into his glare that pierced deep into her soul.
"Who said I was done talking to you?" His voice sent shivers down my spine.
She averted eye contact. Suddenly the ground was so interesting. Her chin was lifted to look at him.

He was angry. "Don't you ever go near him again. I don't to see that guy talking to you. And don't look at him like that."
"Like what?" She questioned him being so possessive over her.

Goshiki was struggling to get the words out. (Y/n) focused on his face's details.

A sharp jawline that could cut through paper, that scowl he wore when walking to class made him look so cool. His hair that his team members made fun of, she found quite cute. It was drenched with sweat. He looked cute today. His cheeks were rosy as he struggled to say what he meant. His eyes had the look of nervousness when he spoke to her.

(Y/n)'s eyes found a drop of his sweat making its way down his face. Suddenly he looked so much more manly. The rosy cheeks from earlier disappeared. Those soft eyes growled at her.

"There. That face." He squinted at her.
"W-what face?"
"That expression of yours makes you look venerable and... and..."
"And what? Tell me!"
"L-lustful. It-it makes me want to take you right here right now. S-so don't wear it infringed of and other guy... execpt me"

He smashed his lips against hers and they had a make out session. No one was there to complain. No one was there to feel uncomfortable so they made out till their last breath.

She looked into his eyes. He pulled her in and embraced her. Whispering in her ear "God I love you so much (y/n)"
She whispered back "You don't know how long I wanted to hear that from you. I love you too. So don't worry, cause only you will be seeing all my expressions."

The bell rang which meant they had to part. She separated from him and kissed him one last time before walking off to class.

As she was heading to English, she smirked and headed to the rooftop.

There she sat down on the lap of a copper haired boy. "Hmm you took quite a while to get here." He said whilst unbuttoning her blouse.
"I had some business that needed to be taken care of" she smirked.

The two stripped and had a wild time on top of the school roof under the sun.
After they hit their climax, she entangled her fingers into his hair and connected their lips. It seemed to last forever and she enjoyed every moment of it.

"Heh. Stupid Goshiki. How can you just confess your love to someone that has so many secrets." (Y/n) thought to herself.

"Hey Shirabu, just letting you know that your a better kisser than your junior." Shirabu raised an eyebrow at her.
"Which one are we talking about?"
"That guy with the bowl cut. Ok I'll fuck ya tomorrow"

(Y/n) got dressed and headed home where another fuck buddy was waiting for her...
Mwuahahaha. I just felt evil for writing something like that. Sorry I wasn't really in the mood for the lemon squeezing... 😂😂 I'm cringing at myself rn.

I know it was short but my brain is the least creative thing there is which is why this book isn't updating much. Gomen.

I'm signing off now~~ bai bai

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