Chapter Six

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Harry and Arthur entered the Ministry of Magic using the visitors entrance which was a Muggle telephone box that led them down straight into a crowded hall.

Harry was awestruck and it wasn't until Arthur gave him a little push did he begin to move. The Ministry was completely different to what Harry thought it would be. The whole place was covered in black tiles and fireplaces lined the walls to which witches and wizards were exiting at an alarming rate.

In front of the bustle of workers stood a giant gold statue that held a wizard holding his wand to the sky, a house-elf and a centaur, water flowing from it elegantly.

"Wow." Harry muttered, his emerald eyes taking in the last of the spectacular room. It almost made him forget the fear that was coursing through his veins. Almost made him forget that this place was the reason people didn't believe him. Almost...

"Come on, Harry. It's easy to get lost." Mr. Weasley said as he began to guide Harry away.

Suddenly, through the dense crowd, Kingsley came rushing up to the two of them. Harry furrowed his eyebrows, he looked panicked.

"Arthur! Arthur!"

"Kingsley, what are you doing down here?" Mr Weasley asked after Kingsley stopped in front of them.

"This just arrived a moment ago." The dark skinned wizard panted.

Kingsley handed Arthur a piece of pristine parchment and the red head read it, his face paling drastically.

Panic flared inside of Harry and he could feel his palms go sweaty even though he suddenly felt very cold.

"Merlin's beard!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed with a look of panic.

"What's the matter?" Harry managed to get out even though he felt a lump in his throat.

"They changed the time. We should of been there five minutes ago. Hurry!"

The two rushed off and Harry felt overwhelmed. He felt like the world was against him and it only made the anger forever in him grow. 

"Why would they change the time? Thank goodness we decided to come early." Mr Weasley huffed as they reached a lift. And when Harry entered he could only mentally thank Arthur, as words decided to fail him. He hoped he looked a lot calmer than he felt on the inside.

The lift doors closed and they slowly decended down.

Once the two reached their required destination, the two exited the lift.

Where they were now was a small corridor with the same black tiles as the main hall. Harry noticed at the end of the hall was a black door. The place was abandoned but Harry didn't have a chance to continue staring at the door as suddenly Mr Weasley was on the move again and Harry had to follow.

They took a few turns down identical corridors that Harry never noticed and abruptly they stopped in front of some wooden doors.

"I can't believe they did this. Come here, Harry. Let me get a good look at you. Good enough." Arthur mumbled while brushing away some imaginary dust off Harry's suit jacket. "Well then, good luck."

"Wait, you're not coming with me?" Harry asked in worry and suddenly the panic Harry was trying to bury exploded inside of him, taking over his body like poison. If he was alone he stood no chance. They hated him. After all, he was some crazed liar.

"Me? No, I'm not allowed. But you'll be fine. Just tell the truth, that's all you'll need. I'll be right out here waiting." Arthur reassured, smiling slightly but Harry noticed how it faltered slightly. "Ready?"

"Not really." Harry muttered to himself, Mr Weasley luckily not hearing.

"Oh, good luck, Harry."

Harry took several deep breaths before he forced his sweaty hands to reach out and open the door. Soon he was standing in the middle of a group of important looking wizards and witches ready to judge his every move. He was so not ready for this...


Meanwhile, back at 12 Grimmauld Place, Robyn was cooped up in one of the spare bedrooms reading. Ron and Hermione had offered her to stay and talk to them but she declined, needing some more time to think over everything and just escape the world for a while.

The peace didn't last long though as soon enough, Ebony, Richard and Alex made their way in. Robyn sighed but she expected them to come and talk to her none the less. Ebony's eyes were swollen and red while Alex and Richard both looked gravely serious. It broke Robyn's heart to see them like that.

Robyn placed her book down and smiled slightly though it wavered. "Hey."

Ebony put on a brave face and managed to send a watery smile her daughters way. "Hey, darling. How are you?"

"Err, fine, I guess." Robyn shrugged, though she didn't meet her parents eyes.

Alex sighed and sat down next to Robyn, pulling her into his chest.

"Don't lie to us. Dumbledore told us what happened..." Alex looked up at the ceiling and Robyn was shocked to see that he was fighting back tears. "I'm sorry...Robyn Hood."

"W-What? Why? You can't possibly be blaming this on yourself." Robyn sputtered out in shock.

"What did I tell you last year? I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you... and now this has-"

"No." Robyn said firmly, now fighting back her own tears. "No, don't you dare go there Alex."

Robyn looked at her parents. "Now I want you all to listen to me very carefully. This was not your fault. This was no one's fault. No one could've known this was going to happen. So don't blame yourselves, okay?!"

When Robyn saw that they all nodded slowly, she smiled a watery smile. "Now come here." She gestured her parents over and they all hugged one another, all a very teary mess.


"You're late." The Minister of Magic said with a gavel in his ageing hand.

Harry looked at him but he wasn't the only person Harry recognised in the crowd of witches and wizards. Percy was also there with a quill in his hands and staring at Harry. Harry gulped and suddenly felt happy that Mr Weasley was not allowed in the room with him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know the time changed -" Harry managed to choke out, feeling very intimidated and scared.

"That is not the Wizengamot's fault. Take your seat." Fudge said firmly.

Harry took a seat in the lonesome wooden chair in the middle of the court. "This is too much." He muttered under his breath.

"Very well, I want this done quickly. The accused being presented, let us begin. Disciplinary hearing of the twelfth of August. Witness for the defense Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." Fudge said addressing everyone in the room and without warning Dumbledore entered the room.

Harry grinned to himself, sighing in relief, feeling much safer now.

"Ah. I see you got the message, Dumbledore." Fudge observed, not looking too pleased that Albus had made it.

"Actually, it would appear that I have missed it. But, due to a lucky mistake I arrived three hours early."

"I see. So then, the charges are followed: the accused knowingly and deliberately produced a Patronus Charm in a Muggle area and in the presence of Muggles on August the second at nine twenty-three. You are Harry James Potter?" Fudge's voice was loud and clear in the large room.

"Yes." Harry said faintly.

"And this is your second offense?"

"Yes, but -"

"And knowing full well that you are not permitted to use magic outside of your school while you are under the age of seventeen?" Fudge spoke and Harry had to fight the urge to glare at the man. Anger was rising in him fast. Fudge was having way too much fun with this, Harry could tell.

"Yes, but -"

"And fully aware that you were in close proximity of Muggles?"

"Yes, but -" Harry sighed as once again, Fudge didn't allow him to get a word in.

"And you admit to producing the Patronus charm?" Fudge asked with a raised brow.

"Yes, but we were attacked -" Harry rushed out, sitting more forward in his seat.

"You produced a fully fledged Patronus?" A brunette women in red robes asked.

"Yes." Harry answered quickly. He just wanted them to listen to his story. Why was that so hard?

"And your Patronus was clearly defined? Meaning it was more than just vapor and smoke?" The same witch asked again with a raised eyebrow. Harry noticed some of the other witches and wizards looking at one another.

"Yes. It's a stag." Harry answered truthfully.

"A stag? And you're only fifteen. Impressive. There are not many judges that sit before you that could produce such a Patronus. Fifteen, my goodness."

Harry wanted to smile in amusement at Fudge's fury.

"Yes, yes, yes, very impressive. But I'm afraid the more impressive the worse. It was in view of a Muggle." The Minister said briskly, his voice cold and monotone.

"Mr. Potter, why did you produce the Patronus Charm?" The brunette witch asked again after sending Fudge a not too friendly look.

"Because I was being attacked by Dementors." Harry explained loudly and he wanted to thank that witch profusely as the other judges began to murmur.

"Dementors? In Little Whinging?" Another witch spoke up.

"Yes, I thought we'd hear another fair-tale like this." Fudge said, looking at Harry accusingly.

"I'm not lying!" Harry exclaimed, glaring at the man. The Minister sent a sharp look his way.

"Enough. I'm sure it would be a very entertaining story, Potter. But the fact remains you don't have any proof."

Panic was rising in Harry and he felt the room getting smaller. "Why else would I use the Patronus Charm if I wasn't being attacked by Dementors?"

"Excuse me, Minister. But we do have a witness." Dumbledore said, finally deciding to speak up.

"Oh, yes. Dudley Dursley?"

"No, one of the neighbours." Dumbledore answered calmly and although Fudge was sending the man a furious look, Albus seemed unconcerned.


With a little bit of persuading on Dumbledore's behalf, the Minister finally allowed the witness to enter. Harry and Dumbledore took a seat in the stands while Mrs. Figgs entered and took a seat in the centre of the room.

"Your full name?" Fudge questioned in an annoyed and bored voice.

"Arabella Doreen Figg." Mrs. Figgs muttered after shifting in her seat.

"I was not aware of any other witches or wizards living in Privet Drive other than Harry Potter."

"Well, I don't see why you would. I'm a Squib."

"A Squib? So you have no magical powers . . . whatsoever?" Fudge spoke with a raised eyebrow.

"No, sir."

"Are Squibs able to see Dementors?"

"Yes, we are." Mrs. Figgs answered defensively.

"And did you see one on the night in question?"

"No . . . I saw two. Attacking Harry and Dudley."

"You are sure of this?" The witch from earlier asked while scribbling down something on some parchment.

"Oh, yes. Not only did I see them, but felt them. Thought I'd never be happy again. It was lucky Harry produced the Patronus, or else I don't know what would have happened." Mrs Figgs explained with a nod and faraway look.

"Indeed. That's what you saw? Very well, you may go."

Mrs. Figgs nodded at Dumbledore and smiled kindly at him. Albus returned the gesture and soon Mrs Figgs was gone.

"Not very convincing, I'd say." The Minister declared.

"I wouldn't say that. She certainly described their affect." The brunette witch said with an unapproving look at Cornelius.

"So, two Dementors, just happen to cross into a Muggle town and attack this boy. Is that what I'm hearing? While the Dementors remain in place at Azkaban, doing everything we ask them. Have I got it right so far? I think we'd remember if we sent two Dementors outside, wouldn't you say?"

"I believe, Cornelius that we must ask who inside the Ministry would have ordered such an attack? Or if the Dementors are taking orders from someone other than those in the Ministry. You already have my opinions on this matter." Dumbledore said, standing tall and walking over to where Cornelius was sat.

Fudge's stare was venomous and Harry could see him beginning to shake.

"If there were Dementors, which I doubt -"

"You have heard from an eyewitness. Call her back if you misunderstood her statement. If not, I await your verdict."

Dumbledore sat back down and Fudge looked like he was about to respond when he sighed and looked as though he was trying to calm himself down.

"Very well. All those in favor of conviction?"

Harry felt his heart skip a beat in fear but only Fudge and about six others raised their hands. Fudge's eyes burned with fury.

"All those in favor of clearing?"

Majority of the judges raised their hands and Harry couldn't contain his grin.

"Very well, Mr. Potter is cleared of all charges!" Fudge said through gritted teeth.

"Excellent! Good day to you all." Dumbledore stood to leave and Harry called after him many times but he did not turn around or answer. Soon he dissappeared.

Harry shrugged it off, feeling nothing could dampen his mood. He was off the hook. He was free. He could go to Hogwarts.

(Done. Hope you enjoy. Until next time.)

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