Chapter Ten

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Robyn and Harry were on their way to Professor McGonagall's classroom to deliver the note toad face had given them.

Robyn was smirking in triumphant, though deep down she knew she should be feeling bad. She still felt the anger radiating off Harry.

Once they reached the Transfiguration classroom, Harry stormed in. McGonagall looked up from her work in shock. Her classroom was empty luckily.

"Potter, why aren't you in class?" McGonagall asked, her usual stern demeanor replaced by surprise. Then the Professors eyes landed on Robyn and her eyes widened. "Thompson?"

Robyn smiled sheepishly. "Hello, Professor."

Harry walked over to McGonagall's desk and handed her the wretched note. Minerva read it over, sighed and shook her head.

"Sit down, Harry." Harry did as he was told. "You too, Robyn." Robyn walked over to McGonagall's desk and sat down quietly.

Suddenly, McGonagall turned stern again. "Potter, use your common sense. You know where Dolores Umbridge comes from. Misbehavior in her class could cost you far more than house points."

"She called me a liar. She said -"

"Potter, do you really think this has anything to do with telling the truth or lies? You have to keep your temper under control. You and I both know the truth. But it's not your place to try and convince the world that You-Know-Who has returned. There are those in the Order who shall do that. You, must keep your head down and learn to stay silent. Didn't you listen to Dolores Umbridge's speech last night?" The Professor interjected and the two students were shocked to see that she looked rather worried.

"Yeah . . . " Harry trailed. "The Ministry is trying to take control of Hogwarts."

"Well, I'm glad you are at least listening to Hermione Granger. You will serve your detention tonight with Umbridge."

Harry looked like he wanted to protest when McGonagall continued. "You too will have to serve the detention, Robyn. Calling her stupid, really? I thought you had more sense than that." Minerva looked at her dissaprovingly and Robyn blushed, sinking into her chair. Though not a single ounce of regret washed over her.

The two got up to leave. "Be careful. Both of you." Their Professor sent them a tight lipped smile and the two nodded.

They left, not bothering to go back to lesson but rather hung around until it was time for their next class.

As they walked down an abandoned corridor, sun shining through the windows, Harry had the sudden urge to ask Robyn the questions he had been dying to ask ever since last year.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, deciding to start off simple. Hermione had told Harry and Ron about Robyn's nightmares as it sometimes kept the other girls in the dorm awake.

Robyn froze for a second before she continued to walk as casually as she could. "Perfect." The girl answered.

Harry grabbed Robyn's upper arm and pulled her to a stop, bringing her to face him. "You're lying." Harry looked at her accusingly but he was also slightly hurt that she would lie to him.

Robyn looked at Harry and it took all of her to stay composed and not spill everything out. "Harry-"

"Look, I know Robyn. I know everything."

Robyn froze again and her heart stopped. "W-What?" Robyn looked at Harry in alarm.

"Hermione told me. You keep having nightmares. You don't have to keep it from me Robyn. Just say you're not fine." Harry said and Robyn sighed with relief. He didn't know everything.

"Oh, that-" Robyn laughed nervously, still trying to act as normal as possible and not scream out in relief.

"Is it about last year?" Harry said softly.

Robyn suddenly became aware that Harry was still holding her arm and her breath hitched. "Y-yes. But I've been told I'm not the only one."

Harry smiled sadly. "Well you're right there."

Robyn sighed. "What are we going to do?"

Harry looked down in defeat and his grip loosened on her arm. It was the most heartbreaking sight to see Harry like this. He looked just as broken as Robyn felt. "I don't know."

Harry let go of Robyn and she suddenly felt cold, her body yearning for the warmth of his touch. The two continued on in silence for a while.

"What did Dumbledore want?" Harry asked after a while.

Robyn decided to play dumb as she tried to calm her racing heart. "When?"

Harry sighed in annoyance. "Don't play that game. You know when Robyn. Back in twelve Grimmauld Place."

Robyn felt a lump in her throat form. Her hands went clammy and it suddenly seemed overwhelmingly warm. "Urm.."

Harry sighed and watched as the girl practically crumbled before him. She had been good at lying to everyone, it was a shame no one believed her. Harry wondered why she hadn't just lied to him again like she had on multiple occasions.

"It's okay." Harry said after a while more of watching Robyn stumble and struggle. It was kind of cute, though it made him feel guilty that he brought it up in the first place. He should've just kept quiet.

Robyn's head shot up and she looked at him in shock. "What?"

"You don't have to tell me." Harry smiled lightly even though he burned to know. Even though it annoyed him that he was getting unanswered questions.

"Harry. I want to tell you. I do really."

Harry chuckled lightly. Robyn noted the dissapointment on his face. "It's okay. Come on, we should probably start walking to our next class."

Robyn stared at Harry for a while. Longer than she should of. It made Harry shiver.

"Yeah. Okay. Let's go." Robyn laughed lightly, still confused as to why Harry had dropped it but none the less went with the flow, happy she didn't have to lie again.


Night had fallen. Robyn and Harry had left Hermione and Ron and started to make their way to their detention begrudgingly.

Every student they passed stared at them as they walked past, muttering things as though Harry and Robyn couldn't hear. They heard all sorts as they past;

'He says he fought You-Know-Who.'

'Who does he think he's kidding.'

'He just wants attention, famous Harry Potter.'

'What if he's telling the truth?'

'And her, she's even more insane than that Lovegood girl.'

'She's just as bad as he is. They both just want attention.'

'Look at her, Harry deserves better. Just look how ugly she is.'

Harry and Robyn did their best to ignore the insults as they walked past and soon they found themselves in front of Umbridge's office. Just in time.

Robyn and Harry shared a look before Harry knocked on the door.

"Come in." Came the disgustingly sweet voice of Umbridge as the two entered.

Her office was even worse than her classroom. The walls were painted pink and cat pictures covered the entirety of the walls. It was the most hideous thing they had ever seen.

Umbridge sat behind her desk, two peices of parchment in front of her. Her eyes flickered up to Harry and Robyn and she stopped stirring the tea she was preparing.

"Sit down."

The two shuffled over to the seats Umbridge had prepared for them without a word, through their clear disgust was evident on their faces.

"Professor?" Harry spoke up, a fake kindness laced in his words. Robyn knew what he was about to do and cringed. Umbridge would never allow it.

"What?" The women clad in pink said in annoyance. Robyn narrowed her eyes at the Professor. She seemed far too eager to get the detention started.

"I was wondering. You see, I'm on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and tonight there are try outs for a new Keeper . . ." Harry began to trail. "I was wondering if I could skip tonight's detention and make it up with two more . . . or something."

Umbridge smiled wickedly. "Oh, no no no no no. Now, you will take your quill and write, 'I must not tell lies.'"

Harry rolled his eyes and snatched the quill that was beside him. He thought that would've worked.

"And you," Dolores turned to Robyn, her grin only widening. "Write 'I must not disrespect my superiors'" Umbridge giggled.

Robyn clenched her fists but said nothing, only grabbing her quill. She then realised something.

"You didn't give us any ink." Harry stated, looking over at Robyn.

"You won't need any." Umbridge giggled again, seemingly really excited to see the two students write some lines. Harry and Robyn looked at eachother in confusion and then began to write.

Robyn was lucky she only had to serve this one detention. Harry was not so lucky.

The only sound in the office was the scribbling of quill's on parchment and Umbridge looked at her two students eagerly, waiting for something. A reaction maybe?

Harry clenched and unclenched his left hand, feeling it beginning to burn.

Robyn flexed out her hand feeling the same sensation.

Once Harry finished his first line, he winced, a pain like no other spreading through his hand like wildfire. He looked at his hand and written in his flesh were the words; I must not tell lies.

The words healed over leaving a red and inflamed scar.

It seemed Robyn was having the same issue as she made a noise of pain before looking over at her hand, only to see the words she had written on her parchment were engraved in her hand.

Harry looked up at Umbridge but she wasn't paying attention anymore. Harry looked over at Robyn as she began to tremble. He could see tears of pain burning in her eyes. He reached his free hand over and intertwined their fingers. He didn't care if the wounds on his hand were stretching and causing him immense pain.

Robyn looked over at Harry but he was looking down at his parchment, writing his next line...

(Hope you like. Until next time.)

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