Chapter Five

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Robyn sat down on the bed as Dumbledore walked into the room after her but he did not sit down or show her a kind smile to reassure her everything was okay. No, he stood tall and mighty and looked rather serious. Robyn watched him as he looked at her and she noticed that worry had overcome the usual twinkle in his eyes.

"A-Am I in trouble, Professor?" The girl asked, not able to stop the feeling of fear, anxiousness and curiosity take over her body.

"Trouble, yes. But in a different sense than what you are thinking, Miss. Thompson." Albus said as he put his hands together. Robyn thought it was extraordinary that the Dumbledore standing in front of her was not the usual one she knew. This one seemed anxious, angry, serious; scared.

The brunette couldn't help but think her Headmasters words over in her head. She had no clue what they meant. But she did know that they sent a weird prickling down her spine that made her shiver. Something wasn't right here.

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Miss. Thompson, I -"

"Please, call me Robyn." Robyn interrupted, hating the formality of him calling her by her last name. It made her feel important and she didn't like it.

The twinkle returned to Dumbledores blue eyes before it dissappeared again, like a light dimming out. "-Robyn, I believe that last year, you did something rather - shall we say - reckless and not at all your normal behaviour."

Robyn felt the blood in her body run cold. She had wondered when she came out of the maze why she didn't get a punishment, I guess now she knew why.

"Yes, Professor, but-"

Dumbledore put his hand up and Robyn shut her mouth instantly. He looked down his nose at her and she felt like a kid getting told off for eating someone else's ice-cream.

"I do not believe you did it intentionally, Miss. T -- Robyn."

Robyn furrowed her eyebrows together and it was then when Dumbledore sighed and finally took a seat next to her on the bed.

Robyn then realised how tired he actually looked and for once she remembered his age and how he must be feeling.

"I came here today to tell you that I believe you were put under the Imperius Curse - by who I do not know but I wanted to ask you some questions, if you do not mind."

The kind tone had returned to Dumbledore's voice as he saw the girls face. Robyn was speechless. All she could think was - who? How? Why?

Robyn nodded mutely.

"Who did you see that day Robyn? - it's crucial that you try to remember every detail." Dumbledore spoke, staring intently at Robyn.

Robyn was silent for a moment as she tried to remember that horrible day.

"H-Hermione and Ron, I sat next to them when the third task was about to begin." Dumbledore nodded and signalled her to continue.

"Urm....I can't re -- Oh! Yes, Noah. I saw him when I was on my way to the Great Hall for breakfast that day to wish Harry good luck." Robyn's voice shook slightly but she felt quite impressed with herself for staying so held together. It's not everyday you're told you were put under an Unforgivable Curse.

Although Robyn hated it, she knew it made sense. Whenever Robyn thought about it, she just passed it over as her doing it for the sake of Harry to know he was safe but a voice in her head always told her it was something more.

Understanding it all now, even she knew she would never normally be that reckless and stupid to run into a maze that screamed danger. No matter how outspoken the girl had become, she was not an idiot and she would never have ever dreamed to do what she did that day, so although it froze the very blood in her veins and made her heart stop, she was glad that it was someone else's doing and not her own.

"Did you notice anything strange? Anything out of the ordinary?" Dumbledore asked, continuing to fire questions but Robyn didn't mind. She knew he was just trying to keep her safe.

Robyn shook her head after spending a minute or two trying to remember every detail.

Dumbledore nodded again, a thoughtful expression on his ancient face. "Have you had a dispute recently? Anyone that you don't get along with?"

Not needing to think about this one, Robyn shook her head straight away. "Only the Slytherins but I didn't see any of them at all that day."

Dumbledore heaved a sigh. "Tell me more about this Noah?"

"He's a Durmstrang student. He's meant to be joining Hogwarts this year but I don't know if it's still happening-"

"Is he nice?"

"He's pleasant to be around I guess. There's nothing strange or suspicious about him if that's what you're trying to get at. In fact, he's just an ordinary student. Nothing really special about him."

"Hmm," Dumbledore hummed looking rather dissapointed. "There's nothing more to say here. All I can do is apologise, Robyn. As your Headmaster, I am responsible for you and should have protected you and for failing I am deeply sorry."

Robyn felt a rush of guilt wash over her. "You weren't to know Professor. It was probably a stupid mistake and is probably not ever going to happen again." Something about the look on Dumbledore's face told her otherwise. "If anyone is to apologise, it should be me."

"Why is that, Robyn?" Albus asked as he stood up, Robyn following suit.

"For what I said last year about you not protecting your students. I wanted to say this sooner but I-"

"Please, Robyn there is no need. I think you were very much correct. I put Harry in a lot of danger last year and I should have done more to help and for that I will forever regret my decisions."

Robyn was dumbfounded and she felt rather awkward as she did not know what to say.

"Well I must be off, Robyn, I am sorry I couldn't do more." Albus said. "If anything strange is to occur or if you get worried about anything at all, come to me straight away."

Robyn nodded and sent a small smile to her Headmaster. "See you at Hogwarts, sir."

Albus left and Robyn sighed deeply before flopping down on the bed again. She closed her eyes, wanting to scream out. Why did this have to happen? She had enough going on in her life. She had the trio to worry about and everyone she loved. Why did it have to happen when Voldemort was on the rise? Was it related to Voldemort?

Robyn shivered and shook that thought off. It couldn't be. There was no way she could tell Harry about this either. He would go crazy. Plus he had enough on his plate. Robyn rolled over and grabbed the nearest pillow, using it to drown out her screams and sobs, finally letting her tears fall.


The next day came around in a blur. Robyn soon found herself climbing out of bed sluggishly. She had no energy that day, both mentally and physically drained.

She had not had much sleep as she spent most of the night fighting back tears and thinking over what Albus had told her. It also didn't help that when she did re-enter the dining room after her conversation with Dumbledore she was bombarded with questions that she couldn't tell the truth too. It just made her feel so guilty but she knew it was for the best.

Today was Harry's hearing at the Ministry and everyone in the house was up early.

Robyn trudged down the stairs, hearing voices. When she saw everyone crowded in the hall, they were all dressed while she was still in her pyjamas looking like a zombie.

Mr. Weasley kissed his wife goodbye.

"Now, Harry, I don't want you to worry about a thing. Everything's going to be fine." Molly smiled reassuringly.

Harry wasn't convinced but put on a brave face for the sake of everyone. "I know."

"I'll have him back before noon, Molly." Arthur said, resting his hand on Harry's shoulder.

Harry smiled at him and then walked up the Sirius, who was standing a bit further down the hall.

Robyn descended down the stairs, wanting to say goodbye to Harry before he left.

"Rough night?" Sirius grinned and Robyn blushed. Harry turned to look at her briefly.

"You feeling okay?" Sirius asked his godson in concern as the raven haired boy approached.

"No." Harry sighed, feeling that there was no point lying to him. Harry felt like he could only really talk to Sirius. The others wouldn't understand.

"Look, I don't want you to worry. They're not going to expel you. But -"


"Even if they do, you know you have a home with me, right?" Sirius said.

Harry tried to contain the grin that threatened to spread across his face. His body filled with warmth as if he just drank some Butterbeer. It did make him feel better.

"It'll just be you and me. But you really shouldn't have to worry. Dumbledore isn't going to let the famous Harry Potter fall behind because of Fudge. Remember, no matter what happens I'll always be there for you. You have a family." Sirius continued, his face now also adorning a smile.

Harry nodded and hugged Sirius tightly who hugged back, his grin growing. As they pulled apart, Sirius rubbed the messy mop that was Harry's hair.

At the end of the hall, Hermione smiled widely and sent Ron a look that read; awe, that's so cute.

Even Robyn couldn't help but smile.

"Now get outta here, kid, you're bothering me." Sirius joked and Harry made his way over to Robyn.

"Good luck. I'm sure you'll do great." Robyn smiled but Harry noticed it did not reach her eyes. "When ever has the great Boy Who Lived failed to get out of trouble. You have nothing to worry about."

Harry smiled, wanting so badly to hug her and feel her familiar embrace and smell her sweet scent but with everyone around he decided against it.

"Come on, Harry. Want to be early." Mr. Weasley called, waiting by the door.

Harry sent one last smile towards Robyn before he joined Arthur by the door.

"Good luck, Harry. Don't worry, they haven't got a case against you." Hermione smiled.

"See you when you get back, mate." Ron grinned.

Harry nodded and waved slightly as Mr Weasley shut the door behind them. A wave of fear washed over him.

Suddenly no one looked confident any more...

(Hey, so I did say to some people when they asked that Robyn ran into the maze on her own accord. But surprise, I lied. I'm sorry but I didn't want to give it away. Some people already guessed anyway but yeah, I hope you like. I also said I was going to fit all of Harry's hearing into this but as you can see that didn't happen so the next chapter will just be dedicated to that, no matter how long it ends up. Anyway, hope you enjoy. Until next time)

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