Chapter Seven

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People bustled around the Ministry. Most were dressed up smart but there were an odd few who were in casual attire and receiving disapproving looks.

Practically everyone looked dishevelled and downright bored. Harry thought most of them looked like robots just following what they were programmed to do. There was no spark in their eyes, no happiness, they were just...there.

Some - like Arthur - no matter how tired they looked, had excitement burning in their eyes and a glowing aura around them, showing that they actually wanted to be there. And Harry hoped his life could be like that. He knew if he made it old enough to get a job he would want to enjoy every second of it, regardless of everything happening, he just wanted to make the most out of his life doing what he wanted - much like Arthur did although it gave him little to nothing to survive on.

Harry and Mr. Weasley fought through the dense crowd. "They trialled you in front of the full court? I didn't know you could stand in front of-"

Arthur stopped mid-sentence as they rounded a corner and nearly walked into Fudge and Lucius Malfoy. Arthur looked shocked to see Malfoy but Harry only glared at the platinum blonde.

"Well, if it isn't Patronus Potter." Lucius sneered as Arthur put his hand on Harry's shoulder, as if protecting and restraining Harry. Harry was glad for it as if he wasn't held back he knew he would plunge for the man and cause even more trouble for Mr Weasley and he didn't want that.

"Lucius." Arthur said curtly, his face straight and void of emotion. 

"Arthur." The older Malfoy returned, then turned to Harry. "The Minister was just telling me about your narrow escape from conviction. Interesting how you seem to always wiggle out of holes . . . almost snakelike."

Harry continued to glare hard at the man. "Well, I'm good at escaping. But you already knew that." The raven haired boy countered briskly.

"Indeed." Lucius scowled. "Well, Minister, might we continue this some place where the fouls of the young can no longer hear us."

The Minister nodded and after looking at Harry, began to walk away.

"I look forward to the day when you and I meet alone." Harry said coldly to Malfoy before turning on his heels and following after Arthur, leaving the Ministry of Magic and going back to 12 Grimmauld Place...


Harry now sat in the bedroom he was sharing with Ron. Ron was sitting in front of the raven haired boy and across the room George and Ginny were dancing and chanting; he got off, he got off, he got off! While all were wearing stupid grins.

"I knew you'd get off. You always do!" Ron grinned while clasping Harry on the back.

"Yeah, but it was a close call there for a moment. Fudge didn't look happy." Harry explained, remembering how Fudge was determined to take Harry down.

"Well, of course he didn't. Dumbledore's prized student got off right under his nose."

"Yeah, I just wish he'd talk to me. Or at least looked at me . . ." Harry sighed. Dumbledore not talking to Harry bothered him more than he liked to admit.

"He's been busy, you know."

George and Ginny finished their little musical and walked over to the two boys.

Harry winced, suddenly feeling a sharp pain in his forehead. A kind of intense cold burning.

"What's wrong?" The youngest Weasley asked in concern.

"I think someone else found out I got off. And he doesn't seem too happy about it." Harry admitted, feeling his anger levels rising alarmingly fast. It scared him. It always did. And it was only getting worse.

"Wicked, Harry. I wish I could tick off You-Know-Who as much as you do and know when he finds out." George grinned.

Harry eyed him for a moment. "Trust me, you don't."

Soon Fred entered holding a parcel and a handful of letters.

"Hogwarts letters are here. Ron, you got this." Fred said while throwing him the parcel. Fred then handed out the letters. 

Ron opened the parcel with excitement. He hardly ever got anything sent to him.

"Guess Dumbledore found a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Wonder how long they'll last this year?" George mused while reading over his letter.

"I don't believe it." Ron muttered to himself. Everyone turned to him. He was holding something small and gleaming in his hands.

"What? What is it?" Harry asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

"No way . . ." George trailed with disbelief and wide eyes.

Harry looked over Ron's shoulder and there in his hands was a red badge that held the word 'prefect' in large gold font.

"They made me a prefect . . ." Ron breathed in equal disbelief as everyone else.

Ron thought no one would ever in their wildest dreams make him a prefect. He never thought he was good enough. He thought they would pick Harry or Robyn or Hermione.

Ron handed Harry the badge and Harry stared down at it in shock. He was happy for his best friend but his heart ached in envy.

"It's real, right?" Ron sputtered out stupidly and Harry couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah . . . it is." Harry confirmed with a sigh. He tried to push it away. The feeling of dissapointment and envy but it wouldn't budge.

Suddenly, Hermione and Robyn entered the room unable to hide their smiles. Harry noticed Hermione holding the same badge while grinning and Robyn just looked like she was happy for her best friend. Their eyes trailed over to Harry and both girls beamed.

Harry noticed Robyn's eyes were rimmed with red. A wave of worry and confusion hit him all at once. It made him curious as to what exactly Dumbledore wanted with the brunette.

"I knew it! Me too!" Hermione beamed and went to hug Harry when the raven haired boy shook his head.

"Not me." Harry handed the badge back over to Ron. "Him."

"What?" Hermione gaped.

"Ron's the prefect!" George said, still in disbelief.

Robyn squealed and hugged Ron, grinning. "Congratulations, Ronald!"

"Ron . . . no, I mean . . . Really?" Hermione stuttered, eyes wide like a doe.

"His name is on the letter it came in."

"Well, fantastic. Well done, Ron." Hermione smiled. Though it was forced. She sure wasn't expecting that.

"C'mon, you have to show mum!" Ginny exclaimed and practically dragged Ron out of the room.

Everyone began to leave the room, Hermione looked back at Harry still both in shock. Harry forced a smile at her.

Soon it was just Harry, alone. He finally let his emotions show on his face.

His eyebrows furrowed together. He didn't know what to feel. He thought he deserved to be a prefect but then he also thought no one deserved it as much as Hermione and Ron. Harry knew Hermione would get it. Practically the whole of Hogwarts knew it. It was inevitable. But Ron. Now that will be a shock to everyone.

"You should feel happy for him you know."

Harry's head shot up in shock. He did not know Robyn had re-entered the room.

"I do." Harry sighed.

"Without this sounding horrible on your behalf Harry, I think Ron deserves it after all he's done. Finally some of the spotlight has landed on him. I thought you'd be grateful for it."

Harry watched her as she raised a brow at him. He couldn't help but stare a bit longer than necessary.

"You don't think I'm not, Robyn." Harry flinched as his tone came out harsher than intended.

Harry closed his eyes for a second. "Look, I am happy for him. No one deserves those badges more then those two. It's just... I was kind of hoping....I don't know what I was hoping for Robyn, maybe a sense of something normal for once."

Robyn's face softened. "Well Potter, that's what we like about you; you're not normal and we all wouldn't want it any other way."

Harry looked back up at the girl and she now had a teasing smile on her face.

"Now cheer up and lets go be happy for your friends." Robyn chirped and Harry grinned.


That night at dinner was loud. It was a celebration. A celebration to Hermione and Ron. A celebration to Harry.

Everyone sat at the dining table. All the kids, Sirius, Mad-Eye Moody, Tonks, Kingsley, Remus, Alex, Ebony, Richard and Mr and Mrs Weasley.

"I think a toast is in order. To Ron and Hermione, the new Gryffindor prefects!" Mr Weasley cheered and raised his glass. Everyone raised their glasses in return and lots of glass clinking together sounded around the room, followed by an 'here, here!'

"And, of course, to Harry for getting off." Mr Weasley grinned and everyone applauded. Soon everyone broke off into their own conversations and everything seemed content.

"You alright, Potter?" Mad-Eye asked in his gruff voice.

"Yeah." Harry replied and Moody narrowed his eye at the boy seemingly unconvinced.

"Got somethin' here you might like to see." Mad-Eye pulled out a small picture. Like all magical pictures, the figures were moving.

"The original Order of the Phoenix. Found it today." Mad-Eye continued to explain.

Harry stared at the picture and his eyes instantly saw two figures he'd been longing to see for years. His parents. James and Lily Potter. They were grinning and Harry felt an unexplainable warmth fill him from head to toe.

"Those are my parents . . ."

"Of course!" Moody huffed as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Which it was.

"They were in the Order of the Phoenix?" Harry asked in admiration, his emerald eyes not leaving his parents figures.

"Hell, Harry, they were the first members. Right after Dumbledore, your mum and dad were the ones that defied Voldemort the most. Tried to make your parents join his side of things. Oh, did he ever want control of your dad. Wanted your dad to be the head of his Death Eaters. But even Voldemort couldn't ensnare your dad, and that's saying something. James would never turn; too close to Dumbledore. Probably closer than any of us ever knew."

Harry continued to stare at the photo. He recognised a much younger Remus and Sirius. He even saw Hagrid.

Harry blinked a couple of times, not realising what he saw. Ebony and Richard were also standing there, smiling brightly next to James and Lily. Harry's eyes darted up to Robyn for a split second. He wondered if she knew.

A new sense of determination washed over Harry as he went to bed that night. His parents were in the Order and he was determined to do them proud...

(Going back to Hogwarts in the next chapter. Yay. Anyway,  hope you enjoy. Until next time...)

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