Chapter Nine

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As the four walked up a staircase and turned down a corridor to get to their dorm along with the rest of the Gryffindors, they continued their conversation from dinner.

"'Old habits, outmoded, and worn out, must be abandoned.' What's 'progress for progress's sake mean?" Ron asked while doing an hilarious impersonation of Umbridge.

"It means the Ministry's starting to interfere with Hogwarts." Hermione said gravely and the four held back for a moment, letting the other Gryffindors pass so they could have their conversation without being heard or disrupted.

"How do you know that?"

"Because she just said it, Ron. Didn't you listen? Didn't you see the look on Dumbledore's face? No one wants her here. I bet you she's a spy for Fudge." Hermione hissed out quieter, wary of the students in front.

"But they can't do that! I mean -"

"Ron, haven't you been paying attention?!" Hermione scolded with an eye roll. "The Ministry's slowly taking over. Forcing Dumbledore out. That's why the Daily Prophet's been calling him an 'old fool'. It's Fudge's doing. It's propaganda."

Robyn glared at nothing. She had only just got to Hogwarts and already she was starting to have seconds thoughts. She knew for a fact that this Umbridge was trouble and if she was against the truth - against Harry and Dumbledore - then she didn't know how long she would last without exploding.

As they entered the Gryffindor Common Room they carried on with their conversation.

"It is just me, or are people staring at me more than normal." Harry said nervously, while glancing around warily at all the faces staring back at him. He hated attention.

"Ignore it, Harry. It's just . . ." Hermione stopped herself and Harry turned to her, frowning. "It's what?"

"Just from last year. A lot of people still don't believe you, you know." Hermione muttered faintly.

"Why?" Harry was confused as to why people didn't believe him. All the proof was there.

"It's just everyone's gone home since what happened last year and their parents have been telling them what to think. It's . . ."

"Not many of them believe you about what happened, that's all." Ron shrugged it off.

"But Dumbledore even told them what happened."

"But Dumbledore told them from what you saw." Hermione murmured.

"I didn't make it up!" Harry exclaimed angrily.

"We know." Hermione, Ron and Robyn chorused with an eye roll. "I was there too you know." Robyn said and Harry's expression softened.

"You just have to wait it out. You-Know-Who can't stay hidden forever." Robyn said tentatively, while placing a reassuring hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Cheer up, Mate. At least we're back." Ron grinned while nudging Harry.

Harry sent them all a quick smile but the three looked at eachother, knowing it was fake. They worried about him that night but also the trio's heads burned with questions they wanted to ask Robyn about Dumbledore's visit in the summer but they restrained, knowing they would just be greeted with a lie and a really convincing fake smile...


It was finally time for their first lesson with Professor Umbridge. Harry, Robyn, Hermione and Ron sat together, as they usually did, and conversed. Robyn tried not to scowl as she really wasn't looking forward to this lesson.

Suddenly, the class fell silent. Umbridge had entered. Too late... Robyn was already scowling as she turned her body towards the front of the class.

Umbridge took out her wand and waved it. Chalk began to write itself on the black board. It read; Defense Against the Dark Arts. Return to Basic Principles.

"Wands away, books out!" Dolores ordered in her high-pitched, (fake) happy voice. Robyn balled her fists and reluctantly put her wand away and pulled out her books. While Ron and Harry shared a depressed look, Hermione pulled out their books for them.

"Well, good morning class." The pink covered professor chirped, clasping her hands together.

"Good morning." Some of the class muttered back pathetically.

The Professor tsked. "Well, that won't do. Let's try again. Good morning class."

"Good morning, Professor." The class repeated, forcibly much louder. Robyn kept her mouth closed.

"Much better." Umbridge smiled sweetly, making Robyn want to throw up. She had never known someone to be so stereotypically girly. Cat pictures littered the classroom walls and nearly everything she owned was pink. Just looking at it made bile rise in Robyn's throat. The colour pink and cats were forever ruined for her.

"I've been going over your history and it seems your class has been disrupted and fragmented. With the changing of teachers every year, you are far below the Ministry-standards. As you all know, I'm sure, your O.W.L.'s are this year. They determine your future. I strongly suggest you take them seriously. I'd like you to open your book to page 5: 'Basic for Beginners.' There will be no need for talk." Umbridge said as she sat down at her desk.

Robyn saw Harry roll his eyes and reluctantly open his book and begin to read.

Robyn crossed her arms and sat tall, her book closed and untouched. The Professor had yet to notice and Robyn was slightly hoping that she would.

Robyn didn't know what had come over her. Sure she had answered back to Professors before. But she had never refused to do work. A new kind of hatred washed over Robyn as she stared at Umbridge. It's wasn't the kind of hatred that was caused by jealousy. It wasn't the kind of hatred that took over her when she thought of Pettigrew or Voldemort. Nor was it the childish hatred she felt for the Slytherins. This was new - stronger.

Suddenly, to everyone's great surprise, Hermione Granger raised her hand.

"Yes, miss --"

"Granger. Professor, I have a query about your course aims?" Hermione said as she lowered her arm and spoke calmly but there was an undertone of harshness etched to her words.

"A query? I think that will be perfectly clear once you read through carefully." Dolores smiled another one of her fake smiles that had Robyn's blood pumping in seconds.

"But there's nothing here about using defensive spells." Hermione continued to talk. Robyn looked a Harry and smirked. He too was smiling.

Annoyance was clear in Umbridge's eyes but she fought it and smiled anyway. "Ms. Granger, why would you need to learn how to use defensive spells? Are you expecting to be attacked in my classroom?"

"Wait, so we won't be learning magic?" Ron piped up, his eyebrows furrowing together in confusion and anger.

"Students will raise their hands if they wish to speak in my class!" Umbridge screeched, testily.

Ron ducked down sheepishly while Hermione raised her hand again.

"Yes, Ms. Granger?" Umbridge said in clear annoyance. Hermione ignored it.

"But, surely the point of Defense Against the Dark Arts is to . . . defend ourselves against the dark arts?"

"Well, Ms. Granger, I'm afraid you are not qualified to decide what the 'point of any class is. You will be learning defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way-"

Robyn could feel her anger spiralling out of control and it turned out she wasn't the only one.

Harry gripped the edge of his desk, his knuckles turning white. "What the hell's the point of that?" Harry exploded and by now everyone had given up reading and was now focused on Harry, Hermione and Umbridge.

Umbridge's eyes burned down on Harry, but unlike Ron, Harry didn't shy away and instead glared back.

"Mr. Potter! Did I not just say raise your hand if you wish to speak?" Harry raised his hand angrily but it went unnoticed by Umbridge. "As I was saying, It's not my place to criticize the way this school is run . . . yet. But in the past there have been very irresponsible wizards giving you instructions in this class. I assure you that all ends today. As long as you have studied the theory hard enough, there is no reason why any of you should not be able to perform the spells under a controlled examination."

Robyn raised her hand but did not wait for Umbridge to acknowledge her. "Without ever practicing them?" Robyn asked incredulously.

"I repeat, as long as you've studied the theory!" It was clear that Umbridge was getting frustrated but no one cared.

"How does that help us in the real world?!" Harry exclaimed.

"What did I say about your hand, Mr. Potter? This is school, not the real world. Who are you expecting to jump out of the bushes and attack you?" Dolores giggled humourlessly, the sound going right through Robyn like nails on a chalkboard.

Anger was radiating off Harry now. Hermione and Ron shared wary looks but Robyn smirked. She couldn't help but think that she found it attractive when Harry was angry. She then mentally slapped herself.

"Oh, gee, let me take a wild guess on that one?" Harry took a minute to sarcastically ponder the thought. Robyn fought back a laugh. "How about Voldemort."

The entire class shuddered and gasped. Poor Neville even fell off his seat.

Umbridge's anger was close to spilling now as she glared at Harry but he stared back, too stubborn and angry to back down.

"Ten points, Mr. Potter." Umbridge took a deep breath, calming herself. "Now let me makes this very clear: You have been told a certain Dark wizard has returned from the dead -"

"He wasn't dead to begin with! If you haven't noticed I kind of carry around a permanent reminder of that!" Harry exclaimed, standing up abruptly, nearly knocking his chair down. His hands slammed against the desk angrily and Robyn put her hand over his, trying to give him some comfort.

"Mr. Potter! Let me repeat. You've been told of the return of a certain Dark wizard. Let me assure you, this is a lie!"

"No, it's not! I saw him come back, I fought him!" Harry yelled and Robyn had had enough. She too stood up and everyone gasped.

"I too fought him, so for you to stand there and call us liars," Robyn glared at the women. "Well you must be even more stupid then I originally thought, professor." Robyn hissed venomously.

The two could hear Ron and Hermione telling them to sit down but they couldn't, the women had gone too far.

"Detention, Mr. Potter, Miss. Thompson! Once again, this is a lie."

"So, Cedric Diggory just dropped dead on his own then, huh?" Harry hollered and the class shuddered again but no one said a thing.

Hermione closed her eyes and suppressed a sigh.

"Care to explain that, Professor. I'm sure we would all like to be enlightened on how Cedric actually died." Robyn hissed sarcastically.

When the Professor only glared, Robyn laughed humourlessly, the sound completely foreign to everyone. "Nothing Professor? How disappointing." Amusment and anger sparkled in Robyn's eyes.

"Come here, the pair of you."

Robyn and Harry stomped right up to Umbridge's desk. There was no regret in their stances as they looked defiantly at the women.

Umbridge wrote a note for the two of them and handed it them. Harry snatched the parchment from the wretched women's hands.

"Get out of my classroom." Dolores said as calmly as she could but the shake in her voice told the pair that she was angry and they only grinned in pride at one another.

The two walked out the classroom hand in hand...

(That was fun to write. I hope you enjoy it. Until next time.)

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