Chapter Eight

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September 1st had come at last. Finally it was time to go back to Hogwarts.

Molly Weasley rushed her children through the barrier between platform nine and ten, only to be greeted by a steaming scarlet train. The Hogwarts Express. The makeshift family were cutting it short though; 10:55.

The train left at eleven.

Five minutes, Molly thought with worry.

She briskly hugged all of her children, including Harry, Hermione and Robyn and wished them a good year while sternly telling Fred and George not to get in trouble but that only seemed to ignite the mischievous fire in their eyes.

Robyn's family had not come to the platform with them as Richard and Alex thought it would be best to keep Ebony away from there as they feared Ebony would never let her daughter go back to Hogwarts. To be honest, they all were worried, even the adults in the Order. They knew what had happened. Of course they knew, they had a whole Order meeting about it. Robyn had been put under an Unforgivable Curse after all. But although they knew it was dangerous, having her stay at home would only attract more attention and that could be equally as bad. Not to mention, they knew Robyn would never agree to stay at home.

"Now you watch out for each other, you hear?" Molly said, her face creasing in worry and she then turned to Fred and George. "And you two. I don't want to hear a peep about you being out of line."

"Of course, Mum." George said though the broad grin he was wearing decevied him.

"How can we when little baby brother here's a prefect." Fred teased, ruffling Ron's hair.

"Shut up. I'm not Percy." Ron scowled while shrugging his brother off him.

Harry smiled and turned to the black dog sitting next to him. The dog gave a loud, joyous bark. "I'll be alright, Sirius." Harry reassured with a smile.

Robyn gave the dog a pat on the head which he growled at, earning a wink off Robyn before she boarded the train with everyone else, not sure if she was ready for another year at Hogwarts.


The Hogwarts Express raced along the train tracks as Hermione, Ron, Harry, Robyn and (surprisingly to Robyn) Ginny looked for a vacant compartment.

"I still think it was foolish for Sirius to come. Even if he was a dog." Hermione fretted in a half whisper while glancing around warily. The coast seemed to be clear for them.

"He's barely seen daylight all summer. Give him a break." Harry defended his Godfather.

"But what if someone saw?" Hermione pointed out with exasperation.

Robyn turned to Hermione. "Who would know if they did? Now stop worrying, you're as bad as my mum." She retorted with a soft smile.

"Robyn, you can't be that thick." Hermione snapped, taking Robyn by surprise. "C'mon, really." Hermione said with a raised eyebrow. Then she sighed, seeing everyone's blank faces. "Peter knew! And, sure enough, he told You-Know-Who. And Malfoy's dad we know is a Death Eater. He was on the platform." She whispered in her usual know-it-all tone.

Harry, Ron and Robyn looked at eachother, each sharing a feeling of sudden worry.

"I'm sure he was fine. Come on, let's find a compartment."

Ron and Hermione shared a glance and stopped walking, causing the others to come to a halt also. Then Robyn sighed, realising why they stopped. Prefect duties.

"Actually . . . we sort of have to go to the prefect carriage and report." Ron trailed sheepishly.

"What?" Harry questioned with disappointment gleaming in his emerald eyes.

"I'm sure we won't have to stay for the entire journey. We'll catch up." Hermione put on her best bright smile and Robyn was reminded of a parent trying to console their disappointed son or daughter.

"You're leaving me?"

The four didn't miss the tone of sadness in Harry's words and Hermione and Ron looked at him sadly and guiltily.

"Sorry, Harry. We have to." Hermione said, though this time her voice seemed heavier and had dropped to a near whisper.

"Fine, whatever." Harry shrugged with his best fake smile that was meant to reassure the two prefects though it only made them feel worse.

"Harry, we'll catch up. Okay?"

"Yeah, sure . . ." Harry turned trying to fight his rising disappointment and sadness. This would be the first time he rode the train without two of his favourite people.

"C'mon." Harry muttered, gesturing for Ginny and Robyn to follow him. Ginny followed and Robyn sent a reassuring smile towards Hermione and Ron before they dissappeared up the top of the train.

Robyn turned back to the retreating figures of Ginny and Harry and doubt filled her. Being stuck in a compartment with Ginny, still possibly hating her, she knew it would be all kinds of awkward. Not to mention she was confused by the girls antics. She still hadn't forgotten the smile the girl sent her. Nor all the hateful glares in the past either.

Suddenly, Ginny turned around, her red hair flying with her. She wore a smile. "You coming Robyn?"

Robyn hid her confusion and swallowed, nodding numbly, her only option was to follow...


Harry and Robyn followed Ginny into a compartment occupied by one girl. Robyn immediately recognised the girl as Luna Lovegood. Robyn frowned at the sight of the blonde girl as a wave of memories washed over her.

I know how you feel...Robyn wanted to say but thought it wouldn't be the best introduction. Though she did know how the girl felt. Always alone. Being judged for no reason.

Robyn had always admired Luna and her eccentric ways. She always smiled through life and danced around obstacles and the cruelness of the world with a certain lightness that Robyn admired. All in all, the Lovegood girl reminded Robyn a lot of her mom. Apart from the colourful clothes and jewellery that is.

"Hi, Luna. Can we sit? Everywhere else is full?" Ginny asked as she smiled kindly at Luna.

"Sure." Luna nodded, her voice light and airy. She didn't look up at her guests though as her eyes stayed trained on the magazine she was holding upside down. The Quibbler.

Harry and Robyn sat opposite to the girl and Ginny sat next to her.

"You had a good summer?" The red head asked politely.

"Yeah, pretty good." Luna lowered the magazine and took in Harry's appearance. "You're Harry Potter."

"I know." Harry answered instinctively without giving it a second thought and Robyn smiled at the bluntness.

"Oh, Harry, Robyn, this is Luna Lovegood. She's a Ravenclaw."

"Hi." Harry greeted.

"Hello, Luna. It's nice to meet you." Robyn smiled kindly.

Luna's eyes landed on Robyn. "I know you, people used to talk about you." Luna said dreamily.

Robyn laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. Harry expected her to look sad but she just looked awkward.

"Yeah, I know."

"You know, you're reading that magazine upside down." Harry pointed out, changing the subject after taking note of Robyn's obvious discomfort.

"I know." Came the reply Harry was not expecting and it left him perplexed.

His eyes flickered down to the cover of the magazine and he frowned. It read; Sirius Black! Notorious Mass Murderer Or Innocent Singing Sensation?

This would be one interesting train ride, Harry thought, hoping it would be over quick...


Harry sat down at the Gryffindor table with Ginny and Robyn. All happy to be back at Hogwarts. Suddenly, Hermione and Ron came into view and sat down, cheeks tinged pink and chest's heaving heavily.

"Sorry about that. It was a nightmare. I don't think I'm gonna like being an authority figure." Ron muttered, looking down at the plates hungrily as if expecting the food to already be there.

"And you'll never guess who's Slytherin's prefect." Hermione scowled and Harry immediately knew the asnwer.

"Malfoy." The raven haired boy spat angrily.

"Yep." Ron mused, his face looking as if he just ate a sour sweet.

"Just what I need; Malfoy with power over me." Harry grumbled, his eyes darkening angrily as he thought about why in the world Dumbledore thought it would be a good idea to make Malfoy a prefect.

Robyn gasped suddenly causing the others to look at her. "If Malfoy's a prefect does that mean what I think it means." Robyn said, a slight childish tone to her voice. As if she were moaning like a baby who wanted candy but couldn't get any.

"What?" Ron asked.

"Parkinson. Don't tell me they made her one too." Robyn asked with slight desperation in her voice. The way Ron and Hermione looked at eachother told Robyn everything she needed to know. A loud moan escaped her throat as she threw her head back in disdain.

"I thought of a new nickname for her for no reason. She'll be sure to give me a detention if I even utter it." Robyn said, her face crestfallen as she rested her head in the palm of her hands.

Ron's eyes lit up. "What is it?"

A smirk crawled on to Robyn's face as her hazel eyes twinkled with amusement. Harry's heart began to beat quicker and he didn't know why.

"Pug-face Parkinson." Robyn giggled. Harry and Ron barked with laughter and Hermione put a hand over her mouth to hide her giggles.

"Have you seen Hagrid?" Hermione soon asked after the laughter died down.

"No, he wasn't at the train station." Harry answered with furrowed eyebrows.

Ron scanned his blue eyes over the teacher's table. "And he's not over there. Do you think something happened to him?"

"I hope he's okay."

"Harry, Hagrid can handle himself." Hermione reassured after seeing the look on Harry's face, though her face did crease with slight worry herself.

"But who's that." Ron asked, bringing the others attention to the Professors table where their eyes landed on a small women dressed in fluffy pink clothes and a sickly sweet smile - a fake smile. Robyn's nose crinkled in disgust at the women.

"I know her. She was at my trial." Harry exclaimed with surprise.

"Really? Oh no." That look. Robyn knew instantly something was wrong whenever Hermione looked like that.

Apparently she wasn't the only one to pick up on Hermione's changed demeanor. "What?" Ron asked.

"That means she works for Fudge. And shes here."

No one got to reply to Hermione's comment as Dumbledore stood at the front of the hall. Everyone went silent and all eyes turned to him.

"Welcome back everyone, to another year at Hogwarts. And a pleasant welcome to those joining us. As you may have noticed we have two changes in staffing this year. We are very pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who will be taking Care of Magical Creatures lessons; we also like to introduce Professor Umbridge, our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher . . ."

"She's gonna be teaching us." Ron said incredulously.

Abruptly, a 'hem, hem!' echoed throughout the Great Hall causing everyone to turn to Umbridge in disbelief and shock. Even the Professors. No one ever interrupted Albus Dumbledore. Everyone sane knew that.

"Thank you, Headmaster. I am delighted to be here and I'm sure we're all going to be good friends. The Ministry of Magic has always considered education-"

Robyn tuned the Umbridge women out and turned to her friends.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

"She looks like a toad." Ron mused and Robyn giggled

"I think I came up with a nickname for her." Robyn said through her giggles.

"What is it?" Ron grinned eagerly.

"Umbitch. Man, I am on fire. I should start my own business. I don't know how that would turn out but hey, it's worth a try..." Robyn rambled and the other three laughed.

Umbridge's voice suddenly came out a lot louder, bringing the group of friends to turn their attention towards the toad looking women.

". . . some changes will be for the better. Some old habits, outmoded, and worn out, must be abandoned."

Robyn tuned out once again and soon everyone was eating and sent off to their dorms for bed.

(Rubbish ending in know. I wanted to continue it but I was aware it was becoming too long so the rest of this will be in the next chapter. Hope you enjoy, until next time)

Also any credit goes to the actual people who came up with Umbitch and pugface names. I take no credit what so ever. Though they are hilarious.

Also, a reminder that this story will not be spot on to the movie or book. Okay. If you want to know why go back to the prologue of the book and it will explain everything, so please don't comment what I've done wrong or what it should be. I know. I'm aware of it. Anyway, until next time...

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