The Fall (Finale)

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(This is my second time writing this because Wattpad fucking hates me)

Yang's pov

I panted as i pulled Ruby along with me, we ran down the halls as the shackles were still attached to her wrists.

Me: Just a bit more, then we'll make it to the escape pods-

Pulling her into to a corner as a turret fired upon us, i took this time to catch my breath before peaking over the corner.

The escape pods were right there, quickly being taken so i gritted my teeth before looking to Ruby.

Me: Sorry about this

Ruby: About wha-

Grabbing her by her cloak i threw her into one of the escape pods, it closed after her and blasted off.

I sighed and turned my head, seeing a door i punched it off it's hinges and ran inside. Traversing the halls i noticed where i was making me smirk.

Running through it all i made my way to te eye of Helios itself, going to the pannel i began filling it with energy but didn't allow it to release it.

Soon enough it began building up rapidly as i left, trying to figure out a way off Helios i ran towards the hanger bay.

A monitor popped out the wall with Y/N's holographic face on it making me punch it before he got the chance to speak.

Y/N: Wow, real mature Yang

Tens more monitors appeared making me sigh, he looked to me before i smirked because he was forced out of his body.

Y/N: So-So tell me, what's your plan with all this? Is it just to piss me off, because if so you did it. For about 15 seconds of your miserable life you managed to anger me

Me: What i'm doing is destroying you

Punching another monitor i began running again, going towards the hanger some loader bots came out and aimed their weapons at me.

Uncle Qrow quickly came along and silced them in half before looking to me as i sighed in relief.

Qrow: Come on, the others have left already

Suddenly the airlock opened forcing us towards the vaccum of space, i pressed the button near my neck making my helmet come up.

Trying to hit the button to close to airlock we were forced out as i saw Uncle Qrow struggling with the lack of atmosphere.

He grabbed me as fired his weapon, sending us over to a ship. He pushed me in and went to get in himself but we were fired upon.

Going to the front as.Uncle Qrow came in i tried shutting the doors but it failed. He looked to me before smiling as he backed out and forced the doors shut making my eyes widen.

Me: No! Qrow!

I banged against the door as he pushed the ship away, his skin gradually being covered in a layer of frost.

The ship's thrusters activated as i was blasted away, tears welled up in my eyes before Helios rumbled.

In a split second it exploded making me fall to my knees as i cried. Why did he sacrifice himself for me...? It's all my fault


The ship had crashed as did chunks of Helios. Stepping out the ship i walked towards one of the chunks.

Stumbling through it i stayed close to the wall, eventually i got through the debree and saw it was... his office.

Y/N was on a screen looking at the destruction but saw me and chuckled as i walked towards him.

Y/N: Oh Yang... look what you've done. Look at the destruction you've caused. But... i'm proud of you, nothing stopped you in your journey to kill me, huh? Speaking of... how many people do you think were on Helios... hwo many people did you just blow up to try and stop me?

Freezing i hung my head... i did that, didn't i? All those innocent people were killed because of me.

Y/N: Exactly. And i'll spare you the whole "we're not so different, you and i" speech because as i proved... you're way better at killing people. Maybe i deserved it... ever since i became i Huntsman and lived this shit life i've been betrayed by everyone i gave a rats ass about... my boss, my ex-wife... hell even you. The road to hell is paved with good intentions right? And your loved ones litter the roadside... Oh, it's just all so exhausting. Take a good look around you, Yang, this is what success looks like. You'll see... after a while you start to measure it by the size of the pile of destruction around you.

Suddenly a panel shot out from the desk and attached to my arm which made Y/N laugh while my eye glowed light blue.

Me: Aaaargh! No!

Tearing it away and destroying it as he disappeared, i looked around before he appeared in front of me.

Y/N: You think you can take me out, you little shit!?

He took control of my arm and attached his own to his throat making mine start to strangle me.

Y/N: You ready to do this, Yang?

Me: You... kill me... you... kill yourself

Y/N: Yeah. And that's a sacrifice i'm willing to make. This! This is what commitment looks like, you little fraud!

Taking a few steps back i tried detaching my arm but it didn't work so i looked around and saw a piece of debree.

Steeling myself i jammed my arm in it as i tried to pry myself free.

Y/N: This is leadership. This is being a goddamn hero! Everything you're not!

I managed to get the hand away from my throat as i pulled, yanking it out as blood seeped from the wound it left.

Stumbling forward i fell onto my back as i gasped and panted, air filling my lungs once again.

Y/N: Congratulations kiddo, you get to live another day... but what about tomorrow? Or the next day? Cause i'm not going anywhere, as long as you still have that eye... I'll be sitting here waiting for my chance to take you out.

What is he... my eye, whenever he takes control of my arm my eye glows... he somehow managed to implant himself into my eye!

Y/N: We're past playing games, Yang.

Looking around i saw a shard of glass so i sat up and grabbed it before placing it at the corner of my eye

Y/N: All i need is time! One day-- when you've forgotten all about me, i'll take over your body and skin you alive with your own two hands. Maybe it'll be when you're sleeping, when you're getting layed... or maybe when you're taking a shi-

I cried out in pain as i pushed the shard deeper as my eye started to bleed. Y/N glitched slightly and looked to me in shock

Y/N: Wait wait wait wait wait--- w-w-what are you doing? What the-- Yang, what the hell are you doing!? No-no please, please! Please don't do this!

Standing up i pushed it deeper as be blinked in and out of my sight

Y/N: No, Yang, you don't know what it's like! Please... Hey! HEY! I'm on my knees here!

He dropped to his knees, begging me not to go through with it as i looked down to him

Y/N: Please don't send me back there... there's nothing... it's not like they said. There's nothing when you die... Don't do this

Me: ...I'm sorry Y/N, i... i love you but it's over

He yelled and rushed at me before i cut my eye out, screaming in pain i dropped the glass and fell to my knees and held it, blood seeping out as i cried.

It's all my fault... if only i didn't listen to him, they'd be alive.

Me: I'm sorry Dad... I'm sorry Uncle Qrow... i'm sorry Y/N...

(Oh boy. Because we're basically Jack i thought it'd be fitting if we shared the same death. It was fun but i never planned on it being long. As always, Lemme know what you)

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