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Ruby's pov

I sat in the cell Y/N had put me in, their were shackles around my wrists which prevented me from using any magic or my semblance

Getting up from the bed and walked towards the glass blocking me from leaving. I placed my hands on it and sighed, my breath condensating on it.

Y/N: So Ruby, it's about time i kept up my promise

Me: If you did, then you wouldn't have destroyed...

Y/N: Patch? Well, i never liked your dad anyway. It was a warning thou-

Angel: Sorry to interrupt you, but i've taken up 5 people who claim to have Yang

Y/N's pov

Smiling i left the room and began walking down the halls. If this really is Yang then my plans can come along safely, if not then... well i'll be pissed.

I stepped into the room to see 5 shady people, each holding a blonde dead woman each looking a bit different then the other but only two had prosthetic arms.

Clicking my fingers turrets came down and fired upon the three men who had the blonde chicks without prosthetic arms.

?: Um Y/N, sir... i-if this doesn't happen to be Yang... w-will you shoot me too?

Me: Pfft, what? Of course not. Now show me them corpses!

They held them up as i came over, opening their eyelids i saw that neither of them had her violet eyes plus one had hair that was too straight.

?: Is... is it her?

I sighed before walking away, grabbing onto a latch i pulled it down as the window opened, i held onto it as they werw dragged into the void of space.

Closing it i was dropped where i landed on my feet, i took a fee breaths, trying to calm myself. It's fine, she'll be found... i just need to wait.

As i stepped out the room an alarm went off making me growl in annoyance.

Me: Angel, what's this about?

Angel: There's an approaching space craft

Me: What!?

Yang's pov

As i was being taken up to Helios the ship shook, not built for this kind of speed but i didn't have much of a choice if i wanted to avoid the defences.

Shifting to the left i avoided some gunfire before having to spin, the ship rattled as some pieces came off making me panic slightly.

Some missiles were fired towards me making me do an aileron roll, one of the wings were caught making an alarm blare.

Getting back on track i got out my seat and set the thrusters to full, pressing a button on my neck a small helmet came up to prevent me from dying in space.

I opened the door and held on tight as all the air was flushed out, the ship came close to the landing bay so i jumped out beforr it crashed, causing explosions.

Using my weapon i fired to propel myself towards the entrance. My oxygen was quickly running out, only ment to be used for short distances, so i sped up.

Reaching the door i grabbed on and pulled hard, the door slowly opening. Thankfully i got it open in time as an oxygen wall was put up.

I got inside as panted, pressing the button as the helmet retracted as i breathed in that sweet sweet oxygen. Taking out my scroll i sent them a message saying i was in.

A few seconds later a portal opened up next to me as everyone apart from Claptrap and Mom stepped out, all brandishing their weapons.

Qrow: You all ready?

Jaune: As i'll ever be

Blake: Let's just get Ruby and leave

Dusting myself off i looked to them and shook my head, Blake looked to me in slight confusion before i pounded my fists together.

Me: I'm not just going to save Ruby, i'm going to destroy Helios

I began running off as they called out for me to wait, i navigated the halls as i knew them like the back of my hand.

There's a one place Y/N would keep Ruby, in the airlock in his office. Approaching the hall of heroes i stared out at the workers and robots.

One turned to me but i punched forward quickly, hitting her in the head and knocking her out. The elevator is near by...

Grabbing her body i dragged her off into a supply closet, changing into her clothes i left her with mine and stepped out.

It was a bit... snug, but it'll have to do and luckily the helmet hid my identity. Really shows that the employees are just faceless nobodies

Sighing i walked towards the elevator, standing in front of it it asked for authority clearance so i placed my prosthetic arm of it.

It took a moment but it allowed me as the doors opened, stepping inside the doors shut and i was taken up.

Taking a few breaths as i neared the top i clenched my fists. The doors opened soi stepped out and began walking down the long and rather daunting halls.

?: Damnit Ruby! What have i told you about trying to destroy those restraints!? You'll kill us all!

Ruby: If i die and take you down... then i'm fine with that!

Is... is he serious!? Quickly i began running through the halls, as the shouting continued. Getting into his office as i took off my helmet they turned to me.

Y/N: Yang...

(Lemme know what you think)

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